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Robbie apologises for AFTV collaboration with the Sun

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Robbie appeared on a football fan channel called ball street after doing that silly match rituals video over the weekend in collaboration with the Sun.

who the fuck is robbie?
What the fuck is wrong with scousers?

The bigger question is why are Liverpool fans dictating what content should be on a channel for Arsenal fans.

Bunch of twats if you ask me
what the is the world coming to. i shake my head in dismay, i really do
so why are people pissed off?
just because it's the sun?
What the fuck is wrong with retarded scousers? Get over it you cunts
t. Everton fan
A sell out cunt who made a humiliating football channel about his own club so that other clubs fans would give him views to laugh at his club and get him rich
people will say it's just scousers, but I think it's more to do with the fact that the paper seems to hold football fans across the board in utter contempt.
The Sun is just a shitty paper in general
>but I think it's more to do with the fact that the paper seems to hold football fans across the board in utter contempt
for real? I thought the sun was a rag for pleb
>refuse to play on the date
>boycott a newspaper
>still hosting a justice campaign after decades of pointless investigations

hillsborough was a horrific accident that won't be forgotten. but that's what it was, an accident. why do scousers persist with this nonsense
Daily Mail is more of the pleb rag of choice now, even plebs think themselves too good for The Sun
Nah, proper plebs are The Sun. The Daily Mail is for those who think they are better than they actually are
Plebs none the less
He shouldn't have apologised. Boycotting The Sun is a Liverpudlian thing. No-one else is compelled to follow their stance.

> the paper seems to hold football fans across the board in utter contempt
Got any examples of The Sun doing this to an extent that other papers don't? Genuinely asking.
Just the noisy fans who get offended by anything.
Club affiliation plays no role.
The BBC and ITV have more history of Holding football fans in contempt, they even called Hillsborough as they saw it at the time, but you Scousers flinging shit at them.
Scousers (i.e. those who did not directly lose close family members) wind themselves up far too much re: Hillsborough anyway. It's a forced anger.

It's like Native Americans when they go on about losing their country to the white man. They have to force themselves to feel that. It's not a natural congenital emotion.
>brit flag
>talking about native folks anger

How embarrassing, I can't believe he gives a shit what Liverpool fans think
You had a fair little empire of your own, I believe.
the scouse mafia is everywhere
If you look at the comments on the video, it's mainly Liverpool fans not even accepting his apology, which shouldn't even be taken for granted anyway. You really cannot win with them. It's a fanbase unlike any other.
isn't the editor that was in charge of the sun during the hillsborough controversy still working for the paper? that kind of makes the hate understandable, in a way. if they had all left it would be different.
No, but he wasn't sacked for it at the time.
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Forgive him for trying to move on with his life and leave that shit behind.
Personally as a Liverpool fan, it doesn't bother me too much. At the end of the day I don't think we should expect people not linked to the city or football clubs to boycott the sun.

Although it was kinda snide the way DT and Robbie were wearing Don't buy the sun stickers and saying they supported the campaign at Anfield, then get sponsored by them 2 months later

This, the sun was happy to join Thatcher in demonising all football fans and proclaiming them hooligans
Kelvin Mackenzie is still working for the sun, they just had to suspend him after he compared Barkley to a gorilla
This flag never ever had an empire, Italy is only 157 years old
Thatcher was ~30 years ago. That poster said

>the paper seems to hold football fans across the board in utter contempt

which means they do that to this present day. He has not posted any evidence yet that the Sun holds football fans in a contempt unlike other newspapers, probably because it's a 'fact' pulled out of his fucking arse and the arse of every Scouser who knows they cannot actually justify their stance.
I couldn't post any examples either, I don't read that shite, but the fact that they still employ cunts like Kelvin Mackenzie suggests to me they haven't changed much
Serious question: Why does the sun even exist? I see british people pride thenselves in their decency all the time, but I have never seen such a piece of shit newspaper anywhere i've been. are there no ethical guidelines or norms for the press to follow?

not concerned with the lfc stuff just in general
It's still one of the most read papers in the country.

People love all the overly patriotic shit, naked women on page 3, faux outrage shite.

It's basically just easy nonsense to read whilst drinking a cup of tea or eating a breakfast
>le brits are classy meme
>what are chavs and slags
imagine reading the sun
>british journalism
all our papers are biased, unsourced, hysterical rubbish. british media is infamous for being so shit
Can someone tell me why this isn't a law with newspapers:

>If a newspaper writes a headline/front page that is incorrect and proven wrong, then they have to write the true facts in future with equal prominence

The amount of times our newspapers literally put bullshit on the front page is staggering
>naked women on page 3

Truly your country's greatest export.
I don't understand why everyone blames the Sun, Liverpool supporters crushed their own fans to death, where's the Sun's fault in that?
Writing the facts should be their fucking job. If they write a headline/front page that is incorrect, they should be required to make a massive apology as their next edition's front page, as well as a cash settlement if they damaged the lives of non-public figures.
>are there no ethical guidelines or norms for the press to follow?
We had to have a inquest into the owners of the sun hacking the phone of a dead girl, that kind of sums up the press here
The Sun had a front-page story titled "the truth" claiming that Liverpool fans urinated on and robbed the dead bodies of other fans as well as the police who were trying to help them. It later turned out to be complete bullshit.
Why is the most read newspaper in bongland a rag?
Because the country is full of chavs and retards

In fairness to the Sun all they did was report what the Police told them.
>he doesn't know throwing bags of piss against the police/rivals/even different groups that support the same team was a common thing between hooligans
"Urinated on" is not the same thing as throwing bags of piss. No evidence that the Liverpool fans were doing that either.
people didn't have cellphones much less bring video cameras with then back in the day.
Actually there was CCTV
>all our papers are biased, unsourced, hysterical rubbish

The Financial Times and The Times aren't. It's no accident you have to pay for both online since they're selling quality journalism rather than trying to get you to click on articles for ad money.
Times isn't as good as it used to be.
>paying for a Murdoch rag

Fucking why
What the shit happened? Robbie pissed on a bunch on people wearing Gerrard masks to commemorate the 96 and the Sun sponsored it?
Nope. Made a video about what he does on match days. Also had DT and Ty in it.

But! - The Sun sponsored it. That's it.
Just an Arsenal thing? No Liverpool fans were saying what they were doing on match days?
same reason why arrogant lefties read shit like the Guardian which is becoming increasingly demagogic and hysterical by the day - they enjoy reading it and it aligns with their own view of the world

I mightn't agree with the Sun, but at least I don't need to pay for it myself
Had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Liverpool, don't think it was mentioned even in passing.

it seems that europeans have a compulsion to inject politics into each and every facet of sports, very bizarre to me. in america, sports are usually unifying forces. it's not uncommon to see people with vastly different political views and socioeconomic situations find common ground when discussing sports.
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it's only really football, and its now mostly defunct but historical culture of tribalism and hooliganism

rival fans will find any reason to hate each other.
Is there literally nothing fucking Liverpool fans won't cling to and blame Hillsborough on?

And shame on Robbie for apologising. Everyone complains but if someone was offering money we'd all sell out. Have a fucking backbone.
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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeYgLLahHv8
robbie realizes much of his viewership is actually liverpool fans and fans of other teams.
I don't get it.

What kind of video did Robbie make?

And why is Paul looking so serious? Why did Robbie need to apologize to him?
He made a video sponsored by The Sun, nothing to do with Liverpool

The Sun are despised in Merseyside for controversial stuff they published about Hillsborough and view them as "anti-football". Robbie didn't need to apologise to him, it's nonsense.
Pretty good discussion here lads, surprised it didn't fall into complete shit posting

Think it's more the fact he was showing support to the ban the sun campaign, then does this a couple of months later
The Guardiann is literally the only readable and balanced paper in the UK.

The rest are just politicized, propaganda shite
What I find odd about these sorts of threads is just how few vocal Liverpool fans seem to engage in them.

Maybe that's because they can't be bothered with the criticism, or maybe they do post but just without saying 'as a Liverpool fan..', but I am actually curious if any Liverpool fans do think that Hillsborough is just too overblown now. I'm confident that it is the case because someone unaffiliated with Liverpool FC, not from Liverpool, making a video not set in Liverpool or even about Liverpool, should be allowed to work with The Sun and not worry about Liverpool fans flaring up about their personal boycott.
>but I am actually curious if any Liverpool fans do think that Hillsborough is just too overblown now

I'm sure some do, but judging by the comments in the OP video there are still a hell of a lot of sensitive fans. Remember when Alan Davies criticised them for refusing to play on the anniversary? He was torn to shreds by scouse and social media, and that had nothing to do with the purported injustice of the police or the sun.

The great stupidity in this is Liverpool fans happily chant about Munich in the NW derby.
I don't engage in most of these threads (as a scouse Liverpool fan) because they're mostly shitposting, edgy dipshits spamming LE 96 WAS NOT ENOUGH XDDD >SCOUSERS >HUMAN, and people who have no interest in actual discussion or debate about Hillsborough.

I actually agree, in this case i don't get the outrage over it. He has no connection to Liverpool or LFC, we shouldn't expect him to join our boycott, although saying he supported the don't buy the sun campaign, then doing a video sponsored by them is a bit shitty, but meh whatever.

Most of the people who go crazy over this shit on the internet are Liverpool fans who aren't from Liverpool, don't know anybody who was at Hillsborough and are just trying to over-compensate to show how they're huge Liverpool fans. You can tell them because they try to associate it directly with Liverpool FC when that has never been the case (Liverpool FC were awful with their treatment of the families and survivors for over 2 decades), it was an attack on the entire city. Or they sign off all their posts with "YNWA JFT96".

As long as I don't see somebody sat around Liverpool reading the sun, I don't give a fuck. It's a trash paper with or without Hillsborough
This is unironically one of the better threads I've seen on /sp/ in a fair while.

>The Guardian

KEK it's the other side of the coin that has DM on it

both have agendas but the DM literally make things up
stop racially abusing him, you racial abuser.
Scouser here, father and family friends at Hillsborough. Heard multiple stories about the police being despicable human beings. The Sun is pretty much unobtainable in Anfield, I went to my local shop and they brought some copies of The Sun, to which the owners son started to burn the pile.

Hillsborough took its toll on my family and their friends, my father didn't attend games ever after it (was a regular from 73') as he didn't feel comfortable at football games. Uncle still keeps the ticket he had for the game in his wallet. Both said they saw the dead and people being crushed as they were in the upper tier.

Having said that, I find most the backlash stems from people not from Liverpool. In Liverpool, The Sun and Hillsborough are absolutely taboo and aren't hears conversed about ever. It seems everyone knows everyone in Liverpool and that's true and it affected and continues to affect a lot of people in Liverpool.
>It seems everyone knows everyone in Liverpool and that's true and it affected and continues to affect a lot of people in Liverpool.

Pretty much, Liverpool is kinda weird in that way, it's got a huge population but everybody seems to know who everybody else is or they're a friend of a friend

I don't understand the campaigning though. Is it sheer grief from those who saw people, even family and friends killed that day or a genuine sense of being wronged? Forgetting the media tripe for a minute.

The stance of everyone I've ever spoken to about Hillsborough was mismanagement by staff and police in an era of football culture where overcrowding was commonplace so nobody would know the implications of opening the gates. Desperate attempt to ease the aggression and violence coming from both sides. The cover-up scandal was a bit sinister but that was about accountability which nobody would discuss objectively.
It's about the coverup, the police illegally changed over 100 statements to help spread the narrative that they did the best they could and they didn't totally freeze. Plus the "missing" CCTV footage. They also fed lies to the press and it went all the way to the top with Thatcher and her cronies wanting to make football supporters simply hooligan scum.

One of the interesting things from the trial that nobody mentions is the talk of the Masonic meetings. The police have always been closely linked to the masons, and multiple low ranking officers mentioned Duckinfield and the other top guys having masonic gatherings about it. But the judge told them to disregard that evidence because it couldn't be proven.

The whole thing stunk, and they spent decades trying to shift the blame onto those who suffered most from it. The guilt was unbearable for many, even though they did nothing wrong, one man ended up hanging himself because he couldn't live with it.

They should be held accountable for the incompetence and the coverup
who's this fat fuck then?

That makes sense. As I said I know the investigation was dodgy and more focused on liability than the actual events but not to that extent. Ridiculous really when everyone knows ultimately it was an error on their part, careless or not.
yawn, robbie literally did nothing wrong

Paul is death staring Robbie as if he personally crushed all 96 of the cunts at illzbruh

Seething cunt needs to get over it, it was a small sponsored video, not fucking anti-illsbruh propaganda

when's the last itme you've read the guardian, mate?

although it used to be pretty reasonably left-leaning and was at the forefront of a lot of huge stories, it has recently declined into leftist drivel
I thought Paul was an alright bloke for a scouser, never seem him be a whiny bitch like this
a culture of anti-intellectualism
any decent fan knows the sun is scum though
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