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Dog = /sp/ Water = /a/

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Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 48

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Dog = /sp/
Water = /a/
Don't bully /sp/. That's like bullying the foreign exchange student! We should learn all we can about their board culture.
That's a really cute golden retriever.
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you know it
Yeah, every other board that got combined is a mesh of the two boards. /spa/ is just /a/ with flags.
is that dog sick?
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This quickly became /a/ with flags instead of /sp/+/a/
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dog = /sp/
giant broccoli = /a/
I think this dolphin has autism.

I'm offended
Is dog okay?
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>/a/ actually saved this shitty "LE GENERALS XDDD" board.

this merge is the closest thing to bro culture we will have. I vote to keep it like this.
yes, because int with v REALLY became a ACTUAL merge of international and VIDYA GAEMS
Is he asleep?
that's not a goat
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I know /sp/ aren't a /an/ experts, but damn.
He's watery dreaming.

I'd be okay with the generals being gone
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what am i looking at here?
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What a cute dog.
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Caterpillar = /a/
Dress = /sp/
that's a lizard
there is nothing wrong with generals.
If you're being sarcastic, I haven't checked that one yet.
Dumb weeb
Given /a/ has been a more active board, you knew this would happen. Fuck off and die Chads.
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that's a cat
>/sp/ is the same
>/a/ now has sports

Makes you think
Hey, that's pretty blue.
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Granola bar=/spa/
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>Tell mods generals need to fucking go for years
>gets so bad a fucking uprising happens and tons of posters leave for good still nothing
>/a/ and /sp/ get merged as a joke killing general faggotry with weebfaggotry and shitposting
Where were you when /a/ saved /sp/'s soul!

/hoc/ endures
No that was cock

They're best friends
Deers can't eat chocolate retard, he's going to die now.
Of course /v/ and /int/ would just become /int/.

/v/ doesn't talk about video games.
I don't watch anime but I've posted on 4chan for over a decade - on /sp/ 2.0 from the beginning. I'd like to give a shout-out to /a/ for killing generals for at least one day. It's a beautiful thing. I will watch the first 3 anime that are suggested to me in return
What are you talking about that's a Nerd's Rope.
Boku No Pico
pico x coco x chico
inferno cop
boku no pico
That's a deer.
pico to chico
You have to forgive us, Japan has turned everything into small girls so actual object identification has become blurred at the edges.
> that's not a goat
pretty sure its a joke. but whatever you're maybe joking too
Since you only got meme answers:
Uchouten Kazoku

some variety, all good shows
No wonder you wall jumpers give recs
BAD post
I don't think I have to say anything to make you the ass end of the joke here. Hiro already did it for me.
I should've known better. I will hope these are watchable
Pretty sure that's a sheep dog man

Don't kill the man, jesus
you actually didn't get baited
You'll probably like Haikyuu the best, it's a sports anime. K-on will probably put you off at first because of the cute girls but if you give it a chance it will grow on you a lot, I promise. Uchouten Kazoku is a family drama with a lot of Japanese folklore, but if you're ok with that, it's a great show.
/a/ stronk, /a/ STRONK!
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It really was a mistake to merge two boards with such a wild difference in activity levels. This was only bound to happen.
the timing was really the problem. if this was done 12 hours ago it would have gone over a lot better. /sp/ just moves at snails pace during these hours.
when will this end so i can pretend i am white again?
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>drowning in your ideals this quickly
Sasuga /sp/
>implying anything can kill /hoc/ or /nba/
>/a/ saves /sp/
>/mlp/ saves /pol/
All I am getting from this is that normalfags fear the autism and more normal boards getting dosed gives them a bit of a revitalisation.
>he says despite /cock/ being somewhat of a success
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That's because this is an anime site. All the other boards are inhabited by weebs who put that aside for a moment to talk about other things. Newfags tend to forget this, but given the slightest excuse any board will explode into weebposting.

There's not a single board that wouldn't drown in /a/.
that's one cute cat tho
why I'm not surprised about it
So what we're learning is that in order to protect our site from the constant invasion of normalfags, weebs need to leave their comfort zone boards and start posting everywhere in order to change the site's reputation back?
what is the boku no pico of /sp/?
That's a pizza
That's my mom.
Maybe yuro /sp/ will actually put up some resistance.
>That's windex
It fixed /qa/, sort of.
well, /v/ was ruined by /int/
now it's pure /int/ shitposting with a little bit of /pol/ touch
i want to keep false flagging americans, but i can't with my flag showing.
Can proxies be used for that?
That's a hamster.
Finally someone said it, i was going insane for a minute there, it's clearly a lion.
Boku no Glasslip Art Online.
>t. White Argie

Oh wait...
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/sp/ has been /a/ for a long time idiot.
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No board can defeat /a/
facts. /sp/ isnt shit
>all good shows
>one good show, one shitty moe show and one shitty sport show
Replace K-On! and Haikyuu with Non Non Biyori and Cross Game.
>combining on of the fastest boards with /sp/ when no sports are on
Good choice mods

No bullying /sp/, they're our guests.
nice falseflagging ballfucker
This is from the kemono friends ova?
Is that even a dog
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/sp/ has been dead for years though.
You think you fags have it bad? /out/ got merged with /soc/.
>>/cock/ is the best merge so far
Scaly School live action?
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glasslip is the best psychological anime

/can/ is amazing. It's just a Kemono Friends board now.
/mlpol/ is just /pol/ with a few pony threads and NONE OF the constant stream of paid shilling (DRUMPF BTFO XDXDXD!!)
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Remember the days where we would be that water? Where are all the /sp/artans at? ;_;
I agree.
The threads are actually about food and comics.
Genuinely interesting.
They left because of hotpockets.
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/sp/ was never larger than /a/, sorry bro.
People who like sports tend to spend more time outside.
>no shilling
Shilling has returned as of 10pm PST. Its like someone flipped a switch.
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/sp/ has always been a small board, but we used to fucking rule this site. Basically every meme circa 2010-2013 was from /sp/, we stole gets all over the place, and we fucking destroyed /tv/ and /a/ on a regular basis.

Newfags like you obviously wouldn't know about any of that, though.
It's time for /a/ to realize their destiny and purge the normalfags and goons who want to destroy our way of life! WEABOO DEATHSQUADS NOW! DAY OF THE 2D ROPE!

PTSD kicking in.
/a/ is the second largest board on 4chan. You've been outmatched from the very beginning.
I go to /sp/ and /a/ you fuckers never go outside half your memes are about how you are autistic as fuck and you can't talk to girls!
/sp/ was a very active board in the past tho but after that mod powertrip people fled to /int/ and /pol/
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It's literally not. /v/, /vg/ and /pol/ are all bigger now. Even in 2014 /a/ wasn't the biggest.
All the /a/ fags just want to talk about flags and shit I stead of sports or anime or sports anime

Fucking autists with 15 threads about flags
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>there is nothing wrong with chatrooms
You remind me of that /jp/ pic when moot tried to kill it, enjoy your board though.
/sp/, we need to talk
Was /sp/ any different when >we got flags?
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>/v/ practically doubles /a/ in posts/hr
/a/ should keep dying. better for the board desu
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most reddit post I've seen this week, possibly this month
I don't know about you but /fitlit/ is /fit/ with two /lit/ posts
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>not liking doggos
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/a/'s post rate has gone down the last couple years, but so has its quality. I guess nothing will save /a/ at this point. /sp/ should just make a comeback and kill it for good.

>newfags think 4chan memes are a bad thing
You obviously didn't use this site when it was actually good.
now /sp/ is just a hub for generals inhabited by normalfags
Go back to /ptg/.
that you, hinks?
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What broccoli? All I see is a cauliflower.

Cute webm anyway, there is nothing bad going at the end for anyone wondering.
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Yeah, it's fucking sad.
That goose looks like he's having a WET dream, if you read what I'm typing.
The board culture is basically they all worship my friend. It's really fucking weird, go on any archive for /sp/ and look up walkbro and/or walkgod
Fuck off. /cric/ memes past 2013 are literally cancer.
The notice says that it's spring break, so some people are assuming it'll be up for a week.
They're all over at /asp/, making lodsa wrasslin threads.
>so many South Americans on /a/

The Monroe Doctrine was a mistake
Your manifest destiny didn't work out so well.
But our bombs did, as we're seeing right now
We need to give the kpop general payback for the years we had to deal with fany/
Fuck off
I always assume the person talking to me is Mexican or Brazilian on /a/
Legit kill yourself.
snake = /sp/
chicken = /a/
forgot my pic xD
blunt = /pol/
/v/ wasn't ruined by /int/, /v/ just looks for any excuse to talk about anything other than videogames
That's a bird
>Making the board when europeans were sleeping or partying (jej)
/v/ and /pol/ can shitpost anything to death at this point.
That's a fucking lamprey you retard.
4chan is for anime so it makes sense that the main board not named /b/ would overpower /sp/
>main board not named /b/
Maybe the one that did not receive massive influx of redditors, you mean.
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I like /sp/. They're certainly better bros than /v/.
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I want to praise /sp/ but I don't see them anywhere
really feels like they've drowned but you can tell they're fine because there are no autistic tantrums in the catalog
we should go out again some time
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>tfw mods had to throw a small board into /a/ so they could feel self important and big again instead of throwing them against /v/ to see the real fun
Missed opportunity of the year
With been over this you stupid BR

/sp/ + /a/ = /int/
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/spa/ is like a spa. Comfy.
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/av/ - Adult Video for next year.
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>with been over
>calls someone else stupid
What did this stupid burger mean by this?
Don't tell me you're phoneposting.
I'm sorry, but did /sp/ already lose? Oh, that's right. The board isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the beginning. Does not having the lead at first count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the board is still on? /sp/ are still posting right now and they have been the best board in the SFW boards section for how many years now? They're merged with one of the worst boards in 4chan who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of posting in a Saturday night when euro /sp/artans are out. But you know what? They still fucking suck. /sp/ are one of the best fucking boards in 4chan, they went in SFs in last 4chan cup and would of won the cup if Messi didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when /sp/ takes over and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, /a/ just lost more posters and can't come up with any more originality, just like /mlp/ did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-/sp/ topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the board because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking boards on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
i'm glad that decision wasn't up to you

board + flags = /int/
i think your dog is sick
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s-stop bullying me spic!
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>He can't handle the banter for one day
>he can't appreciate other boards get along and wonder what could've happened
It's like you hate fun. Worst case scenario, you would've gotten to witness shit like /cock/ and /fitlit/. or do something else with your free time, it's april's fools, saturday and only one day, after all. /a/ will be intact sunday and the rest of the year.
/v/ is absolute cancer.
All you'd get would be /a/ going nuclear.
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watching people throwing shit at each other is not the only way to have fun. we had a great time with /sp/, we got along just fine and i'm looking forward to our next date
nice dog senpai
Seems like they finally figured out that the URL had changed and they needed to edit their coding for it.
I am so happy this exists now.
If even /mlp/ and /pol/ can get along, i'm sure /a/ could. /v/ is full of weebs(and redditors, to be fair), and let's not pretend they don't already crosspost for a second. And it just felt like /sp/ wasn't really there, it was more like /a/ with flags and some people that watch sports and anime. Mixing /v/ with /int/ made their board slower somehow, so i doubt /av/ would be that much faster, even factoring the people that would just go there to see the possible shitstorm.
I just think there's an overreaction considering that 90% of /v/ hates western games at this point and is OK with anime(not the kind you'd expect on /a/, though). I mean, their current trending games are japanese games with heavy influence of what they would call "weebshit" some time before.
And, honestly, i don't want it to see that much. I mean, i want, but it's not like i'd spend much time on it. /v/ had a great time with /int/, but so did other boards(not /fap/ though, iirc, and i didn't get to see /out/+/soc/ and /mtv/), so it's just way more natural to people from boards other than the ones from the fusions to be browsing them and being the actual posters, so it wouldn't be all /v/edditors and /a/utists.
And, thinking about it, i wouldn't get to experience /a/ and /v/ with flags, so today was far from bad comparing to /av/
es un meme marico
already having a considerable amount of crossposters between /a/ and /v/ is exactly the reason why merging them would be a waste and it's indeed much more reasonable merging bigger boards with slower paced ones. it was definitely not a waste

/pol/ got utterly BTFO by horse pussy and that was just ONE fandom.
In a merge, /a/ would take over their board in a heartbeat especially with the sheer amount of porn /a/ would instantly be able to post with it's new red status.

It would basically just turn into /h/ with some animu discussion.

/pol/ got exposed today.
They aren't shit.
>haikyuu is bad
Kill yourself.
Fucking this. This board reminds me of the bro culture of old, just about anime rather than sports. Best night /sp/ has seen in a good 5 years.
You shut your dirty whore mouth.
>mfw this is literally chemotherapy for all the cancerous boards

Mix /s4s/ with /r9k/ and /aco/ and /d/ with /v/. Purge the redditors!

Thats clearly a cat OP
>/aco/ and /d/ with /v/.
Hopefully that would remove the shitflationists, etc. too.
What the fuck you on about Paco? /pol/ was LOVING it because it broke all the automated spam they get. I'm sure they'd trade horseporn for that any day.
Thread posts: 187
Thread images: 48

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