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why don't american sports team buy players from each other

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why don't american sports team buy players from each other like we do in football?

its actually one of the most interesting side aspects of the sport. you're missing out on a lot of excitement, drama and memes.
i thought they did... pls explain
>its actually one of the most interesting side aspects of the sport
But you may not know, that American pro leagues are each one a single entity.

In football, "transfers" are between clubs: players are getting bought and moving around. In US pro leagues, pro players are contractants of their league, not their "team" (which is called a franchise)
American pro league are literally a big club with say like 32 franchises ("teams). The main club then dispatches each of its employees in each of its franchises ("teams).
Sometimes 2 franchises will exchange players, like 2 McDonald's "restaurants" will exchange emloyees.

Once you understood that everything else makes sense: the draft, the revenue sharing, the salary cap, etc.
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>In US pro leagues, pro players are contractants of their league, not their "team" (which is called a franchise)
>American pro league are literally a big club with say like 32 franchises ("teams). The main club then dispatches each of its employees in each of its franchises ("teams).
>Sometimes 2 franchises will exchange players, like 2 McDonald's "restaurants" will exchange emloyees.
>Once you understood that everything else makes sense: the draft, the revenue sharing, the salary cap, etc.

fucking hell, seriously? what is wrong with Americans??
That's called "parity", "equity" and "love of social justice", a common thing in socialist America.
And something us, in our capitalist nations who reward success and risk taking, can't really understand.
Very enlightening explanation. No, I'm not being sarcastic.
also the whole MLS teams yearly budget is 1.5 Pogbas
I'll also add to this.
- Leagues which don't do pro/rel (promotion/relegation), you understand it now. In football there is pro/rel because a "league" is only a level of the pyramid.
- "the last will be the first": the worst losers are rewarded in American leagues, because they are part of the single entity league, it's like itself helping itself.
- Leagues closed to outsiders: well, it's pretty self-explanatory. You don't open wide your business to an outside competitor.
Can every smelly euro die please?
Sorry to have [EXPOSED] (You) and your shitty "league" system, Ameriburger
Go watch a 3 hour soccer game to a tie
Are you seething right now?
Counting the 20 minutes break a Football match lasts 2 hours.
Lel nah bruh how you? You heem?

settle down Mohamed or I'll have you transferred back to Senegal FC
It's quite beautiful, Guillaume. International Soccer is ancap sports for socialist countries, whereas capitalist and free America has natsoc sports. Plebs are very discomforted by this
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>it's an American on the backfoot spams "Muhammad" until the mean foreigners stop responding episode
>tfw even Senegal's club Association sportive et culturelle Diaraf is rewarded for being good and isn't afraid of competing against outsiders in the CAF Champions League
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Forgot to mention this system was created by the jews quite recently to milk americans of their hard earned shekels and that's why american sports teams have no tradition.

stay EXPOSED amerifats.
Why are you guys so mean to us? Is it because we're black and you're all racismo?
Why Americans are so not creative when it comes to banter?
Your life has to suck to develop flavorful bants. Americans don't have that problem
See? You could predict that one from miles away.

It has its advantages. For one, it keeps parity in the leagues a little higher. And two, it keeps the greedy owners of shit teams from cashing out on players and giving nothing back to the fans (like Arsenal). If a shit team has a good player, they have to trade him for other players rather than just selling them for cash.
>can predict American glory from miles away
>somehow this is bad
great read, thanks
I honestly love the cap/trade/draft system. Teams get rewarded based on good management instead of who has the most money.

It's painful to watch teams like Porto, Altletico, Monaco, Dortmund, Southampton getting looted every season by poor-managed team who just happened to be richer than them.
>pls notice me big strong yurogods
pathetic desu
apples and oranges. trading and working within salary caps is actually interesting here, and it keeps sugar daddies from simply making a team good overnight a la PSG, City, Chelsea. The franchise system is pretty lame in most regards, but I think the talent assembly aspect is much more interesting here.
wtf I hate america now
our best comedians are all jews. If you ever see an American being funny then he is a jew. Same with Germany except the anon is a Turk.
Soccer players need a players' union desu.
>sold like chattel
Its a bad system though because it means you have to barter like they did before the invention of currency. I could have something of value to trade but the person I'm trading to doesn't want it because he already has it. That premise can happen here in sports where a team wants Tom Brady and theoretically has the money to buy him (if it were allowed) but have to trade players which the Patriots may not want. See how that system sucks?I want their player, I have the money to buy him but I am forced to trade players to the Pats which they don't want.
Thanks to the EU they actually can force their employer (the team) to sell them if they want. In the US the team can just put a franchise tag on the player and he is their slave where he can't move period. The players who get drafted by the Browns are basically fucked because of this.
It's a load of shit and almost every old school fan hates the salary cap in handegg and hockey.
the goal here isn't economic efficiency, it's to maximize the quality of the product on the field. the average NFL game is much more exciting and the teams aremuch more even than some joke european soccer league.

even browns/jaguars is entertaining.
Funny how the opposite happens in your actual lives over there. But hey, go capitalism for pro athletes while you live in a sardine can, taxed to shit with very little hope to become anything great in that commie system you have there for the average citizen
There's a reason why the well educated yuros come here to earn what they're actually worth
Now go make sure that African with seven children has been given a big enough house to live in
I kind of wish baseball has a promotion/relegation system.
Both systems have their pros and cons. Honestly without champions league, football would be a complete joke in my opinion. It's the only soccer I watch
sorry I unironically enjoy the fact that my team (detroit loins) will probably never win a super bowl in my lifetime because the management is shit, not because they don't have some middle eastern oil tycoon is a fan and wants to pay more money than most other oil tycoon sugar daddies
why do yuropoors have such in depth knowledge about burger sports leagues but pretend they dont care
Sometimes they do. For example, the baseball player Babe Ruth was famously sold from the Boston Red Sox to their rivals New York Yankees for $100,000 in 1920 and they regretted it for the next 84 years.

But in basketball and football, as far as I know there are no "transfers", only trades. You have to trade an equivalent amount of salary or valuable draft picks in order to get a top player who is already under contract somewhere else. Of course there are tons of complex rules on top of that, but this is just the basic gist of it.

I wonder how that would work with MLB affiliate teams though. Would they have to break off the partnership upon "promotion"?
Nobody from a first world country moves to America anymore. Your biggest immigration group, besides the 100 million or so Mexicans, is actually a bunch of African countries.
>be goat sawker player
>get transferred for 500million yurosheckels
>team gets all of it
why are they so cucked?
>transfer sagas are interesting
fuck off tb h
Because the player belongs to the club via a contract. The transfer fee is effectively a price to terminate the contract. You're not forced to play for a franchise because you're owned by the league like your 'sports'
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knowing that north-american sport leagues work with a salary cap and a trading system is hardly some super secret arcane knowledge.
>even browns/jaguars is exciting

Ok let's not get too silly here
our players have a union that collectively bargains the general contract structures. not really a matter of forcing things.
Doesn't the average American athlete earn more than the average soccer player?
i'd rather watch that than like 95% of soccer games.
No shit, there's no easy NEET bucks here like in Europe
Always get a laugh out of all the pro brexiteers who are on benefits who are too stupid to see that will end their gibs
Originally meant to quote the muzzie French faggot but either way
>400 word essay replies
>we dont care
It happens sometimes, the Warriors 'traded' cash considerations for a draft pick this year.
You're an embarrassment. Please feel free to never respond on /sp/ again. >>77422041 wasn't even being insulting, and his analysis is 100% correct.
>wanting a league where the richest teams can just buy everyone and win all the time

No thanks senpai
because we believe in fair competition not

>lol barca buys everyone
>the guy dropping mcdonalds references isn't being insulting
also his post is incredibly misleading, it makes it sounds like the NFL picks and chooses which players go to which team which is woefully incorrect. also players paychecks come from the teams, not the NFL.
>On average, NBA players make $5.15 million, MLB players make $3.2 million, NHL players make $2.4 million, and NFL players make $1.9 million per year, according to Forbes.
>According to a study carried out for The Daily Mail, the average wage for a player in the Premier League is £44,000 (€60,180) a week.
>This adds up to £2.29m (€3.13m) a year.

~$3.7m converted to USD. So, no, unless you're in the NBA (rosters are usually less than 15 players, I'm assuming D-league isn't taken into account here with that inflated figure)
I don't believe it's possible to have affiliations in that type of system. It would also complicate AL vs NL (EPL doesn't even have divisions, so pro/reg is easy). Needless to say, we would need to fundamentally change baseball for that to work. I just think it would be cool.

Because leagues with no salary caps and where the owners have absolute control over the player's destiny are stupid. They create a system where few teams rise to the top.

Have fun with your leagues where the same 2 teams win every year.
>Teams decide where players go, not the NFL
No, that's the entire point of there being a draft and salary cap to begin with. The league has a system to in place to ensure an equitable distribution of talent.

Works fine for MLB
Don't forget the NBA is the 30 best and highest paying basketball teams in the world. If you were to to compare it to the 30 best paying association football clubs then it'd blow it away.

Americans simply don't understand the scope of football. There are thousands of professional clubs.
>the NFL decides the draft picks
>the NFL decides where free agents will sign
dude stop
>There are thousands of professional clubs

and like 2 are actually relevant
I think trades are more exciting, desu
Baseball is a dead sport
Why should the league subsidize franchises who don't attract enough fans to afford the players they want to buy? If my team always has a packed stadium, why should the dollars I spent in my home town be sent across the country so that your failing team can afford the hot young rookie prospect? Makes no sense.

If your response to this is that you won't support your team if they are losing, then you aren't a fan of the game. You're just a fan of winning.
i know you're memeing and all but the yuro banter is literally nothing but spamming "ameriburger" and fat jokes.. sp banter hasnt been passable since 2012
because eventually the other team will be so bad people will stop going to the games in your city. the MLB works because of the luxury tax and the fact that someone will just move a team to a bigger market if they aren't making money. the only thing that can fuck up parity is if some asshole decides not to sell or move his team and signs bargain basement contracts.
But the roylels won a worlds eries a few year ago and they are poor as fuck
>the NFL has a draft
>the NFL has hard limits on spending
The NFL controls player movement. Teams have input, but ultimately they are constrained by the league in their acquisitions.

If you can't understand how the 2nd order effects occurring because of this system then I can't help you. Go annoy someone else.
>If my team always has a packed stadium, why should the dollars I spent in my home town be sent across the country so that your failing team can afford the hot young rookie prospect?

You're assuming that your team pays for other team's players. That's not the case, the league has limits so that there is an even playing field and creates excitement and they maintain viewership. Your team still keeps its profits, there's only a limit on how much they can spend on players. If for instance the Cowboys were able to afford everyone and win every year, no one is going to keep watching and viewership will fall and the league will end up losing money.
t. Cavs vs Warriors
>professional waiting
pick one
You're a fucking retard lmao
>because eventually the other team will be so bad people will stop going to the games in your city
The Saints were a losing franchise for almost forty years and they always had high attendance. Your theory is bunk. If other cities don't want to attend games when they are losing, they don't deserve to have a team.
I understand this asshole, reread the French guy's post and see how far what he said is from the truth. The NFL is a regulatory body, not "one big club that owns all players and sends them out to smaller clubs."
>Americans defending their system that is ay it's core, Socialism
Really makes you think...
Prefer trading myself desu
European football is getting out of hand too desu.. The amount of money thrown around for average players are mindboggling
United about to have Tinder on their armsleeves for more jew-cash so they can overpay for more useless midfielders, lul
>a frenchman understand your sports better than you do
Define "franchise." Explain revenue sharing.

>You're assuming that your team pays for other team's players. That's not the case
NFL franchises only keep 60% of their gate receipts. The remainder goes to a "generic pot." The Frenchman was correct.
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>pro players are contractants of their league
>>American pro league are literally a big club with say like 32 franchises ("teams). The main club then dispatches each of its employees in each of its franchises ("teams).

from wikipedia:
>At the corporate level, the National Football League considers itself a trade association made up of and financed by its 32 member teams.

I don't know why you want me to define franchise. It just means something that is sanctioned basically. Like if I own a restaurant franchise that means I am sanctioned by law to operate under certain copyrights and trademarks. And revenue sharing is just that, the league essentially taxes each team and redistributes it so that the weaker teams can afford competitive wages for their players

why am I even responding you're just some dickhead who wants to sound smart and look cool in front of the europeans
>NFL franchises only keep 60% of their gate receipts. The remainder goes to a "generic pot." The Frenchman was correct.

You're wrong, the generic pot is for merchandise, national TV revenue, and national sponsorships ([Brand] is a proud sponsor of the NFL), i.e. things that affect every team. Teams still keep most of their stadium profits and team sponsorships. So a team with a huge stadium and large fanbase that sells lots of tickets will make more money than a lower market team and the owner gets to keep that money. All teams have to at least have enough money to cover certain expenses, which includes staff/player salaries.
linked wrong post
that scottish girl looks sickly
>For example, the baseball player Babe Ruth was famously sold from the Boston Red Sox to their rivals New York Yankees for $100,000 in 1920 and they regretted it for the next 84 years.

Curse of the Bambino! Can any Europeans tell me if there has ever been a transfer this stupid in soccer? Like did Real Madrid ever sell a top 10 GOAT player to Barcelona?
Barcelona sold Luis Figo to Real Madrid
>Your team still keeps its profits, there's only a limit on how much they can spend on players
>Teams still keep most of their stadium profits
You've moved the goalposts. NEXT!

The NFL gives welfare to weaker franchises. If you want to support this, fine, but I'm against it. I've been against it long before Europeans took any interest in the NFL or NBA.
I think the salary cap and drafting is fine for start-ups and growing leagues. I think MLS should eventually take out the salary cap after it's grown a larger and more dedicated fanbase that could survive and tolerate the imbalance that the inflow of cash would bring.
So keeping your ticket sales, concession, team sponsorships, local TV deals isn't keeping your profit? You got BTFO senpai, teams keep whatever is unique to them, the NFL takes what affects all teams. The Cleveland Browns don't make money off the Cowboys ticket sales, the Rams don't make money off Gillette sponsoring the Patriots. All teams make money off the Visa sponsorship, all teams make money off merchandise sale because Nike sponsors the NFL not individual teams. You don't know what you're talking about.
Socialism in this case serves the purpose of the sport providing entertainment which is the primary purpose.
Bruh I'll repeat myself. Teams keep only 60% of gate receipts. Done bumping this thread after this post.
This is quite literally Communism.
it's also INCORRECT, just read the wikipedia on the NFL
Daily reminder that NFL is a single entity, as defended by NFL itself before the United States of America Supreme Court, highest court of America's judicial system

>The NFL’s argument was rather straight-forward: It claimed that it is not a collection of 32 individual teams, but rather a single entity. NFL lawyer Gregg H. Levy made the argument that as "long as the NFL clubs are members of a unit; if they compete as a unit in the entertainment marketplace ... they should be deemed a single entity" and not subject to antitrust law.

Amerifats ITT BTFO
>3 years in a row of Warriors vs Cavs
>patriots in AFCCG every year

So much for the parity
They needed to fund a fucking play so they traded the greatest player ever away. Why did I become a fan I'll
Never know.....
>6 hours later
nice to see you go to sleep thinking about america and then wake up thinking about america again
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Literally nothing in this post is correct.

I can't decide if you're a high level troll or just really, really stupid.
that is illegal. nice of you to take /pol/ memes as fact tho.
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just answering to your troll by a banter
>its actually one of the most interesting side aspects of the sport.

Used to be for a while, now it's just telenovela tier wankery.

>Oh no, Macacoinho Jr. liked Buttboyz United's post on Instagram and threw a shitfit during training! Hurr what does this all mean???
So Muricanos never felt when some Moldova team beats French team in Europa League?
good post
>a fucking frog just making shit up and getting it completely wrong
>yuro mudslimes nod their heads in agreement and jerk each other off
Everyone outside of America is literally clinically retarded. I don't know why we allow you to exist.

The average American athlete earns a metric fuckton more than the average soccer player since America doen't have a similar ecosystem of tiny clubs whose main attraction are jogging pants and a Schengen visa.
it was literally demonstrated by >>77429219 that besides memeBA, association football players are the highest paid sportsmen
Here's your (you)
Entire post is bullshit.
based finland
>a trade organization classified as a single entity, through some bizarre twist of rationalization, means that the NFL is less competitive than Random Sand Nigger #472 Buys Everyone League

youre a fucking idiot stick to your soccer threads
Care to explain this? Your country seems to be World Champ at it
Kek even with all of this godam Patriots have been winning for the last 15 years at 'heroball'
American leagues are cartels, single entity doesn't own all the teams. Players make their contracts with teams. Teams trade players, player rights and draft picks all the time.

Only one of your critique has any merit, lack of promotion and relegation combined with draft system is corrupted incentive that leads occasionally to deliberate tanking to get better position in draft and occasionally stupid looking player sales.
>Sometimes 2 franchises will exchange players, like 2 McDonald's "restaurants" will exchange emloyees.

thank you for putting it in terms I can understand!
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