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AT-TE Commander Quest 2

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Previous thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=AT-TE%20Commander%20Quest
Twitter: @ObserverQM


You are Second Lieutenant CT-42/458, commander of All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer 7330, of the 3rd Grand Republic Army, 5th Armored Corps, 3rd Division, 4th Batallion, 1st Brigade, 5th Regiment, 1st Squadron, 1st company, 2nd platoon.

A few hours ago, you had succeeded in breaking through multiple Separatist ambushes and a platoon of enemy armor to reach your objective in this city, the Hospital. The AT-TE you were escorting, the Thunderbolt VIII commanded by 1st Lieutenant Sparks, suffered heavy damage, and Sparks himself was gravely wounded, though is still holding onto life. The Thunderbolt happened to have been carrying medical supplies, equipment, and roughly a platoon of medical personnel.

You are immensely relieved that Xtreme fired with care.

After supporting Major Bandit's scout platoons in eliminating the remains of the Separatist infantry assault, you covered the limping Thunderbolt the rest of the way to the Hospital. As the medical team was disembarking and Lieutenant Sparks was rushed off to be treated, AT-TE 7330 was directed to a parking structure turned into a repair and resupply depot further down the block.

You are standing outside of your AT-TE out of the way of the mechanics as they connect up fuel lines, load in ammo, and perform repairs. AT-TE 7330 suffered only minor damage along its upper mid right flank and along the front armor of the mass driver, though the battle has left dozens of blaster burns, both small and large, along the sides from the number of shells that bounced off the armor.

The pristine white of its armor still shines proudly despite the scuffs to the paint job, which you find immensely satisfying.

"Good job out there, Lieutenant." Phi says, standing at your left.

> [Cont.]
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AT-TE Commander.png
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He is wearing the original Mark I Tanker armor with its distinctive orange stripe and lack of the backwards facing protrusion common to the Mark I infantry helmets. Other than that, his armor is entirely white except for a large dark green spot on the outside of his right hand. Odd, you wonder what the significance of that is?

Before you can formulate a response, behind you calls out the distinctively deep voice of Mandalorian Crusader. "It was an honor to fight with you, sir. I would gladly follow you into battle against the Separatist scum once more."

You turn around, and you find that your reply dies in your throat when your eyes lay upon Crusader. Every inch Crusader's armor, regular Mark I, is colored except for his pristine white helmet. His armor has been colored black with intricate bands of orange intermingling with green accents along his chest piece and down the insides of his thighs, looking to you as roughly similar to the letter T.

His pauldrons are red with a dark silver outline, a pattern you see repeated on his gloves and his boots. Along his arms you see stripes of blue, green again, and gold with a thin red and silver border swirling together in a pattern that seems to connect the pauldrons to the gloves. The inside of the forearm, the outer sides of the midsection and the thighs, and the entirety of the lower legs above the boots had been left a sheer black.

The every color on the armor gleams brightly in the dull light of the parking structure. After a moment of staring in awe at Crusader's armor, you then spot a massive vibroblade in a sheath attached to the back of his armor that is half as wide and nearly as tall as he is. It as well has a similarly intricate color scheme, though the brightest colors are silver and gold.

Crusader chuckles lightly. "I see you are in awe at my armor, Lieutenant. I would be more than glad to regale you with our Mandalorian heritage whenever you would like."

> [Cont.]
Another trooper beside him that you barely noticed speaks up. Though now that you have paid mind to him, you cannot help but notice that he stands a full head over any other trooper. His armor is completely lacking in coloration, but you severely doubt you would mistake him for any other clone.

"I," This must be Big. Suiting name. "would like, to listen to one, now." His speech is both halting and precise, and when he speaks you can see him motioning with his hands. Everything about him screams degenerate to you, a mistake in the cloning procedure that should not have been sent into battle.

Crusader wraps his arm around Big's shoulders, no easy task you note, and responds with a booming laugh. "Come, comrade, let us find our lodgings on this planet!" He leads Big away towards a nearby building.

Xtreme gives his mad giggle. He is standing with a orange glove resting on a blaster pistol in his holster. There are yellow, what actually looks to be faded gold, X's all over the armor, the largest two on the upper right side of his helmet and over his heart on the front of his chest piece. A smattering of smaller X's are wildly spread out all along his arms and legs. One of the larger ones, more fresh than the surrounding ones, criss-crosses his entire right thigh and has a silver circle roughly painted around it. The armor is pitted, marred, burned, warped, and, as you see along the left side of Xtreme's helmet, partially melted.

It is the most abused piece of armor you have ever seen, and, while a pit of disgust lodges itself in your throat, you cannot help but feel an immense respect for the trooper.

Phi shakes his head beside you.. "I assume I will be seeing you in the bar later, X?"

He turns towards Phi. "You should join me now, Phi. We survived today, so we may as well live! Just like we used to, remember?"

> [Cont.]
"Sorry, X." Phi motions to you. "I think I'll stick with the Lieutenant for now. You know how shinies can be at times, and we wouldn't want another butterbar incident again on our hands."

"Fair, fair." X turns to you a little too sharply before returning his attention to Phi. "Well then, tally ho!" He spins on his heel and bounds off in a random direction. Phi laughs quietly.

"He's more likely to drown in the rain then find an open bar." Phi looks to you. "Well, you met most of the crew. Twitch, well, he like to go," He makes a vague motion with his hand. "Places, I never can keep track of him. And Jackpot," He points back over his shoulder at AT-TE 7330. "He never leaves his gunner seat. Practically lives there." Phi shrugs.

"Anyway, sir, what would you like to do?"

That entire encounter with the rest of your crew came and went so quickly that, you realize, you weren't able to get a word in. You are slightly disoriented.

> Orders? (Choose one.)

> [] Stay and talk with Phi about the crew, you have some questions. (Writein)
> [] Report to Captain Doubles.
> [] Try and find your sleeping quarters, you want get some shut eye.
> [] Follow Crusader, his stories seem interesting.
> [] Talk with Jackpot.
> [] Try and find Twitch.
> [] Catch up to Xtreme.
> [] Other
>> [] Report to Captain Doubles.
>[] Report to Captain Doubles.
Stay professional and give our debrief.
>> [] Report to Captain Doubles.
> [] Stay and talk with Phi about the crew, you have some questions.
Ask about some of their previous battles and the previous commander(s).
> [] Report to Captain Doubles.

Ask where we can find Phi later though, we do need to get more background on our crew
No skirting from duty.


I can add this in as they walk, I feel.
Phi will be walking with you.
You might have to force us to have fun
General Kenobi will have to come down and use the Force on us.
We should get extra seats in the transport compartments to increase the amount of clones we can move.
You shake your head slightly, pulling on one of the tubes connecting your helmet to your chest piece. Stay professional, you have a debrief to conduct.

"Right, Phi, I need to speak with the Captain." You look around the busy depot, spotting no obviously command centers.

Noticing your mild distress, Phi says, "Right, Doubles loves his debriefs. I'll take you to him, he always tries to set up shop in similar places, and I have a suspicion as to where he will be now." He motions for you to follow him. The two of you walk down the ramp to the lower level, and there you see the Thunderbolt VIII tilted on its right side. Its damaged legs have given out. Mechanics are crawling all over the AT-TE, disassembling it and laying the pieces on waiting hovercarts driven by droids.

"Ah," Phi motions vaguely towards the toppled AT-TE. "Looks like Sparks burned through another tank."

Your gut churns. "Sergeant, does that mean the platoon will no longer be at full fighting capacity?"

Phi's stride slows momentarily as he looks at you. After a pause, he says, "Well, sure Lieutenant, though it won't be for long. Sparks has a reputation of losing AT-TEs in battle, but command always sends him a new walker. Brand new enhanced engines, fresh from the foundries, as well as a fresh batc-" He goes silent, tensing up for a moment before returning to his previous stride. "Here, down these stairs."

Your worries are not sated, you should always enter battle with a full stregth force. The trainers told you that time and time again.

The two of you walk outside into the pouring rain. It does not seemed to have stopped raining since you arrived, like on Kamino. The streets leading towards the Hospital are heavily fortified, turrets and improvised cover manned by what looks to be local forces. The Loyalists, you remember.

"Phi," He grunts in reply. "You and the crew are experienced. I am curious, what campaigns have you fought in?" You try to hide your excitement.

> [Cont.]
He chuckles. "Wanting some war stories, huh? I would suggest you go talk to Crusader, he loves telling tales." The two of you walk into a building beside the hospital, what looks to be a storage area.

"To answer your question, we were the crew that landed the first AT-TE on Geonosis." Phi looks up into the rain. "I still remember the first armored kill Xtreme got, a Hailfire droid. We were a part of Anakin's lauded asteroid ambush, and, well, pretty much every campaign since. I've forgotten the names of the planets, there's been too many." He peeters off.

You continue on behind him up another staircase in shocked silence. The first AT-TE on Geonosis? No, that can not be possible, the First AT-TE was talked about constantly in training, a legen-

"Here we are." Phi motions to a nondescript door in front of you, jolting you out of your thoughts. On instinct you stand straighter as you open the door and step inside the brightly lit room. You see a plain metal desk with a single datapad on it, and in the chair behind the desk sits a clone in armor colored almost entirely red. Captain Doubles.

You salute. "2nd Lieutenant CT-42/458, reporting, sir."

The Captain glances up from his datapad and looks past you for a moment before placing his full attention on you.

"Good to see you, Lieutenant!" His jovial tone surprises you yet again. "Come, sit, sit, take a load off. I want to hear everything that happened on your little walk. Sparks informed me that you were facing two full mechanized infantry companies and an armored Squadron! Good work my boy!"

You blink. You did not realize that was the case.

"Now, I want a full debrief of what happened." Doubles' tone suddenly turns serious as he removes his helmet. He has the regulatioin haircut and his face is completely unscarred.

His eyes seem to bore into yours.

You can feel Phi eyes on your back as well. You instinctually gulp.

> [Cont.]
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We should also get some Reactive Armor.
Or failing that, weld some spaced armor on.

> Orders?
(Feel free to provide suggestions of what to bring up/what to not talk about, if applicable.)

> [] Stay standing at attention.
> [] Sit? During a debrief?

> [] Provide a general debrief, focusing on combat with the enemy.
> [] Provide a briefing with full disclosure, including how Sparks went "off the reservation" as well as Xtreme's proposal to "miss" his shot.
> [] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.
> [] Other
Tis me.
> [] Stay standing at attention.

> [] Provide a general debrief, focusing on combat with the enemy.
>> [] Provide a briefing with full disclosure, including how Sparks went "off the reservation" as well as Xtreme's proposal to "miss" his shot.
[] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.
> [] Stay standing at attention.
> [] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.
He probably knows about the spark anyway he was broadcasting on all frequencies.
>[] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.

selling our crew out would be a mayor dick move
Crusader is my waifu
> [] Stay standing at attention.
Relaxed stance, don't want to seem too intimidated.
> [] Provide a general debrief, focusing on combat with the enemy.
I'm sure the captain can read between the lines if he wants to, and no doubt heard the crazy broadcast.
> [] Stay standing at attention.
> [] Provide a general debrief, focusing on combat with the enemy.
Is it incest or masturbation if I wanna fuck Crusader?
> [] Stay standing at attention.
> [] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.
Looks like we're standing, I'll have us try and keep our cool professionalism intact.

Don't talk about the crazy

Talk about the crazy

Crazytalk plus Xtreme behavior

I could swing the last vote as a vote for talking about how insane Sparks was (without ratting out Xtreme, cause that's what the majority wants), but at this moment it looks like it's a tie.

I'm glad to hear that.

You could ask.
There's the swing vote.

Well are you thinking of rolling a 1d2 or just going with the middle of the two, keeping mostly factual and about the enemy while dropping a little bit about sparks behavior?
oops nevermind
>You could ask.
You're good people, Observer.
What kinda character are we running here? I like to imagine a sim fresh rook quickly learning how things really go and that sometimes listening to your crew teaches more than any sim ever could. Keep your crew happy and loyal and all will be well.
I was thinking we could go for a 'by the books, no fun allowed' kind of officer.
You try and relax the tension building up in your legs. A commander must always be calm and confident of his abilities, no matter how intimidating the situation may be.

Captain Doubles' gaze is far more intimidating than exchanging shots with the platoon of AATs. Stay professional, stick to the facts.

"Sir, AT-TE 7330 landed in the square outside of the business district along with 1st Lieutenant Sparks and the Thunderbolt VIII. From there we began to move to our objective to supported our allied troops when The Thunderbolt was ambushed by enemy infantry. AT-TE 7330 was successful in neutralizing the enemy anti armor troops and ultimately repelling their forces, allowing for the Thunderbolt to escape the ambush intact."

By this point Captain Doubles had leaned back in his chair. You pause, taking a moment to organize your thoughts.

"As we moved to link back up with the Thunderbolt, both it and AT-TE 7330 were ambushed by five Separatists tanks. That was when AT-TE 7330 scored its first armored kill, after which we outran the ambush and moved to support the Thunderbolt against the two AATs that were attacking him. After we eliminated those forces, we, witht he assistence of Major Bandit and his platoons of scout troopers, repelled the assault of the remeining four AATs and a company of enemy infantry supported by two NR-N99 droid tanks."

You pause once more, making sure you hit all the major points.

"The Thunderbolt suffered severe damage, while AT-TE 7330 received only minor damage. The casulties of the scout troopers were minimal, and all enemy armor except for a single AAT were eliminated. Sir."

You stand silent, rather proud at how efficiently you provided that debrief.

Captain Doubles waits a moment before responding. "Good report, Lieutenant. Now, allow me to ask a couple of questions." Your confidence quickly flits away.

"First, I would like for you to tell me about Lieutenant Sparks' conduct during the mission."

> [Cont.]
You may as well be honest. The commander should take the heat for what occurs in battle though, not the crew members.

"Captain, 1st Lieutenant Sparks was acting erratically the whole mission, from rushing through multiple ambushes without proper support to refusing to fall back when heavily damaged."

Doubles steeps his hands together and rests his fingers against his face, closing his eyes. "By the Force, Sparks."

"After I told the Thunderbolt to retreat, Sparks instead put his walker at risk by charging the remaining AAT with only one forward laser cannon remaining, even firing upon the enemy tank with his sidearm. If it wasn't for our support, the AT-TE would have been destroyed."

Doubles focuses his gaze upon you once more, expectant.

"The Lieutenant was also acting extremely unprofessionally, proclaiming over open comms threats towards myself and crying to which the enemy was able to listen in on."

"Yes, yes, I heard that." Captain grumbles. "Unprofessional is an understatement."

"To finalize my debrief: it is my opinion that Lieutenant Sparks has become genetically degenerative and is no longer fit for duty. Sir."

A tense silence passes between the two of you.

> [Cont.]
>> [] Same as above, do not include the conversation with Xtreme.
"Alright, noted. Now, could you inform me on more detail about the way you went about supporting Lieutenant Sparks after the AATs attacked?"

Oh. It seems like you did glaze over that.

"Well sir, we charged the enemy at full speed. Because of the mass of AT-TE 7330, we were unable to stop in time before colliding with the AAT."

"According to Sparks' report, and I quote," Doubles scrolls on his datapad, "'The overzealous 2nd Lieutenant CT-42/458 jumped onto the AAT, putting his walker and the lives of dozens of clones at risk with his brash stunt. He is reckless and unfit to be a commander of an AT-TE.'" He looks back towards you.

"These are some serious allegations being brought up against you. What do you have to say on them?"

> Orders?

> [] Confirm the allegations outright.
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
> [] Denounce Lieutenant Sparks, he is a lunatic and a danger to the Republic.
> [] Remain silent.
> [] Other.
>> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
>[] Denounce Lieutenant Sparks, he is a lunatic and a danger to the Republic.
That's for you all to decide. CT-42/458 is an impressionable rookie.

Of course. I try.
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.

To be entirely honest sir it was my first time out of the sims. I'll be sure to leave more room to slow down next time.
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
Didn't Sparks order us to hurry to support him because he was under fire and that's why we were moving at max speed?
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
> [] Confirm the allegations outright.
It certainly was a risky manuever, though it payed off and given the deteriorating situation was not unwarranted. Having said that Sparks is well entitled to that opinion and it isn't entirely unfounded. Also I wish for the record to formally state that I declare the field tin is calling the boiling flask black.
> [] Confirm that the destruction of the AAT was faithfully reported, the intention was not.
You were moving max speed to catch up with the Thunderbolt. You were going 40ish mph to his 70ish. It was after you had gotten up to speed that the ambush was sprung, after which Sparks ordered you for support. You were stuck between 2 tanks to your front and 4 to your rear.

So, yes and no. You could've turned to face the 4 behind you while Xtreme fire on those attacking the Thunderbolt.
I'm dubious as to their effectiveness against lasers or plasma
You aren't a degenerate, you swear!

Maybe I am a tiny itty bitty degenerate?


I think the votes are clear. For future reference, Write ins for dialogue I will always try and incorporate.


The TX-130 has shields over their armor. Just sayin'.
They'd work against rockets pretty well.
A good commander is a responsible commander.

"Yes sir, I can confirm that Lieutenant Sparks' descriptions of the events that transpired are correct, and I do admit that it certainly was a risky maneuver, though it payed off and given the deteriorating situation was not unwarranted. Having said that, Sparks is well entitled to that opinion and it isn't entirely unfounded. To be perfectly honest sir, it was my first time out of the sims and I was caught up in the heat of battle."

The Captain stares through you while gnawing on the inside of his cheek. He seems to be gathering his thoughts.

"Also I wish for the record to formally state that I declare that the field tin is calling the boiling flask black. Sir."

Captain Doubles' musing grinds to a halt. His terse expression breaks up and is replaced first by a look of mild confusion, then a great jovial grin spreads across his fact. The Captain begins to laugh wholeheartedly.

After catching his breath, he says, "Well, I suppose that is exactly what Sparks is doing. Phi?" He looks past you.

"Yes Captain?"

"Do you support CT-42/458's report?"

"Yes, Captain."

"Alright," Doubles turns his attention back to his data pad and begins to read. "You are dismissed."

You salute on instinct before turning about face and exiting the room behind Phi.

> [Cont.]
After the door is shut, you ask Phi, "I.. What just happened?"

"You got off the hook, Lieutenant. Don't look at a Jedi's lightsaber crystal when he comes to reinforce. Just keep your head down and accept your good fortune."

You nod your head, somewhat dazed. The two of you walk back outside.

"Alright Lieutenant, today's been a long day for ya, hasn't it?" Phi waves his hand through the air beside him.

"To be honest Sergeant, I woke up this morning on Kamino." You rub the back of your helment. "And I can't even remember the last time I ate, this whole day has been one massive blur."

Phi chuckles. "Yeah, I know the feeling. If you would like, we could go find some grub or you can find yourself a bed. I'm sure Crusader could tell you a story for you if you wanted. Or." He holds up a finger and looks sidelong back at you. "I can show you a little secret. If you're feeling up to being daring, of course."

> Orders?

> [] Go find a bed, be regaled with a tale from Crusader, and crash.
> [] In training you had to last up to 5 days without sleep. You need food.
> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds intriguing.
> [] Find another crewmember (Who?)
> [] Other.
> [] In training you had to last up to 5 days without sleep. You need food.
- assuming sleep is coming after?
>> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds int
> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds intriguing.
>> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds intriguing.
Hey Observer, do we have any stats to worry about or are you not going to bother with that stuff?
> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds intriguing.
Nothing you need to worry your little head over.

Looks like the allure of the Mystery Box was too strong. Good.

Pls, Mystery box always wins and you and every other QM deliberately includes it early on as schmuck bait.
If you are good to your crew, they will be good to you.
> [] Both of those can wait, Phi's secret sounds intriguing.
Secrets are intriguing. "Food and board can wait Phi, lead the way."

Without a word he takes you back to the parking garage turned depot, passing the newly gutted frame of the Thunderbolt and leads you to a door hidden ought of sight. He pulls open the door, and before you is another staircase, unlit except for the the occasional glow rod haphazardly dropped on roughly every 5th step. Everything about this screams smugglers to you, reminicient the occasional holovid you were able to catch in the few rest periods you were alloted back on Kamino.

As if sensing your reaction, Phi whispers to you, "Hurry, down through here."

After shutting the door, the two of you descend deep, thudding boots echoing around the poorly lit stairwell. Around and around you go down the stairs, as both the surreal atmosphere and the circular stairs makes you excited, but you are still cautious to maintain your footing. You are a soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic, after all, not some smuggler hooligan searching for treasure.

Finally, and all too soon, the bottom the the stairs arrives. Before you is yet another door, a cheap wooden one hastily plastered over a damaged frame, broken from an explosion it looks like.

Phi rests his hand on the handle and leans in close to you, melodramatically whispering, "What you see in here, it must never past your lips to anyone else outside of the crew, understood?" You can hear the smile in his voice.

You nod, ready to know what is inside. Phi pulls back the door, and what you see is nothing like what you imagined.

All around, you see a massive room filled with what you can identify as parts, weapons, and so much more. You spot out an AT-TE mass driver cannon, TX-130 shield generators, a rocket pod off of a Hailfire droid, and even parts from starfighters. Before you lies thousands of pieces of equipment both Republic and Separatist as far as the eye can see.

> [Cont.]
There's an entire operation of clones unloading items from massive freight elevators, and you can spot parts taken off of the Thunderbolt. Hundreds of clones are organizing, sorting, selling, buying, surveying, all busy at work picking out what items they want. You can feel the excitement in the air.

Remember CT-42/458, stay professional.

You look over at Phi, who is holding his hand out towards the room.

"Sergeant," you say, keeping your voice as neutral as possible. "What have you lead me to?"

"This, Lieutenant, is Twitch's baby. A free market of equipment from all over the galaxy, collected by clones, for clones." He pivots on his heel towards you. "This here is where we go for replacements, parts too rare to carry everywhere, and upgrades, all of this meant to support the war effort of the Grand Army of the Republic to fight!"

You are speechless.

"I have brought you here Lieutenant because it is tradition that the Commander of the AT-TE be the one to determine the modifications added to the walker." Phi takes off his helmet, revealing a face that is somehow fantastically handsome despite being identical to yours. You can see the zealous fervor in his eyes. "This is how we will win this war, Lieutenant. We will always be able to bring superior firepower to the fight, even when we are outnumbers 100,000 to 1!"

"Now, would you like to partake in the merchandise, sir?"

> Orders?

> [] Search for.. Upgrades? Like how the Thunderbolt was able to go faster?
>> (What upgrades would you like to look for? Mind you, the options will be limited, nothing too hardcore yet.)
> [] Respectfully decline, this is all too weird and you are brand new to all of this.
> [] Decline, and indicate that you will forget this transgression against the Republic if it is never brought up to you again.
> [] Decline, report this to the Captain.
> [] Other.
> [] Search for.. Upgrades? Like how the Thunderbolt was able to go faster?

maybe get our crews opinion on if they would want any kind of cannon/weapon upgrades, also look at the shields and posibble ways to up armour our walker
>> [] Search for.. Upgrades? Like how the Thunderbolt was able to go faster?
Faster legs (and better brakes). We need to be able to reach allies in distress!
> [] Search for.. Upgrades? Like how the Thunderbolt was able to go faster?
Maybe some better scanners.
>Take a seat because the academy could never have prepared you for this unprofessional work environment and your head is spinning.
> Search for upgrades...
Armor, rockets, and perhaps a second driver of we can swing all of that. I would like beefyness before speed.

Find out what we need and want by asking the others and decide whats the most pressing.
>[] Search for.. Upgrades? Like how the Thunderbolt was able to go faster?

Speed upgrades and armor should be our priority, I think. How much will we be able to get, and how often?
Now, you will be able to have one increase in Tier. I will explain this later.

At the moment, it looks like people want to have:

> Armor Upgrade
> Speed Upgrade
> Maneuverability Upgrade
> Scanner Upgrade
I will also include a
> Mass Driver Upgrade

Here is some perspective:

Your AT-TE's "Stats," if you will, are to be treated as being in tiers. Because everything at the moment is stock, you can treat everything as being tier 1, and direct upgrades to things as listed above will be an increase in the tier, and thus provide hidden bonuses.

An increase in tier past tier 2 will incur significant changes to the appearance to the AT-TE. For example, a Tier 3 Mass Driver may have two cannons attached to one turret.

This does not include things such as modifications and attachments.

Modifications are small things that can be changed easily. i.e., the smaller Laser cannons. These can be modified to have a higher fire rate, higher power yield, and can be exchanged for other types of cannons, such as flamethrowers, gatling cannons, etc.

Attachments are adding things that do not already exist to the AT-TE, such as missile pods, shield systems, a second Mass Driver turret, etc.

Basically: You will be able to customize everything about your walker.

Any Questions?
Can we add more Jump seats for scout troopers?
That way we could Pic up more troopers in the field,
I just found this quest, got caught up, and I like what I see.

Now we can customize the walker. I am actually giggling with excitement. Please keep writing.

So, what tiers are there, specifically? Just what was greentexted above, or do you have categories worked out?

Not at all.

I sincerely hope that Phi sees our face cycle through several emotions ranging from shock, confusion, revulsion, anger, back to confusion before settling on child like glee as we realize that the vehicle we were grown to operate will finally be able to become to warbeast which we always dreamed about
Can we get smoke launchers to obscure our walker and to confuse enemy guidance systems?
Fuck we could use that to become the med-evac AT-TE. Having the Injured Brought up inside our armored shell.
I'd rather not do retrieval missions
Nah, that's what LAAT's are for.
Absolutely. Though it would require an expansion of the interior of the AT-TE, so it would not be possible until Armor Tier 2.

The categories are still in the process of being finalized, but I think those can stand as the main facets of the AT-TE.

For Tiers past 2, which can be seen as a tuning of the equipment already inside of the AT-TE, Basically imagine the AT-TE. Now Imagine every other vehicle in Star Wars during the Clone Wars. What from those other vehicles do you want to incorporate into the AT-TE?

What exactly constitutes what Tier is still a little fuzzy, but you will not be able to do absolutely insane things like strapping a ton of repulsors so you can hover around. Yet. That would be Tier 4ish

I'm trying this out, so suggestions for streamlining will be appreciated.


One more thing concerning attachments:

Three levels:

You currently have 7 medium slots and 1 large slots ready for attachment:
Below the Cockpit.
Between the forward laser cannons and forward side doors doors (Left and Right)
Between rear laser cannons and the rear side doors (Left and Right)
Below the Rear Laser Cannons (Left and Right)
Top of the Walker, behind the Mass Driver

Attachments are currently closed off, mainly because CT-42/458 wouldn't be able to handle the idea of it.

So, to facilitate voting:

>Take time to think this through, ask the crew what they want, etc
> Choose an Upgrade of an existing Tier. (Armor, Speed, Mass Driver, Maneuverability, Scanner)
> Create the Upgrade (If anyone can think up of a better name, it'd be great), for example, Shields.

Also, after this, should the MC:
> [] Go eat, talking with Phi/whatever crewmember about what to get
> [] You need to sleep on this, go listen to a story from Crusader and start asking people in the morning
> [] You need a drink, despite never having had one before.
> [] Other
> [] You need a drink, despite never having had one before.

Our perception of this war is all fucked up now. The republic doesn't provide everything we need? It doesn't make sure we're adequately supplied? What are we, disposable?
>Take time to think this through, ask the crew what they want, etc
> [] Go eat, talking with Phi/whatever crewmember about what to get
> [] You need a drink, despite never having had one before.

The way I see it it's like we just got out of basic training and advanced school (which is exactly what we've just done) where you are surrounded by everybody making sure that you follow all the proper rules of military bearing and decorum. This is the first taste of freedom in our whole lives. I have yet to meet someone who did not do one of two things, grasp that opportunity with both hands until you finally figure out where the new boundaries are or retreat further into the decorum and become a stick in the mud. The question is which way we want to go
Fear not my son, the great and mighty Republic is simply stretched by the evil predations of the CIS, it is they who deprive you of what you need not the glorious Chancellor.
To facilitate the story, I'll write this.

Think, talk, ask away. I want to read all your amazingly insane ideas.
So I'm holding off on speculating on the upgrades because I want to hear about the ideas our crew has (and properly RPing a fish-out-of-water butterbar) but what do you guys think about painting on our walker? Heraldry, Camo, Kill Tallies? Who am I kidding, of course we're getting kill tallies at least on the armor we take out, where to put them though?
We could do a Giant Skeletal Beetle for a paint job.

Skeletal Beetle?
How much would we have to upgrade the legs to allow the walker to jump? And how high? Could it be doible if we added a bit of antigrav engines to the bottom of the hull?
Think this Motherfucker but as a skeleton.

I'm 150% on board with this


The jumping would be cool and considering that anti grav is at tier 4 I would say tier 3 is a good bet, we would want stabilizers though or landing is just going to be a hope and a prayer
I can dig it. Ribs along the shell Skull is the front of the craft. the Railgun is the Horn.
....but it'd look exactly as it is. Hence exoskeleton.

>Take time to think this through, ask the crew what they want, etc
> Choose an Upgrade of an existing Tier. (Armor, Speed, Mass Driver, Maneuverability, Scanner)

> [] You need to sleep on this, go listen to a story from Crusader and start asking people in the morning
Voting of course directed at >>44310729
>> Create the Upgrade
Add a second mass driver to the dorsal turret. This will widen the frontal profile of the turret, shielding more of the gunner, and if the fire is alternated, reduce the waiting time on reloads.

>> [] You need a drink, despite never having had one before
Drinking is helpful.
Oh god damn it. If you need a specification, upgrade the armor.
>Add a second mass driver to the dorsal turret. This will widen the frontal profile of the turret, shielding more of the gunner, and if the fire is alternated, reduce the waiting time on reloads.

A second gun just means twice as much can go wrong. Why not just uparmor the gunner position (or just move it inside entirely) and/or upgrade the autoloader?
That is a good point. Observer, is there any way of enclosing the gunner and speeding up the autoloading mechanism?
According to the Diagram the Railgun is hand loaded. so what could go wrong?
No, the magazine is reloaded by hand but the gun itself has an autoloader.
The two of you stand in a dramatic silence, that then turns into a period of silence, which then eventually turns into an awkward silence for Phi. As time went on and you continued to simply stare at the potential before you, Phi's smile began to grow rigid, then slowly droop into a frown. His arm wavered and slowly came at rest against his side once more. Soon his patience began to wear thin, Phi resorting to tactics such as coughing, clearing his throat, and waving his hand in front of your face.

To all of these attempts to stir you from your stupor, you gave no reaction.

"Hey, Lieutenant, are you okay?" Phi is not looking rather concerned, moving a step closer to you. You don't respond.

"Come'on man, don't scare me like this. CT-42/458? By the force, that's a mouthful. We really need to pick out a name for you. Lieutenant? Dammit, I hope I don't have to carry you up those stairs. Sir, snap out of it." Phi grabs your shoulder and gives you a solid shake. "Look, I just wanted to surprise you with what the old Commander and Twitch came up with awhile back, I mean, you had shown yourself as being pretty alright by me, especially with covering for X back there earlier, and.."

You begin to stir, still uncomprehending about what is before you.

"Oh, alright, I'll wait."

Time passes, and slowly your awareness is pulled back into the realm of existence. Once you are cognizant again, before you still rests this absurdity that should not coincide with reality. Now, you finally register Phi speaking.

"Lieutenant, you there?"

You slowly raise your hands to your helmet. "Phi, this can't be real."

"What?" Phi looks confused.

"It is like a holovid, when the smuggler stumbles on a hidden treasure. What I am seeing is like that, something that should not be real."

You unfasten your helmet, removing it from your head and letting it hang from the tubes connected to your chestpiece.

"Oh." You whisper. "This is real."

> [Cont.]
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fuck off captcha
You turn to look at Phi. "I do not know how to respond to this right now. I do not know what "having a drink" means, but right now everything seems impossible, so I think I need one right now. It always would ground the smugglers in reality." Your voice is emotionless.

"Okay Lieutenant, uhm, follow me I, uh, know a place. Do you want some food as well?" You nod. Phi hurriedly puts on his helmet before grabbing you by the shoulder once more, leading you back up the stairs.


The fluids of a sweet red drink in your stomach makes you burst out into a coughing fit, the burn bringing tears to your eyes and life back into your mind.

After you have regained control, you take a moment to examine the new surroudings you have found yourself in. You seem to be sitting at what you recognize as a bar, though it is made out of wood, you think. Knocking your fist against it, you decide that yes, it is real wood. Probably.

Then you notice that on the bar in front of you sits a plate of what smells to you to be food, though it is nothing like you have ever seen before. It looks to be.. What did the vids call it? A sandwich? Yeah, a sandwich, with what looks to be wheat replicant containing.. Something brown, maybe it is like the meat replicant served to you on Kamino? covered in a yellow substance you cannot identify.

Whatever it is, the smell of it makes your mouth water in anticipation. You tentatively grab it with both hands, it's warm to the touch but not hot, and lift it to your mouth. Delicately, you open your mouth and take a bite of this "Sandwich."

Thick juice and grease leak out from the edges of your mouth and run down your chin, and your tongue explodes with indescribable flavor. You slowly chew it and find yourself rolling your eyes back into your head, your shoulders shuddering, a chill tickling your spine. This is the greatest thing you have ever tasted. You take another ravenous bite.

> [Cont.]
"Huh. Twitch, he seems to like it." You hear Phi beside you. "Where did you get it from?"

"Phi," Twitch seems to be in the same room. "You know it's bad for business for me to reveal my secrets." He sounds proud.

You look up from your sandwich and look across the room, what looks to be only a wooden bar sitting in the middle of an otherwise concrete room, and look for Twitch.

He is standing slouched next to Phi, adorned in Mark I armor that seems to somehow blend into the shadows. You see swirling greys, dark greens, and blues all working together to make your sight of him fuzzy and indistinct. It doesn't help that he is standing exactly where the shadows are in the room, and you realize the only reason you do see him is because Phi is resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Ah, the Lieutenant is alive!" Phi says, "And it looks like life has returned to you!"

Twitch snickers beside him. "Hey, Lieutenant, take another drink, it's pretty good."

You pick up the sparkling red drink, incredibly enticing to your eyes, and lift it to your lips before taking a large drin-

You are left sputtering and coughing once more. The drink burns your mouth. Twitch is wheezing with laughter while Phi is giving a hearty chuckles. Turning towards Twitch, you try to glare and say,

"What is this drink? Some sort of strong alcoholic beverage?" You get out between coughs.

Twitch laughs harder and shakes his head.

"No, no shinie," he gets out between breaths. "My sources, they call it a Shirley Temple!" Phi busts up laughing at this.

"Wait, you seriously gave him that girly drink?"

"And it doesn't even have any alcohol in it!"

The two continue their uproarious laughter for a few minutes longer, during which you try to hide your glowing cheeks.

> [Cont.]
"Alright, okay, rookie," Phi sputters. "Do you, like, got anything you wanna ask?" He lets out a long breath as the laughter finally subsides. "Cause you seemed to have broke when you saw the market. Ask us whatever you want, we'll try and answer for you."

"Yeah," Twitch gets out between giggles. "Though you're crazy and suicidal, I'll answer your questions for ya. Never will I forget this Phi!"

"Come'on Twitch, don't call the kid suicidal."

Twitch waves him off and give an unintelligible murmur.

Well, it seems you have the ability to ask questions.

> Orders?
The problem with jumping is that the AT-TE simply has too much mass to get into the air to any realistic capacity. Repulsors would be the best way to go.

This would absolutely be possible, and I think it could function as a Tier 2 upgrade of the mass driver. As well as things such as faster turn speed, better depression/elevation of the turret, nothing radically amazing but roughly 50 to 75 percent better, depending.

This would function as a Tier 3 upgrade, mainly because it would require an expansion and rework of the ammo loading system to accommodate it.

That is entirely within the realm of possibility, of course. You could even do this for a second dorsal mass driver, if anon so wishes it.
Ask what happened to the last leutenent.

Is it like this everywhere off of home?
What happened to the last Commander?
(If we don't know)What do all the symbols and paint mean?
What are the upgraded capabilities of the upgraded AT-TE?
Just what the hell have I gotten into?
"Would it be possible to speed the autoloader on the mass driver? Being left in a bind waiting on the next round was rather...unnerving. "
"does the republic not provide us with everything we need? and Your baby was beautiful by the way twitch. ,i guess i am shaken by how men like sparks can go postal, any of us could be next "
Alright, I'll be writing. If anyone else have any questions that pop up as I'm writing, I'll include them.

The "Your baby was beautiful" and anything similar to it concerning the market is going to veto for right now. CT-42/458 literally just recovered from what amounts to a catatonic shock, he doesn't know what to think about the clone black market yet.

Though the rest is fine.

Writing writing writing.
"Phi do you think i could fit a blaster carbine beside my command seat?"
Can we put jump jets on the walker's feet or undercarriage?

or add the mass driver missiles from a gunship to ourselves

or anything else from a gunship?
Grenade/mine launchers on the hull sounds nice.

Be nice to be able to pop smokes to aid concealment, or pop frags for close in defence.

Definitely want to be able to pop smoke, maybe if we're going to also be dropping off and picking up troop compliments we could put a couple of ball turrets off to the side so that some of the scouts can slide in there and provide close in defense as well. Not fully articulated ones because that just screams target right there but a couple of half domes.

Basically the pimpingest walker to ever grace the grand army of the republic
We could call it el murte grande.
You nod at the two of them, both embarrassed to speak and taking a moment to think about what it is that you want to know. A million questions are bouncing through your mind at once. Your training never prepared you for this. Training only taught you to how to fight, tactics to use against the enemy, the fact that you should always have superior firepower in all situations, teaching you the proper methods to get resupplied out in the field.


"You said before, Phi, that the, market?" You begin haltingly. Phi nods. "Gave us supplies. Does that mean that the Republic does not provide us with the supplies we need to fight?"

Phi and Twitch exchange looks, the former looking concerned, the latter bemused.


"Rookie," Twitch cuts over Phi. "Don't tease us. You know wasting time like that can get us all kille-" Phi elbows Twitch in his side. "Ow, Phi, what was that for?"

"I told you Twitch, stop talking like that to the Lieutenant!"

"Whatever," Twitch grumbles. "Anyway, shinie, besides, didn't they scan that into your brains back on the farm? That you could be fighting with no supplies and no hope for reinforcement, ordered to stand your ground against hundreds of thousands of droids as the Jedi flee in their personal fighters?"

The look of unadulterated shock that you give Twitch makes him pause.
"Dammit Twitch, you broke his mind again!"

"No, no, he's okay. Lieutenant, did they teach you that on Kamino?" Twitchs tone has turned from smug to desperately concerned.

You slowly shake your head no. Both Phi and Twitch stare at you, uncomprehending.

"Blast it all to hell," Twitch whispers. "They really are sending the replacements out half trained. Giving us an undertrained shinie with the survival instincts of a wet rag thrown into a star, I'm telling you, the Republic is trying to kill us!"

"Twitch, for everything that is sane in the world, right now is not time for your paranoia! The Republic doesn't want us dead, we ARE the Republic!"

> [Cont.]
"Fine, I'll hold off for now." Twitch turns back towards you. "Sorry rook. Anyway, any other questions you got?"

"Uhm. Yeah." You take a drink to steady yourself. "Is this how it has been on all the previous campaigns?"

"What, the marketplace? Or the Jedi's disregard for trooper's need for supplies?"

"Twitch, you know Kenobi is one of the best generals we have. Stop being so cynical. Besides, why are you answering the questions anyway, you nut?"

"Because I won't skirt around the truth. Fine, I'll keep my theories to myself." Twitch responds. Phi crosses his arms in a huff.

"Twitch," You begin. "I guess I would like to know both."

"Fine. The market has only been around for the last 6 months or so, but we have been trying to find a way to reliably get supplies since after Geonosis. I mean sure, we always got ammo and repairs at the end of the day, but we never got any of the GOOD stuff, y'know? The Jedi would get the most advanced systems, where we were left with whatever came out of the factory and if something important like the targetting computer broke, we were screwed sideways."

"Okay." Your mind churns for another question. "Phi was talking about maybe upgrading the AT-TE? The Trainers always emphasized that we should never tamper with the systems. We will not get in trouble for this if we do it, will we? And," You quickly add on. "What would an.. upgraded AT-TE work?"

Twitch gives another of his wheezing chuckles. "No, kid, you won't get in trouble. Our upgrades was what has kept us alive all this time, practically the reason half the campaigns we've been involved with succeeded. Hell, we were the best AT-TE Crew," Twitch wobbles his voice and waves his hands around, "'Grand Army.'"

"What's a tuned up AT-TE like?" Twitch lowers his voice. "We were like gods on the battlefield. When the Jedi ran and hid, we marched in and annihilated everything in our path.

> [Cont.]

"When we had boots on the ground, drowning in their own blood, we descended on the Separatists with a raging fury. We were death, Kid, and no one could touch us."

Twitch sits back, smiling to himself. Looking over at him, Phi says, "That was beautiful. Crusader would've been proud."

Twitch shoots him a glare. "Don't compare me to that brute. Anyway, Rookie, ya got anything else?"

You ask, "Would it be possible to speed the autoloader on the mass driver? Being left in a bind waiting on the next round was rather...unnerving."

Twitch nods. "Yeah, just give the command and I can get my boys on it. Any small things like that, or little stuff like storing whatever blaster you prefer by your seat, paintjobs, y'know, little things. Tell me and they'll be there before you can blink."

You take another drink. You think you are getting used to this, though it still burns going down. "Like you were saying before, your crew has been through many different campaigns, and I am here as a replacement. So, what happened to your last commander, and the AT-TE you had bef-"

Twitch snaps, "This conversation is over, Rookie." He shoves his way past the bar, his stool violently clattering against the ground.

"Wait, Twitch, cal-" Phi tries to call after him, but then the door slams shut.

"Did I say something wrong?" You asked, again slightly dazed.

> [Cont.]
"Yeah, you can say that," Phi murmurs. "The topic of the late Commander.." He strokes the top of his helmet nervously. "It's a tender topic, to say the least. I don't really want to answer it right now, but I can say that, well." He looks away down. "We're all still in mourning, in our ways. Xtreme never used to so, well, extreme. He actually chose that name 'cause some kid was writing it back on the planet that got nerve gassed by the Separatists was spraying it on a wall. He was always sentimental like that, but now.." Phi trails off.

A long pause extends between the two of you.

"Just what the hell have I been cloned for, Phi?"

"War, Lieutenant. Cold, vicious, heartless war."

> Orders?
> [] You can feel the exhaustion of the day weigh on you, go rest.
> [] Go hear a story from Crusader, all this talk has left you feeling empty.
> [] Ask Phi something else? (What?)
> [] Decide on (ONE SINGLE) upgrade
> [] Other
This is no zaku Dave no zaku.
Missiles, probably. Jump jets? The AT-TE, at its current state, wouldn't really be able to control such a violent lift off and landing.

Entirely plausible as attachments, once that opens up.

I'm assuming you mean adapting the turrets from the LAAT for the medium side slots, correct? Doing so could create some weak points in your armor along the flanks, just so you are warned.
>[] Go hear a story from Crusader, all this talk has left you feeling empty.
>[] Decide on (ONE SINGLE) upgrade
Mass driver pls
>[] You can feel the exhaustion of the day weigh on you, go rest.
> [] Decide on (ONE SINGLE) upgrade
Mass Driver


> [] You can feel the exhaustion of the day weigh on you, go rest.
> [] Go hear a story from Crusader, all this talk has left you feeling empty.

> [] Decide on (ONE SINGLE) upgrade
mass driver
Quick roll call, how people are still here? With 34 IPs, it appears a ton of people came and went as the thread went on throughout the day, which I highly enjoy.
> [] Decide on (ONE SINGLE) upgrade
Mass driver ftw

> [] You can feel the exhaustion of the day weigh on you, go rest.
Dont mind me O.
Just lurking
Been here since you first brought the idea up in the quest discussion thread. Seeing this to the end.
Present (switched devices a few times today, so at least three of them are me)
Also lurking while I try to get republic at war going.
am reading, got a few other tabs open.
Keep it up sir!
Hi op i'm still reading and i will be for a while.
Fun game m8
hope you have fun
I would have more fun if they ever got around to making a galactic conquest map that started you with a couple planets instead of practically all of them..

Good to hear! My last attempt at a quest I think capped out at 5 players. If any of you are here, you're awesome.

Crusader is my Waifu and I want him to Read me to Sleep

Give me a pillow and a bed, Fuck being awake.

Oh no a tie whatever will we do.

How about we just do both? Storytime then sleep?

Oh and you'll tell Phi to tell Twitch to tell his people to get to work on the Mass Driver. HEHE

Writing lovingly
I'm playing armored warfare, so I'm pretty much lurking right now.
>How about we just do both? Storytime then sleep?
Sounds like a good compromise desu senpai
go to bed to tired for stories.
Still here mostly lurking
Hi OP. I was not here before but I am here now because work.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, processing the mass of information that Twitch just poured into your mind. The Republic does not take care of its clones? Such an idea is so absurd that you immediately reject it. The Republic created you, without it you would cease to exist. The Republic needs you to fight for it against its enemies, against rebels that are threatening to tear the galaxy apart. You will show them what the Grand Republic stands for, with AT-TE 7330 under your command. Like how these soldiers once were death, so too will you become death on the battlefield. All for the Republic.

You yawn loudly. The events and relevations of the last who knows how many hours has pushed you to your limit. "Hey Phi," You murmur. "Any idea where the sleeping quarters are? I feel like speaking with Crusader."

Phi's head jerks up. It seems he nodded off. "Huh? Uh, yeah, let me comm him real quick." He slips on his helmet and sits silently for a moment. "A'right, he's in the big building with the big little t on it, whatever that means. Come'on, I think I saw it on our walk over."

The two of you stand up, you leaving the remains of your food and drink, and walk out of the concrete room into the rain. The night still appears to have not passed, and the only light sources are the nigh constant bolts of lightning. It seems that you were in a storage room of sorts, and you can see doors along the wall moving down towards the parking structure. Not too far, it appears.

Phi leads you once more through the deluge of rain. As the rain soaks your hair, you quickly replace your helmet.


The two of you stumble through the opened door. Phi turns around and throws his body against the door, slamming it shut. You both are half bent over.

"By the force," Phi breaths. "The rain is bad out there, and the crazy wind makes it worse!"

> [Cont.]
You a rumbling "Shhhhhhhhhh" from further into the room. With each bolt of lightning that shines through the windows, the vibrant colors of Crusader gleam brightly with enough intensity to act as a light source, abet an erratic one. You are able to make out that the room is rather expansive, and filled with long wooden benches that leave a pathway down the center of the room. The path leads to a raised step, upon which sits a podium of sorts. Behind that are a pair of doors leading further in.

"Be quiet, or you will awaken Big from his slumber." Crusader waves towards behind the podium, leaving a shock of colors afterimage in the air after another lightning bolt.

"Hey Mando," Phi whispers. "Is back there where we're crashing for the night?"

Crusader nods, his helmet glowing brightly in the lightning storm. As Phi moves down the pathway, you call out.

"Wait, Phi, tell Twitch that I would like to begin by improving the Mass Driver."

The clone waves back at you as he reaches the podium. "Gotcha. Twitch'll get it done by tomorrow night." With that said, he enters the inner room.

"Ah Lieutenant," Crusader says. "It seems that you have been shown the legacy of Twitch's efforts? What feeling filled your heart when you rested your gaze upon its wonder?"

"I do not know, Crusader. It did not seem real to me, in fact it still does not. Today has been long, and I am tired."

"Oh, but Lieutenant, if you were merely exhausted from the long day, would you not have followed Phi to the resting chambers? Is there another reason why you are still up?"

"You offered to tell me a tale. I would like to take you up on that offer. Hopefully it will help clear my head."

You can feel Crusader smile, his vibrant colors tearing through the air as he walks to behind the podium. "My pleasure, sir. If you may, please take a seat, and bask in the story of how I killed my first Separatist with my bare hands and how the glory of Mandalore first entered my being."

> [Cont.]
"This is story is true as I tell it to you, Lieutenant." He rests his hands against the top of the podium, leaning over to gaze directly at you.

"It was Geonosis where the first clone blood mixed with orange dust, and it was there where I claimed my first Separatist. Now, I must elucidate: I do not regard the droids the cowards sends at us in swarms as proper Separatists."

"No, the scum I speak of was a politician of Geonosis, of the race local to that planet, a large, winged, insect like race that bred both fierce warriors and immense cowards. The traitor I fell was one of the latter, and I am proud to consider him my first kill."

Crusader stands up straight, letting his arms fall to his side before looking up out the windows. Thunder crashes.

"The Commander, legandary be his memory, had been outflanked. We were standing valiantly against the story of Separatist fire, but we were but one walker against thousands. As our hope for survival diminished, the Commander was able to pinpoint the source of control for the battalion of droids we were battling."

Lightning flashes once more, and Crusader's vibrant colors tore themselves into your retinas.

"There was a Geonosian fighter circling above us, transmitting orders. The coward thought he was safe miles up, though the Commander was able to save us all with a rocket shot of his own."

"The enemy general spiraled out of the air and, in a final act of honor, directed his falling ship at our walker. The valor of Mandalore was on our side that day, though I did not know it, for the fighter swerved away from colliding with my gunner's position. Instead it only disabled my guns."

> [Cont.]
"Then was when I saw him, both of us bloody and beaten from the day of vicious fighting, and in my rage I charged. I heard nothing but the trumpets of Mandalore as I descended upon the Geonosian, and I felt its essence fill me as I slammed my righteous fists into his sniveling face. My warrior spirit roared as I tore the traitor's wings from his body, after I shattered his limbs with the strength granted to me by Mandalore, and finally, as he laid before me begging for mercy, I knew one thing to be true."

"For the foes of the Republic, only the wrath of Mandalore shall they receive."

"And so I enacted that wrath, gripping the weakling by the throat, boring my fingers into his flesh. I stared into his eyes as his life was extinguished by my zealous fury."

"That, my new Commander, is why the armor you see before you has been painted black. I am the arbiter of justice for those who betray the Republic. Any I encounter shall face my wrath, and none yet are able to best me. Mayhaps the glory of Mandalore shall fill you with fighting spirit as well, Lieutenant, yet until that time I shall stand as your protector."

Crusader bows to you.

"Now, sir, you must hurry along to bed. Another time I shall tell you a story, but now you must rest. Come, I shall show you to your bed."

"Thank you for that, Crusader."

"No sir, it was my pleasure.

Crusader helps you out of your bench and does exactly that. Inside the room, you see all of your crew sleeping in cots lining the walls. Crusader helps you into one, making sure that the blanket is properly on, before walking to his cot. Soon, with the story of Crusader violently ending the lives of the foes of the Republic playing out in your mind, you fall asleep.

> [Cont.]
The next morning, blaring sirens awaken you from your slumber. You recognize the pattern immediately, as does the rest of your crew. You all spring into action simultaneously, knowing exactly what you have to do.

The Separatists are back.

>And here is where we'll end it for tonight.
>QnA, here we go!
Observer, that end was so gay. Like, Crusader and Phi could have spitroasted us and that would still have been more heterosexual than that storytime.

Crusader is best husbando
Thanks for running
Enjoyed this session, Observer. Thanks for running for us!
When can we expect the next one?
Crusader will always protect you, Anon.

Thank you for playing
I'll run as long as you all come. I have big plans for this, and we are barely scratching the surface.

Next thread, I'll decide tomorrow. I theoretically could tomorrow at the same time then, but there's a present or two I have to find. So possibly tomorrow afternoon, more likely Wednesday. I'll announce it on Twitter regardless.

I'll still be around for the next hour or so, if anyone has any more questions and whatnot.

Oh, and comments about how everything went, what you liked, what you hated, etc are greatly appreciated.
What happened to the Professionalism of these clones?, Shit a trooper going ballistic in the middle of combat, and a man in command of a heavy walker no less.
Any hints as to what we may face next time? Also was jackpot in the quarters with us or still in the walker? If he was with us how does his armor look?
I am enjoying it so far, Part of me want to style our character more like Crusader...
CT-42/458 is fresh from Kamino, he doesn't yet understand the frayed nerves of a commander who has had his tank and his crew shot out from under him 7 times. Each time Doubles replaced the losses, so while he was the reason Sparks forced to fight more and more and continue to lose his AT-TEs, he also motivated Sparks' to continue fighting.

Basically, Sparks became obsessed because, without Doubles' attention, he thought he would be removed from duty. You were a threat to that.

Well, your AT-TE is currently undergoing upgrades to its mass driver system that result in it being unable to fire until the next night. Also, you are out of position to get to your AT-TE, and Twitch has a stockpile of blaster rifles hidden under his cot.

Yes, where is Jackpot? What does he look like?

Also, question concerning the descriptions of the other characters' and their armor: What do you think?

He is a character you could emulate, that's for sure.

Become a mandoaboo? Why not?
But anon, then we would just be stealing Crusaders shtick, you wouldn't want to be an unoriginal shtick stealer, would you?
Im sorry, but we must find our own way in this harsh galaxy...
Are we going to meet any Mando by heritage/true Mando? What are you drawing from for the current climate: Rebels/TCW (Where the Mandalorians have mostly given up the warrior culture beyond Death Watch) or Expanded Universe/Legends (Where most of the Mandalorians are dead/in hiding due to massive attrition at this point in time)
But...but...fine...Can we at least embrace Mando culture a little anon?
This is drawing more from TCW, but Crusader has his own interpretation of what it means to be a Mandalorian. Like he said, he "felt the essence of Mandalore" within him in battle.

As in actually meeting a true Mandalorian, can you imagine how cute Crusader would be?

I cannot confirm or deny if you will meet one. It depends on the choices you take, And whose backstories you find out about.

You can start by thinking up of colors for your armor. Or go full on "Get me closer, I want to hit them with my Vibroblade!" Whatever floats your boat.
We should make some marking on our armor for every armor kill we get, with a further set of smaller markings for infantry kills
>With a smaller set for infantry kills
Nah, it'd look like a mess if we stay inside the walker for too long. I'd say a marker for every armor kill and maybe some sort of symbol painted on for every battle/campaign we take part in.
This sounds good, backing this.

You haven't killed anyone yet, Anons.

You could challenge Crusader for his kills. Remember how he took down a Super Tank with only his vibroblade? I'm sure you can take him.

If you all agree to it, you can absolute begin scratching up your pristine armor. If you keep your AT-TE alive, that's where the campaign symbols could go.
I say we challenge him. One on one oil wrestling, let's do this.
Purple and Gold best armor colors looking like a fucking roman Emperor
I will only condone this duel if the oil is from the clankers CT-42/458 is attempting to claim.

Luck and Vengeance. Lucky Vengeance. Vengeful Luck.

Do you dare challenge the Dice Gods as such?

Also, because I haven't actually confirmed it: The second picture of the thread is the armor the MC has. Newbie gets the shinie new armor.
Yeah that would look awesome in Purple and Gold
Everything is customizable. I think purple and gold would also be awesome on that particular suit of armor.

I provide the story, you all have the power to it. You want your AT-TE to be stylized as a Roman Chariot? Better get working on it, it'll take awhile.
I hadn't even thought of the Chariot thing but now that you mention it that sounds like an amazing idea.
The real question about that:

What would be "pulling" the AT-TE into battle?
A pair of AT-ST's clearly
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1 million hours in photoshop.
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AT-TE alt.jpg
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Original editor here. You guys can totally add on more stuff if you want.

And now I wonder what I can do to desecrate this one.
First and foremost it needs its team of AT-ST's pulling it
Had lots of fun, going to bed now, goodnight anons!

I look forward to seeing whatever abominations your twisted mind calls forth from the nether realm tomorrow morning
I am up now, I just need a few hours to get my notes together and write up the next post.

I think we shall continue to use this thread for a while more, it still has some life in it.
You sir are awesome and should feel like amazing.
Why thank you.

I'm writing the update now.
You are CT-42/458, you have just been waken up by sirens informing you that the base is under attack, and communications are a mess.

"Separatist Supers, marching down the north ro-"

"-B-1s, a whole swarm of of them coming from the East-" Blaster fire sounding in the background.

"Rollies, rollies, coming from the south! James, get that rocket up-"

"Major Bandit here, if anyone ca-"

"-AAT coming from the west! James, get do-" An explosion resounds over comms.

"-hear me, scout formations are-"

"The AAT has overwhelmed the western flank! We need reinforce-

"-Moving to flank incoming enemy armo-"

"Droidekas, B-1's, Southern flank! Where the hell is our armored suppor-"

"Supers are moving towards the depot! Someone inform the Captain-" You hear a pained scream.

"Loyalists are assaulting the Hospital!" You recognize Doubles' voice. "All forces, hold! Reinforcements are on the way!"

Twitch presses a blaster carbine against your chest. "What's the situation, sir?" Phi asks. You take a moment to examine your crew.

Twitch is holding what looks to be a sniper rifle painted in the same grey-black swirling pattern as his armor. Phi is carrying a blaster carbine like your own. Crusader, vibrant as ever, looks to be carrying his vibroblade in one hand and a pistol in the other. Big is carrying a rocket launcher, and looks to be strapped down with ammo. Xtreme is hefting a gatling laser.

You do not see anyone else.

"We are being assaulted from all sides, mostly droid infantry with a single report of an AAT coming in from the west. Where's Jackpot?"

> [Cont.]
You move to look out a nearby window. A platoon of B-1s are marching down the road towards the depot, supported by dozens of Droidekas. It seems you are on the southern flank. The soldiers in the parking garage look to be firing blue, and the occasional red you notice, blaster bolts out in all directions. While the defenses look to be holding for now, your avenue to link up with AT-TE 7330 looks to be cut off.

Between you and the depot is the long building of storage rooms you were in last night, and to the west of that are a series of multifloored buildings about 150 meters away that look to be providing a good ambush point for incoming armor, if it moves down that road.

To the northeast you see the Hospital being swarmed with enemy biologicals, though you see an equally fierce spray of blasterfire in response. Between you and there are the enemy forces and a trio of squat, poorly defensible buildings and roughly 300 meters of open space that is slowly being filled with more B-1s.

From your position, you cannot see the northern flank behind the parking garage.

"Jackpot will show up eventually, Lieutenant," Phi begins. "We've been trying to comm him, but we haven't been able to get through."

"Or maybe he's dead, Phi, did you eve think of that?" Twitch snaps.

Phi does not respond.

"We must exact the wrath of Mandalore against our enemies, Lieutenant." Crusader rumbles.

Xtreme is rotating his gatling laser and giggling to himself. "I get to kill some Seppies today."

Big looks to be gently petting his rocket launcher and quietly.. cooing? To himself. You point to him.

"He's ready for combat, correct?"

Twitch shrugs. "He can shoot that thing straighter than a Jedi's lightsaber, if that's what you mean."

Well, it looks like your forces are in line.

> [Cont.]
> Orders?

>>Note for giving orders: CT-42/458 currently has a maximum of 2 orders he can give out per update after this voting period. If he takes an action himself that is not the default option, that will act as taking up an order slot for that turn. Keep a good head for tactics.

>>This first round of voting will be setting the general defaults of the mission for each character, though they will adapt to the changing conditions.

> [] Set up in the building you are in and fire upon the B-1s and Droidekas
> [] Flank around to the West, set up an ambush for the incoming AAT
> [] Flank East and head for the Hospital
> [] Loop around and head for the Parking Garage
>> (East or West?)
> [] Attempt to link up with Major Bandit, his scouts seem to be on the field somewhere.
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Stay with the squad
> [] Split off alone to a flank/building
> [] Split off with another trooper to a flank/building
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Stay with the squad
> [] Hold in the building you are in, provide suppressing fire as you move
> [] Split off alone to a flank/building
> [] Split off with another trooper to a flank/building
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Stay with the squad, looking out for armored contacts.
> [] Split off alone to a flank/building
> [] Split off with another trooper to a flank/building
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Stay with the squad
> [] Run interference amongsts the B-1s and Droidekas, fighting them in melee.
> [] Split off alone to a flank/building
> [] Split off with another trooper to a flank/building
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Stay with the squad
> [] Look for a sniper position with a commanding view of the area
> [] Split off alone to a flank/building
> [] Split off with another trooper to a flank/building
> [] Other
>> [] Loop around and head for the Parking Garage
Everyone else stays default.
>Look for a sniper position with a commanding view of the area

everyone else i dont give a fuck about, but our sniper needs to be able to shoot things everywhere.
An order from CT-42/458's options would probably be wise to consider.

The implied (Default) Option is that you all just sit in that room and watch the fight go by.

I'll keep voting open for a while longer, to let people trickle in.
So if we go for our tank then the squad comes with right? Way I figure it a tank is better than a small squad with a shiny in charge.
> [] Flank around to the West, set up an ambush for the incoming AAT

the rest with us
> [] Attempt to link up with Major Bandit, his scouts seem to be on the field somewhere.

> [] Look for a sniper position with a commanding view of the area
If you would like to order as such. Though you do not necessarily need everyone in the AT-TE.

To properly utilize the AT-TE's forward facing combat capacity, it would be best to have at least the Pilot, the two forward laser cannon gunners, and the Mass Driver Operator.

The minimum could be only the pilot and the mass gunner operator.

You can command them from outside the AT-TE, you just would be limited with your ability to scan for enemies.

And remember, the smaller cannons can be used by regular clone troops.
This is a rather important decision, it will determine how this encounter goes.

What has been agreed upon so far is that Twitch will be getting his sniper on. Other than that, we seem to be split for where the rest of the forces ought to go, which is rather important.

So, I'm going to go get some food. Take your time.
twitch+big--> snipe
us+rest of squad--> get to at-te AND link up with Major Bandit+scouts
I still think going for our AT-TE is the best option. The seps have Armour rolling in and we may not have any of our own up and about yet.
Backing this
Looks like we are going for the AT-TE and ordering Twitch to take up a sniper position for intel/taking out anti armor troops, with Big's support in order to take out armor.

Getting the the AT-TE will be a trial in itself, so let's start writing that.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Oh, and please roll me 1d10, 6 times please.

Ignore my die.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

So six people roll 1d10?
I need a total of 6d10 rolled by you guys. However it's rolled to speed up the process I haven't decided yet.

Also, this is going to be interesting.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Yeesh please don't say interesting. That makes players nervous. Redemption!!
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

for fucks sake guys, youre supposed to ask satan to bless your dice
One more roll please.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Praise Satan!!!
Looks like Satan has your back.

For now.

Writing away.

If anyone has any ideas about how to speed up the rolling process, I would be glad to hear them.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Holy shit, you guys suck
Ask for 3 rolls of 6d10 and take the highest set?
If we cannot gain Satan's blessings, we shall gain Khorne's blessings.

Mark my words.
The issue with that is that I do not want a "Best of" system yet

The crazy rolls is significant of the incohesion the crew still has with the Lieutenant. You've still only have known them for less than a day.

Well, you did roll an 8 before. Perhaps Khorne will be pleased.
>Rolled 8
Ah Memories
Stop!! Don't say anymore commando!
"Twitch, Big," You say. "I need you two up high. We are making a run for the depot, and I need intel and cover as we move."

Twitch hoists up his rifle. "Understood, rookie. Big, let's go, we have to concoct a surprise for the Separatists!"

Big nods slowly and plods on after Twitch as the two of them leave the builing out the back. You wait until he comms you.

"Alright, you got that horde of B-1s to your north and north east, but nothing to your northwest along the western side of that storage building. At least, nothing right now, enemy fire is about half a block down. If you hurry, you should be able to sprint past."

"You heard him, time to run." The four of you pile out the back door and line up against the wall. Peaking around the corner, you note that the battle droids are all facing towards the depot.

"Twitch, we are about to cross. Take out anyone who spots us."

"Copy that. Hope you all are in shape, 'cause you got a long run ahead of you. Ready, mark, go."

The four of you take off across the open parking lot. You make time to the corner of the long storage building. You hold there and look behind you as Crusader stops next to you, seeing that both Xtreme and Phi are only half way to you. You raise your blaster to cover, as does Crusader as well. Xtreme keeps his gatling laser trained on the enemy forces. It appears that you are going to make it past unseen.

Maybe you should have tried to make it as a commando?

Right then was when everything went wrong at once.


> [Cont.]
"Big, what the he-" Twitch screams over the comms as a rocket is let loose from a nearby apartment complex.

It makes a beeline towards the Droideka formations, proceeding to then overshoot it and explode 30 meters in front of the enemy forces.

"Huh?" You hear one of the droids say before looking up. "Boys, ambush! 4th platoon, blast 'em!"

Half of the B-1 droids pivot towards the apartment complex. A rifle report echoes through the plaza and the B-1 droid that gave the orders collapses in a pained squeal.

"Blast it all to hell, Lieutenant, we're relocating!" The droids begin to focus fire on the windows of the apartment complex. Still, despite that setback, it looks like you are going to make it throu-

Another blue bolt lances out from near you, flashing through the whole formation of droids before plinking off the shield of one of the Droidekas.

Phi stumbles to the ground, blaster carbine discharging a few more wild shots before he lands facefirst on the ground.

"Ah hell, sir, let's go-"

""WELCOME TO HELL, DROID SCUM!" Xtreme brings his gatling laser to bear and begins to fire into the Droid formations.

"Another ambush? Everyone, blast them!"

The whole enemy formation slowly turns towards you. You help Phi back up to his feet. "Open fire!"

The four of you suppress the B-1 formations, multiple dropping before your return fire, as you retreat behind the corner of the building. Crusader has to grab Xtreme and drag him into cover, blaster bolts already having nicked his armor.

The Droidekas, now redeployed, unload a storm of fire onto your position. Another rifle report is unleashed, and you see a Droideka without its shields slump forward.

"Another one down shinie, get out of there!" Twitch says.

Your comms ping. You recognize Major Bandit's signature.

> [Cont.]

> [] (Default) Move Fast along the side of the building towards the depot.
> [] Hold this position, continue to exchange fire with the droids.
> [] Respond to Major Bandit.
> [] Relocate into a nearby building, continue to exchange fire with the droids.
> [] Relocate into a nearby building and hide.
> [] Other.

> [] (Default) Move Fast along the side of the building towards the depot.
> [] Hold in one of the buildings, cover your advance.
>> Ordering a second trooper to accompany can act as a single Order.
> [] Other

> [] (Default) Provide supressing fire as you move.
> [] Hold fire, move fast.
> [] Hold up in one of the buildings, cover your advance.
>> Ordering a second trooper to accompany can act as a single Order.

> [] (Default) Move Fast along the side of the building towards the depot.
> [] Lay in hiding, ambush the Droidekas as they relocate to get a bead on the rest.
> [] Hold in one of the buildings, cover your advance.
>> Ordering a second trooper to accompany can act as a single Order.
> [] Other

Twitch and Big
> [] (Default) Continue to take opportunistic shots against the droids.
> [] Take out as many droids as possible, drawing their attention.
> [] Disengage, flank around to regroup with the rest of the squad.
> [] Disengage, find a new roost.
> [] Other
>> [] Respond to Major Bandit.

> [] Lay in hiding, ambush the Droidekas as they relocate to get a bead on the rest.
They've got to disable their shields to roll, right?
>> [] Respond to Major Bandit
>> [] Disengage, flank around to regroup with the rest of the squad.
Yes they do.
> [] Respond to Major Bandit.

> [] Take out as many droids as possible, drawing their attention.
Looks like we're taking the time to respond to the Major.

What would you like for your second order to be?
> [] Lay in hiding, ambush the Droidekas as they relocate to get a bead on the rest.
> [] Lay in hiding, ambush the Droidekas as they relocate to get a bead on the rest.

Stay alive trooper
[X] Respond to Major Bandit.
[X] Lay in hiding, ambush the Droidekas as they relocate to get a bead on the rest.
B1s are so great, and infamously they are so cheap that one of the rpg listed the cost of a b1 with a blaster = blaster without a b1

I wonder if we can grab a few centuries of them off the black market?
Twitch and Big
> [] Disengage, flank around to regroup with the rest of the squad.
Looks like we're letting Crusader get his ambush on.

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Right, dice.

Roll me.. 4d10.
Rolled 3, 1, 4, 3 = 11 (4d10)

4 1's
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16KB, 309x266px
>Go to sleep to being tucked into bed by one of your bros
>Come back during lunch hour, full scale siege happening

Rolled 9, 1, 6, 4 = 20 (4d10)

Rollin rollin rollin.
Rolled 6, 6, 10, 2 = 24 (4d10)

Rolled 2, 6, 1, 3 = 12 (4d10)

Because were actually playing Warhammer 40k with a Star Wars theme.
Welcome to the Republic.

> 9, Double 1, 10, 4

We'll try this out for a little while.

Back to writing.
Remember, this is the same group that had intel on the location of Neut Gunray and then managed to lose a jedi and four elite soldiers to General Grevous. Its also the same one that started the trend of throwing Bothan spies at everything
So we're using the ST system?
does that mean lower rolls are better?
"Crusader." Red blasterbolts continue to fill the air around you.

"Yes, my Commander?"

You point to one of the nearby buildings. "We will draw their attention, I want you to get inside one of those buildings," You pause to peak around the corner and blast a B-1. "And wait for those Droidekas to roll up. I want you to take as many out as you can up close, then regroup with us later."

"Understood." Crusader bounds out of sight.

You open your comms. "We are a little suppressed here Major, what do you need?"

Xtreme steps out beside you and unleashes a swarm of blasts, taking down droids left and right.

"Lieutenant, its more what I can do for you. A block to your west I have my boys set up in a tall green apartment. Bring your droids to me, and we can make short work of them."

"Major," More droids fall before your blaster. The focused fire of Xtreme's gatling laser was enough to take down one of the Droidekas shields and rip it to shreds. You pop back behind cover and Phi steps up to replace you.

"My forces and I are trying to reach the depot so we can rejoin the battle in AT-TE 7330-"

A shot from one of the B-1 droids lances past you, making you recoil back momentarily.

Then you watch as Phi collapses beside you, a burnt hole bored through armor, right below the weakpoint between his chest piece and his gut.

Xtreme looks down at Phi, silencing his mad giggling and giving off an air of contained rage. He shifts his gaze to look at you, then faces towards the enemy as he hefts his gatling laser up. He dashes out into the open, outrunning the swarm of blaster bolts by the barest of margins. He is drawing their fire away from your position and closer to where Crusader lays in hiding.

"Bandit, we have a man down," You grab Phi below his armpits and heaved him around the corner. Over the comms, you hear him emit a soft pained moan.

It looks like he is alive. Barely.

> [Cont.]

Low rolls are very bad.
Xtreme has ran into the nearby building, a store of some sort. The B-1s are marching towards him, and you can see the Droidekas deactivating their shields to begin to roll.

Twitch activates your comms. "Lieutenant, you need to pull out. Find a nearby storage room and hide." A rifle report echoes out once more, and another Droideka crumbles into a liveless heap.

"Copy that," Bandit responds. "I'm sending a squad with a medic your way, meet them on the second floor of the apartments to your northeast."

You see the building he is referring to, and you should have the cover of the store and Xtreme's distraction in order to move.

Phi gurgles in your arms. He will not last long without treatment.

Panic rises in your gut once more. Everything is getting out of control.

> Orders?

> [] (Default) ???
> [] Other
>> Dammit, you can see Phi's blood leaking from his suit.
>> Why did you not carry any medical supplies?
>> What can you do, moving him will probably kill him.
>> "You will be okay Phi, I will get you some help."
>> He's gurgling again, can he breath?!
>> No, do not take off his helmet, he needs the protection.
>> Can you make it to that apartment?

> [] (Default) Bleeding out in your arms.

> [] (Default) Something insane to give you time to save Phi
>> Can you even save him?!
>> You doubt he is in a state to listen to orders
> [] Other

Twitch and Big
> [] (Default) ???
>> You hope they are alright.
> [] Maybe you can link up with them? Do they have supplies? Can Phi last that long?
> [] Other

> [] (Default) About to kill all these droids like he did that Geonosian. Giving you time to save Phi.
>> Please be okay.
>> You want to hear another story.
>>Stories will not save Phi, 458
> [] Other

> [] (Default) ???
>Low rolls are very bad.
You might reconsider using D10s if 1s are horrendously awful, since we will get them ALL THE TIME.

Squad Comms: "Does anyone have any medical supplies."

> [] Other

Pull yourself the fuck together, we're the Commander. Get our man up to that apartment complex, check for any medical supplies (side note, what in the fuck kind of army has kit that does not involve everybody having a medical kit to provide emergency first aid. That shit should be nailed to your side.)

Xtreme is doing his thing and is providing suppressive fire albeit accidentally, use that and if possible try to get one of the guys on the squad to try to talk him down, someone who knows him better
Phi handsigns! Do you think you can last to the apartments?! Major Bandit is meeting us there.

Everyone cover fire for Phi if he can otherwise radio Bandit and respond negative Phi cannot be moved.
Tell Twitch and Big to head towards the apartments.

Then grab Phi and run like hell.
On a secure channel tell him that Phi has been hit we need your help to save him, we are low on time.

Get over hear do you know any first aid we need to get him to the Medics right the fuck now

There is no way that he is responding, basically two options of communication are open to people who have taken a shot to the gut. Screaming to high heaven or slow muttering as they pass out and possibly die. Now the tricky thing is that if it hit the spot between the gut and the chest and there is gurgling he was probably hit in the lung as well.
OK well i'd think we should know the basics, on his side, drain the blood from the lung if it is filling up. Normally i'd say don't move so lts take him at a (to quote my old man a Staff Sargent) "Brisk but smooth pace".
1-7 are considered failures, 8-9 successes, 10 dramatic success with 1-3 dramatic failures. The goal is to get as many dice 8 and higher, hence the multiple dice rolls.


>> "You will be okay Phi, I will get you some help."

> [] (Default) About to kill all these droids like he did that Geonosian. Giving you time to save Phi.

Trauma nurse here. Given Phi's condition he has minutes to live unless we can stabilize him. If he's gurgling like that it means there's fluid in the lungs, so it's a lot worse internally than it might look even with all the armor stripped away.
we pick him up and we god damn sprint to the medics, we are not losing anyone today

I would like to think we know the basics as well but then we should also be carrying some first aid as well. Brisk but smooth is good, don't worry about what side he is sitting on right this second, first things first is getting him to the evac point and then, if we still have to wait for the medic we can do first aid there away from enemy fire.

Main focus is getting him off of the point of contact.

If we were experienced and had the trust of our men I would actually be pushing for this going a different direction. We really shouldn't be running out into fire in order to save him as that's a good way to get shot yourself and then add more work to the medics when they do show up. Just sucks that we're not a large enough element to have a dedicated medic though one of our troopers really really really should be trained in first aid.
The dice here is incorrect.

1, critical failure.

2-3, sloppy, perhaps a moderate failure (Unless the DC is low.) (For high DCs, treat this as a complete failure, but not a crit fail.)

4-6, success, generally the area for more DCs (Or a moderate failure if the DC is higher)

7-8, great success, DC range of difficult tasks (Controlling a speeding AT-TE, for example)

9, great success for hard DCs, is the DC for nigh impossible tasks. (Sword fighting with a Jedi as a normal clone, for example.)

10, Critical Success.
Where the fuck is Jackpot?

No shit, combat medic here. Props to you, a lot of this situation you're writing is very frustrating for me but you're portraying it quite realistically, unfortunately.
No. That's the last fucking thing you want to do. In this situation, you suppress enemy fire first and foremost. When you can move with minimal to no risk of getting injured, only then do you think about moving the body. You wanna start treatment ASAP and contact a medic team for further directions. You don't know what the situation for them is.
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d6)

Rolled 1, 34, 84, 43 = 162 (4d100)


Yes, correct but also consider our character. This is day 2 of life off of Kamino and also day 2 of being in a combat zone, we're in command, we already know our unit doesn't trust us, the one guy who really seems to be on our side (and seems to be the NCO) is hit.

We're still green and honestly, given our shoddy training as well, this would be our first reaction.
So, the consensus that I'm picking up in the votes:

Stay Professional, regain your cool.
Inform Major Bandit that Phi is not in a position to be moved, and direct his men to meet you at your position.
Inform your squad that you need medical supplies (You are a rookie, you forgot to carry medical supplies on your person. That's normally on the AT-TE.)
Try and attend to Phi the best you can.

Or is this not the reaction CT-42/458 is having?

I'll be taking specific suggestions and actions and such.

Is Phi out of the line of fire?

If yes then the first reaction is actually pretty good considering the situation.

If no call down covering fire and then drag him out of the line of fire.
After Phi went down and Xtreme ran off in his rage, you did drag him around the corner of the building you were taking cover behind.

You currently have Phi by the armpits halfway in your arms.

The droids are all marching towards where Xtreme went, down the road, but you have no cover from that angle.

Right beside you is a door leading inside to one of the storage rooms.

The Apartment the Major indicated is diagonal to you, mostly out of sight of the advancing droids due to there being multiple buildings between it and the store.
B-but Crusader-senpai likes us too![/spoiler[

True enough, I guess. But 458 should still have enough of the inbred whatever program within him to at least keep a level enough head to not go running RIGHT NOW to where he THINKS the medics may be and in all probability have moved from to a safer location where they can deploy more readily. At best 458's going to get a massive demotion for abandoning the rest of his men and endangering Phi's own life after getting the verbal smackdown of his life from the medics. At worst he's delayed critical treatment of Phi and is now directly responsible for his death, moreso than the guy who actually fucking shot him. If you're the combat medic then you know why I'm screaming internally right now at some of these suggestions.

Yes. Fucking this. This is what needs to happen right now.
Ok. So. What we're going to do is bank on Xtreme's insanity right now. Attempt to contact Twitch and Big and tell them to get to your position as soon as possible. Have Crusader lay down some suppressing fire and gget your ass into the storage room, then have him move in to cover the entry point until Twitch and Big make it. Once the orders have been relayed start treatment and get Crusader, Twitch, or Big to radio into the medics your location and Phi's condition. Have another one of them contact the major and tell them you need support right fucking now. From there, DO NOT MOVE unless the medics tell you otherwise.
Understood, CT-42/458 will hold position and try to stabilize Phi the best he can, while waiting for support.


Please roll me 1d10.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I concur, add to Bandit if he pulls this off forget thee drink he owes us we'll owe him several.
Rolled 10 (1d10)


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The Feels, brothers.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Fuck you universe, Phi is staying alive!
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laughing husbands.png
410KB, 673x601px
>Phi is staying alive!
>Nat 1
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Go sit in the corner
I'm not crying it's just raining.
Still wish I had that pic saved to phone.
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I gotcha senpai.
Welcome, Whiskey. Good to see you here.
Great quest, mate. I'll stop namefagging in it now though. Good luck.

Yes I am and yes I know why you are, I am too. I guess I am not giving enough credit to the inbred training that he has. The suggestions up there are terrible yes but people that fresh do make those really really fucking stupid decisions and it really only sinks in after that verbal smackdown. He's still not a veteran but I should probably not be thinking he's as green as I am assuming.
Think, think CT-42/458!

Breath, breath. Blast it all, is Phi still breathing? You hear his soft moan again. Good, he's alive. The droids are marching close to the store Xtreme is in. You can see the waves of blue bolts fire out, cutting down droids left and right.

Stay. Professional.

Phi is not going to die on your watch.

He needs to get out of sight. Wrapping one arm securely underneath one of his arms, you open the door beside you and carefully drag him inside. You hear the gurgling again, not a good sign.

Patting your free hand across your belt, you curse to yourself. No emergency bacta capsules, you left them all on the AT-TE. Dammit, Phi is not carrying any either, you all really were suprised in this attack.

Gently you kneel down and lay Phi on the ground along the wall, ensuring his wounded side is in the air. You hear the gurgling again. Right, you can not let Phi choke on his own blood. Removing his helmet, a small amount of pooled blood pours out onto Phi's face, and you can see more blood oozing from his lips. With the helmet removed, Phi coughs weakly, sending spurts of blood splattering against your helmet's viewports.

Right, do not forget to inform the medics.

"Phi is critically wounded, does any one have medical supplies? Is anyone a medic?"

"Blast it all with the Force," Twitch seeths over the comms. "I can't get to you right now, me and Big are playing cat and mouse with some Supers waddling about in my building."

Crusader whispers, "Jackpot was our medic, Lieutenant. Now, I shall dance in the blood of my enemies to give you the time you need."

> [Cont.]
Through the door you see Crusader, his colors flashing blindingly in the clear morning, racing through the open ground towards a Droideka that just rolled into your view. As the droid unrolls, Crusader grabs its head with one hand and lifts it over his shoulders, rolling with the droid as it somersaults through the air. The two land on the droid's extended head, snapping it off by the unexpected angle of the landing. The rest of the Droideka wildly bounces into a formation of B-1s, smashing many.

Crusader rolls back up to his feet, brandishing his sword before charging out of your sight. You hear him roar through his external microphone and the panicked yelps of the droids, along with the sound of metal shearing through metal.

You shut the door, to ensure none of the droids spot you.

Switching channels, you say, "Major Bandit," you wipe the blood from your helmet and gently lean Phi against your knee so that his mouth is facing the floor. He coughs out a large splotch of blood once more.

"Phi is not in a position to be moved, my crew is spread out and is busy engaging the enemy. I cannot rendezvous with your medics, but I require your assistance." You firmly put pressure on the wound, causing Phi to groan in pain. "I am pinging my location to you now."

A moment of silence passes.

> [Cont.]
"Copy that Lieutenant, my forces are moving to support you now. Hold your ground."

You sigh in relieve. Help is coming soon.

Xtreme growls sound through your comms. "We have Supers advancing B-1s, but I won't be able to last long against all of this with only this blaster ridden wooden table as cover. What's Phi's condition?"

His breating has settled, and he seems to have fallen unconscious from the pain. "Alive, barely. X, hold out as long as you can, Major Bandit is on his way."

"Copy that." You hear the halting whirl of the gatling laser, it must have been hit. "Come at me, you bantha dung sucking traitorous cowar-" X's roar is cut off.

"CT-1/777, reinforcing. Xtreme, please get down."

You hear the distant thumps of walker legs, then the distinctive sound of a line of blaster cannons being fired at once. You hear the joyous sound of droid bodies exploding into sparks.

"AT-RT platoon! Ru-" You hear droids running in terror, but you also hear the return fire of the Super Battle Droids.

"Major Bandit here, Lieutenant, we see the door you indicated. I need you to open it for us and provide covering fire, we don't have a bloody angle on those Supers. One of my boys will run over and start helping Phi get up and running."

"Copy that Major." You gently rest Phi against the wall, checking that he is still breathing. He is, faintly.

You pick back up your blaster carbine and stand with a hand on the handle of the door. You can see blood stains on your once pristinely white glove.

"Major, on my mark, I'm opening the door. Is your man ready?"

"He is."

"Roger. Three, two, one," You swing open the door , raise your blaster to the ready, kneel, and line up a shot.

A line of Supers, supported by a handful of remaining Droidekas, are exchanging fire with a friendly off to your right. The bolts of the AT-RTs are firing into their ranks from that direction.


A Super spots the running medic, pivoting his upper body to bring his arm to bea-
> [Cont.]
The sound of boots on wet concrete sound behind you, across the street.

You blast the arm off with your first shot, the second hitting him in the head. The droid falls backwards, smoking.

The scout trooper slides into the door behind you.

"Alright Lieutenant, I have eveything taken care of here."

Multiple Supers are turning towards you now. You have to keep their attention off of Phi and the Medic.

You comm your crew. "The medic has arrived, but I have Supers marching towards me." Shots begin to flash around you. Firing back, you succeed in only damaging one of them.

Twitch comms. "Supers inside have been taken care off. I have eyes on those outside, looks to be roughly three dozen of them. Big's here as well, he's ready to fire."

Crusader rumbles through your ear piece, "I am ready to assist you again, Commander. My blade thirsts for droid blood."

Xtreme giggles madly. "I've made it onto a roof, I have a great angle here, I'm locked and loaded and ready to slaughter all these droids!"

Another close shot makes you pull back behind the door.

You have to act.

> Orders?

> [] (Default)
> [] Other

Twtich and Big
> [] (Default)
> [] Other

> [] (Default)
> [] Other

> [] (Default)
> [] Other

> [] (Default)
> [] Other
Remove clanker.

Gentleman, smoke these clankers.

(well that situation went about as well as I thought it could go)
just make sure that crusader doesnt try and get in close especially if big is firing rockets into the crowd
>[] Provide covering fire for the others

>[] If you're around, respond and report.
Mutter to the medic to keep that clone alive at all costs.

just tell everyone to make their shots count, the medics have Phi we can pull through.

barricade the door and move to a close but more effective firing position.
Let the rivers of this planet run black with oil!
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Remove clankers.png
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I know that I kept this saved for a reason.
By the way, as the guy who wanted to run that everything is suffering clone wars quest but pussied out, good job, you nailed it like I could never work up the courage to.
Thank you. When you showed up and began seriously talking about your idea, it spurred me to finalize the ideas I had in mind.

Looks like we are removing the clankers from the field with overwhelming firepower from all directions, as was the Default but you still have two orders to carry out.

What would you like to do?
Hmm, lts try to raise jackpot on the Comms and maybe get a battle sitrep from Bandit, there is a bigger game afoot.

If there are any other firing points aside from the door move to them, try to raise Jackpot up on the comms.
>Check on the medic and his progress

>Try and make contact
300 posts, I love it.

Warn me when we need to make a new thread.

Holing up with Phi and the Medic, and getting a sitrep from both the Major and Jackpot seems to be in the lead.

Please roll me 6d10.
Rolled 2, 4, 9, 5, 3, 9 = 32 (6d10)

Will do sir.
Rolled 6, 5, 10, 10, 8, 4 = 43 (6d10)


Agreed, if we have the time ask if there is anything we can help out with Phi
Rolled 10, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1 = 25 (6d10)

khorne guide my dice
Rolled 4, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7 = 26 (6d10)

what the fuck happened to our dice

oh, of course nothing nice ever happens

> 10, 5, 10, (10 and 1 at once, this will be interesting.), 8, and 1

I am a benevolent QM. Some nice things may occur, if I deem them worthy.

Or if I receive enough fan art that shall make me laugh for ages to come.

File: image.jpg (192KB, 791x1010px)
192KB, 791x1010px
I dont have my tablet here. I could do shitty gimp drawing with my touchpad though.
Anything is welcome.
Would fleet formations of X-wing ships count??
Post whatever you would like.
Only if you remove your name.

Does anyone have a high res image of the AT-TE?
File: our air support.png (3KB, 1200x600px) Image search: [Google]
our air support.png
3KB, 1200x600px
Look at what I found



Also, I feel like 'Stay Professional,' should be the motto of this quest.
Will this do?
That made me giggle mate.
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Nah, I need something bigger. I've started tricking out our AT-ST but my ideas need more space.
AT-TE, my bad.
how about this masterpiece i created
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Yes I like the empire more.
We hit autosage, Observer.
One more post, and we should be good for the night. Sorry to end it early, but then we'd have a little time to discuss.
"Crusader," You say while peaking around the edge of the door. The metal seems to be deflecting the Super's blaster bolts quite well. "Stay back, I want to practice the core aspect of my training: Utilizing superior firepower."

"Understood, my Commander. I shall praise Mandalore as droid oil seeps into the planet." Crusader's booming voice has a hint of.. was that pride?

"Everyone, line up your shots well. If you would, please remove the clankers from the premises. On my mark, we fire."

"Gotcha Boss," Twitch says. "I got my eye on the SBT closest to you, so keep that in mind."

"I.." Big begins. "Want to see.. A big. Boom."

"That's what I wanna hear!" Xtreme gives you his mad laugh.

Jackpot remains noticeably silent.

You switch channels. "Major, are your troops in position to assist in eliminating the rest of the droids?"

"The last of my boys are picking out targets as we speak, what do you have planned?"

"When I say, we all fire at once. Overwhelm the Super Battle Droids from all sides. In fact, I will be needing a sitrep of the situation on the other flanks."

The line Supers marching towards you is roughly 50 meters away. You will hold until you are sure you can hit them.

"That's easy enough Lieutanent. The AAT reported earlier retreated before we could take him out, the Captain has succeeded in repelling the forces assaulting the Hospital, but the Depot is still under heavy attack from the north. The Separatists are throwing everything they have at it, but there have not been any more armored vehicle sightings yet."

"Solid copy." The Super Battle Droids are about 40 meters away now. Perfect.

"Pick your targets, and get ready to fire on my order." The AT-RTs stop exchanging fire with the SBTs.

You count down internally.





> [Cont.]
The air becomes filled with blue bolts of blaster fire as shots rain down on the droids. You pivot out around the corner side of the door, once more falling to a knee and taking aim. The closest droid tries to fire upon you, but you watch as a Twitch's shot blasts out its faceplate before hitting the ground.

As its corpse tumbles to the side, you open up. As the droids fall before your accurate fire. Behind them, a rocket descends from a window of the massive office building behind where you slept the night before, colliding in the middle of the formation and throwing parts of Supers in all directions. A large plume of shattered concrete flies outward like shrapnel.

You see Xtreme's gatling cannon tear through the droids near to the store. Over comms, you hear him curse, "Blast it all, my gun's overheating!" He stands up from his cover and chucks it at the approaching droids before diving back down. The glowing gun lands directly on the face of one of the remaining Droidekas, detonating on contact. The shockwave shatters the remaining droids on that sector.

The Super Battle Droids only stand for a few moments against your combined might. You watch as the last one staggers to a standing position, having been the survivor from Big's rocket. Its missing its left arm, and the housing on its back is on fire, but still it raising its cannon towards the AT-RTs.

You smile in vicious glee as the droid is ripped apart by AT-RT fire.

Hefting your carbine, you look back into the room. "How is Phi doing?"

"Don't worry sir, a night in the Bacta and he will be as good as new. Tip top shape, I might say." He looks over to you and gives a crisp salute. "You did good in stabilizing him, but the two of you are absolute morons for not carrying bacta. Respectfully." He finishes his salute and returns to work on Phi. "My boys will bring him to the Hospital once the fighting has cleared up."

> [Cont.]
You nod. "Good to hear." Stepping out into the lot once more, you see the AT-RTs walking over to the remains of the droids you successfully massacred. They seem to be operated by scout troopers, but you do spot one with a different design and coloring. Is that purple and gold you see?

There is one thing you need to do.

"Jackpot," You open on a private channel. "I need a debrief, soldier, just where have you been?"

The purple and gold trooper stops and looks at you. That is Jackpot and, by enhancing your sensors, you see that there is a large purple 7 going across his forhead and down to the base of his helmet.

He begins walking his AT-RT towards you. His crisp voie responds, "No helmets, then we tal-"

"Lieutenant," Major yells over comms. "Incoming AAT!"

The smoking and badly damaged AAT comes into view behind the AT-RTs and steadies its cannon on them. Most of the pilots are busy finishing off the last of the droids, and you watch in horror as one sees the AAT and turns to face it. The shots from its piddly cannon bounce off its smoking armor.

The AAT fires.

The shell streaks through the air and hits dead center in the collection of AT-RTs.

The explostion is far larger than it has any right to be, a plume of air launching itself into the ai-

The AT-RTs are vaporized-

A shockwave slams into the back of Jackpot's walker, flinging it towards y-

The wave of air smacks into your armor, sending you tumbling back. You can feel the heat of the blast through your armor-

Your suit's sensors blared dangerously-

Jackpot's AT-RT slams into the wall ahead of you.

-You land on your back, hard-

Radiation. The radiation levels of the area have risen.

Rising in the air above you, the plume of the explosion coaleses in a terrifying shape.

One you immediately recognize from the old holovids.

Before you, a small mushroom cloud has formed.

> To Be Continued.
And here is where we will leave the thread.

Be sure to vote it up on sup.tg.

Twitter for anyone that's new: @ObserverQM

Thread's now open for QnA. Any comments or criticism you guys have are greatly appreciated!
All of these are beautiful. Saved.

Those fucking separatist assholes.

Nice job Observer
Thanks for the run mate.
Thanks for playing.

Yes, they are assholes.

You know, you guys very nearly lost Phi there earlier. I'm glad you didn't though.

There's a good deal of back story to Phi's character. Backstory that may make it into the story.
Your anguish pleases me.
In one fell swoop you endangered three of my husbandos, one of whom was already in danger. You and I are enemies now.
See you next time.
Fucking christ! Thankfully I imagine our suits have to have minor rad resistance, and bacta probably works on it, still we need to get the fuck out of the blast zone.

God damn it Observer your bullshit on par with the acid bombing whiskey pulled. Its glorious and terrifying and the feels are everywhere.
Speaking of witch, when is 'next time' supposed to be?
Welcome to the end of the Second Installment of AT-TE Commander Quest. Who knows what secrets await further along?

I am thinking maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday. I would not want to overwhelm you all with threads every day, I'm not sure if you all could take it.
>I'm not sure if you all could take it.

Of course you can, Big. Now, allow me to fill you with the vigor of Mandalore with the story of how I met Jedi Master Yoda...
That hot, creamy vigor....
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