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/rug/ - Good Guys of NZ Rugby™ Edition

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Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 57

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>Fri 14 July
19:35 Highlanders v Reds, Dunedin
21:45 Rebels vs Jaguares, Melbourne

>Sat 15 July
5:00 Kings vs Cheetahs, Port Liz
15:05 Sunwolves vs Blues, Tokyo
17:15 Chiefs vs Brumbies, Hamilton
19:35 Hurricanes vs Poosaders, Wellington
21:45 Force vs Waratahs, Perth

>Sun 16 July
3:15 Sharks vs Lions, Durban
5:30 Bulls vs Stormers, Pretoria

*all times RWCT*
Gentle reminder I could heem everyone here
>poozillian pooshitzu

Nice meme
Reminder that if gentlepeen met a kiwi irl he'd be unable to make eye contact.
He's going to cower under the table in tokyo when I walk in to the meet up
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Reminder not to shit up another thread.
Mitre10: who's your team lads?
>not learning BJJ
enjoy getting heemed
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Forgot this.
Looks like Blues are getting shafted by the fucked conf system again
Based of Plenty
Force have 5 times as many wins as the Rebels but will still probably get kicked out
Round 18, I beg your pardon.
Kings have won 5 of the last 7, and have beaten the Bulls, Sharks and Jaguares.
>get kicked out
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Captain Kirk's about to fuck Wonder Woman lads.

They hate us cause they ain't us.
How many Kiwi lasses were hospitalised last night?
Haha yeah good one mate.

*pisses on you*
I heard the vibrations from the beatings cause Crushedcurch to fall apart again
>taking your wife to hospital
haha good one mate

Haha salt amirite? Have an upboat from me.
thanks lad
But I think we're all seething a little bit after the draw and that ref

but the ref was correct mate :)
Are French refs the reason rugby is dying up north?
I wouldn't find rugby enjoyable if all I got was that shit all season long
It's dying in club level despite all the money
It's dying at national level cause of the shit coach and his tactics/playing style
Maybe on that call but the frog refs have atrocious
I'd still be seething over a draw if the refs were decent
Loins. Going to be yet another fun season.
Might make a booking at the French Cafe so I can yell at the staff
might finally be going back to the gym tomorrow lads

that's strange i'm joining a new gym tomorrow as well
are you me?
starting back at same gym, just been out for months because of an injury lad

keen to get back into it?
Somebody spot me
When seething saffa spots you, you're getting your ass beaten son.
Feel sorry for the Aussies and Saffers who are going to have to bear the brunt of Kiwi frustration in TRC. They will know what it's like to be a Kiwi wife, poor fuckers :(
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I wouldn't trust him to spot me. His little arms cant comprehend the tin I'm throwing around
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watch out m8 hes coming to get you after hes done with your mum
Well played
Yes, I have a group of mates now to motivate and spot me, which have always been my biggest hurdles
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Aotearoan wives need to be saved. Where's UN Security Council to approve an international mission to intervene against NZ on domestic violence?
ye good lad, you'll be right
It's not about motivation mate, it's about discipline.
c-cheers l-lad
well now I have people to shame me if i flunk out
My biggest problem is food though, I've no idea of what to eat. I know the general foods to eat but it's recipes and preparation i'm shit at
Why do Kiwis always express things as being like 'kissing your sister'?

What kind of cultural norms and shared experiences do they have in the antipodes...
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Kinda humourous, I matched with Jonathan Joseph's ex gf on bumble lel


Hasn't messaged me tho so she'll probably expire
Rubbish taste huebro. I suggest you change teams

What the fuck is this?
what was it
2005 - Ryan Jones (probably)
2009 - Jamie Roberts
2013 - Leigh Halfpenny
2017 - Jonathan Davies

Noticing a trend here lads
>5th in the 6 nations

Notice a trend here lads

they are all male
That's an anomaly not a rend
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white males
fuck itoju
Why doesn't Davies play like that for Wales.
booty hole
kiwis are up.
Hurricanes play this weekend boys.
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Wanna liberate right one tbqhwy Joao
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I had a kiwi on the same airplane as me one time. Does that make me a kiwi too?
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Ban the haka.

Or at least let the opposing team do drills to keep warm. This is test rugby, inches and seconds matter. New Zealenders are utter precious faggots for pretending that its just muh culture. Its to gain an unfair advantage by having a team stand cold to suffer your shit jungle monkey jig.

Get fucked you miserable cunts.
based dane
>not having a haka equivalent in your culture
The only reason a country would have a Baka equivalent is because colonisation failed.
business idea:

all blacks are only allowed to play 14 men from now on
Analysis of the haka and the All Blacks performance in the first 20mins has shown the the haka is actually detrimental to the All Blacks. They make more mistakes from being over hyped from having adrenaline coursing through their veins meaning they they need a period to calm down and settle in the first 20 mins of the game. Banning the haka would increase their performance and do more good than harm to the All Blacks game.
There is no legal requirement for teams to line up and face the haka and Aussie has done what you are talking about before iirc. What you will find is outside the Rugby Championship teams they want the experience of facing off against the haka.
Analyse this
*shakes dick in ur face*
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Fiji qualified to WC as Oceania 1. Group D with Australia, Wales, Georgia, Fiji and Americas 2 (Uruguay or Canada).
t. Asks pasty white kiwis over and over again to do a haka when he meets one in a pub


To add NZ is not the only country to do a haka equivalent but it is only ever the haka that people talk about banning. I see no positives from doing the haka and it would be banned if it wasn't a selling point for NZRU and IRB.
never ever reply to me again unless you've won a lions tour within the last 10 years
I haven't even been posting and you are still worried about me.

Don't worry.
Your time will come soon, boy
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Don't reply to me every again unless your national side has made it to the semi finals for the RWC in the last 3 years
Man I managed to fuck that up didn't I
It's alright lads we know kiwis are illiterate
>It's alright lads, we know kiwis are illiterate.
>expecting people to put effort into spelling and grammar on a Northern Australian Cork hat enthusiast forum
Yeah true lad true
Reminder that immigration is good for europe
I migrated my dick in to your mum's arse.
gas all scarlets fans
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france were fined for confronting the haka desu
They crossed the halfway or 10m line or something line didn't they. The All Blacks use to advance during the haka and got fined as well and had to stop.
I was thinking more about a couple of Aussie way back when that went and did warm up drills rather than face the haka.
Actually they faced the haka, then did drills after it for about a minute while the all blacks were standing there waiting to kick off. I think they got told off for time wasting.
Oh, and needless to say the kiwi media was absolutely fucking seething about it.
it happened in part because it was against nz and caused offence because they didnt just stand there and take it.
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92nd for Hurricanes
>Malakai Fekitoa is almost certainly out of the picture after apparently signing with Toulon in France

another shit player getting shipped to the french gulag lads
Australian schoolboys champions final:

ACT 30 - QLD II 16

Australian schoolboys third place playoff:

QLD I 29 - NSW I 24

Number of players in Australian schoolboy team:

NSW: 11
QLD: 6
ACT: 2
WA: 1

Fuck New South Wales.
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Which one should be the next Prime Minister of New Zealand?
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Strong muscular post
here is your mail john keye....
>the old start having rankings 15 minutes after Australia's most dominant period ends scam

Yes ah well done England congratulations on being shit for 13 years

he will fit right in with the other rugby criminals we've shipped over there lad.
Where is the Mitre 10 Cup /rugbru/ ??
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Christ sake, we will never get to that status again
>a bunch of Aucklanders on the news saying the loved the move to chch an it was the best choice of their lives
Jafas exposed 2bh
Make one m8

Business must be booming at the dairy lad.
I'm not a cantab and I am very white so I would have a clue.
They're lying.
Crushedchurch is a dump.
They confirmed:
Pretty much all of NZ > Canterbury > Auckland > Hamilton (Auckland 2.0) > Tauranga (Auckland lite for old people)

>Being this mad

Let me guess, you forgot your passport and the border agents at the Bombay's sent you back to Hobbiton to go and get it.
Tauranga > *

To be honest.
KEK mad as fuck

Elite geographical knowledge
I'm not mad at all, I'm just laughing that Aucklanders confirmed that Auckland is worse than a big rubble and debris pile
For +65's sure
first day back at the gym lads
How was it?
What did you hit?
first day back on the eggs lads
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>Uncle beats up aunty after we lose the rugby
ayy rugby made me fit

feels good
it was good
just a session getting back used to everything and seeing if I could hit my old targets
Doing SS 5x5 again
GOMAD for dinner?
make sure it's raw milk like are lad eric
But you are constantly upset about Auckland. Borderline obsession.
I got my 5x5s up to 100kg (well, 90 squat and row, 100 bench, 110 dead) last year then quit. I shudder to think how little I'd be able to lift now.
No wait I could squat 100, but couldn't row 100.
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>90 kg squat
>110 kg deadlift
>100 kg bench
based t.rex
yeah I don't pretend to be he-man on the internet.
Ravioli and chicken breast :^)
Yeah i've lost a bit of strength, not that i'd made much progress anyway
what i mean is that you are benching as much if not slightly less than you squat, and just less than you deadlift bre
Oh and I'm gunna get some recipes tomorrow that help me hit my calorie goals and finally learn how to cook
Things are looking up lad s
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>Rugby: Malakai Fekitoa having second thoughts on overseas move
That system is really good if you stay at it and keep going up in increments.
You mean my squats and deads are light right? My knees can't handle massive squats. Made of glass.
>tfw my wrists are fucked from playing piano so i cant lift for a while
hopefully going to gym tonight if i get my membership renewed in time today

on the agena
>weight step ups
>pull ups
>bench press
>hanging leg raises

Tauranga > Southern France
Don't forget farmer walks with a couple of plates up and down the stairs lad.
yeah, or that your bench is insanely heavy. usually lads are hitting around 130-140 kg squat when they hit 100 kg bench, but your knees obviously explain that
Maybe you should use your muscles instead?
Is playing piano code for jerking off relentlessly?
I've done A LOT more bench ans shoulder presses than squats and deads. I used to be terrified of squats and deads. Back and knees.
piano is your mums hooker name
haha yeah mate classic.

*pisses on you*
yeah i'll give them a try, dont know if i'll be able to hold on very well though
>comment on a news segment about ex-Aucklanders
nice moon tonight lads haha
My mum died in 2015.
And she was a teacher, not a prostitute.
Check this moon out

*shits on you*
weak meme adaption m8
haha yeah mate better luck next time

*pisses on you*
sorry to hear that
I fucked her to death haha
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that's what i plan on doing. Tracking my progress in writing and slowly getting stronger
please *dabs* our sport
*does a haka*
What the fuck

Are you meme'ing or is this for real?
>being a back

Jesus you cunts are such fucking memes.
What gym are you going to lad I'll spot you and dangle my balls on ur forehead.
She certainly taught me a thing or two about sex.
>Australian """"""""""banter"""""""""

I'm off, Kiwibro's
Have fun
>you on the right
Did you read any of the posts or just storm in spewing shit?
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So who are the losers of the tour? Who do you expect has negatively impacted their prospects?

For me it's SBW (pbuh), Jordie and beauden.

I think people will be a lot less sure of the Barretts in the future - a bit of the gloss has come off. SBW is done as an AB.

Winners are ALB and laumape who look like they could potentially be around for the next 10 years.
Need a YUGE superbru round to get back in the running lads. Any hot tips?
NZ is taking it as a loss.
Britain and Ireland are taking it as a win.
it'll be good to see the backs of Fekitoa and Cruden tßh. Hope Savea is gone too. it's Rieko's time now.
Jordie was the best player for NZ. It was a good debut.

Nobody played particularly bad. I think that Savea and Whitelock went missing.
SBW won the game for the Poos and played pretty damn well in the first test. The card in the second test will not have harmed his chances of playing. Jordie played his second match and first start in a series decider against the Lions as a 20 year old and came out as MOTM, setting up a try and scoring another. In his first season of professional play. Worst Barrett was exposed a bit, but is still better than any other 10 in the country. Savea played well outside of a single drop five minutes in that would not have decided that match, unlike people seem to be set on yapping on about.

TJ was the biggest loser. He doesn't play great with Cruden and he's an absolute fuckwit sometimes. Him standing there at the back of the scrum appealing for a penalty rather than just picking it up and playing it in the final few minutes of the game was the biggest deciding factor in the end.
Sunwolves to edge out the Blues.
Canes to beat the cumguzzlers 13+
Beaudie, Perenara, Fatvea
Laumape, R. Ioane, Jordie
Hot tips, not givens.
Biggest winner was Soap because now he'll actually get to play.
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rugby was the winner m8.

But seriously, NZ got to blood new players and your squad got three tests of high pressure game time before the WC.


eh? Seen a lot worse first test performances.

Beauden can't kick but neither could Larkham.
yeah Jordie was a good debut, don't know wtf he's on about.
people forget manlet barrett was never a good kicker
He was bad, then he got good in 2016 because he worked on it, and that's why the Hurricanes won.

The Hurricanes wont win this year though.
they won because the landers got fucked by travel to be frank
And why did they get fucked by travel? Because they lost to the Reds.

haha yeah mate

*pisses on you*

There used to be a video of the kicks on youtube but it's been taken down for copyright. What happened to him?

>losers of the tour?

SBW, Cruden, Faumuina, Crockett, Franks, Fekitoa, S.Barrett, Fatvea, TJ Pooinara.

>Winners of the tour?

J.Barrett, ALB, Laumape, Cane (much as it pains me to say), R.Ioane,
>Cane (much as it pains me to say)
Love it when people get chiefspilled
reminder i was right about smith starting
Too bad Memekenzie won't be getting a run on any time this year.

He'll never get another run in the black jersey lad.
Once Dagg's hairline recedes to the point that he's basically bald the selectors might realise that he's getting a bit too old to be an exciting player. Duffie will probably take over by then though.
He will when Lankensteins knees blow out from being too tall to play fullback
I totally forgot about Dagg, I think he was a loser from the tour too. He didnt make any big mistakes but I think he was lacking.

NMS should have been picked for the 3rd.
NMS has been injured for the last two seasons and has barely played. Based CJ would have been a better selection over him.
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>6'5" so no need to jump for the ball
>knees will blow out
the elite pick would have been Duffie
I love that NZ's stocks are so full that players of NMS & Duffie's calibre get forgotten about completely in positional discussions.
Matt Duffie could unironically heem the fuck out of Jordie Fagget.
elite tackle attempt
jordie would have pretended to slip over so he didnt hurt himself

>What is 40kg difference.
>too tall to play fullback

Afl players unironically make staunch fullbacks.
That was a Damien "flick my wrists at them as a tackle attempt" MemeKensie tier tttt
One arm up for the "attempt" of a tackle and the other covering his internal organs because he knows he can't take him down
>losers of the tour?

Lolstalia, Blacfrkacans

>Winners of the tour?

AB's piggy bank (soon to be rectified, the Unions don't like Foreign Aid) .
first day back at gym was good lads, a LOT weaker over that 3 months off though lmao
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>doesn't go gym for 2 months
>can only do 4 pull ups

so fast
i tried to do pull ups and managed two tonight, used to be able to do about 10 and this was 3 months ago when i weighed more than i do now.

you'll bounce back lad, happens a lot faster when youve been there before
>looking at moving to japan
>need a visa
>requirements for visa include a degree
for fuck sake
apparently they're not fucking anymore so it'll soon be a depopulated nation and then they'll let the foreign hordes in
There's plenty of ways to work around that and a lot of the time a degree won't even be required.
Easiest way is to become an English teacher over there, you'll have dozens of companies wanting to sponsor you and they'll take care of everything if you work for them. Obviously that takes a level of confidence though to teach people and potentially speak in front of entire rooms.
Another way is to get a working visa first, work there for a year then ask for a permanent residency.
Learning the language is far more important and it will open up shitloads of job offers if you're native English speaking too.

Or just do a shitty two year degree for the qualification, doesn't matter what, any degree counts.
no muzzies pls

thx faam, I definitely wouldn't make a good teacher but at least there's hope

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If Scotland's success is linked to them having aesthetically pleasing kits, then they are fucked.
Jesus fuck why would you change such a nice jersey to that shit?
Macron have just decided to be stupid I guess
blue shorts?

don't mind a splash of purple but these are ugly
>pride to show submission to Westminster
what does violet have to do with Westminster?
Red symbolizing England and blue symbolizing N. England. Violet was the colour of NO campaign in 2014.
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Even with glass knees, that is extremely disproportionate, especially when you consider the fact that DL and Squats don't just target isolated muscles, they work much more than just your legs.

Only @ me when you get some intelligence, otherwise shut up
I've heard there's companies and businesses that specifically hire foreigners too like bars/pubs, restaurants etc
Knowledgeable post
So, just to get this straight, the absolute worst poster on /rug/, who got bullied off /cric/ and scurried here to glean scraps of attention from BSKs, is now telling said BSKs not to reply to his posts?
I'm awake.
I bet you his squat form was poop too
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Opinions on it?
American rugby is terrible and they'll do very poorly a la Sunwolves.
So we'll have Italians, Saffas and Murricans in our league.
*dabs respectfully towards the blues*
r u g b y
Germany wants a team in league
Slam the cunts in our league too Pro20 by 2021
Get rid of the British teams and it'll be better
Uh sweetie, we just won a lions tour 1-1.
Ummmm that was Wales sweetie
Lads holding in a massive Wales
gonna practise my dabs on the toilet
kiwi culture was a mistake
Accepting the /cric/ refugees was a mistake
Accepting them wasn't a mistake. The mistake was that you immediately took on their culture rather than holding on to your own. You're basically white New zealanders.
Excuse me. I haven't touched one of their "memes". Don't blame this shit on the core kiwi /rug/ it's the lions casuals and the /cric/ refugees imo.
rugby when
>Lions player Kyle Sinckler was reportedly arrested after a night out in Auckland.

Good lad, probably arrested for smashing some kiwi skulls
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>Frenchman Jerome Garces will return to officiate two All Blacks matches in Rugby Championship

who fucking schedules these garbage refs?
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>the phonecall that saved the championship
Which two?
first one vs Australia in Sydney and the second to last against SA in Capetown
Garces is a quality ref
>in b4 sonny bill dindu nuffin
rugby idea: make referees wear noise cancelling headphones so they won't get influenced by the crowd
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On this episode of Police Ten 7
you now remember matt pioneering his use of the term "ball sacks" only for the wallabies to get BTFO in the RWC
Wouldn't be problem in Australia considering no one goes to matches anymore
>player screaming in agony for play to stop
yeah surprisingly no one wants to spend $70+ dollars a ticket to watch cunts who have less heart than 4th grade weekend warriors

The fact that you remember that, or know the poster who did it by name makes it seem like you are absolutely seething years later.
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Remember Cheikavellian
kek, hello Fatt
still a "supporter" of the philadephia eagles?
People don't go to matches against shitters like Italy and Scotland. They will still be packed against the ABs in Brisbane, especially considering the bledisloe will be on the line.
kek it will not. there will be a sizeable crowd but i doubt it'll be a sellout.
WHEN will he reveal his endgame bros??!!
His end game is to win the 2019 Rugby Championship? Because he has no hope in the RWC
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skuxx deluxe

>waah french refs meme

yeah alright cunt, the crusaders lost a game, can we move on and stop pretending this has ever been even remotely close to a thing for nz rugby
Crusaders are shit m8

scummy indian infested rubble pile that should fuck off
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Mate no one knows what the fuck you're talking about. Back to your cric bomb shelter you faggot.

Gonna drop a g on a wobs 2-1 win at a cool $17.

Everyone but you is welcome to a drink when I get my payout.
Christchurch was actually lovely pre earthquake
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that shirt is an abomination .
Sodom was probably pretty OK before god put an end to it too.
have you seen their draw to the semis? unless they shit the bed it's as easy the AB's.
ALL part of the plan
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Jesus fuck. That girl has altogether way too much self esteem.
Good post.
Awful post.
>tfw you will never be a cute girl and dress up in slutty clothes to support your team
She knows that feel.
You can if you like :)
unironically having soup for lunch lads
>Ben Te'o (born 27 January 1987 in New Zealand) is a professional rugby union player who currently plays for Worcester Warriors and represents England at international level as his mother was born and raised in England. He previously played rugby league for the Wests Tigers, Brisbane Broncos and South Sydney Rabbitohs, represented Samoa at international level and Queensland in the State of Origin series.

>He plays at outside centre for England, and made his international starting debut on 26 February 2017, against Italy during the six nations.
The definition of a mercenary lel

Based fucking Matt. The GOAT rugby poster.
Good posts.
Both me.
Cheers bro

Excellent post


Terrible post

Post Rating is ALWAYS done with a positive and a negative lad. Please sharpen up.
thanks means a lot
good post

excellent post

All Blacks BTFO'D
>Simnikiwe Xabanisa
Is this why you got bullied off /cric/?

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
From the comments section:

"To be honest the "real" Ab fans that was actually born in nz generally humble. Then again you get those chest beating ,Toyota sprinter driving cape crusaders that make any NZ supporter look bad."

KEK even South Africans who comment on Sport24 articles think cumgayders fans are scum.
Fuck it's good to be a New Zealander.
Cape crusaders are saffers who support NZ over SA, long before super rugby
To be honest, I think he is referencing the coloureds who support the Cumsaders, there are a shitload of them in Cape Town whom all jumped on the bandwagon when they just kept on winning.

They still think they're scum.
Are they worse than actual poosaders?
They're bandwagoners so yes
>Then you see it on social media and at pubs, when their bastard fans verbally pat you on the head patronisingly for having the temerity to think your team (in this case the Boks) may beat their all-conquering team in about 10 years’ time.

now this is seething
About to start a bar of Cadbury Caramilk™.
When will Whitakers release their next special edition lads? Might write into them and suggest they make it Springboks supporters tears flavoured.
They need to make Rocky Road to the World Cup™
When you get down to it a crusader is really just another word for bandwagoner. The pope was all "hey Imma go fuck up the Middle East" and then all the crusaders were like "omfg yes, give me your cummies sky daddy, I love the Middle East".
It would make my life if New Zealand got bumped in the pool stage by RSA and Italy. Would literally be one of the greatest moments in sporting history.

Rugby was more fun when the ABs were perennial RWC choke artists.
now now, all good things come to an end. The longer we get to gloat the harder you can rub it in

Everytime I fuck ur mum she's a choke artist m7+1
Wasn't too bad actually. I fucking hate cadbury. Wish Whittakers made their butterscotch caramel one in a large block, not those fancy thin ones.
Yeah she told me the smell of your unkempt butthole made her gag.
Just looked up that Caramilk thing and it looks quite tasty, have you ever tried Galaxy before lad?
She still ate it out though. And boy oh boy did it feeel goooooooooooooooooood.
My 65 year old mother eating your butthole felt good? Seek help.
Nah don't think we have it
>being nearly 40 and still being on 4chan

"Seek help."
Based Hawkz
Time to watch the boys on The Breakdown have a breakdown.
if we lose a match to italy we deserve it to be honest
>Waisake Naholo to decide between Highlanders and Chiefs

fuck the queefs
>women stop being able to have children when they turn 25

The internet had ruined you. I hope that you find the joy that has escaped you I n life when you finally embrace death.
>he was birthed when his mother was older than 30

Thanks for admitting you have autism.
Chiefs threepeat incoming
>his mother has no career and gave up on life, resigning herself to an eternity of barefoot child rearing when she gave birth to her large brown disappointment of a son

Thanks for admitting you grew up poor


>accusing the person who had outwitted you at every turn of being autistic

Cunt if I'm autistic your poor family must have heard they were giving away free vaccines and asked that they give you 15 of each flavour.
Mouthful of cashews then off to the gym lads.
The only brown thing around here is your mums mouth from licking my butthole
>comfortably growing up in a one income household
Usually it's the 2 parent income households that are the poor ones tttt. They can't sacrifice an income to raise children until they are old enough for schooling.
>Rugby was more fun when the ABs were perennial RWC choke artists.

We need France. They turn up for Le Crunch or at home the AB's now and then but they used to be a more consistent force in beating the top 4.

They've just brought in central contracts (1/2mill per player) and will probably bat England in the WC but they won't win it. Country is fucked.
Think its over there, could be mistaken though, I would have just presumed seeing as it is an English brand.

Its pretty damn goat, perfect snack for when I wanna feel like a forward
Feed the backs
>making up total bullshit to convince yourself you won an argument

You've lost your marbles Benjamin.

>Loses his marbles

What the FUCK is his endgame??
Reminder that Gentlepleb was born to a woman over the age of 30. This likely means he is autistic.

Furthermore, if his mother was unable to find a mate until that age she must have been very ugly, so it is safe to assume he inherited her ugly genes.

Gentlepleb is literally a fugly autist in his 30s that spends his life sucking up to BSK's on the rugby section of an anime image sharing site.

The fucking state of this man.
Kek, mentalpleb btfo

Multiply all this by 1.5 and you have that human shitstain from south afrikek.
And we heard it all from the horse's mouth. He really thought we wouldn't piece it all together. What a fucking idiot.
Gonna go ahead and save that.
She was probably over 40 to be fair, or at least very close to it
My mum was 31 when she had me
Kek. Stay rattled.
Lmao he thought he was being funny with that 65 year old mother comment, but he was actually exposing himself to us all
Mine was 24

Actually, that's not necessarily true. We have roughly 3 different possible scenarios.

1. Gentlepleb was born in his mother's 20s, which means he is 40ish years old. KEK.

2. He was born in his mum's 30s and he is also in his 30s. KEK

3. He was born when his mum was in her 40s, which would mean he is almost surely an autist but only in his 20s.
Lmao, put your trip back on Shitsprouter and stay shook, you delusional abomination
will gentle penis ever recover?
Until he personally tells us which is true, I will assume the middle is correct.

Based Saffa.
Look at the state of his behaviour and posting. He's obviously on the spectrum, so he's in his 20s. It's unfortunate that this is the most likely, because it's the least kekworthy.
>literally the most famous person on /rug/
>never name fagged
>grew my brand organically, one devastated kiwi at a time

It's fucking incredible that one man could shape a nation's entire ethos just by getting kiwis literally furious. Thinking about calling myself the rainbow warrior from now on.
Probably because you're a tripflag. Literally the only aussie in /rug/ until that other guy showed up for the Lions tour.

If you really were organic, you would have proxied as a kiwi.

Dumbarse. I created you by spamming you in threads last year because I admired your attitude and the fact that you made most of /rug/ seethe.

I regret this deeply; I meant to simply pester /rug/, not release a plague upon them.
>proud of minor /rug/ notoriety
>encourages cancer
>surprised when it becomes such a massive problem
Idiotic to say the least
>Imagine being this obsessed with your online image on an anonymous imageboard.

Autism is confirmed.
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Why would anyone buy a poonasonic anything to hang out with Pooden Pissrat

If you can truly bench 100 x5 you should have at least 160 dead?
Consider going inna bush and doing soduku
One look at this post and I already know this is /cric/ tier autism. Please go back
Obvious daniel post
I will not be reading this
Didn't read lol
This has to be Daniel. It simply HAS to be.
Based Daniel, enjoying reading about your self-diagnosed depression and the failure to your family that you have become in the /cric/ thread.

Keep the monologues up!
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Is this Canterbury autist? Tell the truth please.
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So you took a fat shit all over /rug/, and now you want us to clean up after you?

Fuck off.
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Ho Lee Fuk, just looked at the last 5 games NZ have been involved in, notice something about the first 10 minutes of every match? (HINT: THE REF DECiSIONS).

>tfw the nz ref meme wasn't a meme
What are you bllubbering on about then?
okay, this could go viral, im going to shop together the last 10 AB's games' first 10 minutes (speeded up).
Ok so how long will this take? I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
ages, give me three days. every single one of them has the ref completely one way.
Not interested
Must be nice being unemployed
Like I said, I meant to pester /rug/. I didn't like the way the community was so kiwi-centric. All the foreigners here just sucked the dick of the NZ posters and I thought that was very sad.

I chose Ben to be the personality to push for a number of reasons, chief among them his defiant personality. He wasn't a beta like most of the other posters here, and I thought he could shake things up a bit.

At first it appeared that I made a good choice, but in recent times he has let the thrill of minor stardom get to his head, and he has become the worst poster here by a comfortable margin.

Gentleben and I (by proxy) succeeded in changing the structure of /rug/. Unfortunately, I made a miscalculation and missed my target. I "overshot" in a sense, and turned /rug/ into a worse community than it previously was.

Kiwis no longer get the respect they deserve around here, and the foul attitude displayed by Northern Hemisphere posters during the Lions Tour is a perfect example of this. I know not how much responsibility I have for this shift in /rug/'s ethos, nor how much blame I should take, but I know that I am deeply sorry for ruining our community.

I ask not for forgiveness, but that the good posters of /rug/ will cooperate in an attempt to reverse the cataclysm I have brought upon them.
If you ever find the front door to your house unlocked after your mum/carer leaves remember this:
They want you to go outside and play in traffic to end the burden you have become to them.
rather watch my wife shit that read these posts lads
I can think of several anti-NZ biases in the last 3 games all that favoured the opposition during the first 10 minutes or is that what your getting at?
what?! seriously, watch from as a neutral point of view as possible, this is unreal. i will pin it up on the video each way.
From a neutral standpoint I am telling you, you are wrong.

Officiating for those 3 tests was sub-par at the best of times
your obsession is unreal m8
>setting a lineout
>ref tells lions players to stand on the lion
>tells them to get back again
>prepares to throw as the lions all cross the line they were told to stand behind (this is a penalty to NZ but not awarded)
>throw was straight/slightly towards the lions which is fair (penalty to the lions awarded later)
>No whistle from ref initially
>knock on off lions (NZ scrum not awarded)
>30s or so of scrambling for the ball
>ref then awards the lions a penalty
He saw a penalty for NZ that he had warned the lions of, chose not to award it, saw a penalty for the lions, chose not to award it, saw the lions fuck up, and then decided to award the penalty after a fairly long period of time. But sure this is NZ bias all refs suck our dicks.

I deleted it because the posters here declined my plea. I do not blame them, but they must now save /rug/ without my help.
Do you count ignoring lions players being off side as a bias for or against NZ?
Here's an idea. Delete yourself.
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Players with massive amounts of talent but poorly managed?
He's wank as well, why people think he was good for the Loins is beyond me.
>most offloads
>4th highest carries
>3rd highest metres made
>most clean breaks
>2nd highest defenders beaten
>hurr he wuz bad
To put it in perspective
>more offloads than davies
>more carries than davies
>more metres than davies
>more clean breaks than davies
>more defenders beaten than davies
Against midweek opposition. His stats in the first test were appalling. He's a flat track bully
any good reaction images to come out of the tour lads?
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good season desu
I'm awake.
The Lions.
The hilarious (and pathetic) thing is, you actually believe anyone has noticed you and actually believe anyone gives a fuck who you are. You need to take this "narrative" garbage back to /cric/ or /nrl/ or whichever shithole spawned you. Your aping of the Aussie culture of being a "personality" and now revealing your "endgame" just doesn't translate here. On the rare occasion you might noticed, we would just think you're a loser. This aping behaviour suggests you are statschink, but who the fuck knows or cares.
tldr tbqhwyf
Nothing to do with you 2bh. Pipe down.
>most autistic kiwi in a long time
>during the casual increase and /cric/ refugee crisis
>massive autistic posts
>fucking reddit spacing to top it off
Kill yourself my dude. No one will miss you here or even notice your gone.
Awful post.
Excellent posts.
Italian teams should combine
Cheetahs and Kings should combine
Let them stay in/join Pro12 like that
Keeps the Pro12 as 12 teams and makes them both more competitive, plus reduces the away trips made.
A Pro16 shall be the future more visible. Two uMzantsi afrikan teams, a unitedstatian team hosted in Washington DC confirmed for 2018 and a probable german team.
Snow didn't settle lads
still got a gram of the stuff on my desk from last weekend Tbh
Got plenty of hail all over the lawn this morning.
Fiji are confirmed as Oceania 1. They join pool D of RWC19 with Aus, Wales and Georgia with Canada more than likely to join them in time.
>tfw support every team in our group
Danny Cipriani
Quade Cooper (although he's just a fucking ass)
Gavin Henson
Tom Varndell
Mathieu Bastareaud
Jamie Roberts. Was a promising outside centre/fullback but in 2009 was turned into a bosher (which he was admittedly good at), which meant he was over the hill by 2013 and totally useless by 2016. He's 31 but plays like he's 40
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Gatland actually got his shit together in 2008 and he was back GOAT for a season.
Also bearded, punished Henson is best Henson
Highly doubt the Saffa teams will combine, Italian teams should combine though, why the fuck do they have two teams, when both are shit?
Do you actually live on Jersey lad?
Rupeni Caucaunibuca
>Stephen Jones
>Shane Williams
>Ryan Jones
>Martyn Williams

that 05-08 core of Welsh players were fun as fuck
Your golf course is great, played it once or twice when I still lived in the UK
Which one? Somehow we have 3
Was French sounding, Les Melles or something I think, extremely picturesque
What's it like living in a baliwick?
No different to living in a Commonwealth.
Yeah Les Mielles, apparently it is a nice course, I've never played golf though.
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Just had a thought lads, can Jerome kaino and sonny william Williams still enjoy the great taste of whittaker's full eighty seeing as neither of them played for a full eighty minutes?
RugbyHeaven has been godawful for some years now, ever since Greg Growden left. Should I move to PlanetRugby, Rugby365, or some other site?
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Just having a cheeky late night bath lads.
4chan /rug/
Woah that's a big penis
Pretty oddly shaped and strangely coloured though.
Fiji could feasibly beat any of those sides. Could be a dece tournament for them.
Highlanders are resting A and B Smith for their game against the Reds.

Can't wait until they get touched up for this decision.
they beat the lions without the smiths m8
And the Lions lost to the brumbies who the reds beat last week.
but they lost to the crusaders who the lions beat
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snug as a bug in a /rug/
So did the highlanders.
but the highlanders beat the lions

tic tac toe m8
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Like I said, I meant to pester /rug/. I didn't like the way the community was so euro-centric. All the kiwis here just had no culture and had to suck the dick of euro posters and I thought that was sad.

I chose dabbing to be the meme to push for a number of reasons, chief among them its ease of use. It didn't require a lot of effort to dab, and I thought that it could shake things up a bit.

At first it appeared that I made a good choice, but in recent times dab posters have let the thrill of whipping out a mean dab get to their head, and they have become the worst posters here by a comfortable margin.

Dabbing and I (by proxy) succeeded in changing the overall structure of /rug/. Unfortunately, I made a miscalculation and missed my target. I "overdabbed" in a sense, and turned /rug/ into a worse community than it previously was.

Euros no longer get the respect they deserve around here, and the rampant dabbing displayed by kiwi posters during the Lions Tour is a perfect example of this. I know not how much responsibility I have for this shift in /rug/'s ethos, nor how much blame I should take, but I know that I am deeply sorry for ruining our community.

I ask not for forgiveness, but that the good posters of /rug/ will cooperate in an attempt to reverse the cataclysm I have dabbed upon them.

*dabs solemnly*
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"""Resting""" Ben Smith who has had his 20th concussion in 3 years
Not really. This tour was gash compared to the Australian tour.
not concussion
just inner ear problems
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Inner ear problems like bits of his brain keep leaking in to them.
He had a concussion a couple of weeks ago. He will still be resting from that. Doctors interviewed about it said he has reached the point where every concussion will be causing permanent damage to his brain. It is now unironically time for him to retire up north for a juicy paycheque.
his concussion symptoms were caused by an inner ear problem not concussion

he wasnt concussed when he was sent off in the first test
halp pls fagets
bored out of my mind lads
might watch origin tonight
get a gf m8
*dabs the heater on*
Not as ebin as you imagined it'd be, I imagine.
I fully endorse this message
*retracts dab*
Who wants to bet that the autist will come back and start posting shit again, saying that this episode of his was all part of his epic endgame that we all fell for?
By giving it attention, you're literally feeding it oxygen.
Execute All Autist Posters.
Using autism to combat autism.
Avant garde stuff.
The template was harder to work with than expected, a lot more pointless pseudo-intellectual trash than there seemed at first glance.
Well, it was pure drivel. Let's be honest.
It's about dabbing in the rugby thread on a south east asian straw hat making discussion board, what did you expect?
No the original material was pure drivel.
>he doesn't have a passive heat home
Check out my kiwi impression lads.

*Screeches autistically about butting bolognese sauce on toast*
Everything he said we already knew basically. He just said it like a giant faggot. At the very least, it looks like he's pissed off now
Got a theory on that great Romain Poite decision:
>last 6N's France vs Wales
>both sides were playing for the WC draw positions at the time
>Stuart Barnes let the match stretch out to 100+ minutes because he didn't want to have to "decide the game" on a possible contentious call.

Eventually France win the scrum penalty and the game with about eight re-set scrums after a dodgy HIA replacement of a fatigued front rower.

Jerome Garces reminds Poite of this new initiative in his headphones and rewards the scrum penalty.
Seething crushedchurch le endgame shitter isnt dab lad, is he?
>new initiative

after the Scotland v Australia WC debacle.
No I was talking about the Canterbury autist that I've been tracking for a while. That post of his basically confirms my suspicions. I think he must have seen my posts in the last thread and realised that I was onto him so he gave it all up. I literally saved /rug/ lads
I like how we've gone back to NH and NZ barely interacting.
Are YOU *dabs*?
Nah. Don't mind a bit of a dab myself though if I'm being honest
I also confess to a modicum of dabposting. But not usually in the *dabs* format.
You sound just as autistic as the Crushedchurch fuckwit. Don't go thinking youre some super duper detective because you invested time into following some kid around on 4chan.
Who's making the thread.
I'm not inclined atm.
Thought you were pissing off lad
Why would I kill myself?
Because either you're Canterbury autist (KEK), or you're taking his side. Either way, you're pathetic and your parents should have aborted you
Neither. Someone pointing out you're seething can't have led you to that conclusion. And 2bh, you are literally seething.
Better than the cocktouch you're into lad.
at least i don't hide it in the middle of a scrum, buddy
I'm certainly not your buddy.
I'll touch you in a minute
Is Peter Breen playing for Northland this year?
Muscular new thread
*dabs* came about during the summer when I used to post pictures in /cric/ of kids at big bash league games dabbing in the crowd

then vince came along and it blew up
Thread posts: 502
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