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/Blood Bowl/ General - PLAYOFFS SOON

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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 28

Previous Thread: >>44369111


A more colourful version of the latest rules, the CRP (aka LRB6):

/tg/ FUMBBL group, currently in Round 6:
Announcement and RULES:

Cknoor's tutorials:

On the pitch, where nuffle's king

When player's whine

we say

when your dude gfis
and he falls down and dies
that's bloodbowl

when the crowd's cheering lulls
as you roll double skulls
that's bloodbowl

snake eyes roll
ting a ling a ling
ting a ling a ling
and you'll scream mother fucker

bloodbowl spray
tippy tippy tay
tippy tippy tay
trust us there's no sucker

when your face is a scowl
as you're turn 16 fouled
that's bloodbowl

your starplayer's head splits
from a weak snotling's blitz
you will rage

intercepted by a kroxigor you lose all control

so we say
well my friend
see the pain never ends
that's bloodbowl
Second for the Caledor Leatherheads
Not my blog, but I am a wretched ball of coughs, sneezes and farts at the moment.

I'll be sorting out a couple of things this week, most pressingly the Playoffs. Until further instruction, can nobody use their current team please, of course except for the couple of round 6 games left.
row 2 overlaps the guys sitting

every time

What's our deadline for those last two teams?
Any of you guys play the Blood Bowl pc games? If so, is there a reason to pick up Blood Bowl 2 if I already have Blood Bowl 1 Chaos Edition?
BB2 is filled with Chaos kill teams.
bb2 is prettier and I like the non-chaos players a lot

It would be great if chaos was limited in most leagues, and there were all chaos leagues
At this point in time

BB2 has the best graphics
Fumbbl has the most teams
There's only one reason to play BBCE (Khorne)
>all chaos league
Now that actually sounds fun
Daily reminder for all orc players to kill themselves
Teams that kill Chaos, or Chaos teams that just focus on killing your players?

So the only difference is BB2 has better graphics but less teams than BBCE? Then I guess I'll stick with BBCE.
>Chaos teams that just focus on killing your players?

It's annoying as fuck.
What's worse, it's a bad choice for these guys.
They SHOULD be playing dwarves.
The playstyle they really want is the dwarven one.
ok, what is the deal with pro elves? they obviously have great catchers and blitzers,sidestep is always a good skill and having from the start is good, not like dodge,but still good,the catchers are just their catchers they are great and that's it.But what do they do on defence do they just do elf stall with the pairs?don't they get some kind of perks on other elves?it seems to e like sidestepping blitzers don't add much and they end up being the worst at defence(dark elves the best?or maybe welfes because of leap?i would choose delfs and get leap later).Also what do they do vs nurgle?I mean they sure can still play the running game, but it seems to me like no passing really hurts them a lot.

am i misinterpreting the team?is this stuff accurate?
i made the image, my favorite is the one rotated face
>Not killing them first
what are you talking about?lategame killer is chaos or nurgle,you need claw or you are not killing a single nemy av 9 10 piece,they want that and get that. dwarfs are more efficient early on and definitely more focussed, but built chaos killer is definitely not a mistaken team pick
a well built deathroller can work wonders to be fair
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>Go up against a mid tier skaven team
>Gutter runners can run around the whole fucking field
>Storm vermin are basically better chaos warriors

Why did I spend money on this horribly balanced autismal shitfest again?
again, you can even build a 10 strentgth piece, it still won't get as much cas as a claw str 3 piece,you need mutations for a high tv killer team,dwarfs lack both stats and mutations and are thus outbashed by high tv chaos,a death roller is not going to save you,even if it weren't banned it could be killed if the chaos player either has some guard, 5 str pieces, a mino a dauntless guy or some luck
>Storm vermin are basically better chaos warriors
lol what?
Gutter Runners are literally the only good members of a Skaven team.
in my experience chaos lack the av to survive vs a equally leveled bashy team

Storm Vermin make great killers, since they have Strength access and Mutations on doubles. Calling them better Chaos Warriors is just dumb though.
they make your av 7 how can theirs be inadequate?when people whine about chaos it's overly built cpomb block, at lower tv chaos sucks and is vastly outbashed by dwarfs
Your experience sucks.
storm vermins are good too like>>44436961 said

also don't feed the troll
>That feel when you win 2-0 to chaos with glorious sons of Ulthaun
>you injure at least 2 of their players
>you just have a -av on a skillless lineman thats already -av

Here is pro anti-rat blood bowl strat

1. punch the rats
2. keep punching the rats
3. punch the rats some more
4. punch the last rat
5. pick up the ball when all rats are dead
>ok, what is the deal with pro elves? they obviously have great catchers and blitzers,sidestep is always a good skill and having from the start is good, not like dodge,but still good,the catchers are just their catchers they are great and that's it.

>But what do they do on defence do they just do elf stall with the pairs?

Column defence, pressure the cage if and when there's an opening, hit the carrier with a ballhawk and send someone in to retrieve a loose ball. Then either get it back to the thrower or pass straight to a downfield receiver.

>don't they get some kind of perks on other elves?

Cheaper linemean. Cheaper thrower. Stronger Catchers than Wood Elves. Faster than Dark Elves.

>it seems to e like sidestepping blitzers don't add much and they end up being the worst at defence(dark elves the best?or maybe welfes because of leap?i would choose delfs and get leap later).

Sidestep alone is meh. But sidestep on a Blodger, which you can get on your Bliter after two touchdowns, is really annoying. Add Fend and it's super annoying.

Dark Elves are one of the strongest teams in the game, defensively.

If you want a leaping ballhunter then you can put it on a Blitzer or a Catcher (catchers generally get build for defensive work since Mv 8, Catch and NoS is all you need for offence).

>Also what do they do vs nurgle?I mean they sure can still play the running game, but it seems to me like no passing really hurts them a lot.

All elves should generally play the running game anyway. A hand-off is safer than a pass, and no hand-off is safer still. Pro elves have speed on their side so they can suck and zoom vs Nurgle, using mobility to gang up and bash any Disturbing Presence players out of the way if they need to make a hand-off or pass.
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That's why they get Claw, champ. Lower AV compensated by a stronger ability to pierce AV.

>mfw the BB2 cancerbase starts to infest these threads
>Implying you can hit what you can't catch

What is with retard hour here, skaven are arguably the best team in the game
with the first part i hoped for some special technique only they can do or some perk in defence, i know they are good, but hoped for something special,like leap for the welfs.i know blodgestep is great,and i noticed the perks you are listing, i just hoped they had some special gameplan on defence too.As for the last part i would really be tempted to just throw the ball at every chance with them , eventhoug i generally try to avoid passes too,NoS on catchers is just too good in my eyes

I'm just giving a stupid answer to a stupid bait question.
Hint:Kick the ball short, then they have to stay in the brawl. Lizards are the real bullshit
>Not giving them a touchback every time
hats it like plaaying ez mode
>>mfw the BB2 cancerbase starts to infest these threads
did you not realize these threads started after the release of BB2?did you really think there was no connection?did you actually notice new players now for the first time?
>I don't know why the kick skill is so important
there's more people online, so that's a thing
you misunderstood
you thought i was referring to your comment directly in a sarcastic manner, when in fact i was saying my own thing
>in my experience chaos lack the av to survive vs a equally leveled bashy team

>whole team is av8 with warriors being av 9

you what
with lizards and defence short or deep kick?
set up for bashy or quick?

Skaven are barely top tier.

As long as you're not playing Khemri and below you're not allowed to bitch about skaven.

I mean the only super bash-focused teams in BB2 besides Chaos are Orcs and Dwarfs.

And those are all primarily AV9.
you only need two guys playing back to punch skinks, I setup with a normal chevron defense and kick it deep, depending on what team I'm playing of course
i'd say short if you are fast enough to steal it, but it doesn't make that much difference lizzies are fast, kick is made to abuse the slowness of your enemies
>kick is made to abuse the slowness of your enemies
I disagree, as a HE player a short kick is a bitch because I can't have my thrower go back as deep as I'd like him too
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>Retards abound

They hit has hard as any team with an ogre, and gutter runners are objectively the beast piece in the entire game
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>Who takes rat ogres
>what is a wardancer

M9 stop trolling. Unlike lizardh8rs you actually don't have a leg to stand on

>taking a Rat Ogre in a Skaven team

Also nobody's saying Gutter Runners are bad, idiot, but they can't win the game if they're the only pieces on the board.

Hit the shit that can't dodge away from you on a rerollable 2+, then lock the Runners down with your superior numbers.
yes,but that's not as much as a slow team would be affected, kick is not useless on fast teams, just far less effective and inconsistent(if the ball bounces toward the middle against skavens they won't even feel the difference,the faster the team the more you need the ball to go towards the edges to make some effect)
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>Gutter Runners can't win the game for you solo

Give them blodge and enjoy your free wins
Shitter detected
>not having a tackle on blitzers
Man I love elves, you don't get distracted by MBPO and get to actually knock people down
How to win with Gutter Runners only: MA AGI AGI Leap Blodge
Chaos killer are usually early league things, and then tend to drop off.

You want dwarves for early game smashing.
>Not MA MA sprint sure feet
You cowards don't even smoke crack
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I'm literally laughing at you
>Chaos killer are usually early league things
i thought we were talking about BB2 perpetual leagues.Why would chaos become worse anyway?
I wish to hug that spikey qt, and grope her ass
Where's a good strategy guide for how to into bb?

I got the computer game a while back, got my ass kicked a few times, didn't have the time to learn the game, so I put it down. Wanting to get back in but with some clue what I'm doing.
check youtube for videos, or watch people play
1-Arms self with knowledge
2- Practice a lot
3- Practice more
4-don't let defeat deture you
5-Get gud
its also worth noting watching players is a good idea
as is going to fumbbl's help page
OP, cknoor's tutorials, also plasmoids playbooks, the welf one is really good for playing any race in general (just ignore leap busting cages)
>11mv possible to move 14 with the ability to rr a 1
You cant go over 10 MA
Don't spoil my fantasies of the super rat
Are there people who will actually skip block and just start at Claw-MB-PO on their goats and warriors?
there are also people who get PO before MB
I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this, because I have a lot of things I wanna get off my chest.

The fact that day in and day out, for six rounds, I’ve proved to everybody in the league that I am the best on the field, in the thread, and even shitposting. Nobody can touch me. And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not in the top 8, I’m not in the playoffs, I’m not talked about in the thread. But the fact of the matter is I should be, and trust me, this isn’t sour grapes, but the fact that “The Ashenvale Leaves” who stole a game with a turn 16 is in the playoffs and I’m not makes me sick!

The fact of the matter is, I'm the best coach in this league and without me in the playoffs we will all see just what a hoax this whole tournament is.
I'd like to think that the league will be better when MauledByTigers !!jawkONBJmdi isn't commissioner but the fact of the matter is the league will be taken over by one of these useless coaches and their dofus teams.

You know, Let me tell you a personal story about MauledByTigers !!jawkONBJmdi you know how we do this whole anti bully campaign-
Can we get enough people for a BB2 /tg/ league by any chance?
bb2 costs sheckles
But it is pretty and I'd be down, skaven with a warpstone mac
Salary simians?
Top heel team in the league.
I was wondering if we had enough players for an endless free for all just for fun fumbbl league actually.

Given the traffic in the thread and the whining about BB2 pay 2 win, bb2's cost, and bb2 kill teams.
So /playoffs/ coaches. How do you all feel after the 6 rounds?

Any memorable moments or moments of agony?

Any tips to share with those who didn't make the 8?

Doornails here.

I'm excited. First time playing on Fumbbl and I had very little Blood Bowl experience outside of it. I've been nervous about pretty much every match, my first one made sure of that - losing two Ghouls in the first game sucked pretty bad.

My favorite match so far definitely was against the Talabheim LARPers. Clutch victory with 2 TDs in 4 turns felt pretty great.

I don't have much in the way of tips. All I can think of is coaches should be less wary of committing fouls, myself included. If an important player is on the ground, it's best to keep them there, and even better to injure them.
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>salt about Ashenvale Leaves
>not praising Nuffle for that glorious play he gave them
>mfw everything went better than expected this league
I'm not even really mad about my dead 2 wardancer in those 6 games.

>So /playoffs/ coaches. How do you all feel after the 6 rounds?
Ashenvale Leaves here. Pretty excited about the playoff and kinda reliefed about the fact that I run 2 WDs again after 2 were killed in the season plays.

>Any memorable moments or moments of agony?
Turn 16 TD as stated above by someone was pretty good.
Several deaths and injuries per game were hardcore and you can see that impact on my TV. Also, the death of a WD one turn after I used the apo on my catcher was a huge misplay by me.

>Any tips to share with those who didn't make the 8?
Hm, not really. I learned through a lot of guides on the internet how to play BB and I'm regularly playing BB:CE or tabletop BB to improve myself. Small tip: If there is any chance to score somehow at Turn 8 / Turn 16, take your chances no matter how low they are.
Buddhist Elves here, can't complain about anything really, I might've made some mistakes but that's valuable experience regardless and a reference for future matches.

What I'm mostly impressed about is that none of my linemen died and only one got permanently injured, I feel like my team has good development potential assuming Nuffle doesn't look at me funny. It was pretty unfortunate that my wardancer died despite creating my team to especifically minimize the chances of that happening but those things just happen

The treeman has been alright and I don't regret getting him at the start, at best he keeps people around him, at worst he just stands in the middle hopefully being a nuisance, not much more is expected of him and it's always fun to smash people with him

I'm also happy about the games, they might've not been stellar but they've certainly been a lot of fun and I look forward to playing in the next league.

I only regret not being able to watch as many matches as I would've liked, missed on a lot of fun matches and spectating, hopefully I'll be around for the play offs which are looking to be pretty hyped, I also obviously support the Ashenvale Leaves hehe
I really like my werewolf
Bretonnian Werewolf in Tilea
The fact that the team with the lowest Cas received and the lowest Cas dealt is in the playoffs speaks a lot about the game being about an inflated pig bladder and the endzone and not your fist and the enemies jaw.

The best moment was when I did this really good turn on turn 16 against Desert Wraith and my Wight just didn't wanted to catch the ball.

Also when I played vs the Amazons totally drunk and still got a tie.
>load into a high tv match vs dwarves
>every one of his 9 linemen have dodge guard and a few have dauntless
send help
when my opponent apos any non death injury i feel immediately obligated to start fouling like crazy, am i a bad person?
No, you sick fuck.
>jump up
Good use of doubles, that skill is really underrated
Caledor Leatherheads here
I started by getting my ass absolutely handed to me, slowly got a little better. Only regret is I didn't get to play more games with this team
Uh most ag3 pombers take it if possible.
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Do I sell the two skinks who leveled up? Do I sell Krox if he doesnt get General acess next level?
If your Krox doesn't get block next level it might be a good idea to sell it. Skinks are fine though as any +MA makes them amazing. But this is all if you are going to be a lame guy who doesn't roll with what Nuffle gives you.
Nuffle gives us gentle reminders to replace people in the form of CAS
>Load into BB2 Match vs lizards
>He has 16 1 AV Skinks and 30 apos
uh ok
>Surf guy with ball
>Ball scatters 7 squares back so other guy can score
So whats Prince Moranion's story?
I know Zarra was a buffy raised by dorfs, Roxanna was a burlesque dancer who took up killing, and we know Morg and griff

That's why you don't surf the ball carrier unless you're desperate to stop their advance.
>you don't surf
Stopped reading right there

ooh a dodge

you could have picked up the ball with that 6

it was a krox
You still can. The veteran league might be a thing as far as I know. Unless you want to reroll in the next league
My saurus rolld doubles for his second skill, blodge is a go?
tackle or guard on a saurus with block already?
Where do all these lizard players come from
My gf bought me the dlc so i sorta need to play it some
You should mix up guard MB and tackle,a break tackle too if you want,i think MB is the one you ahould give the more of,since it speeds you up and lets you have more of the others too.also guard is always good,but is low priority since you have all those str4
what happens if you apo someone who got surfed from KO? the APO says 'on the pitch'
He gets to cheer from the sidelines.
Do you really need that answer?
Man ive never use an Apo on a KO how should I know what happens but i guess rule of common sense steps in
So I know its its bloat, but staditum upgrades sound fun. Are there any good ones?
What bloat?
Free bribe is great
Its worth noting I play WE and DE

Most people say they bloat your team value, but if I have cash to burn why not?
Nobody says it bloats your team value because it doesn't, where did you get that from?
wats upping its levl do after th fist?
the free uninstall wizard upgrade
What upgrades are avalable?
>two different skinks snakeyes their stunty dodges
It looks nice in the cut scences
So statuims DON'T raise tv?
Stadium upgrades don't increase tv. Did cknoor really say they did?
No, he just said they weren't really worth it
>Skaven are barely top tier.

Skaven are absolutely top tier. They are superb at all tv ranges.

Easy to develop one-turners
Easy to develop CPOMBers
Great star players


Rat Ogres are really good. Azure won FUMBBL Wheel of Chaos III with a rat ogre in the side, and had him in the team for 146 games. If he's good enough for Azure he's good enough for you. All of the other major-winning Skaven teams on FUMBBL have used the Rat Ogre too.
I'm sure all the pro players eat at McDonald's too, that doesn't have to make it the reason they're pro
This, Rat Ogres are good if you know how to make the best of them and get some good rolls and a doubles
Not by virture of being a giant rat, otherwise fat jews would rule the world
>star players make a team top tier
you have no idea how blood bowl works do you?
but then why do most skaven teams not hire the rat ogre.
>Rat Ogres are good if you know how to make the best of them

i.e. one of the fundamental skills of this game

Do you have stats to back that claim up? For any good player that decision is a matter of taste.

I do. In any tournament or matching format, most skaven teams that go deep will start to have tv issues versus more durable teams, that means inducements.
In FUMBBL cup XII, eventual winners Black Plague took both Glart and Skitter in the semi final when they had 600TV of inducements vs killer Chaos.

And in low tv TT tourneys, stars are also normally part of team builds. Again SKitter is very good here.
Its not easy to make the best of a player who will either
1-Scream like a faggot
2-try to hit someone without the block roll
3-Run into trouble from pushing and auto following
4-Not able to reroll any of these

It takes a good amount of skill to get them to work

>It takes a good amount of skill to get them to work

playing around negtraits is the same as playing round any other limitation. there are some specific ways to mitigate the issues you raise even without doubles (setting up 3d's, juggernaut, stand firm). either way, the upside is still huge (frenzy for surfs and pushes (incl. OTS attemtpts), huge hitting potential with claw, PT to tie up agile pieces).

many people dismiss vamps because of bloodlust but it has been proven they are absolutely beastly at high tv (very good at mid tv too imo)

saying somethign is difficult is not the same as saying somethign isn't good
>Do you have stats to back that claim up? For any good player that decision is a matter of taste.

These threads always devolve into waifu statistic wars and someone getting their feelings hurt.

Mostly because faggots whine about race balance.
I'm pretty sure it's mostly just one butthurt kid. He likes to use similar wording and post an offtopic image often.
>Tfw you surf a +AGI Witch Elf to death
so 1/4 of teams used by top players use the rat ogre. how would this devastate me? i made my case, talked about its merits and role and how it has been used by elite players, and said its use was based on taste. do thsoe stats disprove this? no

there were three posts in this thread laughing at the idea of using the rat ogre. those stats prove some very good and successful players do use it, and that laughing at the idea is ignorant

by the by, 8% of cdorf teams use the mino. basically everything you can say about the rogre on skaven you can say about the mino on chorfs. and yet, successful good coaches do it.

i'm actually more surprised by that proportion of dwarves with the roller. i can't recall a really good team on fumbbl that used it.

Cyanide is trying to create some sort of world tournament in BB2, where individual leagues serve as qualifiers. With this plus the 4 races they're adding soon, do you think it's enough to make BB2 as popular as the other blood bowl communities?

I like playing BB2, as I was turned off by the UI of FUMBBL, but it feels a bit unfulfilling just playing in the perpetual leagues, knowing my players will eventually age away and that there's no goal to work towards.

Are there any well-organized leagues or tournaments in BB2?
I was hoping Orca Cola or one of the other established BB1 leagues would migrate over but OCC is full of bitter anti cyanide nutters and the others seem to be waiting on more races

no way i'm playing open league in BB2 with their horrendous matching system, but if one of the good big leagues would get going i'd be straight in
16 Shades here, good responses to my questions guys.

For me, I'm pretty happy to get to the 8, after having not played Blood Bowl for years, I thought I'd be rustier than I was. Seems bb is like riding a very lethal bike.

My moment of agony the first death my team suffered, poor teal. I didn't avenge his death, and that leads to my one tip, always foul the wardancer. Always.

I think I was watching that game and practically shouted at you through the screen to foul him.
No you were whining that it was OP and defined skavens as top tier.

It's very rarely used.
Just got BB2!! Game looks amazing! Any way to see what I rolled?

There's a log on the bottom of the screen but it only tracks like 4 or so rolls at once. I thought I heard something about them giving you access to a larger log with the last patch but I haven't tried to find it yet.
I think the misunderstanding was that levek 3 and 4 require you to hoard more than 150k to be bought,lvl4 is 400k i think,and this conflicts with the bank rule
click on the log at the bottom of the screen and you get a larger log
No, cKnoor strongly believes that they SHOULD increase your TV since they can dramatically influence your team
>i would really be tempted to just throw the ball at every chance with them , eventhoug i generally try to avoid passes too,NoS on catchers is just too good in my eyes

It's not that great. Don't let it fool you. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to try to use it. If your receivers are all marked by multiple players then the real upside there is that you have even more time to elf stall deep in your own half, because the opponent will have less players trying to sack your thrower.

Yeah but if he moves the argument to something else, which retards will try to strawman as "u moving le goalposts XD", you'll see he was right all along. Frankly you should apologize to him. The Rat Ogre is used by 25% of top Skaven coaches. That's not insignificant. It's in fact highly significant. If taking the Rat Ogre were as bad as, for example, taking Thick Skull and Fend as your first two skills for Chaos Warriors then nobody would ever do it. It's clear that 25% of the best Skaven coaches use the Rat Ogre and enjoy a great deal of success, and the others who don't are probably just prejudiced, lucky and/or have poor sportsmanship that causes a lot of forfeits from the other side.
I'm so tired of conceders, is there a decent league to join in BB2? I have an Orc team in the general league that hasn't seen the second half of a game yet.
How susceptible are nurgle to being out guarded? Basically do you go full guard on all 4 warriors, the beast, and maybe a pestigor? Or do you go 2-3 guard warriors 1-2 mbclaw warriors and a pair of clawpomb pests?

Is it a losing battle to try to out guard a dorf, orc, or lizard team? Are you better off just trying to claw the shit out of them?
Not him,but he really did move the goal,at the beginning he was listing the rat ogre as a reason for skavens to be op,which ,eventhough i like it,is ridiculous
>all this autism

dude just go >>>/vg/
>only retards point out fallacies

uh, who are you?
granted by how this thread goes down in quality every steam sale I would rather castrate myself than see blood bowl become mainstream
What do highelves even have gong for them? just ag 4?
>Blitz skink with ball
>Pow Injure Niggle woo
>Ball scatters
>Krox catches it
i conceded. he deserved it
Higher AV than pro elf linos. The slightly higher stats are technically better in the long run than having skills on players. Of course the reality is that nobody cares about the linos.
they're the worst elf team, so nobody can accuse you of being a powergaming faggot
Well it often happens to lose a player on the line if your team is av 7,eventhough nobody cares about linos,which applies more to other teams than elves,having more tacklezones on the field is always good
What should I give my human killer blitzer for his last (technically second to last but I doubt he will turn legend) level up? He has 52 spp now but he tends to kill a lot. He currently has block, MB, PO, jump up, tackle. I was thinking frenzy on singles dodge on doubles.
I'd pick frenzy too and then pro( or stand firm) if he actually gets to legend
Actually thinking about it again,pro might be a good skill too,you lose frenzy potential and knock down potential too,but pro really goes well with jump up and will make knocking down more likely too.then you could get stand firm too and make jump up really great.whenever your opponent blocks him he risks to be blocked himself since he can't puch you away,i would love that
>there are people who seriously bitch about claw pomb
>there are people who complain about a 3 skill combination that requires you to get a least 3 skill ups on your blockless player without even counting in the fact you need block, guard, and tackle.

Literally the only player who starts with block and can get claw on singles is the underworld stormvermon. And quite frankly storm vermon deserve claw pomb because otherwise how could the skaven dish out any punishment?

The closest to OP on a team are the chaos dorfs who can get 6 claw pombers who start with block. But even then they need doubles as st 3 they really need guard, and as mv4 they can't really use PO.
>These lizards have no block, Every one of my pieces has block and many have dodge
nice salt you have there bro
First, Nice dubdubs
1 / 6
AND HE GOT 8+ A turn!
Yes I salt
it's not 1/6

he's lizards man

it's 11/36 to get one six on 2d6
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>Playing HE against bretts
>keep rolling ones in the first half
>turn 8 I'm down one after kicking
>feeling like crap
>the cage up
>because they were open on a part of their cage a white lion is able to open a hole and the ball carrier is surrounded by elves
>He tries to hand off
>falls into a phoenix guard who nonchalantly hands it to a white lion
>lion runs to endzone
>blizzard ends
>something similar happens, but this time he makes the catch and sends his blitzer on a chicken run
>tries to tie up my elves pretty well
>break out two, and blitz him with a white lion
>manage to make him drop the ball
>get some lions in scoring pos
>his turn 16, he puts two dudes around each of my lions to keep them trapped
>my turn 16 I toss the ball in a long bomb with my pheonix, it makes it to the lion, who dodges out twice and scores the win
Fuck elves are great, they can turn a game around like that
Best throwers in the game, sick hats, solid stats
The solid stats makes them the most "Human" elves, they can kinda do any offense they want
>Tfw vs a 7 AV team
>Throw blocks every turn
>Foul evey turn
>6 Kos and they all recovered
the beauty of the HE team is that any player can do what any other player can
Line-elves can throw
Blitzers can catch
Catchers can blitz
throwers can take a punch
Am I faggot for considing a game againts a chaos team with higher TV then me?
I save my APO for death or nasty injurys
Every time I reroll the same injury
I feel liike im wasting 50k
I hate how you have to take the random match up in bb2 and the only way out is you have to concide

They should have an option that lets you deny the match and roll again before it begins
>Okay my line has blodge he needs to roll 3 pows
>He rolls 3 pows no rerolls
what the fuck why does this happen every time
Theres no penalty for conceding so just concede
Are you illiterate or am i witnessing a new dank meme?(it's concede)
I am pretty sure the most human elves are dark elves,still focussed on ball handling,but somewhat bashy with the four blitzers.
things that only work when you have 500 tv over the enemy
He conceded after 5 turns of not being able to crack the cage. Poor guy.
>out guard a dorf
a dwarf can have 9 players with guard but you must remember that dwarves only have 3 Strength if you divide them you easily out strength them.
TV bloat Fire or keep?
Probably better to have those 4 levels on linos
I would get the ball out of this bad cage in under a second.
I had 500 TV on him, Every single one of those have block many have guard and several have dodge.
I know you could get it out, He couldn.
I gave up on BB2. It took 10 games to get to Lv.2 on my Mino. Yes, it's a BG, yes, unreliable action, but the fact it didn't kill or injury shit was a fucking joke.

I got it claw then quit. I might go back and see if it kills easier, but i doubt it.
depends on the level of your other players. In the future try to give the td to your other players.
He only has 3 TD Anon,
I just meant flexibility wise, HE is probably the best elf team for switching up your offense.
Then he is the master of causing injuries keep him
I am not sure what you mean then
Deathrollers can leap.
That is all.
>instead of developing new teams Cyanide is taking their time making animations of EVERY SINGLE PIECE leaping, piling on, using diving tackle, etc.
But anon what if someone really wants to make a leapdivetacklepo deathroller
Anyone play the Blood Bowl card game? I need some advice on homebrewing up Lizardmen, High Elves, and Brettonians.
When is the deadline for the tourney?

I've got a PM about one of the games already, and will be contacting the other two. Like I say, I'm being flexible with it being the Christmas/New Year gooch.

Going to sort out some small surveys for the next season shortly.
no, that was a seperate point, hence quoting the three people i was responding to. i was just arguing against the clowns here who laugh at and dismiss things they don't understand

what was the quality level to begin with then, because my main experience of /tg/ in the last couple of years is there's not been any blood bowl threads at all

the level of player knowledge and experience here is not high. mostly new guys. the general should be helping those players, which seems to be the case.

if you want to seriously discuss high level blood bowl, why would you even post here. fumbbl, bbtactics and others exist

the best thing an experienced coach can do for this general is battle those who are spreading ignorance

I do.

High Elves and Brettonians ought to be easy, but Lizardmen will be tricky because their 2 non-big guy players don't really fit BB:TM's typical starting deck format.

I honestly might forgo them having 1 Star Power starting Guard linemen and instead have an assortment of 3 Star Power Saurus players (absolutely no Cheat, but some Block, and Guard... not sure what other yellow skills would suit Saurus), but the Skinks are all of course 1 Star Power with like Sprint and Sprint/Pass and Dodge. Krox pretty much designs itself, though it seems like it ought to have its own unique Response ability, not sure what that would end up being.
Not him,but i think he means that the quality has dropped in this couple months,i swear this place was better when the game came out,now we have lizzies spam,people buttblasted on everything,trolls.might be an impression,but i think it really did

After the PPG and DSS or whatever the acronyms are, I would love to see another "good guys" league like OWA.
I like the Bretts and Lizards bringing in a combination of low-Star and skilled high-Star Power players, with Elves somewhere in the middle and a lack of BGs in the league as a whole(besides the Krox). A lack of cheating all around, but maybe some fouling on the Bretts, along with perhaps some downed skills on Men-At-Arms w/ wrestle.
You say that like its a bad thing
BB2 is meant to be a prettier bb1
I'm just waiting for slippy froges
a while back i saw itt a couple pics that showed how to set up your delf team in defence, i need the source if possible, as i can't find it
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They helped me a lot
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there was also one against 1ttd but I don't have it

Fouling makes perfect sense for the Bretonnian Yeomen. I'd have been tempted to give it to the Peasants instead but having standing skills on basic linemen in this game seems really weird. Maybe a downed skill, instead?

It'd be nice to see Wrestle make it in as a text ability for the Yeoman. Something like having the option to down both players when a blank side is resolved on the block dice?
thank you very much, anyone has some link or the ability to explain this?i would like some resonment to why these placings
Alright the first picture >>44463178 is for stopping a 2 turn touch down. Your back players are positioned so that any blitz they make against one will force a dodge or an unfavorable push to avoid tackle zones. It forces the team to push down the 3 linemen and make its way down the middle, but surrounded by your players. >>44463197 is for bashy teams that want to hurt your WE or runners. Overlapping tackle zones protect your team from blitzes and forces most bashy teams to put players on the LoS in order to move around the tackle zones.
Newbie here. How would you go about attacking the ball carrier? Chain push from a corner to expose the ball carrier?
Pretty much, yeah. In that exact situation you can easily get a 2d blitz on a corner and then push out the ball carrier right so the chaos warrior can block him.
thank you,but i disagree with the first pic, wouldn't put the second line 1 away form the first force the enmy to put his catchers nearer to eatch other?let's imagine a welf opponent, so 8 ma catchewrs ,he can just knock down the line(or just ignore it and dodge through the corners of their tz) and run in the middle, with 8 ma and a 2+ dodge through the witches tz his catchers can be put in a 11 tiles wide area, now if the witches were a tile back this area would be only 9 tiles, making it easier to base them and leaping through would be much harder(both the areas are counted without gfis).But i woudn't even do this, why not putting the witches in the middle?this makes them blitzable and is to be considered only againist a low bashy team,but by putting them in the middle you force your enemy to bllitz to open a way and would make his aviable area only 10 tiles in one of the "corners".i hope this was clear and i don't have to draw it
wither that or you just put people in front of him(not base to base) and let him waste his attacking drive sitting in a square
Omfg Halfings are so op
Stunty dodge and so cheep, can fly like rockets and score when ever they want. wtf you don't even need 2 tree men, they just win you the game

Can't wait till bb2 becomes the shire supremacy, demanding my gabe dollars back

And goblins are even stronger! They're halflings with extra MA and AV!
>implying trolls are as gud as rapewoods
You won't be patronizing me when you have 2in of halfling cock in your mouth
>this poster has autism
Would have worked but he was down 1 touchdown so I didnt need to move
I never let him start a turn with anyone standing next to the cage. That ss was at the start of my turn, But yeah its a bad cage. Newbies make no mistake
You would love Albion Fae in stunty.
This is the preferred setup for stopping a 2 turn TD and it does work. In your own scenario you either make blocks or dodges and risk a reroll to get as far down the middle of the pitch as possible. The runners are still open and if you dont mark the WE one will blitz one catcher back up to 2 squares because they have ST2. That's how this defense works, force your opponent to make risks on turn 1 and then collapse on them so their turn 2 is tougher to score on.
>When you roll double skulls atleast 9 times in the first half and the enemy fails so few actions he has 4 rerolls left even though he rerolled a few block dice that werent even bad
i want a deathroller but i didnt start with one and its too late to level one up far enough for it to be anything but worthless
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This is a pretty universal 1ttd defense, isn't it? Not specific to Dark Elves?

Unless they've got a MA10 Sprint player, you can't pull off a 1ttd without using the opposing team's scrimmage players. So the important thing is forcing them to set it up on one end of the mid zone or the other and then weighting your tackle zones like that.
yes it's pretty universal
I'm not hip on my ecelebs, which BB2 youtuber league is less cancerous, skittles/crendor or stripdor/strippin?
Usually everyone watches cknoor. Sheepdog is pure shit. I am pretty sure The_sage posts on here. No one else tells people to go to his channel other than him.
TTM 1ttd is slightly diffrent since you want to try to get tackle zones on the spot the stunty lands on.
Ideal number of claw pieces? Ideal number of tackle pieces? Ideal number of guard pieces?

Chaos or Nurgle?
Ideal number of clawpombers is 4. 3 for the LoS and 1 for a blitz. Same 4 tacklers on the same pieces are the pombers. There is no such thing as too much guard.
depends on how many orcs dwarves are in your league.
>Tfw I run 9 guard 6 Dodge 7+st Linos on dwarf
>playing dwarfs
You autistic monster.
Post >yfw people who play as bashy teams like orcs, lizards, and dorfs bitch about claw pomb
Can you elaborate (on all three really, but especially lizards?)
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Well, what I was thinking was we have Skinks, 1 Star Power, 0 Downed, and the starting deck's got 6 of those. I was thinking less than that initially which is why I had the idea of Sprint + Sprint/Pass but now I'm feeling it should just be Sprint/Pass with that many of them in the starting deck.

Then we'd have 5 Saurus star players 3 Star Power, 2 Downed - we give maybe 3 of those the Guard written ability and Block and call them Saurus Blockers or something. The remaining 2 I'd want to drop Guard, but keep Block and I was trying to think of some other player skill that would suit them but the team has a huge amount of Sprint already, Pass makes no sense, and Lizardmen don't really give the feeling of a Cheating/Fouling team like a lot of the others do. So it might just have to be one of the written abilities, or a unique Response, of which I don't know what would be a good fit.

Krox would be a 4/2 Star Power Sprint + Block, maybe put in Prehensile Tail as something like this (no thought to balance on this, literally just the first idea I had): "After rolling the block dice, you may change one die with the blank side to a Pow".

I've really given no thought on High Elves and personally would rather see Pro Elves, but Bretonnians seem pretty straightforward to me:

4 Knights - 3/1, Block + Pass, Response: If this player becomes the ball carrier, they gain Sprint (fits the flavor of these guys being showboaters). I'm tempted to also give them Dump Off but that seems like it'd be really good synergy with little effort.
4 Yeomen - 2/0, Block, Downed skill Cheat, Wrestle: If this player resolves a blank result on a block die, Down both players.
4 Peasants - 1/0, Guard, Downed skill Foul

Again this is all off the top of my head, no real concern for balance just thinking about the first pass at the flavor for the teams.
I kindof wanted a Yeoman that was say 2/1 or 3/1, with a Block downed skill. Not sure whether to give him Block and/or Wrestle, but I guess you could do whichever and throw him in the star player deck.
I'm not sure how I feel about making the Yeomen cheat just for getting hit/using their skill, but I'm not sure what else to give them (I do like the Sprint being on the Knights). Overall I like the general idea of a team of SuperStars + Peons who don't mind getting hit.
You could maybe just do two Knights with just pass for the Sprint and Dumpoff rediculousness, and perhaps two more with a focus on blocking?
So my 1050 tv human team got matched against a 2800 tv chaos murder team in bb2. I literally bought all the inducements plus 2 star players, Griff and Mork. I still lost 3-2 but no permanent injuries. Can I count that as a win?
That's an incredibly solid showing bro-coach, glad to see you're not taking any shit from the matchmaking or conceding.

Would've been great if Morg had killed someone.
Actually chaos warrior with clawpomb injured Morg in second half and he spent a lot of time on the floor. Griff did much more with dodge and agi 4.
You didnt lose at any rate
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)

Strip Ball, Wrestle blitz on caged ball carrier.
>DE vs Slann
>my runner gets badly hurt first half turn 3
>journeyman MNG, but hes replacing an MNG so it dont matter
>slann manage 2 TD, dice just wont cooperate
>2nd half
>start smashing heads
>5 KO'S, 1 MNG
>turn 8 TD
runner going down fucking sucked, and i couldnt roll casualties for shit
still fun though
Pro Elves?

The basic Elf team. Most people refer to them as Pro Elves to avoid confusion.

I think they'd be more interesting to build than High Elves in BB: Team Manager because of the way they decided to interpret the Nerves of Steel skill in that game. Their catchers have it by default.
So there are 4 elf teams?

What's a rough breakdown of the differneces?
Wood elves are comprable to skaven, stupid fast, less semetic
Dark Elves are non-scrub Amazons sorta, super defencive
Pro and High Elves are both "THE" passing teams, HE have better throwers and linemen who aren't just trash, Pro elves have better catchers and blitzers
I personally like the Princes the best

High Elves and Pro Elves have similar play styles, they're the most pass-capable ones. High Elves do it by having a better thrower, Pro Elves do it by having better catchers. The main difference lies in armor and cost - High Elves have better armor overall, but pretty much every High Elf player costs more to hire than their Pro Elf equivalent. So Pro Elves can soak blows to the team in the long term better than High Elves while still maintaining performance.

Dark Elves are the red-headed stepchild - while they are capable of pass plays that most non-elf teams can't reliably do, they are slower than all the other elf teams (mostly MA6 to 7) and don't have any passing/catching starting positionals. Like the High Elves, Dark Elves have more AV8 than the other Elf teams, so Dark Elf teams have the luxury or being able to play bash against teams with a lot of AV7, while playing like slower elves against teams that are tougher than they are. Contributing to their running game is their Runner positional, who starts with Dump Off, meaning when you manage to break the cage and tackle the carrier, it's very likely it will just end up in the hands of another nearby elf.

Wood Elves are the most fragile of the Elf teams while just as expensive (more so in a couple cases) as High Elves, but they have two things to make them stand out. 1. They have access to a big guy in the Treeman, though most teams don't bother starting with one. 2. They have, hands down, the best starting positional in the game in the form of the Wardancer. The problem being is Wardancers are just as fragile as the rest of the team, Wood Elves only get 2 at a time, and they have a gigantic fucking target painted on their chests because of how dangerous they are.
>So Pro Elves can soak blows to the team in the long term better than High Elves while still maintaining performance.
Pro elves with go through catchers and linemen far faster

Oh yea, and Dark Elves also can have up to 4 blitzers, which is unique to them among the elf team and usually something found in the more bash oriented teams like Orcs or Humans. Yet another thing contributing to their running game over a passing game, makes it much easier for them to form the cage they need for a running game.
What teams would you consider "crutches"?
So based on the Wood Elves, and Dark Elves who I don't have yet, how would High Elves work?

Sorry for being such a newb here. Got Team Manager and was disappointed to find out my 3 favorite Warhammer factions aren't in the game, *and* that there are 9 baddie teams.
On offence you open a hole with a dragon prince, flood the backfield with white lions, have your pheonix guard and some linemen in the back, fight out a few rounds. When pressure gets too hot you throw the ball the a lion (safe pass means you give no fucks about interseptions save from other elves) and laugh hautaly as the lion runs to the endzone

Oh wait did you mean in bb or in the card game?

If I remember right (I don't have my set right in front of me), the Wood Elf players in BB:TM lose a lot of Star Power when they're downed. Maybe raise that average to represent their tougher armor.

Dark Elves in BB:TM are honestly a bit of a cluster fuck, they went nuts with the new split skill mechanic and basically decided "Dark Elves are the ones with the largest number of split skills because reasons", meanwhile the Undead team is so laughably amazing and have the best ball carrier in the game (seriously why are Ghouls Star Power 3 and get dodge when they have the ball). So they're going to feel different from any other elf team in that game just because of that.

If I remember right, Wood Elves also only had Block on the Wardancers and the Treeman, so a higher dosage of block in the High Elf team would make them feel distinct, or maybe dash some split skill in there with a pass/block option on their blitzers.
The card game
Defence is harder, either relying on screens and safeties
Lions are amazing catchers, although the pro elves have nerves of steel (get this on a dubs if possible), they also make great secondary blitzers, though you want dodge on them first to get the most of their mobility
wood elves
chaos of the clawpomb variety
Amazons, but they are good for beginers
Skaven, their speed makes their postions very forgiving, and gutterjews are just great once they get a level (I'm not that faggot who says they are op)
Dorfs, Lizards
Why would I play norse when dorfs exist?
Because norse can actually get to the enemy to beat him up and they are stronger than dwarfs,litterally no reason to play dwarfs over than guard and armour.both not needed if you are as lethal as a norse.
Please tell me more about how you don't need armor as a bashy team
You just have to bash faster than the enemy,no need to have a burden like armour.
Anyway if you want a more serious answer,norse are a bash oriented team,but they are definitely decent at the ball,which they pay with armour,having block on all pieces costs and being mobile on top of that is really great,try them if you didn't,they are fun,you just can't get stuck in an attrition war.
I was just wondering what are you supposed to do with them because you can't just base everybody unless you're against elves or something stupid like halflings. I can't figure out how you're supposed to bash without being bashed yourself.
I want to to fuck a Witch Elf.
You don't need to base all the time to beat your opponent up,you can just blitz,base with the ulfs and do ball stuff,just try to surf and play normally,their edge in bashing is just that your opponent can't just base around since your 1d blocks are almost safe and as you develop you don't need to lose a level for block,again they are bash oriented humans and play mostly like a"normal" team.
You, me, and everyone else
Slippy froges in bb2 when?
>crutch team

Lol no, they die in one hit, Gutter Runners are literally their only saving grace. If any team is a crutch it's Chaos because it's literally just easily killing the other team until no one can stop you from scoring touchdowns
I would argue that Dwarves are the most crutch team.
High AV, Global st3, Blocktackle on all your linos, easy acess to a wall of guard. Unless they buy a rideysplatty they have low tv for their skills too. - Dorf Player
Never,fuck your bouncing memes
All ogre now son.
Shame the krox didnt roll doubles so hes fired.
He is a fucking hero give him piling on and let him fulfill his fate
There are better Krox to be had Anon, This team has no room for deadweight.
If only I could sell him to another team who could use his particular set of skills
Why do chaos warriors have a 67% chance to pick up the ball?

Because they're AGI 3?
Because you didn't put enough people on the ball
Why are they agi 3?
He dodged a goat through 3 tackle zones to get the ball on the ground
Um, excuse me, the politically correct and widely accepted term is Beastman. Please limit your degrading racial slurs to a minimum.
A blood bowl thread?! Praise Nuffle!
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How to TD by Scalie
Good to see. That's blood bowl.
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Our runner leveled.
How hard would you foul?
Burn it, burn it quickly
How do you progress with human teams cashwise (in bb2). I have 4 blitzers, 1 ogre, 1 catcher, 1 thrower and the rest linemen. Already bought an apo and I got three rerolls. What should I do with my cash? Extra-reroll? Another catcher?
HARD. Die.
With humans I usually go with 4 rerolls which can be augmented depending on whether you have pro or not. Another catcher is not a bad idea but it depends on what "level" (cost? what is the word for it, for some reason it won't come out) you are playing at and who you are facing. Because that looks like quite the expensive team.
Humans really don't need more than 3 rerolls. AG 3 is pretty decent. Your thrower has 2 reroll skills (sure hands,pass) and your catcher has 2 reroll skills (dodge, catch). Your blitzers have block which means it's only a 1/36 chance of causing a turnover when throwing a 2 dice block without a reroll, which you should be throwing often because they have strength access and can get guard.
Is there a list for +tv added for each reroll / player /extra cash? I find myself throwing a lot, mainly because apparently everyone in bb2 plays chaos. But most of my team is still level 1 and fumbbl says it's a bad idea to have catchers hog all spps.
Linemen don't need SPP. Their job is to stand in the way and die. The only skill they need is dirty player or guard
>Is there a list for +tv
That's the word/term that I was looking for. Thank you!

>I find myself throwing a lot
Throwing is risky and should be discouraged if at all possible.

>But most of my team is still level 1
In that case I would not include the catcher. You do not want your opponents to benefit from your "tv" if at all possible. If you are outperform them again and again, in that case go with another catcher.

>Linemen don't need SPP. Their job is to stand in the way and die. The only skill they need is dirty player or guard
Lizardmen seem really O.P they beat the shit out of my Bretonnians the one time i've seen them.
There is a thing called the rule of 5. Only 5 players on the field at any given time should have most of your SPP. Basically 3-4 of your blitzers should get all the SPP and one or two other players depending on if they get a +st, a +ag on thrower or catcher, or doubles on your orge.
Thanks. So is kicking lineman who level up through mvps and replacing them with freshmen a thing people do to keep lean teams?
>Thanks. So is kicking lineman who level up through mvps and replacing them with freshmen a thing people do to keep lean teams?
That is correct in general. You will want one kicking and one dirty player linemen. Besides those, if they do not get doubles (and thereby turn useful) sack them and get new.
One or two level ups are fine depending on how you are going but most people cut their linemen by the second or third level up if they don't roll a +stat. Granted I think +ag or +mv is a waste on a skill less lineman.

Never cut a guard piece unless you really really have to. And don't be afraid of giving other skills to linemen if you need them. I have a tackle lineman because I don't have enough blitzers with tackle.
They are not OP, they are just kinda hard to counter if you aren't faster or bashy. Its not impossible to counter, but I don't fully know how to do it eather

>I tried to watch cKnoor do it with HEs
>he gets rekt
>Lizardmen seem really O.P
Hah, why?
>they beat the shit out of my Bretonnians the one time i've seen them
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>Aren't OP
>Have 4 str linemen and stunty dodge ball runners
To be fair the stuntys have real trouble getting the ball

>Implying stunty ball carriers are good
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It was not a fun game one of my players died and 2 of my good players were incredibly injured.
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oh my god

I know it's tempting, but it's better to give him Block.
Im leaning towards Block, He really doesn't want to be on the ground.
I misread the skills
Is it same with high elfs? I have 2 blitzer 1 thrower high elf team. I am guessing elf linemen are more useful because they have agi 4?
With HE, every elf is a hero
Line elves are best with dodge (dodge on any elf is never wasted), then wrestle if they are going to bein on the LoS, then fend to keep them from dying

If they get guard get block instead of wrestle and sidestep is a good idea too
Damn dude
>and you're lizards
You also want to let them get TDs if you can, at least on offence when its more safe

Your white lions will get their TDs all the time so don't worry, lions tend to save your ass more then any other player when skilled up
Should I fire 1 lineman and get a catcher? I have the money to get 2 catchers or so because people in spikevision league tend to concede when they lose the ball.
HE are find but you want at least 2 catchers to make use of their speed, which kicks so much ass
My favorite start up for HE is 6 linemen, 2 blitzers, 1 thrower (you only need 1), 2 catchers

As you get more catchers you don't need to fire linemen because a deep bench helps but you can fire ONE to help tv bloat

I personally love white lions and always say start with them, otherwise you overall go slower then dark elves
er so the answer is yes, Catchers are vital
just don't nix the linemen with ssps
Im developing the most foulable skink ever. 2 +ma and a double for block
Oh and when kicking, keep your thrower on a bench, he's too valuable to risk being killed, especially because your ball is most likely going into the hands of a lion if you break a cage.

Finally: Agaisnt bash, try to score slow on offence, but if you are reciving or under, just score fast
Agaisnt dash, just run up the score
*but if you are kicking or under
Rolled 1, 6, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Uphill block against a big guy
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