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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 509
Thread images: 154

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MLW:Braun connects for 300th career home run
WAS:Taylor drives in five in win over Phillies
MIA:Dee Gordon swipes 50th base in win on Friday
CLE:Clevinger shines as Indians win 16th straight
NYM:Reyes has two-homer night against Reds
TB:Steven Souza leaves after crashing into wall
SEA:James Paxton (pectoral) to return next week
LA:Corey Seager returns to Dodgers lineup
LAA:Albert Pujols (knee) back in Angels' lineup
ARZ:Paul Goldschmidt (elbow) out again on Friday
STL:Tommy Pham (shoulder) back in lineup Friday
STL:Matt Carpenter (shoulder) returns to lineup
first for boston
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Injuns desu
Fuck you OP. Im on keto and that picture looks delicious. I dont even like mcdonalds but id house a big mac right now. Cant wait til this cuts over
Bartolo Colon, is that you?
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gg Padres, best of luck down the road.
You laugh at the Rangers now, but just you wait boys. We will dick the league so hard you'll call us "Daddy."
based brazil get
Is this Loss?
Alright here's my argument:

Cheeseburger, Double cheeseburger, we can agree this is the natural progression. Now, just look at the size of the Big Mac vs. the Double Quarter pounder. The Big Mac is the big sandwich, it's also the flagship sandwich, iconic, making it clearly the home run.

Which leaves the triple. In my mind? Triple cheeseburger, easy. Although, I suppose one could argue for the Double Quarter pounder with cheese.
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Does McDonalds even make a triple?
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>Giants win
>Dodgers can't get a break

We're fucked but hey
Double quarter is bigger by weight though
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As a matter of fact, yes.

They had a break, familio estevez, and they blew it so hard.
for me, it's the mcchicken
Suck a shit out my ass with a bendy straw you menatlly impaired Seattle fruitcake.
>Dodgers are gonna win 117!
Does it? I suppose that makes sense, although aesthetically I see the Big Mac still. Two layers, reminds me of a double decker blast.
how do the memeiners, without fail, always linger on the edges of the postseason race only to falter at the very end?
I think it should be Cheeseburger, McDouble, Quarter pounder, Big Mac
>Dodgers are gonna win!
>Dbags choked to the Padres at home

McChicken = ground rule Double?
id rather lose the division than win and lose in the playoffs
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Because they are Turkey baster full of hot grease up the butthole sodomites who don't know their dock from another man's elbow. Duck the Mariners.
I could accept this
typical Dudders cuckold, checks out
>losing to the dads
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6 is more than zero, child.
t. DG
Now this is a sport /mlb/ can play
>losing to fuckin everybody
explain this
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Should be EAT for the burger cycle though
I'm going to go for it bros. Tomorrow I will go for the burger cycle and stream it on twitch
Hitting for the cycle is great, but when is someone going to win the adamantium sombrero? That is to strike out every appearance for an entire season.
has no pitcher done that before?
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now add a mcchicken for extra innings eating
It's just a meme lad, this is NOT recommended you could die
I'm proud of you anon.
Based anon, I will always remember
The perfect tank.
>the Dodgers are up 4-1 at home
>choke and lose
>the Dbacks go down 8-0 at home
>fail to properly mount a comeback
>the Indians go up 3-0 at home
>win 5-0
One of these things is not like the others...
lol remember when the DBags lost their 13 game winning streak to the Padshits?
>This burger cycle nonsense
>Not just eating a burger an inning like a sensible person

I'm kind of disgusted by you guys

13 OF 14

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What the fuck is going on in the NL West.
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Remember when they swept the Dodgers twice in a row?
The Dodgers only win in the PAST TWO WEEKS is a 1-0 win with their best pitcher on the mound against the San Diego Padres

>no team in history has won a world series after losing 13 of 14 in the regular season
Remember when the unstoppable Dodgers lost 3 of 4 to the Dads?
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>16 straight
Still gained a magic number
dodgers are a fucking mess
theyre gonna limp into the playoffs 10-20 over their last 30 and then lose the nlds 3-1
You seem upset
>tfw to intelligent too win the division
A mere 13 days ago, the Dodgers held a 21-game lead in the National League West standings. They enter play with a still-comfortable, but much less daunting 10-game lead over the Diamondbacks.

What’s more, Los Angeles is still six games ahead of the Houston Astros for the best record in baseball, and lead the Washington Nationals by seven games in the NL standings.

KEK, post season implosion KEK
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And that's all you g-
>literal who reliever starting
....nevermind, carry on
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>the ROTY aspirations of Bellinshit
>this damage control


It is an implosion you retard. None of the pitchers can pitch, none of the hitters can be clutch all of which will come into play in the post season like it has for the last 5 years.
What the fuck happened to darvish
>Doyers postseason collapse
>It's not the postseason
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Oh. I apologize, I was quoting an article saying that.

Didn't mean for you to assume I'm a Dodgers fan.


>Josh "Waaaaay back and gone" Tomlin

16 was a good streak desu
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And there will only be one magic number in the NLDS

It's like fungus. It grows on other teams as well.
>300 calories
>40mg of cholesterol
>680mg of sodium
>15g of protein

>380 calories
>70mg cholesterol
>840mg of sodium
>23g of protein

Quarter Pounder:
>530 calories
>100mg of cholesterol
>1090mg of sodium
>31g of protein

Big Mac:
>540 calories
>80mg of cholesterol
>950mg of sodium
>25g of protein
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>still 10 games ahead division
>7 ahead NL
>6 ahead league
No one expected the dodgers to even contend against the giants this year
No one expected then to be a wild card team when the mets , nats and Marlins were suppose to be contending for one of those spots

Dodgers fans didn't expect 116 wins and don't care about it we just want the fucking chip that's all and by God we are going to win the fucking chip

Fuck regular season stats cap it you faggots
He's literally fleecing LA. He doesn't give a shit about rings, he just thinks playing in the AL west is comfy and is waiting to resign with the Rangers.
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1750 Calories
290mg of cholesterol
3560mg of sodium
94g of protein
>Fuck regular season stats

this coming from the same fans who brag about season wins because they can't brag about any rings won in decades.

LOL. these mental gymnastics.
>Fuck regular season stats
>Fuck regular season stats
>Fuck regular season stats

If the Dodgers fuck regular season stats what do they have to show for all the money spent over the last 3 decades.
>trusting grienke in the post season
Archie Bradley could start over grienke and be a safer bet
>the blue jays are making the playoffs, they said
Will the leafs ever be right?
I'd rather my team have a perfect record in spring training than make it to the World Series and lose.
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>roberts: you should be encouraged after this one
>Roberts shaming the fans in the post game conference for booing Baez because he fucking blows games.
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Is larry dead?
No one was bragging but false flagging faggots

I'll admit I love to shitpost
But no one expected this team to win 116 or 18 or what ever because we aren't blind retards like our divisional rivals which only 1 post on this board which are the giants

Those other fanbases don't exist
Someone will do this
>Dodgers fans didn't expect 116 wins and don't care about it we just want the fucking chip that's all and by God we are going to win the fucking chip
You literally flooded this general with muh 130-32, faggot
>b-but I was shitposting
>>still 10 games ahead division
>>7 ahead NL
>>6 ahead league
>Fuck regular season stats
More like (you) faggots because dodger live rent free in certain fanbases minds for god knows whatever reason (injuns and royals)
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>MFW los doyers finish with 95 wins
>God we are going to win the fucking chip
he said, increasingly nervous for the tenth consecutive post season
For me its the mcchicken
You seem upset.
It's "championship" you double digit IQ beaner
Still fits my tdee and room for fries. Ill never understsnd how people get fat
>Flood the general with "lol we can't stop the dodgers"
>Constantly shitposting about other teams you're jealous of
>Go on a hissy fit crusade the moment Dodgers lose a few games
>"we're the underdog"

Holy shit when is Kim Jong Un going to nuke LA
He had a W with 1 ER and 5.2 IP in Detroit
But his last 6 starts have been pretty good
He knows that would help the USA so he wouldn't nuke LA.
>not cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, double quarter-pounder with cheese and the bacon and cheddar Angus

do you faggots even mcdick's?
Dave Roberts is apparently only mad at Dodgers fans for booing Baez after today's game. Lost 13 of the last 14 and everything is fine according to Dave and Baez is having a "great season." No he's not, Dave. He was not a tire fire earlier in the season, but he is one now.
You forgot
Hey now. This year was kind of a disaster for Clev until >we started getting hot, and all of a sudden he's throwing shutouts.
>AAA lineup
He's starting against BALTIMORE. And in case you haven't noticed, this isn't Orioles Park at Camden Yards so they can't play offense
>doesn't implode the core during a rebuild
not even trying desu
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For me its the indians the best american league sandwich
damn, my brain never had the thought of this kind of thing... this concept of the cheeseburger cycle.
but now that you've introduced me to it......... i think i'm maybe just gonna have to do it
what are teh rules, smash all 4 in 24 hours? i think that's fair
wow i think this magic needs to come into my life very soon
I wish the team in Minnesota were still called the Twin Cities
I'd Royal her Kansas City, if you know what I mean.
Clev has been good all year with hiccups, reliable at least.

Baltimore is a contending team that hits Home runs and Josh is a flyball pitcher, so the odds aren't great. Last start was okay but a better team would've pounced on his mistakes.
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The arrogant, and often angry, posts brought to you by ...
god i love that image
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Found this today at the thrift for 2 bucks.
>tfw 80 and can't play anymore

>single cheeseburger
>a single

double cheeseburger

>twice a cheeseburger
>a double

double quarter-pounder with cheese

>a considerably meatier double cheeseburger
>a considerably heftier double

bacon and cheddar Angus burger

>totally different, much bigger cheeseburger
>ball totally leaves the park

I'm sorry but muy autism is very much triggered
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Complete this sentence: The Los Angeles Dodgers have ____ franchise rings
you rolled it
Well, the Dodgers rebuild goes on. Next year, they will win even more games and be even more guaranteed to win it all
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larry has arrived bros

That's pretty cool. Will have to find that one.
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McDonalds has shit burgers
They still make the game. You can get new player cards every year.
The last Dodger pitcher to lose a winner-take-all game was ____
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>posting about baseball in a cheeseburger thread
Cheeseburger and baseball are fucking the epitome of America bro.... Don't make me bust out the apple pie
clayton cheeseburger

fuck me I'm so hungry now and the nearest mcdonalds is like 15 minutes away plus it's a shit european mcdonalds
Nigga go get some
i've already showered man, i'm not gonna go outdoors and let me precious cleanly skin get covered with a bunch of ambient bug-dust and shit-smoke
my wonderfully dreamy sheets don't need that shit on them
Can you do 100 sit ups yet?
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good reference
Tbh im glad we ensured a split series, I don't take wins against the dodgers for granted cause I've seen enough times we've blown it to them
Glad you got it.
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r/Cleveland Cavs: 24K subs.
r/Cleveland Indians: 10K subs.

>Going to Reddit.

Reddit is good for taking the mainstream's pulse.

How in the everloving Hell is the hottest team in baseball on a historic 2.5 less popular than the Lebrons, WHO CLEVELAND FANS BURNED THE JERSEY OF?

Fucking hate Cleveland sports fans. So unappreciative.
not one
not two
but THREE kisses for beer
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Watch out Phillies.
He later said it was 6
moderators, please
Why are there so many Asian SF Giants fans?
>pissboi has resorted to defending Reddit
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We can't stop the windians bros...
Why are there so many Spic Dodgers fans?
Confession : sometimes, when i'm drunk, i go onto reddit and try to come up with the most memorable, hilarious bants i can possibly muster, and then the next time i'm drunk i get a lot of satisfaction from how many upboats the post got
PLEASE do not tell my mother
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>How in the everloving Hell is the hottest team in baseball on a historic 2.5 less popular than the Lebrons

In 1990:
>Total population 505,000
>50% Non-Hispanic White
>Sold out 433 straight games

>Total Population: 393,806 residents
>53% Black
>33% Non-Hispanic White
>100k drop in population since 1990
>2nd highest TV ratings in MLB

Its almost like the fanbase still exists but isn't in Cleveland anymore. Weird huh?
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Wsox mein niggaaaa
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i'm telling her right now oh man you are so fucking grounded
you have to go back
did the dbacks win again? not like i care. baseboru is shitty game.
Which one of you was this?
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Dodger Tears.png
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jesus christ, these people need to be gassed, all of them, en masse
ICE is doing the next best thing, sending them back to mexico
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SF has tons of spics fans. every beaner north of fresno is a gints fan
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Rockies win!
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how do we stop this team gentlemen?
I've been looking all over for that vintage Pissboi cap
im not against this semen siphon being the rockies mascot
i'd like her vaginal orifice to stop on and around my erect penis if you know what i'm saying here
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her face should be in the dictionary next to "jealousy"
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>mfw inside the park grand slam
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>mfw shitty Herrera defense
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hmm would you look at the time
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An October without the Cardinals isn't real Baseball.
Daily reminder that the DBags lost a 13 game win streak to the Padres
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>Archer isn't a cut-
Fun reminder that each team in the National League West division (the San Francisco Giants, the Colorado Rockies, the Arizona Diamondbacks, and the San Diego Padres) have all been to the World Series more recently than the Los Angeles Dodgers. Interestingly, two other teams (the Cincinatti Reds and Atlanta Braves) that are no longer in the National League West have made it to the World Series as members of that division more recently than the Dodgers have made it.
Last two digits confirm year Dodgers win it all
If he is on second, this would mean "time to look at the watch while I give the guy the signs" Cheaters
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Nats desu senpai
Why are all Boston sports teams cheaters?
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>being this salty
The last few years have been a rebuild
Was every team besides the Dodgers a mistake?
You know, losing this much isn't a big deal because momentum doesn't exist in baseball. Once we clinch the division, the Dodgers should just lose every single game after and focus on postseason strategy. Just put a AAA lineup out there
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>Just put a AAA lineup out there
You mean like the one they have playing now?
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>Jays have to go 17-4 to hit .500

Forgot they even existed desu
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they exist, friend. But they aren't very good right now. Big a Genie will be instrumental in their pennant race next year. Habeeb it!
she is a true baseball fan who paid big $ for good seats and some camera THOT is ruining her view. based pure waifu
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dodgers under black managers.webm
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Dave Roberts is a legit retard. He is just throwing shit at the wall in terms of playing a line up like a 3 year old trying to bake a cake.

He stole MOY from the cubs and only won because he is black
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da bread.jpg
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>Putting the gas can THAT close to the fire
>Doyer intellectuals
actually doing this to your team's own poor little hat
>posting it whenever something goes slightly wrong

LA is a fucking disgrace

that was a cubs fan who made the video I found it on /r/dodgers
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>Eight different pitchers have started a game during this 1-13 stretch: Darvish (three starts), Rich Hill (two), Clayton Kershaw (two), Kenta Maeda (two), Hyun-Jin Ryu (two), Ross Stripling (one), Brock Stewart (one), and Alex Wood (one). In these 14 games, the starters have a 6.32 ERA and a 1.61 WHIP in 62 2/3 innings. That works out to 4.5 innings per start.
>Derek Holland had a 6.20 ERA and a 1.71 WHIP before being released by the White Sox earlier this week, though he averaged 5.2 innings per start.
w e w
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I stand corrected.
>cusb intellectuals
>going on reddit
>still using the webm when it's your own team

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Nigga our team is a hat fire right now. I was not a delusional trip like DG I always knew the dodgers were gonna break my heart somehow

My family got me a ticket to todays game, how dissappointed am i going to be out of /10?
How many beers should I get?
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>Nelson out for season cuz he slid into first
>3rd time this season sp goes to dl from injuring themselves running the bases or hitting
Moving to the NL was a mistake
You should be excited. Not every day does one get to see the best team in baseball lose 30-0
Last two digits is how many more wins In a row the Indians get
that doesn't excuse faggotry
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what the fuck is that thing
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There goes any hope of making the playoffs.
That's Jim Henson levels of impressive/horrifying
on years that the cardinals dont make it, manfred should postpone or cancel the playoffs
i would rather have this monstrosity pitch in a game 5 DS than kershart
Wincinnati, you around?
BAJP is always round
Because he's fat
No u
How would you fix the Dodgers?
I'd let them rot
Kill dave
It's funny because the Dodgers match up better against the Cubs as the 2 seed than whoever wins the WC game.

Have fun trying to beat the Nats, DBags. If only you had a pitcher like Kershaw to ensure a NL WC victory
>Have fun trying to beat the team who has never won a playoff series
do you think before hitting that submit button
DBags went 2-5 vs. Washington

I like their chances. Then the Dodgers sweep washington
>regular season
A dodger fan should know first hand regular season records don't mean anything in the playoffs
Yeah after all the 2000 Yankees finished 2-13 and won it all

Which is why this slump shouldn't worry anyone
Well if you insist on using the regular season,
>Throughout the first half of the season, the Dodgers stayed in first place by a large margin. On August 11, they were 13 1⁄2 games ahead of the Giants and 14 1⁄2 games ahead of the Phillies, and as a result they were already looking ahead to facing the New York Yankees in the 1951 World Series; the Associated Press commented on their dominance, saying that "unless they completely fold in their last 50 games, they're in." While the Phillies fell out of contention, the Giants won 16 consecutive games from August 12 to August 27, cutting their deficit from 12 1⁄2 games to six.

>By September 20, the Dodgers had ten games left to play while the Giants had seven, and the Dodgers had a 4 1⁄2 game advantage, making a pennant win appear imminent. However, the Giants won their last seven games, and the Dodgers needed to defeat the Phillies in the final game of the season to force a playoff; they did so by winning 9–8 in 14 innings, leaving both teams with a record of 96–58.
>The Giants won game one, while the Dodgers came back to win game two. After trailing for most of game three, the Giants rallied to win the game and the series
>implying the Brooklyn Dodgers and LA Dodgers are the same thing

The LA Dodgers are proven winners. They were losers in Brooklyn
They haven't proven to be winners in almost 30 years
Well if you insist on using the LA Dodgers,
>3 of the 4 teams with the best 50 game stretch in history didn't go on to win the world series
>one of these teams is the 2013 dodgers, who choked in the nlcs
>the excluded team is the 2017 dodgers, who are currently freefalling
>proven winners without any pennants in almost 30 years
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>indians game right now
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>open the stream
>beckham homers

nope, not today
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>bruce running like a 90 year old woman
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>Shields vs Samardzija
he did a good job more less guessing where the ball would land, don't forget he couldn't look upwards because of his neck
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Samardzija's not...

eh what's the use
Zim zam remains unflim flamed
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gohms would have swing to fly if it crossed near the plate

why u do this to me?
wait do the indians lifelongs not even have game threads during a 16 game win streak
/mlb/ has turned into /Indians/ obsession general so we might as well use it
The Indians White Sox threads were pooty goo.
>TFW you ate a Big Mac, Mac Jr., and Grand Mac in one sitting

That's a true cycle right there.
Why do Orioles lifelongs not even have game threads
someone buy that girl a steak. I don't think she's even from KC
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Post yfw indians streak ends
They are too busy at the game nerd. Cleveland sports fans love packing the house for the mighty Windians to intimidate the opponents and boost up their players.

Truly the finest sports town in the United States.
Big time bomb, Lindor
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>Source: #Dodgers Rich Hill out for the season. Dr. Andrews consulting.
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shaw please dont choke
*ends your season*
What happens when he retires or dies? He seems to be the only doctor they trust
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RIP birbs
Wow 17 in a row. I'm jealous.
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hoping the Jays can match that streak...in losing
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What are you making of this? He was deceived by a jew. We can all litteraly relate
>17 game win streak
>zero indians fans anywhere on earth
are the broos finished now? do they have any good AAA prospect coming up?
or is it down to rockies and cardinals?
would a Indians DBacks WS be the least watched Series ever?
Id say no just cuz what is it 3 or 4 starts missed? Woodruff and suter were both pretty suitable replacements while Anderson was down early this season. If they fail to make the post season it will be because of braun, thames and of recently shares inconsistance in the second half, the pitching has been very solid overall. But as far as in the playoffs I woudnt give them much a chance but even with Nelson there I still wouldn't anyways.
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Taking a bus trip from bakersfield to LA today. The losing streak ends today! cute girls with ass guarantee it
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Mariel boat lift was a mistake
All you gotta do is tell them to put an extra patty. 60 cents for each additional patty. I get a big Mac on occasion with 2 extra patties.
cubes giving up 8 in the third

Indians have the best TV ratings though
Indians also pack the house full to the brim with the most loyal fans in sports
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Slow fat man Kendrys Morales stole home when the dumbass Detroit catcher tried to throw out a runner heading to second base.

tied 2-2 now.
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> Guy in Sammy Sosa jersey in front of me yelling "CHEATER" when Braun steps to the plate is like Page 1 in the Cubs fan handbook.

>detoilet scorekeepers took his bag back

gay tbqh
Quit linking to your personal tweets
can i get a quick rundown on this matter?
>Rangers get one hit by the Yankees
>Yankees almost lost the game
I don't know what's worse
Help me out. What does It's Current Year Man have to do with either the Indians or the number 17?
Why are they playing football in Wrigley?
Judging by the rubbing of the hands i would say anon is saying the streak is fixed. /pol/ posters think every win is duh joos
TankBowl day 2
SF Giants vs CWS White Sox (#2 of 3)

7:10 PM ET | 6:10 PM CT | 4:10 PM PT

Someone needs to tell the Astros to stop losing

The Apaches are at our door
is maileman elite?
Indian fan tourist here, like most indian fans. Nice win streak, but I would happily trade it to watch a preseason Cavs featuring our king Lebron.

We're a Browns and Lebron town. Indians are just a distraction until the NFL and NBA seasons start.
Hey chicago what do you say
The Cubs are getting their cunts punched in to-day
Love me some Bronbron!

We all do here. They was a show on local tv that featured Lebron doing his taxes. Got higher ratings in Cleveland than last year's game 7.
Well traffic near the stadium can get pretty dicey so I can see why people didn't watch the game.
Cleveland sounds the perfect place to "take your talents" away from and then come back.
>Wild pitch

Trouble there Astros?
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You got a problem with walking? I'll chin ya
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Did someone say trending upwards in September?
I didn't, but it's fun to stomp the Chubs.
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Brewersfag here. We would've won the Eries if not for Jimmy Nelson getting hurt. You know this is true.
Dude I'm a Jints fan and that's the dumbest thing I've ever read. Everyone was expecting the Doyers to contend especially against the Jints. Fucking moron
doubt it, we don't have the clutch hitting or back end of the rotation to get that far but we're definitely one of the best young teams in the MLB and we still have a good shot to steal a postseason berth from either Chicago or Colorado
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>De Aza starting over Victor Robles


>Everyone was expecting the Doyers to contend especially against the Jints.
except games against the Giants directly, the head-to-head record tends to be pro-Giants almost every year
Fucking racist piece of shit. Go fuck yourself
>nobody thought w-we'd be good! shut up!
You are not as funny as you think you are /pol/
just get it lettuce wrapped fool
Judge is fucking dead, I am sick and tired of watching him strike out on garbage pitches and then making pussy contact on balls that he manages to get to.
doesn't always work. sometimes the pinheaded little stoner shit behind the counter just looks at you with galaxies in her/his pothead eyes

i literally had one say DUDE YOU WANT WHAT lmao after ordering a lettuce wrapped chicken sandwich once
>Indian fan tourist here, like most indian fans
This is the effort these people put in to being retarded
Just don't eat the bun
fuck you, you piece of shit
you're human fucking garbage, worthless asshole
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is this the official /music/ thread/ ?! https://youtu.be/5slNYKz87BQ
He got figured out. He was basically Eric Thames only it took longer for the pitchers to understand his game and that he will swing at anything
And stay there
>that he will swing at anything
I'm always amazed at how much people on /mlb/ talks out of their ass. He only swings at 25.6% of pitches out of the zone, and has a BB rate of over 17%. Yes, he swings at the high and inside pitch now, but his main problem is that he takes so many fucking pitches right down the fucking middle now. It's ridiculous.
i love my cannabis lads https://youtu.be/Oyr8O-mhfOA

amerigo sports are slow, mlb nfl? ha just chhill
ha agreed my dude
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He keeps, doing it
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We posting burgers?
kush? hash!
great post
For some reason they decided to play 3-4 prospects and all of the worst pitchers in our bullpen save for Liriano. It's purely who they're playing and who they're sitting.

Jeeez, that's just what I did when I was on keto because I did not want to deal with half brain dead mcd's employees
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>mfw the Astros are one loss away from tying the Injuns and losing home field
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My bad. Full image. Rarest Tito.
Nope. If they lose 1 we take the lead. We've played one more game than them right now. And when they play the extra game, even if they win, would we get it since we've won the season series?
That's what I said. An Astros loss ties the Indians, and the Indians won the tie breaker.
shalom ;my friend) https://youtu.be/zLhu0xnc5Q4
I guess, but literally a loss puts them actively behind instead of being tied right now
>whos in charge of tanking
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That's what I meant. Same record, but Indians have home field.

We're just two autists arguing the same point.
No, not the same record. The Indians play tomorrow, too.
Stanton hits another one lads
>We're just two autists

Why do most players in our favorite sport seem to be "on the spectrum?"

Reading this article about Bootista.

>Jose Bautista always got A's in classes that involved math. Algebra, geometry, chemistry, physics: the discipline never mattered. His mind worked like a calculator.

>Bautista took English lessons as an 8-year-old in the Dominican Republic, and eventually he learned the language, but he preferred the earnestness of numbers. They never lied to him.

>"There are no flaws in math," Bautista says.

I feel the same way. Then again I'm in school for math so I has better hope numbers speak to me
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The Astros are currently playing game 2 in a double header. By tomorrow morning, they will have played the same amount of games as the Indians. Don't @ me.
stop posting
>Then again I'm in school for math

Gonna try out for the baseball team?
Had* I fucking hate typos and I hate this 60 second delay that I can't fix my shit quickly
Fuck, I forgot that, sorry anon
No, I plan on being a professor and doing research so I don't have the time to try to go pro
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One word: stats.

There's not a more stat-friendly mainstream sport than baseball, and we love that shit.

>mfw 800's on Math SAT and both levels of Math SAT subject tests
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you first
what the hell is a pole doing in a baseball thread anyway

>and he's a weeb
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It's all good. I didn't realize there was a double header until I checked. I just saw the standings and that they are currently playing.
>tfw I missed one multiple choice (because I was tired or something, when I got it back I realized how simple it was) and one ER and both were on the calculator portions
I'm a failure, anon
>safe space

Absolutely Based.
carlos martinez now has 200 strikeouts on the season, only the 7th cardinal to ever do that
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It's my favorite rare Tito, and it's the perfect phone lock screen wallpaper: portrait photo with blank space at the top to allow room for the time.
I believe Astros will win this next game.
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It's alright, Stosh. There's room for everyone here.
Kys senpai

I hope to one day have Renteria stylized as a badass general/emperor as my phone home screen if the Sox are a WS bound team.
>absolutely horrendous football team
>meme apehoop team
>"We're an NFL/NBA town"

Any Cleveland people that think that way need to be ashamed of themselves and sent to a true shithole of despair like...well...I can't think of any place worse atm...but they have had the same bros showing up in gamethreads (at least sox/indians) ones for several years now and they don't deserve this shit talk on /mlb/. The people that continue to blindly support the browns and lebron(there is no cavs, just lebron) are the real shitheads.
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Thank you, Sox bro. You are my greatest ally.
cardbros, my guys.
is dexter's leg fucked? i'm thinking yes
>doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers >doyers
What the fuck is going wrong with the Dodgers? Were they just overperforming for most of the year?
>Dodgers season is over and they are just waiting to be knocked off in the playoffs.
>that "heh" when you see the doyers score

it's only the second too
join us in the official "LOL DOYERS" thread
Daily reminder a Mets player had a season-ending broken nose
You can break your nose so bad it goes into your bran

how new is this news? because MlbTR says he's on the 10 DDL with some wrist issue.

im just glad he wasn't as shit as his first season with the cards as hayward was with the cubs last year. it's just a shame that bum got carried to a WS ring. I think fowler will turn out to be a good cardinal.
of course the cards have enough history for him to be literally the seventh, bautista is about to break the jays record at like 184,
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>"visit the show at flushing meadows"
>"jay z...with a z"
>"gorillaz...with a z"
>"nas....with a s"

Keith Hernandez is a national treasure
carlos martinez is a pitcher senpai, he's struck out 200 batters
Jose Abreu just hit for the cycle
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hahaha of course I knew that, you think joey bats is a position player?
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>you think joey bats is a position player
cycles are a fucking meme
>le triple that ricoched off an awkward as fuck outfield wall and the outfielder had to chase for 100 feet
when the fuck are the dodgers going to stop being complete trash
not every team plays in a little league park like yours does
you should kill yourself soon to spare your family any further shame
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Call me when he walks off for the cycle.
when you tell me jose fucking abreu hit a triple, you know something went bonkers
desu I'm drunk and hardly well versed on the cards, pls embarass the doyers in the WC
The most "bonkers" thing that happened was that the center fielder was probably shifted a bit to left field and the hit was to right center. Other than that it was just hustle.
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what the fuck time is it in croatia anyway
So?? Doyers have a pitcher on 60-day DL for blisters.
>you know something went bonkers
suck my dick bitch
almost 4 am, just in time to tune into late-night collapses
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>Didn't hit a Homerun Cycle
Could he eat for the cycle?
>mil sea
Since 1900, only 5 players have been intentionally walked with the bases loaded. One of those players is Josh Hamilton
this is my favorite meme

on a real note we might very well see an actual home run cycle this year, maybe even in the postseason considering how juiced the balls are
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It happened with Barry Bonds all the time
I'm glad I never bought a jersey for the dodgers, there is no one on this team to be proud of.
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>Phillies will win a game when the Giants and White Sox are playing each other
thank you for adding absolutely nothing to the thread
>Wearing another man's name on your back.
I legally changed my last name to Ichiro just so I can wear my Ichiro Yankees jersey
>Not buying authentics
>Being a douchebag.

Drop out of sports anytime, anon.
I saw what you did there. Casuals will take you literally here.
>being so insecure you can't even wear the jersey of your favorite player
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>phillies winning
>sox win
>giants lose

Reverse standings basically reset back to a day ago
Not true, it happened with Bonds a bunch. Go watch Jon Bois' Barry Bonds without a bat video
Might as well let your gf/wife fuck him while you're at it.
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You earned this (You)
Here's the video
lmao rays are finished
Daily reminder Jose Abreu hitting a cycle is like winning the world series to White Sox fans.
>that pose
>What is reading comprehension
He said only 5 players have been intentionally walked with the bases loaded, not that it's only happened 5 times. Barry Bonds could've been intentionally walked with the bases loaded every plate appearance of his career, and his statement would still be true.
>being so insecure you equate wearing a jersey to being a literal cuck
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Damn straight

>clubhouse and renteria getting emotion for abreu because he couldn't sleep last night because he was too worried about Irma ravaging his homeland of Cuba
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True, we do.

Keep crying about it, cucks.

lmao why do spergos like you always find a way to tie this fetish into whatever argument you're losing?
Because it just makes sense. It baffles me as to why men allow their gf/wife to wear the names of players on their backs to stadiums. Why, exactly, do you think your girl would even want to do that in the first place? Because she's a fan of the game? Don't make me laugh.... she thinks that player is hot, and if you alow her to wear that jersey with HIS name on it, you're pretty much enabling cuckoldry.
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>tfw just trying to watch the rockies in peace
>normie room mates might bring alcohol and girls over

Seriously though, how the fuck do we fix this?
>one of these things is not like the other
Yeah the top 3 teams have won a world series since the berlin wall fell
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man, I get called out on being too /pol/ all the time and I'm not even this insecure. (though i do think you should only wear a jersey of a player the same race as you)
From Berlin Wall to BUILD THE WALL!!

Trump will fix them.
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I like your style
Cleveland is and has always been a baseball and football town. The only reason cavs have more fans is because theyre the only team from cleveland with bandwagoners

t. clevelander
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you're right
lmao you never find other women hot when you're dating someone? ok, bud
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Anderson also had a chance to hit for the cycle in his last AB needing a double. During that AB this graphic showed up.
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>hitting for the cycle during a shit season
lol pathetic, nobody does that
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That's because your team hasn't won a World Series since 1917
was that time cargo hit it actually a shit season? I don't remember

Has there ever been two cycles in one game? I know perfect games are a little more common, but has there ever been two perfect games in one game too?
>has there ever been two perfect games in one game too?
How would that even work?
>I know perfect games are a little more common
U wat
>everything about this post
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>I know perfect games are a little more common
lel he's so haunted by the fact his gf/wife might find another man attractive (let alone a prospective mate) that he can't even wear a jersey himself

hope I never become such an awkward yet prideful loser
>I know perfect games are a little more common
>has there ever been two perfect games in one game too
Are you using DG's definition of a perfect game?

Are you DG?
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>Has there ever been two cycles in one game? I know perfect games are a little more common, but has there ever been two perfect games in one game too?

how high are you right now/
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Rockies finished with a winning record actually, I'm kidding though and you'd see why if you looked at years where rockies have a cycle compared to their record
it's one of the things i find most hilarious about modern dating. dudes and women both do this insane possessive shit like it's normalized behavior where they try to puppet their partner around and then wonder why nobody wants to stay with them
maybe if your definition of a perfect game is no baserunners through 9 innings, but I seriously doubt it, a cursory google search turns up nothing
Followed by a city wide riot if Cleveland lose the WS
broatia, what turned you on to baseball

also should i ever visit eastern europe ever
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pure existentialism manifesting in mediocre life

if you get cucked, you're a loser nobody, if you don't, you can maybe convince yourself that you're somebody. truly a horrible disease
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Croatia is a magnificently beautiful country, especially along the coast.
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>Pitching gives up a walk off walk

Marlins bullpen strikes again
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I'm a fucking leaf, one that isn't insecure about a being lifelong, I love beisbol and can't wait for the fucking playoffs
>mfw I was legit afraid the marlins might catch us in the wildcard
also yes, people are friendly as fuck, love americans/leafs, and you'll be rich as fuck
This whole general is full of fucking cucks... my God you people are mental midgets letting your girl walk around with another guys name on her back.
>hey babe, is everything ok?
dubrovnik is a massive tourist trap I'm sorry to say, you're much better off hitting up anywhere further up the coast

but it's nice if you're a GOT fan
>he capitalizes god to show his imaginary sky friend respect
lm fucking ao
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So glorious
>tipping with rage because he's a cuck
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If the pitching wasn't ass, they could. The entire pitching staff needs to be fucking fired.
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No one cares about basketball until they're in the finals either. The city would go insane if the browns were 8-8
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Sadly, he's not wrong...
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>red sox win
I'm one of the only people I know who cares about the Cavs, Browns, Indians and Blue Jackets regular season around here
I'm probably the only one who would watch an entire losing season of the Indians but didn't even watch the Cavs win the championship and hate the browns.
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McChicken is a balk
yo is a cbj game worth going to? i've heard mixed things

i live closer to minor league hockey, and those game are fucking based
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Unfortunately I've never been but if television means anything they look great
It's not really true. Cavs get a lot of attention the past decade just because LeBron became the best chance to break the curse and when he came back the Cavs followed through. The city has been cursed for sixty years and had to deal with concurrent really fucking awful teams, it's not hard to choose between that and your everyday necessities, and if one team is actually building for a real championship chance more people are going to spend more there, but it's the same people going to Progressive field going to The Q. Most people pull for all the teams it's just easier to get to Basketball and Football games because there's less of them and they aren't ever scheduled during work hours. it's not New York or los Angeles where there's always another million people to draw from. And honestly the Browns aren't even that popular here anymore, attendance is way down the past so many years.

Cleveland is poor and underpopulated, and after fans felt the Indians got mismanaged to hell they started pulling attendance within their expected levels not their prime Jake years when the economy was better and there were more people anyway.
Of course this is IRL people. /sp/artans of the NEO variety seem to be more contained to one sport or another. I never liked concussionegg, basketball is okay as a sport although NBA is awful, and AHL games are comfy but hockey is shit in comparison to baseball.
My grandpa is old enough that he was a boy and watched on TV when the Browns last won a championship. He loves all Cleveland sports and I tall sports with him all of the time. He was really happy with the EE signing over the offseason because of how stingy the Dolans have been, he knows it means they're committed
And just like that, the Indians have now tied the Astros for the #1 seed in the AL.
Baseball>hockey>football>hockey. Soccer doesn't even deserve to be mentioned with the rest. I'd put professional darts somewhere around football honestly, I don't know what it is but I like darts
The second hockey was meant to be basketball
And have the tie breaker
Diamondbacks blew a 7-2 lead to the Padres just now lmoa
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>identical records
>that diff gap
>those streaks
Right, and I'm not saying that attitude is wholly justified (though it is at least partially) but it's a real feeling that at least makes sense.

Here's the thing that gets me: why haven't the biggest market teams had the same kind of sell out streak the Indians had? They never even won a world series but they filled the house every day. Losing isn't what changed the culture. But sadly the culture DID change with dissatisfaction, but not with new signs it's being rebuilt. And yes about time too.
Most of those lost residents folks moved like 15 mins away to like Mentor or Elyria or Medina or another White flight town in the metro area. r/Cavs is bigger cause of all the LeBron dickriders
Is Cleveland in its entirety actually worse than Detoilet?
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