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/fowg/ Force of Will General

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Mahou Shoujo Trash Edition

Talk about Force of Will and try not to die.

Tell us about your new red aggro decks.
I bought the dual starter and some booster packs. Not many ppl play at my lgs yet but I think the game is picking up a bit.

The game blew up fast in my city. A few months ago, we were pulling 5 people in a tournament, now we regularly get 12-14 at most of the LGSs. I think the game has definitely picked up recently.
Gameplay seems nice, but nothing thematically catching my eye yet. But seeing them using fairy tales and other bits of folklore I assume they'll eventually pull me in.

Especially if they touch on old Middle East myths and shit.

I don't know much Middle Eastern myths, but I've seen Scheherazade and Sinbad, though they are unfortunately not great cards. I do really like the fairy tale aspect though.

I'm hoping they do Greek or Norse Mythology in the next cluster.
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I am completely new to the game and yesterday I drafted this game for the first time and picked 2x of the dude in pic, is it good for some constructed deck?

I own no other cards besides those I picked, what should I buy now?

I have like 100€ to invest.
I favor pure control decks if that matters.
Sinbad has amazing worth if you run him with with mixed white or blue and good draw power. Being able to quickcast Protection of the Seraph and the new Drop of Yggdrasil to counter targeted spells and abilities for 1 will on the chase is amazing.
I used to play Zombies/Grave Pact in Magic, should I grab the Starter Black deck?
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Well he's super variable. You can go super aggro with it, or defense or what ever. It seem pretty good to me if you go with a full Cthulhu deck.

If you want to do a full deck like this, you should grab the Vingolf since it contains two-three Rasputins who are pretty great.

It's been a while since I've looked at Sinbad and I take back what I said. He is actually a pretty fun card.


I think Adombrali's best effects are the Blue and Green ones, so I would play him in a Grimm deck where you can use a Cheshire Cat and a Gretel to banish him. His other effects are okay, though the Dark and White ones are pretty lackluster, I think.
There's the gorgons for Greek mythology and Ratotoskr and Gleipnir for Norse mythology currently. Probably more that I'm missing too but I agree we could use more. I'm hoping at some point we get a few urban legends like mothman.

Some of the starters are a good start, but like most games' packs, they need some work to be competitive.

The starter deck itself has a few synergies. You use resonators like Prowlers of Niflheim and Soulless Soldiers to discard cards from your deck, and then you use Persephone to play whatever creature you want that you've discarded. The deck also comes with a playset of Deathscythes, which are great cards to start your collection with.

Rezzard's Gods Art also allows you to remove cards in your graveyard from the game to force your opponent to banish and discard cards.

The deck's missing more reliable cards to interact with and play from the graveyard. I'd get stuff like Necromancy of the Undead Lord and Forbidden Spell of the Undead Lord, as well as Arthur, the Dead Lord of Vengeance to pump up your creatures. Book of Eibon is a good one if you want to play some ridiculously large creature from your graveyard, like Yamata.
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I'd love to see some Greek god rulers. They had Apollon in Valhalla, and the art on the card was really neat.
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Yeah, Valhalla had a lot of cool cards. I was pretty bummed they're not legal after seeing all the angels. Leviathan got a new card though so it's not too much of a stretch for them to go back to Valhalla in the next cluster. I'm also curious how many alternate versions of cards from the Grimm block are going to show up this cluster after seeing the flavor text from Shadow Jeanne.

Next set will probably have a bunch of alternate versions of Grimm cards, because Kaguya is a coming back. My LGS already has the promotional poster hanging for the new set. It has a new version of Valentina on it, Pricia riding on Marybell's shoulder, and some white-haired boy dressed in brown.
Anyone got tips for a shadow deck? Not sure which shadow resonators to choose

Shadow Faria and Shadow Jeanne for sure. I kinda like Dark Alice's Familiars too.
I've never played FoW or MtG how does flying work? If a flying monster is rested can it be attacked by non flying?
Yeah, and it could be attacked by J/resonators with target attack while it's recovered.
Right niggers, riddle me some shit since I'm new to this game but thus far have enjoyed it coming from a Magic background.

>What formats exist
>What formats are average games against dudes at a LGS generally played in
>Do formats even matter lel
The current format which everyone is playing is called New Frontiers. Uses all the cards from Grimm Cluster and Alice Cluster.

A cluster will last roughly two years in legality before they become obsolete, so when a new cluster is released after a follow up cluster. Which means Grimm Cluster will be illegal in standard tournaments by around maybe September 2016 when a new cluster will start coming out.

The other formats which almost no one is playing either only use the Grimm Cluster cards, or they use the old set from Valhalla which has some mechanic on cards not seen in the other clusters called Lifebreak.
Any deckbuilding sites around that are good?
They've said before they don't plan on making old sets obsolete. They had to for the Valhalla set because it was their first sets and they broke the game with them too much, (stupid archetypes and mechanics) they also felt the life breaks were too stupid.

I haven't found any deck-building apps, but http://db.fowtcg.us/ is good for finding cards.
This game is so weird. I love it.
Does anyone use mozart? Ive been running a Grixis Vlad Control that runs 4 mozart 2 witch's dagger mainboard and it seems really good at forcing goofy trades and buying time to stabilize.
Is there a site like MagicCardMarket to check card prices for EU?
Has anyone built/played Valentina?
Yeah, Valentina 1.0 UW and working on a UG now with TTW
So what if I used Blazer as my ruler then just made white/blue? He lets everything tap for red so my mana base would still be stable as fuck, especially since white basically gets 8 dual colour stones with each other colour.
I give it the same lifespan as tiny leaders.
Tiny Leaders was a fundamentally flawed variant of a variant of Magic. You literally couldn't play anything but aggressive/goodstuff decks if you wanted to actually win. Force of Will is like what Magic would be if Wizards weren't too pussy to actually print good cards. It's broken, but not in a turn one win sense. I'm really liking it so far. The main problem is that being in the UK, the game has only just really come out here, so no one has any interesting cards or decks. I really want 3 more copies of Guinevere though. Like god damn, that bitch is insane.
They will have the "Standard" but also the "Modern" sets. Just like Magic. New Frontier will be the most popular one, but you could play a Origin game if you want to with all sets available outside of banned cards.
So what is the best way to start this game? I've been thinking about getting two Vingolf packs for the Duals and one Booster Display of the set that has Brainstormcat.

Does that sound like a good plan?
Sure, Two Vingolf would give you a full set of every double land, and 4 of Rasputin, Mozart and ect. And boxes have smaller cards count than Magic so you would get a lot Rare sets.
Thing is that this would cost me about 200 Euros total (because this shit is horribly expensive in Europe for some reason) and after paying that much money I would like to have a decent competetive deck right away.

Would the cards I aquire facilitate this?
Well Rasputin is one of the best card for Discard decks. The dual lands are great too. But I would say that a simple Vingolf and a box would be enough to make a good deck. Or you can just get a Starter and modify it.
I like to play White control or Black zombies in Magic.

Is any of the starters like that?
The light deck can be played as control, Artemis Bow is amazing when used with Arla. You could splash green for counters, add things like Sign to the Future/Duel of Light for more removal, Perceval to dig for bows, or the new Arthur Pendragon as a bomb/boardwipe.
You're able to build a highly competitive deck by getting x2 of the Melgis/Faria Starter Deck with Blazer as your Ruler.
But burn is booooring :<
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