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/nba/ CHAMPIONSHIP DNA edition

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Thread replies: 507
Thread images: 129

Game 5 Monday
Cavs @ Warriors 6PM Pacific Time

Game 6 Thursday
Warriors @ Cavs 6PM Pacific Time

Game 7 Sunday
Cavs @ Warriors 5PM Pacific Time
FOR DA LAND!!!!!!!!!!
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Holy fuck, this place will be a shitshow monday night. It will be hilarious and I cannot wait.
Cleveland is really fucking good when Irving, Love, and especially James are going ham.
I don't know how anyone can call KD one of the GOAT's or the Warriors one of the best teams of all time after tonight. This league is a fucking joke, that was like watching a shitty All-Star game where no one even attempted to play defense and just chucked as many 3s as they could muster.
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Is he, dare I say it, the GOAT?
If the Cavs win do the 2016-17 Warriors become the most JUST team of all time?
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If golden shite drops game 5 this series and this league will spiral completely out of control
What would it take for you to stop watching the NBA?

NBA fans complain the most about their sport of any sport’s fanbase in the entire world. But I’m curious what it would take you to stop watching?

It has the least amount of parity in any sport (outside of a few European soccer leagues), yet people continue to watch.

A referee literally fixed a playoff series and went to prison for it, yet people continue to watch.

It even has similarities to professional wrestling:

Fans say freely and openly that referees turn a blind eye to certain fouls and infractions, and openly debate referee conspiracies about calling games certain ways to get the league the result they want for money/TV ratings, yet people continue to watch.

There are open conspiracy theories about the draft lottery being either rigged, or a flat out unfair way to conduct a draft (versus a standard league’s draft), yet people continue to watch.

A commissioner that seems really out of touch with what the fans want and the reality of the league.

Individual players in the sport are more important and are promoted more than the teams they play for.

Star Players seem to always come out with the win at the end

The core of the sport’s intrigue is around manufactured storylines and drama for media talking points

None of these things have led people to stop watching. Will anything? Or no?
Defense was great tonight. All of these games have been defensive slugfests.
OY VEY, we can't let our goldenboy lebron get swept AGAIN.
SHIT, you can't eject Green goyim, that makes it too obvious
More just than Atlanta? More just that France right now?
Any more refball like I saw tonight for either team in this series will make me categorize it with WWE and never watch again.

what the fuck kind of faggy ass trip is this

get the fuck outta here
Explain why the Cavs can't hold any lead when Lebron is on the bench.
KD is such a joke. The warriors would probably be in the same position now even if he didn't sign there.
Yes, especially when you factor in what happened last year.
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>he unironically wants Zaza Pachulia to win an NBA championship
I did stop watching. I only tuned in because I saw the Cav's scored like 80 points in the first half.

>cant win a fair game

that was the worst officiating since kings/lakers

>drayboon green is the first player in NBA history to get unejected
Atlanta's choke was nowhere near as bad as even what happened to the Warriors last year. Atlanta wasn't even favored to win in that game to begin with.
>implying there are any nonfaggy trips
The fuck is France about?
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Will the real Larry please stand up and explain that choke job by Curry?
>h-he's only at 70%...
Klay is getting fatigued tryin to guard Kyrie you can tell. And there's no one else on the dubs they can put on Kyrie without getting torched. Don't even let me tell you about Lebron.

Kyrie and Lebron will continue to average 30+ for the rest of the series.
>kd, curry, klay have bad games

>the cavs shoot lights out from 3

>refs call everything for the cavs

>warriors starting 5 all given 2 fouls+ in the first quarter


and they still won by a small amount

people will STILL claim no rigging

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Go back to /asp/ Carter. You are not welcome here.
cringe @ this entire thread
Why are you posting facts here? /nba/ is for emotional overreactions and short memory spans.

lost 2-1 to swedenistan
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>84 3PA
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D A L A N D I N 7
>literal refball to keep Green and Zara from getting kicked
>Warriors had three more fouls while shooting five more ft's

I'm a Pats fan before you accuse me of being a Failcons fan. Losing 3 games straight when you're up 3-1 and have the best record of all time is far worse than blowing a 25 point lead in the SB for a team who massively overachieved.
Yep. He pulled the biggest bitch move since LeBron went to Miami. He knows he can't lead a team to a championship, so he's just going to piggyback off the best team in the league.

if kevin durant ever wins a ring.
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Your spin memes, your spin.....
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>tfw knicks fan

good luck to da land. Fuck Toronto Boston and GS
Guys where is Barry? I can't find him anywhere


Can someone please make an /nba/ general for only white people? This thread is out of hand, we need a place to discuss basketball in an intelligent fashion.
No way. If Durant wasn't with the Warriors right now, the Cavs would likely be up 3-1.
He's living in your head rent free 24/7, first thing you do after a game is come spam about some guy on an anonymous imageboard you are mentally ill.

He's probably out partying or something, it's friday night.
Satan here. Cavs will win in 7. Check em boys
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Wait, who had a tech against them magically disappear? And who had more FT attempts? What did Curry and Klay shoot for?
>Adam Silver to security guard on his way out of the building: "See you next Thursday." Stopped, smiled and shook his hand.
>refs call everything for the cavs
Like how they didn't eject two players from golden state?
Didn't watch the game but how many points did Curry have in a must-win elimination game? Sure the next Jordan really put the dagger in the Cavs heart right?

the fucking tech against draymond was a bad call period

BOTH were bad calls

shump is a bitch for acting, this isnt soccer
This is Larry isn't it? You're a fucking cuck.
>tfw no nba tv
>defending donkey green
t. kys senpai
you are dumb
I mean Paul pierce is right, Cleveland isn't going to score at record numbers for 3 more games, which is what it took to beat the warriors tonight
What about the non call flagrant against draymond? Keep bitching faggot
>zaza pacheapshot stomping lebron and nut punching shump after what he did to kawhi
>Cavs fans were nowhere to be seen anywhere after game 1, 2 and 3
>suddenly they're everywhere
take the proxy off you coward
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i shitpost against any team that loses lmao
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Any bronsexuals here?

I want to beat the shit out of you!
Question is, can they slow down Klay and Steph for three games straight? My guess is probably not.

Also, curry just bounced himself out of finals MVP discussion yet again after that miserable performance
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classy magic desu
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cherry btfo, looks like /nba/ was right again
Paul Pierce is still a buttmad faggot who weeps every night knowing LeGod destroyed his chance at a dynasty with the Celtics.
lmfao what a shit refball game

refs gave cle 22fta in the first which allowed them to build a comfy lead and stop playing like soft ass bitches

absolutely pathetic from that kike silver
i think im going to hide in /prod/ until this autism passes over, come on hinks we'll be safe there
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is this the part of the night where we dance?
In game 3 KD and Klay both had 30+ and Curry had 26 and barely won. Cavs just choked. If both teams play their best the next 3 games the Cavs will win cause of Lebron.
good day, these little bitches have no sense of adversity, Cleveland put them into a corner now, mindfucking them
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Why do you faggots ignore the fact that the Cavs have now played great for 2 games straight and were one shot away from winning Game 3?

They definitely can win 3 games straight. The issue is whether Lebron, Kyrie, Love, and every other role player shows up every single game.
curry and klay played bad

durant was "bad" despite 35 pts

and the refs were horribly bad. I wouldnt be surprised if the warriors win game 5 by 40 points.
That is also a good point. But can the cavs turn it up for an away game. Game 5 to me is pivotal. If the Cavs win that, there will be a game 7. If there's a game 7, I'm not betting against the team with Lebron.
This is how the legends are to each other, it's an exclusive club

>currshit crying about refball

kek, he'll never get congratulated by magic
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/nba/ btfo ahahahahahahahahhahaah
>most of these posts complaining about refs have Canada flag

If the Cavs win this series. Blatant ref ball like this is just not fun to watch.
This. Game 5 decides the series imo. These Cavs have the mental edge on the Warriors.
I don't pay attention to people in Cleveland honestly. Don't seem to be the sharpest people.
>gandhi bout to get a tech
You're back. How hard did you cry after the Warriors got btfo?
>cavs fans chanting russel westbrook when KD shoots FT's

is cavs-thunder the realest nigga broship in the NBA? I feel like we're two sides of the same coin, bonded by mutual hatred of one team. Clippers can join our broship too.
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everyone save this lol

You could say that about any game though

>game 4 is pivotal. If the cavs win then they can force a game 5 and put all the pressure on the warriors

it's literally a version of this:

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What did Lebron mean by this?
what did your retarded ass mean by taking a sideways picture

iphone users proving their incompetence as usual
Real talk.

Did JVG break the Kardashian curse?
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Broke nigga
any gifs of that shot of wade on the sideline
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understand this one absolute truth, the warriors are going to choke away a 3-0 lead
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Is there a 3-0 version for this year if not /r/ing
why did lebron wait until 2013 to marry his wife when they been together since like 2002?

This. The ghost of the last finals will either be exorcised or resurrected in game 5.
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Where are the memes fans? i don't see any lol

they're posting self-help memes in their reddit safe space
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Photoshop request granted, my friend
Not really. The reason game 5 is pivotal is because of a pure psychological reason. Is every game important? Of course since one team is on the verge of elimination and the other is on the verge of redemption. But the Warriors players are still only human. You can't tell me that if the Cavs won 2 games straight and made it 3-2, they wouldn't get their gnawing suspicion at the back of their minds about last year. Maybe some of them are very mentally strong but there's no way they're not thinking that if they actually lose Game 5.
This. As soon as Warriors get cold from 3s from now on that anxiety will get worse.
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>obgay telling apemond to chill
OBJ is a cool dude
has a team ever blown a 3 - 0 lead in an NBA final?
Honest answers only. If your team had the chance, would you be open on acquiring Draymond Green?
Not really. Apemond isn't the type of player who can change a franchise. He's a good piece to add to an already good team and considering my team isn't all that good, it wouldn't matter.

KD is incredibly locked in and doesn't have those same gnawing suspicions as Curry and his other teammates seem to have. He's on a mission and took over the offense at times and showed up again tonight, he's not letting this one go especially after his spat with Lebitch with the whole world arguing who between the 2 is currently the best in the world.

obviously not if 3-1 was the biggest comeback in finals history

KD was the only reason tonight wasn't a 50 point blowout. everyone else on the memeors looked like they had mentally checked out after the first quarter.

curry will be dealt if they blow this
normies left really quickly, not even a ykw post in sight. This must be the power of lebron james.

no team has blown a 3-0 lead in the history of the NBA, finals or not.

this series is over despite what memers may have you believe
I bet you thought the same last year
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Game 5 sunday?
Warriors were the first to go up 3-1 since th Spurs in 2014. They blew it.

Warriors were the first to go up 3-0 since the Spurs in 07. They're gunna blow it.

All part of pops master plan
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I'm starting to agree with Skeeeup that Kryie is the true MVP on the Cavs. LeBron can get a triple double no problem but unless Kyrie pops off for 40+ the Cavs don't win shit.
If the Cavs can prevent Curry from scoring 20+ on Monday this series is going to 7 games.

If this series goes to 7 games, again, I don't trust Curry to show up and play better than Kyrie.
>refs literally gift the cavs 20 free throws
>"LeBron is clearly a goat look at what a goat he is"

I think I'm done with nba. Its one thing to gift the Cavs a win. But to gift them a win and then call LeBron and the team goat is disgusting.
Lmao do you watch the games? When Lebron sits the Cavs are horrible. Kyrie could get 50 but if Lebron plays bad they lose
That's a retarded argument. Kyrie can score 40+ but if Lebron isn't scoring 30+ it again doesn't matter.

All you're saying is one player isn't enough to win in the finals, which is obvious.
It is over. The Cavs are taking game seven. Back to back. The warriors are mental midgets
not obvious to Larold-like LeBron haters
this, the first time lebron sat down, i already knew the lead was going to go down, and sure enough the memes got like 5 or 6 points immediately. Shoud have seen lou's face when he took the time out.
If the cavs hope to win, lebron is going to have to play 45 minutes each game from here on out, and thats with Kyrie and Love balling out. I personally have given up on the bench and well smith, jefferson and korver are literally 50/50 each night.
if the cavs win monday, it's going to a game 7.
every time lebron sat out the warriors went on a run, kyrie struggles to score with lebron on the bench

The point of the game is to put the ball in the basket.
So the point isn't to put the ball in the basket the most?
t. moron
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t. round earther
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Reminder that Kobe is shit

>warriors had more FTs than the cavs
>KD has 16 FTs alone
>the highest on the cavs was LeBron, with 10


it's weird. The older and more knowledgable I get about basketball, the more and more my opinions seem to line up with Skeeeup.

it's almost like he's right about most things, and it took me growing up to realize this.
are the warriors durant's team? curry choked again
when will meme-lets ever learn?
Warriors shot more ft
They also had a technical and ejection retroactively changed.
Fuck off

KD will get the FMVP if/when the Warriors win.

That means with two rings Curry will have zero (0) Finals MVPs.

You didn't watch the game, right? It was clear after the Cavs had 22 FTA in the first quarter that the game was decided.
zaza also hit two players, he tried to stomp on lebrons ankle and punch shump's nuts, straight up dirty.
Surely the game wasn't decided by the record setting shooting by the cavs. The refs were redirecting the ball into the basket weren't they?
>curry's not the premiere scorer
>curry's not the premiere passer
>curry's not the premier defender
>curry's not the premier rebounder

Cavs are going to start bullying him again too.
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>NBA bitches because Warriors are stacked
B-But Lebron c-can't win desu! Not fair! H-He needs actual help!
>Cavs beat warriors

Can't wait for summer lmao
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>Any bronsexuals here?
>I want to beat the shit out of you!

calm down. with that form, the only thing you're beating tonight is your meat.
>21 points

Who let the BBB in here?

The warriors starting lineup all had 2 fouls 5 minutes into the game. How are you supposed to play any defense when you know you'll be whistled just for putting a hand up?

No, the refs didn't magically guide the ball into the hoop, but they did psychologically screw the warriors out of being able to play defense
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>>currshit crying about refball

and now draymond's mom too...nevermind the fact that he's a hothead with multiple chimpouts after getting called for fouls or just getting a whistle blown at all....i laugh when he tried to shit on rodman and barkley. he's right about 1 thing, there's no comparison..he isn't in their league and would likely be a fourth option who wouldn't win shit on any other team.
oink oink bitch nigga
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>comparing a point forward to a shooting guard in the triangle offense
>they lost because they played bad
amazing insight retard
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>Star Players seem to always come out with the win at the end
IS Lebron Greater Than Kobe bryant?
>Kevin Love
>6/8 3PFG

He's shown up this finals, big time.
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It will be the greatest meme in sports history if cavs win 4-3

KD actually might kill himself
>wanting a person to kill themselves

thats not cool man kys
Is Curry officialy a bigger choker than The Snake?
>wanting kevin durant to win a ring

I mean, I don't normally encourage suicide, but...









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the world would be a better place if everyone just killed themselves tbhfam

nice quadruple recurring digits buddy :-)
>What would it take for you to stop watching the NBA?
Alan Iverson.
Only started looking in again out of curiosity about Curry.

Game seriously needs help. For starters add 6" to the rim height, 10' to court width, 18' to court length. But it's the players attitudes that need the most adjustment, and that won't happen, so 'bye.
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>You will never be the post game entertainment in the Cavaliers locker room after they win the series 4-3.
No way do the Cavs put up 23 3s again.
Despite going 80 something in the first half, warriors were still literally in the game until the final minutes when they pulled away.
Series is still a wrap.
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>It will be the greatest meme in sports history if cavs win 4-3

KD actually might kill himself
post script
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>tfw your can't enjoy this sport anymore because the pro league is rigged

at least I can enjoy playing horse with my friends
rigged? lebron just took it to a game 5.
>poor taste in women
>poor basketball iq
You should be killing yourself kiddo
Odd way to spell officials and kyrie
After this season, I am checking the fuck out of NBA basketball. What I saw tonight made me embarrassed to be an NBA fan. I've been a fan since the mid 80s. Watched them from the end of the Magic/Bird era, through the Jordan era, to the rough low ratings post Jordan era, til now. I've seen all my friends give up on the NBA for various reasons. I've always argued that "but this is still the highest level of basketball", but even that can't rise above the embarrassingly ref bias. The NBA has lost a fan in me tonight.

Maybe Im just talking in the moment, maybe Ill be back as soon as next season starts. Maybe not. But one thing is for sure, my opinion on the NBA brand has gone down the $hitter.

t. Magic fan; before cucks say I'm a Memeior or LeBronfag.
>go 16-0
>lose one
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All I hear from you is
>low test
>poor taste in women

Why don't you kill yourself, nigger?
i guess that dunk off the board is still killing you inside. I remember when lebron tried that in Miami and he missed it, anons and other people on the online were like "that move can only be done with people with a ring", funny ho time flies, he has 3, going on to get his 4th. How can lebron lose when god is on his side? Funny how people think da land is Cleveland, but what they really mean is israel goy.
>20 FTs a quarter
>average 19 fouls a game, get 19 in a half
>blatant missed backcourt and multiple 8 second violations
>not refball
Okay kiddo
I'm sure in your run down town there are some real cows you can milk instead of fantasizing about the cattle you post bud.
>going on to get his 4th
Keep clinging to that dream champ. Didn't realize narrowly avoiding a sweep is an accolade but for lebeta you have to point to something I guess.
see you in Oakland
As a spurs fan watching from the sidelines you have no idea how bad it was for the first two games on gsw home floor. Durant carry, durant out of bounds, durant swing through fouls and curry chucking up meme 3s after going through multiple moving screens. Also draboon/zaza can just nut punch anyone and get away with it with only a foul like todays game.
Should the NBA merge with WWE?

WBWE: World Baskeball Wrestling Entertainment
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Real Bron Hours who tf up?
Up 3-1
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sup, just opening my limited edition bron fidget spinner i got shipped over night from cleveland. wbu?
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>Tfw BraunGod continues California's unbroken streak of ass devastation since Trump's election
Please make it so.
is this real? i need one. i know legod might not be able to pull it out this year but atleast he gave us a fucking show
the one I posted was photoshewped. but there are cleveland fidget spinners and some questionable lebron ones. There are no reviews so i wouldnt buy, you want a top notch quality spinner senpai so do some research.

is lebron going to the spurs soon?
Don't let this thread distract you from the fact the Warriors blew a 3-0 lead.
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win game 5 and they 100% win the ship
i believe. i really do believe.
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3rd worst officiated game I've ever seen. It' should be one because of the finals, but the WCF lakers-kings and the Tim Duncan ejection are the biggest sign of refball I've seen.
you can take the wade out of miami, but you cant take the miami out of wade.
goodnight /nba/.
Is Adam Silver a face or a heel?
Why can't Shaq hire someone to help him dress?
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>Cavs fans chanted 'Russell Westbrook' while Kevin Durant shot free throws in the NBA Finals

Hahahahaha, based.
You're delusional bro. Lebron is the better player. I'm pretty happy the Cavs won because now the 2001 Lakers with Frobr still have the 1 loss record. They also played against a much better western conference where as this year's western conference was weaker and they were injured. Plus they only lost in OT.

ahh, shaq carrier #2
How in god's name could you possibly disagree with Skip or hate him?

He's literally /ourguy/

I will forever admire Skip. He lives the dream of getting paid big bucks to real-life shitpost.
I'm not watching. and anyone who does watch is retarted.
> not having game 5 on a comfy Sunday evening

I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me
That first quarter was a fucking joke. The Cavs lead was literalky just free throws.
cavs come back down 1-4 and by the miracle of Adam Silver extending the Finals to a 9 game series immediately following a 147-82 blowout in Oracle Arena, while KD, Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and the rest of the Warriors are celebrating and talking with Inside the NBA, Adam Silver announces that he has picked one person from each team, where their shots count for 5X more, so a 2 is a 10 and a 3 is a 15-point shot. He decides that Lebron James for the Cavs and Zaza Pachulia for the Warriors gets the multiplier. Afterwards, Lebron and co. meet in the locker room, and play rock-paper-scissors to see who gives Zaza a career ending injury. Shumpert is tasked with kicking out Zaza's kneecaps, while Lebron secures a few million USD to help pay for Shumpert's fines and criminal prosecution. Through the miracle of Silver, Lebron James averages 100+ ppg and is tauted as the undisputed GOAT. The Cavs celebrate their hard-earned victory in Oakland, and proceed to set fire to Oracle Arena, killing over 50 people.
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i hate that mfer
>and they still won by a small amount
kid you don't even look at boxscores.
without durants 15 free throws, the warriors lose by 30+. stop kidding yourself. bron had a +32 while on the court. LEAF
cavs sweep in 7
>underage calling someone else "kid"
aww isn't that cute
And the Cavs got 23 FT in the first quarter alone.
How about we keep watching and instead improve the league?

How? Simple = Kill all Jews.
Send them to the 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Tokyo
I propose we start a list of people who have doggy-dicked and/or otherwise "cucked" Stephen Curry in the NBA Finals.

From the top, in chronological order:
>Matthew Dellavedova
>Lebron James
>Andre Iguodala

>Lebron James
>Kyrie Irving
>Kevin Love

>Kevin Durant
>Lebron James
>Kyrie Irving

Add to this list as you see fit!
when will kobefags go away?
Neck yourself virgin
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>Klay Thompson
>Dubs get to celebrate their Finals victory at home
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Cav will win game 5. Warriors are shook and the Curry meme is officially dead this series. Do they think Durcant can win this series for them? He is probably one of the greatest choke artists in league history.
would durant have gotten the same hate if he joined harden?

No. Harden is a playoff fraud.
lebron has the jawline of a god
Well it's 51 percent black so
and curry isnt?
>win championship
>playoff fraud
the warriors still have a lead and are more than likely to win, but i want believe the cavs are gonna pull of reverse sweep.
People you don't get it.

>blowing a 3-1 lead
>acquiring KD
>blowing a 3-0 lead

This is the greatest possible storyline. Warriors meme status would cement for all eternity. Silver actually hates the warriors, this was the plan all along.

Also to the people bitching about calls, if Kyrie got the same calls as Curry in game 3 Cavs would have won by 10-15
If the warriors ACTUALLY blow this would they break up? Don't a lot of their stars have options?

I don't see how this team could stay together considering what happened last year
kd has an option,curry iggy livingston mcgee are free agents. lebron would legit break the team up
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There are 2 simple reasons Golden State list that game:

1. Steve fucking moron liberal cunt Kerr.

I was watching their pre game coach speech in their lovker room. And Kerr actuallyvtold the players "enjoy yourselves out there, win or LOSE...."

What kind of pussy cunt liberak baby bullshit is that? Golden State came out weak and like they think they have all the time/games in the world and they won something.

Kerr should have said:

Listen mofos, THERE IS NO TOMORROW. You are tied 0-0 bc you have not won shit yet. You go out and WIN right now, today, not next game bc there is no next game my niggas. You are here to decide if you want to be champions or go home. You aint here to have fun. You are here to win or die. You are ahead in this series 0 games until you win the championship. Go out and take your destiny!!!!!!!!

Instead he psychologically cucked them and prepared them to play like pussys giving them a speech you give 5 year olds at saturday soccer.

Fucking liberal cunt weak moron SJW coach.

Phil Jackson would never have told Bulls/Jordan "have fun even if lose finals game"

Kerr is a cunt SJW weak moron of a a coach.

2. Reason 2 was obvious rigging by the refs/NBA to help Lebron and get another game for business reasons $$$$
Reminder Steve Kerr named his son Nick.

Nick Kerr
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Lebron confirmed for genetically modified human

I bet the nazis created him in their Antarctic base
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Brady isn't even better than RG3.
I literally didn't read a single word of your post and have no plans to either.

But I just noticed the guy in that picture looks like Steven Adams.
They were trying to lose for another home game revenue. might as well enjoy the loss if there is no alternative.
T Mac did it first and it was 100 times better and 100 times more unbelievable.

Prime T-Mac is still to this day the most amazing human being I've ever seen. I cry thinking how his injuries ruined his potential and if he just stayed in Toronto his career would've been drastically better.
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Nigga shut up we're talking about the Finals here

I haven't watched a regular season games for 3 years now. The only time I will actually sit down and watch an NBA game is the 4th quarter of an elimination game in the championship. And I didn't even watch the last game. I really don't see how people can take watching NBA games. It's pretty boring to me
Shut up troll. God you're a retard. I'd slit your fucking troat if you tried to talk to me like this in real life.
40% fg percentage chucker
>the warriors won't win now because KD is still cursed by the basedgod
No he's not
Why are you here then
To use box scores to shitpost with
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Post your progress bros
Their last major FA signing was a washed up has been who was the third scorer behind Millsap and Teague and it took max money for him to even consider moving and wouldn't have minded to stay in Atlanta.

The Celtics should just keep drafting and forget free agency.
So if the Warriors blow Game 5 the Cavs are winning this series right??
Shut up troll. God you're a retard. I'd slit your fucking troat if you tried to talk to me like this in real life.
If they lose Game 5, they will be mentally shook
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This. He also acts extremely arrogant at the same time, when a reporter asked him if the 01 lakers could beat them he said something like

"no genetics go in reverse so all those old teams are obviously better than us."

like seriously? You're going to say your shitty stacked as fuck team full of chokers is already better than the lakers/bulls/celtics when you still haven't even won a chip yet?? It's like he was expecting to cakewalk to 16-0 and be proclaimed the best ever
basketball sucks
France is literally the reason you're allowed to exist

be humble
Can we ban all leafs pls
France is currently committing suicide via "liberalism" (aka refugees and no sovereignty). You have no room to play the 1776 card, faggot frog.
Not if your team is good
Anyone else think that Game 5 is Golden State's only shot at winning the championship? If they lose Game 5, I'm picking Cavs in 7 since Game 6 is in Cleveland, and Game 7 haunts Golden State.
Steven Adams himself has often made that comment. He and Jason Momoa (Karl Drago & Aquaman) looks alike in certain aspects.

Nah, they have a legit shot both homes games as officiating will swing back in their favor like in Game 1.

They don't want to see Cleveland again though. That would be a full on implosion by them.
Wanna know how I know that Cavs are winning in 7? Because Deron Williams finally scored.
I'm for da land in this series but you're retarded.
Athletes get better every year, there are statistical outliers (Jordan) but 2010 roleplayers would absolutely demolish 1990 roleplayers.
so for 28 other teams basketball sucks, nice "sport" you have there
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he's jinxing it

A healthy Spurs team could beat the warriors.

It's not the fact that he said players now are better, but he said this before his team even won the chip. At least wait to actually win before you start declaring yourself better than the greats.

He could have just said "Oh those teams are pretty good, we're just focused on winning right now" or something, instead he decides to act like a smug jackass and completely diminish past teams accomplishments while crowning the 2017 warriors GOAT
I get that but it's what he, Curry, Thompson, Durant...say almost every single interview.
Imagine being interviewed 20x a day about that shit, you'll make a snarky comment now and then that gets blown out of proportion.
>tfw nba team stripped from my city a decade ago
>tfw nba has become more and more like the jewish wrestling foundation a decade later
I don't miss the Sonics at all.
Based da land
>nba team stripped from my city a decade ago

>still talking about it, a decade later, still, literally, cannot stop talking about it, a decade later

>make a post trying to get attention about it, again

How many Kansas City Royals fans do you see on /sp/ right now? You see none. Stop talking about your non existent team and get over it.

>Silver actually hates the warriors
I think you're right. Remember when Silver REFUSED to shake Curry's hand after winning the """"""""""""""mv""""""""""""P award last year?
>says the faggot that was suspended for accumulating too many technicals and then didn't show up the next game leading up to the most incredible choke ever
>is about to do it again

Drayboon is shook as fuck, can't wait to see him kill himself
>Drayboon is shook as fuck
Shannon Sharpe is right.
WHat did le skeup man say?

Curry is just an awkward little autist

That after talking big and calling Lebron a bitch, that Green and the Warriors were the ones being a bitch when they went crying to Durant.
Well he ain't wrong lol
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John Wall status?
Straight dumb nigger trash
Shaken like a Polaroid picture
What do you expect from nutt-toucher's mom?
download the B/R APP
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>referring to Adam West as just batman
You're the most unfunny cunt on 4chan and the brapp meme is literally the most childish thing ever.
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>boreiorrs so shook that they had to pay to reverse technicals
>so shook they had to unleash full Zaza and Green flagrants-that-aren't-called-flagrants
>so shook they had to have a fan ejected because they could NOT handle the bantz at all

>Larrold and the Proxies cries about refball

This feels just like last year. I might have been okay with Warriors beating Cavs, until they killed Kawhi and now are doing the same shit. Zaza and Green should both be suspended.
Zaza and Draymond didn't commit any flagrants
Punching and elbowing someone in the face are flagrant fouls for other players on other teams
Anyone else miss this team? They were dominant yet entertaining, they weren't completely perfect and that made them interesting. Unlike this year's Golden State
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Fresh new meme
Good thing Bosh got his rings before his health window slammed shut.

King James confirmed for most philanthropic athlete in the world.

>Curry's most giving act is making kids' families pay thousands of dollars to see him on some resort island for "camp"

Everything about the Larriors is disgusting
I wish it was that team that played the warriors right now.
I don't know who I'd pick honestly. Logic points to four elite players over three but that was peak Lebron, he was untouchable.
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>tfw never got to post this before Durant left OKC
Maybe if he didn't choke a 3-1 lead, things would be different
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please use this, I won't be needing it after monday
It's clear that when both teams play at their best the Cavs are better because they are more balanced. And they have Lebron who is able to control the game like no other.

Get your shit ready boys cause if Cavs win on Monday we're in for a wild ride.
Even if he wins, Durant is going to realize that he could have won without leaving and stay the good guy. Fucking retard. He deserves shame.
Draymond Green and Klay Thompson are overrated as fuck, got cooked by Kyrie and Love all night and couldn't hit the side of a barn

don't ever say the Warriors have 4 all stars again because they have 2 good players and a bunch of memes
If Cavs win on Monday the Warriors need to forfeit because they lack the mental fortitude to go the rest of the way. I'm afraid for their mental health.
Drayboon is low key costing the warriors the series. Cavs are starting to sag off him to help on curry and KD cause Green can't shoot anymore.
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why do black love henny so much? it's referenced like 20 times in Atlanta
Cavs are better?

Last year required a Herculean effort from Lebron, injured steph, injured bogut, and fouled out Draymond for the cavs to win. The warriors let one slip which isn't very surprising, don't expect it to happen Monday. Why are cavs fans so delusional?
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>mfw people doubted J.R.
He's dropping at least 20 points next game, cap this
I don't pay that much attention to anybody in Cleveland, honestly, They don't seem to be the sharpest people around.
>""""professional"""" athlete resorting to muh fans banter

May as well send a postcard to everyone in Cleveland telling them how shook you are

>Stephanie Curry
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>Cavs pretending to be shit JUST so they can pull off the 3-0

The only problem is there's basically nothing left to do at that point.

and he misses again....
>Cavs are more balanced
>Only win when they make a historic amount of memechuckers
Top fucking kek
When has there ever been a better opportunity to do it though? Last year's raping was brutal but now he's pulled Durant into the victim circle too? Jesus, he needs to admit to it 20 years down the road so they can make a book and a movie just to mock Durant and Curry forever with.
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>Only win when
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Confirmed for Cavs sweep in 7.
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>advanced stats
How many closeout games have the Cavs won in a row now? 10?
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>it was >1%
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Kyrie Irving is unkillable. Imagine how 2015 would have gone if Klay didn't take him out in game 1.

Ws are shaking in their booties.
Right back at ya
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five (5)
If the Cavs can pull it off, can we officially call this a 3peat?
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Stats by the stars so far
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>3 games in between games
I badly want to see someone take out Durant or Curry so we can laugh at them when they say we only won because of injuries while pretending Kawhi-Zaza never happened.
>Lebron: 31/11/10 on 54%

When the fuck is he gunna slow down? I thought last year he gave it his all when he lead both teams in all stats but this year he comes out and averages a triple double. Fucking goat
god you're stupid
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>3 games in between games
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>John Wall is now a fat fuck

I've been a diehard cavs fan all my life since 2015 and even I can admit last night was a fluke win. There's no way the cavs will rain a record breaking amount of 3s on the road. JR Smith and Tristan Thompson will disappear again mark my fucking words.
>when that Migos song that says Pipe it up starts playing and he just stops what he's doing to start dancing and singing to the song

GOAT celebration moment.
Tfw celebrate title win at home.
Must b nice
He can't possibly keep playing at that level for a 3+ years, can he? He's WAY overdue for a catastrophic injury with the way he drives to the basket. Even MJ had one catastrophic injury scare.
Takes time to travel my nigga
If Cavs win the next game I 100% guarantee they're forcing a game 7 to win the championship again.

All of this happens immediately after Adam Silver said the NBA is an entertainment show and it's like reality TV.
I don't give a shit. If the script is for the warriors to blow a 3-0 lead then please god let the league be rigged and let it happen
Cavs could have missed like 6 of those and still won. The only fluke was the sheer numbers put up. Getting the win was not a fluke. Barely winning is not the same thing as winning big. Don't forget we have several guys still playing below their capabilities including 90% of the bench (Shumpert, Korver, both Williams, Frye hasn't even touched the court I believe, etc). Cavs very much have the ability to win game 5 and then game 6 is all but settled. If they win 5, it's going to 7.
Nothing you will say will change the fact it was a fluke win

Sorry, you're not gonna have all 4 of the warriors big ones miss all of their 3s again while making a historic amount of 3s yourself.

Honestly should have been a 50 point win if the Cavs were actually good.
you're that one canadian tard that's been shitting on the cavs and crying refball since last night. kill yourself.
That was not a fluke win. A fluke win would be Lebron hitting 8 threes or TT scoring like 20+. They just played perfect Cavs basketball
Settling things once and for all. If the last digit of my post is odd then warriors win Sunday, if not then the cavs win
>implying the Ws have a 50-50 chance to win this
They're not that lucky, Anon.
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>tfw my friends invited me out last night and I said "nah, I'm gonna stay home and watch The Finals"
>kd is a known and proven choker and has been feeding off the presumption that the warriors are untouchable
>now that a seed of doubt has been planted be prepared for some shitty performances out of him in the upcoming game(s), curry is already disappearing, Thomson getting worn out by Irving on d, green in maximum chimp mode
If the cavs win game 5 this series is unironically going to 7 where lebron will go supersaiyan
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If repeating digits Cavs win on Monday
I haven't talked to a "friend" in around 6 months
Is /nba/ not your friend?
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>tfw I pushed my friends away
I'd do the same unless it was a girl I liked
Iphone retards everyone can't even post an image without it being sideways
Who's watching Black Panther premier this week?

I just want a gf tho to be honest
Same I just ignored mine until they stopped messaging me
It's funny that people don't see this coming. Odds are good that the Warriors pull out a win Monday but if they don't, this shit is sealed because those already fragile egos will be thrown into a fucking wind tunnel of fear and chaos.
It's hard to get a gf without some kind of social circle. Try making some friends first
They'll get back their confidence once they play in Oracle and aren't getting refballed in the first quarter
I'm not watching that racist movie.
>Whites make a movie without any black people
>Blacks make a movie without any white people
Epic ftw
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>espn has an article on the front page about how a sweep would cost the warriors' owner millions of dollars
>the next day the cavs play with 8 guys on the court for the first half

Really makes the neurons active.

friends are over rated desu. At some point I realized I no longer get the same "rush" I used to get from social experiences and now people seem really boring. I think friends and social lives are just things you have when you're a child and eventually you grow out of that phase and become independent.

I got a job and tons of work friends who always wanted to hang out, even a cute girl that wanted to be my GF and I turned them all away just to sit at home and shitpost. Then I quit my job to be a NEET because normie life was stupid.
So when the refball goes in their favor, they'll be fine? What happened in the second half then?
Yeah, after two years, I have only finally come to this realization. I did get a friend/gf through online dating, but we've been broken up for 6 months and online dating is a really sucky way to meet women.

The only problem is I'm kinda anti-social. I'm really picky about who I want to hang out with as a friend, and I don't really like non 1 on 1 social interactions (in a "hang out"/friendship capacity - family gatherings and stuff I don't mind)
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>I think friends and social lives are just things you have when you're a child and eventually you grow out of that phase and become independent.
This is what the depressed basement dwellers on 4chan actually think.
What kind of job? Been thinking about getting one just to meet people.
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>green in maximum chimp mode
Sure thing DSP
I think it's true for some people. I had always been a loner type but I totally grew out of friends around age 14. I had friends, and cousins who were like friends, and we would have fun and stuff, but I never really had THAT much fun with them. I've always preferred being by myself. So when I just stopped calling them and we grew apart I was totally cool with that, and it had a lot of perks actually.

I do want a really close best friend in the form of a girlfriend though, where we do pretty much everything together. Because I do get lonely, but I don't really desire having friends or a social life at all.
Warriors have already lost a lot of money sweeping every team they played in the postseason. I don't think they're concerned with that right now. Plus, going 16-0 is probably way more valuable. But 16-0 is over now.

I started working at a store stocking shelves. Kept my head down and didn't step on anyone's toes, so they kept promoting me until I became the #2 guy underneath the store manager, then my manager got sick and I became the head honcho and ran that shit for a few months. Was pretty based, went from being a shy beta to telling customers to fuck off and get out of my store. Got to meet people/hire people/interview people and social skills went from 0 to 10.

Normie life was kind of boring, now I get muh gubmint handouts
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>Green gets ejected/suspended
>Durant sprains his ankle
Last night was just ridiculous. Draymond really needs to learn how to control himself.

If the Cavs come back from a 3-0 deficit, I swear to prophet mohamad I will strip all my clothes and run naked through the mean streets of Boise, Idaho screaming Jews did 9/11 at the top of my lungs until I get arrested.
Just Durant getting injured would be enough, Matt Barnes guarding LeBron would be gg
Duncan getting ejected for laughing at the officials from the bench is the greatest sign of poor officiating ever.

THey say players need thick skin, so do fucking officials. If you suck at your job you get laughed at, simple as that.
>when the warriors offense gets shit on by good defense yet again just like last year it's a fluke

History says no
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Cavs already got the digits
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Superior version
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>da land sports talk radio thinks anything can happen this series like apemond saying something stupid or kd slipping and falling in his kitchen this weekend

Cleveland fans everybody.
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>new My Hero Academia episode
>new Attack on Titan episode
>new Dragon Ball episode
>Warriors BTFO yesterday and LeBron's legacy is still in shambles

Today is fucking litty bros!
>apemond saying something
>kd slipping

Cleveland fans know what they're talking about, then.

bro for all we know the warrior's plane might explode on the way back to oakland...
My hero academia looks like an anime for children. Crunchyroll adverts confirm it
It's an anime for muscular men such as myself. Fuck outta here with crunchyroll, pleb.
>4 7s
>a 7 for every W they need
>they'll win in game 7
>this is bron brons 7th straight finals
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>ynr when leaf anon accidentally rolled 216 for the ultimate Cavs victory
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>cavs know they're outclassed and can't beat this state squad in a 7 game series straight up without injuries and suspensions
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Look at the first thing that comes up in google when you type in the post number

>good times
The bottom of that is gonna look retarded after Monday night
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Oh my god
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>green saying something stupid
Draymond gets in the refs face and screams unctrollably almost every game. It is not out of the question to think when one of the refs has chimp saliva flying on his face hes gonna send his ass to the fuckin locker room.
>kd slipping in his kitchen
Neither team has had an injury yet and the next game is going to be out of control. Kd has toothpick tier wrists and legs my money is on him getting injured if anyone.
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Does anyone else think giving Ts for yelling at refs is retarded? Somebody throws their hands up and complains after every other call. Of course these roided out black guys are gonna get pissed off at some of the calls, just let them fucking play
>this post

Y'all realize 33 is a holy number right
God isn't real.
>Larrior fan shook

Be afraid
Ur mom shook my dick in her mouth
I'm sure as shit done with this series. I can't stomach another game officiated like that.
>/asp/ trip on /sp/

you have to go back
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I'm feeling it, /nba/. I'm feeling the Cavs are going to make history yet again.
Daily reminder that the Warriors got five more FTAs than the Cavs in Game 4.

If I'm a loser then I got the doubles.

I think throwing out fans for saying shit to the players is the most retarded thing of all.

How you gonna throw out a paying customer just because some entitled millionaire got his feelings hurt? How soft are these players now that they're throwing tantrums because a fan said a mean thing to them?
Daily reminder that the Warriors starters got a bunch of fouls in the first quarter, forcing them to play more conservatively for the rest of the game

Daily reminder that the refs evened out the FTs in the second half to make it seem less rigged
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daily reminder that kevin durant signed with a 73-win team with 4 all-stars and therefore warriors fans lose the right to complain about anything being unfair ever again.
Don't talk to casuals who think close fts= no refball. They are braindead and don't know how to think

Cavs still would have won the game without refball, but there was definite refball
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>tfw you made the drake post
Lmao at you dickriders. This was a foul by Kawhi on Zaza. His arm stops Zaza from getting to the ball, the Zaza locks arms with him which was a dick move but it doesn't change the fact the original foul is Kawhi on Zaza
Obesity is the #1 killer


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Okay, I'm calling script
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>/nba/ cries the NBA isn't physical enough anymore
>Someone gets physical and they still cry
That's a smashmouth 80s basketball move
>Implying I'm a dubs fan
>Implying anything justifies refball
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literally how

Lebitch has personally told staff to do it multiple times, that's how much of a feeble-minded entitled headcase he is.
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>my post had 216 again
>he doesn't know 4chan has scripts where you can easily end your post in doubles

lol newfag
They put up 49 points in the first fucking quarter. Are you retarded? They would have needed to be shooting at like 70% to catch up after that. The entire game was a travesty but the 1st quarter officiating is what tucked the entire game. Cavs basically got the equivalent to a 10 second head start in a race.

>Warriors had a 3-0 lead
>Cavs win 4 straight


I'm a lebron fan, but even I agree the dude gets pissy sometimes and has hissyfits. Wish all the players would stop playing like little girls
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I-I can't keep up
Shut the fuck up

It's the equivalent of having a 10-second head start, and then getting stopped halfway through and letting the other guy catch up and gain momentum for 10 seconds. This is all according to your own logic by the way, in my opinion the refereeing was fair in the first half
>even I agree the dude gets pissy every single play that doesn't go his way and has hissyfits.
Fixed that for you.
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>in my opinion the refereeing was fair in the first half
It's smelly in here, smells like fat whale blubber lads
You're trolling right?

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Are you scared bitch?

Are you scared meme magic is aligning again for the second straight year?

You should be afraid.
>warriors aren't allowed to foul

Oh yes I forgot this part of the official NBA rules
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It's only Saturday
You have to be a special kind of faggot to draw that artwork
>Grandpa, tells us again about the time the warriors had 2 historic seasons and failed to win in both seasons. Also tell us more about the great Lebron please
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Uh oh Harry's getting upset guys
Any1 laughing at the fact the league may cuck te warriors and kd out of a ring when they thought they won it in september? they openly mocked the league thinking they were untouchable but legod rallied the entire league to eternally buttfuck them with refs and they cant do anything about it.
They won one game jesus christ
t. small baller millennial memechucker fan
Thats some impressive compilation work, anon
will the chip winners be invited to the whitehouse this year?
They won two you mongoloid.
You really think GSW wins Game 5?
/ourguy/ wills it, Game 6 is happening.
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The post that saved /nba/
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I want Elsa Jean inside me. Post more pics pls
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Will someone from the Cavs debase the Oracle Arena after they're up 15 with 2 minutes left in the 4th?
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I'm PISSING myself with excitement for the next Cavs games, such a DISCONNECT between fans and CRITICS, people just want some RAUNCHY summer fun
>NBA Live at the EA thing

Kek, KEK.
Lebron James?

more like

Legame Five

LeLeLeLe xD
Why the hate? Are you gay?
lmao, lebron is 12-2 in game 5 when he wins game 4.
Warriors are fucked with a capital FU
LMAO at people who think the Warriors will lose t his.

Nike has already told Lebron and Durant the script. Durant wins this year so Curry is effectively laughed off the Warriors and UA goes bankrupt. Then next year Lebron topples the great superteam dynasty and becomes the eternal GOAT.
they ignored a backcourt violation against the warriors and a 8 second violations against each team, they also ignored flagrant fouls by GS twice


Thanks for the arbitrary stats, Bleacher Report
>they also ignored flagrant fouls by GS twice

This is what I don't get when Warrior cucks complain about refs. Cavs may have gotten away with some shit in the 1st quarter but the Warriors got away with some egregious fouls that most players would've gotten ejected from.

If players started throwing games id stop watching

Every league has jews manipulating things behind the scenes the NBA is just more obvious about it
I thought cavs had a chance to sweep the warriors, they are way better at playing physically. their players draw fouls way better (if you breathe on kevin love he gets the call everytime because the refs feel bad after they let his arm get snapped off),

look what happens when they play hard and physical, they force the refs to call bullshit 24/7 and the warriors are just one draymond green outburst from collapsing as a team. the only person the cavs should fear is KD because he operate at his own level separate from warriors players since hes a new guy and an insane iso scorer.

warriors are not close to an unbeatable dynasty. they have 4 all stars but 2 of them are overrated and extremely flawed (draymonds defense has been a joke this series and hes shooting 10% from the field, klay only plays good defense when he doesnt have to shoot well).

cavs prolly lose this year, but i dont see why the spurs healthy couldnt crush this baby ass warriors team. pop is watching these finals and taking notes. and lebron is still in his fucking prime.
People complain curry is getting held but he's doing the same thing, fuck that choir boy
Lebron shows up every game, when Kyrie actually bothers to show up the Cavs actually win sometimes
Spurs are not beating this team. You're fucking delusional. This team still has an absurd amount of firepower. On an off-night yesterday, they still put up like 116 points.

The only way Spurs have any shot is if Kawhi limits KD to like 25 points and hope Curry and Thompson are no-shows. Good luck doing that for 4 games.
Anyone see KD get a soft touch on the head when Love was trying to block the ball and KD went to the ref and said he punched me and the ref looked at him and changed it to a flagrant?

What kind of bullshit ref influence is that? I've never seen anyone get a flagrant upgrade because they just told the ref it happened.
racist as fuck

Tim Donaghy said all it took was 5 or 6 calls to sway a game in his favor, really does boil my peanut.
This cavs team is a top 5 team all time if warriors didnt exist. in fact i think people will look at the cavs team win or loss incredibly favorably now because they prevented the 16-0
>they force the refs to call bullshit 24/7
refs did a good job game 4, what are you talking about? both sides got goo calls.
>you don't have MVPbrook to help you with your depression like I do
im sorry, but you'll probably make some joke about meth and rednecks
New Thread

none of the calls were bad, the cavs just made sure they had to call them when other times the refs would let it go.

if you really just hustle and fight in the paint like that you will get the calls because the refs cant afford injury and have to settle the game down. and when it continues to get chippy the cavs will get more favorable treatment because their star players dont involve a giant mouthbreathing gorilla that just pisses the refs off to look at. then you have the cavs crowd screaming and heckling everyone and this mental advantage the cavs get is insane.
The deron williams layup contest and the irving lost handle were the only two that were blatantly wrong calls.
The rest are either totally correct, like the rj drive where the last angle clearly shows it's all hand and the curry lost handle at half court, or are just 50/50 calls that just didn't go the warriors' way
this desu, except i don't get lonely
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>once again proven their game play is superior

>mfw a 2K fag talks about muh graphics
It looks like a joke, even the new "pro-am" mode is stolen from 2k.
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