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40k as a subject

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ITT: 40k history/science is now a school subject. Post some possible exam questions. I'll start.

>Describe and explain the possible reasons why C.S. Goto is wrong in every single thing he says - (90 marks)
>Outline the strength and weaknesses of the Tau Empire's third sphere expansion campaign
>Describe and explain, with examples, the digestive system of a tyranid bio form you have studied
>The emperor: True or false?
Well memed ADB, but you're not better. Go on getting mad about BR being TS.
Angron has £6. The lemons are 45p each. How many lemons can angron buy?
Complete this popular space wolf phrase:

Wolf ____ ____ wolfy wolves.
Give at least 5 reasons for why Roboute Guilliman is objectively the best Primarch.
Just as planned - Discuss
Recite the holy Rite of Ignition and annotate the diagram of the grand cogitator below.
I could imagine there being an entire course on Tyranid biology. And the last lesson would be "Tyranids are constantly evolving so everything we learned is useless."
All according to keikaku
>Give 5 reasons why the Inquisitors shouldnt kill you for heresy
>Explain the Lamenter's shitty luck
>What is a xenos?
(A miserable pile of resin-err...)
Are you preparing entrance exams for players?
>Write a five paragraph informative essay about your preferences without committing heresy
No, me and my friend were just talking 40k and how it would be cool if 40k history was taught when we were at school
Wut iz best?

A) Choppin'
1)All tha abuvv
>Give a run down of the 18 legions, their primarchs, their preferred modes of war and a brief overview of their fates following the Heresy.
Why youz mukkin' about wit dem papers?
Git out dere and get to choppin' ya git!
>Those tiny as fuck bolter shells
All the Lemons he wants
>draw a diagram of the Astartes genitalia
I thought chainswords and Krak Grenades will be handled next year?
Your closest battle brother has just been murdered by Erebus. On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you?
Who is objectively the worst Primarch and why is it Lorgar?
I laughed. Not sure why.
He's pretty much the anti-Guilliman, and since Guilliman is the best Lorgar is the worst.
I'll take my A+ now.
That's not how you spell Leman Russ.
I cant, because he isnt.
That's not going to help you get a passing grade.
I'm pretty sure bolter shells are canon .75 cal, so that looks fairly accurate.
>not Mortarian
In 50 paragraphs or less, explain how the God Emperor did nothing wrong, specifically covering the Heresy.
>Not Mortarian
>Not Wolfyiff
>Not the Lion
>Not Alpharius
>Not the Khan
I'd prefer actual 40k history, both from Imperial and non-Imperial perspectives, rather than this meme-filled bullshit.
The Smurfs grade on a curve, so long as he answers the rest of the questions he's getting a pass.
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Professor, this note was just deployed via drop pod on my desk.
Give an Anatomical drawing of a Tyranid Gaunt. Locate all known weakpoints in the Carapace, and important vital components. Label accordingly.
>e - None of the above
We don't do multiple choice pleb shit here young man.
You happen upon an Eldar/Human hybrid brought into existence by Chaos.

Do you report the abomination to:
A) The Ordo Xenos
B) The Ordo Hereticus
C) The Ordo Malleus
Green 'uviously
Doesn't matter because I got extra credit from purging heretics outside of class!
Chaos influence in its production makes it a warp spawned fiend. Ordo Malleus overrules
Clearly Ordo Xenos, C'mon.
Xenos deal with Aliens. If they were made by ex-imperial agents you'd have a case for ordo Hereticus, but in the end the jurisdiction belongs to whoever finds it first.
Malleus, if it is made by Chaos then neither Xenos nor man was involved
Oi! ew! Ew iz da lowezt uv da low?
A) A fiwfy grot
B) De 'umiez
C) De cone 'edded eldarr
D) De lukky culored tau
Jesus Christ this thread is cringey. 40K is a fucking game, not a lifestyle.
WAAAGH) Tau iz grey you zoggin git.

It's all heretical in the end.
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Fuk rite of ye squig-faced Gretchen!
Youz a cheeky wee snotty-fondler aint ya?
Iz gonna hafta take yer teef fer me lunch fer dat.
Come an' git 'em iff ew can! Witch ew can't! Cuz ew 'oo skared ain'tcha? Takka takkaing on yer 'ittle metul box won't win ye teef! U know wut wil get ye teef? BASHIN SUM FUKKIN' 'EADZ!
Chaos brought it into existence, but that doesn't specify to what extent. Tzeentch tom foolery may have taken place to set in motion its birth making it the work of Chaos, but not the substance of Chaos.

Full marks.
(2) A forge world is assaulted by an Ork Waaagh. The Adeptus Astartes Ultra are contacted to assist. Whilst purging the xenos filth from the planet they discover a holy relic of the Emperor.

To whom does the relic belong?
A) The Ultramarines, who found it.
B) The Mechanicum, who control the world it was found on.
C) The Ecclesiarchy, to whom the relic has the most significance.
d) The blood ravens
e) Trazyn the Infinite.
That's a good fucking question, honestly.
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Games workshop bundles 5 squads of Guardsmen, 6 leman russes and 3 sentinels in one big set. How much money do you save if you buy the bundle?
Do you hate fun?
If a Lesser Tomb world that is also an Imperial Hive World has been awake for 3 days, and the Necron forces are exterminating the human population at a rate of approximately 15% per day, how many times has the Necron Lord sneered "filthy animals" to no one in particular whilst firing his guass weapon?
0 times, as Necron Lords do not use gauss weapons.
100%, you passed
Now drive these monsters from the planet
Who was the first person to see the Emperor's almost dead body?

Name the type of Odd Boyz that produce fermented beverages.

Commissar Yarrick is currently pursuing which reknowned warboss?

Compare and contrast between Exodite, Craftworld, and Dark Eldar.

Whom should you meet up with before using your lasgun ammunition?

Throne, you marine fags are tiresome: every fucking Primarch is the fucking worst.
>Implying Imperial History isn't one massive chain of shitty memes itself
The Codex Astartes is flawless, discuss.

For Lit Studies: What is the symbolism of the Codex Astartes and what are the overlying themes?
Estimate, at any given moment, how many fucks Khorne gives about Slaanesh being a pussy
I always loved tests in subjects I didn't need to study for.
It's a cruel trick of the human mind that you can easily remember and store all the bullshit details of stuff that intrests you with no work at all but trying to learn shit your mind finds boring is so taxing. I crammed so much stuff for tests that I literally forgot the second I handed in my papers.

I believe that for example Leonardo da Vinci wasn't really a superhuman genious but just a very gifted painter that enjoyed almost everything.
Actually Da Vinci was not a painter by choice, his one true love, after boys, was always engineering. He made a shitload of plans for machines, weapons, and building, but sometimes, he was simply restricted by technology.

As often with painters, his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa, was barely a work worthy of note to him, a little nothing he did for a lord because he needed money.

I get what you say about learning stuff though. I see the difference between my parents and I, where they remember stuff after 35 years, while I can't remember shit after I sit the exam.
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He wasnt by far. He orcastrated the most destructive event to ever happen to the imperium, toppled the golden age and condemned the galaxy to die to Chaos, WHILE remaining the high priest of the inevitable winning gods.

His legion was hugely successful before he showed up, slowed down, then on the turn of a dime became the most successful and fast conquering legion from their censure to the betrayal, all the while spreading corruption. Then they cut off the largest legion from the heresy entirely and became the big demon summoners.

Afterwords they were able to retain the favors of the pantheon and remained a legion in the Eye of Terror.

No other primarch even comes close to the amount of shit Lorgar and his legion got done.

He and his word bearers are the ultimate "Gets Shit Done" legion.

Does all that make him the best... no, but does it mean they are better then the majority? Fucking yes.

F grade to you mate.
How do I get a degree in therapeutic accountancy? I assume it's a Master's degree
Easy, wolf wolfy wolf wolfy wolves?
i) Describe a situation in which you do not have sufficient dakka (4 marks)

ii)Describe possible ways in which the 88th cadian regiment can increase their dakka (8 marks)

iii) Describe and explain the use of too much dakka in an invasion you have studied (20 marks)
>The Khan
>Considered as the worst


Roboute just landed in an Empire he took over from his rich mommy and daddy. Check your primarch privilege. He didn't have to fight in arena, survive in beast infested woods or deal with people exploding into daemons.
Why do the ejected shells often look like they had a bad issue of case head seperation?
What the fuck I didn't take the Machine God 101: The Omnissiah and You credit!

Because the Emperor wills it

Which individual was objectively the cause of the entire horus heresy? Kor Phaeron of the Word Bearers
Sweet, I love TED talks. Can be loaded with crackpots and hippies but It's always entertaining.

I know you're trying to insult me in a condescending manner but you can suck my monster cock, famiglia
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This is /tg/, not /b/. Why would I bother insulting you? It's a short explanation about copying data and why the mechanicus does what it does.
You'd be surprised, but eh it's 4chan. Even /tg/ isn't free from it's share of unsavouries. but thank you still, I'll genuinely enjoy it.
I always find it weird how everyone outside 4chan thinks this place is the worst place on the internet, when it's only really /b/, /pol/ and /r9k/ that are abusive and unwelcoming. It's a shame they've built up such a reputation as it tarnishes the whole domain name.
I'm actually of the same opinion as you and I always get a bit upset when I mention "I got this pdf off of /tg/" and people go on tirades about how it's full of cancer, doxxing, childporn and racism. But I have been here for a good 9 years now and know there's always cunts hiding even in the most friendly of communities.

Hell, I almost got tricked into electrocuting myself off the mains from /diy/ once.
>Hell, I almost got tricked into electrocuting myself off the mains from /diy/ once.
Shit, really?
i) trick question there is never enoug dakka
ii) more and louder guns
iii) another trick question there is no such thing as too much dakka
Yup. Didn't know jack shit about wiring, told me to wire things in a way where I'd get my ass zapped should I have touched my appliance. But hey what can you do. Was a while ago.
Remind me never to go to /diy/, god damn
Oh no, they've always been super-helpful and on point for years. Just sometimes you meet a cunt or three that just want to watch the world burn. If you always rely on one single source for information, you're doing it wrong. Always double-check what you hear and do your research no matter where you're getting info from, even if it doesn't involve dangerous methods. It's just common sense and I blame myself for being retarded too.
... Black wire to green? Oh wow, fuck that guy.
Dunno why I responded to the post about Leonardo.
well he was a techy...
I report his existence to the Ultramarines, they probably would love to have a spare just in case any warpy shit happens.
He's an Astropath though.
My face lit up when, reading the prior post, I began to scroll down to see if someone beat me to it and literally the next fucking post. Threw my head back smiling and everything. What's the real answer? Power Smurfs?
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why not use this book?

Really? I occasionally visit /pol/ and yes it has shitposters but a lot of people there seem to be friendly and quite hilarious at times. Very intelligent too.
> based on this short description, try to identify which possible psychological issues Curze suffers from and which differential diagnostic tests to run
>Based on this description of the Emperor, define which type of attachment he most likely uses and how to bring this up in systemic or family therapy
>High Potential children: Discuss the case of Magnus, 3 pages
>Children with learning disabilities: discuss Leman Russ' case in 3 pages
Mandatory reading:
>essay: Oppositional Defiant Disorder or the Nails? A look at the psychology of Angron
>Children with learning disabilities: discuss Leman Russ' case in 3 pages
Evaluate Boss Grimskull's mental state at the time of nemeroth's invasion
What is so wrong with Russ? I don't get this hating on him meme
he beat up the nerd primarch



I ain't so easy t' kill hehe
>But I am finished with you, Ork.

One of Titus' better moments
Are you talking about Magnus or Lion El'Jonson or both?
He never beat up the Lion.
Smart children naturally get fast-tracked to the 30K courses. Such questions include:
>Explain in detail why Phalanx Warders are a comprehensively worse choice than regular Legion Breachers. 40 marks
>Should World Eaters have to pay extra points for their chainaxes, or is the RAW interpretation of the free upgrade fair? Explain 600 words or more. 70 marks.
>Why is 30k a better game that 40K? Your answer must cover games balance, fluff representation and the metagame. 120pts

Now in truth, there is probably no better way to make kids fucking loath Warhammer than forcing them to do it at school. But at least I'd've been happy!
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>the only correct answer is choppin the page in 'arf, loading dakka into it and then burnin the desk
i) because they ARE legion breachers just more expensive for no reason
ii) e-mail forgeworld
iii) games balance, fluff representation and the metagame
Can love bloom on the battlefield?
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Do you remember me fa/tg/uys?

i feel old
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