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Full Oath of Gatewatch spoilers

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Where the fuck is Iona?

Good question, considering they were kind enough to mention her in a flavor text.
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You already got a new version of her.
I don't get it /tg/, where are the bad limited cards? Everything here is good.

why the fuck couldn't Battle of Zendikar be this good?
Where importantly, where the fuck is the Eldrazi that turns all nonbasic lands into Wastes?
>everything here is good

Are you fucking blind or you haven't seen the spoiler?
This is fucking stinking shit for Modern.
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They already turned Linvala from an interesting unique card into Timely Reinforcements 2.0, they'd just ruin Iona as well if they tried to remake her. Probably best they avoided some cards. At least Kalitas is similar to his previous design.


If you wanted to whine about how shit OGW was for Modern you could have just done it, instead of trying to springboard off a post where he specifically talks about LIMITED cards you fucking idiot. He's right too, OGW looks like it's going to be a lot more fun than BFZ in limited. Limited is definitely my preferred way to play Magic and looking through the full spoiler the card I reacted to the most was Cyclone Sire, this guy looks like a powerhouse in Limited.
So, what are the best commons to draft in each color?
So what should I be preordering guys?

What are the standout cards of the set?

What's gonna explode at the pro tour and go up 600%?

Brief look at the spoiler best commons seem to be:

White - Isolation Zone, Spawnbinder Mage, Searing Light
Blue - Blinding Drone, Sweep Away, Cultivator Drone
Black - Oblivion Strike, Sky Scourer, Zulaport Chainmage
Red - Boulder Salvo, Reality Hemorrhage, Zada's Commando
Green - Scion Summoner, Netcaster Spider, Saddleback Lagac

Judging from these it looks like the archetypes are going to be pretty similar to BFZ. The Cohort cards seem to add a lot of reach to the Ally decks, and there seems to be some very aggressive Devoid cards as well. Green looks better, but probably still the worst color.
>Green looks better, but probably still the worst color.

Sadly true. Having one removal spell at uncommon that costs 5 mana hurts it a lot
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WB Allies looks like it's going to be even more fun. I might actually play Standard for once.
white : Isolation Zone, Kor Scythemaster
blue : Containment Membrane, Jwar Isle Avenger, Comparative Analysis, Blinding Drone, Sweep Away
black : Kozilek Shrieker, Oblivion Strike, Tar Snare
red : Reality Hemmorage, Boulder Salvo
green : Elemental Uprising, Tajuru Pathwarden, Scion Summoner, Stalking Drone
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This looks really solid.
It's a kick in the gut to affinity at the very least.

I'm wondering if this might even see modern play. I know Nature's Claim is often the go-to disenchant effect in green but I can't think of any targets off the top of my head you'd want Claim for that this wouldn't hit.
>I can't think of any targets off the top of my head you'd want Claim for that this wouldn't hit.
Well, Splinter Twin for one.

But I can see aggressive decks running this when they don't want to push the opponent further out of kill range. Bogles, maybe.
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I have to admit I'm impressed with the design put into the true-colorless cards. They can dip into multiple mechanics from different sides of the color pie, but what they lack in efficiency (can't draw as well as blue or burn as well as red) they make up for with versatility. Obviously artifacts have been able to do that for ages, but by introducing a mana requirement they can really amp up the power.

I hope they print artifacts in future sets with C in the cost. Not often, but once in a while on a weird-looking rare or mythic.
No new spoilers for today?
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Thought-Knot Seer
Kozilek's Return
Goblin Dark-Dwellers
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Oath of Nissa
Jori En, Ruin Diver
Hissing Quagmire
Needle Spires
Wandering Fumarole

These are the only cards I would consider speculating on. Apart from Nissa and Kalitas I think the rest of the cards might even see some play in Modern, and Nissa and Kalitas will probably see a fair bit of Standard play I think. Other than that there are other cards that will see play in Standard (like Sylvan Advocate,) but I think they will just drop in price after the release weekend so unless you're desperate for them not worth pre-ordering.

The whole set has already been spoiled.
I really hope this is not the last we see of Anus either. Honestly, I hope we get colorless cards in every set from now on with its own, unique mechanics until it's its own 'colour'.

Fuck Devoid though. What does it even do besides circumventing 'protection against X color'?

At least the new Devoid colorless cards are much better than the old ones now that they require (C) costs for their activated abilities.
Impossible, the 184 cards?
>This is fucking stinking shit for Modern
fucking good
Pick two and be happy about it you fuck
Fuck me, there's really nothing left.

Time to note down the noteworthy ones.
>Legendary Angel
>Two Sphinxes
>No Demon
>A rad Dragon
>No Hydra
This triggers my autism. Specially because I play green and love me sum hydras.
Chilling out in the same home for retired angels they stuck Feather, both Akromas, and the Powerpuffs in.

It's better than what they did to Linvala and Avacyn.
I don't know, I like this Linvala a lot.

Is it bad to like value?
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Jesus fucking Christ the flavor text on some of these cards

What's even better is there's a card named Ruin in Their Wake
Spawnbinder mage? Really? That one seems pretty shitty to me.
A powerful Iona would be Bad For New Players
that's some damn anime art right there

i think they mean MAWZILEK
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This card seems like a very good pick in limited. Getting your one or two bombs back after the enemy removed them and getting some life so you survive to recast them.
It is when the old version was efficiently costed and had an ability that was powerful, unique, and flavorful. "Value" should only ever count for so much.
>whiners desperate for things to whine about
The old version is still there. Just play it. Magic doesn't stop at Standard.
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Yeah, that one and this one stood out to me as good cards, especially if SOI has good graveyard interactions.

They're both instants too, in case you wanted to leave mana open for an emergency Grasp of Darkness or something
I hadn't even thought about SOI coming soon. Good graveyard recursion at common sounds like lots of fun.
I wonder if it's worth it to try and snatch up a Dread Defiler or Null Caller.
Is there still only a single white eldrazi?
I already do. The new Linvala is an example of the sort of design decisions that got me out of Standard in the first place.

Probably a lot better in draft than sealed, but I think it's a high pick. It's got a decent body and if you can activate its ability consistently then tapping is always powerful, especially in a format where 'massive fatties' are a theme. Kind of annoying that blue gets a better tapper than white, but I still think it seems good at first glance. I might be proved tremendously wrong however.
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I know I sound crazy, but I think someone might be able to make a tier-2 deck with this in Modern.
>Dread Defiler or Null Caller.

No, those cards are unplayable outside of limited. If you really want to take advantage of creature cards in your graveyard then Corpseweft seems like a much better option, and even then that isn't great. Chances are there'll be a bunch of stuff in SOI that are better at graveyard interaction than anything we have at the minute anyway.
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That's crazy.

How can I do it?
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Maybe it's just my inexperience, but this little thing seems pretty solid. It'll depend on how common colorless mana is in a draft, of course, but a bear is always a bear and a potential 3/4 on T3 is nice.
it can't be that hard. Idillic tutor is a card.
I meant 'snatch them up during a draft', of course.

This coul be THE trolling card against reanimator decks
It seems like one of the best common creatures, beside the deathtouch Drone.
Eternal formats already have Noxious Revival

Or Rest in Peace
Beautiful images of SoI Eldrazi Titan Reanimator decks having their hands filled with huge creatures their deck doesn't have the impetus to cast flash by my eyes.


Yes but this is a particularly flavorful brand of hate
It is, according to my assessment. >>44665866
>Fuck Devoid though. What does it even do besides circumventing 'protection against X color'?
Them being colorless interacts with a decent number of things.
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I wonder if this is gonna see constructed play.

It is a neat effect.
Beautiful validation. I stubbornly drafted Green all the way through BfZ and I'm not about to stop now, damnit.
Not really enough good equipment around, I think. If it was instant speed, then it would be a neat combat trick.
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>iona didn't get corrupted by the eldrazi
>no devoid iona with "Choose a number. Opponent's can't cast spells with CMC equal to that number."
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Its so big and dumb I love it
Really wish it was a legendary so I could make the dankest edh deck ever
>get board of scions
>tutor eldrazi to top of library
>lel Annihilator 20 swing
Sounds like it would be a fun janky deck.
>Colorless EDH deck
Why would you do this?
Something something Commune with the Gods something something Serum Powder.
Theres also a couple amount of colorless cards that let you do that
To make it even more dank
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Dimensional Leakage aka Eldrazi Blood Moon
All nonbasic lands are now Wastes
Whenever you tap a land for mana, you may have it produce <> instead.

How easy was that WOTC?
They don't want that and the Blood Moon they're going to reprint with SOI in the same Standard.
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If Iona goes the Livala 2.0, I would rather NOT have another Iona.
WotC already ruined Elspeth mechanically for me...
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Does anyone thing that "tap: get mana that has restrictions about usage" be a red or black ability?
Does NOT feel blue to me..
Cosmic horrors devoid of colors care not about you petty flavor restrictions.
Well, previously, yeah, it was a red or black thing, and green kept getting mana dorks. See, when you have a thing that three colors can do, and blue isn't one of them, that obviously doesn't make sense because blue is the smartest color so if other colors can do it, blue should also be able to do it. That's just common sense. If it doesn't FEEL blue to you you're probably just not smart enough. I expect soon we'll be seeing more blue rituals as well, they don't really fit in with red because blue is smart enough that they know where to look and find lots of mana.

inb4 somebody takes extremely bitter sarcasm seriously
Actually, it really is a blue thing

And unlike my rant here, it looks like there's more of a precedence for it than I remembered. Renowned Weaponsmith from Fate Reforged, Vedalken Engineer from Darksteel, Qarsi Deceiver from Dragons of Tarkir, Grand Architect from Scars, and Deranged Assistant from Innistrad all had similar abilities. So, my bad.
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Nope. 'Use only for artifacts' is a typically blue ability, and that's what it's closest to.
They changed the set structure half way through design so they had to cram all the good cards from both small sets into Oath
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This one's really cute.

Makes me wanna Hunger of the Howlpack the shit out of it.
>More green cards that should be black
>Regrowth cards should be black
Or emerakul. Or FUCKING RAMP. The fucking staple of the first set is utterly devoid in this set. It's retarded. I'm certainly not getting back to standard with such a shitty set.
They are saving Emrakul for Return to New Phyrexia.
Emrakul realized he wanted nothing to do with the steaming pile of shit that is this entire block, and had his agent hold out for a better one.
Considering the quality of this block I don't see the next one being any better.
It's another return block, it was doomed from the start.
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>tfw Mistress Norn compleats the Flying Spaghetti Monster and makes new Phyrexian portals out of his multiverse-travelling noodly appendages
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I know that blue has a precedent for it. I just doesn't feel blue to me. Like Dark Ritual used to be a black mechanic before it officially became red.
Reminds me about a joke with discussing magic colors' mechanics.
Green~ there are non-creature cards?!?
Red~ burn
White~ weenies
Black~ pay life: do anything
Blue~ pay mana: do anything
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>Like Dark Ritual used to be a black mechanic before it officially became red.
>tfw rituals are red now, but there is no red Dark Ritual
>the closest thing we'll ever have is Pyretic Ritual and we're not getting anything better because Wizards hates Storm
Are there any cards that are 1 or 2 cmc you can use in modern to exile a specific card from your own library?
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Colorless mana manipulation has been blue from the very start. It was reduced to mana manipulation solely for colorless purposes over time because they wanted general mana manipulation to be green.

Not from the library, but once it's in your graveyard you can easily remove it with something like Scrabbling Claws. (Or one of the generally better graveyard exile artifacts if you're willing to sacrifice them.)
Apprentice Wizard is a blue dork that makes colorless, this doesn't seem far off.

Wizards did also deliberately set out to make the colored Eldrazi cards feel weird. Look at Kozilek's Sentinel, it's a 1/4 for 1R, in what world does that seem like a red card?
>Black~ pay life: do anything
Good times.
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Scavenging ooze then? And use the new 1cmc disenchant, some heavy card draw, and fog your way to victory in a UG Janko fest.
Gotta say that this set really blows BFZ out of the water for me. The Eldrazi really feel weird and different in a way that the previous set just didn't accomplish.

I think this is symptomatic of a problem in Design/Development, they want to make the last set of the block super exciting and awesome, but they don't want to go too far so they make the sets leading up to it not as exciting. This happened recently with Theros block, heralded as the first legit "Enchantment block". Theros itself was fine, but Born of the Gods was widely regarded as a stinker, even by MaRo in his year in review article. Journey into Nyx finally delivered the "enchantments matter" mechanic Constellation, but there weren't enough cards to use it to its full potential and everyone left Theros with a bad taste in their mouth.

I think the same thing has happened in this block. BFZ introduced the Eldrazi as something we had basically seen before, cards that do something and cards that trigger off of that something. They didn't seem weird and alien and totally different like they did in ROE. Now with the second set and the introduction of colorless mana as a requirement and a colorless symbol, the Eldrazi really feel like they are doing something the game has never done before.

I wish that Wizards would stop doing this, leaving the block's big mechanical payoff for the last set. By starting in the first set you can make a lot more cards that interact with the mechanic and not upset players who are expecting something cool.
Reprint when?
It's a card literally nobody wants, so probably in the next set.
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>no new jace after being a huge part of the advertisements for the set
W-wut? I mean, i hate jace's cards and all, but why?
To tease your butthole before ravishing it with the lubbed up cock of Shadows of Innistrad.
I fucking love the whole "Turtle and lob burn" sub-theme that Red has; it's such a shame it's so under-developed.
"After extensive testing we found nonplaneswalker characters to be uninteresting and limited their involvement. ~Maro"
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viable red defender tribal when, wizards?
What? Two extremely good Elspeths that pump out tokens not enough for you?
and how, exactly would she do that?

can't really compleat a titan, especially not Emrakul.
Red, Black and Blue all had it, they just differed in what the restriction was. Blue tended to be Artifacts, so it makes some sense. I'll agree that Cultivator Drone specifically doesn't feel blue.
Iona, Sword of Emrakul


Legendary Creature — Angel

Iona, Sword of Emrakul enters the battlefield with x +1/+1 counters on her.

Opponents cant cast spells or activate ability's with converted mana cost X.

No more shall the prey resist our masters.

>Opponents cant cast spells or activate ability's with converted mana cost X.
X outside of the stack is 0, this does not work like you think it does.
Also, I'm pretty sure activated abilities don't have converted mana costs, so it's double-fail
I preordered 4 Stormchaser Mage. I don't know why but I really like the card. I think it could go places in the right deck, maybe in Delver variants.

>That huge thing is only a 2/4
>Siege Rhino barrels through it
...There's literally a card with an activated ability with a mana cost 6 posts up
>...There's literally a card with an activated ability with a mana cost 6 posts up
Yes, but abilities never have converted manacosts, that's a thing only cards can have. That's like saying an ability has a color, or a toughness, or a subtype.
>can't really compleat a titan
Has anyone ever tried?
The Gatewatch binds Emrakul to New Phyrexia to try to blow everyone up at once
Norn takes that chance to infect the titan with Glistening Oil.
That fix is stupidly simple

>opponents can't cast spells or activate abilities of permanents with converted mana cost equal to the counters on Iona, Sword of Emrakul
Definitely going to try getting a foil playset.
Of course, I never claimed it was hard. I just said that the wording was stupid and proved he had no idea how magic works.
That does something different, though. The original prevents abilities from being activated based on their costs, this one does it based on the permanent they're on
uh, activated abilities don't have a converted mana cost. It's literally not a thing, the "original" does something different from >>44678921 in that the new version actually does something.
There's no way to do what you want with abilities though - something like Heartstone or Suppression Field dodge it, because there's no such thing as a 'base' or 'converted' mana cost for abilities, unlike for permanents. Hell, I'm not sure it'd technically work at all because of colored mana in costs, because again, there's no converted mana cost in abilities. Just a mana cost.
Not original guy, but:
Well, according to the completed rules, activated abilities do have a cost, though only objects can have converted mana costs, which abilities only are while on the stack so...maybe you could reword the original to counter the abilities after they are on the stack?
I know. But the "fix" is doing something different that what that guy intended, is all.
In that case, the fix is

Opponents can't cast spells with converted mana cost equal to the number of counters on ~

Opponents cannot activate abilities with mana costs equal to the number of counters on ~.

It's debatable which is better, (and technically the latter blocks mana cost activated abilities of spells, but to my knowledgte, no such effects exist) but wizards would probably go with >>44678921 because it's easily much less of a logistical nightmare.
They don't reference the stack unless absolutely necessary, and the card itself works better if it shuts down activated abilities of cards with CMC, so it's not absolutely necessary.
The idea is stupid.
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>Multiple cards mention Iona
>No Iona

Just means she's the same as ever and they didn't see fit to make a lesser version of her, like they did with Linvala.

Sometimes, it's better to have the person in the background. Especially given how powerful original Iona was.
See >>44658445

Iona just doesn't give a fuck.
Isn't Iona a twisted image of Emrakul?
No, she's one of the few angels that was around back then and managed to protect the people from Emrakul due to being HUEG.
She shielded them from Emrakul, and that eventually got degraded into being the Shield of Emeria.
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<- Draw & Discard still not a red only ability. Couldn't even have X=PW+1?

Seething Song is out of standard and nothing replaced it? Was 2R mana and a card to get RRRRR so OP?

No Jace PW is good. I wish they stop printing PWs at least for a new set or two. That does NOT need to be a new PW per set.
Unfortunately for you, there's going to be a minimum of two per set now.
Same number per year, mind you - 10 cards a year, 3 in each large set, 2 in each small set.
But they're not going to stop printing planeswalkers. They're too popular, regardless of how well they do in constructed. People LOVE them, and so WIzards is not going to stop printing them - especially since they're the main characters now.
>I wish they stop printing PWs at least for a new set or two

But planeswalkers are what players like. Sets aren't fun if there aren't at least some planeswalkers in them.
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Players who aren't me or my playgroup perhaps, feels way too much like a cheap "Heres a marketable face, lets sell you a celebrity" sort of cash grab. Buying interest through consistently marketed heroes sort of thing.

Its a painfully obvious marketing decision, and not even flavor-necessary. I mean, just look at Magic Origins. When I think of origins, I think Urza, Mishra, Freyalise, etc. Who the fuck cares about Jace the Decksculptor or Garruk Beastraper? When I think about modern planeswalkers all that comes to mind is old Nicol Bolas muttering about those damned kids and how they need to get off his lawn.
Nice for Pauper EDH.
In a block where Walls become the main antagonistic tribe.
That's the problem with market data: it speaks to general trends, rather than specifics.

Also, do you...not see the problem with what you just posted?
>a cheap "here's a marketable face, lets sell you a celebrity.
>Buying interest through constantly marketed heroes.
>When I think of Origins, I think of (list of consistently marketed heroes/villains)

The difference is that the old magic heroes didn't have cards. Except when they did. (Gerrard has a card, Vanguard exists, etc)

Planeswalker cards were, in some ways, a masterstroke in that regard. It's the perfect match of flavor to card to market: In magic the gathering, you are a planeswalker. You experienced the same events and histories of the characters on the cards and in the novels. But while Legendary Creatures let you call up the heroes, you could never get the leaders. The true tier of power, the other planeswalkers.

Introducing a card type to represent how you, personally, have drawn the aid/loyalty of (NAMED PLANESWALKER) to this battle is ingenious. It plays to Vorthos sensibilities (they don't have life, they have "loyalty", representing how much shit they'll put up with.) it plays to the casual (Hey, that's the dude on all these card texts, awesome!) and it kind of reinforces the idea of the world of magic.

Now they need only cross beyond the final seal, and awaken the terrible beasts within. Have an actual meta-plot event. They dabble at prereleases, ("Free Avacyn", "First Guild to do X moves deeper in the Dragon's Maze")

But they need an actual tournament or prerelease or other event whose result shapes a future set's characteristics.

Then the end times can begin.
>they need an actual tournament or prerelease or other event whose result shapes a future set's characteristics.

Thankfully their design and production process pretty much precludes that. They teased people with it with the New Phyrexia/Mirrodin Reborn stuff a couple of years back. After people started getting really excited and asking how the decision was made on which set would be released they had to come out and categorically state that the players actually had no influence on the results. They had already made the set and were just trying to hype people up for it with this "Which set will it be!?" nonsense. Sets are developed several years in advance, so it would be a financial loss for them to develop an entire set and then not release it.
Read again.

>Pauper EDH
It would never work for a full set, but they could easily do it for a single planeswalker. Design two and only print one. "Koth and Tibalt meet for their final, not-at-all-contrived showdown. There's only room in the multiverse for one irrelevant red planeswalker! Pick a side to decide who lives and who dies!"
>not irrelevant

It's not like Magic has a shortage of tits.
>Norn makes a phyrexian Emrakul
>Ugin thoughts: "What they fuck did you guys did!?"
It's pretty anime flavor text, too.
>I don't make swords, I make a world containing an infinite number of swords!
And then they ride emmy into the multiverse and fuck planes to death glorious nippon style.
Modern design philosophy has draw then discard be blue, and discard then draw or draw then random discard be red.
This thing plus Conduit of Ruin seems like it could make some funny shit.
But Anon, Chandra killed two unimaginably powerful Eldrazi Titans with her grrl power!
Not gonna happen but they still get influenced by what players like and what they don't like.
So in a way the audience decides who is going to show up and who isn't. Wizards has to cater to the players to sell their sets.
Naw, teamwork killed them. Even ants can kill a man if they tie him up and throw him on a campfire.
Friendship truly IS Magic, after all! :')
I need more skellington creatures for my skel deck.
Jace read some books, Nissa went on a scavenger hunt, Gideon punched a lot of little dudes in the face, and Chandra exploded two eldritch horrors from beyond reality.

I feel like one member of the team was pulling a little more weight than the others there.
>New plane after Shadows over Innistrad.
>Is a world where the population lives under the control of sentient Wall creatures that segregate them physically, forcing them to follow their will lest they are entombed alive.
>Mortals are not allowed to have free will. From the moment they are born their wall overlords have already laid out their future for them. Where they will live, what will they work as, who will they meet and who will they conceive with (if allowed at all).
>Their entire existence revolves around repairing the Walls, reinforcing them and creating new magical Walls.
>Suddenly, an individual rebels.
>The revolution spreads like wildfire, the entire plane is in utter havoc.
>After years of war an uncountable losses of human lives, when it seems that the mortals are doomed to be crushed and reduced to a life to slavery even harsher than before, the Gatewatch arrives.
>They discover all Walls are connected to a Master Wall that keeps them from collapsing.
>So they destroy it.
>And then, from behind it, an Eldrazi titan, far more powerful than any we've seen, emerges, completely obliterating the plane.
>The plane was a living prison all along, created by Nahiri, who filled it with slaves to keep the most powerful of the Eldrazi trapped.

"Bricks In The Wall" and "Outside the Wall", coming to you this 2016.
Well to be fair Gideon gathered the squad. I also think the story is gonna go more with Jace figuring out how to get hedron/leyline level power without actual hedrons, Nissa is gonna be the one to physically tap into that power, and Chandra burns the eldrazi using the power Nissa channels to her through the leylines.
>red walls
doesn't really fit the flavor, all the walls would be white so Stone Wall probably wouldn't be reprinted unless some of the walls themselves rebelled, but I can dig it anyway
It would get around the problem Maro has with walls that they're not "creatures". :^)
Nah, not red. Walls of every color and multicolored. With a focus on White walls, since its Nahiri's color.
That fucker has an issue with a lot of things most of all fun. This set isn't fun in constucted or limited format. Its boring and slow and has a lot of cards that pretend to do stuff but really doesn't matter in practical application. I miss the design of innistrad hell i miss theros. There was at least more to them.
But Innistrad was Maro's brainchild as well. The rest of R&D didn't even like the idea of Innistrad.
Also, Theros Limited was very boring.
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They can be creatures if designed appropriately. I like this interpretation of it, the wall as an elemental. Really, they just gotta get creative and diversify the walls so to have their power be based on them having powerful abilities and good toughness albeit no power. Plus, how many Walls would be needed?, 26-28 would be plenty with the rest of the cards being focussed on the human resistance.

It'd really be a block that'd make control cream its pants.
Was it because it was fast and had quite a number of good cards. I didn't really like theros but it was still more than thism
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I'm sold.
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>With a focus on White walls
Innistrad also had Richard Garfield designing. Seems like the sets he comes back for always turn to gold
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Can someone explain to me how does this card work?

First you exile your Library.
Then you shuffle your graveyard into it.

But, does this mean your whole Library is now is put on your graveyard or is it exiled alongside your graveyard. Because if its the latter you loose come next turn due to decking out. Which would be fine if Deceiver had Haste, but it does not, which means you can't get a single attack in before you loose come your upkeep.

So yeah, could someone tell me how you are supposed to make use of it?

I really like the card too.
First, you move all the cards that were in your library (your deck) and put them aside. Then, you shuffle your graveyard face down and put them where your deck was. It's your library now.

The rest of your deck, what used to be your library, is all exiled now, but the cards that were in your graveyard are your new library so you won't deck yourself just yet. Essentially, it ensures that all you'll be drawing for the next couple turns will be spells that you previously had in the yard for whatever reason.
1) Exile your library face down
2) Shuffle your graveyard into your libary (that now has 0 cards in it)
3) What was your graveyard Inverter ETB is now your library, what was your library is now exiled face down, and you now have 0 cards in the graveyard.
>So yeah, could someone tell me how you are supposed to make use of it?
It's shitty limited fodder. Because it exiles the library face down, there are no exile tricks you can play off of this card.
Because a 6/6 flyer for 4CMC needs to have that massive of a downside.
Your graveyard is your new library, your former library is exiled.
Maybe they thought this would see play in dredge?
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>Because a 6/6 flyer for 4CMC needs to have that massive of a downside.
It's not entirely a downside. If you somehow managed to deck yourself, playing Inverter of Truth would refresh it using your graveyard before you decked yourself. It's a hugely improbable situation, but it's a thing.
You could also use it with a very small amount of critical cards in your graveyard to ensure that your next few draws WILL be those cards, potentially enabling you to close out a win. Compare with pic related. It's a very black effect, and in my opinion very cool.
Your graveyard will probably only have action cards in it, and if you curve out at 4 you can make it so that you will never draw another land.

Mono black will be some dank shit yo
>The inhabitants of the plane are revealed to be the Titan's brood, which, cut off from it, developed sentience and later became humanoid.
>Freed the titan, their bodies are horrifically warped.
>They retain sentience however.
>The brood's war becomes one for independence from its progenitor.
>The Superfriends, who swore to keep at bay the threat of the Eldrazi, are forced to work with them.
>These defective Eldrazi end up fleeing the plane when all is lost, as their kin is able to traverse through the Blind Eternities.
>A bunch end up in New Phyrexia, who seize them.
>Compleated Eldrazi arise as one if not THE greatest threat in the multiverse.

"In The Flesh", coming to you this 2018.
I feel like this could have been redeemed if it had hexproof or something.
...I now want to make a pseudo-doomsday deck with that guy and delve cards. To set up emrakul/shelldock in modern.
You guys don't know shit. This will become a heavily played Standard card if mono-black or a two-color deck with black becomes viable enough.

A 6/6 flying for 4 mana is really powerful. In the right deck, the comes-into-play effect is also a huge upside.
Absolutely. I'm seeing it in play with monoblack or red/black aggro.
>throw out burn and hasty/efficient creatures, let them die asap
>curve out
>play this guy
>draw nothing but burn and efficient creatures for the rest of the game
4cmc is a bit high, but with a 6/6 flyer as gravy it could happen.
It requires
>Game changing cards in your graveyard
>Survive enough turns to have cast those game changers
>Game changing cards have to be game winning cards too

The only way it is good is if you could combo with it, but if there was a combo in the graveyard you should have already won.
I guess if they countered one of your combo pieces, but in that case all they have to do is save their answers for when you try it again.

That said, I'll listen to you and try and think of a deck that makes it work. Maybe some boardwipe and discard spam
Really, this card could be great if you made sure to give it proper support, I could see it working in Orzhov decks with Auras to power it up or aggressive Jund decks.
Actually I'm seeing a rage inducing series of events.
>Have 2 Inverters in hand
>Play all your aggro, they get answered and in the graveyard
>Play your inverter
>If it's countered, eh, if not great
>Now have pretty much nothing but useful cards to draw.
I think I'm going into the "mightbgud" crowd now.
>Opponent casts Inverter of Truth
>Flicker it with the new white Eldrazi
>Automatically win.
So how exactly does Chandra just kill two of the Eldrazi? I mean we have 3 oldwalkers working together to try to destroy them and failed yet here comes Chandra and simply burns them to death?

What am i missing? Feels like the Eldrazi titans were heavily nerfed.
On second thought, emrakul wouldn't work unless I could flash in inverter in response to the trigger. Hmm.
Something something the superfriends anchored them to reality.

It's basically every bit as offensively bad writing as it sounds.
Actually, it might even be great for B/R Aggro/Burn decks.

>Cast 4 Lightning Bolts & 4 Forked Bolts
>Then cast Inverter of Truth
>The Burn never ends
learn from the past and cranial archive finally have a use besides dig and cruise denial

Magic lore is trash, just ignore it.
It's the kind of card that seems like it needs the deck to be built around, but if you do it could be very powerful.
That's what I'm saying, man.
You have a point that two in hand would be pretty pointless, but being that it's a curve-topper you wouldn't necessarily just want four copies.
You're over thinking it.

After exiling all cards from your library, you shuffle your graveyard into your, now empty, library.
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