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Tsu should be thankful he played at the same time as Messi. Without

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Tsu should be thankful he played at the same time as Messi. Without Messi he would have never become as great as he is. Why, you ask? Because Ronaldo has this unbreakable will to be the best. But since he played at the same time as Messi, who is without a doubt the most talented player that has ever played the game, he had to work extra-hard to remain relevant in the discussion of the GOAT. Were it not for Messi, Ronaldo would have been the undoubted greatest player of this generation, and possibly ever. Because of this, he wouldn't have worked as hard, and wouldn't have achieved his full potential. It was the struggle to surpass Messi what made him truly great. Everytime Messi did something legendary it must have made him crazy, because everytime it reminded him that he is only No.2. This pain is what motivates him, what makes him do those extra runs and extra push ups, that made him to this amazing goal scoring machine.

Because of this, he should be thankful that he played at the same time as Messi.

What did he do in the game against Atleti?
That's right. Nothing.
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>game ends 2x1 for Atleti
wrong, ronaldo would have been as obsessed about stats as he is now. I believe he would get less ballon d'or because now there is a rivalry and the ballon d'or is about who got better between ronaldo or messi and not about who was the best overal player.
>messi is goku
>ronaldo is vegeta
it all makes sense now
big if true
I am not a Messi hater cause I respect his skills and his life. but you have to admit CR7 is WAY BETTER than Messi, Here's everything. Look CR7 was born in a really poor family he grew and grew... and now he became what people believe the best soccer player on this planet. I wonder how he grew and became who he is now? He trained everyday LEGIT EVERYDAY, never gave up and always tried again. trained. remember that word. Lets take a look at Messi. Messi is NATURAL when he was born he already had his ability's he didn't work for it. he trains shit now cause his guts are all natural. When I take a look back at CR7 he TRAINED - see I used the word... He TRAINED to become who he is now but Messi didn't do NOTHING. Ronaldo MADE him self Messi did nothing. Ronaldo = Hard work. Messi = Nothing. Look how Messi quit Argentina? Why? lets take a look Messi missed this massive penalty in Copa America. He missed for his International team ' Argentina. Okay you might be thinking how CR7 missed a penalty to! But if you take a look whats more insane/important? Messi pen ofc Ronaldo missed a pen in the damn quarter finals what would of do nothing. idk I think is was in the round of 16 I got no idea but Messi's is still way more insane and he missed it. HE IS WEAK and quit International soccer. I think International soccer is Way more important than Club soccer cause Your playing for your own country instead you might be playing for another club in another country Playing for your country makes you be more effective and strong. Ronaldo NEVER quit International soccer or Club soccer which makes him STRONG!!! and gain he will never give up. Messi weak as SHIT. It doesn't matter if he has more ballondors cause it basically means the best of the YEAR not in the PLANET* now retards listen to my message and RONALDO LOVERS HALA RONALDO!!!!!!
Yes he should be thankful he played in the weakest era of football
If he played in the 90s he would have to legally change his last name
I think he's talking about the 3-0 at the Bernabeu...it's dumb to ask "what did he do" when Madrid won 4-2 on aggregate and Ronaldo scored 3 of their goals.
Haha, how has this never dawned upon me.
I second every word of that.

But I would appreciate a tl;dr 2bh
Ronaldo was, is, will end his career as a poacher. He could never carry a team on his shoulders, ever, not one week of his life. He is the best fox in the box on earth today, by far, but he is still a striker that needs to be spoonfed the chances like 90s strikers. He doesn't build his own chances by sheer quality of his play and individual skills.

You will never see him pull the absolutely insane shit Ronaldinho did like


tl;dr Missi is way better because the worst second striker is better than the best first striker any day of the week, twice on Sunday.

are you a retarded faggot nigger?

Seems weird when you think about it now, but at Manure he had to work his arse off to be better than Rooney
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>Grandpa, was Ronaldo better than Messi?
>No son, Messi was better than him everywhere
Original post best post, nothing to add.
Premise is correct, following reasoning is obviously not and borderline delusional ("greatest player of this generation, possibly ever"... Kek)

>Tsu should be thankful he played at the same time as Messi.
Absolutely. Without Messi, he would've been compared to the players on his actual level. You know, the Henry, Suarez, Lewandosky, Ibra, etc tier. But since he managed to keep scoring STATS (that's it: no other attributte that actual footballing geniuses in history or present have brought to the pitch) close to those of Messi, we've had to endure casual fans, fanboys and media pretending there's some kind of parity...
There's not. Never has been, never will be. You could strip Messi of his goals and he'll still be the best player in present and most likely in history. In both his individual and team playing capabilities.
If you take aways CR's goals. you are left with basically nothing in the individual, and an absolute dead weight on the collective side.

Because of this, he should be thankful that he played at the same time as Messi.
He should be thankful that modern football fans don't really watch many matches other than their teams's and that he's the most marketable player ever, that's what you mean. Nobody watches real madrid and barcelona outside the CL yet those same people think they know about Messi or Cristiano. Cristiano played on a similar level to Messi's until 2011, after that he devolved into a poacher (the best poacher in the world but still a poacher, he's useless if his team fails to create finishing chances for him) and the only reason he's compared to Messi is his marketing power and his goal scoring record. His ability and influence on matches is nowhere near Messi, it's an insult to the sport that a more athletic and gay version of Inzaghi is going to win 5 or more ballon d'ors. This is a disgrace. Messi might be boring to watch and he might choke every now and then but at least he offers more to his team than waiting for a tap in or a penalty. Football fans are fucking retarded. Even journalists, legends and coaches are clueless about the fucking sport.
>a more athletic and gay version of Inzaghi

My sides
It's true. When he played at Manchester United, the other players used to tell him "Beckham is the real number 7, not you", which would cause him to get pissed off and train even harder. He thrives on competition.
Which one is Goku and which is Vegeta
>He doesn't build his own chances by sheer quality of his play and individual skills.

He doesn't anymore, but he used to. You're looking at Ronaldo in the final years of his career and applying it to who he once was.

Good post, really made me think.
>If you take aways CR's goals

How is this an argument in a sport that's about goals. Don't you people realise that that for him to score these many goals there's something to it? How he reacts half a second faster than anyone else?

I do agree that Messi is better, more talented and what not, but disregarding Ronaldo's assets (not just his goalscoring ability, he has quite a number of assists, his leadership which is just as unquantifiable in a stat as Messi's raw talent) is just unfair and dishonest.
>If you take aways CR's goals. you are left with basically nothing

If you take away Buffon's saves, he's a pretty shit goalkeeper
Messi is Goku and Tsu is Vegeta obviously. And Vegeta is the GOAT.

Oh, and as for all this tiring and retarded
>"he's a training machine!!! He has the motivation of a thousand suns to push himself to the limit and..."

He doesn't train any harder than 90% of proffesional players do, as far as FOOTBALL training goes (be it gym, practice, concept, hitting the ball, etc).
He's just a narciscistic, gym-addicted egomaniac that has a fixation on his body aesthetics. The muscular groups he's hypertrophying ARE NOT the group a footballer needs to (over)develop.

He just lives for the thrill of pulling his shirt off ANYWHERE at ANY TIME for ANY REASON and feeling admired. It's his heroin.
And we have seen it find the most ridiculous excuses to do it, to the point of becoming a meme.
His football training has absolutely nothing to do with how hot his abs look on his latest insta pic :3 (aka shirtless pic No. 475687345).

Or maybe you fanboys think that he's the first to realize: "Hey, if I hit the gym I'll become the best footballer!"

Boys, it's not that hard, we're trying to make a comparison between to players:

1. They both have similar goalscoring stats? (let's not even get in the "how" they scored, the merits in it, skills, etc)
2.- Okay, then let's take aways the goals, for both players, and keep comparing. What's left?

Period. Nothing crazy. Don't blame me if you don't like what's left.

>If you take away Buffon's saves, he's a pretty shit goalkeeper
If you take aways Messi goals, you're left with a GOAT player.
See what I mean?
<3 Cr7
<3 muslim
I'm pretty sure half the kid born around 95-00 in Milan are Inzaghi's, his legend is that big here.
Lol that's hilarious. He was a great finisher, I think Italy would've won WC 2002 if you didn't get refballed out.
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The only reason Ronaldo is relevant is because he can tap the ball in, and the team was made for YEARS around that, letting him score as many goals as possible. Notice while this was happening, they won absolutely nothing. Because he honestly never added anything to the team besides taking 12 shots a game and missing 10 of them.

The sole existence of Messi gave Ronaldo motivation to attempt more, score more. But it was never enough, he was never good enough. 1 League title in 8 years says it all, the 5 goals against Espanyol didn't matter when he couldn't score against Barcelona, Atletico, Sevilla, Malaga. So they brought Oezil and Di Maria to feed him more, and finally he got 1 single trophy, the Copa del Rey in 2012.

And how did they win that? feeding him some more. The entire game was feed Ronaldo. After years of trying, it finally happened. The extra-time header to beat Barcelona. They gave him a Ballon d'Or for that out of pity, and they went along to lose the league again but it didn't matter to them. They finally won a trophy (which the team bus ran over, pic related)

two years later, Bale came to the rescue. Since Bale's arrival (and Kroos) they started spreading the ball out more as Ronaldo's speed decreased. In a way, Ronaldo's fade into obscurity has made Real Madrid better, just like Portugal played better in the final when he was injured. The cancer of Ronaldo is going away, and Real Madrid are now the best team in the world because all they have to do is rely on him to play 1-2 good games a year, the rest of the time they have a good enough team to coast through games.
>who is without a doubt the most talented player that has ever played the game

stopped reading right there. you kids need to watch more football

name one player who can score like messi, pass like messi, dribble like messi

he is fat ronaldo, maradona, and zidane at the same time
Would when Goku was too sick to fight the androids be equivalent to Messi's HGH treatments?
>the italian, american and argentinean
now we only need the brit to show up and the Elite Four or ABCR7s will be complete
>Cocksucking Ronaldo
not impressed mohammed
Dortmund's brave Croatian Messi, Christian Pulisic
>tfw he's going to win the ballon d'or based on two games in the CL
>in one of those games 2 of his goals were offside

It will be an absolute farce
Good bait
jesus christ spuh
stop replying to walls of text lifted from youtube comments
If you take Barca away from Messi he's nothing special...as evidenced in how he play for Argentina
>Ballon D'or
If you had any semblance of a brain in your favela monkey brain you would have stopped taking this meme award seriously the moment they awarded it to Michael Owen
I remember hearing he dated 5 women at the same time at one point
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Hey albaniamilanfag, you're very rude with my huebros. Try to be nice sometimes.
>being this thin-skinned
i get potshots thrown at me here all the time you don't see me complaining
>...as evidenced in how he play for Argentina
"Let me tell you all about this shit I completely ignore": The Post
He's right tho
>Messi fails time and time again
>"I-I-It's Higuain's fault WAAAAAAAAAAH"
I don't care about the award itself, dumbass. The issue here is that Cristiano will be regarded as one of the greatest to ever play the game and an equal to Messi, that's just ridiculous.
>hard-working, passionate everyman becomes even stronger due to his rivalry with his supremely talented, cool and good-looking best friend

just like in my chinese cartoons
Well he IS about equal to Messi as a player and he's prove it in more teams

He's not as good of a footballer but he's just as good of a player. There's a difference between footballer and player
fuck this laptop keyboard
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they are literally pic related, it's almost like live action
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Has Messi ever even scored a bicycle kick goal in his career?
>tfw Tsubasa's bicycle kick always blocked the sun for dramatic effect

he scored like 500 goals, there should be i suppose.

>tfw messi and ronaldo will never play for the same NT
Hell no, Messi is such an anti-aesthetic player
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hello, mehmet shekhelbey here. which 3 teams are top contenders for BR serie A and B this year? need to profit from big odds at beginning of the season.

>tfw you will never ride atletico PR home win train like last year
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nah Messi sucks at it
this is the closest he has to a goal
I used to tell people that Ronaldo was better at Messi in free kicks, Messi has even surpassed him at that.
That's pretty aesthetic for messi i must say
when's the last time he's even scored from a free kick? most of the time he just does his meme stance and fucking roofs it
I read that drivel imagining the faggety accent you Bongs have, thank god we broke off
How about international titles?
The fact that the last couple of years Ronaldo and Messi are too two is just unbelievable on its own. There's always a third player but every year it changes, Aso Ronaldo could have easily succumbed to all the losses and just fade away like many players, especially Real Madrid players, but he didn't.

People always talk about Pele or Maradona or Cruyff but they all played in different eras. Ronaldo and Messi is now and has been and will continue on.

I don't see Griezman overtaking Ronaldo as Ronaldo has overtaken Messi
>6 goals in 4 against atletico this season
>3 wins and 1 tie
>except tsunaldo has more assits when it counts, aka not when your team is taking turns statpadding against bottom-tier la liga teams
This is actually weirdly 100% accurate
Neymar is Gohan
...would this make Badr Hari Bulma?
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