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>Chileno decime qué se siente, saber que se te viene el mar

>te juro que aunque te tape el agua, nunca te vamos a ayudar

>Porque vos sos un traidor, vigilante y botón

>nos vendiste en la Guerra por cagón

>Por acá no vengas más, ojalá te tape el mar

>que te ayuden los ingleses a nadar

How do they do it?

It's not like they're incredibly dominant, other than the 7-1 I can't think of a game where they've completely BTFO the opposition
germany should nuke themselves to be honest
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>Chile Starting 11 National Team Caps: ~900

>Germany Starting 11 National Team Caps: ~100

How the fuck do they do it?

Back to back world champs next year?
This tbqhwyfd
Well done Germany B.

Poor final, though.
We completely, absolutely, undoubtedly deserved that lose.

>inb4 chile chimpout
Chilean defense spilled their spaghetti hard, nothing more
Won't stop the Germans from shitposting like they earned it though
except it was germany's C team
chile is too shit, they can't make goals with thousands of opportunities. Against us they would lose easily
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>crying because you lost in a meme cup

chile is pretty JUST tier 2bh

You mean "C" level team.
What part of Germany are you from?
pls give back our prussian military doctrine k thx
Yeah right.
R team desu
they continue to let us get away with this!!!!
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post yfw Best Chilean team in history couldnt even score once against a team og German highschoolers.
Europe >>>>>>> SA
8, good chimpouts
>no Muller
>no Ozil
>no Neuer
>no Kroos
>no Boateng
>no Gomez

more like their fucking H team, jesus christ.
Germany BARELY won, just 1 mistake.
we don't have nukes doe
gg ez
5 at the back is cancer. I will never watch a game with a team playing that ever again.
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They unironically thought winning this meant they were world champions
if we neglect that its completely irrelevant 7

nothing happened and chile lost with one bad pass, this semen slurping sport is not for me
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aggressive manlets lost vs a b-team
You guys are in the decline, my man. Even my US team could beat you guys.
serious question
what do i need to watch for the next year to watch the german national team in action?
>don't care about U-21 Euros
>still win

>don't care about the Confed Cup
>still win

Why are we're so superior lads?
efficency isn't just a meme
I don't know, shows they have heart. Like imagine Rooney or anyone in the fucking English league play their heart out, whether it's shitty Montenegro or if it's Brazil.

The day England plays like Chile we're gonna start forgetting about this miserable years of winning nothing.
I imagined Neymar and Jesus making every goal at those opportunities you guys missed
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Why the fuck is Gomez still in the first squad when we have these guys?
I liked how the Chileans were freaking out in the second half.
How a team that poor could become South America champions twice in a row is a mystery to me.

The only thing they know how to do is foul and punch and generally play like the dirty almost niggers they are.

I hope they don't qualify for the World Cup or at least get eliminated in the group stage with 0 points.

Chile is a disgrace to this sport. Fucking chimps.
>getting beaten by Germany's R team
Looks like an ar*b
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>he fell for the chile is good meme
>when you get scored on and can't level up the game
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>when you have the refs covering your shitty subhuman play and you still cant win LMAO
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Germany is winning everything with the most (boringful) efficient football in the world?

Quite a lot of chances and many chimpouts but only 1 goal and pretty boring.

Mario Gomez? Was he ever good?
I'm fucking pissed desu. Someone hold me.
Give Goalmez a good 10 and he will score his goals
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>scored 100% of all goals in this game
>barely won
Your team was the one parking the bus and divegrassing m80.

the weak must fear the strong'd
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This sport sucks ass. Spics vs angry teenagers who parked the bus. This felt like a standard semi qualifying match not a final. Back to /hoc/
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I unironically thought that
Fuck germany and fuck this timeline
>drew all games against other all other confed winners played
>only loss was to the WC holders and tournament winners

I think we're looking good for the upcoming WC lads.
2010 - 2012

Then injuries happened.

Playing 0-0 ape ball and winning twice on penalties

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>white post

Friendly reminder
U.S will booty blast both these teams
Like the 2-0 at santiago right?
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that explain the poor performance and winning by minimum amount
7-1 was not boring at all
Can >we have your C team, Germany?
Thank you guys, we love you anyway

Congrats germanbros, you guys are great

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>Lose against France in Yuros
>Lose against Brazil in the Olympics

What happened last summer?
Chupa el pico nazi reconchetumare, anda a matar judios perkin culiao
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they cheated, Hans.

Plus every other challenger suddenly turned objectively shit.
german efficiency
Because they parked the bus and Higuain missed ez chances, and then they won on penalties
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He acts as a movable pole that places itself in random positions in the box.
It's basically up to the assisting player to hit the pole so it bounces off into the goal.
Nah, you guys have actual referees in Europe. Chile gets away with murder in many fixtures, and you saw some of that even today.
Hopefully after this awful tournament is over there will be less Spanish language posters on /sp/
>Covering the ball on the floor to waste time

only Ossandon can save this day
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Well Said.
In Büchel.
Officially they belong to the US but they are intended for German use.
The main problem is that Germany has no way to deliver them further than Poland.
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schweinsteiger fucked up vs france and olympics is an even bigger meme than the con meme cup
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You're losing against muslims though.
explain how elbowing a guy in the face doesnt deserve a red card and still not winning with refball on your side
You're team was filled with angst losers. Waljing up to a goalie and shoulder checking him for doing his job. Refusing to give up a ball like a baby so that an entire team has to pry it out of your hands. He should have been ejected this is Mexican level dirty play.
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>How a team that poor could become South America champions twice in a row is a mystery to me.
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Shut the fuck up you euro-wannabe. You lost to Chile T W I C E in a row without refballing. You shat the bed twice at penalties. Fucking cunts of the world.
wish the current slutty german tourits here in chile stay they can get raped and mugged
Same for german lanklets
They've already racially and cultural nuked themselves desu
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Indiecito pls
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>Three top scorers in the tournament are German
>Chilel makes finals by scoring 4 goals
>loses 7-0
Bachellet bought all of the referees in the copa america
savage...but true :)
Fucking kill yourself
>can't even beat the fucking c team
I know the US is shit but at least we aren't delusional about being good
>pretending to cover the ball to pray during the game

it was obvious
More like OssanDONE
>chimping out this hard over a fucking game
nice meme

meanwhile, you are actually losing vs drug cartels
and you are losing your own people, who are desperately fleeing your country in masses
>olympics is an even bigger meme than the con meme cup

lol no
the olympics is literally the world's testament to sport, this cup is a made up tournament that serves no purpose but to give russian workers practice before the real tournament
>Plus every other challenger suddenly turned objectively shit.
Yeah, Brazil being shit really hurt those Copa Americas

>hiring fucking DUNGA again after 7-1
>get outplayed by Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay, etc.
You just have to have the ability to keep the ball for more than 10 seconds to be Sud American champion
Between 7 - 1
>Dunga Era Brazil

You guys better hope to have already qualify before you face Brazil in the end.
>Calling anyone lanklet when you're below 180cm

Stay mad.
no like the way we already qualified to russia
in 2018 germany will suck

today chilian team was THREE HEADS better than german

in 2018 german fans will be beaten, dont come here

in 2040 half of german kids will be mixed, bye bye(father was KGB officer and he saod they introduced marxism to destroy your pathetic nation. its like when in movie you kill a hero but he hold a granade and later it expoldes. bye byt motherfuckers)
>Not being the biggest cuck in history
>without refballing
Don't talk about matches you didn't see.

And the cunts of the world would be you. I've seen people get so much joy from laughing at your national team in every major tournament, bless the English FA.


>this chilean butthurt ITT

Holy shit, this is more delicious than the Argentinian butthurt after the World Cup

Beating Latinos is really fun and is kinda becoming our thing :^)
Пoшeл нaхyй, быдлo.
even I can flip a coin and land on heads twice

Chile is not the best south american team, they are the luckiest. If you want to see better teams, Brazil, Argentina, and even Colombia are playing better than them. I would struggle to put Chile as favorites against Uruguay at this rate
gonzalo jara is such a bitch. i would knock that fuckers lights out if i ever saw him in public. seriously this chile squad could not be any less likeable fuck em
>B-but you're country is even worse

Your president is literally a mudslime lover. Watch your heritage disappear at an alarming rate. Soon your NT will be all brown bearded players.
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Shut the fuck up retard. We are one of the most corrupt football countrys in the universe. Grondona saved our ass thousands of times
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>in 2040 half of german kids will be mixed, bye bye(father was KGB officer and he saod they introduced marxism to destroy your pathetic nation. its like when in movie you kill a hero but he hold a granade and later it expoldes. bye byt motherfucker
>the olympics is literally the world's testament to sport
only for sports that have no own events.. Or do you think olympic basketball matterS? or where is the olympic american football? would you watch that or care about that more then super bowl?
Tomorrow is Germany's first U19 Euro group game.
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>mfw i'm 196cm tall
>t. mexican who desperately fled his shithole country but somehow still feels connected to it
Friendly reminder that CHILE have won both their finals, and advanced to this one, on PENALTIES.
meme or not, that Olympic final was way better than this shit we witnessed tonight.
>this chilelean

please trip up
I know we're shite. That's why we're better than you. Take off your nostalgia goggles. Your golden days are gone, so are ours.
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they still won, and that's what matters
El Gordo again
That's a meme m80.

Germany is a huge place, and alot of ppl are quite Racist there
Nice proxy Messi
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I'm overjoyed that these murderball playing roid rage monkeys of Chile didn't get anything.

Fuck Vidal. Fuck the rest.
Fuck yes.
jesus christ ronaldo what happened to you?
Progreso de mierda, metanse a su Baradit por la raja del culo.
>Fifantino congratulating the shitty ref
Wasn't it something like 45?
t. muhammad
How do you guys use all these proxies, I can never post when using one, only lurk
lol lanklet
Yeah tends to happen when you have sports in which you don't compete against yourself all the time and accomplish something
He was fat as fuck while training nothing but cardio during his career.

Now imagine that without the cardio
>meanwhile, you are actually losing vs drug cartels
Nice meme, most of the people dying are idiots involveved in drug trafficking, in other words, worthless people. The thing is, they make it to the news more than before.

You mean the nazi keeping the ball even when had to play it?
t. Mudslime who takes pride in German sports because his paki team isn't worth shit
why is maradona such a manlet? lmao
No importa nada, estoy agradecido por todo lo que dio la selección y estoy seguro que el mundial dará una revancha a Chile.
Maradonna looks okay though
i wish all spic grills looked like that here

too bad theyre mostly troglodytes
rebuilding season lad
We were after those top drafts in the youth player lottery
It's not like Chileans did it any differently. Beasejour did it a few times.

The only difference is that Can got a yellow while Chileans got away with nothing
He's a big guy.
So, when is Bayern going to buy Werner?
Especially on the internet
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>people actually got in debt to go to russia to see chile lose


>Una revancha
Hay que calificarse primero marica
>do you think olympic basketball matters
umm, it's the only competition where America sends their A team, so yes

Hopefully soon as he was shite today

solid polish shitposting
trully our greatest (((allies)))
next season if they can't have Obama-Yeng.
what's the difference between winning by a cm or a km?

nothing. winning's winning.

t. vin diesel
Cuicos and ferianos are not people.
>their A team
Nope, they don't even send a C team for that
vayan a votar flojos culiaos
No way. I'm brown and was treated better than natives there.
that's how all sudacas play
I thought it was hilarious.

Also Draxler just said that the best thing right now is that he can go on vacation now with a trophy as a small bonus.
Beside povertyball what other sports is Germany good at?
Is suicide bombing considered a sport?
I want to be hugged by Maradona
>raped Brazil
>raped Argentina
>raped Chile

Germany strongest team in South America confirmed
Ya ganó piñera afortunadamente, no necesito ir a votar.
Truck driving
Don't remember me this i wanted to kill myself when that happened
Handball and it's 100% native Germans playing it

Icehockey and wintersports
>world cup next year already
>feels like it was just last year
time's flying by and im gonna die a kissless virgin in no time at all
>this rebuttal

you have any critical thinking skills m8? lmaooo
you would know
Thanks a lot Chile, now we have another year of Germans being insufferable on this board.
nobody cares about ice hockey lad
Clean your cookies. If that fails, you have to buy the good ones
>player wastes 1min

Chilean """logic"""
I wouldn't even be mad if Perú beat us.
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I'm crying myself as my german neighbour is singing this shit.

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>Tfw your team is cheating with breeding bull testosterone but because of low energy Slav genetics you still lose against fucking Mexico
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I don't really understand every term on this graphic but I think "goles" was the deciding factor here.
I have to say it, I'm happy, it was a long road since 2015 Copa America, well played Germany
>Raped Arg
>still believes in culture and nation-states

Ur cute
thanks Germany B-team for putting Chile where they deserve, I salute you
sorry, but you simply cannot explain this murder rate with all drug cartel murders
Elber is that you?
off to the fabelas with you
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>Paying to shitpost.
You're alright mate.

This is like season finale for a football anime.
>Have great run
>Likeable players
>Some of them are cunts, but play well
>Bravo's comeback
>Alexshit's struggle
>Jara's chimpout
>Don't win, like Ash

WC2018 is Season 2
Do you think Maradona is doing 10 prostitutes at the same time today later in his hotel?
t. never been to Germany
Tried their best and I'm actually proud of their performance. They'll learn, improve and try again and hopefully do better when it comes to goals.

Germans earned their shitposting, but Brazilians, Mexicans and Argentinians laughing are pathetic. We first had to get there to lose there.

No player takes off their medal, they congratulate the germans who won... More honor in our defeat than you in any of your victories.
>have goal offered to you by a slip-up
almonds status: activated
>Never been to East Germany
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You have 10 seconds to name a player on this German team who is not Kimmich, Ter Stegen, Runniger, or Stindl
HAHAHAHA what did Maradona tell to Löw? He looked confused as fuck
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this webm/10
What does that say about mexico
will Löw ever retire?
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>you saw chile win trophies in your lifetime
future generations will NEVER know this feel
i am glad to be alive
>1 shitty goal
>""""raped"""" Chile
>player dirty all game
>german press making fun of dirty chilean monkeys like jara
Mate when you go so long without winning shit, 2 cups in a row and a this cup is like a golden team for these guys.
You should remember Goretzka and Werner, at the very least
It wouldn't matter, he's not a great coach and we have much better talent available.

You are the Portugal of the Americas, deal with it. No one likes you.
>could've invested in bitcoin in that time
>black german actually has a german last name
this tbqhwy
Kimmich is such a goof
is this /bundes/
t. 3rd place
but there was no honor in your defeat, you guys played like babby bitches
this but i'm not glad to be alive
>They'll learn, improve
Dude, why are you talking as if you've played a youth team?
Because his mother got bleached.

Best possible combination
It was at this moment, that Hanz had a world war II flashback.
adopted for sure
Actual match: 2/10
Chimpouts: 7/10
Refball attempts: 10/10
i dont get it , why is he not letting go the ball?
Just give them the world cup already desu senpai
>girl fucks black guy
>guy fucks black girl
Niggers BTFO hahah how will they recover
Be careful with those mean words Hans, or else Merkel and the thought police will come after you
no way he's mixed race, he looks full on negro

his father married his mother, but he was already there and got adopted I think
>The ball is Islam
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The ref should probably do his job and tell him to. Not 5 Chileans effectively anally penetrating him.
[b]Black Germany. Glory black Germany!
Black Germany. Glory black Germany!
Black Germany. Glory black Germany!
Black Germany. Glory black Gerмany!
Enjoy your victory with a taste of shit. [/b]
As a white man there's nothing more honorable than making other women your own.
t. butthurt chicano
Chilean murderball scum apes got wrecked
So happy

They deserve nothing but death
Bonvallet should've off himself last year desu, still, I'm thankful for this team
Germany didn't win the Euro because they were refballed by France in the semis
No way Portugal would have won Germany in the final
No he didn't. Stop lying.
No, it isn't. We don't play like that.
Chilean with the JUST stats.

Fuck that dude in the end overkicking the goal.

He could of had 30tons of fresh Chilean pussy on his return home.

Now he's just known to me as the guy who missed another open goal like many fuckwits throughout history.
Because he knows the Chileans are hot heads and will probably chimp out and get sent off.

Euro Logic > Monkey Logic
it's always men being disgusted by their women race mixing desu

look how many black men got butthurt after serena williams got bred by that white reddit guy, yet when a black celebrity gets a white woman they are proud as fuck
>he's not a great coach
how so?
Hes turkish though
Now that Germany has the two best teams in the world (Germany-A and Germany-B) where do we go from here?
Look at Jara going straight for the asshole.
No good tactics, putting players in and out based on personal sympathetics. I hate him since 2006.
thank you for your honesty

although we weren't really refballed, it's just that old man schweinsteiger fucked up
they lost some important players with the game against Italy and then the handball didn't help but yeah hopefully they play Italy again next year
>implying that penalty was deserved
fuck i just noticed. WTF
Loosing to Italy in the Semis.
Defending Chile by saying that a German player should have been ejected... did you watch the match?
why do you put every s a country in the same?

oh right, I remember. you are the european monkey
Mexico scored one against them :^)
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Go for the next world war?
don't listen to him, 4channers always like being contrarian
>where do we go from here?
U will go to shame on the WC-18 as Spain in due time.
Just Brazil.
Our football fit better with the french style than german
Even at club level portuguese always get shreked by germans in european games
Insecure men is the true downfall of society
lothar matthaus is the funniest looking dude on the planet
>draw against Ghana
>barely beat Algeria in extra time
>beat a 1-man argentine team for the world cup final after they choke away chances
>get eliminated in Euros
>win a youth tournament no one cares about
>win this meme cup
>"""""germany is good""""""""""""

they're about to get fucking E X P O S E D next year
screencap this
No we weren't. France was an equal opponent and we had a major string of bad luck.
at world cups
>Argentina 4-0
>Portugal 4-0
just from the top of my head
da igual, las Malvinas son inglesas
germeme played like chelsea today fuck you fags if that other retard didn't fuck up we would have won in penalties after a 0-0 kys
wasn't refball, Pigfucker just threw the game for us.
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there's no space for him on the team next year
>winning penalties
>against Germany
Even after winning you still sound like a pathetic bunch of people
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>send a team
>buy refs
>still cant win against our y team
you always sound like one
>Portugal 4-0
To be fair that team was really awful
poor little brown man vol 4
>n-no y-you
am thankful and will support this guys in good and bad days. good game germany
fuck germany and fuck white people
that doesn't make any sense

are you even crying anymore or are those already suicide thoughts?
I'm going to germany in a few months for my master degree, but im still a virgin
wat do?
Germany 4-1 England (2006)
Germany 4-0 Argentina (2010)
Germany 4-0 Portugal (2014)
Germany 7-1 Brazil (2014)
Germany 4-1 Mexico (2017)
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wonder what they're talking about :)
quick trip to czech
this t b h
How many more prostate massages is that madman going to apply before he is stopped?
Bring an antibomb suit
>timo werners lisp is suddenly gone after being punched in the face
>Germany 4-1 England (2006)

that was 2010 tho
Go to a Puff. Ask for Natassja.
Don't worry. Müller will win the golden boot again.
Euro Logic = Importing sand people to replace them.

The good thing is that in 50 years you'll be extinct, you pathetic race of fucking cucks.
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What does this say? Mario kart? Hahaha
>wat do?

Take advantage of your Sabor Latino

Because they don't care. They're soulless and unable to feel joy out of their own success. They crack a little smile at seeing something pathetic failure lose and then 10 minutes later they're back to being robots. This is why Germany being champions doesn't matter, because it's not in their culture to be happy about it. If Chile wins then tomorrow is like a national holiday, if Italy wins there are parades in 20 regions, if France wins then the riviera goes mental, if England wins then people would be crowned as knights and there would be entire sections of London closed for day festivities.

Do you know what happens when Germany wins? They have a 2 hour "fest" sponsored by a beer company to sell them 5 euro beers, then their national team walks out for 15 minutes to talk to fans for their support, does a monkey dance, then they all go home. Nothing else. It's a pathetic country full of soulless idiots working for countries around them and nothing more.
prostitution is legal here lad

just get yourself some cheap romanian or russian whore
haha good one you got me for sure ;)
now go watch the big bang theory
Why are Germans so fucking smug all of a sudden? Have you all turned into Erdogans and shit?
South afric- American logic = be brown by default

are you that angry? :* don't cry subhuman
The King Arthur tells what a trap is, why he plays Mario Kart 8 with Yoshi and what he is missing the most.
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says he plays mario kart as yoshi
finger someone's ass, Germans are tolerant
>Löw in interview on german tv right now
>said he is glad we managed to beat a team that played such sad bloodball

was medel not jara
They are like the white walkers of the world.
>fucking with a condom on
it still does not count
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I've always played as Peach
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>Yes, hello, I'd like one Chilean dwarf please
>paying to fuck
eternal reminder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ztOV2wrrkY
what the fuck is he memeing about? what the fuck is the trap?
>another 1-0 victory
What are we, Spain?
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>now go watch the big bang theory
Not all european countries are Germany and France senpai
I'm guessing he's talking about trap music (?)
to be honest, this game was decided by 1 chilean slip-up, and by the fact that the chilean strikers and midfielders appear to be not able to score jack shit.

happy to see our youngsters ability to hold their own on the semi-big stage.
let's see how the world cup plays out next year. because lets be honest: thats the cup that matters. confed cup is just a bunch of mumbojumbo.

hope the german NT gets to play chile again. next time with the top class teams. then we can see who's clearly the best.


pls no bully
yeah theres also countries like poortugal who are even worse
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Hey chile shits, will you pls post some chilean newspaper front pages tomorrow? :)

I loved collecting brazilian ones a while ago...
>their best team
>with obvious ref bias
>vs german's b team
>STILL lose
>werners lisp is gone
B-but we had the best team ever made, there is no way in a year we will get better.

Its over, we are finished ;_;
Our reputation will now sink, and we will be the laughing stock of south America.
well tha's pretty low
>brown """"""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""" complaining about subhumans/going against theirselves

But thats a south american phenomena.
Buy all the things with literally no money. Buy a pair of boxers worth $8
>Can I pay that in 6 installments?
WTF are you guys doing?
Take a wrong turn and end up at a street where the women will throw themselves over you. Or simply go to a brothel or FKK and let it happen.
t. Muhammed Al Ozil
Yeah, because germany playing like cucks with a 5-man def line and going to the most ridiculous extremes to delay the match as much as they can isn't sad lmao
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Seething chilean in colombia
if you die before paying your debt,did the debt really exist?
those 70 year old cliches
World cup qualifiers
World cup next year

We have elections today too.

It will be sad faces and shiet, but we lost fighting guns blazing, so it won't be the seppuku-fest that was the 7-1
Its actually because we adore you, and its sad watching you go. But don't worry, we will always be your legacy. And your skin will be just like ours sooner than later. Enjoy your extermination.
wish all the chimps like you were exterminated from my country
you got a a copa out of that golden generation
I was always a Luigi guy myself
Hes not a simple green Mario, hes taller too
Fucking hypocrites lmao
They won't even talk about the match
Or how they did their best and shit

Nobody in Brazil liked the NT before or after the 7-1
The elections are rigged to death, why even vote if the left will win again?
emotions pls
when do the qualifiers start?
elmercurio.com / emol.com
>literally all commie newspaper
>being this autist
>el mercurio
pick one
what are you? a retard?
like clockwork
give an argument
They deserved to lose, you can't make such stupid fucking mistakes at this level of play.
And I'm tired of "winning" cups via penalties, the lack of goal in this generation is really goddamn annoying. They play a great match and then they make a mistake so fucking retarded that I couldn't believe it.
Oh and Sagal... just fucking kill yourself. You're worthless and don't deserve to walk the same field as Medel, Vidal, Aránguiz or Sánchez.
They're half-finished already http://www.uefa.com/european-qualifiers/season=2018/teams/team=47/index.html
Baited. Thanks for the info guys, now I know which newspaper is good!
>jaja i'm going to make an extremely retarded post to get yous

We cared enough that our B team won the competition.

They were underdogs but they won with heart and team play.


Own goal not refball.
Dont worry lads
We only have to wait till the next terrorist attack to laugh again
And we for the next earthquake :^)
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holy shit, you're right
So like half an hour right?
difference is nobody dies during earthquakes and we are allowed to say how much we hate earhquakes
Chileans are part German (or at least that's what they say all the time), so they won regardless.
>The TV channels already stopped talking about the cup

In their defence, the casino guy going full columbine right now is pretty entertaining
don't bully Chile, their team and country is s still a lot better than Portugal or Mexico.


Ich liebe Deutschland;-;
tournament discsussion thread

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We are. Don't let the memesters fool you.
Thank God that a real team won. Chile's team were disgusting today.
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I will only forgive Sagal and Diaz if by some miracle they win the World Cup. Holy shit, Sagal. You can't miss that. Diaz is just an idiot for giving that dumb pass.
>real team
>won because of one mistake
oh wait it reminds me of someone...
lmao, a bunch of shitskins raping a german
This lol
One less rival to worry about.
>The main problem is that Germany has no way to deliver them further than Poland.
We just need to nuke our own sandnigger infested cities, so that's not a problem at all.
Yeah, they played like dogshit. Don't let the stats fool you, this was one of the worst matches I've seen of this team.
I wish they had played like they played against Portugal...
So daily life on Germany
Chile was lucky not to get at least 2 players sent off. They were a disgrace today.
>european engineers and scientists are in no way superior to indian peasants
>they just advance humanity by far more because reasons, but that's irrelevant
>I am sure it has nothing to do with their cultures or genetics though
moral relativist pls go
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>further than Poland
no need.
and still lost by a bigger margin
Confed Cup/10
haitianos dying every day here thanks to the cold winter

very sad
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well yeah jara should have been red carded the fuck off
Kc tier
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Al least we have two Copa América in a row.

>b-but muh murderball
lmao saved
you guys played very well in the 1st half today doe
>very sad
The chances Germany created all looked more dangerous though.
>picking a manlet
Remember that 4-1 m8?

>tfw can't actually be part of the banter because 7-0
Look at their eyes
They are at least part mestizo
Middle girl as a very amerindian shaped face
we were 5-1 in shots before the fuck up

these cunts cant fucking score
Germany was much more efficient, every time they attacked it could've been a goal but still, Chile was doing some pretty good combinations in the 1st half
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>part german
>Celia Punk gonna get mocked for life by Bayern

mestizo means part something, they're clearly part white part whatever, probably american indian
Thats actuaply better than youre average erican innercity
Gary Lineker is always right
wtf is wrong with Estonia?

fucking Amadora and couples killing eachother in the middle of nowhere
some of those girls do look kind of german, others not so much, so I guess there is some German heritage in parts of the country
It's dangerous, there's a lot of Estonians there.
where is/granate/
Just so you know, we literally raise your flag over here.
wow southerners really like to suck german dick
Neither one of those two mentioned was there tho.
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And have many german schools across the country, for our based part german Chileans.
the biggest colonies are in the south, the goverment sold a lot of land from mid 19th to mid 20th century
Little prince
interesting didnt know that
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Cozy. And why the hell not.
is that you in the pic? looking good hun :)
we're hiding here >>76887217
Can't argue with that
delet now
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Kinnikuma still is the king of my heart
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Did i just see a new anal fingering?
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Si declaras guerra no te pongas a llorar hijo de la re-mil putas. no te la pudiste 1 contra 1 cagon hijo de las mill putas. que te pones a hechar la culpa a Chile, pendejo de mierda inmigrante, no pones huevo en la cagada de guerra que vos mismos declaraste. anda a limpiarte las lagrimas pendejo barato y la concha de tu hermana.
>our golden days
When are we doing a Brexit for Chile in South America?

We need to go, our neighbors are dumbing us down.
>tells what a trap is
top kek
>Confedarations cup with only 1 big team
>the one big team sent their U-20 to play
>they won
Cant believe people actually wasted their time watching this shit, lmao.
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I believe
>conveniently forgetting 7-1
wew laddie
Budget Incas barely lost against us today
So actual Incas can do better?
The Incas were extinct by disease, the Indians of now were the slaves of the Incas
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We should have won
Why would a disease care about you being Inca or not?

Euro germs killed most of the natives all over both Americas.
And whoever survived ended up getting mixed with the spainards.
>sold a lot of land
sounds like german clay
time to go over there and claim some more Lebensraum.
>"""""we"""" should
Teams win with goals, m8 :^)
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Epic baiting my frienderino, be sure to put me in the screencap!
iam spanish 100% or mediterranean
kind of cucked but I like it
fucking cucks
despite being the almighty Germany and us having the worst team I remember, that beating still hurt a lot, since we had never lost a major tournament match for a disadvantage greater than 2 goals
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zooming in and can't see a single blonde person in that pic

i thought the WE WUZ PRUSSIANZ N SHIET was just a 4chin meme but they actually believe it?
Escuela Alemana de santiago is a public school so of course you won't see the best genes there. Here is southern Chile
Is that Elsa? lol wut
You BTFO Messi back to back to claim your first and second Copa America. Only World Cup winners have more Copa America wins than you guys.
Isn't that good enough?
he should have run off the field with that ball lmao
>dat filename
wtf m8
Well, we kinda want to be the number 1
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Jesus fucking Christ, Hans!
If you think that's bad, you should see the murder rates in Central and parts of South America. They're literally triple, quadruple, sometimes even quintiple the amount of Mexico's!
Brazilians and Argentinians do deserve to laugh at you, though. You're constantly comparing yourselves to them and now your delusions of being even remotely near their level have been shattered. It is the Mexishits that need to be reminded of 7-0.
Our greatest ally
That guy in the middle is the captain of this boat.
Why do I hear so much about how Poland is a safe place if they're that high?
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