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EDH/Commander general

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Thread replies: 424
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>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.


>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets but has a terrible UI.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface
Need tips for helping with this casual cat deck of fun

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Salty about more shit RW commanders general.
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>OH GOD THE BUGS edition
Being bad is their part of the color pie.
>That image
Implying that hypothetical situation wouldn't put the Azorious lawmage in violation of decree 26378483904837 against the consumption of magicaholic beverages.
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What would you do to fix monowhite and monored?

Does it fit the color pie?
It's fine, she filed for a permit over two months ago. Do azorius girls lose all inhibitions in bed
I don't know but Rakdos girls lose all inhibitions everywhere else.
Rules lawyers are the shittiest and most unfun people to play with.

This isn't competitive REL, even at SCG events and pods.
Monored is really tough because there are actually a few very competitive monored commanders despite how bad the colour is overall. Every time you bring something to the board for Kazuul or Diaochan, you gotta worry about Krenko or Daretti inching their way up.

I think monowhite only needs better ways to get advantage on colour though.
Card draw
but seriously every other color has reliable card draw which is what makes them good so why can't red or white? Red's getting better but still
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Can you guys help me make/edit my first tri-color deck? Sultai for that matter.


Trying to utilize graveyard play and making sacrificing part of my strategy. Should I run more green mana ramps or blue draw cards? Any cards you would recommend or remove?

Green/White Weenie deck was pretty easy for me to learn but I'm honestly having trouble working this Sultai deck out.
Only if they enter the bedroom with a +1/+1 counter.
Card flow.
No, really, that's it. A way to get cards into hand again. In 60 cards Magic, this isn't really a problem because the games are over quickly, but EDH is all a game about card flow and that's solely the reason why red and white are the worst colors in it and blue and green the best.

Which is funny because I think white is the best support color and UWx or GWx are some of the best colors, since card advantage + a way to answer literally everything is too good.

Just make some other more efficient elkin draw cards in red and give white some more ways to draw cards and they'll get a lot better.
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>"Competitive" EDH
Personally I have a huge problem removing creatures in red. Black has is so easy, followed by white's exile, then blue's everything. Maybe not having to pay 5+ mana just to remove a problem creature one time?
Maybe some less suicidal creatures. Does every red common need to be an x/1 with haste? More instants.
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>A game that requires a winner at the end(normally)
>cries when people play to win
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>Ordered stuff for a deck on Sunday
>no updates on tracking since then
People who parade around their competitive EDH decks always have a fake ass moral superiority thing going on, as if playing a format in a certain way grants them special powers or some shit.

It's sickening. you can play EDH competitively with friends or at events or whatever, but it's gross to act like you're better then people casting cultivates and Kodama's reaches to ramp into shit that actually plays with the mechanics of the game in an interesting way
>Sign up for Pucatrade
>Immediately got the Demonic Pact and the Boros Charm I needed for free
>shipping off that Beastmaster Savant I don't need to Argentina where it can go suck a dick
Why haven't you signed up to Pucatrade yet, anon? What's your excuse?
Also can someone please send me a Dralnu?
Honestly, I don't quite understand how it works
Beautiful and scary. Is there enough of these for a hornet (well, insect) themed or tribal deck in any format?
Shit nvm about Dralnu I no longer have enough points.
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You get points for sending cards to people, and then when you have enough points, people send you cards.
Because sending things through the mail is a bitch.
Anon there are so many bugs
I assume it's US only?
Oh man I want some sweet Pucatrade cards pls, I though South America didn't had enough traders, how do you earn points again?
Put banding on this shit. when someone swings big, dump all the damage here.
Its simple actually. Ship out cards to people who want(i.e. are in their "want list) them in exchange for "points"(1 point = 1 cent of the card's realtime value) When you have enough points from that, people can send you cards that you have in your "want list" for points.
There are non-US users, but from what I understand the US users have the easiest time.
But do they have enough decent ones or ones with synergy?
I love the idea of a nest that poops out angry hornets, how can this be done?
I've seen the great snake mistake, now I need the horrible hornet happening
Posting my shitty meren brew, I can't decide on what to take out. Help would be appriciated.

Guys seriously what do I do

I'm getting worried
You can earn points immediately when you sign up for doing basic things (about $5 right off the bat), then you earn points by sending people cards(but they have to confirm they got them, which can be scary but oh well) and you can also get $1-$3 worth of points(depending on your membership) for each person you refer.
Well there's this, which does the same thing as the nest
Do artifacts have summoning sickness or can I use their "tap" ability as soon as it hits?
Artifacts don't. Artifact creatures do.
No non-creatures cannot have summoning sickness
There's also this, which can honestly turn into a goddamn nightmare
You live in a small town?
Pray anon. It's the only way.
Last year someone shipped me a Christmas present a month before Christmas. When I finally got the broken and beaten box in late February, I was curious and called the person who sent it to me.
Evidently it went across the entire country twice somehow, then went to Alaska, then came back to the person who sent it before being repackaged and sent again.
why is the art on this card so goddamn terrible
>You live in a small town?
Yes. Usually stuff gets here but I'm just worried because USPS hasn't updated tracking at all, and the other two packages (all 3 from TCGPlayer) are well on their way

Also our new mailman sucks
I just noticed it' the same bug three times, just flipped around.
What the hell man.
The Magic artists now just aren't as good as before I guess.

Good luck. You've a lot more trust than I do in the USPS.
Found out a few years ago my grandma pretty much just stopped sending letters because I never responded. It's not the only thing I know that consistently "disappears". But the bills and junk mail never fail. And I never ship anything without the insurance.
it bugs me
The postal service is fucking crazy. Seriously if the mailing address says "take a left about a quarter mile past the rock across the road from the tree that looks like James Madison's penis" it will fucking get there
I disagree but whatever.
I really want to try it, but I'm spastic about shipping things out because I have to Noah for shipping and shit.
But some people have fun operating within the rules.

Just agree on a REL to enforce before hand.
Well doesn't TCG have their sellers ship to their warehouse then send it out in their own envelope? The package from them is comprised of cards from like 8 different stores
Me again I think I got it
Hornets nest
Darksteel plate
Phyrexian alter
Crawling zombie
Awesome the new commander helps
Exile 2 cards at random from your hand, and the top three cards of your library.
You may play cards exiled this way until the end of your next turn.

Basically reprint all the glorious old cantrips of yesteryear, but with red's new exile mechanic.

White needs more equipment, and equipment based card advantage..
Depends on if it's tcgplayer direct or not
This one was, with just regular shipping

What's that, like a week? I'm just antsy because there's been no update since Sunday
Casual and Regular REL work within the rules.

Rules Sharking isn't an REL problem, it's a person problem.
Are you bait?
Really? You adhere to priority in your casual games?
Not that guy, but some art is still sweet. It's true that a bunch of the digital art just straight up looks terrible.
The Traditional Art that gets done is still very nice looking.
Traditional Art pieces usually look better on cards and usually convey their content better, since digital art just gets riddled with details and becomes incomprehensible on a card (see: all of Steve Argyles stuff)
Yes. in the same way that you adhere to priority in Competitive REL. by knowing how the shit works, because those are the rules.
Shortcuts still happen at competitive REL, people dont mention priority unless there is a reason to.
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No. Old Magic art was garbage save a very, very select few.

But that's not EDH and it's also not a discussion I wanna have here because I know 90% of the arguments and they're all trash 'muh traditional painting', 'muh style', 'muh creative outlook', 'muh cartoons & fun'
You better not be shitting on Jamie Jones, bitch.
Wondering how you guys reckon X spells and the new UR general work?

>Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell with converted mana cost greater than the number of experience counters you have, you get an experience counter.

Will the CMC be whatever X is? Or X + the other costs (ie RRX and X=5 the CMC would be 7) or is CMC just the non X part of the cost?
Mindslaver with Tasigur and 14 mana is a lock, you know.
X costs aren't taken into account for the CMC of a spell. Comet Storm's CMC is 2
Well, a lot of it comes down to being able to read the artwork of the card without having to try and it also not looking like freshly molded clay dogshit. Which some of Jaime Jones's shit looks like.

The gross digital artwork kind of works for Eldrazi cards though, because of their 'alienness'
You choose the X number, then that gets added to other costs, then you take that number and apply her discount to it.
It does when it's on the stack.

it will be X + the other costs when you cast it, which is the only time it matters for Mizzix
X is 0 everywhere else but on the stack. On stack CMC the total mana paid for the spell.
>14 mana

Jesus. I thought needing 13 for Hanna was bad.
On that note, Eidolon of Rhetoric and Decree of Silence is also wonderful. Even better with Inoxerable Tide.
Thanks, I was unaware of that.
I like the UR general, is that alone worth getting the deck?
Some of these 99 cards seem really shit once I get over how aesthetically pretty Blue and Red is together.
Buy single, if you're only interested in mizzix. mystic confluence has some value tho.
its really only ten mana if you have prophet out.
>Tasigur and 14 mana is a lock
I'll be honest, I have no clue what you mean by that.
I looked at Mindslaver and I honestly don;t like controlling other people's turns.
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>Play Varolz Scanning.
>Just played Deadbridge Chant.
>Get excited for scavenge possibilities.
>Someone just exiles my whole graveyard.
Is there anything I can do to stop this shit? I'm so bummed out right now about this flaw in my deck.
What I mean is you use ten mana to cast and use Mindslaver, then on their controlled turn you activate Tasigur's ability and make them pick Mindslaver. Rinse and repeat. Also why the fuck would you NOT want to use the best effect in all of magic!?
How? How did I manage that?
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That one time mortal's resolve-ed this and blocked a 50/50

I won the next turn
No. The ridiculously strong graveyard hate is the only reason graveyard strategies aren't more dominant.
>Is there anything I can do to stop this shit?
Feldon's cane?
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>not liking utter humiliation
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Pic related for spells that target you. Krosan Grip for tormod's crypt and his relatives. Witchbane Orb or Orbs of Warding for Bojuka Bog (also good for spells that target you)
Nah man, sometimes decks just fold to the shit that make them lose. you can just make every single card a threat and only dedicated constant graveyard hate can put you to a halt, but you can't really fix a flaw that is inherent in your commander/colors. Grave yard strategies are still broken shits though, so you should be fine.

Why Deadbridge Chant though? doesn't seem.... good.
A++++ 10/10 great ebayer
>Grip for crypt
>does nothing when the guy holds priority and sacs crypt after her plays it

Also does nothing for RiP and things that directly target the graveyard like Scooze
Why the fuck was he even swinging a 50/50 into that if it didn't have trample!? Making the nest indestructible made no difference in you winning.
groundseal works for scooze. Rest in Peace can suck a dick, though.

Cheers for that, its how I thought it worked but wanted to make sure before I make an X-spell deck around it.

One other thing though. A friend of mine reckons you apply the discount even to X spells. I don't think it works like that, but my rules knowledge is crap so I could be wrong.

Can I apply the discount for X spells? IE, with 5 EXP counters, I could declare X to be 7, but only pay 2 of it?
>Rest in Peace can suck a dick
I will never stop loving the taste of your delicious tears.
Stupid rules question
If I cast a fireball where x=10 and I use pyromancers goggles to pay for part of the cost triggering its copy ability does the copy hit for 10 like the original spell?
Well, prophet is a faggot anyway.

I've thought about putting unwinding clock into Hanna, but its more of a control deck featuring enchantment/artifact combos.

Check It out http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/hanna-ships-combo-and-control/

I don't think it's 100% up to date, but the gist is there.
>Place ten cards into my graveyard when it hits the field.
>Allows me to pull things out (Granted at random) that I don't want in there every upkeep.
If I accidentally dredge some equipment for my big, beefy monster, I can get it back. I'm sure there are cards that do that better, but I don't know them.
Greenwarden of Murasa, Eternal WItness, and Regrowth are all good for that.
Awesome! Thanks
I want to build a RGu commander deck because I like playing big creatures and I like things like rhystic study and frozen aether, who is the least degenerate but still decent commander I can run?
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>stealing everyone's shit with the Empires artifacts and Kurkesh

This is the best oh my God
Surrak Dragonclaw
Yeah, but with Deadbridge I get to return something EVERY upkeep.
Riku is literally Goodstuff Inc.
Animar is all creatures
Yasova is a rather specialized value deck
Surrak is whatever so there's that
Well if you run BUG just play tasigur or deadeye navigator then.
And every upkeep is very slow. and it's just so much mana to not do anything the turn it comes down.

I mean,I see how it could have impressive results, but I guess our metas are just really different in terms of speed. Deadbridge chant wouldn't get enough value before the super late game to be worth the mana put into it.
Ok I was leaning towards Surrak so I'll probably go that route, thanks!
Kurkesh is insane. I have a sorta stax deck I've been working on with him and he can honestly be fucking bonkers, using your non mana-rock artifacts twice each turn can be devastating
Thoughts on Zuran Orb in Karlov?
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What do you guys think about MLD and similar effects? It gets super annoying that people think lands being sacred and therefore untouchable. Even earlier today one guy playing monogreen complained me putting Sunder in one of my decks, and I started talking about armageddon after he has shat his entire landbase to the table. He went as far as complained MLD being cheater cards.
Shieet, literally the only reason that was important, the 50/50 had double strike
You do realize that double striker without trample doesn't do combat damage second time, if blocker dies on first damage step?
Then I don't see what you're complaining about. Rules lawyers only act when someone is mistaken about the rules, or not following them.

The shortcut rules are used, but shortcuts need to be consented to before being used.
Really? Well... 100 hornets is better than 50 either way but now I do wonder why he swung, I just assumed the double strike woulda killed me
I think they're extremely necessary and anyone who doesn't see that is probably just ramping into stupid and don't realize that they're no different than the guy complaining about grave hate or the guy complaining about too many wraths. They're all just answers to their bullshit
There's a small subset of loud people who are retarded, and think ramp decks are actually better equipped to win after a geddon.

This is easily proven false by considering the two situations: Either they sandbag ramp in case of a geddon, or they don't.

If they don't, they're in topdeck mode the same as the rest of us, and have less topdecks to draw (having ramped a lot of lands out already).

If they do sandbag ramp spells, then great. The thread of MLD is keeping them honest.
Ok, Maybe 'Rules Lawyer' Is a slight misnomer to what he was talking about.

Rules Shark fits better. Ya know, the ones that bring up rules and regulations when it is advantageous to them, but then never when something sneaky happens and it could possibly be bad for them?

Regular old Rules Lawyers can mean well, Rules Sharks are Rules Lawyers that intend on being dicks to people who aren't necessarily as competent in the rules to screw them over. That type of attitude is pretty easy to pick up on, and it happens a lot with Randoms at LGSes.
Hell Im trying to make a standard deck which is based around land destruction. Works wonders with Crumble To Dust with all the Tri-colour decks and Dual-colour decks currently appearing in standard. Mono blue is pretty much the only colour that can achieve a decent win-rate at standard level.
Agreed, but they never seem to learn to not dump all of their manabase to the table. I hate it when they do that and think that should be left unanswered. Same guy went full baby mode and would scoop to MLD.
What deck in standard is mono-blue?

I'm also pretty sure you get shit on by Atarka Red. since all those LD spells cost 4 and they run wild slashes and impulses for your mana dorks or whatever
Buying the BG deck on Friday. Feels good.
I see now.

Yeah, those guys are dicks.

My rules for rules lawyering are:

Always stop a play that breaks the rules (if I notice I've broken one too late, I'll usually concede)

Other than that, stay silent on rules issues unless asked.
Like forcing players to miss mandatory upkeep triggers because they drew a card or something before they even did anything during their main phase.

That shit is easy to forget when you're hanging out with friends you just kinda do things out of order because you're trying to play magic to relax or because the stakes are low.

But in general, I agree with that rule, if you're gonna call out rules problems, call your own out, and if it's too late to fix, then concede or face some gameplay based punishment.
I never said the land destruction worked. Am actually trying to combine Artarka with the land destruction. The deck i played against was mono blue sphinx's, flying merfolk and counter/bounce/tap (so standard control). Wins via mill with sphinx's insight or flying damage. Anyway, enough about standard in the EDH post.
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>that one faggot who is always wrong about rules
>insists that he's right despite him being wrong on every past rules question

Guy was arguing that you could put your commander in the command zone, from anywhere, whenever you want. I almost slapped the fucker the mouth
I'm the only player in my group who put any time into learning the rules. I could probably pass the judge test if there were enough events going on around me.

Leads to a bunch of people asking me questions, which is always a hoot in EDH.

But it's also pretty shitty at times when you have to crush some new kids dreams and tell him that X doesn't work like that.
>you could put your commander in the command zone, from anywhere, whenever you want
How would he even get this in his head?
>float 8 mana from lands
>sac all lands
>8 triggers
>16 +1/+1 counters
>shitload of counters on Karlov
>Have Emeria Shepherd
>cast Armageddon
>Cast Faiths Reward
>get back Soul Sisters, Auriok Champ and Suture Priest
>each triggers 4 times
>16 triggers
>32 +1/+1 counters

Seems legit.
I dunno anon, with the tuck change we might soon just see that we should have access to our commanders no matter what.
>Guy was arguing that you could put your commander in the command zone, from anywhere,
>whenever you want
what a tard
Fuck if I know. He's a huge dickhead, last time we played a new guy with last year's green precon showed up, and he devoted everything to getting the guy off the table.

Also, time before last, he was insisting that an All is Dust wouldn't make him sac his Thassa or Phenax. I can't tell if he's retarded and bad at the game or if he's just trying to get a rise out of people.
Well you can't just pop it from the graveyard back to the command zone, which is what he was trying to do (without playing a reanimator effect)
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There's a guy at my LGS who thinks himself a judge and tries to 'judge' FNM when the actual judge can't show up, but his rules knowledge is mediocre at best. He, for instance, didn't know and tried to argue me on using Celestial Flare at the end of combat to kill the creature you want after damage. I had to pull up gatherer, and when he was proven wrong, he brushed it off as an 'errata' he never heard of.

I'm considering behaving as the local part time judge because he's seriously bad, but that'd mean I'd have to step down from FNM and I actually enjoy FNM so fuck that.
Because dude INDESTRUCTIBLE. It means it never dies.
Fair Trade
1W Enchantment
At the beggining of each player's upkeep that players draws cards until the number of cards in his or her hand is equal to the number of cards of the player with most cards in hand.
Illust is merchants pissed about a well regulated market.

Talented Musings
R Instant
Scry 3, then exile the top card of your library. You may play that card until end of turn.
Illust is guy smoking pot coming to the same conclusion as the fedora-wearing "intellectual" on a problem.

It is in flavor, it is in their shard of the color pie even if in name only, but it will never happen because NWO determined Card Advantage is blue-exclusive.
I wonder how he'd finagle out of a Morbid Tragic Slip on Phenax
Is he even qualified as a rules advisor or whatever it's called?
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I am. Altough I only order weird shit I can't get anywhere localy or with T&T.
Right now I'm looking for 10 each of these.
More skullclamps. Just reprint skullclamp 2-3 times with different names. White is fixed.
You can buy points (1 cent = 1 point) and cards are priced at their average value.
It's great for getting old commons and specific editions like DD/Planechase and shit.
Yeah, I wasn't disagreeing with 'when ever' fact. You can put your commander in the command zone if it gets exiled from the yard, though.
Wow, what a tard. I feel bad that you had to deal with that.
I doubt it. Honestly, most people on the store don't seem pay him much attention either, but he sometimes butts in and is specially eager to mess with new people. Like months ago he attacked a planeswalker controlled by a new guy with a creature equipped with a Light and Shadow, then told him that 'planeswalkers are players so this activates and I get this back from my graveyard.' Not knowing any better, the new guy played like that until last week when I noticed that and told him otherwise.
Those are some really nice swamps but they sort of feel post-apocalyptic. What plane is that from?
He becomes super small UNKILLABLE guy. Just until end of turn though. I mean, clones are 0/0 too, so why not Phenax
>What plane is that from?

Not a plane but art is from Portal: Second Age
They're obnoxious, they are. Judge what your playgroup is going for. If it's a bunch of people with casual decks, maybe hold out. If it's a bunch of Prossh combo assholes light their shit the fuck up.
I'm running armageddon and now sunder for that amulet of vigor + patron of the moon combo. I'm casting them when I can if it helps with my game plan or if it becomes necessary. In my other group armageddon is to be expected at least once every game.
Without MLD, ramping is too safe and consistent a strategy. You get your land ramp that will never get removed, and guaranteed payoff spells: even if you don't draw your top-end, you always have your commander, who will always be available to recast. You suffer very little early game pressure due to 40 life multiplayer, so having a slower start isn't an issue for ramp decks like it can be in other formats.

MLD is an essential balancing factor for all of that. If a ramp deck gets completely destroyed and the player then complains that he couldn't cast his spells, it doesn't mean MLD is obnoxious, it just means it worked as intended. Just like someone running a creature aggro list would often find himself never able to do any forward progress against a creatureless control list with tons of wraths and Abyss effects.
Is there a way to use MLD without shooting yourself in the foot as well?
Boil is nice, so is the one that only hits nonbasics, but that's all that comes to mind.
Boros charm first?

Run a bunch of artifact mana.

Shit like that.
can anybody rate my mtgo commander deck?
its fairly budget, but its pretty consistent.
pretty much you play weenies on the first 3 turns, then you play jazal turn 4, and swing for near/lethal turn 5 with jazal's ability
Yes. Like this http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/pharika-build/
Keeping some lands in your hand, for example. You'd be surprised how easily people fall into full topdeckmode from nuking their lands. Just prepare for your own nuke and you'll be fine. Playing basics before ruination would do fine for example.
I just find it atrocious that people complain about good disruption spells. It kind of perplexes me, that artifact removal is okay. So is creature and enchantment removal. But when you destroy lands, you become ultimate satan hitler. Only thing about LD makes me salty is in 1v1 early strip mine + crucible combo

I use it all the time though, mostly for unloading Standard stuff from Draft. I've got a Crucible of Worlds and Doubling Season in the mail that should be arriving any time and I have to ship out a Newlamog, Shambling Vent, foil Abzan Charm, and a foil Black Sun's Zenith tomorrow.
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>that deck

My nigga

>tfw playing Titania and they try to wrath
That feel when your fast mana Kothophed control list is apparently too "Hardcore" for the new meta at your college lgs because you ramp too hard in mono black.
>play a match
>hes playing Kruphix
>he says my commander is shit
>proceed to stomp him turn 5 first game, turn 7 in one swing second game
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Still working on this. Any help would be appreciated.

Also give me tips for Ezuri, Claw of Progress. This is as far as I've gotten: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/-ezuri-claw-of-progress-/
Been watching a couple games on Cockatrice where Karlov showed up, he looks fun as fuck.

I thought Teysa spiraled out of control quickly, it's amazing how fast he gets huge.
Thanks. It's my new pride and joy, and its fun as fuck.
put in the panoramas that can search your basics, because you can use them to cast omnath, and then sac them for the landfall
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Is it possible to whiff this card on the first few turns and not get any lands just to use the Dredge ability on the next turn?
Firecat Blitz, nigga.
>up to
Yes, it's definitely doable
Yes, one of my favorite turn 2 plays, actually.
I can't figure out what else to cut though. The basic land count just can't go down anymore than what I've got it at, I can't decide which utility lands should be kept or removed, and other than maybe Thunderfoot Baloth I can't decide what to cut.

I don't really have that many Mountains, just 9 total. A bunch of 1/1s that aren't even Elemental tokens and will exile themselves at EOT isn't really that appealing.
>A bunch of 1/1s that aren't even Elemental tokens and will exile themselves at EOT isn't really that appealing.
That's why you sac 'em, yo.
They're Elemental Cats, bro.

You need a way to get rid of them before they exile, but if you can, it's almost literally a bolt stapled to a token.
FireCat Blitz is my go to finisher with Purp.
>A bunch of 1/1s that aren't even Elemental tokens
They are, though.
Best stax general in multiplayer? I heard it is rough in MP but I want to give it a shot.
Sac them to WHAT though? Bombardment, sure, that's not too bad. Evolutionary Leap, eh, that means I'm making less tokens unless I left Gaea's Cradle up or something but not horrible, Ashnod's Altar is alright I guess.

It only says 1/1 Cat on the card. I assume on Gatherer it's different?
yup, gatherer says Elemental Cat tokens
Errata's got me all fucked up. They should really reprint cards when their errata is something significant like that.
Should I put rares in my trade binder or just mythics?
Both, but mix them up together so that people will have a reason to keep looking through your binder. Don't just put all the good, high value stuff in the front otherwise people will just check there and dismiss everything else.
Put Value in your binder.

There are plenty of commons/uncommons that are worth a bunch.
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>Sun Titan can grab lands
I feel like I've been playing him wrong this entire time.
He's the best ramp spell in the game aside from Primetime
So, Edric, Claw of Progress. Mana elves in the deck, yes or no? Because I'm tempted to slap in Llanowar, Birds, Mystic, and Treespeaker. Mana in the early game, experience counters and kind of threats since you can throw all your +1/+1 counters onto them in the mid to late game.
>Mana elves in the deck


All of them, like any green quick deck.

They are even better now because they gain you counters, and can be made huge.
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oi fuck you mate
How do you tell a tumblrite with an obnoxious tryhard deck to stop coming to edh events without looking like the bad guy? everyone hates that cunt, and even more his know-it-all attitude. Most of us are suspicious that he stacks his deck, he only does the shuffle where you lay out your cards into 10 piles of 10 and then stack them all together. 'he' always seems to pull the right cards to combo off on turn 3-4.
Any time you confront the bastard, he starts yelling about how "he's a victim because he's transgender"

tl;dr how to tell a cunt to stop playing?

Way to prove his point.
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Tell whoever runs the event that the player in question is cheating, and that his continued presence at events is making everyone else unhappy.

That's assuming that everyone actually hates him though, if it's just you being salty I would say start a blog about how much you hate him and post there instead of on /tg/.
Well, you could just split his deck after shuffling or ask him to regular shuffle for a second after he's done.
What's the cheapest way for a eurofag to buy singles for EDH? Never really bought that many and my usual shops come with pretty hefty shipping costs for that many different singles.
Call the company
All permanents have summoning sickness, but it only affects creatures. This rule exists because sometimes things that aren't creatures become creatures.
>trying to prove RW isn't shit
>posts Bassandra
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Best zombie commander?
Why is Thraximundar even blue? Everything about him is 100% BR
i think there is only 2 choices.
you either go with sidisi or grimgrin.
gisa is mono B
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What are some good, low-CMC cards to play in mono black reanimator in the early game? I'm waiting for some cards to arrive and now that I think of it, my mana curve is pretty high. Also I don't have much ramp, except for
>wayfarer's bauble (cmc 1)
>myriad landscape (cmc 0)
>charcoal diamond (cmc 2)
>sol ring (cmc 1)
>jet medallion (cmc 2)
>crypt ghast (cmc 4)
>caged sun (cmc 6)
>sad robot (cmc 4)
>burnished hart (cmc 3)
>cabal coffers (cmc 0)
anything I could or should include that I can use in the early game? Because this here is like 10 cards out of 99 I'd want to have in my opening hand.
Isn't that just stasis?

Publiic Knowledge 2W

At the beginning of each end step, if a player drew more than one card this turn, each of that player's opponents may draw a card.

What is a rules lawyer?

Explain further, be more specific
magiccardmarket if you're in Europe
Cut his deck in 4 and lay the lowest part on top.
This is my foolproof anti-stacking way for "casual" formats/RELs where you're not actually expected to shuffle the oponent's deck toroughly.

Tell all your friends to do the same. If he's actually cheating he won't win a game that day.
It will be slow, but it will be as cheap as a couple toploaders, envelopes and stamps..
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Here are some lower CMC cards I run in my Chainer.
>Zombie tribal
>Zombies goodstuff
>Zombie control/midrange
Sweet, thank you. Spawning pit looks good; can't really have too many sac outlets!
should I run expedition map to find cabal coffers( or ghost quarter of necessary)?
I just do a variety of retarded, unpredictable cuts. Really though, if you're worried just shuffle it. Then shuffle everyone's so they don't know who you're singling out.
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I don't see why you couldn't if you have a slot for it.

Here are some other good lands that you might think of using.
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thanks lad
just play a bit more steady...look at your hand and form a game plan that involves holding some threats back, only fill your gy when you can access it immediately, etc. Save your threats for later in the game when a player might already be vulnerable.

If that doesn't work, just blow up their lands.
How would you use this?
I only figured that out a few days ago too.
My mind was blown.
instant speed spells and activated abilities like Ashling.
How is stinkweed imp for early game action? I figure it keeps people from attacking you and once it dies you can start filling up your raveyard.
Teferi/Hypersonic Dragon
>he only does the shuffle where you lay out your cards into 10 piles of 10 and then stack them all together

Well he's doing it with the cards face down, right? I don't see a problem with that, EDH decks are pretty big, especially when sleeved.
Literally fucking reprint Military Intelligence as white
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>never heard of this card
>look it up
>perfect way for Boros colors to draw cards
>it's fucking blue
It fucking boggles the mind that it's not white

Fuck MaRo and his blue boner

>against things blatantly destroying the color pie unless it's blue
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>Military Intelligence

Silly anon, thinking ahead is blue's specialty. Literally no other color is allowed to do it. XD
How did I never know about kurkesh. He's going in Jor Kadeen right away.

Bindi Irwin definitely belongs to a green deck.
just being a zombie alone makes him blue, havent you seem the blue zombie token?
It's a pyramid scheme
What is even the point of using this when the only things you'd likely want to give away on here are your commons and shit rares? The price of stamps and envelopes alone would make using this more expensive than Star Shitty Games.
Why do people even use that shitty site when tcgplayer is almost always cheaper?
General ruling question: if my opponent has Elesh "Cockblock" Norn out, I have Newzuri on the field and activate some spell that summons 2/2 or lower tokens, do the tokens trigger his ability or are they never even entering the battlefield?
They enter and cause abilities to trigger, then immediately die before a player gets priority.
They do enter, but they die instantly.
Thanks for the quick response.
They enter the battlefield.
Ghostly Prison is a white Propaganda reprint, why not do it again with an effect that actually makes sense for white
Which colorless walker is better? I like to run one of them in most of my decks as a catch all bomb that I can cast mid game.

Right now I feel Ugin is a bit better since he is better suited for getting my back in the game if I am behind. Karn for the most part is better at taking care of the biggest problem on the board once he hits however I don't find his plus that useful and if I ever did get to his ult I can't think of a time I would find it useful. Ugin on the other hand all his modes are useful and if I ult with him I am pretty close to winning the game afterwards.
>not wanting to literally reset time with Karn's ult
Depends on what colors you are and what you lack.

Hard to justify Karn over Ugin in monoworthless because white already has plenty of spot removal and is lacking in card draw. But monogreen could desperately use Karn.
Karn easily.

But Ugin is still fantastic.
I'd say ugin. wiping however much of the board you feel like is a lot stronger than exiling one thing in multiplayer. and his +1 basically reads "your opponents can't cast creatures with <4 toughness"
>Military Intelligence
This is literally Battalion card draw. What the fuck Wizards why is this not in Boros colors
Hopefully not as your commander.
>card draw

Found the answer.
It's not like white doesn't have cantrips, and they do have a couple niche draw engines
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White has Armistice, it's fine.
If you play a lot of creatures, Mastery of the Unseen can be a decent mana sink and substitute card draw engine, at least. It can go off pretty well in my Karametra deck, at least (but that usually has a trillion lands on the table)
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Why do people hate this card? I've been trying it out in decks that need coloured mana rocks and it seems decent
Comes in tapped.
>2 mana for tapped rock
>taps for 1

Not particularly efficient, I'd say. You'd be better off playing Command Tower or something

Or an Imprinted Extraplanar Lens on a guildgate or something
Silly anon! You can't break the color pie by having RW draw cards. It's ok for blue to get cards for attacking even though combat isn't really blue's thing because it's fluffy.
I'd rather Felwar Stone or Cold Steel heart.

Basic lands aren't common in my decks tho.
I play it in a monocolored deck. It's fine. It's comparable to Rampant Growth, which is okay in colors that aren't green.
Inspiration Chain 2R
Draw a card.
Whenever you cast a spell this turn, draw a card.
Too good?
I thought white's thing was "do everything, but not quite as good at it as the other colors"
Why in gods name would you think that?
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Oh yeah, well Red White has the best cuties so go fuck yourselves you blue-loving shitbirds
>a new guy with last year's green precon showed up, and he devoted everything to getting the guy off the table
Fuck that guy (not the newbie). I hope you destroyed him. People who try to off the newbie are assholes, especially in this format
>What is any Legacy storm deck?
I want to make a gahiji "everyone kill everyone but me" deck, any suggestions?
Tips for best Boros graveyard hate? I'm assuming my Rest In Peace is as good as I get cus R/W.
>paying life for effects and lands (fetches, shocks, Boseiju/Hall of the Bandit Lord)
>get mad shit-talk from the group
>end up winning by a sizable margin

How do you convince people that life is a resource, and not some sacred untouchable facet of the game that you can only lose from damage?
Angel of Finality, Grafdiggers?
Money speaks. Show them the price of those things, and then maybe any standard decklist.
Lots of artifacts. Relic of Progenitus, Tormods, etc. Also if shit's getting to the GY by way of the field white's the exile color, and red has plenty of burn-to-exile. Also Burn Away.
Beautiful. Unfortunately Maro sits on top a throne made of foil gofys and Jace's and laughingly cries out to let those R/W scum eat cake(card advantage and ramp).
Have they not seen the great black bleed-yourself-to-win-a-lot decks?
You mean a list using those cards? Or a list from Standard?
I guess not. I run a sac/suicide monoblack 60-card one for casual play but it's not as good
Run Griselbrand and show them what they're missing out on.
I said any standard decklist.
>Run Griselbrand
Drop Necropotence even once, let them learn that way.
>the ban list magically binds you and you can't drop it for a game or two to make a point

Alternatively: >>43606895
This card is shit right? I'm not missing some weird combo with it am I?
nigga you just blew my mind. holy fuck how can I have been so dense for so long?
Tomond's crypt is pretty easy to shoe in. Containment Priest might be useful. Also that big ass expensive angel that can exile shit in the grave
My group had some new players who were that way, after a while seeing me bolt myself to fetch untapped shocks and pay 4 for things like Snuff Out or Dismember, overall dealing myself 10+ damage regularly over the course of a game and still winning because I was able to use my resources more efficiently, they learned.

Paying life is like lube. It makes everything else in your deck operate more smoothly. Every time they can't cast a spell on time because a land ETB tapped or they don't have the right colors, remind them it could have been avoided by paying a bit of life.
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It's white card draw. Yes, it's shit. White doesn't have a lot of better non-artifact options. It found its way in the 2014 white precon and honestly, in low-powered games, it wasn't awful.

In a real deck however, you won't want this shit, or Inheritance (some people here actually run Inheritance and think it's good, no joke, the poor fuckers). You'll want to run artifact draw and tutors for your skullclamp.
Kill someone with hatred
Relic of Progenitus is better
Mikey D Unhallowed.
>player thinks his trample double strike 15/10 won't kill me because I have a blocker with protection from red
>angel and devil on the shoulders debate if I should tell him how trample runs right the fuck over protection
I told him, then I died.
I enjoy reminding people about my Lightmine Field whenever they attack other players.
I try to always tell them when what they're missing is obvious but when the play isn't immediately apparent, I just go "Are you sure?"

Example, I had a Magus of the Future in play, my opponent was winning on board, I draw and reveal Tragic Arrogance as the card on the top. Opponent knows shit is going down. I know he has Setessan Tactics in hand but it's locked down by my Alhammarret, High Arbiter. So I decide to attack with all my disposable creatures before casting Tragic Arrogance, which includes Alhammarret. I realize my mistake after declaring attackers. He can block the sphinx, kill it, then before moving to my main phase, Setessan Tactics killing the Magus of the Future, preventing me from casting Tragic Arrogance and leaving me dead on board. I ask him "Anything you want to do before my main phase?" while nodding towards the top of my deck, he doesn't see the play, I go on to win that game.
I never coach their plays, I let them make their own mistakes, but if it's a matter of not knowing or not understanding a rule I try to correct them. The urge to stay silent and win is strong, but then I think they won't learn otherwise and it's not like I'm actually losing anything
Who is this
If only there were some way to search a massive collection of information at the click of a button.

Or even if someone had already replied to that person with the info.
If you cast a creature, does the the summoning sickness prevent you from using it's tap ability?
Yes, unless the ability is worded as "Tap x creatures you control: " like it is on Captivating Vampire.
Yes, unless it has haste or you have a Thousand-Year Elixir out
Any ability with the tap symbol, yes.

If it's the ability of another creature with the cost "Tap an untapped creature you control:" then you may use it. For example Azami, Lady of Scrolls may tap a Laboratory Maniac you just played to draw a card.
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Thanks guys.
It annoys me that we've got at least four people lurking and able to reply in minutes to any question yet we can't even get a conversation going in here.

What's your favorite monocolored commander?

I cannot ever convince myself to run monocolored commanders.

I always have to run white with something, or blue with something
Nobody cause I don't see a point of playing monocolor in EDH.

The biggest tiffs in have with rules are split second. People are adamant about it being 100% totally uncounterable and untouchable. This particularly happens in my Hanna deck because I've built around it.

>counterbalance out
>opponent K-grips it
>flip commanders sphere on top
>you can't because split second
>ask him where it says anything about triggers
Above also applies to Decree of Silence. The biggest salt comes from morphs.

>have Morph and Hanna with Decree in gy
>opponent Sudden Spoils me
>flip Stratus Dancer and counter it
>you can't do that because of split second
>oh yes I very much can

Morphs ARE NOT ACTIVATED ABILITIES AND DO NOT USE THE STACK WHEN BEING TURNED FACE UP. You pay morph cost and they have a trigger when they flip, and it does not use the stack, which means no bolting in response to a flip. I use Stratus Dancer and Spellcatcher as split second counter magic.

Know it. Use it. Prepare for it.
You're both shitters, where are my Ashling bros at?
If they wouldn't be so afraid of mentioning the stack there wouldn't be any issues. Keep the reminder text on split second the same and instead of "at any time" on morph make it "without using the stack."
Daretti, but I don't have any others.
I'm using a barely modified 2014 precon, I just took out some useless sorceries and instants that usually do more damage to me than anyone else.
I'm casual as fuck but it works against UG so fuck it.
>What's your favorite monocolored commander?

Purphoros. I hate you, I hate your fun, I hate the group's fun, everyone can just get burned out.
I will coach their plays when something happens like them being tapped out and running no blocks when I'm swinging for lethal. I'll just point out "This is lethal if you don't do something".

I play with some pretty big casuals and we usually get very drunk while playing, so it's generally fine to point things out like that.

Ashling (double damage/land D/hate everything) for Mono-Red and Odric (soldier tribal) for Mono-White
in their defense things everything else uses the stack so people are not prepared/aware of the few things that go against the norm
Kalastria Waifu
My nigga. Purphoros token deck is amazing.
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Why would you let yourself suffer like that.
Had the same split second argument with willbender and sudden spoiling
I like having Odric available at all times, and the average CMC of the deck is 2.37, so it's not like I need a ton of mana to go off.

Plus, thanks to artifact subtheme it's relatively easy to get cards. Infiltration Lens, Rogue's Gloves, Feast and Famine take care of all the needs.
For me, it was with Ashnod's Altar. I was dominating fairly hard, had Mikaeus, Flayer of the Hatebound and a bunch of good sac fodder in play. I swing at a player, he casts Sudden Spoiling. I start saccing my shit to the altar, have to argue that it's a mana ability, tons of undying and flayer triggers go on the stack, I use them to kill the player casting Sudden Spoiling. Rest of the table goes "But Sudden Spoiling still resolves, right?"

I ended up letting it resolve even though the spell's owner had just died, they were too insistent on it.
That sounds like pure fun. You have a decklist handy?
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>within a minute of that post the mailman delivers my entire Purphoros deck
>sans Purphoros
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Short list of ETB guys for Meren. What other neato ETB creatures fit in?

There you go. Also, misremembered, average CMC is 3.21, not 2.37.
Bone Shredder? The demon that tutors?
Grave Titan
Disciple of Bolas
>Phyrexians got to Ezuri
>Jin-Gitaxias (presumably) compleated him
>UG Ezuri that grows the weaker Phyrexians and makes them better for the benefit of all Phryexia

I hope Khemba's next.
My friend just built a Kurkesh deck. Sweet tech includes:
>Pentavus. With enough mana it just grows and grows
>Throne of Geth + Astral Cornucopia. Takes a long time but you can get so much mana
>Myr Retriever + Codex Shredder. Sac Shredder, double the return ability, get back Retriever and something else. When Retriever dies, get back the Shredder
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post actually fun cards
I meant to include these in addition to Shriekmaw, Phrexian Delver, Faceless Butcher, and Sepulchral Primordial.

Anyone get their own Meren lists together yet?
Love that card. I always go stupidly high and wind up paying 20 life for a few cards.
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I find it fun.

I find it fucking hilarious
Tossup between Bosh, Godo and Sidisi

Godo is stupid fun for casual play, because you just go berserker mode with Voltron
Sasaya, orochi ascendant

Mono black is really oppressive, not surprised people don't want to play with it

You need artifacts to deal with enchants and artifacts of your opponents, but that doesn't really matter if none of them can put together an enchantment or artifact based victory in time before you crush them with mono black card draw and mana
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Mono black always produces the best feelings.
Kentaro, the smiling cat
I assume you run Hatred?
Can Beseech the Queen get lands like Sun Titan?
I want to see more good black walkers in mtg.

We used to have a few, but now it's just Sorin. And while I love Sorin, it's not enough.
Hey guys, what was the biggest non lethal blow out you ever did you one person in a commander game?

Like whatever you did it didn't outright kill them, it just royally fucked them over.

>Another combo deck player mulls to 6 and keeps
>I kept my 7 card hand and went before him
>I drop swamp, Lotus Petal, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Sol ring

>I then spend all 7 mana hitting the other combo player with a mind twist for 6.
>This is before he even got a land drop

He was so mad, and I'll never see such a hand again. But it was worth it.
The two ob walkers are pretty ok.
Lands have a converted mana cost of 0, so yes.
I meant the actual character.

As in they are "black" mana users who are good guys.
Speaking of Ob I still want to know how he reignited his Spark.
Just wait for a black Elspeth planeswalker because resurrected from the dead for evil storyline.
Marton Stromgald
Interesting that a lot of people like running mono red.
Most likely has to do with Zendikar weakening.

He lost his spark because the wild mana was too much and he couldn't control it. Now that Zendikar is dieing he might have regained control.

Could also have to do with Nahri. But she's most likely a vampire now. And not even on Zendikar.
Pretty much every color can be run as Mono except White, and even then White can manage it's just not very good.

I'd say strongest for Mono is Blue (of course), then Red and Black, then Green, a large gap, then White.
Umezawa's not necessarily a "good" guy, considering the art on Jitte is him beating a motherfucker to death

Good intentions, bad methods I guess
I'm wanting new ones, or at least some that are still around like Sorin.
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I remember trying to learn Magic last year. My friend let me learn through playing Mono White Commander. Worst month of my life. Later he told me that I was supposed to learn through Standard and a different color but he just forgot.
>Kerador mill player drops 8.5tails player to under 15 cards before he stallsout and ends up milling himself out
>I GitProbe 8.5T, see Karmic Guide
>Cast cast cast cast cast Temporal Fissure
>Bounce all of 8.5T's lands and his Extra planar Lens
You're mono strength order is dead wrong.


He stole the energy from the Aligned Hedron Matrix to reignite it, re-releasing Ulamog after it was caught.
Huh? I thought Ulamog was officially sealed again.
Nope. They tried to seal him with the Aligned Hedron Network that Nissa unearthed at Sea Gate, Ob appears and throws the Hedron's out of their placement, takes in their power, gets his Spark back, and Ulamog's still out but weakened and kind of fucked up.
Yes and no. They managed to trap him in the Aligned Hedron Network as shown in the card, but then Ob Nixilis decided to cyphon the thing's energy to reignite his spark, breaking the alignment and letting Ulamog loose. The BFZ ends there, with Ulamog still being drowsy from being trapped and Gideon trying to push to kill it before he completely recovers.
Link to the UR for this?
I don't think it has happened yet, but it's probably in the book from the fatpack
Should be out on the 18th.
How long does it take you guys to build a deck from the ground up? I don't have the encyclopedic knowledge that some have so it takes me fucking forever to put stuff together
I just throw every synergistic and staple card into the deck and make cuts from there, so about a week if I'm lazy.
>takes me fucking forever to put stuff together

Same. I've been looking at stuff for the past few hours. Looking at some sac outlet/recursion cards right now. Fuck I wish Hell's Caretaker had an enchantment version.
Fuckin' Obby ruins the day. Gideon needs to give him a spanking or two.
Usually about 18-20 hours, unless I have to buy new cards, in which case all bets are off.
I have several who spent over $500 on their decks and never play in tournaments. Outright called them idiots for doing so.
It was okay to say to that, right? I don't think anyone should ever spent that much on their decks and only play casually.
$500 on a single deck? I mean it's their money
3 people kitchen table EDH game.

>Opponent A all out swings to kill Opponent B
>B plays comeuppance
>In response A aetherizes their creatures
> I flash in steel golem, and pyromancers swath (with leyline), and zedruu donate them to A.
I could have lined a couple margaritas glasses with the salt
>Mono green isn't not bring 1-3 top tier mono color

Into the trash you go
>Fuck I wish Hell's Caretaker had an enchantment version.
They tried to make that once. It was a terrible mistake.
What's it called?
Elesh Norn because she was my first legendary creature I ever got. I can't build around her though

Building Brimaz right now and can't decide to go tokens route or voltron. He's been pretty fun in testing but it still needs work because mono white is gimped
It could be seen as an investment if they're buying decent stuff for the decks. It also depends if the money is being spent on useful that can be used in multiple decks, eg. shocklands, tutors, swords etc. or niche cards that only fit into the specific deck they are working on at that time.
Think he's talking about Recurring Nightmare.
A lot of EDH players see their decks as less mechanical deck building and more as a creative expression. While I typically play pretty seriously, my most expensive EDH deck ($1100) is a really weak deck I built around flavor, art, and theme rather than its ability to kill everything and everyone.

Meanwhile some of my more brutal, friend-losing decks are under $200
Just use Elesh and Brimaz in a Rhys token deck. Don't forget about Hero of Bladehold, too.
Recurring Nightmare. I'm pretty sure it's banned in EDH ( and quite a few other formats I believe) for being hard to interact with
Elesh Norn is my favorite, but a fatty in monowhy is impossible.
I want to make a Mono-Green deck just to run Hall of Gemstones to fuck people up. Is there a Mono-Green general that's fun and isn't Omnath or Titania?
Ezuri if you like Elfball.
Kamahl if you want to threaten people into not using their board wipes
Azusa if you want to be a real motherfucker
Elesh Norn is hard because the deck she works well with is white weenies, which also dies horribly to her if she gets mind controlled.
Freyalise, Mirri, Multani
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Who /jankcombo/ here?
Yeah I figured it out right after I hit submit.

Is there a way of making an enchantment like that without it being broken as shit? I just want Daretti's -2 as an enchantment, but in black and for creatures only.
Bladehold is my all time favorite creature and I wish she was a legendary so I could run her as a general. She even has a fucking name. What the fuck, man.

Both are in UG deck
That's not jank, that's casual and obvious
I do that with Levitation since the Archetype can get popped by burn or removal
Levitation doesn't lock your opponent's creatures out of the game though.

I'm using it as a finisher in Talrand. Mass Polymorph into this is pretty good, especially if you have Forbid to protect it and Consecrated Sphinx to feed Forbid.
Wizards tries to steer clear of once-per-turn abilities that don't tap nowadays. Since enchantments' sole defining feature is that they don't have tap cost abilities, it won't happen.

Could totally be an artifact, but that's some mighty juju to give all colors access too.

So if we get something, it'll be an enchantment with a mana cost activation, and that'll probably exile the rezd creature at end of turn a la Whip
Inoxerable Tide + Eidolon of Rhetoric/Rule of Law + Decree of Silence.

As long as you have something stupid like Oona's Grace, you're usually in a good spot. Teferi also stops instants from other people.
How does proliferating combo with Decree of Silence?
Inoxerable tide would just kill Decree of silence faster.
>mana cost for activation

I'm okay with this.

>exile at EoT

As long as it doesn't have the "it's exiled no matter what fuck you" clause Whip has, then that would be fine.
EDH is designed for Timmy's.
You should only win through the way of the Timmy.

You're right. I was thinking it counted down. Ignore me. I guess power conduit and unwinding clock?
Ahh right, fair point
He doesn't create copies of equipment
People can't be this stupid. I know people are bad at magic, especially /tg/, but thinking Kurkesh copies equipment is a level of stupid that is both dangerous and frightening.
thank pepe
Fatbacks come with books?
Huh. I always wondered how people know the story and background. I've just priced things together from flavor text.
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My friend who is new brought his gf who also plays over last week and we used my commander decks. I have a fetchland in the one she used and after she tried tapping it for mana, I explained how it worked and how useful it is and she said "That still sucks why would you use that? It hurts you."

Idk why everybody is saying mono white is bad, it's not.

Mono white can remove any kind of permanent, (hexproof non-creature gods might be an issue).

Mono white requires less mana than any other deck because weenies synergize with each other

Mono white can afford to run powerful symmetrical hatebear effects that ruin entire decks but do nothing to mono white like spirit of the labyrinth (nekusar sad) and angel of jubilation (ghave sad) and containment priest (deadeye navigator and tooth and nail are sad)

Yes mono white has the unfortunate issue of being unable to tutor it's amazing creatures, but that's why you don't rely on having the exact creature for every moment, you build your deck such that your cards are versatile enough to get you through until answer cards in your hand become relevant, and all your hatebears are relevant beaters because you have other weenies that buff weenies like Silverblade paladin or hero of Bladehold

In my experience playing edh (which is only about a year, but quite varied in terms of the number of players and decks I've played against), mono white compares favorably in win % to other mono color decks

The only thing mono red has over mono white is better commanders (purphoros, daretti, krenko) by far than any mono white legend. Daretti hardly counts as mono red, but only daretti and purphoros scare me more than mono white as the game begins

Mono green is only better in 1v1, where speed is key. In multiplayer, white is more resilient to disruption than green

Mono black is not as much better than mono white as /tg/ says. Mono white can make lots of mana too if you build it that way, but it doesn't need to, it can compete with mono black with half the mana AND half the cards, because white spells are just more efficient

The reason white doesn't get more card draw is that it would be broken, white has the most efficient cards, hate Bears that can render turns of setup useless
Did you explain how boned she would be in a tri-color deck if she refused to use it?
Mono whites card advantage consists entirely of X for 1's, the og is of course wrath of God, 1 card that destroys any number of them. But it also applies to something like Aven Mindcensor. you use it to "counter" something like tooth and nail on cast, like a blue counterspell, but it's not just 1 for 1 like a counterspell, because Aven Mindcensor also just shut down the fetch land in that other player's hand, and the demonic tutor over there, etc 3 or 4 for 1

lots of my win cons in decks I've played have been "nonlethal"

I.e. Living plane + elesh Norn/Linvala, Keeper of silence

One time I had elesh Norn out, I cast living plane, opponent casts chaos warp on norn, but what do you know, out pops a Linvala, then living plane resolved, and they were just as fucked haha
>living plane+linvala
You should probably read the rules a little better and stop cheating.
How is using a perfectly acceptable lockdown method cheating?
"Aren't mana abilities"
Looking at those cards for the first time ever I dont see an issue.

>Activated abilities of creatures your opponents control can't be activated.
Never mind I'm just fucking stupid.
No. you can spike win or Johnny win, but don't act like you're better then anyone for it. Which is something i've seen many spike and johnny types do.
>I'm retarded
I use Living and with Massacre Wurm and/or Doomwake Giant and/or Night of Souls Betrayal.

Feels good man.

It's even better when you have a Nissa out, and you dump all your basics from your deck as 4/4s after the fact.
Those lands should become 1/1s.
If they're out into play after Living Plane hit the table? So I have Living Plane and Worldwaker out, then ult Worldwaker, shouldn't Worldwaker trump because of time stamps?
new thread where
Shouldn't Nissa's effect be in layer 7a and Living Plane in 7b?

Actually you are the one who needs to read better

Mana abilities are activated abilities and everything that refers to activated abities includes mana abilities unless otherwise stated (like in the case of split second'a reminder text) AND in the case of targeting activated abilities, mana abilities can't be targeted (it doesn't need to say that) because they don't use the stack and resolve instantly

I forgive your confusion though
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