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Official /turnleft/ Go Bowling 400 @ Kansas Speedway Race Thread #2

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Thread replies: 337
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RIP Almirola
is Aric dead ?!?!?!
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Hello Wall I must hit you at least twice a race
>tfw wike up from nap and have a headache

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>mile and a halfs are good
You shouldn't be on your cell phone right now, Aric
Why the hell are they racing on saturday? I thought this was the xfinity series so I didn't caught it until now
Because pretty much all night races are on saturdays
Mother's Day
le 77 man cant stop spinning
Really? I mean, you have football on christmas and new year
Dubs confirm this is true thread
>two "official" threads

get your shit together turn left

sincerely, todays IndyCar thread OP
Pit Stop time boys
We got the idea from "duel in memetroit"
Dumb fucks don't know to go to the first thread created
We do? I thought Thanksgiving was the football holiday
Nascar is a family sport

They do race on Father's Day (it's traditionally in Michigan)
I guess you could say that Aric didn't back away from the opposition.
Oh fuck the helicopter, las 3 times i've seen the helicopter the drivers died
airlift on its way to the track

Sure hope Richard Petty Motorsports has a health plan, because Almirola is going to be using his deductible tonight

The way he landed was violent as hell. That kinda compression is scary.
hows june bug doin

update from the ER

Aric Almorola has a broken back, can feel extremities

may possibly be sitting out the rest of the season
Remember when Benny Parsons said he'd give 100 dollars of his own money to every crew member over the wall if someone accomplished a sub 12 second stop

>11.3 second stop
11.3 pit stop for Blaney and the Wood brothers.

This is too good to be true.
About to cause a caution by staying out
>Trevor Bayne
It's time to get rid of this old man, he's going senile
He'll be lucky if he does't have to be sitting for the rest of his life
21 gonna win again

Fuck that. Larry Mac called him Dave earler. At least it was recent that Bayne was jn that car




>NBC & TNT analyst Benny Parsons' "BP Challenge" is a standing offer for pit crews. He will pay $100 to each of the seven members of any pit crew that completes a full pit stop in under 13-seconds. At each race during the season, Parsons always has seven, crisp one hundred dollar bills in case a team successfully completes the "BP Challenge." So far this season, Parsons has paid two teams, Bobby Hamilton’s #55 team and Jeremy Mayfield’s #19 team. Mayfield and his car owner, Ray Evernham matched Parson’s $700 for a total of $2,100 or $300 to each man.

>this happened in 2002
Where did the time go...
Jeremy Clements is on the shortlist to fill in for Almorola

Alex Bowman is signed with JR Motorsports tho
Stop trying to make a thread war retard you did this in the other thread too
Fuck off with this now.
Just stay in this thread
it has more ips
thata boy junior
Looks like new tires are great those first few laps, but after that it kinda levels off
this shit fucking sucks

F1 is way better
It's okay, we're going to a real race track next time
Kryle is cryin right now
the thread we are in now is the official 2nd thread you autist
ok so why didnt ford help RPM?
Is watching mercedes rape the entire field every race really that interesting?
That's pretty disrespectful
Aric is dying right now for our entertainment
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I would love to see Darrell Wallace in the 43. If NASCAR knows what they're doing, they will get their token black guy in the cup series as soon as possible. Good publicity.
At least it's not HAMROSVET anymore

The only thing that makes F1 bearable is that its on Sunday morning when I am having a coffee and a smoke and halfway paying attention.

If it competed head to head with NASCAR it wouldnt get any rating at all
Wallace Jr actually makes sense here because Ford.
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OP of that thread here.
Quit being a faggot. This thread wins.
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What emotion is he trying to convey here?
Guy is trash, he can't even perform in the xfinity series

Ironically the US GP is late afternoon and usually goes head to head with NASCAR AAAAND NFL football

...and usually loses, hahah
Let's not get crazy
Does Mike Joy get off on telling us useless trivia?
he's thinking about that delicious Smithfield bacon
>implying anyone watches NASCAR outside of the U.S.

F1 gets pretty good ratings worldwide.

>A mercedes driver isn't currently leading the championship

As opposed to turning on NASCAR and watching Busch/Harvick/Logano win every single race?
Already photos up?
>cut it out, fartknocker. my back like, hurts and stuff.
Nice try. Bubba is consistently one of the highest finishing Busch series regulars. He's going to finish 6th every week and win the championship.
>Busch/Harvick/Logano win every single race
Any updates on Almirola?
Ferrari has won 2 of the first 4. One of the losses was because a lap car got in the way.

It's the Xfinity Series, dumbass.
He's finished 7th and 11th in points in a series where there are only like 15 full time drivers

He's trash
Fuck Truex
coroner is en route to the autopsy
Rolling for winner.
>le joy
fuck lajoie
hell be fine
fuck this race now
There's your Lajoie caution
back hurt no move
>The shanty of BK Racing
Hey Corey, you're only supposed to bring out 1 caution per race.
inb4 Truex penalty
>best career night
>running 23rd

come on man
why don't these scrubs stop crashing?
this track isn't even that bad tbqh
If an F1 team decided to make a NASCAR team, they'd fucking dominate
BKS only fucking purpose is to be rolling chicanes and create cautions. Nascar should let start and parking happen again in cup so they can just fuck off in 10 laps
I'ts another truex looses a race in the pits episode
>NASCAR's crop of young superstars are all chokers
>Truex has had like 20 races in his career he could've easily won but got taken out by circumstances

Who will win?!
>working overtime
kick a man while he's down
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>got these today...in two weeks Bubba makes first career start
>they had almirola but didnt buy it.

I might go back to that store tomorrow
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Dont you have a race tomorrow?
so why isn't Haas dominating?

because Haas is a NASCAR team that made an F1 team
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Cause of that murderer Tony Stewart
>Red Bull
>its another F1 faggot and nascar faggots shit flinging episode

they both suck dick to watch these days but there's nothing else on right now
They'd just force Ford Chevy and Toyota to spend obscene amounts of money
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hey guys whatever happened to Fatback Mcswain?
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>Neil Bonnett namedrop
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>saw that bubba car but didn't have money to buy it
he needs to be inducted into the NASCAR hall of fame just for his nickname alone
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rolling for winner

I heard that he burned his bridges or something. Apparently wasn't a great guy to work with/for
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>racely reminder that Harvick is a cuck

I enjoy shitposting in both
You now remember that Kasey Kahne has Red Bull's only win in NASCAR
hey, what's Scott Speed up to now?
Brian Vickers had a few.
No, I think it was Vickers? Iirc Vickers won the first race for Toyota.
truex done turned on his drs.
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>Was Harvick /masterrace/ long before you

Only got the ryan reed because its a Bobby Allison throwback
>Kryle falling back
Guess this isn't a real race track either
>erik blocks everyone for trux with this shitty restart
>Krut to 4th
Kyle Busch won toyotas first race
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>move of the race
>a bobble on the restart
when was the last time Blaney won a race?
Why do Blaney and Busch have green flags over there names
segment winners
they each won a segment
>having your teammate holdup the outside line

I wish Truex's gf Cancer comes back now
>Jones takes away Blaney's lane choice and has a poor restart
>Sequence of events allows his teammate to take the lead

Really gets my almonds firing
They won the fan boost

brian france drew on the walls with crayons and came up with segments
what a shit ending

fuck jgr toyotas
jones lol
Eric Jones got what he deserved
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>the city of Eric Jones
Wooo! Blaney gets another shot!

They collected the most coins during the race.

He needs to be fined for fucking up this entire race

>77 again

It's time to stop
I want to get off Erik Jones's wild ride.
le spinning 77 man does it again

Is sideways Sam behind the wheel again tonight?

Maybe its the number
>Teammate bullshits restart to help Truex
>Teammate fucks Truex with a dozen laps to go
>Mr Jones wild ride
Mike Joy confirmed for /v/irgin
park it ffs
i want to get off mr jones's wild ride
>Mr. Jones' Wild Ride

Holy shit Mike Joy is fucking awesome
What happened to that australian guy that used to dominate nascar?
Jones needs to calm his shit
ride never ends :)
Jesus the dillons are useless
Jones is past the three strikes and you're out rule
>Mr. Jones wild ride
One of us
>the less famous Dillon turns you
He basically got popular because of cancer gf
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Sideways Sam needs an image

Mike Joy has been on the Internet since way back in the Usenet days and has a teenage son. Doesn't surprise me that he has his pulse on the fresh memes
send energy to Blaney

Time for hurrrrrvick
He went back to v8 supercars I believe
we need to redo the JWT.gif images with Erik Jones now
Ambrose only dominated two races every year. Never had much success on the ovals.
Hardly dominated but was good on Road courses
c'mon blaney you can do it
reminder ty dillon is higher in the points than autism
then he retired
Kurt in position to make his move for the win
rather see Harcuck than Truex desu
roll for winner
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After like 3 races


not once
And he flopped in his return and gave up and retired
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Jones is channeling his inner Steve Wallace
>isn't it like bowling - do I go in the left lane or do I go in the right lane?
gimmie nooo
Oh boy
seriously why do they keep crashing?
wew lad
Quints confirm Hornish Jr. drifting back on to the track to steal the win.
oh boy this is going to be one of THOSE finishes
SHR up front for the steal!
Troox is gonna lose this race
>Jimmy John's
>Caution doesn't come out until the spin is FINISHED and Gimmie had it all gathered up

made his move on gimmie lel
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any update on Almirola?
>Gimmie pls

Car of the Future :^)
Carl Edwards will be in the 43 confirmed
this is why stages are retarded

as if NASCAR needs more stops in the racing

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gen5.5 cars were better :^)
This is giving me the Spongebob Movie race vibes
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oh fugg can brad steal one
mong'd with no sister ;_;
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Keslelski will steal the win

Allowing Pollacks to race was a mistake.
troox cheat
Gen3 was GOAT
>another Penske wins everything episode
Will Power won Indy GP today too
>inb4 Truex car fails inspection
Lads, what year if any would you return to in nascar if you had the choice to watch it live all over again?
Keselowski outta nowhere
Someone took Dillon out after the race for the fun of it
>austism reking after the checkers
1986 to witness 9 years of Dale domination
Rip in peace Blaney hope and dream
>inb4 Cole Pearn penalized, fined, and suspended for 2 races
>remember your checklist please
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So what penalties will be assessed for the 78 team?
It does really feel crazy he only has 9 fucking wins
It happens every time they win lol
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>NASCAR is hedging its future on Chase Elliott, Ryan Blaney, Kyle Larson, and Erik Jones
>They all choke when they're in contention to rattle off wins
where the fuck did Kurt finish?
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you wouldnt have did it without me
Logano tier
I honestly dont mind Truex. He spent so much time with shit equipment. I like that he is actually showing how good he is
JGR still technically has 0 wins this year, so there's that...
Maybe next week they'll race at a real track for Kryle...
be sure to bend the rear up
They really need to have a rule to stop people from destroying their totally legal cars after the race.
I like troox but I fucking hate toyota so much
And now he's blown out the rear tires, nothing suspicious there
blow those tires truex
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Just saw some sparks from under the car while he was doing the burout
>Bowyer managed 3 wins in MWR in a single year
>Truex had just 1 win in 6-7 years there
>i need you to destroy the rear end
that was a bretty gud burnout desu
HMS is pretty embarrassing right now. I mean they have the cars, but they're failing to qualify, having several pit road issues, faulty pit road equipment, mechanical failures, etc.

1992. The year i actually started watching. Sterling Marlin is my favorite driver and he won both Daytona poles that year...then went back to back in the 500 in 94 95. 2001 and 2002 were awesome till theneck injury and i havent ben the same fan since.
They need to burn postrace celebrations like burnouts.
Burnouts are pretty boring now anyway
They need to ban postrace celebrations like burnouts.
>then everybody hated bowyer for a team order in benefit of truex
He shouldve had at least 5 but MWR herp a derps would happen
>monster energy slut covered up
Can't win the championship every year.

It feels like a Ford year to me.
2002 was depressing, it should have been his year.

I must admit I did laugh when he got out of his car at Daytona and tried to pull the fender off the tire.
>monster girls wearing jackets

Christians and feminists finally get what they want?
toyota teams would be a lot better without the soulless team orders

Do you motherfuckers remember the last time quints were abused?
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>BAYNE top 10
no problem boss
summer is gonna be real nice then
Kansas is the bible belt
Wait, TRD built that car? Isn't NASCAR supposed to be stronk american sport?
2002 after sterling had his injury literally no one wanted to win the title
Probably the most memorable non-racing moment in NASCAR history
Meanwhile, Aric Almirola has a broken back or something.

They mentioned in pre-race it's fairly cool in Kansas. Must be too cold to bear that much skin.
muh Toyota factory in 'murica means Toyota is American to everyone
>no update on almirola
hes dead isnt he
Yea...but seriously it wasnt as bone headed as people act. He went to last car on lead lap which was where be was gonna be anyway when he came to pit road. Wouldve been genius if NASCAR had just said "eh fuck it he didnt really do anything."
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And Mark Martin came up short once again.
I laughed way too hard at this.
I mean, it's fine if it's a Toyota, but TRD is the symbol of Japanese racing teams. You think they'd at least call it something else.
Toyota probably builds more cars in America than Ford and GM do
>Mark is more of a manlet than >sneak
Poor guy
>no Almirola updates
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toyota will always be a japanese company no matter how much shit they build here
they just said he's being held overnight
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I still wear this to races just because I STILL havent found another driver...why do they all have to suck so much?
No updates on Aric tonight. Not good.
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What's on tap for Danica the rest of the night?
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Ironically 90's NASCAR shirts are now the "in" fashion for millenials for the Aesthetic about it

i find it hilarious because most of them following the fad were still shitting in diapers at the time
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Aric would have flipped off the cameras, had he not been paralyzed.
post more
Even under a red flag, wouldn't the track still be considered hot? I dnd't think photogs could be out on a hot track. They obv got close to Almirola's car.
I wish they still made shirts like they dod on the 90s. That shirt was originally my dad's because i was 8 when it was made. He handed it down to me about 8 years ago because he found ir buried in a closet. He wore it from the tome Sterling got in the Kodak car in 94 till he got in the 40 in 98. And I've worn it since about 2010 and it doesnt fucking fade a bit
Now a shirt fades after 2 washes.
they were crouched right behind the fence
those are the only 2

Aric is being held for "observation" over night

Not in the ICU
Not in surgery

So it might be ok
they can't do much if its a severe back injury, just wait to see how he evolves
>now you remember wayne rainey
>Vapeman finishes 31st
Not a bad race
who /1987winston500/ here
bullshit i've never seen anybody wear any nascar mem/merch in public besides the old senior with the full blown racing jacket
so danica is for sure retiring after this year, correct? She seemed over it in that interview.
Danica needs to win most popular driver next year. After that, she can retire.
Is it safe to assume Casey Mears will drive the 48 in place of Almirola if he has an extended absence?
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I know it won't happen, but they should try and get Carl for next week since he would be eligible for the All Star race.
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self centered cunt god damn

Well who else does Ford/RPM have to go too with the talent pool?

Ryan Reed
Austin Cendric
Austin Theriault
Cole Custer

Honestly the Ford development pool is pretty shallow since Blaney went Cup. I miss the days when seat time was considered such a necessity that you saw Greg Biffle in a 55 chevy and 44 dodge while under contract with Roush.....

Btw Biffle is out there
would she actually? i could see her losing that
Biff or Mears makes the most sense in the 43.
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It'll be Chase Elliott
Shit before 2001 his dad won it every year from Dawsonville stuffing the ballot box to the point he actually had to pull his name out to make sure Sr won it that year
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>Logano interviewed
>is visibly shaken
>can see how emotional he is and how worried he is about his fellow driver

>Danica can only talk about her bad luck and how she has it so bad
i really miss the old indycar danica
this desu. she should have stayed or just go back

you expected a princess to not be self centered?
She couldn't get a ride in Indy now, too few seats with too many actually talented drivers
if she stayed she could have kept her ride and maybe even got another win or two

but now the door is closed
No one has even considered David Ruetimann or Gilliland for sub duty

Get Mark Martin. He can fit in her seat and he doesn't suck.
We're talking about Aric's spinal cord here anon
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