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EVO - The Theory of Evolution The recently translated PC-9

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EVO - The Theory of Evolution

The recently translated PC-98 title which is the precursor to "EVO - the Search for Eden" on the SNES.

This uses the HDI version of the game so there is no disk swapping.
Also has the original files as well.
Requires no configuration at all, just launch the emulator.

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Waterboy - Perfection.gif
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Thank you
>recently translated
who made the translation?
Name of the group is 46 OkuMen
They're working on a few other PC-98 titles too, which is pretty neat since the PC-98 is rarely touched for translations.
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I didn't know Search of Eden had a precursor. I rented the SNES game from the grocery store when I was young. Makes my back hurt thinking about a time a grocery store had a video rental section.

Am I getting old?
Wow, I had no idea the Search for Eden had a predecessor. I'll have to play this. Thank you, OP!
I can relate.
Woohoo. I'm a prehistoric fish who can bodyslam other prehistoric fish, whose names I can't pronounce.

And I just evolved into a lizard.
>No torrent in the OP
Why did you post this here?
For real?

Wow. Thanks a lot.
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Arino Ross.jpg
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How the fuck do you save?
Hit space bar and go to Save EVO?
How do I skip the intro conversation with the fish then?
You don't.
You can't, after the game loads it auto starts act 1, after that first conversion then you have to load your game.
Truth be told it threw me off too.
Holy shit, I have this for the SNES. I found it behind a cabinet at work.
This game never came out on the SNES. What you have is E.V.O.: Search for Eden. This is a game that came out two years before that on an entirely different system, the NEC PC-9800 line of computers.
What do I do when I get to the precariously balanced giant rock? I can't figure out how to push it over.
Ignore it for now, head south east and look for a mountain range. Thats all I'll say.
thanks alot!
Ah, looks like I did the three locations out of order. Revisiting the guardians after the flower fixed it.
Thanks a lot OP!
I had no idea evo had a predecessor.
I found a Gaia flower which told me to save the forest by going to a mountain in the NW ... and a gecko nearby told me that I should go visit a mountain in the east which I can get to by a route in the far SE.

So I went the far SE route, managed to find the east mountain ... there was a gecko that told me of a rock and asked to come back once I'd saved the forest...

So I found the rock and did what I needed to. (It fixed the desert or something.) But then I apparently made a mistake: I decided to go back to both the mountain gecko and the Gaia flower and apparently neither was the correct place to go to. But I had travelled for so much that I could not find the place with the rock again (so I could get my bearings). Crap.


I need a map for the damn game.
Dropping that rock changed the landscape, which is why you can't find it now. Try exploring more to the west of the flower now.

Yeah, I noticed. I wasn't trying to find the rock specifically, just the general location so that I could reorient myself. I figured that wherever the rock used to be, the next goal would probably be not too far away...
In case there is someone out there who wants to play the original Japanese version (which is included in the OP's link)

It will display gibberish unless you have a font for the emulator.

You can get one here:
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Guys. I still can't find the mountain.

When I nudged the boulder, I got two routes, one to the north and one to the west.

If I follow the one to the west, I get to an oasis sort of thing. (See pic.) If I follow it some more, I find the north ocean and nothing more.

If I follow the one (with the stream) to the north, I come back to the Gaia flower.

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Oh, I think I found it now. West route, north of the oasis (near the ocean), go a bit through the desert, there's a second oasis. Go east from there.
does it matter which species I evolve into? does it have any gameplay effects?
Well since this thread is still alive there should be a torrent for the game at least.


bump because awesome.
I am bumping this because I just evolved into a Triceratops.

Yeah, I'm a slow player. (I downloaded this game pretty much exactly two months ago.)
...Why does Lucifer look like a vampire? Or is that a succubus?
Wait, where'd the box art come from?
God fuck off. Mega links are superior and there's no DDL/Mega board so deal with it.
You're responding to a 3 month old post. Anon probably hid this thread ages ago.
Thank you so much. I have been waiting for this and given up hope on it ever happening. Thank you so much, translators and everyone else involved in getting this link to me right now. I should visit /t/ more often.
The fuck? How did i didn't know about this one? I played EVO in middle school a lot and i was so proud of liking a game that not many even heard of.

Thanks op.
Guys, I noticed 46okumen had released a translation patch for a new game called Rusty, supposedly a Castlevania-like game, just a few days ago.

I was thinking of posting it here into this thread for you so I went ahead and found a ROM sort of thing for the game. Then I tried to run their patcher, and it complained that my kernel32.dll didn't have some function available so that kind of fell flat.

Anyone want to take over? I can post the ROM if necessary.

(I don't even know what Castlevania is like. But Rusty is a platformer that has a lady with a whip as the main character. The (Japanese) game runs passably on Anex86. It fails to launch on the Neko Project emulator that the EVO zip here was supplied with, for what it's worth.)
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So I got Rusty patched. Can someone please make a torrent out of this?


Everything needed to play the game inside. I think.
relive my life that is deeply implanted in my memories god bless
Thank you
thank you internet friend
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1MB, 2249x1399px
CRW Metal Jacket. They released this a few days ago.


Youtube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f7aBNndxpM

It's mouse-operated, press either the middle mouse button or F12 to make the emulator capture the mouse. Press again to un-capture.

Not tested beyond basic launch.

Is there an internet friend who can make a torrent out of this?
Thanks for the upload my fine friend.

Here is your magnet link
Also a magnet link for Rusty. Thanks for the Mega!


Anyone check out CRW Metal Jacket yet? Shit looks pretty cool. Its kinda tossed on to my backlog currently, was thinking of bumping it up the list.
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