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It's happening! Something's wrong with the universe!

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 342
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It's happening!

Something's wrong with the universe! Check your fallout shelters while there's time. Outsider's updated.
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The page for all you lazy bastards.
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For some reason, my reaction was the same. Check if I'm hallucinating, then check if bomb shelter in the basement is still fine.

It seems as if he switched to simpler pages now. Let's hope we get to see some progress in our lifetimes.
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Good man.
Well since the backgrounds will be the same for a while it should mostly be walls of text. I'm going to guess that in 5-7 pages they'll exit the shuttle and we'll get another year break while he models the next background
He told her about days, years...
The fool just gave the goddamn psychic aliens the exact measurement of our rotation and translation movements. It would be a matter of crossing information to find our system...

>Earth gets slagged by space waifus
>Surviving Humans have to join forces with the Umiak to survive
>Or accept the fate of becoming a caste of breeding males and/or sex toys for blue space elves
decisions, decisions...
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human/loroi can't make offspring, so no breeding caste.
There's always serving as combat-capable sexual accessories. And human women... get to do whatever it is human women do when they become defunct members of a slave caste- oh, right, raise more boys to meet labor demands.
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What's this from?
What the hell? I look back and its updated twice without me realizing.

Did I fall into bizarro world or something?
That's like asking "who's Kirk?"

Outsider is... good lord, one of the best bits of illustrated science fiction I've ever seen in my short time on this earth, but it also takes several months to a year (or two) for the author to produce a single page of content.

And they apparently feel really bad about it.
also, every elf has its beard
Outsider, a Comic that /tg/ likes due to the bullshit amount of worldbuilding squirreled away in the corners of the website, its love/hate relationship with Elves, and waifus.

Also, it was known for updating a few times per year at most, and it just updated twice in a month.

There is now a chance this will be finished within our lifetimes.
Oh god, it's true.

What's next, daily updates to OOTS?

Goblins having a happy end?

Cats living with dogs?
>There is now a chance this will be finished within our lifetimes.
let's not get hasty now
Outsider updates. Fallout 4 released.

Nuclear war confirmed?
So, what's your favoirite color of elves?

Light bluish? Dark greyish?
But that's the color of orcs, anon.
A hotblooded bright red elf
and Orcs are corrupted Elves, according to Tolkien.
Hot chocolate milk with marshmallows and whipped cream.
how is that kind of elf supposed to look, anon? just a mishmash of brown and white?
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Light blue

RIP ;_;
and orcs in Elder Scrolls are elves.

>Chocolate skin
>White hair
>White pubes
I like them brown. Although I'd be very interested in seeing some red ones.
My intention was something like >>43559221 with big fluffy marshmallows if you know what I mean. Or little bite-sized marshmallows that sort of melt away into the chocolate, I guess.

I kind of got carried away with that metaphor.

Chocolate elves a best.
so these threads are just an excuse to talk about elves then?
So it's like sci-fi Berserk in terms of updates?
essentially. but with less murder thus far.
Whaaaa? He- the last update was barely a month ago!
Man, I WISH it was Berserk in terms of updates.

Imagine if Berserk not only updated less often than it already does, but also just updated with a single page rather than an entire chapter.

Then imagine that it's a cleverly disguised Master of Orion fanfiction. That's pretty much Outsider.
Well, every human on the Bellarmine, and a few waifu Elves on that one ship, and a bunch of bugs...

Less *personal* murders. More "wartime statistics".
>cleverly disguised Master of Orion fanfiction.

>cleverly disguised

You mean "Thinly Veiled", right?

while we're on the subject, is there any game that's basically Master of Orion, but with a larger number of stars to conquer?
Yes, and bugs. But mostly elves.

Occasionally the odd blue/green laser
Kikitik-27 mai waifu
Master of Orion itself is making a return soon, courtesy of Belaruse and Wargaming.net
>Master of Orion itself is making a return soon
Oh hell ye-

well. Shit.
>Let's see, an exoplanet with this exact orbital period within the nearby 1000 ly radius. Oh here it is.
He's between a military intelligence officer and a scientist assigned to study him.
Finally, we'll get MOO 3!
Yep. He just fucked up.

Unless human time recording on starships is different, or the psychic space Elves have never looked for planets based in that kind of info, since their own timekeeping method is based on their heartbeat... This might be a "purloined letter" moment, where they miss something intensely obvious.
Or maybe he wants to give coordinates away. If the scout corps taught him to memorize measurements, they would have probably warned him against divulging related measures unless conveying location data was part of the plan to begin with.
He did point out that nobody had asked him where he would like to go.
No guarantee that a race that entered the technological age surrounded by artifacts of a hyperspace civilization (and thus likely progressed to a star traveling tech level fairly swiftly) and gifted with a life sensing far sight ability would bother with the optics or surveying method required to catalog earth sized exo planets at the several hundred light year range we know exists between Earth and the edge of Loiori space.
>MOO 3
I played that game. It was okay.
Blue or purple.
The entire war is going to spill over into our system within two years regardless.

His entire mission is to find aliens and ally with them to avoid being genocided in the crossfire.
I remember this was a comic where a bunch of elves tried to read that one guy's mind by putting their hands all over him, and he was having none of it

Anyone know what I'm talking about

It's been so long I can't remember the plot. Anyone can give me a tl;dr so I can enjoy these last few updates without rereading everything?
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>Cats living with dogs?

Mass hysteria!
There are two alien superpowers duking it out, the humans have just developed space travel and are trying to make diplomatic contact with one side or the other in order to not be annexed horribly. The MC was a no name redshirt on one of these scout ships that jumped into a battle and was BTFO by an unknown attack, hes the only survivor. Hes made contact with the Waifu Race superpower and is attempting to avoid being killed while trying to succeed all his diplomacy rolls. Its highly likely the other faction blew up his ship, but were not 100% on that. Also other race is bugs
Humans go out to find one of two alien empires to avoid being caught in the crossfire of a genocidal war.

MC's ship stumbles on to a battle, is destroyed by unknown vessel.

MC picked up by spess elfs, who try to probe his mind for information. Turns out we're immune to spess elf psionics

Battle scene happens, waifus die.

MC spends unspecified length of time abord elf ship in semi-solitary. is now being shipped to elf homeworld.

White-heir elf is adorable throughout.
How can you possibly have waifus for a comic with this many strips?!
no idea. ask>>43559203

Read the comic and try not to waifu at least one of them.

Also consider that some have been following the comic for years in spite of the sparsity of updates. Plenty of time to waifu them.
If you know how long a planet's year is, and how long its day is, you can figure out exactly which one it is. Good job, idiot.
unless they don't do optical astronomy, which is possible since it could easily be quicker to just pop over to a star to measure it rather than wait a few years for the light to reach your telescope.

Given the whole Genocidal War thing, they may not even have an exoplanet program
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Blue space elves man. If that's not natural waifu material then I don't know what is.
oh because in our solar system it would be really hard to tell witch one has carbon based life on it, I wonder is it the one thats got a runaway greenhouse effect and is 900 degrees C on the surface, or maybe its one of the 3 gas giants, or how about this one thats so small its not actually a planet, no I know its the red one with no atmosphere or magetic field, wait maybe they live on the sun..
It'd be pretty crazy not to have such a program. Habitable worlds are incredibly rare, and it's always a good idea to know where resources can be located.
MC hasn't stuck his dick in the white haired science officer yet so nothing worth reading has happened yet come back in a decade.
While possible, do you really think that an advanced expansionist race wouldn't have gathered all the data it could about it's projected sphere of conquest?
you sir are entirely too optimistic

Wed better hope the tech singularity happens in our lifetime if we want to witness elf sex in this comic, only immortal machine intelligences will ever have a chance of seeing the end of the comic, right around when heat death of the universe occurs
Actually those data are going to be used to pick the Star, not just the planet itself. And they assume you have data about exoplanets in the area precise enough to look up in.
Andorians > Loroi
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I'm sure they'd go along well enough.

That's great! It starts with an
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My sides are ascending at 11.2km/s
Why does everyone have a hardon for science-elves

Honestly military elves are where it's at
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To each his own, my friend.
what about military science elves what then?
One thing that got me....

The spess elves apparently can't detect human ships because they don't register on their psychic view - does this mean that the spess elves.....never invented radar or infrared sensing?

They use their Psidar at interstellar distances in real time, something that Radar etc. can't do.

They detect other aliens just fine. Humans are immune for some reason though.
Their psydar is borked in the current region of space for some reason, that enormous bug fleet snuck up on them too.

Also the space elves have never invented anything, all of their science is based on leftovers from the Previous Space Empire with some help from smarter aliens like the Historians, whose science is also based on leftovers from the Previous Space Empire.
Not muh wifu lad, just an example of a cute light blue elf.

They did invent radars, infrared, etc. It just that their super psy radar works at interstellar distances and with every other species (till now) so that's their main.
Meanwhile humans are glorious space.primitives that invent their own shit.
Oh shit. You're right.
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Fo sho.
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How does a comic with barely 100 strips have FANART
The webcomic started all the way back in 2001
>Outsider updates. Fallout 4 released.
>Nuclear war confirmed?

>Did I fall into bizarro world or something?
4chan was sold to a Japanese man.
Blue Space Elves that are lucky to see a dick once in their life.
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the comic maker has a whole fucking page dedicated to explaining the sexual life of the spess-elfs

I mean little explaining is ok but thats just "dare you enter my magical realm" territory right there
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>That pic
It was tea.
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To be fair, he has a page like that for almost every aspect of that universe.
He has essentially all the ground work done and if I recall correctly the story is actually written out in full already, making the glacial update rate even more frustrating.
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Truly we live in the interesting times.
She's definitely the hottest
Do WE actually know how it ends? Because it could be like the producers of Lost "oh yeah, we've planned everything out don't worry"
were hoping it ends in SNU SNU

but it actually ends with the sun going supernova and destroying the earth because thats how long it will take to release
Are they still on Namek?
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>human ships accelerate slower than ayyyylmaos
As someone who has read "The lost fleet" series, I can say that this can be an advantage, but we can't assume humanity has John Geary up in their ranks.

oh and
>railguns and massdrivers are shit-tier because ammo is 2slow
>nobody hasn't slapped a simple radar & sensor package on the tip and rocket booster to the other end of the solid slugs the railguns use
I mean come the fuck on

have some spessfightan while we're at it
Someone is going to have to do the math again with updates this close, we may arrive at the end of the comic before 2055 at this pace.
I don't think our Sol is big enough for that, but I like the way you think.
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>on the contrary, we are extremely eager to learn about you and your people
oh fuck

prepare for torture as the knive-ears pull every bit of information about the poor sod

around elfs watch yourselfs
Yes but

>There is no such thing as stealth in Space, where the background temperature is near absolute zero.

The space shuttle using only its main engines would be detectable by modern day passive sensors beneath Earth's atmosphere from the asteroid belt. Not state-of-the-art sensors, mind you. The kind of stuff you could buy at radioshack.

A self-propelled projectile is basically begging to get zapped by point-defense systems. Heck, inert slugs would also be packing significant thermal signatures by virtue of being accelerated so much.

Also, ships are engaging from such titanic ranges that a tiny fraction of a degree off in aim can mean missing by literally hundreds of thousands of kilometers. At those distances, using anything that doesn't travel at lightspeed is like the accuracy difference between a smoothbore musket and a modern sniper rifle. The guy with the sniper just wins, the musket guy might as well shoot himself and play dead.
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In the setting, humanity hasn't fought any space wars yet, and what ships they do have were built for patrol among the colonies and scaring off space pirates. The government even started shelving their space warship plans because shit was more or less peaceful until the alien refugees showed up screaming about war.

Hell, humanity is so early into space combat that the higherups may still be basing combat off old ocean naval doctrine.
To be fair, that's based off the idea that fighting can be carried out at long distances.

Also everyone else has matured DEW tech. When the enemy is throwing around heavy plasma lances and consider lasers and nuclear armaments quaint at best.

It's not even that the ammo is too slow it's that while you've fired a volley at their predicted location, they've just lanced your ship at light speed. Also humanity's rail guns in Outsider are less HALO or Mass Effect style and more what we have right now, scaled up a bit.

Though hold on, I need to do some math to see just how fast they're flinging. Given velocity is 400km/s / 400,000m/s which gives a KMH speed of 1,440,000kph.

Jesus. For comparison, a current railgun test has a sea level speed of 2,500m/s. Or y'know, Mach 7.

The same as always.
The outer gods will eat your soul.
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0.01% of C

Yeah. They're uh. You're gonna get lanced before the shell even arrives. At current speeds, it'd take 12.5 minutes to hit a Loroi ship at max range. 7.5 minutes to engage an Umiak ship at their max range.

Short of hiding behind planets, dust clouds and asteroid belts and going for point blank kills, the average mass driver that humanity can field just won't cut it.
So if you still wonder why this thing stays popular you can see in these posts that the core fan base has OCD and is unable to abandon the comic even if they could formulate the thought.
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How rude.
Humanity can't even run, either.
The fastest ships in the Terran fleet are 180 meter Hayes-Class Frigates that are used for system patrol duties. They have a maximum acceleration of 7 Gs.

The slowest ship in the Loroi fleet is an 800 meter long Assault Carrier that has a maximum sustained acceleration of 24 Gs.

The slowest ship in the Umiak fleet is an Ultra-Heavy capital ship that Loroi intel observed maneuvering at 18-20 Gs.

Any alien warship engaging a Terran fleet would be able to completely control the terms of engagement, dodge any return fire long before it got their, even if it was guided, and strike with impunity.
*got there, I mean
I think the intended endgoal for humaniti is for us to take a look at all the sweet alien archeo-tech and go "holy shit guys you're using it all wong"

It took the Loroi like what, 5000 years to go from age of sail to putting cute girls on the moon?
but on the off chance you do hit a ship with your gauss battery, that ship is not going to be okay.

Also, you could probably pull some cheeky shit by arcing your dakka around planetary bodies at unsuspecting targets. Energy screens dont stop solid penetrators, and that penetrator is moving at relativistic speed.

Really though, humanities advantage over the elves and bugs is algebra and advanced maths that let is program reliable smart missiles, drones, and automated point defence. As it stands, Loroi, and, Umiak, use simple radar guided missiles and appear to lack point defence weapons on their ships, leaving them to shoot down torpedoes and missile volleys with their main weapons battery. Whoever gets access to human tech first will likely win the war
Apparently the Loroi use LAMS for point defense, it just wasn't really shown?

That and sheer weight of fire tends to be Umiak 101 for combat. But yeah, mass drivers are perfect ambush weapons. It's just that any range beyond 'point blank' they're kind of useless.
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If you want space battle autism, or just autism in general, play Aurora.
So, I took a look at the Insider article for the Terran Fleet. Looks like they use high-powered lasers and missiles as standard weapons, rather than railguns. Loroi and Umiak armor is probably pretty damn good at dealing with it considering how optimized it must be for DEWS fire.
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No. No. No thank you.
I am content to dabble and punch in some numbers. I've heard about Aurora.

It's the one game that makes Dwarf Fortress look simplistic. No thanks.
Oh man, Aurora. The only game where not only are you building the ships, you are also building the missiles, the pods to hold the missiles, and the launcher for the missiles as well.
What are you, some kind of filthy casual?
>Oh man, Aurora. The only game where not only are you building the ships, you are also building the missiles, the pods to hold the missiles, and the launcher for the missiles as well.
And their engines, down to the fuel efficiency and size, the type of warhead, and the anti-missile defense system.
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What are you, casual? You can make a giant missile carrier that carries only one giant missile that when launched waits until the enemy enters the sector to release a swarm of several cluster missiles, each of them with multiple warheads.
If nobody else was going to do that, I would. Good on you, Anon.
I like to roleplay humans with the shitties techs. That's why I never research shields or energy weapons unless I can recover modules from another empire's ship. I like to watch human fleet being decimated by star swarm that is slowly moving in the direction of Sol, while Terran command desperately tries to destroy Precursor droids to reverse-engineer their technology for a slim fighting chance.
Not to mention the fact that numerically they are virtually non-existent.

They had ~10 years to prepare and only built around a dozen unique cruisers rather then starting mass production.
Holy fuck!
I am waiting for the new update to make a new fort and I have been playing Cataclysm instead.
Brb downloading Aurora, I will figure it out this week assuming it is only twice as hard as DF was to get started in.
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On one hand that is awesome. On the other hand, that image earlier physically hurt me to look at.
>I will figure it out this Year

wonder if anyone's added Outsider portraits to Aurora for commanders?
>The space shuttle using only its main engines would be detectable by modern day passive sensors beneath Earth's atmosphere from the asteroid belt. Not state-of-the-art sensors, mind you. The kind of stuff you could buy at radioshack.
Our current problem is that just because we're capable of picking it up doesn't mean we'll actually spot it quickly.

Didn't we just have another asteroid pass just within the distance of the Moon's orbit and not spot it until shortly after?

Asteroids don't stand out nearly as well against the background temperature of space compared to a maneuvering spacecraft that's also maintaining a temperature that can support a crew.
>I am waiting for the new update to make a new fort
Looking forward for the poetry and drunken brawls, aren't you?
>On one hand that is awesome. On the other hand, that image earlier physically hurt me to look at.
You get used to it, and eventually, you learn to love it.
I literally have nothing important to do this week, I was saying that I will be able to play in a manner resembling competence not fully mastered the game.
>Looking forward for the poetry and drunken brawls, aren't you?
I wonder if I can make the tavern a temple.
Statue toppling in brawls would be FUN!

They're called pages, anon, not strips.
>Statue toppling in brawls would be FUN!
Even better would be POETRY! about statues being toppled in brawls, and the sad thoughts and overall misery it would bring.
Doing God's Work, Anon.
Don't forget the vampires and werebeasts it created and the various dance forms spawned from the event.
Is this a game?
Looks like Sword of the Stars 2
Wait, are the humans in this comic no more advanced than we are today?
what the fuck are you on about?

>A self-propelled projectile is basically begging to get zapped by point-defense systems.
a round that travels hundreds of millions of kilometers per second, the time it takes for the thermal and radar signature to bounce back leaves only seconds, perhaps fraction of that depending on the capacitor technology and the power of the railgun
>Heck, inert slugs would also be packing significant thermal signatures by virtue of being accelerated so much.
nigga you already fucking said it was going to be detected

>Also, ships are engaging from such titanic ranges that a tiny fraction of a degree off in aim can mean missing by literally hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

I've played Aurora for years now, I got my sense of scale. That's why I suggested slapping a guidance package on the projectile along with rocket engine to make in-flight adjustments. It has been done before in fiction aswell.
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It's only like 140 years into the future

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They're actually making good progress. Those calculations?

The heaviest mass driver that is fielded gives a speed of 400km/s. Y'know, 400000m/s. This is with a 200kg slug.

A current railgun can just barely manage 4500m/s with an end goal of 7000m/s. This is with a projectile weighing a little over 1kg.

They've managed a nearly hundred fold increase in velocity (though with the handicap that they're not firing at sea level, in atmosphere), with a projectile that is 200 times heavier.

In about 145 years. Not bad. It's a similar jump to how we went from Arquebus and matchlock to a modern day automatic rifle with polymer telescoped ammo.
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I regret nothing
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Even got an ay lmao in there huh.
I had to move my taskbar to the side of the screen to use the ship design window.
If their is a less makeshift fix to the retarded screen size please let me know. That is with the reduced window height on
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so basically ayy lmao battleline jumped in through a wormhole that my unarmed survey fleets were about to enter and got slaughtered

the pair of frigates were doing fleet excercises and working their crew skills up in Luytens Star system when the aliens appearend in Giclas and were thrown in. to defend the evacuation of the colonized planet, see 3rd Cargo Group heading towards the wormhole with holds full of refugees
I've been playing (and succeeding) at DF for years and these pictures still confuse and scare the hell out of me.
Once you get past the interface DF isn't very difficult to play.
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meanwhile on the other side of the butcherhouse of a wormhole, a pair of frigates meant for the escort of forementioned survey fleet had jumped exactly at the same time as the aliens came through

they almost got nailed by alien ship waiting by the wormhole, thankfully the USSR has always preferred speed so they got out of the dodge really quick
Which was my point.
Oh, ok.
>Which was my point.
Aurora is actually fairly similar in that aspect, though.
More like a hadron for science-elves! Right guys? Get it? Get it...?

I'll see myself out now
Not really all that great of an increase, remember that the railgun figure you quoted is not in a vacuum and at high speed air resistance is a serious problem. We can already manage 7500 m/s with gas guns and accidentally launched a 900 kg projectile at 6 times escape velocity (so roughly 60 km/s) with a misfiring nuke.
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Now I since there was another fleet sitting right on the other side of the wormhole, I couldn't just send them back through. It takes several moments for the ships to recover from jump during which they can't fight back at all. The pair of ayliens on the Giclas are both 60,000 tons. Meanwhile the frigates at hand are four 15,750-ton Gordi-class frigates model 57 (old ship class, the design updated every 10 years) which are split into "Battle line" pairs.

The two Gordis in Giclas were given task to bait the alien battleships away from the wormhole to recover the stranded 4th Battle line
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with Battledivision "Might of the Proletariat" weeks away, the first line of defence lays on these old frigates

after thirteen hours, the alien ships were far away for the frigates in the other side to jump through
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as the frigates jump through with all active sensors turned off as to reduce chance of detection, the second enemy battleship drops active sensors and disappears from radar
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4th Battle Line activates their radars and receive contact report on the second alien battleship

5th Battle Line is in range of the first alien battleship "Comodoro Somellera 4" (these ships will be referred to Somellera 4 & 3 from now on)

and initiates the first retaliation in history against alien aggression
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Gordi-class frigate carries six TOR anti-missile missile launch systems with 367 missiles in hold for it. As for it's main stand-off offensive system, it carries 20 missiles in box-launchers. Each of these launchers hold 26K-196M Klub anti-starship missile, the missile itself is just a carrier for 3-6 warheads that propel themselfs at several tens of thousands of kilometers at their target
that's a lot of blue screens
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the carrier missiles guide on their target and serve as chaff for the warheads, still, some of the warheads are shot down before striking on the alien battleship

the nuclear hellfire combined with the kinetic impact of the carrier missiles, blast through the shields and into the ship
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With this information about the capabilities of their shields, the frigate battle lines head towards each other to regroup and to focus their combined firepower on the struct ship.

But suddenly, 5th Battle Line makes several small radar contacts, missiles? No.

Fast Attack Craft wave inbound.
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being way too small to spend MIRVs on them, nuclear-tipped AMM are used
>second to last panel
Is she asking to fuck?
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She is too much of a HUGE NERD for that to even occur to her.

Although she did offer him a handjob out of fear for his explosive libido.
>green hair
Literally the ugliest and most inappropriate colors for elves.

Leave it to blizzard to tryhard their way to making their own YOONEEK ELBS DONUT STEEL BEAMS

Those shitty long ears and eyebrows are like I'm looking at some pathetic teenager's attempt at originality and it makes me sick every time I see it.

Mostly every other color is fine though besides green.
Orange and Red are getting into demon territory though.
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>doesn't want sexy green wood elves

What sort of collossal faggot are you?
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>>we are extremely eager to learn about you and your people
>oh fuck
She wants his D, clearly.
He just casually rattled off a technical definition of base dimensions in terms of fundamental physical quantities to 9 digits of precision. She's Listel caste. From her perspective, he started it.
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with FAC's taken care of, the combined frigate battlegroup sends dropships to pick some of the survivors

in the meantime, the frigates try to keep Sommellera 4 busy with Sommellera 3 out of range
I wish we actually got to see that conversation.

Him describing our base dimensions and understanding of physics. Her squirming in her seat as the science causes her to cream herself.
Are you winning?
You. I like you.
Honestly if you gave them more appropriate ear lengths and didn't make their eyebrows fifteen meters long (or long at all for that matter) then go ahead and make them whatever color you want.

Purple with Green hair will still be ugly terrible though.

I honestly can't recall ever seeing a green elf. They'd pretty much look like an orc or goblin depending on body proportions.
Are those Precursors?
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all of the escape pods were rescued in couple of flights, the frigate battlegroup retreats to cover the evacuation of colony world "New Stalingrad"

as the alien ships seemingly have maximum speed of 1249km/s, it takes them days to get anywhere from ther positions

The combat started on 5th of February and ended on 10th February. Three days later reinforcements arrive.
No, that's the point. He wants to give them directions straight to Earth. He wants Earth to ally with one of the two major powers so it can avoid getting crushed like a bug.

Let's be honest here though - you can ally with giant space bugs or hot space elf blueberry waifus. Of fucking course you'll be inviting them to your planet.
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nah, spess bugs apparently

precursors would have been shooting missiles are me long ago

Say hello to Battledivision "Might of the Proletariat"
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>Work the problem
If you know what I mean.
>Common Units of time and distance
"How long can you last and the length of your D"
>Understand the other's technical details
"Let us view one another naked."
>There I can be of help

>Her squirming in her seat as the science causes her to cream herself.
You don't see it? I do.
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now the battle begins in earnest
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Look at her hand, at first it's resting on her hip pouch.

But in the next frame it's on its way toward between her legs.
She's going in for a Science Diddle.

Make she's thinking it's not inappropriate to him for her to indulge in front of him
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both times, the missile salvos launched by the bombers get through, but it seems that the warheads only tickle this ship
Subtle, she also opens her legs a bit more.
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It's speed has decreased by 200km/s though.
Azov-class carrier is launching new strike waves as fast as it can re-arm & refuel them.
its been a while since i looked over the pile of background stuff on the site but I remember somewhere they the space elf way of doing math or their numerical system is borderline retarded by human standards. something about not actually having a equivalent of zero or some bullshit
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8 digits and no visual representation of 0 i think
Don't. Fucking. Jinx it Anon.
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this was a event I had archived years ago under the folder "Battle of Giclas 99-49"

The outcome of the battle was victory, with both of the alien battleships destroyed, first weakened by long-range bomber strikes, then missiles, and then moving in to finish the job with railguns and battleturrets. Because the enemy ships weren't artificial but biological ala tyranids, they don't leave wreck behind to salvage

I remember this battle spending roughly 60% of the combined missile stockpile of the entire USSR.

the loss of two entire survey groups set back exploration efforts by years, afterwards I never sent survey groups larger than 2-3 ships at the same time into wormholes.

New Stalingrad was unharmed and the population was transported back to the planet in the span of half a year.
No, that's the Star Swarm. Organic space motherships with flocks of organic fast attack craft. They have extremely short ranged meson weapons and as long as you are faster than they are they seem pretty easy to overpower. Most playthroughs I've seen have them only really become an issue if they are waiting for you on the far side of a jump point.
it is SOTS 2, which is a game that had alot of potential but was wasted entirely and now results in a truly shitty game that will never EVER be fixed
>Battlefleet Gothic Vidya
>Blood Bowl is becoming popular again
>Warhammer fantasy vidya
>Delta Green is coming back
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Last Guardian announced
>New Mad Max movie
Maybe...maybe this millenium is starting to look up.
Much like life, neckbeards find a way.
good show
This nigga is getting played, how can you trust an elf with red eyes?
she's still cute tho
The first game isn't as pretty, but is far superior to the sequel.
I had such high hopes, Sots2 was one of the greatest gaming disappointments of my life.
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Its a drow you moron. Though I guess it depends on how dark anon likes his hot chocolate.
I love hot chocolate.

I have a folder full of it, too bad I'm at work.
Ironic that you mention it. Jim is working on a Master of Orion spin off called Stars in Shadow
Man, I really wish aurora was actually playable, there are so many cool ideas in that game but the code base is literal trash

Unfortunately all my attempts to play it end in 5-second intervals forever and corrupted databases
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It wasn't a misfire; the test actually went according to plan.

Have you tried Distant Worlds: Universe?

Its pretty much a slightly less autistic Aurora but with a way better UI.
I was trying to mod it with Outsider lore... But I'm way to lazy...
Do you know of any good starting tutorials for Aurora? All the ones I find are outdated.
hey, isn't that pic from the comic with the extremely supremely curvaceous teacher that everyone wants to rape (no seriously. everyone wants to rape her!) who is being constantly saved from rape by her student who is also a werewolf and they fall in love?
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>Thread has devolved into Aurora posting
oh lord, I haven't played that since the last version came out. Fun times. Makes a lot more sense in hindsight now that I have CMANO

The shot was to test a safety feature, it was supposed to have a 2 lb yield,instead it had a 300-500 ton yield.
>Jim is working on a Master of Orion spin off called Stars in Shadow

Any Idea when this will be out?
Or she's just fidgeting and shifting her position to become more comfortable? I don't imagine Loroi would have the same female modesty taboos humans do.
stop it, we are trying to have dirty thought here.
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There's a fan-worked remake of aurora in the works that is making immense progress

That's because he spends autistic amounts of times on the 3D modelling.
really? what did he model?
Look at the comic again and take a gander at the backgrounds.

We're getting updates more frequently now that the spaceship is modeled, but yeah.
I played it once. I didn't get very far. I got fed up with the endless spreadsheets, having to design every single component of every single craft. It may have also been some autistic frustration at not being able to figure out what was optimal.
aw shieeet those are actually 3d models
no wonder this nigger takes years because he's modeling, UV mapping and texturing all the scenes
Yeah but the thing is: I do dare.

Yeah, not just the scene though, but the entire ship. He spent time pontificating over how to align the airlock with the passenger bay without sacrificing too much seating. It's the kind of attention to detail that even multi-million dollar Hollywood movies don't go in for, because it's fucking retarded and nobody gives a shit.
Anon, it got to the point where translation group dropped it for a time when it became a bit too hardcore for them.
Maybe..maybe one day, when death approaches and he finishes the comic, he'll reveal it's all backstory for the greatest detailed space warfare game ever created.
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Just read the whole comic in two hours
I for one am impressed
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Unfortunately I fear I shall be dead long before it reaches its conclusion
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Now be a good nerd and read the insider
> space waifus grow human men in rubes
> human men become oversexed space soldiers

Feminists BTFO
so he fails to save her and she gets raped? wouldn't that be NTR? this explains why they stopped translating it. what a stupid plot twist
>everyone but Fireblade is tainted
Sometimes I wish I didn't read insider so I could continue waifuing in my ignorance.
Think about it this way, you'd be keking the lill faggot that got to Beryl/Tempo/whoever/ first.

You the big pink bull.
This thread inspired me to give the comic a read and it's surprisingly good for what seems at first to be a sci-fi setup to a harem plot. I actually liked it.

But seriously, only 107 pages over 14 years? The fucking Game of Thrones series has a faster pace than this thing. The goddamn sun will burn out before this story gets finished.

Thing is, it's mentioned that it's traditional for them to pop out a kid after they passed their coming of age test, but not Fireblade. What went wrong with her? Is it maybe related to her mental problems?
Yeah, but why the fuck would you make your waifu space elf race have that tradition in the first place? It's only one of many possible logical conclusions given the other factors in place.
They wouldn't really care. They're drowning in bitches every day unless something is seriously wrong with them.

Hell, if they found out how little human women put out they'd probably try to help you get laid even more. The idea that some men are so deprived they resort to pictures and robots would be the stuff of horror stories. Their equivalent of feminism wouldn't be about equal rights, but pushing their military to liberate the poor pink bastards from what seems like an entire gender of hardcore sadists.
>Humans are the Drow
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>You will never be sexually liberated by space elves
Normally access to men is very restricted, in order to slow population growth. But they are trying to increase their population rapidly to ensure there are enough fighters to successfully prosecute the war.
Given a lack of resources, people don't normally have more kids than they can feed. If it were a cultural thing to only have one or two kids after one is well established, then explosive population growth wouldn't happen. Graduating from military school isn't exactly a high bar during a war and you want the genes of good and tested warriors, not green officer cadets.

That would work if this was a ground combat war, but its space combat. They need bodies to command ships and to build them.
That would work if this were a space combat war, but its ground combat. They need bodies to throw into the meat grinder and to build fortifications.

It hasn't been ground combat for a long time for either side. Any planet they get in orbit over, unless it has something very important on it, gets bombarded hard.
The point was that there's no big difference between the population demands of war on ground or war in space, relative to scale.

I was referring to the good genes part, not the population size. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Human Droptroopers when?
Also the greatest tragedy of this series is that Humanity didn't go full T.E.C. . Ragnarov when?
Still, you want people with good genes passing them on. If Alice is significantly better than Bethany, it's better to have Alice out of commission for two gestation periods to pass on her genes more thoroughly than for both Alice and Bethany to be out one gestation period each and pass on their genes equally.

The author and the Insider state that pregnancy is a non issue for work, hell you can transfer the baby into a tube for the last term stuff.
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Nazi spess elves don't put much trust on auxilaries, humans working with their army would most likely be there with support roles.

That and all of our tech shown so far is like spears vs Machine guns.
If that's the case, there's even more reason to encourage distinguished individuals to reproduce. Instead, being able to reproduce should be a reward for distinguished service. It's like Starship Troopers, except instead of citizenship, you get the D. Well, a similar concept. Presumably the whole warrior caste is war personnel, so one should have to distinguish oneself in war to reproduce.

Not really, the warrior caste is all levels of a military force, including logistics, intel, etc.

It might have mattered back in the Loroi's early times when wars were decided by martial combat. But ship to ship combat has little need for having a better genetic code.

Rank does have its privileges though, higher ranks getting more chances to breed, but that is a perk.

Also the Loroi terminate pregnancies that have genetic defects for the most part.
You know what? Fuck all of the pregnancy stuff. It's getting too complicated. Make everyone tube babies, give them zygote-to-newborn capable exowomb tech, and make access to males controlled by politicians. They're sperm donors and high-class prostitutes.

This is what the writer was creating before he spent all his time 3-d modelling... oh go help us if we get to an orbit of a very important planet.
That's already how it works. The good warriors get more time off between deployments to get knocked up, and a better pick of males. They're just not such assholes that they'd drop morale even further by banning new warriors from reproducing until after they come back from a high casualty attrition war that's been going on for 30+ years.

Remember, they're an artificial species to begin with. They don't need to be THAT harsh about genetics because for the most part everyone already has good genes, major birth defects can be detected and fixed (or aborted) well in advance, and training is harsh enough to weed out the occasional chucklefuck that you really don't want reproducing.

>and make access to males controlled by politicians. They're sperm donors and high-class prostitutes.
That's pretty much what they do already.
>They're just not such assholes that they'd drop morale even further by banning new warriors from reproducing until after they come back from a high casualty attrition war that's been going on for 30+ years.
>implying fighting so that you can become a mother isn't good motivation

>Remember, they're an artificial species to begin with.
I know that, you know that, but do they know that?
>>Remember, they're an artificial species to begin with.
>I know that, you know that, but do they know that?
They might suspect, but party line is that they are descended from the death star ancient aliens, not created like the big brother guys.

Hence why humaniti could have an influence on their society and the reason for the Barsam (sp) reaction. Loroi act as if they are the direct line of the previous super space empire a crapton of years ago.
>Beryl pressed for more length, ay lmao

My sides!
Good motivation to kill off whoever issued that order, sure. Even the vets would be annoyed that their kids are getting fucked over like that.

Entire ships full of perfectly good warriors can get blown up just because the bugs threw more torpedoes than they could possibly handle. That's their main tactic and its effective enough that most of the crews at this point are composed of young replacements, even on the particularly "elite" fleets. Trying to screen for superior genes any more than they already do in a conflict like that is a crapshoot, so all your strategy would really accomplish is pissing off the entire armed segment of the population.
Does anyone have the page where all of the spess elfs have been edited to have beards? I remember that none of the dialog was changed, but it all still fit. The guy was saying something like "get away from me you freaks!"
There's several of them, I don't have the one with the hospital bed though.
Wait a damn minute. How did we get to 281 posts without anyone commenting on "wouldn't be able get home" in bubble 4.

Brain, brain pls.
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Tempo is an intelligence officer and scares the shit out of Beryl.
Let the Loli vs MILF battle commence!
The Tomboy sneaks in from left field and wins the Alex cup.
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But they're both MILFS.
Before the outsider article was updated I think it was literally just base-7 mathematics without a symbol for zero. It was every bit as terrible as it sounds.

>Beryl's face when Imperial Measurements
Jesus Christ these elves are bad at math.
By all rights, nobody this bad at math should have achieved FTL space travel.
Apparently most of their tech is legacy of previous civilisations though
This practice courts weakness. You will get what you measure, which may be a good thing if you choose the right thing to measure. But war is ever changing, and you will be at disadvantage if you shrink your gene pool by selecting aggressively for specific traits that are no longer valuable.
They didn't. They're an artificial race that started with all the good shit.
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>Not using the metric system
>There is no formal digit for zero, and null values are formally written as "nothing".
>Various notation versions have differing shorthand for representing null values.
Well, this is highly problematic.
The next dozen pages will be about Alex teaching the space elfs how to count to 10 properly.
The Loroi never achieved FTL travel. They inherited it. They were made to be shock troops for a precurser civilization. The Loroi never had a stone age, a bronze age, an age of sail, an renaissance, an information age, any of that. They were made for an age of space domination and they've never left that stage, even after thousands of years. They seem to only have a basics of science; Beryl's attempts revolve around just observation and memorization. There's apparently been no technological development in centuries until the Historians gave them stuff because they were losing too badly.

All said, aside from blue elf sexiness, the Loroi are only good at throwing bodies at the enemy, and the Umiak are better than them at it.

Honestly, I'm surprised they have art unless that Tempest painting was done by one of their allies.
So apparently the author set up a Patreon for the comic.


>$600 per page
Hahaha fuck you
Technically true, but attitude counts as well.
Maybe 'Genki' vs 'Ara Ara' would be more appropriate.
They do use metric if you look at the second pic in this thread.
>The Loroi never had a stone age, a bronze age, an age of sail, an renaissance, an information age, any of that.

They regressed to a stone age 5'000 years after the precursor empire fell and it took them another 270'000 years to progress back to the space age and launch their first satellites, and another 3-400 years after satellites to get back into interplanetary space and jumpdrives.

They had artefacts from the precursor empire to guide them the entire way; they didn't even have psychic technology until they found some to reverse-engineer on another planet.
so, an average income of 300$/year
Humans use metric, the Loroi use "a bijective base-8 numeration" detailed here: >>43586842
IIRC, their psychic long-range detection ability was what kept them ahead of the worms.
fuck 10, just a standart octal notation. Or even plain old hex.
The historians are the only ones that *maybe* straight up inherited working tech. Everyone else had to work their way back up from the stone age. Most of the artifacts on the planets were scrap that got bombed from orbit tens of thousands of years ago and only gave them a rough idea of what they should be doing.

They are relatively retarded, but they did go through those ages and figured out plenty on their own.
>Beryl's face when learning about the imperial measurement system
>Beryl's face when learning about menstruation
>Beryl's face when learning about morse code
>Beryl's face when learning about wisdom teeth
>Beryl's face when learning about handholding
>Beryl's face when learning about prions
>Beryl's face when learning about chocolate
>Beryl's face when learning about dragon dildos
>Beryl's face when learning about kittens
>Beryl's face when learning about anime
>Beryl's face when learning about canada geese
These are all the same face.
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So what could humanity actually contribute to the loroi in terms of the war effort? The best I could think of would be a skilled force in ground warfare but that never really happens
Well if this thread has told me anything, we could probably revolutionize their entire way of thinking by giving them a non-retarded numeral system.
Author's written quite a lot on the subject, actually. We're not going to help them with any direct combat abilities, they're genetically designed for space war and they've been at it for two thousand years now.

Long story short, Loroi culture is very cliquey and ideas travel at glacial speeds, if at all, and this is exacerbated by the fact that they have an aversion to math and think books are for nerds: the only real way to learn something is to track down an expert who is willing to give you the time of day and Vulcan Mind Meld with them.
Social and technological progress basically isn't a thing for them.

The bugs aren't any better, they're industrious as hell but only because they're mostly mindless drones.

Humanity by comparison seems to specialise in spreading insight and ideas through multiple viewpoints: we went from sails to space ten times quicker than the Loroi and invented jumpdrives independently without alien artefacts, so we're going to optimize the shit out of all that sweet precursor tech.
That, too.
So we'd just give them not retarded math and then continue as normal with the protection of the sexy space elf empire?
I want sexy space elves to protect me. I won't even lie about it.
So it has potential for Fuck Yeah Humanity?
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No, that shit's lame; we're headed for Jolly Cooperation!
>Fuck Yeah Humanity
Fuck off.
There are several things, but it's difficultto say how important any of those are.

The first, and most obvious, is a base of operations that threatens their enemy's left flank and possibly even rear, with information about routes to and from these areas.

Then there is the actually rather large population base. Warm bodies to crew ships with are not hard to come by for the Loroi, but from the desprictions it appears like their industry and production methods are not as highly developed as their tech would imply. They are organized in guilds, and everything that is no 'being in the military' is seen as a second-rate task anyway.
Given Loroi tech, Human mass production methods might end up making a LOT more hardware.

This ties into the next thing, scientific method. The Loroi have a perfect telepathic memory of their entire history, passed down through the generations from telepath to telepath.
Questioning the how and why of things is as alien to them as their telepathy is to us.
Mankind has a tendency to just go and look for new wayas of doing things, Wether those new ways are needed or better is often not important, and this approach is terrible wasteful in terms of resources.
But it might create a lot of new ideas in a very short time when you simply ahnd Humans Loroi tech and let them fuck around with it for bit.

On the 'bad news' side, Humans seem to be invisible to telepathic detection. Which unfortuately means the loroi can't let us live to be the perfect infiltrators if we were to join the Umiak.
And we sort of prove that the precursors simply made the Loroi just like the other races.

So unless Alex can convice the crazy spy chick and the information junkie chick that they really, really need repeated hot human dickings, it looks like we're in deep shit.
While it's fun to speculate on future interactions Arioch stated that the comic is essentially Alex's first contact story and it will end before most of this becomes a factor.

>And we sort of prove that the precursors simply made the Loroi just like the other races.
As I recall Loroi were made before Homo Sapiens was a thing so the lines of influence are somewhat unclear.
How would you, very diplomatically, suggest to a sexy space elf that you and she need to bump uglies?
So our grandchildren could have a chance to see the story of what happens after Alex's shit is all dealt with?
Declare my intention an challenge anyone that objects to Kal-if-fee.
Well probably in a very romantic way in a language she does not understand.
So... Basque?
I'm pretty sure this is already a thing. It's called 比武招亲
Martine, I was thinking.
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Is this Sundowner's first war?
>per page
While it's better in that there's actual accountability, it means that if the author steps up his game, you can suddenly not be able to afford your current level of contribution.
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I have a few.

A place to stick their fowards bases, basically. Alexander already mentioned this in the comics. He's hard pressed to think of a way that humanity could help. A small skirmish with a small fleet already involved a dozen times the ships the entire human fleet posessed. At a far higher tech level.
I don't use Patreon, but even I know that you can put an upper limit to your contribution with that donation method or simply choose not to donate when the update happens.
It's not a completely automatic process(unless you let it be).

He's already mentioned that Humanity has the equivalent of Creative, from MOO.
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Just something to think about.
it was said that on the ground we have a slight chance against Loroi/umiak army, but it would be like fighthing modern troops with Nuggets, T-34s, AT rifles, and prop planes

We'd have to go ultra cheeky breeky.
Afair, about 1/3 of the whole manga is about that teacher being violently gang-raped, then broken, then raped again. Yeah.
How can anyone jerk off to this kind of things with clear conscience?
I mean I can see myself doing it but I'd feel real dirty afterwards.
It's all brain chemicals anon. Get in the right mood from the right chemicals pumping and you'll squeeze one off to a dog taking a shit in a bush.
And their sweat smells of vanilla.

It's blindingly obvious that the Loroi are the precursor race's genetaically engineered catgirls.
He tried making a wargame, it was scrapped because the underlying math behind taking the semihard SF relativistic combat into a mapped game board required too many variables.

Mind you, it wasn't scrapped because it was too complex, it just took too much time away from modeling the backgrounds and thus getting another two strips out.
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1MB, 320x240px
Precursors were species of supreme taste, then.

A toast to precursors, those magnificent bastards.
File: Manifest Destiny is Best Destiny.jpg (449KB, 1145x720px) Image search: [Google]
Manifest Destiny is Best Destiny.jpg
449KB, 1145x720px
>mfw this is what the air force is seeing when they run orbital-to-orbital spaceplane v aMIRV scenarios against the russo-sino projections
it's 1/5 dollar per page, who can not afford that if he updates more regularly but still has the disposable income to give anything at all?
It's the MOST logical coclusion.

They don't exist for your dick, anon
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