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Become The Vampire 23

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Become The Vampire 23

You slowly untangle yourself from Sammy and smile.

“Go check on your dad, alright? I'll be fine. I'm gonna talk to Stephen for a little while, maybe fit this mess together somehow in a way that doesn't end with me making promises I can't keep.”

Sammy nods and pecks you on the lips.

“Alright, I'll... see you in a little while then.”

She turns and walks off, and you take a few moments to use your magic and make sure that your cuts aren't about to reopen. You head off looking for Stephen and find him on the third floor, standing in front of Patrick's bedroom.

“This is mine for the time being. I'll probably have the name sanded off of it... Or just cover it up since this is meant to be temporary.”

He turns to you and chuckles a bit.

“This isn't what I wanted, you know... I was content to support my brother, help him succeed, guide him... But the pack needs someone, as you put it.”

You nod slightly and remove your suit, packing it away.

“I wanted to ask you something about the curse. I know a lot about how it works already, but I don't know how quickly I'll be able to turn this around.”

Stephen waves a hand dismissively.

“That's fine. What they need right now is hope. You've given them that. Patrick will recover, and his shame will be attributed to his curse acting up. You fix him, he beats me, things are restored.”

You shake your head.

“That's not what I mean. It's a huge burden on me. What if I can't live up to it?”

Stephen narrows his eyes a bit.

“You will, eventually. You're part of this pack, after all.”

You bite your tongue to keep back the words you want to say. You didn't come this far just to lose an important group of allies, but it's sorely tempting to try to chew him out or act defiant.

“You're right. I just don't want anyone getting hurt or let down. Try not to build me up too big.”

Stephen smiles, seemingly satisfied.
“That's fine with me. You've done enough of that yourself. Now, if that's all, I have some redecorating to do in the customary way, and then I'm going to check on my brother.”

He turns towards the door, shifting as he steps inside it, and closes the door again. There's a sudden loud crash and a howl, and you step back as Stephen tears Patrick's bedroom apart. At least he isn't marking his territory, you muse. You head back downstairs and find Patrick on the couch, with Sammy on a chair beside him. He's conscious but silent, and Sammy is tending to him the same way she tended to you. Patrick glances at you and hangs his head, and Sammy turns towards you and walks over.

“He's awake, but he's not feeling well at all... I'm... I'm gonna stay with him and keep him company. Birds of a feather, or something...”

You nod a bit and hug her.

“I'll head on back then. See you on Monday?”

Sammy gives you a soft squeeze.

“Alright... See you then. Blake already knows to take you home.”

She lets you go slowly and looks you in the eye, before turning back to her dad and sitting down. You head for the front door and give Blake a wave. He salutes you and grins.

“I guess now I'm a prince or something, huh? And this car is my royal steed?”

You shrug noncommittally, and Blake chuckles.

“Let's get you back then.”

The car ride back is pretty boring, for the most part, and you make your way back towards your room, pondering the events of the day. It's only when you make it back to the dormitory hall that you remember something. Presence has either been alone all day and bored, or stuck with Meliora. And Jennifer just waltzed right in.

>Character sheet
Same system as Become The Dragon Quest. If you don't know what that is, it's best of three d20 rolls. I name a stat that sums up what you're trying to do, and if I don't name a relevant skill, you try to fill in the blank based on what you're trying to accomplish. “Break open the door” might be Strength based, but if you've been playing baseball after school and there's a lead pipe nearby, you could apply your Baseball skill to the roll. A 20 on the die is a crit threat, and if either of the other two rolls is 20 or higher after mods, it's a critical. A crit fail is when you have two or more 1s. So far this system has worked out well enough. We'll get into combat rules as needed, but in basic terms you have wounds, not HP, and the worse the wounds, the more penalties you accrue while doing other things.

Most Important Rule:
Have fun.

>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
>Text Meliora, ask her about her day
>Text Jennifer, make sure she's alright
>Other (write-in)
>>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
>Text Meliora, ask her about her day
>Text Jennifer, make sure she's alright
You forgot to put Quest in the title.

>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
Dang it
>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
>>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
>Run back to your room at top speed, see if you can salvage the situation
Prediction: presence, Mel, and Jenny are all playing a game together.
You run at top speed back to your room to try to get there before everything goes horribly wrong, skidding to a halt outside your door. There's a scream, like someone's in pain, and you hastily unlock the door, throwing it open. Meliora is dancing around the room, having beaten Jennifer at a fighting game. There's no sign of Presence, although there's a glowing green canister on your bed that looks like one of Meliora's gadgets. Meliora grins at you.

“I won! Now it's my turn to hand out the embarrassing punishments!”

Jennifer sighs softly.

“I let my guard down... I was distracted...”

Meliora heads to your side and leans in.

“What should I make her do? I have plans, but I want an evil co-conspirator so that I can pick the best one...”

You're frankly just pleased that everyone is alright, although you'll probably need to smooth things over with Presence and Meliora later.

Let's hear your plans, I'll pick one.
Maid outfit? Make her run around the school? Have her buy you as many of those cards as points you beat her by?
This, and
>have room for a third player?
>Well, she made you wear a cheerleader outfit. Maybe something along that vein?
>Investigate canister
Come on, don't you want to know what Mel considers an evil scheme?
Maybe, make her pose in your school uniform?
You lean in and whisper softly.

“Tell me what you've come up with so far, and I'll help you decide.”

Meliora nods.

“I'm split between making her eat a spoonful of cinnamon, streaking through the halls or singing the teapot song. With the hand gestures.”

>The teapot song
>Cinnamon challenge
>Make a suggestion (write-in)
This is good, we need to relax a bit.
>>The teapot song
>Cinnamon challenge while singing the teapot song, and streaking through the halls
>>The teapot song
>>The teapot song
>whisper "I'll film her, just to add the embarrassment. "
>The teapot song
>The teapot song
>Film it

You'd literally die. That's not an exaggeration, death by asphyxiation is an extreme risk in that combo.
>>Make a suggestion (write-in)
Dog collar with
>>The teapot song
>Teapot song. We'll record it.
But it's not a certainty. Activate it.
You nod a bit and smile.

“The teapot song should work just fine. She'll hate it. And I'll film it on my phone”

Meliora nods and smiles deviously.

“Jennifer! As the God of Street Warrior, I command you! Sing the teapot song! Also, do the little dance that goes with it!”

Jennifer rises to her feet, and you take out your phone to commemorate the moment. Jennifer looks at you and rolls her eyes, and you record what is perhaps the driest rendition of the teapot song you've ever heard. Meliora huffs.

“Put some spirit into it!”

Jennifer smirks and sits back down.

“Beat me again then.”

You chuckle softly.

“Room for one more? I'd love to play a round or two if we're playing with fun stakes like these.”

Meliora shakes her head.

“Nope, but I'll put in Smash and we can fight it out on that.”

Jennifer shrugs.

“Works for me. Free for all, no holds barred, and no limitations on judgments before God.”


Smarts roll plus Perception, +1
Speed roll, +2
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 13 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 1 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 9 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>Speed roll, +2
What are you doing, anon?
QM wants labels on multiple rolls, even when there's different mods.
Being very drunk, anon
Is that you, you Irish bastard?
Put quest in your title so my filter catches you please.
The fighting is fierce, and you've never played this version of the game before, but you manage to claw your way to victory through careful planning and tactics. You let Jennifer and Meliora battle it out for a little while, wearing each other down, while you pretend to get used to the controls. They're so focused on each other that your light attacks barely break their concentration. It's only when you mop them up at the end that they realize their mistakes.

The power to command them as you see fit is almost overwhelming. You're sorely tempted to do all kinds of things, but if you ramp this up too quickly it'll devolve into madness very, very rapidly. Also, revenge is a thing, and you don't want to get shafted next round because of a poor choice now. Still, as the victor it's your right to play God.

>Command only Meliora (write-in)
>Command only Jennifer (write-in)
>Command them both (write-in)
>Command them both (write-in)

Dance the Macarena
Aye, it's me, all short and cowardice
>Command them both (write-in) Hug nice and tight and then skip up and down the hallway while holding hands and singing 'Tralalalala'
If there's some way of modifying that, I don't know it. Please, educate me on how I change a thread title.
>Command them both
Tongue twisters go! Whoever messes up first takes a penalty from the other as well.
Just remember it for next time dude, chill yourself.
Change me >>44416754
I am chill, dude. I'm just British and prone to sarcasm. It's a natural defense mechanism.
Glad to see you again. Good idea too.
Seconding >>44416709
Alright, just remember. Theres 30 quest/cyoa threads right now and I just dont want to see them.
Don't bully our QM. It takes very little effort to skim past a thread.
...seconding what?
Disregard that, my caffeine kicked in.
You smirk at the pair. You know exactly what evil to inflict upon them, and it will be delicious. You clear your throat and sit up a bit.

“You two seem to get along so well, I think you should show the world. Skip down the hall, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, while going 'tralalala~', then do it all the way back to the room again.”

Jennifer looks you in the eye for a moment, before snickering.

“You're both such children...”

Meliora, on the other hand, is bright red.

“What!? I refuse! That's... That's...!”

Jennifer rises to her feet.

“That's his command, and if we refuse, he gets to make it worse. Come along, best friend, let's share our friendly friendship with the world.”

Meliora pouts and grabs a pair of shorts, slipping them on and joining Jennifer at the door. They skip down the hall while singing and laughing, moving at a pretty swift pace. They come all the way back and duck into the room, just in time for one of the boys to almost catch sight of them. You close your door and head back to the couch, regarding the footage. Priceless.

“Another round, Oliver? We can't just leave it at that.”

>Sure thing
>Actually, I wanted to ask about Presence
>Actually, I wanted to talk to Jennifer
>Actually, I wanted to talk to Meliora
>Other (write-in)
>Sure thing
We've got to give them a chance for vengeance
>Sure thing
>Sure thing
Smarts roll plus Perception, +1
Speed roll, +2
>Meliora pouts and grabs a pair of shorts, slipping them on
Wait what? Is she sitting around in her underwear again?
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 16 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

That's her preference, yeah. It's the weekend, she doesn't have any friends besides you, what does she need to get dressed up for?
Rolled 13 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>Speed roll
Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 18 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

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We EVO boys!
We're good at this game
In spite of the pair of them teaming up on you, you manage to get them to hit each other more often than you. You finish off Meliora first, then take your time beating Jennifer into the dirt, mainly because she's the trickier of the two to read. You stand victorious once more, and you smile triumphantly at them.

But what to do next?

>Command only Meliora (write-in)
>Command only Jennifer (write-in)
>Command them both (write-in)
>Command them both (write-in)

Dance in their underwear
>Command them both
Day of the Macarena
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>Command them both
You both have to do the she sells seashells tongue twister. Whoever messes up first takes a penalty from the other.
>>Command them both (write-in) Have them say, to the camera, that we're the King of All Videogames and they are but weak peasants in awe of your glorious skill and that we're the most handsome and smartest and coolest. And then have Meliora post it online.
Evil is petty. So is friendship.
I like this one.
>Command them both (write-in)
Jennifer has to turn Melioras cogs sensually
Either of these.
You chuckle a bit, deciding to take the heat off yourself a bit.

“Say the seashells tongue twister. Whoever messes it up first has to take a penalty from the other.”

Jennifer sighs a bit.

“I concede defeat on that one right away. She's an android, she can precisely control her tongue. There's no such thing as a tongue twister for her. So, what do I have to do?”

Meliora blinks.

“R-Right, yes, um... I... think you should...”

Meliora looks at you as though trying to get a suggestion.

>Let Meliora figure it out
>Text her a suggestion (write-in)
>Other (write-in)
>Let Meliora figure it out
>>Let Meliora figure it out
Give the girl a win.
>Text her a suggestion (write-in)
Have her dance the Macarena backwards, balance a book in one hand, a cup in another, and flower on her tongue with only a leg for a minute, play the next round with her feet.
>>Let Meliora figure it out
You could have tried to fluster her, Jenny.
You let Meliora make up her own mind, and she pauses for a moment.

“Alright, I've got it. The most embarrassing thing that I can think of, and this one is the real deal... Give Oliver a kiss. A real one.”

Meliora smiles triumphantly at Jennifer, who looks at you for a moment.

“Your roommate has an interesting definition of embarrassing.”

She grabs you by the collar and kisses you passionately for a few moments before looking over at Meliora. Her smile of triumph is gone, and her face is bright red. She's frozen in place like she's rebooting or something, and Jennifer shrugs slightly.

“Well, that happened. So, another round while we wait for her? Or did you want to head to bed?”

>Another works for me
>Bed time, methinks
>Let's put Meliora to bed and chat
>Other (write-in)
>Bed time, methinks
>>Other (write-in) Give Meliora a kiss on the cheek while she's rebooting.
>Bed time, it's been a long day.
I am the King of Smash!
>Let's put Meliora to bed and chat

Also seconding this. It'll be fun when she recovers.
My man...

I vote for dis
>Bed time, it's been a long day
Do this>>44417422
Then snicker and go to bed.
Time to request a change of room, I guess.
Why? We're just embarrassing her. Oliver and Jenny are her only friends. It'd be cold to abandon her like that.
How about I show you to my room anon~...
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Hi Not-Silver
Please take the coward's way out already.
You lean over and give Meliora a kiss on the cheek before turning to Jennifer, who chuckles quietly.

“Let's hit the hay. I'll put Meliora in her bed while you get ready.”

Jennifer nods, dragging her suitcase into the bathroom while you carry Meliora to her bed and get her settled in. You change into your pajamas and wait for Jennifer to come out of the bathroom, swapping with her to brush your teeth and wash up. She's wearing a blue button-up shirt and white panties to bed, and she settles in while you finish getting ready.

“So, are we sharing tonight or do you want me to take the couch?”

>Let's share
>I'll take the couch
>You take the couch
>Let's both take the couch, since we both try to be big damn heroes to each other
>Other (write-in)
Keep trying.

>I'll take the couch
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>I'll take the couch
>>Let's share
Neither one of us will accept the other on the floor or couch.
>I'll take the couch.
We've already got some awkward questions to answer. Let's not make anymore.
>Let's share
>>I'll take the couch
>>Let's share
She swapped us the last time we tried to be chivalrous, which took me three tries to spell, so might as well share.
He was talking to me... the Same anon that gets confused for you almost every thread m80
>Let's both take the couch, since we both try to be big damn heroes to each other
>Let's share
We've already seen how this goes otherwise.
Knowing Silver, he knew that and was implying he was you and that the one time anon used Not-Silver was in fact Silver just to fuck with both of you.
Why were these so similar
You flop onto the couch.

“I'll take the couch tonight. I'm not on the floor, so there won't be any worries about be freezing or being uncomfortable, right?”

Jennifer sighs softly.

“If you were trying to reassure me that you're not trying to push me away, you're doing a pretty poor job of it.”

You shake your head.

“I just don't want Meliora asking any awkward questions tomorrow.”

Jennifer sets the canister on your bedside table as she gets comfortable on your bed, turning away from you.

“That's probably the smart choice.”

You try to get comfortable on the couch, stretching a bit, and look over at Jennifer.

>Screw it, cuddle time
>Sleep on the couch
>Other (write-in)
>Sleep on the couch
Because I screwed up my typing and wanted to get it right before I deleted it, anon.
>Sleep on the couch
>EAT on the couch
>>Sleep on the couch
But give her a hug first
>Screw it, cuddle time
Stop pushing your milf fetish waifu on us.
>Screw it, cuddle time
We AREN'T trying to push her away, people.
no don't stop
seconding >>44417688
Shall I also stop giving the option to go back on previous options given new information for other situations?
We aren't but we don't have the room to ourselves. I voted for sharing the first time, but now Oliver has made up his mind.
>Screw it, cuddle time
No, fuck you. He already retconned a fair vote and then didn't even give us the same options. And every time we voted to leave earlier you got a second vote to stay.
In a life or death situation, no. But unless it's a life-or-death thing, or the anons are being dumbasses, yes.
>We AREN'T trying to push her away
Maybe YOU aren't.

But really, I just do not trust you idiots to not try and fuck her after last time.
Oliver made up his mind to leave with Jennifer after the fight, then got a second vote to stay. This is the same thing
That vote was actually just to get Jennifer out of there with no method specified or if we left with her.
He has a very valid point about Meliora. Give her a hug or kiss and call it a night.
>fuck keeping the only person who's been any help to Oliver's quest by his side, let's just pursue my waifu
Then the argument should be for doing anything. And do you doubt for a second that Mel didn't have recording devices in here last weekend?
He's not wrong though, She does help alot
He's wrong if he thinks any of it was relevant.
You close your eyes and settle in for the night. You'll make it up to Jennifer in the morning or something, you've got all of Sunday, but for now you don't want Meliora saying anything to Sammy that would raise suspicion. You relax and settle into sleep.

It's dark, and cold. There's blood on your hands. Your breath turns to mist in the air. You can hear shouting, far away. A voice you recognize, and another, less familiar. You try to make sense of what's going on, and find yourself in a strange chamber. The walls are made of black bricks, and you're seated at a round table. Angie is to your right, and an attractive devil of some sort is to your left. The right half of their body appears male, and the left half is female, with a sash covering their one breast and a pair of pants obscuring whatever they're packing. Angie frowns.

“I tried to stop them, but they insisted. Oliver... This is Tellarie, in their true form.”

Tellarie waves.

“Hi there.”

Their voice is almost like two people speaking at once, a man and a woman.

“I was trying to visit you in a dream to see how you were progressing, but I got rudely interrupted by an angel. So, my little protege, how are things?”

>Wait, what?
>Decent enough. Ruined a marriage.
>It's my head, I ask the questions here
>Other (write-in)
Nice strawman.

We're not pushing her away though and no casting her out.

I doubt it if only because she's usually good enough to do it on her own, barring meltdown from lewdness.
And if she's willing to continue to help, and still wants to be with Oliver even after she's safe on her own, that says a lot.

We're too hurt to do anything sexual, but cuddling her would make her feel better.
>Decent enough. Ruined a marriage.
It doesn’t need to know why.
>Decent enough. Ruined a marriage.
Got my sights on an engagement and long standing crush too.
>We're not pushing her away though and no casting her out.
She feels like we are, and that's what matters.
>but cuddling her would make her feel better.
>>Decent enough. Ruined a marriage.
It's not even wrong, tho
>Other (write-in) Conjure cards, begin Dream Poker
we literally have a shoulder devil and angel, haha
This works. But change it to "Pretty sure I ruined" instead of sights set on.
>And if she's willing to continue to help, and still wants to be with Oliver even after she's safe on her own, that says a lot.
Depends on wanting to read it in a positive way.

>We're too hurt to do anything sexual
We're less hurt than we were last time anon voted to do something sexual.

>cuddling her would make her feel better.
You take a moment to assess the situation, before shrugging.

“I ruined a marriage, and I've got plans to meddle with a few other things. And all for my personal gain, mind you. Gathering allies, getting whatever I want. I can't wait for the new moon for the next ritual to grow my power.”

Tellarie grins at you and turns to Angie.

“See? Totally worth the visit.”

Tellarie turns back to you.

“And of course, you plan to summon me again, don't you? In my full glory, so that I can properly bestow my gifts upon you and help you become even more powerful. You wouldn't think about shopping around after I've been so helpful to you, yes?”

>It's only smart to see what's out there, but I haven't seen anything else I've liked
>Of course not, I only have eyes for you
>You knocked me out and left me for dead. Kinda hard to trust you at this point
>Other (write-in)
>>It's only smart to see what's out there, but I haven't seen anything else I've liked
>>Of course not, I only have eyes for you
play to that ego
also the devil is our sugar-daddy/momma and its kinda hot
>It's only smart to see what's out there, but I haven't seen anything else I've liked
>You knocked me out and left me for dead. Kinda hard to trust you at this point
>>It's only smart to see what's out there, but I haven't seen anything else I've liked
It expects us to be evil like it is.
>It's only smart to see what's out there, but I haven't seen anything else I've liked
Look it up and down, and they view is definitely not bad.
>introducing: Oliver's latent bisexuality
well, half of it is good to go. I mean... it can just tuck the other bits, right?
Latent nothing!
You chuckle a little bit.

“Come now, we both know the smart thing is to see what's out there and make the best possible choice. But I haven't seen anything else that I've liked.”

You give Tellarie a once over, looking them up and down, and the devil smiles.

“Is that a fact? Well, you're at the very least good at flattering others, even if that was a lie.”

Tellarie turns to Angie once again.

“As for you... This is your projection, right? You're not here bodily? Because I'm pretty pent up, and I'm sure Oliver wouldn't mind watching.”

Angie gags, grumbling.

“Give me a break. It's a dream, and I can just withdraw my consciousness from this image so that it's all on Oliver to maintain.”

Angie glances at you.

“Besides, Oliver might be a teenager, but he has self-control. He'd never throw me under a bus like that and force me to put up with your foul touch.”

Tellarie winks at you.

“You wanna see it, right?~”

>Angie, play nice, Tellarie is a guest
>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
>I'll indulge you, sure, Angie won't go for it
>Maybe next time we see each other
>Other (write-in)
I don't know man, the one boob is creeping me out.
>So far I don't have any issues, but I'm the sort that likes to see his options first. No offense to you, of course.
>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
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>>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
she must remain pure
>this coward talk
This is a quest thread. Put Quest in the subject line.
I've filtered you anyway, but please learn from your mistake.
>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
>Now Tellarie, our relationship is still rather new. You wouldn't want to endanger it by willfully molesting my allies, would you?
>Maybe next time we see each other
>Pissing off the school nurse who's also a friend and poker buddy ain't smart ya know? Only thing off the top of my head that'd be worse was saying a practice necromancy to her.
I think this is a new record for number of posts to complete hatred.
>>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
>If anyone's going to be doing that, it'll be me (put Angie in the schoolgirl outfit)
"Honest answer? I could go either way. But we could always play a game and 'let the chips fall where they may', so to speak."
We do still want this demon to favor us.
Certainly. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for the future.
Nah, you do. Personally, I have lost all intent to summon or work with this demon in any capacity.
How so?
We're putting in the hours, we're just not drinking the company Kool-Aid, dig?
Plus, Angie is a REAPER
She could be real, REAL unkind to us, sick her Batman little sister on us or something
>Nah, Angie's right, sorry
Well, Tellarie's a shit. Sloth next?
But we can do good and satisfy the letter of what this demon wants. The others will want us to actually do evil, remember? Angie told us that.

Just cause they're scum doesn’t mean we can't maintain a working relationship.
I now completely hate Tellarie and want nothing more than her demise or removal from the quest in any meaningful capacity. It was pretty fast, usually takes at least two digits to reach that stage.
We can cite as a mortal pissing off a Reaper is literally suicide. Sides why wouldn't he want to play poker with us and Angie?
Did you read what I posted? I'm still saying no, just in a way that's more to the demon's understanding, instead of hardlining
that bad, huh? jeeze, you're a real scorched-earth motherfucker, huh?
my goof, anon
I still think we should work with the Demon, We need the power after all..
>The others will want us to actually do evil, remember? Angie told us that.
Pretty sure she didn't, since she told us we could scam them before the ritual and didn't know it was going to be a lust demon in advance.

>Just cause they're scum doesn’t mean we can't maintain a working relationship.
I'd rather die, or lose blood magic altogether and seek another path.
>Angie has told us we can make a move on her dream projection if we want. She just doesn't want the demon to.
>no one said anything about not playing poker, just saying that IF anyone was going to be fluffing Angie's wings, it'd be us.
Hard to see why. I think the demon is alright for now, it's just the sort of thing we need to be careful of.
And of course it's going to try to get us to use the dream-world stuff like that.
>Hard to see why.
Maybe if your IQ is a single digit.
You shake your head.

“Hormones may say otherwise, but Angie's right. I don't want to see her getting abused or molested or anything. She's my friend and ally.”

Tellarie's smile cracks ever so slightly.

“Huh. Alright then. And here I thought we were on the same page. I mean, there's no harm in it. It would basically be me fucking her once her mind has left the building, so to speak. Then she's whatever you want her to be.”

Angie smirks at you and sighs, leaning on the table.

“Thanks, Oliver... So, Tellarie, why don't you tell Oliver why you're really here?”

Tellarie nods a bit and pauses, leaning back in their chair.

“I'm pretty low on the totem pole on the other side, as you might have guessed. I came by to check your progress and make sure you're still interested in working together. I'm working on something big and I could use some help pulling it off. I can teach you a basic summoning spell. I just need you to keep a specific demon occupied for about an hour while I rob them and ruin their castle so I can get more powerful. Then when the new moon comes, I can give you an even better gift in return. We can make this a pact and everything, signed in blood, whatever works for you.”

>More power? Works for me.
>I dunno about this. We'll need very precise terms. Angie?
>Nah, this could easily backfire. No dice.
>Other (write-in)
>Nah, this could easily backfire. No dice.
>Nah, this could easily backfire. No dice.
>more power? Works for me
>>I dunno about this. We'll need very precise terms. Angie?
dude, they're DEMONS, of COURSE they're going to want us to do evil!
why, WHY would Oliver give up the ridiculous amount of power he's gained?
chill, man, we're protecting Angie's honor, just relax
>Other (write-in) This particular unfortunate have a name? If we're doing this, I'd like to be prepared.
>I dunno about this. We'll need very precise terms. Angie?
>>More power? Works for me.
But I want it in writing in clear terms. I don't mind Screwing people over, but blowback is a bitch.
Eh, i ll switch it to I dunno about this.
>I dunno about this. We'll need very precise terms. Angie?
>More power? Works for me.
Two things: which demon and what are you stealing?
Gotta make sure if I agree the pay's commiserate with the agony, you know?
>>I dunno about this. We'll need very precise terms. Angie?
>why, WHY would Oliver give up the ridiculous amount of power he's gained?
We wouldn't give up anything, she has no power over what we have and we can work with another demon. On top of that, blood magic has so far been kinda annoying, I don't like it and don't particularly want more.

To be honest, I'd prefer doing actual evil to working with this cunt.
It's a demon,

It is actual Evil.
Then nothing is lost.
>"I just realized angie,your name is a pseudonym for angel if you don't mind, me asking what is your real name? i would trade a secret for That information."
Literally the worst opinion.
You'd be more comfortable with a rape, murder and cannibalism demon?
Or body sharing with a Wendigo?
That's not what Pseudonym means.
>You'd be more comfortable with a rape, murder and cannibalism demon?
They're sin-based, so Tellarie *is* the rape demon. Cannibalism is probably Gluttony and murder is split between most of them.

>Or body sharing with a Wendigo?
Kinda, yeah.
You mull the offer over and smile.

“I dunno about this. We'll need to lay everything out in plain language and make a proper pact. Something suitably binding. Angie, can you be my lawyer for this so we can keep everything honest?”

Angie nods, and you conjure her a refilling cup of coffee so she can perk herself up.

“So who am I conjuring, and what are you stealing?”

Tellarie sighs softly.

“Asel'rathi, my boss. And I'll be raiding his soul vault and claiming a few choice denizens of his realm to work under my command. It'll sap his power, I can take his seat from him, and then the rest of the vault is mine. I'll go from being a nuisance to someone who occasionally gets noticed, and I'll have other devils working under me. In terms of your reward, I can combine the next two rituals together. Regenerating blood for more spells, and blood hardening, to use your blood for tools and weapons, as well as for special rituals to make components for advanced spells.”

You create a scroll and a pen for Angie, and she chugs coffee for almost a minute before writing up a contract. She shows it to Tellarie, and Tellarie groans.

“But it's... it's so... fair!”

Angie turns it towards you but, being in a dream, you have no idea what it says.

>Trust that Angie isn't screwing with you, sign the contract
>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed
>Have Tellarie sign it first
>Other (write-in)
Exactly. It may be evil, but we have done good and satisfied it.
>>Have Tellarie sign it first
>Trust that Angie isn't screwing with you, sign the contract
>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed
>Trust that Angie isn't screwing with you, sign the contract
>Other (write-in) Draw a dick on it. Tellarie will appreciate the sentiment.
>>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed
It's not that we don't trust Angie, but we should know what we're signing.
>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed
Trust is a lie, everyone will betray you.
>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed
>Have Tellarie sign it first
>Other: Wave at Tellarie
>Ask about what's on the paper, get something detailed

>Additionally, I'll want specific knowledge on the summoning ritual you want performed, as well as costs for performing it provided for in advance.

Supposing this isn't already in the contract.
You pause for a moment and look at the scroll.

“So... Dream, remember? Can't read.”

Angie nods a bit.

“Right. So there's a lot of legal jargon involved, but it outlines the terms for the summoning, how Tellarie will teach you the spell so that it can be used precisely once, providing their own power to complete it for you, exactly what rewards you will be allotted, which you've already discussed, as well as a bunch of safety clauses so that if anything goes wrong, Tellarie accepts all responsibility. In short, it's exactly what you just negotiated, with a little extra in your favor to make it an even exchange.”

Tellarie grumbles and snatches the pen, signing the scroll.

“If I didn't want this so badly I'd complain more, but this works in my favor...”

Angie passes you the scroll and the pen.

>Don't sign
>Other (write-in)
And draw a dick.
>Don't sign
Haha, Yes.
Fair enough. I'd like a copy to show off so I can show you as the sole liable party.
If you want quality you pay the price for it. You knew I was ambitious and crafty when you empowered me after all.
seconding >>44418824
That's retarded and might invalidate portions or all of the contract.
We'll draw it below our name. We're 17, not 37
Kill yourself pls
How about you draw some rope, tie a noose and hang yourself instead?
Oliver isn't half as much of a fuckwit as most teenagers, so far. No reason to start.
You sign your name on the dotted line.

“We both knew what we were getting into with that summoning. You want quality, you pay a price. You knocked me out, and now we're making a fair agreement.”

The scroll rolls up and vanishes in a puff of black feathers, and Angie smiles a bit.

“I'll get you a copy when you see me next, for your records. You'll wanna keep track of all the contracts you make so you don't have conflicts.”

Tellarie sighs softly.

“So, that's all I've got. Still no to the angel sex?”

You shake your head.

“Maybe another time, if Angie changes her mind.”

Tellarie nods and vanishes in a puff of pink mist, and Angie slumps against the table as the black brick walls turn white.

“Well... That happened... I guess that's all I've got for you right now. You're pretty close to waking up at the moment, so... parting words?”

No, fuck no retard

agreed, He's in the "grow up fast to not get eaten by a monster" niche
Holy shit is this actually happening...

I love it.
Can you help me learn the basic runes for rune magic that apparently sit in my subconscious.
>“Maybe another time, if Angie changes her mind.”
Saying this lost hard previously, that doesn't mean "say it in a later update."
Also Thanks for the help Angie, your pretty awesome. Just what is you angelic rank if it's not too forward of me to ask?
It's like saying "ad kalendas graecas". They both know it would never happen.
Man, do you have zero ability to manipulate people? All that was was a noncommital statement meant to leave the demon feeling good.
>>Write-in. "Thanks for all the help, Angie. I don't know where I'd get without you."
>Jennifer might need a job outside the clan while I work on Patrick and Samantha's curses. If I tried to get her to replace the Math teacher, would you help?
I don't want the demon to feel good.
I think if we could get her a job in the library it'd be better. She could search for the info she needs to help us learn magic during work hours.
Well bully for you and your lack of negotiating skills.
Two votes to ask Angie about her rank (and also thank her)
Two votes to ask her for help with rune magic
One to thank her generally
One to ask about help getting Jennifer her job

Any additional votes?
Yes, I vote for all of them twice.
Seconded both.
Ill vote for the first two.
Page didn't update fast.
I also good for all of insurance
Is there a tangible reason to not go with all of them?
We can talk about Jenny getting a job when we go pick up the contract.
Not that I know of, but I figured I'd ask
We have a contract.
We have to go see her in the waking world to get our physical copy of it.
That's not reliant on the demon being happy, since she already signed and the angel has our copy.
Sorry, thought you were replying to this >>44419111

You're right, but beyond that, this demon, while scum, is useful.
“Thanks for continuing to help me out, Angie. I don't know where I'd be without you. I do have three things to ask you though... The first is if you can help me with rune magic. Apparently the basic runes are in my subconscious mind.”

Angie nods and smirks a bit.

“Just imagine a book with the runes you want and you'll be able to look them up. Lucid dreaming helps with the essentials of rune magic quite a bit, but it's no help with the advanced stuff. Next?”

You conjure yourself a book and sift through a few symbols. They aren't named, but you look at them and just... know what they mean. You look up the ones for magic, curse and magical energy and try to memorize them while you speak.

“Jennifer and the math teacher. Can you help me out with that? Jennifer needs a job at the school before someone slits her throat in the middle of the night.”

Angie sighs.

“I'll do what I can to speed along the investigation, but I can't make promises. I can, however, see if I can arrange for an assistant or something. Or maybe someone needs some help in another part of the school.”

You smile and move on to another batch of symbols.

“And what's your rank in heaven, if it's not a rude question?”

You awaken to the sensation of cold steel passing through your neck. You're on the couch, and Jennifer is kneeling beside you, looking at you. It's still dark outside, so it's probably the middle of the night. Jennifer tilts her head.

“You looked like you were having a bad dream so I tried waking you up. Are you alright? You sort of... gasped strangely...”

>I'm fine, no worries here.
>I had a nightmare about a devil and an angel of death, I think one killed me.
>Other (write-in)
As long as she continues to offer really good rewards for relatively low effort, yeah. As soon as she asks too much, even once, I intend to break contact and stop returning her calls.
>>I had a nightmare about a devil and an angel of death, I think one killed me.
>Other (write-in)
Let's tell her about the demon, she knows we already have a deal with it. And tell her we talk with our reaper sometimes at night
>Totally fine
>definitely not a sex dream
>>I had a nightmare about a devil and an angel of death, I think one killed me.
>Other (write-in) But I've learned more about rune magic, I think, through my dream.
That's perfectly reasonable. But if she likes us, we're liable to continue getting better deals.

These both.
you might, that doesn't mean we'll all agree.
And let's grab our phone and make a note to get Angie some more chocolate covered coffee beans
Don't need all of you to agree, just two with good timing and quick posts.
so a samefag?
My logic being that obviously, that was a very rude question.
Let's tell Jennifer we've got a clue for the basics of rune magic, too.
1 + 2 = 3
Don't mind him. He's just salty. His definition of "too much" is probably way different from ours, after all.
I am salty. So salty, in fact, that if you ate a cubic inch of my flesh, your entire body would desiccate in seconds.
I hope it's just a courtesy thing and not something worse, like she's actually fallen or here of probation or something
it's really my own fault, I should just hide him like I do with most posts that aren't votes.
You sit up a little bit and chuckle.

“I had a nightmare, about a devil and an angel of death. One of them killed me, and that's probably why I gasped.”

You smile a bit and look at Jennifer, who quirks an eyebrow like she knows what's going on.

“Oh really?”

You sigh and smirk at her.

“Yep. The devil I made a pact with stopped in to say hi. Angie was there too. I asked a rude question, I think, and Angie cut off my head for it. Angie shows up in my dreams sometimes, and we play poker.”

Jennifer nods, looking just a bit hopeful.

“And is that why you wanted to sleep alone? So I wouldn't disturb you while you were making your deals and negotiating with the devil you made a pact with?”

>Of course. I was making sure it was alright to fill you in.
>I meant the thing about Meliora, I didn't know they were stopping in.
>I'm just uncomfortable sharing my bed right now
>Other (write-in)
Sounds like you need to hydrate.

Don't worry about it
>I meant the thing about Meliora, I didn't know they were stopping in.

Tell her what we've got going on now too
>I meant the thing about Meliora, I didn't know they were stopping in.
If she wasn't here i'd have shared. Bed is better when shared.
>I meant the thing about Meliora, I didn't know they were stopping in.
Angie stops by my dreams most nights to play poker and give me advice. She's the one who told me what happened with Sammy's curse. I've just decided to trust you now.
I've survived solely on saltwater for ten thousand years. No reason to change what works.
>>Other (write-in) I don't often sleep peacefully. I didn't want to bother you while you were sleeping.
Dubs wins the additional notes says>>44419502
Opposing >>44419499's addition.

Fuck dubs.
Second, hate when people act like it means something
You poor, miserable bastard.
I guess I'll also be opposed? I don't think this is how it works, but whatever.
You shake your head, and Jennifer's hopeful expression vanishes.

“I meant the thing about Meliora spreading rumors, I didn't know that I'd have visitors in the night. If she wasn't here then I'd share my bed with you in a heartbeat, but...”

Jennifer nods solemnly and rests her head on your lap, closing her eyes.

“I... could really use you right now. Just beside me, nothing special... I don't need to be held, I just... want you near me. I'm a little bent out of shape over everything...”

You stroke her hair gently and look over at Meliora. She's still frozen in the same pose.

>Join me on the couch
>Let's lay down in my bed then
>I'm sorry, I can't risk it
>Try to find a way to make sure Meliora won't see anything if she wakes up
>Other (write-in)
Fine, then let me>>44419515
I change to>>44419499
Because I like his statement better, the dubs is just a laugh thing.
>Join me on the couch
>Put on a quiet movie.
>Try to find a way to make sure Meliora won't see anything if she wakes up
Put a lampshade on her?
>Join me on the couch
If Meliora acts up tell her the truth we were comforting a woman scared about being without a pack.
Cuddle on the bes for a bit
>Join me on the couch
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seconding >>44419644
I know it didn't get first to three, but I really want to do this
But nah
>Join me on the couch
Cuddles and Netflix.
Namefag seconding it, abandon option.
Hi, you must be 13. Do your parents know you're up this late?
It's a reference to a recurring joke established in several prior threads.

The ad hominem wouldn't really be a good counter anyway.
You gently tug Jennifer's sleeve.

“Come join me on the couch.”

Jennifer perks up a little bit and climbs onto the couch next to you, laying down with her back against your chest. You grab the remote and turn the TV on, fiddling with it a little bit and grabbing a game controller to load up Netflix. You set up something quiet and a little boring, holding Jennifer close. She relaxes against you, and you can feel just how tense her body is despite her trying to get comfortable. You rest your hands on her back and try to use your magic on her, and when that fails you just massage her gently, working the knots out of her back.

“Thank you, Oliver...”

You shrug slightly and smile as she turns towards you.

“It's fine.”

Jennifer nods and kisses you softly before facing away once more.

“A little higher, please... It's my shoulders you want to focus on...”

Jennifer walks you through how to give a proper massage and gives you an open offer for one at a later date. She yawns softly as you finish up, settling into your embrace and closing her eyes.

“I'll go back to the bed in a bit. I just... want to stay like this... a little longer...”

>Let her sleep and go back to bed
>Let her sleep, contemplate things
>Keep her from falling asleep just yet, chat about stuff
>Other (write-in)
>>Let her sleep, contemplate things
>Let her sleep and go back to bed
We're both going to fall asleep on this couch, aren't we?
>Let her sleep and go back to sleep ourselves.
>Let her sleep and go to sleep

>>Let her sleep, contemplate things
We need to learn how to fight us a demon.
That might be a pertinent gap in our education to fill.
I say that can wait til we're kowtowing to Angie for whatever offense we committed.
Holy items, a blow whistle of Angie summoning.

>Let her sleep and go back to bed
Which I choose to interpret as "let her sleep and go to bed in the metaphorical Oliver-also-falls-asleep sense."
You smirk a bit and hold Jennifer close, watching as she slowly passes out. You close your eyes and shift a little bit for comfort, drifting off to sleep.

There's blood on your hands. It's cold, and so dark that you can't see very far at all. Your breath comes out in white clouds, and you feel so cold. The darkness lifts slowly. You can see bodies, bloodied and pale. Faces you recognize, and some you don't. You struggle to your feet and as your teeth chatter you feel the cold leave you, and your mouth feels full somehow. You run your tongue over your fangs and flinch as you cut yourself. Someone behind you, a man, laughs.

“Little fledgling, you have much to learn if you're cutting your own tongue.”

You turn to face the man clad in a black cloak, his red eyes like glittering rubies. He looks so young despite his age.

“Of course. But I have you to teach me. And it's the first step in something greater.”

The man nods.

“Exactly right. Come, we have much to discuss now that you've completed your transformation.”

The words come from nowhere, but as they leave your lips you realize what's all around you on the ground.

“Of course, my Lord Dracula. Let's make sure this sacrifice wasn't in vain.”

The bodies. The faces you recognize. Sammy, Meliora, Jennifer, Tobias, Andrea... Everyone you've met at school, drained of blood, mutilated or worse, but their faces are all smiles.

You awaken in a cold sweat. The morning sun is peeking through the windows. Jennifer is still in your arms, stirring a bit beside you. Your heart is racing, and you feel sick to your stomach. You don't know if that was a twisted fantasy or a prophecy, but it worries you either way.

>Try to sleep a little more
>Slip away from Jennifer and go wash up
>Wake Jennifer up to talk
>Other (write-in)
>>Slip away from Jennifer and go wash up
>Wake Jennifer up to talk
We could REALLY use someone to confide in completely.
>Jenny, we need to talk, sometime when we can be sure no one's listening in.
Not a good time. We need to calm down now.
>Wake Jennifer up to talk
Now it is we who are the one who is scared and emotionally vulnerable and will be comforted.
>>Slip away from Jennifer and go wash up
>slip away and wash up,

We'll wash up first, then talk to her.
>Wake Jennifer up to talk
>Smile, remark on what a pleasant dream you had, go freshen up in the shower.
Wake up Jennifer
Silver pls
Sneak roll plus Conceal, +4
Rolled 4 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 8 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

So has Mel abandoned her newfound calling as a standing lamp?
Rolled 16 + 4 (1d20 + 4)


Heh. We can't sneak from Jenny
Took you long enough. Fucking faggot.
but we can, tho
But I didn't want to. I was hoping for another low roll.
You slowly ease away from Jennifer and head for the bathroom, shaking a little with each step. You're pretty sure that it's not the dream that scared you. It's how you felt in the dream. Everyone was dead, and you felt... satisfied. No remorse, no shame, no pain over their deaths. They were means to an end. And you can't shake the feeling that, lurking underneath everything you've been doing, is that cold and calculating compulsion to use them for your own ends.

You strip down and climb into shower, taking off your bandages and scrubbing yourself down gently. You wash away the sweat and turn the water to a colder temperature to snap you awake and get rid of the last vestiges of the dream, before turning it back to warm and relaxing. There's a firm knock at the door.

“Oliver? Are you alright in there?”

It's Jennifer.

“I woke up and you were gone... Did... everything go alright last night?”

>Give me a minute to dry off and get dressed, then we'll talk
>I'm fine, I'll be out in a second
>I'm not really alright. I need to talk to someone. Will you hear me out?
>Other (write-in)
Yeah, it would've been better to fail this one in particular.
>I'm not really alright. I need to talk to someone. Will you hear me out?
>>I'm not really alright. I need to talk to someone. Will you hear me out?
>I'm not really alright. I need to talk to someone. Will you hear me out?
>>I'm not really alright. I need to talk to someone. Will you hear me out?
>I'm not really alright
Not the guy that normally tries (and fails) to spot you.
The thread's been going well, and we found Not-Silver early. No one was really trying to spot you.
>"I don't intend to run super late tonight"

You shut off the water and grab a towel.

“I'm not really alright. I'm actually kinda shaken right now. I need someone to talk to, someone I can trust... Will you hear me out?”

You step out of the shower as the door opens. You should probably remember to lock it next time. Jennifer walks over to you and hugs you tightly, clinging to you.

“You've been there for me when I've needed someone the most... Of course I'll hear you out.”

You nod slightly and smile.

“Pants first, and then... Let's go somewhere quiet, where no one can listen in...”

Jennifer nods and walks out of the bathroom, smiling softly.

“Alright then.”

You grab a change of clothes and shut the door, changing into your party attire. May as well test its resistance to being cut or torn. You check yourself in the mirror and put on your glasses before heading out. Jennifer is in a blue sun dress and a light jacket. You grab your belongings and Jennifer takes your arm as you lead her to the edge of the woods, sitting down. Jennifer kneels in front of you, sitting back slightly and giving you some space.

>Tell Jennifer everything
>Tell Jennifer about your dream
>Tell Jennifer about your reason for attending school
>Other (write-in)
This isn't super late for him.
That's because he's a weirdo.
I've got a good flow going right now, I don't want it to stop...
>Tell Jennifer everything
>Tell Jennifer about your dream
baby steps
>Tell Jennifer everything
>>Tell Jennifer about your dream
>Other (write-in) And the worst part was? I think I was okay with it...
>Tell Jennifer about your dream
>Tell Jennifer everything
The dream will only make sense in context.
>>Tell Jennifer everything
>>Tell Jennifer everything

She won't understand why it bothers us so much without the context. Without knowing about us, it's just a nightmare.
We haven't told ANYONE our reason for being here. I don't feel comfortable just opening up to her about that.
Neither do I.
It's going to come out eventually. She might be able to point us to a way to do it without killing everyone.
I'm confident she can understand the actual worrisome points of the dream without full context.
If we don't tell her about us, it's just going to sound like we got scared of a bad dream.
You start off telling her about the dream. You tell her every last detail, not because you want to, but because the moment you start talking it all starts to come out. What you saw, who was there, how you felt. It's like a balloon burst inside you, and all the pent up emotion that you never shared with anyone else is pouring out of your mouth. You manage to hold back from telling her anything else, but only barely, and you find yourself panting, your heartbeat spiking once more.

Jennifer takes your hand and squeezes it softly, before moving to your side. She doesn't say a word, she just curls up at your side and places your arms around her. You hug her tightly, and if she were an ordinary woman you'd probably be hurting her. Jennifer just sits there and lets you do what you need to do, stroking your cheek softly.

“I'm here, and you're alright. No one is dead. No one is going to hurt the people you care about.”

Jennifer smiles softly.

“Tell me the rest. Tell me why this is getting to you so much. I'll listen, and I won't tell a soul. I want to be there for you like you are for me.”

You nod slightly and consider her words.

>Tell her the rest
>Tell her a few things, but not everything (write-in)
>Hold back for now
>Other (write-in)
>>Tell her the rest
>Tell her the rest
>>Tell her the rest
>Tell her a few things, but not everything (write-in) Tell her about the vampirism. But not the necromancy or the reason why.
Lets attribute this to worries on the path to power.
>Tell her the rest
If we don't tell her, it's just going to eat at Oliver.
>Because it's what I want. It's everything I'm working towards. I'm going to become the next Dracula.
>but not the reason why

Man, that'll just make us look power hungry.
and that's fine, but fuck it, if
want to throw it all out there, then what can I say.
She could have come to her own thoughts about why we want to become so powerful, and that's perfectly fine.
I'd rather she know we want this power to bring back and protect our loved ones, instead of thinking we're just power hungry.
You nod and start from the beginning. Your family, how you grew up, and what happened to your dad. You tell her about hunting him, and staking your mother when she found you. You tell her about your mission, and what it might entail. You tell her what the dream really means to you, that something deep inside of you is alright with claiming power at any cost. Jennifer listens patiently through the whole tale, never once seeming to judge you. When you finish she climbs onto your lap and looks you in the eye.

“You have suffered deeply, and you want to heal but you can't let go of the past. You've come too far to turn back now, or at least, that's how you feel, right? And now you have friends here, a place to belong. You're afraid of losing what you have now to get back what lost before.”

She cups your cheeks.

“You're not a monster, Oliver. You're better than that. And I know you'll find a way to achieve your aims, without needing to cast everything else aside. I believe in you. I wouldn't want you to be my alpha if I lacked confidence in you. Now let's go get something to eat, alright? It'll make you feel better.”

She kisses you and stands up, offering you her hand. You let her help you up and walk with her back towards the school. You feel lighter all of a sudden, like every step might send you sailing into the air. It feels... It feels really good.


Ending here for now. More quest on Tuesday.
Thank you QM, I loved the progress today. Thanks for staying up for it.
Thanks for running, QM.
Looking forward to the next thread.
And thank you for your kind words
Welp, we've told Jennifer quite a lot. Let's hope the shadowrunners were wrong!
We'll see, but I think she'll keep our trust as long as we keep treating her well.

I still think coming up with a familiar binding would be really useful, and completely doable with a mix of blood and rune magic.

We get a magical oath to insure her loyalty, and she gets a spirit attribute of 0 or something. We're probably a long way from being able to do something like that, but it'd be cool.
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