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Is he right?

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Is he right?
No he's American

what's this about?
how did someone disrespect vets?
> draft dodging
> no draft since nam.
What did he mean by this?
literally nothing in the news to help men understand what this thread is about.
pls explain.
why is the national anthem necessarily and only about military and respecting veterans? It's insane that its been appropriated by vets in this way. The US is way more complex than the handful of wars they've been involved in.
Why do military retards always think people give two fucks about their "service?" No one does. Oh, we should be proud some 'tard in high school who was too stupid to get a real career or get into college became a professional welfare queen?

The only thing these bullet sponge morons are good for is absorbing iraqi bullets and decaying in desert heat.
What a wasted get on such a spoiled, entitled, edgy faggot. Consider necking yourself on the next statue you try to topple.
Is this remotely relevant to this thread?
they dodged the nfl draft
The whole support the troops meme was a great piece of propaganda from the 90s. I don't know how anyone can support anyone in America's military unless they got drafted.
good post
If they didn't volunteer there would be a draft you imbecile. It's better we have a volunteer army that wants to be there than a bunch of conscripts like Russia who are shit.
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>but think about muh veterans!! without them running wild in the middle east and asia you wouldn't even be able to attend a football match
borderline retarded logic desu
how many babies did her murder?
Go back to tumblr
of course. Vietnam is widely regarded as one of the most crucial efforts to protect our shores from a vicious invasion of impoverished farmers with no interest in harming americans.
>having a facebook account
My respect for this "man" ended
I hope this is bait. Vietnam and Korea were fought to keep the commies from gathering allies. Sams with the war on drugs in South America. Just a way to invade South America and topple it's communist regimes. How dense are you
i'm not dense at all. if you think vietnam was going to be a valuable communist ally, you might be though.

if you want proof that I'm correct, why don't we review the fallout from our loss there?
strong argument.
China turned into a valuable ally. Look at China 60 years ago and ask me if you thought they would be a powerful nation
Wait, do people get genuinely triggered by this sitting down thing? I genuinely thought it was just a fake outrage meme.
a lot of people are fed up with uppity nigger athletes, yes.
Pussy, the sad part is i bet you lurk /r9k/ crying about muh women and whining how life sucks. Go eat a chode, shitstain
Vietnam was fucked up but it was a means to an end. Communism was growing and the US needed to show they would support capitalists if they wanted to fight communism. The Vietnam War may have prevented a communist Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and so on.
People in the US are very sensitive. One side gets mad at statues, the other gets mad at cropped SJW twitter posts.
t. Barely has a military
This guy is right though. The last gets worthy of any respect were Nam. Nowadays it's a career for literal retards. It took my friend from high school several tries to get the minimum on the ASVAB to get in and he still didn't even get there. They made an exception.
>muh domino theory

Tens of thousands of Americans died for nothing. North Korea is still shitting on America and the commies took over Nam
but we lost and there were no ramifications. moreover, preventing the spread of communism in the far east is very different from protecting people's safety in the US.

yeah China and Vietnam are basically the same thing.

Mods, ban this Nazi for breaking global rule 3

>The Vietnam War may have prevented a communist Cambodia, Laos
We won the Cold War, and that was the point.
yeah my bad
lmao you've built a strong causal relationship between the two for sure
> North Korea is shitting on us
Literally what are you talking about you utter fucking moron.
China has 1 capitalist livable city and it's Hong Kong. I can't say the same for Vietnam.
>We won the Cold War

Bruh, China is kicking our ass right now
No they are not
china is in no way kicking our ass. but, they do still exist and russia still opposes us in almost every way, so I think its silly to imply that we won the cold war militarily.
>being unable to defeat a bunch of jungle niggers
The Russian army is the only one I respect.
> China is kicking our ass
Go back to fucking grade school you 13 year old dipshit. China is a 3rd world country in 95% of it's land. Hong Kong is the only livable place. China is light years behind us in technology, medicine, education and military innovation. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
>China has 1 capitalist livable city and it's Hong Kong

what are you talking about? Shanghai is one of the most modern cities on the planet and it has people and companies from all over the capitalist world operating there.
NK still trolling us
China has become unstoppable
Russia ready to take on the world again

>lol guyz we won
I believe that. You certainly don't respect yourself. Muh rules of engagement stopped us from winning that war. It's impossible to fight an army with no uniform. Russia would get rekt in a war with the United states.
If you read a book you can see that we didn't give two shits about Vietnam per se, we just wanted to stop the apparent spread of communism. Whether that worked or not, we can't really know, but we got to that achievement and perhaps the Vietnam War played an important part. The point is that whether the War was a waste or not is blurry, and claiming that it was isn't backed up by the facts.
>muh troops
Well. I don't respect the Bundeswehr. I do respect the Wehrmacht, there was discipline there.

>Muh rules of engagement stopped us from winning that war.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Right that too. 2 cities. Both practicing capitalism. My point was the communist nations are 3rd world all over the world.
>military innovation
But they are literally building islands for military purposes.

Your post reeks of propaganda. Get with the times.
NK is only a story because of Trump's inexplicable willingness to get in the mud with a posturing dictator. China is a smaller economy than Japan. Russia as a per capita GDP of $9,000.
Wow you really are 13.
Why is america's relation to the army so weird?
i don't know why you keep trying to pretend you're smarter than everyone else here. your entire argument rests upon unprovable assumptions. I actually never claimed it was a waste, but I can point to history and prove that it didn't protect the safety of American, except in maybe the most abstract way.

And flaming on facebook to make people kneeling over a separate issue about yourself when you fought in a war like Vietnam? That's an even bigger stretch than the ones you are desperately making. fuck off tool, stop moving goalposts and nitpicking.
The blind nationalism in my country is disgusting. I really think we will end up being the "axis" in the next world war.
m-m-m-muh Trump
China has ONE, aircraft carrier, I think. The US spends more on its military than the rest of the top 5 combined. China barely has a space program.
wtf does that have to do with this thread? That's what is protecting people's ability to watch and participate in NFL games in the current US?
> piling dirt up to make an island is sophisticated
The whole world is telling these chinks to stop that because they're killing reefs. Fucking ancient Aztecs would build islands by piling dirt up. It's not that fucking hard. Read a book.
Are you really trying to argue that NK is an existential threat to the United States? They won't attack anyone unless provoked (which brings us back to Trump's unnecessary threats).
Read the rest of this thread and you will understand
No, I'm saying T-Dog isn't the first president threatening Kizza.
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>light years behind us in education
1. Aircraft carriers are a meme. China has thousands of supersonic antishipping missiles that would wreck our shit.
2. Our military is a joke. Ships keep hitting each other. The F-35 is a failure. Lots of equipment in disrepair. The money all goes to fancy weapons projects that rarely see actual service
How does that refute what I said? Is it not true that Trump is escalating tensions, regardless of whether other Presidents have done the same? North Korea is only a major news story because, for the first time in this century, war with NK seems possible (because of Trump's comments).
Piling up dirt and putting airstrips on it to increase your military response time is sophisticated. You are trivializing their purpose, which will only make you continue to underestimate China's overall potential. Call a spade a spade, don't hide your head in the sand.
You seem to think the situation is any different than with any of the presidents before him. But why is that so?
Because media outlets tell you THIS TIME it could be fore real? That couldn't possibly be because they have some kind of agenda, could it.
i've been here the whole thread. you are battling over tangents.
Better let the Joint Chiefs know they've been doing this whole military thing wrong this entire time. Your relative expertise will surely be appreciated.
Why are we allowed to have /pol/ threads on /sp/?
My initial claim is that NK isn't a threat to us at all and you seem to be agreeing with me.
quads don't lie
Why don't you go whine to your janitorfriend, redditor?
t. military expert with vast knowledge of all our R&D spending and programs
The cool thing about our national anthem is that every phrase is a question. There are no answers, just questions.
Yeah, use "basketball-american" please!
This country is a shitty joke.
Depending on how you define "threat".
Could they beat the US in a war? No.
Could they do damage? Obviously yes.

Seoul would definitely be in ashes, the US west coast is PROBABLY safe.
Because every /pol/ poster is getting BTFO, and BTFO'ing is a sport.
I'm just wondering why we can't have this thread on /pol/?
Frankly, I'd never have seen it there, I only frequent this shithole right here. :3
Great post and digits
lmao, South Korea is fucked if shit hits the fan.
They have no reason to attack anyone because the whole world knows, including NK, that any attack from Kim would be met with instant annihilation. They're not a threat.
To be honest, I feel the exact same way, but all these hand egg threads bitching about the same thing
>m-muh kaepernick
>m-muh protests
Only the shitty cancerous general seems to actually give a shit about the actual sport

How's Afghanistan going, again?
This is a sports story. Get over it.
Why are army fags (especially American) so entitled? Aren't they getting paid?
Ask the 43rd Commander in Chief
Kaepernick threads are shill threads, like Gayweather/McGregor and BBB threads.
It's an unspoken covenant: they get to be smug and loosely worshipped, and we get to send them to their deaths or a life of homelessness and mental illness.
Not an anti-American point, but speaking specifically about the NFL - this is a sport where the teams actively and openly do not appreciate you as a fan as the teams will happily move across the entire country to establish their franchises elsewhere if they see a bit more money in it. So I can see why this sort of mentality would be acceptable if not even recommended.
Except this has nothing to do with the sport of handegg
"the NFL is losing its audience due to xyz" isn't a sports story? It's as much a sports story as one about contracts, or sponors, or agents, or stadia.
>"the NFL is losing its audience
sadly this is true.

ideally NFL teams would have civic pride and threatening relocation would only be a last ditch option. Now they do it because they can make slightly more money by bilking taxpayers or moving to a more lucrative location if that fails. Being a fan of an American sports franchise involves deluding yourself pretty heavily.

but go Seahawks
But this thread isn't even talking about the NFL at all. It's about vietnam
it lost at least the guy in the OP and the people who support what he wrote
This happens in all Sports tho.
Los Angeles Dodgers were from Brooklyn, Giants were also from NY. Even in Basketball, Lakers were from Minnesota.
Is like the fans are worthless and people from other states would just accept a "foreigner" team.
It was a discussion on whether this man has any moral authority and whether the NFL should respect this man's wishes and change its policy, thereby surely alienating many of its employees just as collective bargaining starts to raise its head.
vietnam was about protect an US ally from become communist and joining the USSR effort to topple the USA

it's easy to understand if you have a brain
so can people stop caring about basketball and football and transfer to hockey and baseball already?
Way to put what others have said into broken English
thanks for being condescending, but how about you use your huge brain to analyze the results of our unsuccessful effort in vietnam.

Did they topple the US? Was the US ultimately saved by proxy wars, or by having a superior economic system and nukes? I'm looking forward to your apology.
Why would the guys in Nam deserve respect?
WW's? I get it.
Fighting chinks out of the steel age not so much.
or we could stop caring about professional sports entirely and stop funneling money to billionaire owners who love to fuck us over and millionaire athletes who we are only making millionaires because we are obsessed with their ball skills.

>draft dodging millionaire athletes

This dumbshit still thinks we have the draft.

I personally love the butthurt it causes for old white men. May their last years be miserable.
Doesn't the military pay the NFL to do these anthem/flag ceremonies as a recruiting tool? I don't know why there's so much belief that it's a sanctimonious affair.
finding a reason to be outraged is still the hot thing right now, regardless of political affiliation.
Im always perplexed by the USA view on war and their military. They've never been invaded, so whose freedoms are the protecting? also why do they always have a wank service around people who are in the military? people volunteer to join, it a choice to want to get yourself killed. Why arent scientist or engineers praised for their work? they actually have more impact on the USA than the military does.
yes because everybody knows about the future. when you have the possibility to save a possible ally from going full commie, you do it.
Veterans of the Iraq/Afghan wars fought for American freedom, huh?
>Why arent scientist or engineers praised for their work?

they dont kill people
>right now
Isn't it like just being American?
You come up with the most retarded reasons to go to war all the time.
America is a fascist state, it should be obvious to you by now.
>They've never been invaded

And what might be the reason for that? Think hard.
I'm not talking about going to war, that's another thing entirely

I'm talking about the current wave of armchair maryrdom.
>implying fucking college is a better option than joining the military
yeah you won't get killed but you'll still end up working half your adulthood in McDonalds trying to pay off your debt to the businessmen that run your school
>the jews
I see the light
>so whose freedoms are the protecting

Israel's. I thought this was obvious.

How can an ultra-capitalist country be fascist you fucking inbred. Honestly I hate you retards. Why can't you just stay on plebbit?
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but you can play sports there. its worth it.
>The US is way more complex than the handful of wars they've been involved in
I'm sure you know more about life than veterans that could be your grandpas
Is that pic real? Jesus.
How do you even start your life after college?
He's right, fuck those niggers.
that doesn't even make sense. are you saying the only thing the american flag represents are like 6 wars? it doesn't represent anything else?
>draft dodging millionaire athletes
>draft dodging
Tell this idiot there is no draft.
that's a wholly separate question from whether or not the economic state of vietnam impacted the safety of americans.
you dont. you go back home with your parents and work as a waiter begging for tips.

but sports are totally awesome.
if the draft doesn't exist, why did I have to sign up for selective services when I was 18, per the law? and all you faggots did too when you got your driver's licenses or registered to vote or filed your taxes


not sure if b8 or really this dumb
It was written about a war during a war. And we use it to pay tribute to the millions of people who died to protect our country so we can do things like watch people play sports. Someone wants to write a song about police brutality and sing it before games then go right ahead. Kneeling for the anthem makes no sense to me though, it's like going outside a cigarette company with picket signs saying "Stop killing rhinos!"
>he doesn't think that selective services (ie the draft) doesn't exist anymore

they haven't needed it, but it's there for anyone between 18 and 25
You can't collect any form of welfare or financial aid if you do not sign up. Chicks don't have this requirement.
>the millions of people who died to protect our country

The USA hasn't been under threat since the Revolutionary War. No war since has ever been about protecting Americans. Only the interests of a few Americans, Israelis and Saudis.

Your children are dying so people you will never meet and will never even look at you can get richer than you'll ever know can get even richer.

If you believe literally anything else then you're a brainwashed lemming.
that was probably the most productive huddle the browns will have all season
Yeah but odds are very strong that this is never used in our military aged lifetimes
I don't think many professional athletes go out of their way to illegally dodge signing up for a draft that will never happen
Why does anyone care? We've literally had this discussion since last season. Find something else to talk about our have these discussions in the general instead so we can actually have fun threads that may or may not be sports related
Soldiers die everyday to protect these people who get payed millions to play games. Fucking ridiculous that these parasites think they have any ground to stand on protesting against the symbol of the people who defend them. Don't like the flag? Then go to Afghanistan and see how great it is

They have the right to kneel, and he has the right to not attend the games and to publicly denounce what he views as unacceptable behavior. "Right" has nothing to do with it.
Russians got beaten by sand dwellers, you dumb kraut
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