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Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 53

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BAN 260, 221
AUS 217, 228/8 (65.5 Ovs)

SOM 164
ESS 159, 117/3 (52.3 Ovs)

LANCS 484/6 (122.0 Ovs)

SUR 280
MDX 247, 15/0 (6.0 Ovs)

DUR 480/9 decl
DERBY 164-all out (64.3 Ovs)

SUS 268
GLAM 294, 126/6 (42.0 Ovs)

LEIC 350
KENT 313/9 (88.0 Ovs)

NOR 141
NOTTS 213, 317/8 (64.0 Ovs)

WORCS 363, 10/0 (5.0 Ovs)
>Tier 1
West Indies

>Tier 2
Everyone else
*spits in your face*
Lyon baited hard
it's pretty much over m8
numbers for tied test
stream plzzz
Cummins the god
>putting your cricket in a stream
Love German cricket fans
How will Hazleshit ruin this one
Cum Ins is unironically better than our first drop

Only casuals think Australia haven't won this
Shakeeb cheeky mankad
what's the point of having fob slumdog cunt if he can't even play spin?
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have we already seen this episode?
>retain the strike
>block out the next over

what kind of elite tactics is Cummins using here lads? this is literally beyond my comprehension
could have done with Starc here to smash out a cheeky 50
Tipping a windies century lads
>letting hazelshit face an over from the guy who got everyone else out
it's beyond me too lad
fucking hell
Every time
thanks a lot hazleshit
LITERALLY would have won if you subtracted all the byes Wade let through
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The age of the white man is over
Reminder that I am patrician and knew this would happen
>he doesn't lose to win
That should have been chasable, we'll have to look at the data
How the fuck does Wade keep getting selected lel
Don't bother coming home, boys.

What an embarrassment.
fuck knows mate

reminder when he replaced Nevill he was averaging something like 20 in the last 12 months of playing first class while Nevill was in the 30s in test cricket against England and South Africa
and these cunts had the gall to say they should get higher pay
tell me about the australian middle order
>158/2 to 244/10
I feel Aus is too dependant on Warner.
Safe to say NZ > Poopeelia
Australia did alright without him doing shit in India

What really hurt >us was Renshaw and Smith getting out cheaply

Handscomb (wk)
Pukeson Pood
The absolute STATE
umm england lost to bangladesh too sweatness
>all those bits and pieces all-rounders plus a non-specialist keeper
literally and unironically england tier
what the fuck else is there to do with this fucking touring squad made

no KP, no Bancroft, no backup keeper and fucking Swepson
Is Usman, dare I say it, a traitor?
>losing and Bangladesh and West Indies
White cricket is in shambles lads haha
shall be painting myself brown tonight
Reminder Nathan Lyon will retire with over 500 wickets at the elite average of 34.6
wasn't really disagreeing with you m8 just saying it's a fucking mess
>tfw no more tests this week

shall be killing myself
Based ankush
I hate Lyon so fucking much he's the James Anderson of spinning but worse
got the papers signed lads I'll be out of this """country""" in a week
cannot wait to support Ireland's undefeated test champions
reminder MacGill was a wife beater
at least anderson has conditions where he is a genuine match winner

lyon has literally never won a team a match in his life
I was going to say Adelaide in the day nighter but really that has to go to Gould
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>He forgot about Lyon's patrician 3/110 last Summer, including the vital wicket of number 9
Fucking casual
(don't actually think he's a match winner was just making a joke)
>this man knows more about cricket than all of /cric/ combined
have bangladesh and the west indies saved test cricket?
NEED raijibul to post on /cric/ and share his muscular mind with us
love that picture of raijibul at the art gallery
>takes a 10fer and scores a fifty

is shakib, dare I say it, #elite?
umm he never took a 10fer mate it was two 4fers
Is the upcoming ashes the least hyped of the last 15 years?
Both sides looking sloppy and losing to minnows. Also very few "star" players in either team.
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Too busy at work to post
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it was his own fb profile picture
Daily reminder I predicted that Bangladesh is the sleeping giant of cricket and Goose copied my post
Australia are a disgrace
neither are 'minnows' you turbo brainlet
Either way, embarrassing to lose to them.
Especially when you're playing at home.
they are minnows and it's an embarassment to lose to either of them
Favourite Walkie post lads?
"No, it's me, Sean"
turbo brainlet
Cry for Neville.
Should Australia be stripped of test status?
"real pringles hours who tf up"
Shitposting rant and the "I want to know what I did wrong guys" essay

Genuinely can't stand shitposting
nick browne should clearly be playing for england
Cricket is for fags and poofs
based walkie
Surprised it took bangladesh this long to work out how to doctor pitches
The one where he bragged out about watching his mum getting railed by some broncucks ltd player at the pub
Might don the trip lads
Bangladesh to become ranked 1 test team by 2025
you mean the Netherlands mate
Eagerly awaiting the return of the world cricket league
Nah he means Nepal
Big match between Cayman Islands and Qatar on Sunday lads
raijibul rates shakib extremely highly
Do you have a screencap/link of the essay?
fucking hate Qatar and all other curries on holiday teams
who doesn't desu
not fond of low scoring test matches, long matches with lots of runs scored are the most cerebral desu
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My journey from subcontinent cricket brainlet to brainiac begins
mashallah brother
lol, i'll allow this one but don't everyone start bombarding the poor chap
england-wi was an epic
Finally saw Arrival. My word. What a film. Can someone explain how Amy Adams wasn't nominated for an Oscar for that?
what a fucking pleb
is it actually shit?
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Absolute state of mighty strayan cricket team
that 'Meanwhile when someone tries to call you during your time off' one is really irritating
it's pretty great for the first two thirds then it tries to become too smart and becomes a bit shit

amy adams was fine but it wasn't an oscar performance either
Congradgelation bonklidesh
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>it's pretty great for the first two thirds then it tries to become too smart and becomes a bit shit
happens with lots of sci-fis
what bothers me the most about it is they had the brainiac and entertainment balance perfect at the start
Reckon the janny is an Aussie lads
nah they always delete threads like that
He also religiously deletes Straffo posts
The scene where they first entered the ship was way to long and killed the pacing of the film and turned into too much of a snoozefest. Compare this with interstellar which didn't get boring until they just got off the mega gravity planet
Tipping Germany to get promoted to division 4 this season
It used to be the murijanny til about 2pm AEST then the yuro janny from about 5pm onwards, leaving a nice little shitposting window
how good are ghana and vanuatu?
Vanuatu are a rising force in cricket
Deeply regret making this thread now that I've attracted all the brainlets
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is blackwood the first ever test specialist slogger?
he played his last ODI in 2015
plenty before ODIs were a thing
yeah but thats different, had there been we dont if they would have played them or not
cant be a 'test specialist' if only tests exist desu
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>Australian Cricket
want to suck her navi tbqh
getting a wee bit tired of the brainlet meme

a good meme should be used in moderation
what's mrfuckface's reddit username again, want to read his posts
love jermaine blackwood
love mehedi hasan miraz
love turning pitches
love platonic friendships with women
love brand new
hate trevor bayliss
hate steven smith
hate australians
hate sexual intercourse
love mechanical engineering
love journalism
hate statisticians
back from my 3 day "holiday" lads
was tough not being able to banter and have elite discussions with you lot
but the janny was just doing his job and i respect that

i had a lot of time to reflect and i do apologise and i promise to never again steer away from the topic.

good to be back lads
glad to have you back mate, keep it on topic and we can keep the conversations going

simple as
Mr_Fuckface 1 point 18 days ago
/britfeel/ where you at
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not a racist but I wish my dad's side of the family didn't all marry wogs
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Why don't they just replace fast bowlers with accurate bowlers?
someone post the full body pic of straff
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because you need a bit of both

it's always good to look at the Australian team of the early 2000s to see how a perfect team functioned.
you had Glenn McGrath on one end who bowled cerebral 130 kph probing deliveries to build pressure and choke scoring and would plan the next 20 or so balls ahead of time
then you also had Brett Lee steaming in and bowling chin music at 150 kph. Batsmen that were frustrated at not being able to score off McGrath would then take a chance at Lee's more inaccurate line and length, but then they ran the risk of being beaten by pace and getting out or seriously injured like in pic related
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suit up
brett lee was awful
he's massive, no way all that lard isn't harming harming his brain and thus his opinions
he was "good"
absolute weapon of an athlete but he had no ability to do anything other than bowl fast
if it is then I tremble to think about how vast his natural intellect must be
yeah was basically just like a good sportsman but an absolute brainlet in cricket terms
mum has nice tits
so does straff

his sister has a decent rack too
yeah, just think what could be
He was handy in lower order

Could certainly hit a six
have a good howl every time I picture this """man""" spending 30 minutes on a single tweet because his fat fingers keep on pushing four keys down at once
did his legs shrink in the wash
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except for when it really mattered

How does one with zero knowledge familiarize themselves with the sport? How accessible are games/streams in America? What leagues/teams are the ones to watch/follow?
watch games and learn the lingo
some channel called willow has cricket on it, otherwise just stream it online
there's domestic T20 leagues (Caribbean Premier League is on right now and the australian Big Bash is starting up in a couple of months) but international cricket is what people care about
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that was umpball tbf
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Is that Geoffrey Boycott?? Absolutely racist attack on that poor Indian man
why wouldn't you just kill yourself if you looked like that
rank cankles
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miss him lads
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so, this Ashes series huh? Some top quality sides competing this summer.
it's going to be a see-saw contest with quality cricket from two teams at the height of their powers
it's going to be a blowout in Australia's favour but I really don't care because what surrounds the Ashes is always great no matter how shit the actual games can be
did everyone hear this already? I listened to it live, he totally had me convinced
easily my favourite commentary moment if I'm honest, even better than that shocking frog joke kerry o'keefe made
What was the event?
year 12 ball
he took his mum
really made me think

quite like this one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=706552WGY5M listen closely to Richie
does he say 'ah shit' at 1:25? so blatant lmao
yeah and then "didn't even score any fucking runs"
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Kangaroos BTFO
>using two alphabets in the same sentence
I'm really happy for Banglel though, this must be what being a cuck is. Glad it happened on Smoth's watch.
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gotta love kerri
Straff a-ah
Savior of the Universe
Straff a-ah
He'll save every one of us

Straff a-ah
He's a miracle

Straff a-ah
King of the impossible

He's for every one of us
Stand for every one of us
He save with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child, with a mighty

Just a man
With a man's courage
You know he's
Nothing but a man
And he can never fail
No one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail

(Straff, Straff, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!)
where can i watch highlights of WI vs Englel lads?
just woke up
who won lad?
blacked.com ahahaha

probably would be on sky if you have it
not england
what's next for his career?
60 average
My rectum.
Mumbai Indians contract
literally who
it's only downhill from here
the first man in over 100 years of first class cricket at headingley to score a century in both innings
the bajun backbone of the west indies
a gaylad confirmed fuck
shai hope
>You'll never get a blowie from Straffo
Hey mate, can we keep it on topic? Cheers
would you rather blow straff or enter him anally?
I'd rather talk about cricket lads haha
enter him anally definitely, getting hard just thinking about it desu

oh, uh, warnie
>You will never stick your dick in Straffo's cavernous anus

why was i even born
Really hope this off topic posting doesn't cause the jannies to autosage our thread again
reckon you'd need a 10 incher just to get past the fat and reach the rectum
getting a bit weird now lads

not sure late night /cric/ is for me tbqh
This is a Halal board lads. Don't cross the line.
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>all this gay chat
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what did she mean by this
>O'Keefe suspended by New South Wales
>playing for Australia
what did he do?
started calling one of the female cricketers a butch while pissed at some NSW awards thing
I don't much care for lesbians tbqh.
I'm a fan
posted an off-topic comment in /cric/
kek forgot about this
remember when /rug/ unironically adopted ankush's shitty *dabs* meme?
>you will never fall in love with a cute Aussie twink and grow old together while adopting and raising the next best cricketer
I don't much care for off topic posters tbqh.
Best things about cricket is there's no wogs
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druggies and scroungers on suicide watch
fuck me

gotta be fake
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>Your government will never be this based
Here's another off-topic post
>giving welfare recipients more money than what is required for food and shelter
>spending resources on drug testing them as well
What a waste of taxpayers money. If you're going full fascist, you might as well execute them.
hate it when you accidentally swipe right on a hamplanet and get a match
subconsciously you wanted to
got standards mate
reckon it would take 3 of us to successfully pin down and rape straff
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Need to get this guy on /cric/.
wonder what knowledge about the pitches in denmark they imparted on him

very jealous if I'm honest
Have these two 'belles' been seen since you reckon?
always found it curious that cricket and wicket rhyme
what could it mean
made a reddit account specifically to downvote everything daniel posts and check his account every day for activity ama
love blackwood's dismissal, an absolute classic
unironically love mark
will shimron GOATmyer play the 3rd test in place of Kyle hopeless?
Smashing baby
low ones at that
don't expect so
what's your username
he literally is
thought the account got banned for criticising women's """sport"""
got mixed up, mine is gooseyuherem8
HE IS not only his father and mentor but Arleigh Brathwaite is also the biggest and most ardent fan of his teenaged son, Kraigg, who on Friday became the West Indies' fifth youngest Test cricketer at 18 years, 169 days.

No wonder when Kraigg Brathwaite accepted his maroon West Indies' Test cap from team manager Richie Richardson in front the Calvin Wilkin Players Pavilion at Warner Park here Friday morning, Arleigh was right there clapping.

Even when the West Indies took the field after Pakistan won the toss and decided to bat on the opening day of the second Digicel Test, Arleigh could be seen still clapping away in the South Stand.

Arleigh, who has transported Kraigg to and from nearly all of his matches from the time he was scoring three centuries in the Herman Griffith Primary Schools Tournament in 2003, was delighted that his son had finally been selected in the West Indies' Test side.

"It is a great feeling. Words cannot express how I feel knowing that he has made the full-strength West Indies team," said Arleigh.

"Since this is his first Test match, I had to try and make it as there is only one first," he added after only making travel arrangements late on Thursday after he realised that Kraigg would actually be selected in the starting XI when he called him on another matter.

As a result, Arleigh had to overnight in neighbouring Antigua so that he would get to St Kitts for the start of play and see the first ball just in case the West Indies were batting as Kraigg is an opening batsman.

Ironically, Arleigh had applied for two weeks' vacation since January for this period, but he never knew that he would end up using his holiday time to watch his son play his first Test.
"I only had to get approval to leave a day earlier. I wasn't really thinking when I first applied for vacation that it would be for this...it is just coincidental. It's expensive to come here but I will be staying for the full match," he said.

Arleigh also spoke about Kraigg's love and commitment to the game of cricket.

"Kraigg is a very dedicated young man. From the time he was a little boy making centuries at primary school I could see he had the ability to do well," he said.

"There was no way of knowing he would play for the West Indies, but I'm happy that he made it. I'm very happy for him. I just want him to continue to improve. He's doing what he loves."

Arleigh, an Auditor Two in the Auditor General's Department, had also journeyed to St Vincent back in 2009 when Kraigg was summoned from Kingston to Kingstown to join an under-strength regional squad, led by Floyd Reifer after the first-choice players went on strike in the home series versus Bangladesh.

Kraigg, then only 16 years old, wasn't selected in the final XI, which was a disappointment for the family as Arleigh's brother Charles and three sisters—Sheila, Yvonne and Ann—as well as Sheila's husband, Hugo, had also made the trip to St Vincent.

Arleigh said Kraigg had assured him that he was okay and wasn't nervous.

"When I spoke to him, he seemed very confident and didn't give me the impression that he was nervous. He is usually very cool. He is the type of person who just concentrates on what he has to do and without getting side-tracked," said the proud father.
Arleigh also revealed that whereas Kraigg--a sixth form student at Combermere School in Barbados--was able to sit the first part of his CAPE Management of Business examination in Guyana, he missed the second part on Thursday after the arrangements were not sorted out.

Instead of being in the classroom, Kraigg, a holder of eight CXE certificates who has already been accepted to the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, was on the cricket field.

Arleigh said he would have preferred if the West Indies were the ones batting first.

"I wanted him to face the music early. The pitch looks easy-paced. Some of the guys are playing back foot shots on the up. Later on, it may get dusty and slow up but, with the quicker pace, it is better to start as the ball comes onto the bat, so he could play a couple of shots," Arleigh explained.

Only four other West Indians have made their Test debut at a younger age than Kraigg. They are Barbadians Derek Sealy (17 years, 122 days), Sir Garfield Sobers (17 years, 245 days) and Robin Bynoe (18 years, 31 days) and Trinidadian Jeffrey Stollmeyer (18 years, 90 days).

SPORTS EDITOR'S NOTE: Kraigg Brathwaite had his first knock in a Test match in the

West Indies first

innings yesterday.

He scored 15.
>he isn't part of the /cric/ whatsapp group
Add me m8 number is 0044 7531 98 98 98
anyone fancy a bit of a bum?
sup peaches
if a cute twink's back passage can be described with the cute name 'boypussy', what would straff's be described as?
just post your number here and ill add you to the whatsapp group lads
9876543210 here you go m8
love cricket
hate it
Big grudge match between Jamaica and St Kitts & Nevis tonight lads
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>Big grudge match between Jamaica and St Kitts & Nevis tonight lads
Chal bey chutiye


's daughter topped A' levels in the country and by extension in some subjects in the entire Caribbean region back in 2008.
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not surprised cause he's brainiac af and like the best comm in the world
just had one of those shits where i cut off the circulation to my foot, not fun
Can't relate at all
Me neither lmao
+358 408221941
you will never worship straffs waste disposer with your tongue
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absolutely immoral
windies are going to win the 3rd test in a blow-out
+ to win 2nd test

>England 22 all out
>Poot exiled to the Falklands
When Australia lose the 2nd test and subsequently get whitewashed in the test series, what will the backlash be?

Will they go full damage control mode like that they did when the Proteas went there and btfo'd them by getting new selectors (again)?
Will the media come up with some fallacious excuse like MintGate again?

pls respond
>my feet hurt
>why isn't the ball going straight
>this pitch is doctored
>I wish I was at the MCG hitting a ton against Zimbabwe
was gonna say i know how to fix australia but then remembered they have no good players nevermind
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What is the cricket equivalent of Arsenalfantv?
shitty dustbowl wickets are quite cerebral when you think about it like the ball just dipping and spinning in different directions all over the place
Ross Taylor couldn't recognise Tamim Iqbal on question of sport, what a casual
facebook comments
Don't think >we would be able to cope with the wickets on Mars
nah I'm not
>Will the media come up with some fallacious excuse like MintGate again?
reminder that was only after the ICC reported it and Cricket Australia had absolutely nothing to do with it
Just bombed a mid sem ama
What's up Sohel bhaijan?
What subject/uni lad?
some finance elective I took and skipped all the lectures for
shan't share any more details
I shan't share more hahaha ha. .a. ahaha.
Hate cricket now
Shall be changing my last name to Di Antonio
t. Stavros Giappoullous
Just got back from my nightly run lads

Wade scored 9 runs and let 30 byes through, giving him a net score of -21
Australia lost by 20 runs
Reckon parliament shall be giving him the boot for this
Melbourne uni?
Starting to somewhat enjoy T20 for a laugh.

Beats me why Test is still a thing. Such a slog. Can't wait for Australia to turn into a right football (real football, not eggball) country.
Shan't elaborate
yeah thanks Stavros mate
Meet me at the spot bro
at The Spot
Come lab 3014
where are you at mate
quite excited to see the windies this summer
Remember the 2015 Auckland /cric/ meetup where only Daniel showed up?
I went there and observed him from afar
Tell me about your observations
kek wasn't it during his lecture or something
reminder it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

Please watch our sport
Watched some of the bbl last year cuz it was on tv for some reason wasn't too bad
Whens the next big series la?
NZ vs windies this summer (winter)
Ashes starts in November mate,
doesn't get any bigger
it's literally the longest running rivalry in any major sport
The next "big" series is probably The Ashes, although Australia are a shit, but England can't into their roads, so it will probably just be another hometeamwinslol series
literally every series these days if I'm honest
>but south africa in australia
both teams play in home conditions no matter what country hosts
haha yeah true
Sup faggot, statsy here. Had to return to gloat about Shitstreakia getting annihilated by Bangers

Friendly reminder


Are krazycivilservant and gatehistorymajor still alive so they can see this?
based statsy
they should just stop international cricket and just have domestic t20 leagues
based statsy hows the bf lad?
it's gatecubicleslave now mate
Players are are quitting internationals to do this. Mitch Mcglenaghan just rejected his NZ cricket contract
He'll be stuck in traffic still
yeah saw that what a fucking joke

wouldn't be surprised if guys like Chris Lynn did the same soon with state contracts
is it true your a gay chinaman
Has anyone actually seen gatecunt since the Indian series?
t. giannis stravvopopolous
t. Darren "Dazza" darrenson the ice-addict dole bludger from Frankston
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yeah can I have a lamb souvlaki and some chips thanks mate
>cricworm attempts to banter with wogGODS
know this third generation wog australian that unironically supports italy in every sport

todays kino for us all lads
essex win the title is won iih
holy shit its day 4 wtf nevermind fuck this
or maybe essex can declare at lunch and a harmer/amir show can win it for them, looks a flat chelmsford pitch atm though
remember the jack leech meme
VirGOD GOATli is on 200 watch lads
Jinxed it lads
it happens lad
im glad
dont think essex will be #losingtowin lads
Does Daniel still pretend to support Durham?
Good, I was worried that he had completely defected to baseball
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leave somerset to me
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>Sri Lana
moar like Dalit Lanka
love cricket

hate wogs
harmer ripping it square on the stream right now lads
absolute gun
hildreth out, game over
a full strength essex would stomp the invincibles
think paul walter might be elite, stokes position should probably be looked at
nick Browne
moeen (unfortunately)

my brainiac team for the ashes
>no harmer
deary me
next ashes tour
no wait

nick browne
jofra archer

literally no point playing anderson or moeen as they cant into bounce wickets
tipping that my mates all secretly hate me and wish I'd fuck off
absolutely thrilled that the wogs got beaten by japan tonight lads
literally so many wogs in the match thread
at least they're supporting Australia instead of some european club based in a city they've never even visited this time
hate plastic soccer fans
Gonna make this girl my missus

>wants Chadd in the test team

Chris Jordan is the answer
love sean bean
love the north
love yorkshire cricket
at the ground now

covers are coming off
''no''. he is outclassed by his countryman jofra archer at sussex
what happened to Alzarri Joseph
reckon he should play at lords as bishoo is pointless
didn't lords turn a fair bit against South Africa

reckon Bishoo could do a bit if it stays like that, he's slightly ahead of guys like Marahaj
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why is le 9/37 man still not even on the fringes of the test side lads
he's such a fucking weapon

after >we stolen have him + harmer in a couple of years we will probably dominate the world
Brainwave=Mark Footit is England's only hope for the Ashes.
yeah thats true, bishoo just looked so wank at headingly im not sure
He's in the limited over squad for India I think
Pace stocks are just too deep I reckon, no space for a bowler like him
Harmer's arm ball.
been keeping an eye on stoke's hair and the prognosis is not good
moeen ali bowls arm balls exclusively
it looked like it had thickened up at one point
time to return to having cricket as your national sport I reckon mate
reckon he needs to have a chat with broad about the options he has in front of him
might be time to give jamie porter his england gig actually
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I think someone needs to pay a visit to Advance Hair Studio(tm)
tell me about Lyth's 161 versus northants
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looks like he just bought some hair gel
Wogball is a game in decline it's time to shift your focus back to cricket
inspirational read lads
It was the best innings since Goochy's 150 against the Windies.
broads done really well at evading the publicity

and kalli's look like a hairpiece
Didn't Bollinger go bald again?
dunno too much about hair loss but he had a giant fucking beard which makes me wonder if he just liked the bald look
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>Martin Crowe
really makes you wonder
umpball at chelmsford, robbed of a wicket
wish I was at chelmsford right now
harmer would have been SA's best ever spinner
paul harris lad
oh yeah
Love Pandya
Hate kohli
have to go chat with the elderly tomorrow
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>Play abandoned after arrow fired onto pitch at Middlesex v Surrey
essex win by 179 runs
what did he say
Ready to watch The Netherlands fail to remain in reach of reaching Russia through the Play-Offs?
Hasn't the Euro 2016 and WC 2018 qualifying campaign show that Dutch football is on the decline and will never recover.
A couple of tournaments now and The Netherlands will fade in obscurity.

fucking hate rantages but this one's funny, it's qurbani season, get it?
sent it to rajibul, dont think he gets it
feel like US really cucked us out of Cricket In Bahamas lads
Which one of you cunts did this?
Australia is basically as black as South Africa anyway these days
somebody tried to kill compton to prevent his inevitable return
would lick her bum
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>tfw cant bowl leggies only off breaks

should I end it lads
you post on britfeel so yes probably
>tfw bowl leggies but only half of them accurately and only impart spin on one of every 15
fair point

are you sure you're even doing them right? hope your not a brainlet lad
>what is satire
want mr fuckface to drop an elite cricketing truth bomb right now
simon harmer, believe it or not, is this generations shane warne
>It was a pretty tasty arrow with a proper metal end. I did archery as a kid and that was not a normal archery arrow.
Harmer is the next Dernbach
>Harmer is the next Dernbach
nah I just need more practice
also probs need to fitness up a bit
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Fatson running singles with Cornwall

BIGGEST party in sport
Why does /cric/ love Test cricket but hates T20?
Only the t20 franchise shit.

International T20 matches are pretty elite.
It's for dummies
There's no /nrl/ so I'll just hang here for a bit
Hey mate
Hey lad have a good day?
elite biathlon of cricket and archery when?
>Crossbow bolt fired at the Oval ‘could very easily have killed someone’
>Play abandoned in Championship game between Surrey and Middlesex
Why the FUCK is there no footy on this weekend
yeah lad got my bike fixed and the weather is great
welcome footy friends
please keep discussion on topic, they janitor would appreciate that
because they didn't schedule any
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*starts dead midweek /gayfl/ thread*
is it time for roofs on all first class cricket venues to stop this spate of arrow incidents?
hate myself
/cric/ - brainlet general
contemplating making a breakaway /t20/ thread
Not hard to be better than this train wreck
ebin /rug/ raid lads
>le /rug/ boogeyman
based /rug/
T20 is clearly designed for children, women, the mentally incapacitated, the weak willed, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables. Whereas test cricket is the last bastion of moral strength left in our degenerate society. Comparing T20 to test cricket, is like comparing chimpanzees screeching wildly as they throw shit at a wall, to a symphony written by translating the chess moves in 'Kasparov vs Topalov' into music. There is no comparison. To be honest, test cricket would be the foundation of my ideal society, with the most successful test captain becoming the leader of the nation, as the mixture of intelligence and strategic thinking needed to captain a test side would mean they could easily lead any country into prosperity. T20 would be ok for kids, but once they reach their thirteenth birthday they would have to burn the brightly coloured garb associated with the "sport" and would be told "you're man now, learn to block".
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