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ITT : we kindly pick a new sport for the Phillipines. Basketball

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ITT : we kindly pick a new sport for the Phillipines.

Basketball is currently their favourite sport. But the average height for men in the Philippines is 5'4".

So please post which sport they should focus on.

I say boxing. They can be a new Mexico and produce many meme weight fighters (they already had 1 great).

Btw this isn't a thread for you to be rude to the Phillipines. Keep that shit on int.
Maybe baseball. You have Japan nearby, you can learn from them.
Competitive Balut Eating

t.dirty flip
the war on drugs is the national sport of the flips since duterte took over
That's actually a good point.

I was thinking maybe soccer also? They are small and fast.
Do you even understand what "average" entails? You only need twelve tall guys (which you can of course nitpick) at any given time to arm a proper basketball team.
That's not how it works, dude.

You need more taller people so they can grow up playing against each other Nd have competition so they can get better.
monst annoying shitheds in FIBA facebook and twitter pages talking about how their heart can overpass the height loss and win their enemies who are top 10 in the ranking. just fck those annoying trashes they sck in basketball they need to accept it
We just need to fuck more niggers, so we could cross breed ans create the ultimate bball players.
unless you are southamerican or european you'll always be shit at football, sorry, and even if you are the best you can get is one or two good generations
do any asian counties actually care about sawker?
None of that, please.
'Soccer' requires at least 3x players to either be 6ft+ with incredible athleticism or 6'4 so wouldn't work

would be better than fat Australians on the run from Interpol
Ya you're right actually. Can't have short dudes defending and keeping the net.

So I'm saying they forget basketball and just make boxing gyms all over the country. Put pacs face over all of them and get kids off the streets and boxing.

Do black girls like Filipino men?
Out of all the countries in Southeast Asia, the Philippines are actually top of the FIFA rankings. Them and Thailand usually switch back and forth for #1 in the region. It's surprising, you'd think Indonesia and Malaysia would be much higher up.
Just lower the net to 8 feet in the Philippines
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nah, we're shit
If Hue's can have a manlet keeper so why not?
just curious why is basketball the most popular sport in flip land?
I dont get how Basketball became their favorite sport when they dont have the physicality for it, why didnt they choose football instead
i lost my virginity to a black hooker so i guess
Why is it the most popular sport along all the former USSR states bordering burgerstan's enemy Russia?

WW2 and the Cold War kid
not true

t.manlet country
Ginebra San Miguel.

The story of the Ultimate underdog team.

Came back from a 3-1 lead against a juggernaut.

Kobe's visits also does this.
How is Gary Medel seen there?
>muh height

This isn't the 90s anymore

A 5'11-6'1 memechucker with great handles and fundamentals can play in the NBA

Our national team has like 3 5'9 players and the rest (excluding the token negro) are the same height as NBA guards and small forwards
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>who kabarangay here here
i don't know anyone that doesn't like him
he is the kind of player that always gives his all and people love that and also he is pretty good for us
Also unlike soccer you don't need a huge space to play it. It's easy to play in the streets. The kids playing basketball in the streets of my subdivision in the Philippines are really no different than the ones playing it in the street in the trailer park I live in now. I'm sure if they had the resources necessary to play something else they probably would.
>when they don't have the physicality for it
Yes because we're playing against seven foot dudes all the time.

Apehoop here goes pre-WW2.
>Apehoop here goes pre-WW2.
Who would you even know that played that old? Got sauce?
Tbh you dont need a huge space to play soccer either. Growing up in South America, we used to play on your average sized street with two rocks as nets in a really small space
it was introduced to us, the same time the revolution was going on.(1898),

but like I said, Robert Jaworski's era had a hand in why Basketball is so popular here

>Toyota vs Crispa
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Women's Volleyball is actually pretty popular here. probably the second most popular sport after basketball(football faded into irrelevancy). unfortunately, the players are far too short for international competition. on average the tallest player is only 5'11".

boxing as a sport isn't really that popular. it's just Manny that was memed. life doesn't stop when Donaire, Nietes or Prince Albert take to the ring.

anyway, since our women are marrying and starting families with Whites or Blacks, height will eventually stop being obstacle for us in both basketball and volleyball. and combined with our /puso/, we will one day dominate the sport.
Basketball Association of the Philippines in the 30s

It was contracted in the 70s with the incarnation of the PBA

NCAA (the same one as Amerifat college hoops) started in UPD in the 20s
Yeah but that's pretty shit compared to street basketball.
Divegrass/soccer was always a bandwagon sport here

God forbid when channels here starting airing Superbowl
The Philippines should try soccer. It works at any size. Japan and Korea are pretty good at it and even South Americans aren't as big as Yurop. It seems like soccer has the lowest barrier of entry seeing how diverse it is.
Thats true, but when you dont know any better, it doesnt really matter.
Who introduced it? Name names, show documents. Nah, nevermind kapatid, I'll take your word for it.

>NCAA (the same one as Amerifat college hoops) started in UPD in the 20s
Now we're talking. Thanks mate
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>tfw the Philippines National Football Team has more """""""filipinos"""""""" than filipinos
So you're saying I should have my future children learn to play here then send them to their mother's homeland to dominate?
Hunting muslims
Real question for Filipino's; why is there so many bandwagon Warriors fans? I couldn't help but notice this when scrolling through Twitter.
>I say boxing
That time has already passed
We have better presence in rugby. I'd rather get rugbybowl broadcasts than wrestling or pigskinbowl
not working. People just don't want to relate to the Azkals because they're filthy half-breeds. Only people who give a shit were the females who just like the bishounen-looking fil-foreigners.
Monkey local Flips think soccer is a gay """sport"""

The best way is to get """""""""Filipinos"""""""""" to root for since our media here easily falls for """""""""Filipinos"""""""""" doing well for themselves overseas
I have a filipino friend who tells me that your media loves to leech off """""""filipinos""""""""" as part of their pinoy pride, i mean fucking why dude, hes embarrased about it
it's only the girls who watch the Azkals, everyone else watches Ginebra games whenever it's sunday.
>7000+ islands
>no swimming gold medal

Really makes you think.

We can even do gymnastics and weightlifting.
San Francisco and Cali in general has the highest flip population, Curry's wife is half flip making his daughter quarter flip. Inflate that with the usual bandwagon crowd any ethnicity has plus the Philippines having the highest internet usage in south east asia.

If Knicks were powerhouses you'd see casuals bandwagoning them too
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When the water looks like this? I wouldn't be inclined to swim.
When you have nothing to be proud off you start leeching off from someone identifiable.

To be fair, some of those """""""filipinos""""""""" are actual overseas Filipino workers like maids and shieet.

I cringe whenever a Fil-Am, Fil-Leaf or Fil-Euro gets plastered on TV for doing something mundane.
I think TV5 has aired the Superbowl two times in a row, but idk if anyone watched it since it's on the same time as... IIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME! pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
yes... please.
>Btw this isn't a thread for you to be rude to the Phillipines.

If I wanted to be rude to flips I'd go to Tim Hortons or a nursing home
overseas workers are fine and actually inspiring but those we wuz flips with 1/8 flip blood are just hilarious, when did this propaganda campaign started
Flips bandwagoned the CHeat years back because the coach is some half-breed or some shit.

They still bandwagon the Lelkers because of Jordan Clarkson, another quarter-breed or some shit.
this looks like the most intense game of tag ever
We have cleaner waters in the south surrounded by small islands, only shit we can be proud of here.
yeah, it's a shame that most laker fans here ....
[spoiler]actually turned into cavs fans[/spoiler]

>only place where you'll see one person being a Kobe, Jordan and Lebron fan at the same time.
Must suck living in a mongrel city where malays, chinks, poos and sandnegroes dilute any sense of country. You could stand up for Lin or Yao doing well but no one in your city would cheer for Chingaport, it's always Hong Kong or Beijing cockblocking you.
i actually remember theres a Full blooded Flip playing for Barca's academy, I wonder how fast the Philippines will turn to Barca bandwagoners once he starts playing for the first team
My fiancee actually did watch it this year, which really surprises me because she's a huge fan of Showtime. Usually when NBA games are on we're chatting about them.

I lived there for four years and those TV shows started to drive me crazy. I finally broke down and got good Internet so I could stream hockey and the US version of Cartoon Network. After enjoying some proper American television while eating lots of oreos and drinking tons of mountain dew every morning I was a much happier person.
he'll need to be insanely good. Because part of the reason why flips don't like soccer is the scoring pace of the game.
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>Pinoys in soccer threads
>Pinoys discussing /nfl/ and /mlb/
I reckon the half-Aussie sons of prostitutes could field a pretty good Cricket XI
What are the pitches like in the Phillipines?
Calm down my dude the guy has a point. As soon as any foreign celebrity is revealed to be part flip, media goes ape shit.
they're literally hipsters.
like apl.de.ap
i remember reading something about dave batista being part flip and filipinos claiming him as their own despite him not making a big deal about his heritage
it used to be like this
>go to American Idol
>claim to be half-flip
>go back home
>instant celebrity
If it wasn't for the Americans changing The Philippines P.E. curriculum, we would still have football as a national sport.
You think I haven't seen this tired old /int/ gimmick? I post on /flip/ where we do this to each other. It's just lame seeing the same old shitty memes with no originality ad nauseam. As if any other country and media doesn't do the same thing. Akron celebrates James as a native, what is your point?

Everyone fucking does it.
kek remember when that Singaporean swimmer who won gold in the olympics had a flip nan when he was a young boy? that got a lot of local media coverage.
He was actually born in AC though and always goes there. So many people I met had stories about encountering him.
No one does it as much as pinoys tho
This. Foreign occupation did a number on us.
O chingchong bakit biglang naging bouncer ka para dun sa intsikaporean? Instik ka rin no? Masyado mataas tax ni Duterte kaya andito ka kay anonymous nagdadabog. Luto ka nga ng canton
funny story is that he was all over the news in here but no one gave a shit about him after a day lol
Yeah what was that all about?

It was embarrassing.
He actually visited my Uni once. He has a recording studio named after him there.
Post your survey results then proxyfag.
I want to forget.
off topic question for flips

why do all of your department stores have dozens of employees? I went to an sm department store in cebu and their were literally 8 employees for just the mens underwear section
so is he a flip or a """"flip"""""?
are you an intsik or an ''''instik'''''
Kasi tama siya bobo. Manood ka nga ng news.
So they can follow you around and be like sir mam sir can I help you. They are all paid like 100 pesos per day at best and the quality of the service reflects that but the chinks in charge want to impress you with the sheer quantity of the labor.
Service. We like to get to things fast. I hate SM employees for how robotic they are but they do have their purpose.
Kaya ka nabobo dahil basurang showbiz balita ang sinasaksak mo sa ulo mo tanga
He is a full blooded flip. He is also proud of his region.
Ang showbiz na balita ay balita parin :^)
Shut up Boy Abunda! Day of the Rope for Gays when?
If you don't know him, you are one of the good guys.
isnt that the bald cunt
Ulol. Prituhin mo utak mong talangka. Mga palaka lang ang naapektuhan kung anong kababawan ang ginagawa ng mga kababayan nila, imbes na paasensuhin ang sarili at bayan.
So.... who's actually watching that Ginebra game later?
Yep. Cunt he is. Gay Cunt to be exact.
ABL standings, what's the count
>imbis na paasensuhin ang sarili at bayan
>browses 4chan
>average height for men in the Philippines is 5'4".
>everyone is degenerate meme
showbiz bakla na redditor pa

Jason Day is a pinoy from Australia

Asian concentration plus island savage strength/athleticism
Are there cute filipina grills over there? There are some here
why not football? go lionel messi on that shit
Basketbol is here to stay
>Tfw Thompson leads Fajardo in avarage rebounds per game
we have a under 6' player who rebounds the ball like a god.
Well you do you, but whatever you say doesn't change the fact that our media goes crazy over anything filipino related. I didn't say it was bad or anything, just that they overreact a lot.
Anong gagawin mo tungkol sa isyu mo? Iyak na lang sa internet at chumupa ng intsikporean para lalong bumaho ang impression ng mga dayuhan sa bandila? Samantalang kung pumunta ka sa ibang bansa at panoorin ang media nila, pareho rin lang ang gawain dahil parte ng journalismo ang ganun klaseng kwento. Magisip ka nga
When did I say this was an issue? But you are right, media everywhere goes crazy when their own countrymen achieves something, not a surprise.
Ikaw ang nakamonitor ng kung sino-sinong random ang magmamayari ng kung ano-anong accomplishment, ni hindi ko nga alam kalahati ng mga talking points mo bago mo dinala dito. Dito sa /sp/ basketball lang ang alam ko. Mukhang matagal ng nakatira sa utak mo ang isyung ito, pruprublemahin mo pa rin yan kapag hindi na kaya ng balun-balunan mong i-contain ang tae mo. Obsession ata tawag jan di ba. Tapos back off ka ngayon. Isip pa more tsuvalu.

Asan na ang ibang nakabandila ditong hindi marunong magfilipino, bakit biglang i-isa na lang kausap ko? Tulungan niyo huy. Si intsikaporean biglang naglaho pero may alam kuno sa pagkafilipino. Mga bobong roleplayers.
It's proved that Small height people can be Messi, Aguero, Silva, Alexis Sanches
They're minders

It also deters thieves
Bruh ang sabi ko lang kung merong part filipino na celebrity, magwawala ating media. Tama naman diba?
>mga bobong roleplayers
literally lmao at this language
Puta, di ka na nasanay sa pamilya pa lang. Mapromote ako, rinig na sa mga kapitbahay ng mga kamaganak sa kabilang dako ng mundo.
Scotty? yeah, that guy is a machine. I watched him in college and he's a triple double waiting to happen.
Napalitaw nanaman ang isang bobong roleplayer. Hulaan kung anong salita ang nagtrigger sa kanya
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is tourism a sport?
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titi pasok pepe
For me, it's the Talk 'N Text Tropang Texters
Is /asianstreetmeat/ an sport?

They get the gold
A lot of them but they suck.
How good is Kobe Paras? 1.3 pts in NCAA doesn't sound very promising. Could he become the face of the Filipino NT?
Try playing manlet NFL. We have fat people to be the O-line, DT, LB. Thin people will be the receivers, TE, QBs. Have Paquiao be the coach.
powerlifting, weightlifting
Overrated scrub
Nobody who knows basketball seriously rates him, he's a sports celeb at this point and is close to calling it quits to transition into a pure celeb.
He gets by since his Dad was famous.
>dad was a monster on the boards in his prime
fixd. gotta give some credit
what generals do flips on /sp/ generally go to? just curious

i only come here for /heem/ and sometimes /box/
Tangaaa. Ano bayan, you guys need to stop with this meme. You literally need to play football like south America it's retarded that we are trying to be fake yanks at everything how many Filipinos in the. Nba. Or even any big Europe basketball leagues?.. Ok..
Ikaw itong nagiisip tungkol sa mga ligang puti samantalang chill lang lahat sa pagdodomina ng mga liga mula sea hanggang tsina hanggang iran at turkey
Sorry google translating kiddies who wouldn't make it out alive in any of our kanto covered courts, filipino basketball is here to stay
association football would be perfect for them, it's the only sport where you can be competitive without 1. being rich and 2. having midgets as population
Anything but football is retarded t b h
He's a 6'6 guy dominating against 5'4 manlets
What, you could google his height after cluing on his name but you couldn't google the opposing forwards he faced, most of whom were imports because you have no idea what you're talking about? Get on my level dumb shit
philippines independence was a mistake
flongflongbingbong aripfengfeng
Imagine being a cumskin in asia and having to take orders from a chink. Or would taking orders from a bumbay be more demeaning?
Play football
Get paid in yuan. Win-win. Win for the chink owner who gets a performing team, and win again when the team spends that yuan within the chink economy.
Ok but play football.
Nah, we fine where we at. I'd rather play rugby as a backup sport.
I have inside information that duterte has created 12 pinoy versions of Yao ming. Just wait 20 years for Philippines domination
I'm 5'11 and I want my kids to be taller, it sucks trying to find a tall and attractive chick here in flipland.
Move to America and find a cute 5'10 white girl then
too bad I dont find white girls very attractive, I only like chinese-filipinos like me.
life is suffering.
maybe move to nippon and find a 6'1 volleyball qt
Ohhhh I want a Jap volleyball gf too!
gustafsson pls, let the manlets take one for a change
get a lot of them in /cric/ mate
monst annoying shitheds in FIBA facebook and twitter pages talking about how their heart can overpass the height loss and win their enemies who are top 10 in the ranking. just fck those annoying trashes they sck in basketball they need to accept it
Badminton and table tennis
what do flips think about duterte?

is he insane or the hero that the philippines deserve and need?
Flip media is owned by the opposition. Nothing ABS-CBN says will be supportive of Duterte.

He's a bit overdramatic when it comes to things though.
at least he put you in the global spotlight

I had no fucking clue who your previous presidents were and pretty much never thought about your country
but now due to him mass killing drug dealers and fighting ISIS, he's become a global meme
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holy fucking shit
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