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Charles Barkley just said that these are the worst NBA playoffs

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Charles Barkley just said that these are the worst NBA playoffs ever live on TV kek
He's not wrong at all.
He's not wrong
must be true
This is a factual statement.
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>yfw a team goes 15-4
High level sport does not directly translate to entertainment
the round mound of redound
well it's been like 3 years in a row where 80% of the games are won by more than 15 points. Completely boring, games are decided by midway through the 3rd quarter, the losing teams just seem to stop putting in effort.
Sorry skeeeeeyyyup, sorry Tony, sorry cowturd, sorry every other sports talk host. Barkley's takes are just hotter

why are you acting like chuck doesn't say controversial hot takes like this every single day?

but anyway he's right
Chuck is literally always right.
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probably the first time ever he's right on TV

I guess he won't have to kiss a donkey's ass this time
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He's correct.
Just admitted he'd rather be watching the stanley cup playoffs too and I don't blame him. That's been miles better than this shit so far.

Wake me up when it's game 7 in the finals between Golden State and Cleveland again
>rather watch nhl playoffs than all these blowouts

he's right. The NBA is boring now. I just wait until the finals between the West vs Lebron. This has happened for the past 7 years. And the only fun times are when Lebron loses.
by one of their own too

Chuck is one of the few great commentators who isn't afraid to call a spade a spade.
vid of barkley going in on his employer?

fuck the nba
I've been watching hockey, its exciting as fuck and better than basketball this year for sure. That Oilers vs Ducks comeback game was ridiculous. There's also fewer retarded fans it seems.
>There's also fewer retarded fans it seems.
not a genius or am trying to imply anything but social demographics might explain

of course its just a theory

niggers getting blown the fuck out

based chuck
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>watching boresketball
>points are so frequent that its never very exciting when someone scores
>comebacks are slow and piecemeal, not instantaneous and shocking
>the finalists are almost as predictable as the winner in the kentucky derb

>not watching superior ice hockey
>goals are rare, but not as rare as soccer, making for a perfect balance between scoring and gameplay and you get to see a number of goals, but they don't lose their specialness
>comebacks are exciting and super quick, happening in an instant (anaheim went from 0-3 with 4 minutes left to tie the game just with 10 seconds on the clock, and won in sudden death overtime)
>there's always uncertainty in who makes it to the finals (ie. last place finalist in the west, Nashville Preds, swept the first place in the west, Blackhawks, and are now in WCF)
I like Barkley, I think he has the potential to be tje non-thinking man's Jason Whitlock.
ernie was cringing at this one
Yeah inside the NBA is definitely the best sports talk show on TV and he is a big part of it. He's a great analyst and legitimatetly funny

I don't have shit going on and I haven't finished a game

5 years ago my life was beyond hectic and I had to plan out my day around making sure I had basketball time even if it meant recording and watching at a later time

I just don't give a flying shit this year

it'd be nice seeing Durant suffer a career-ending injury but other than that I don't have anything to look forward to
>inside the NBA

Shaq has ruined it for me
well him and the excessive commercials
Shaq is at his best when he's giggling like a retard and that's saying something
Warriors ruined the NBA

Like a lot of people from Oakland, they don't give a shit if they ruin it for everyone else as long as they get their way in the end
And with the cap rising. We're just going to have players forming 2-3 super teams per conference. This is la liga all over again.
>warriors ruined the NBA
Not the heat. Everything happening are the long term effects of lebron going to Miami.
maybe the game hasn't changed, maybe you've changed.
maybe you've grown up.
he said other than the Spurs v Rockets and Boston v Wizards series, it's the worst playoffs ever.

and he's correct.

Warriors and Cavs have face literally no competition so far.
Dominique was fucking awesome, he should be on full-time over shaq
Heat didn't ruin the NBA, Spuds exposed them hardcore. LeBron singlehandedly ruined the NBA by being a bitch and staying on the eastern conference.
nigger pls, Chris Webber was destined for Inside the NBA

Shaw is good for when Chuck makes fun of San Antonio women and their churros though.
Game 7 implies a competitive series. Why wouldn't you watch that? Don't tell me it's because it's Cavs Warriors. There's enough different this time (KD, rubber match, 3-4) for it to be compelling
wall and harden are the hero's we need

i like webber on players only too, him on the main panel is good too. i just really liked dominique
>perfect balance of scoring and gameplay
You lost me there. There's too much chaos for the scoring. Very messy and frustrating to watch
are hot takes only in sports? do people have hot takes in politics?
t. brainlet
Yes he's 100% right
NBA is a shit.

Games are either blowouts or free-throw duels. Shit sport.
>Game 7 implies a competitive series.

Last year's finals were blow outs by each team until game 7. All of those games were pretty boring.
The presidential election, where everyone said the opposing candidate would destroy the country?
No, there are no hot takes in politics. But seriously, we can't let this guy have the nuclear codes. Dunald Drumpf is not my president, He's a fascist and probably a nazi as well :DDD
NBA playoffs are always shit, so long and predictable

The only time a game is worth watching is if there is a game 6 or 7

Should be 2 games, home and away with aggregate score
Your country is donkey ass
They did

The blame is also partially on the Celtics

When the Celtics Big 3 were formed they kicked Lebron and his buddies to the gutter that eventually lead to the 2010 Heatles

Since David Stern did not want Cleveland to go under he gifted them multiple top 5 picks to ensure they won't be sold or contracted

The Warriors built their team through the draft just like the old Thunder but since the three of them are literally max contract players plus KD they will part ways once ego, money, touches and minutes are involved

Now every team in the NBA wants to build their own superteam

lol la liga,

you mean champions league buddy?

Im just waiting for my super euro league to come about. Will be more fun to watch than stoke vs sunderland or malaga vs grenada.
>Durant suffer a career-ending injury
wait what? I haven't been paying attention to playoffs at all.... but seriously?
>aggregate score
So you want every team to fully consist of 3&D players?
chuck is 100% correct


it's going to a cavs/gsw finals again and probably next 2 years too
>one team goes 15-4 and the other goes 16-3
you have to go back
Worst NBA season*
the league is dead AF and only being propped up by espns ridiculous contract
watching 7 basketball games is too much, I'll just catch game 7 if it happens
other than lockout years they are.

the NBA needs to get rid of conferences and just take the best 8 teams, and make everyone else play a 3 day single elimination tourney for the #1 draft pick and cash.

The reason the nba isn't getting viewers is because it's dominated by very unlikable arrogant niggers and white people dont want to watch that shit.
is that the guy who spoke with the alt-right leader richard spencer the other day?
nor should it
Good Night Alt Right
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Why the FUCK haven't you switched to /hoc/ yet, anons?
I only like watching hockey in person.

Just doesn't do it for me on the tv.
Yes and Richard should have brought a black conservative because that nigga close to him is about to fucking punch him for cred points.
i have no clue about the players, rules, no attachment to even my local team.

its just so difficult to get into a sport you know nothing about
>watching the NBA

been a trash league for 5 years
It's cause people finally realize that niggerball is rigged and shit sport
He's right
Warriors are gonna last another 2-3 years, when Klay and Dray are up for extensions again. Whether Durant takes his player option or opts-out for a long term deal will impact how much they can pay Iggy, Livingston, and a center. Curry will get the max from Bird rights. I believe they'll also be able to afford an MLE.

How long this train keeps going depends on how well they develop their 30th overall picks. Vet mins will always be there.
Yeah I want to see this unless you're talking about when he talked shit about ESPN
So we're just going to ignore /hoc/?
He's right. There has LITERALLY been no reason to watch any of the games in these playoffs so far.

We all know how it's gonna end up Every game up until the Finals is essentially the preseason.
Next year is the NHL returns to glory once again
I like that the most deserving dominant teams usually make it to the Finals. Stop acting like you wanna see a Jazz - Raptors Finals you fucks.
The state of NBA is garbage right now, so it's not surprise the playoffs would be too. It's a bunch of soft ass bitch niggers diving on their asses to draw fouls literally every trip down the court.
t. adam silver
t. everyone
I agree with him. I used to stay up at 2-3 AM just to watch NBA regular season games, now not only have I not seen a single regular season game i'm not watching the playoffs.
>white people are racist
What else is new
dream team > riding kobe & wades nuts
I used to watch F1 all the time as a kid on Speed TV, sometimes at ungodly hours. Then I moved on. Youll move on too.
I second this
I'll definately watch every game of Cavs-Warriors, for sure. Nothing matters until then, though
This I've been telling myself I'm going to switch to watching the Stanley cup for years, cause I can't stand the super-team chucking memes coasting to finals..
I just have no connection to any of the players or rules etc. Hell I live on the gulf coast of Texas, we don't even have snow/ice here.
>when you knock up a stripper
too many of the goals are based on deflections. its fluky as fuck. it'd be like a basketball game that lasted 5 minutes. not enough of a sample size for me to feel like i really learned who played better that day vs who got luckier on their shots. an 8th place team sweeping a 1st place team is stupid as fuck, sorry. why did you even have a regular season?
Don't forget about the million dollar check he offered to write her to abort the baby. Horizontal George is a legend.
Cause it's so obvious the warrioirs are going to win

They should put an asterisk next to KD's ring
Have any of you watched any of these playoffs? They're the best of recent memory. It doesn't matter who's playing, if the game stays within 10 points, it's a good game. Most of the games have done just that.
I'd watch it
Official list of things that have led to the decline of the nba:

1. the east being a 1 team conference for the past 7 years
2. the rise of memechucking
3. soft ass calls against defenders


9999. the zombie spuds contending every year
What people judge the NBA by:
-How fun the regular season is, mostly by surprise teams and breakout stars
-How great the Finals are, judged by historically great players and teams, and competitiveness

What people don't judge the NBA on:
-The early rounds of the playoffs

We have had great Finals for 4 years in a row now, and the regular season had one of the best MVP races of all time. The NBA is doing fine.
don't forget
4. there's hockey teams in places like nashville, north carolina, and las vegas now
Memechucking could've been eternally destroyed by the spurs if Aldridge was actually good. Imagine if we signed marc gasol instead. The chokeland warriors would be fucked

Yeah, flukey goals are kinda lame. Clean breakaways and crazy dekes are beautiful and impressive, but when there's a 5 man scrum right in crease with everyone wildly flailing their sticks and bumping the goalie/net until the puck happens to find it's way in, it makes me wonder when interference actually comes into play. That shit is just ugly.

Nothing is less impressive to me basketball tho.
>surprise teams

i agree that the finals are great basketball, and sometimes the conference finals are as well.

but the biggest problem people have is that the lack of parity makes it feel like paying attention all regular season long is a complete waste of time.
watching all 4 quarters is point less, it's great entertainment in the 4th. the parity is mostly due to horrible gms and owners and has always been that way since the nba was formed.

t. history
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>watching apehoop
He's definitely taken note of the backlash. He's way more down to earth now and he's back to being watcheable.

Most deflections are intentional my dude.
Doesn't he say the same thing every year?
Yeah, he even says he'd rather be watching hockey all the time too.
I haven't been watching at all really.
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>mfw The greatest rivalry in the history of sport is ours

BTFO Niggers
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>you will never beat up millennials with sir charles and the ghost of kurt cobain
who says people wont have already? he a bitch nigga
That's not Tom Brady and Peyton Manning
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