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Goodbye NFL
As a Browns fan, I say GOOD
The browns have fans?
Prob more than ur team
>police refusing to take part in a national anthem ceremony
>as a form of protest

this is really making me think
police are easily triggered it seems

>Action begets a response

Wow. This is deep
>talk shit about the cops
>be confused when they don't help you later
Time to move the Browns to St. Louis.

They can build a stadium in Ferguson.
kek of course the browns are the ones to get this kind of attention right now
>don't stand for a 2 minute song
>cops get so pissy over it they don't do their job
Not only are all cops bastards, they're completely retarded (hence, being cops). This "issue" was reversed the next game by the players and they said they weren't protesting anything.
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Because the cops in Ferguson really love niggers
They're still going to be at the stadium for security you retard they're just not going to be in the opening ceremony
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this?
Firefighters and emergency personnel lean more to the right than any group I've ever seen. Even more than policemen. My father is a fire chief, in California even, and every single person in his department is at least a moderate conservative from my estimation. They simply will not put up with this horseshit and stand by idly. If the team won't honor the country then they won't honor the team. The NFL understands how cancerous this is to their mostly Conservative fanbase so they rightly see no reason to support it.
>niggers protest against cops
>cops say fuck you

I should have known
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>blacks far more likely to murder, rape, rob, vandalize
>it's cuz they're low income and in bad neighborhoods!!
>blacks more likely to get shot by cops
>clearly it's their race!!!
Just wait till Tom Brady starts kneeling during the National Anthem. The sports media would explode and talk about it for days.

He had a MAGA cap in his locker you retard
Its unfortunate that blacks are held to the same standards as everyone else. They will never succeed in acting like people.
>thinking Belicheck would let any player bring off the field bullshit to them
wow guess the cops hate this country if they won't celebrate the flag
everyone bends at the knees with enough pressure
>white NFL owners uplift niggers from poverty and crack infested hood and give them millions to play a children's game
>niggers use it as platform for nigger activism against whites
They can get fucked

Colin K isn't on an NFL roster and the retards aren't winning this one

it is literally anti money and the NFL knows it

SJWs and ghetto nigs are not paying the league bills
>He had a MAGA cap in his locker you retard
Doesn't mean he voted for him.

>>thinking Belicheck would let any player bring off the field bullshit to them
Belicheck didn't tell Brady to marry Gisele. Brady is a big boy and can make his own decisions.
Why do police hate America?
And I guess Jim Brown is an Uncle Tom, since he told them to knock it off.
Hasn't stopped their influence in other areas where they weren't the demographic.

If you go out of your way to go get the fucking ball cap of a Presidential candidate I'm going to take one really big lucky guess and say he fucking voted for him you total moron
Brady is a big boy who's not retarded, kneeling at the national anthem will just cause him to lose some sponsors plus I'm sure he really doesn't care about a bum ass QB enough to lose money.
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They couldn't even defeat a reality TV show star Presidential candidate who said he liked to grab chicks by the pussy on camera

they're cancer, just with a very very loud megaphone right now thanks to incredibly liberal journalists
My friend bought one as a joke early on and he voted for Evan McMullin.
when white players do it they get treated like heroes
MAGA hats are a part of meme outfits, you see a lot of weeaboos from EU and traps wear them even though they can't vote.
Tom Brady is on the same level as Muhammad Ali rn. Tom Brady can basically shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose either any fans or sponsors.
Like who?
Nice try, anon. Literally no one voted for McMuffin.

they were known to be friends and he had a public MAGA cap

so naturally he voted for CLinton

this is the power of liberal """""""reasoning"""""""
>"He told us it was for a prank and I know he was telling the truth because he voted for McMuffin like everyone in our bum brigade!"

Christ, how gullible are you goys? You literally watch Trump win the election with less than a 2% chance and still somehow don't believe in the shyconservative vote. No wonder (((they))) sell you magic beans that you're only too eager to plant.
Actually we couldn't buy them so go fuck yourself.
>traps can't vote
Captcha: pepe STREET
Yeah no shit I'm not talking about Brady, you asked why someone would buy a hat of someone but not vote for them and I answered your question.

Your friend was lying and didn't want to admit to voting for him

because clearly the media is trying to make it a cultural stigma lol
I wasn't the post about the guy's friend.
Mentally disabled people cannot vote.
Untrue, otherwise niggers wouldn't be able to.
lol cops are the biggest babies going around
>Legit OWNS the South for standing up for Southern traditions and historical figures
>When people saw Antifa wreck California almost the next day as his "both sides had bad guys" comments, won over the normies
>Brought in tons of jobs in steel winning rust belt and places like Pittsburgh
>Won over Texas by masterful handling of the worst crisis in Texas history with optics poppin all over the place
>Already owned the Flyover
>Getting rid of DACA saves California literally BILLIONS in welfare swinging Bay Area and LA Normie conservatives to his side, the Reagan Boomers

All I can say is kids, don't have any sharp implements or guns in your house in 2020, we don't want you to get hurt.
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ESPN tilts anything to brainwash niggas.
Its pretty simple if you are not a dumb liberal tranny:

For decades Army and Police have had a partnership of American unity and pride with the NFL. The NFL has sought out the police and army for shows of patriotism and Americana. To honour heroes and America together. This has made NFL billions in seeking out Americas symbols of Patriotism to brand itself "Americas game".

Now the NFL is catering to anti-American millionaire moron players too stupid or brainwashed to know that their "protes" are based on liberal media lies: like Kaepernicks BlackLiesMatter. The NFL decided to take the side of literal Marxist Castro lovers like Kaepernic that hang out with literal islamic Jihadist like Linda Sorsour.

So why should wirking people like coos or Army people keep on giving the NFL free support/advertising while at same time it NFK decided to honour spoil moron millionaire niggas that literally disrespect them at every game.

Or so you understand better, you dont keep on sending kisses and presents to the fake bitch that turns its back on you every single day you see her.

Of course, ESPN whobis a cancer of the asshole and probably hates America more than ISIS, loves the shit they helped stir with their identity politics to brainwash dumb liberals and their brainwashed plantation niggas against America.

>pic related liberal glheroes: a literal millionaire Marxist castro lover, and a liberal feminist scammer Islamic jihadist: BlackLiesMatter
The whole fucking thing is stupid as hell. Racism in America is at it's lowest point in history. Cops shoot more blacks because more blacks commit crimes because more blacks are poor. Fairly simple math. 1+1=2. But reddit. left-leaning news, and idiots all believe that cops are out there shooting random black people on the street. If that were the case, we'd have a lot more bodies. Furthermore, the flag/anthem represents nothing about the police force. Kneeling during the anthem does literally nothing other than making people pissed off. A way of actually fucking doing something about any perceived problems would be to elect new DAs, Sheriffs, mayors, etc.
Then don't. Fucking snowflake police officers. Everyone is a fucking snowflake.

>Brady starts acting like a nigger
>Bill offloads him for several 1st round draft picks
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Im actually turning more racist. When everyday liberal media, liberal shows, liberal made movies, are calling me sexist, Na-Zi or deserve punishment etc just because i dont vote the cancer that they want abd has infected the west: Marxism disguised as liberalism. And when i see same liberal media turn literal criminal thugs into "martyrs".
Or when i see morons like Kaepernick: abandoned by black father: then raised in white upper class America, by caring white family that adopts his azz, given free scholarships and opportunities in America, then literally made wealthy and multimillionaire In/By America....what dies a nigga do? Hates and disrespects America and whitey any chance he can.

The media is the enemy of ALL Americans and Western people. All they do is lie to us about everything now

And I am NOT even white.
Clam down Sandeep
The problem is that they're honestly winning this brainwashing narrative that they're pushing. I can't tell you how many far-left, truly anti-white posts I've seen on traditional online media in the last few months. I think if you were to conduct a poll, I bet most Americans honestly believe that most black homicides are committed by police officers for no reason other than racist intent. They simply do not understand statistics, they don't understand that blacks are 13% of the population and account for almost half of all violent crime dispatches for police officers. A police officer is 25 times more likely to be shot by a black suspect than to shoot an unarmed black civilian.
>This has made NFL billions in seeking out Americas symbols of Patriotism to brand itself "Americas game"

>NFL exploits patriotism for monetary gain
>this is okay but kneeling during the anthem is not

Anybody with brains knows Kaep lernivk only started doing his BS only after he busted out if the NFL for sucking. His succubus BlackLiesMatter leader gf pushed him into exploiting and race baiting the race issue to become a sympathetic figure to liberal morons. So that he could bust out a hero instead if rge shit liar and fake he really us.

Its quite telling he never gave 1 shit about anything, really donated to anything, or had an Afro ever in his life...till it looked like he was getting shitcanned.

As for working class Army personnel and police, that are not spoiled $millionaire$$ morons, and that value the humble opportunities America gives them and they serve... It must be like a spit in the face by NFL and millionaire athletes and rich celebs too stupid to know they are only sheep of the media.
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>all this/pol/ shit because a few players prayed for national unity

This country deserves to burn
*thanks to the jews
>kneeling during the anthem
>national unity
they're doing it because they know it makes people mad and they enjoy the attention they get for it. high level athletes don't sniff the kind of lifestyle that these "victims" lead. inner city schools that suffer the worst of police brutality are not known for producing NFL players.
>prayed for national unity

are you fucking serious
should check the stats on how many young white female teachers got raped or killed after that dangeroud minds movie came out

im sure it created a whole avalanche of liberal idiots going into inner cities to be the female tarzans of those jungles
>media fake meme
You realize the police have been unlawfully killing people way before the media gave a fuck about it. Just because you were fortunate enough to have lived in a city where police were mostly good, doesn't mean that there aren't cities full of corrupt police departments.

The only difference really between generations is that back in the day the police would run in gangs of 4 or 5 and work together to beat you within an inch of your life. Now Police are usually by themselves and just shoot you if piss them off.
Inner city schools suffer the worst of police brutality because they commit the most violent crime. It's not like the cops are just going around looking to rough up blacks, they are responding to a violent environment, and you also have to remember there are more than a million active police officers in the US, they would represent the 9th largest city in America if they represented one community. It shouldn't exactly surprise people that a certain amount of this populace doesn't react appropriately in 100% of encounters with the public, especially with the most violent, most anti-cop portion of the public. Blacks represent 40% of total police killings since 2005 and they are only 13% of the population. THe fact that blacks are 2.5x more likely to be shot by police than whites actually proves that cops treat blacks with absolutely no more lethality per capita than any other race, because no other race engages violently with police than blacks.
good facts and sources

Im latino. And I have never been shot. And i have lived in 4 countries, bic cities, and in USA: California/LA and New Orleans.

Why havent i been shot or faced "police brutality"? Because I am not a criminal, a moron, and I dont thug out like im in a rap video when interact with police.

Yes, in some cities or areas like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicongo, people get shot by police a lot....wanna guess why in these areas??? Its not racism.

And besides that, the big lie rhat Kaepernick and his BlackLiesMatter terrorist always say is that the main theat to blacks in America are police. Wrong. The only serious threat and real epidemic to black people/victims are niggas. Niggas like in Chicago that kill and shoot each other like a party every weekend in inner cities/jungles.

The media cherrypicks the reality it wants to show and herd the sheep with.
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>players feel the country is going in a bad direction
>some even feel like they're being treated like second-class citizens
>take part in silent protest during the national anthem to reflect their views on the state of affairs in the nation
>errybody gettin' mad

From the way people are freaking out you'd think they were literally shitting on the flag during the anthem instead of just kneeling. Yes, I get it, free speech begets free speech, people have just as much of a right to protest the protest as the original protesters. But I can't help but feel like people are massively overreacting to what is actually happening.

Also Kaep doesn't have a job because he fucking sucks and has a hugeass contract that he refuses to give up.

Actually a female or any liberal is probably safer to go teach english/math to poor kids in actual parts of Africa now....than in Chicongo or Detroit areas in American inner cities.

Those actual African kids in Africa want to learn and behave.

Inner city kids in liberal run cities/states just dont give a fuck. Some still do, but more zoos than schoils now.

The real hilarious thing is that ALL SJW rich celebs and millionaire athletes and fakes like Colin Kaepernick ALL live in upper class white neighborhoods or private walled of gated communities.
you can't silently protest on a football field with thousands of cameras pointed at you. it doesn't matter whether or not you open your mouth. they're not doing this shit outside of city hall in their hometowns. they want to have their picture taken so all their fake online friends can send them messages to make them feel good.
sources for every single thing I stated in that paragraph:
>more than a million police officers
Source: National Sources of Law Employment Data, Bureau of Justice Statistics
> Blacks represent 40% of total police killings since 2005
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Report
>blacks are 2.5x more likely to be shot by police than whites
Source: Chicago Tribune
>you can't silently protest if people are paying attention to you

That logic doesn't follow, and you know damn well what I meant. They're taking a knee during the anthem, not screaming "DEATH TO AMERICA" at the top of their lungs throughout.
>I-its Okay when the cops do it

They are not being paif million$$ to protest America. They can do that shit in their own time and dime. Besides they are millionaire morons that believe everything CNN or some paid fake activist tells them. Most are "protesting" shit based on false arguments, false premises and media created lies.

If they really wanted to "protest" they would all give up their million dollar salaries, famcy Cribs, many Whips, and all their bling that American opportunity got them.

But besides being brainwashed sheep or morons, ALL ifvthem are hypocrites
>you can't protest if you have a job
>in order to protest your lot in life you have to give up everything you ever got

but the tea party were all patriots, obviously
people are paying attention to you because they PAID to come and see you perform your job. that alone would humble anyone with normally functioning emotions but i guess football really does cause brain damage. there's a time and a place for everything, and yes that includes speaking your mind. if they think creating social media buzz is going to do ANYTHING to stop people getting shot in the land of the gun, they really are brain damaged. if you want to stop perceived violence against citizens you go to your local government, not people trying to have a good time at a ballgame.

You dont really understand the differences and nuances. You must be a liberal. Why dont you try countering 1 argument i made instead of strawmaning with false equivalenciesbmy nigga.

I love LOVE how liberals have been brainwashed my media and useful idiots like Kaepernick to hate police now, love literal criminal thugs, love illegal invaders, or respect literal Anti-America millionaire Marxist castro lovers like Colon Kaepernick.

But if shit hits frhe an 99.9% of these liberals would be calling 911/Police or Army to help save them
I just want to make it clear that I don't care that they are refusing to stand for the anthem, I never gave Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf shit for it when he did it, I just think that their entire cause is misguided, ignorant of statistics and evidence and largely pointless. I don't care that you protest the anthem, I care that your cause is bullshit.
What's with the old ass boomers giving a fuck if they stand or not i doubt they even follow football. I seriously hate boomers
Underage pls go
Chill out Kerpal
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Fucked that nigga UP
>second class citizens
NFL niggers are the most privileged people on Earth. Knock out your wife on tape? Get arrested for DUI with trunk full of guns and blow? Don't pay child support? Easy, you face no prison time like the average Joe, a suspension or a fine at max. Get demoted for sucking? Cry racism. Have to play for a team that drafted you and earn millions doing so? Equate yourself to a slave. The press asks you questions? Throw a tantrum like a faggot.

Seriously these people are the most pampered, spoiled shits in the country.
Nah, NBA niggers exist.
I don't even like apehoop but Lebron is a downright model citizen compared to the likes of Colin Kaepernick, Doug Baldwin or Terrell Suggs.
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>this entire fucking plotline
>Colin Kaepernick, Doug Baldwin, or Terrell Suggs
one of these is not like the other
>downright model citizen
>literally staged racist vandalism in front of his own house
>communist nigger using football as an ideological platform
>third tier faggot who goes around comparing NFL to slavery
>literal orangutan who chucks acid into wonen's faces and beats up people with baseball bats
They're all scum.
why are blacks more poor?
Poor blacks have an asston of children, are fat as FUCK and live off of welfare. Upper class blacks have maybe 2 kids and get a PHD.
Institutionalised racism, the American system is made to keep the black man down
>players kneel during national anthem
>liberal spouts bull shit about "freedom of expression" in the constitution and that despite disrespecting your home that people have died for your freedom, you're a hypocrite if you don't take the law of our land as is

>constitution also says citizens have the right to bare arms
>w-well it doesn't mean literally own firearms. That was written 200+ years ago and doesn't apply to now

When will this sickness be cured?
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for me, it's Cleveland Soccer Club
One is a human right and exists in all democracies in the world, the second is some random bullshit probably wrote in time of civil war or civil agitation, any civilised country should let the government monopolise the use of violence

>I get to pick and choose what rules to follow based on my preferences

Thank you Argentina
Not my preferences, just compare it to other democracies
t. Jamal Hernandez
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Yeah I think that kaepernick's movement lost when it made people choose between fighting for equality or the flag. I think by imposing that choice he only alienated people who could potentially be on his side.

Like I said before he should have stand WITH the flag AGAINST discrimination. The flag doesn't represent racist cops or peasants, but all Americans. The flag represents freedom and justice for all and as such racism offends the flag of a country build on these ideals as much as it offends people victim of racism.

Tldr kaepernicks movement should not exclude the flag or the anthem but include them against people who soil the very ideals America was founded upon. I want to see the nigga play, have to be honest, but I think this snow shit ball grew so much stumbling blindly down the shit hill for something other than more chaos and bad smell come from it now. And it's covering the sport I love with shit
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