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did this money hungry mick take a dive? >inb4 hurr butt hurt

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did this money hungry mick take a dive?

>inb4 hurr butt hurt McGregor fans
being a sell out is worse than taking a loss

I didn't see McGregor throw a hard punch like he did in MMA. He was baby tapping Mayweather the whole fight, even in the early rounds. The ref calls the fight without him going down. Then post fight McGregor is partying and popping bottles.
MMA is literally mandrama at this point
All sports are mandrama. There I said it.
all sports want those mandrama bucks is what it really is

vince mcmahon is worth like 15 billion dollars
i mean i don't give a fuck if i had to eat a pile of dog shit in the middle of time's square on national TV, if i got paid $30 million for one evening of work i'd be popping a fuckin bottle too
There is hardly any mandrama in Divegrass desu, except maybe for the /trans/.
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Say what you want about mandrama but Vince McMahon is a fucking successful businessman. MMA and Boxing want that attitude era money.
he lasted 10 rounds in a fight everyone thought he'd get btfo in. moral victory.
He just has no power or stamina. He gases after 10 minutes.
If you had the slightest idea of what you are typing about you'd know that Conor was well aware of how dangerous is a boxer with comeback shots (dodge with his waist and punch back taking you offguard/open)
>unironically thinking boxing hasn't made way more than wwe
Are you retarded? UFC probably has or will eventually too

>I didn't see McGregor throw a hard punch like he did in MMA

He has none. He is good at clobbering bums.
You didn't see Mcgregor throw a hard punch because his punching power is non-existent to a boxer.
MMA illiterate bloodthirsty rednecks are really enthusiastic. I give'em that
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mma competition is shit, he looked good in the UFC because he was cutting huge amounts of weight and fighting MUCH smaller guys.
He got exposed and MMA looks like shit now, because f him. Not that it is a bad thing in the long-term: mma athletes are clearly not that good and need to improve. The only problem there is what are they improving for? to be paid less than arena football refs? the UFC has been having a terrible year and thought they got a nice chunk of Conor's purse, that won't help the other fighters. No elite athletes will ever enter the sport.

Brock gone, GSP gone. Conor exposed. There is nothing left.
It's a good work out and fun to do, but as a televised sport, it's got no future.
Last person out, turn of the lights.
Conor was shit and embarrassed himself, and anyone who seriously believes that was a victory is delusional. The only rounds he won were literally given to him by mayweather.

serious question: are there even any pics of mayweather breaking a sweat?
WWE merchandise revenue is insane.
boxing merchandise revenue is good.
UFC merchandise revenue is non-existant
all mma fighters cut a ton of weight, a size advantage is way more important because of the grappling. they do a lot more strength and plyometric stuff and focus less on cardio, they'd look like shit in a boxing match where they can't leverage their strengths as well

fuck off like half of the weight classes have an Olympic wrestler, and every other guy competed as a college wrestler or was some grappling champion

because ufc merch is shit
>generic Adidas shit
>poorly made ufc 1, pride, strikeforce, and k-1 shirts
>hogda rousey's sweaty used fight gear for like 9k
fuck that at this point bacteria has made the sweat smell like shit
Would pay $99 for the ppv/10
jon jones gone as well
I think that extreme weight cutting is a problem in MMA. It's not healthy on the body to do that just before s fight.

Brock got rekt.
GSP fought shit competitors in a less competitive time

Jon Jones was legit but roided so fuck him.

The best athlete in UfC and MMA in general was Anderson Silva, he went around the world and rekt all the other promotions and then rekt UFC for a while too, he just fought too long.
>look at me I use words that aren't used anymore and its cool and edgy
Sound like a faggot
>The best athlete in UfC and MMA in general was Anderson Silva

Another failed boxer btw
> caring about merchandise sales
Wwe are children or autistic man children.
No self respecting person wears wwe or ufc merch. Ufc also has more adult based fans who won't buy that cringey shit.
Why are boxing fans so deluded to think boxing is the superior form of combat? Ufc is as close we get to simulating a legal fight to the death. Why is using 1 dimension of combat entertaining to you guys?
Because watching guys roll around on the floor together is not entertaining
they split

a 370million






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Conor can't punch.
For one, he is 100% quicksnap muscles. Dude burns out quick when he needs to throw only punches, look at tyson in boxing. Tyson had much better cardio than conor, but still tired out quickly.
Dude swings haymakers in MMA vs morons that run into his fists. Guy has no idea how to punch with bitch mitts on, you need to use different form than MMA to get the most out of it. You can loop your crosses like that in boxing without serious loss of power, and that uppercut he hit has 0 commitment to it. Floyds momentum probably did more damage than conors upper even generated.
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MMA is too limited for me. No guns, knives, or bombs? Inferior form of combat. I'm a douche bag.
>Ufc is as close we get to simulating a legal fight to the death.
Thats just fucking dumb to say lol.
look up the crazy larging fags doing what I think i called zone, they just use blunt weapons and act like its for honor or some shit.
Boxing is in ufc, and like single style sports, it requires pros to be actually good at something and forces actual strats to be used so some tiny leprechan can't suckpunch out 1/2 the compition with a bit of luck and some unhealthy training.
Seriously, a 40 year old man just destroyed a 29 year old man that is used to "real fights"
Too bad the "real fighter" can't punch for shit.
>For one, he is 100% quicksnap muscles.

I assume you mean fast twitch muscles and if you are, that's wrong because it would mean he'd be capable of powerful movements which he proved in the fight, he has no power.
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> actually requires someone to be good at something
> It's only a sport if they're good at the thing I say they have to be good at!
So being good at wrestling, bjj, kick boxing, etc doesn't count for you?
Nice argument
How good are they at those things?
Some of them are Olympians, black belts, and world champions so....
I like it cause it doesn't pidgeon hole you into a niche. You may lack in an area but make up for it on another. These guys have strategies. For instance gooby doesn't like wrestling or bjj so he has good take down defense so he won't have to do those things.
>I like it cause it doesn't pidgeon hole you into a niche. You may lack in an area but make up for it on another. These guys have strategies. For instance gooby doesn't like wrestling or bjj so he has good take down defense so he won't have to do those things.

So it doesn't pigeonhole you into a niche. That's why Conor only boxes.
No he has good take down defense cause he doesn't wanna get taken down. That allows him to fight guys out of their element. Are you really this dense? Fighters develope additional fight styles to supplement their main style. He also has excellent kicking ability to set up his punches.

> boxing fans in charge of understanding how a real fight works and not some backyard play by rules fight.
> only punching! Don't use those legs. We wouldn't wanna complicate the situation and make the fight realistic. Also you can't hit me in the legs or from behind. It's not fair! Also don't wrap me up in the clinche. Let me get back up if you knock me down! I want a chance to see if I can still beat you after I got my ass kicked.

Nice """"""""sport""""""""
>I assume you mean fast twitch muscles and if you are, that's wrong because it would mean he'd be capable of powerful movements which he proved in the fight, he has no power.
I'd say you aren't giving mayweather enough credit to his chin, and are underplaying how piss poor conors form was for 8oz gloves. With proper technique conor could hit alot harder, but brute force doesn't work for non-heavyweights typically.
Good Lord, you rednecks are really bitter after McFag and MMA got terribly exposed by a semi retired boxer
What I actually said
>1 style requires supremacy in that style
>many styles causes mastery to be less important vs variety
No 12 to 6 elbows. No shots to the back of the head. No eye pokes. No knees to the face while I'm touching the ground. No grabbing the fence. No headbutts. No biting. No weapons. No hair pulling. No spitting. No groin shots. No strikes to the throat. No twisting my fingers or toes.


>Ok no guns, no knives either, your boys can't jump in and stomp me out while I'm doing some fancy wrasslin move, 1 vs 1 only, no biting, no groin attacks, no eye gouges
Go watch UMW
>MMA fans think real fights have rules like no strangling, eye pokes or groin shots
>fucking pussies, don't want realism like using an actual weapon, don't him my throat or balls, that's not fair, don't break my arms or actually hurt me
It's ok UFC, some day you'll be more than edgy WWE lol
>MMA and Boxing want that attitude era money.
Boxing as a whole won't probably attain it because the business model revolves around the fighter and his promoter.
Since there is no central governing body for boxing, promoters take on all the costs but make all the money from buys and sponsors, while fighters make money from purse and sponsors.
It's made a lot of individuals a lot of money, but as a whole I don't think it's made more than $2 billion.
If I were a pro fighter, I would lean towards the boxing business model. More freedom in how I want to pave my career and earnings
He definitely tried his best, but he was a sell out either way. Both Mayweather and McGregor knew the outcome of the fight, but they were able to sell it to casuals easily.

>McGregor gets payed
>Mayweather gets payed more
>Mayweather puts on a show
>McGregor """lasts""" 10 rounds with a pro
>Fans somehow still respection McMeme

Anyone who knows boxing saw it coming, cant really stop it though.

Lol he hit Floyd clean with an uppercut in the 1st and it didn't phase Floyd. If it was an actual boxer or someone who could actually punch Floyd would've been down. Floyd had so little respect for McGregor's power he walked him down the entire fight.
are you fucks actually this retarded? Those rules just prevent people from being killed/maimed. Not even an mma guy, but the reason they prefer it is because you're not forced into a single style of combat, not literally just because the rule count is lower.
Believe it or not there is still people who think that box is not scripted
>are you fucks actually this retarded? Those rules just prevent people from being killed/maimed.

lol. Nice niche, kiddo.
That's not what he said at all, it was a classic MMAfag REAL FIGHTZ rant
And watching guys hide behind pillows strapped to their hands and clinching every 30 seconds to have the ref break them up again, and again, and again, and again, is the pinnacle of entertainment.
>he was shit and embarrassed himself
The "goat" boxer, the pinup of the sport, couldn't knock down an amateur with zero experience with barely any training and had to rely on ducking his head to the ground and literally turning his back on his opponent any time he tried to throw more than 2 punches
The state of boxing

>changing the narrative

i guess that's why mcgregor was considered the biggest left on mma, just fans becoming butthurt and memeing things that aren't true
how many people did mike tyson give brain damage to? is there a list anywhere?

It's easier to get brain damage from long fights with medium to low damage punches than getting KO in the early rounds

most brain damage comes from training though
thats interesting thanks
Ufc is boring as shit dude. Just a bunch of guys who are shit in all forms of combat instead of being truly great at one
BJJ Black Belts competing, NCAA national champion wrestlers competing, etc.

>Just a bunch of guys who are shit in all forms of combat

Why even let leafs post?

You're both right. Now kiss and make up
literal olympians compete in the ufc what the fuck are you even on about?
yeah olympians like ronda rousey? great fighter LOL
Its okay to think that McGregor may have had a chance as not everyone understands or has watched boxing, but if you watched the fight and didn't walk away with an appreciation for not only floyd and the levels there are to boxing, but also conor for how well he actually did, you are an absolute brainlet

conors fight iq was a mile wide and an inch deep, floyds was a mile deep and an inch wide
>Just a bunch of guys who are shit in all forms of combat

she got an olympic medal in judo.

i'm not saying she's a great fighter learn to read.

the other guy was saying shit in all forms of combat when clearly people like ronda are great in judo, or DC with wreslting etc.
ronda is shit in all forms of combat, im a 210 pound dude I guarantee I could beat her under judo rules

lol not a chance my guy. all you irish cunts don't understand there are levels to this shit
Boxing actually went total mandrama mode with that Post Canelo fight bullshit with GGG

His company is dying because he can't relate to young audiences. He's had tons of failed ventures like the WBF, XFL and that restaurant he opened in times Square. He is a shit businessman
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before the Mayweather vs McGregor fight
>boxing is rigged

this fight is announced
>boxing is legit and mayweather will win easily or mcgregor will have the GOAT upset boy I sure love boxing

>boxing is rigged
Wait, do you actually believe a 210lb guy couldnt kick the shit out of Rhonda? Like a 210 guy who eats mcdonalds whenever he wants and drinks a 6 pack every other night but works in the trades or on a farm kind of guy.
>He wasn't throwing hard punches

The gloves are cushions compared to standard MMA gear, the fuck did you expect?
>Ronda vs average big boy southern farm hand in grappling
She literally isn't strong enough to submit him. At best she could force a tie if he doesn't know anything about grappling. Also note that even the DYEL guy would easily crush her in MMA with full striking.
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How long do you think he held his breath for?
everyone who agrees to fight mayweather literally agrees to take a dive

you dont (didnt) want to be the boxer that ruined that cashcow for all his future opponents/profits (past)

it was a fun ride while it lasted

GO HOME SCHAUB your drunk.

Technically, gloves have more mass, and punches are harder. I don't know how mma fans don't understand simple physics. The whole, 'mma fighters hit harder' meme is cancer. It's physically impossible.
anyone who reasons like that proves himself to be either an sports virgin, a borderline character or a 15 years old- Well, or a redneck, which is a bit of all.
We are trying to educate these dumbfucks, make them understand that a pro boxer is something very different to any other fighter, that there is a natural selection (bone structure, intensive training, stamina, technique, etc) that decides who will be a club bouncer or a pro boxer. We are preaching in the desert, alas.
Both boxing and MMA are rigged. The fight was, too. It still doesn't change the fact that MMA has shit striking and any boxer can flatten any MMGay striker in a boxing match.

There was no way for Connor to win the fight, no matter how you look at it.
That picture.....
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