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/mlb/ General - Rickey Romero Edition

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Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 121

>Rickey Romero has been officially released by the San Francisco Giants AAA affiliate Sacramento River Cats
>6.75 ERA in 14.2 innings


As bad as your team is you will never be 1899 Cleveland Spiders bad.
the best announcer
agreed & upvoted
>trying to rebuild the memeiners on the show
no matter what I do my team is mired in mediocrity, destined for 8x wins, or to be beat by cleveland early in the playoffs
its 2024 in my universe and they still don't have a pennant, and felix just retired

actually unironically not bad. dry and states the obvious, but that's half of all baseball color commentators

SUMMER 2015 - SPRING 2017

You my only post in this thread if your team has a pitcher with at least 1000 innings pitched and 32+ starts in a season
Fire sale and start over m80
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The most competitive divison
My team has a pitcher with 162 starts in a season.
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>Mets fans won't post here for weeks
And the quality of life in these threads skyrockets

i pitched 190 starts last season for my team and i've racked up over 9,000 innings total
No one cared who was until I put on the trip

that's why i post anon 90% of the time

i don't want you fuckers knowing
i literally just did, the average age of my starting 9 is just over 27 and they're all 81 OVR or above, my rotation is even younger and better and yet we went 84-78 last year and all my players regress when they come to seattle despite A grade coaches across my staff
considering its a mortgage company you think it might occur to them having A BIG RED DOWN ARROW is symbolic enough to appear like a house falling over, alluding to the popping of the housing bubble and eventual rise in interest rates(and mortgage rates as a result)
uninstall and do this is OOTP
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>being this mad

Is this kid the next eatdatpussy fo fo five?
Even though they lost today, the Rockies are still doing very well. Looking forward to what should be a good series in SD.
Also, the NL West is the toughest division in baseball
this kid is what's wrong with america
I know. It's fucking great.
it's the AL EAST West basically.

Two basement teams that win one here and there and three top dog October teams

The central and east is a joke
is ed walsh the most handsome pitcher of all time?
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Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
OOTP is in depth and is better than the show but
A) you can't play the actual baseball part and
B) it moves at a fucking snails pace, it takes like 15 min to go through one calendar day
I only hate you because you don't help your team when it counts.

>getting eliminated by Kershit at home
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>not knowing Benito Santiago
Forgive him he's either a lifelong Cubs fan or 12 years old.
In all fairness the lefthander who owns Harvey most is Kershaw. So he wasn't doing shit regardless. He's like 2-20 with 15K's. He's homered off Kenley though.
Caption this
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>obsessed autists will continue posting about them at every opportunity

so really nothing has changed
You're just exchanging one group of autists with another.
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>*gets meme'd on*
>"maybe if I say they're obsessed they'll stop bullying me"
Lmao. Fuck outta here cuckboi. If you can't handle the banter log off
>he dropped it

someone sign this girl
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we're all obsessed autists, moron
it's a lat injury and we won the series

embarrassing loss but "it's a long season" desu
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Keep flying that arrow and maybe the Sox will make the playoffs!
That's a balk
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>>*gets meme'd on*
I feel like ____ THE ARROW is a great meme. reminds me of those epic skittles commercials
Lmao fuck the Mets. I'm fucking happy to see this. The Cubs rotation is the only rotation that can be considered better, statistically, than the Mets so it's great to see that now they haven't even got a chance to compete with them. This is especially sweeter after the umpball that kept the Cubs out of the World Series in 2015
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Let him play Pete. He has moxie, spunk - that's something you can't teach
don't respond
Sorry mo all I heard was "I'm fucking better, great now. Haven't got a chance to compete, sweet!"
For the love of god Jorge Alfaro learn how to defense
Lmao that doesn't even make sense. Kill yourself and never come back.
I'm thinking of creating a new character /mlb/, what fanbases are in desperate need of better representation and publicity?
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Yeah sadly Rupp is the best arm we have right now but aside from today the fucking dude can't hit.. or catch.. or anything

Alfaro won't be ready for at least a few months
You don't make any fucking sense you walking abortion.
How many of her fellow broadcasters are hitting below the Mendoza line?
there's that tripcunt humor we all know and love
red sox
Still doubt Lester is DG falseflagging the Cubs? Take this post, or any other mL post, and replace "Cubs" with "Dodgers" and say to yourself "Does that sound like something DG would say?"
dads, rockies, marlins maybe
Like, seriously we couldn't even hit their bullpen after the guy gets freak FINGERNAIL injury. You'd think out of the 7 guys they trotted out there we could hit one of them. Archer turns in anotehr stellar performance and we just fucking let him down. This is the 7-17 Jays we're talking. No loss has hurt like this one.
I've talked to DG on discord he's not m'lady
Anime was a mistake
How did you go from a Giants fan to a Rays fan?
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>the Rays aren't a threat for the div-
tardilels for sure
I've never been a Giants fan buddy guy, where'd ya get that idea?

Tampa Bay Rays since 2012 and that heartbreaking ALDS loss to the BombSox. Did you know that Price's best playoff start was with us?
Did you know that David Price was saving all his postseason wins for the Red Sox?
>since 2012
>a rays fan who missed DAT NIGHT

What a shame
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Hard to win a postseason game when your team isn't in it

*and the crowd goes mild*
lel that's pretty funny.
Red Sox fans travel so well, I'm always impressed.
I'm movie to Phillie in a few weeks. Should I drop the Yankees and become a Phillies fan to fit in?
You should obnoxiously support the Yankees and go to Phillies games even if the Yankees aren't playing and shout "go Yankees."
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There are a decent amount of Yankees fans here sadly, you wouldn't be out of place. But we're always welcoming people to the club if you wanna be part of the 2020 Eries run.
How long until the Nationals leave washington? If they couldn't survive the first two times, this time wont either
>The Expos leave Montreal and go to Washington then leave Washington and go back to Montreal
This would be the best outcome.
I had never seen you before, and my autism flared up, and searched your trip on the archive and it turned up as a fella named "Bumgarner's Sinker"
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>Updated standings after this weekend
>Cubs/Red Sox still in progress (2-2; Bot 8)
That's actually quite impressive. My trip is just 3 numbers but I figured no one would would have used it but here we are.
Strop hasn't changed a bit I see

Leaving cities is more of a football thing, 2bh
But Washington lost two different teams already.
God bless MMR's little heart
It grosses me out how much you faggots worship him and TY

which ones?
Both were called the Senators, one became the Minnesota Twins and the other became the Texas Rangers. You should know this.
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>red sox win
mo'Lester nowhere to be found...
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God bless the Red Sox organization. I'm talking about the organization. Class. Fenway park still going baby, built in 19-fucking-12 the year the titanic sunk. What does our organization do? Knocked down the cathedral way to go, waaay to gooo! Good thinking!

Now when I go to this new plastic replica of a stadium, empty seats behind home plate and all the fucking corporate jerk offs, on the phone, not even watching the fucking game waving to the camera. Good, good decision front office you fucking morons!

We use to go to the ball park and say, "that's where Mickey Mantle homered", "That's where Roger Maris tripled", "That's where Fritz Peterson got a blowjob". But you can't do that anymore! Now you go to this fucking place "ahh that's where Teixeira pulled his left nostril!".

Good for the Red Sox, good for them! I'd like to see the Red Sox and the Cubs! There I said it, I don't give a fuck! Call me whatever the fuck you want, call me an uncle Tim I don't give a fuck because I say what most Yankee fans are thinking
nails on a chalkboard, the entire ESPN baseball booth. fuck them all with rhino dicks
This is somehow the lowest I've ever felt as a Mets/Jets/Islanders/Knicks fan
>his team has double digit losses
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Eternal 4th Placers, you're next you fucking memelords.
you're a JETS fan and this is lower than that? wow, you really must be suicidal
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>Syndergaard, get outta here you little Barbie doll

Im ded
Just all of it added together make me want to ask them to turn the sports off at the bar.
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what's the origin of this pasta?
so, is >mest the new >rags?
w-who are you?

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>the only reason the orange ducks won any games against the yanks is because the yanks put a 1st basemen in to pitch in the 11th inning

you can't make this stuff up
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Actually they put a 1st basemen into pitch in the 9th inning and he pitched 2 innings before giving up a run to the orange ducks

You legitimately cannot make this up
>bombston literally still mad about a legitimate slide
imagine being this autistic and butthurt and also having a worse record than a team you think is shit
mad about what?
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>the orange ducks gave up a 9-1 lead to the yanks minus gary sanchez
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>being so obsessed you shitpost about a regular season game from 2 days ago
>still having a worse record
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>the orange ducks have given up 30 runs in the last 3 games
what is more JUST.........

madbum wrecking his shoulder while going hillbilly dirtbiking during the season


Syndergaard refusing preventative injury screening, only to get injured giving up 5 runs in a game his team lost 23-5 against their main rival
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>shitposting about a team in your division with a better record than you
really tinges the neurons

what about that royals pitcher falling off a barn
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>still trying to play down a massive collapse against a division rival 2 days later
>gets mad when damage control is called out
Orioles fans, everyone
>pretending like the AL actually matters anyway
cubes repeat, doyers win, or nats finally find out how to win a postseason series
or something weird like the rockies win, ya never know

god I didn't even hear about that? who was it?
Syndergaard by far. Bumgarner will improve and be right as rain in a few weeks. Noah just blew his arm out and will be out for the season.
what about that pitcher who did cocaine then crashed a boat?
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>still shitposting about a regular season game played by a team with a better record than your team
damn that's a big boy

i wanna suck him off under his belly no homo
damage control: the filename
Who's won more World Series titles? That's right the AL.

we classic royals now
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For me, it's the Chisenhall Windians

I was leaving out deaths. Obviously not even our drunken departed 3 amigos have nothing on aaron hernandez...
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>still shitposting about a regular season game played by a team with a better record than your team
Tom Glavine (I think) breaking a few ribs while puking up food on a team plane is a good "weird injury" story I remember reading about.
why hasnt anybody shopped spee in the screen?
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>still doing this much damage control
Baseball needs an Aaron Hernadez-type scenario to happen just for the intrigue and excitement.
Is Manny Machado the cleanest player in the league?
>tfw probably would do the same if mlb star
rip dude
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>still shitposting about a regular season game played by a team with a better record than your team
Will you two just stop already. Jesus we'll be here all night listening to you to faggots go on.
bombston fans = cool
cuckrioles fans = fags and shameless handegg tripfags
My sources are telling me that Kris Bryant plans on signing with the Red Sox after his contract expires instead of signing an extension with the Cubs.

this brah is based

anyone shitting on him is a faggot
>a fucking leaf
>>>>>boston fans are cool
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no! whomever shitposts last wins the argument!
-Oriole shitposter
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Ran into Dodgers butt/Bakersfield bro on R9K kek
>keep you warm
>are /fa/ af
>soft; maximum comfy

>shits everywhere
>doesn't benefit humanity in any way at all
>filthy animal


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finally someone says it
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When confronted with reality, /nfl/ casuals (A.K.A. Oriole fans) drive by with epic video game reaction gifs. Sad!
both true
Is the AL East the most cancerous division?

>yankees fans are historically the most insufferable
>rays consistently worst in attendance
>baltimore doesn't have a basketball team or a hockey team, still doesn't give a fuck about the o's

All the other divisions I can name at least one team where I respect the fans. Not in the AL East.
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>actually uses a stale YouTube memer loser in a reaction pic
>this is the valiant battle the mods fight every day for the good of the board

what would we do without them

O's have a nice ballpark, at least
>fat side of thick
what was this thread about? sounds interesting
kek the first post is about Toronto
never mind I'm retarded, thought it was the r9k thread, didn't process blue coloring
But Bombston's tripfag is literally a handegg tripfag
your real reason to hate baltimore should be that it's been nearly destroyed by mad niggers nigging out in the past few years instead paying attention to its one sports team
Every fanbase in the AL East has their own unique shitposting
>Boston: Weird, autistic style of shitposting.
>Toronto: Cancer personified when they're good. Optimist/Pessimist civil wars when they're bad
>Baltimore: Their shitposts seem like they're intentionally trying to jinx the team. It was really bad this weekend.
>Yankees: Fuck you, we aren't that bad right now. Wait until the team is actually good before you call us insufferable.
Orioles "fans" consist exclusively of an /nfl/ casual and a dreary racist loser that posts more about anime than he does about baseball.
*instead of
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Feels good that everyone is obsessed with us.
rly makes you think
>can't even comprehend the brilliant shitposting by Boston fans
>comes up with vague, stereotypical-4chan description to save face
>the city of OUT OF STATE Yankee tripfags
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>its 2024 in my universe and they still don't have a pennant, and felix just retired
this is the future i know is waiting for me
I'm not just talking about on /sp/ I mean in real life as well.

Yanks fans are quiet now, that's why I said historically.

Yeah, OPACY is very nice, frequently overrated though desu. Just because they were the first of the retro-style parks doesn't mean they did it best.
Kaz Matsui went on the DL due to anal fissures
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bombston fans are the masters of sincere post-ironic shitposting desu
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>Brilliant shitposting
>Constantly posting that Pedroia needs to be cut, how much chicken nuggets you're about to eat, to be quite honest with you Joe, etc.
yeah i think im gonna leave you guys to this thread
fucking autists
>to be quite honest with you Joe
To be fair this is a pretty solid meme, especially when coupled with angry pepe. 10/10 desu joey
i don't see a problem, friend


>Pedroia needs to be cut
we do this with every player every time they fuck up
>chicken mcnuggets
I don't frequent the gamethreads because of the slow cooldown time but seems highly unlikely, or just plain ironic

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Class. CLASS!
chin up M'sbro, felix went into the HOF and picked up 3400 K's
the stankees are getting KILLED in the cultured shitposting game tbqh w/ u joe
what a little bitch
I won the 2028 series with them in OOTP. I think my team was exclusively fictional players though.
it's too bad the marathon bombers didn't finish the job and nuke the entire city tbqh
I don't know why the media is always on Machado's case. This is taken out of context in an attempt to make him seem like a dirty player. He's not. He's the cleanest player in the league.
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I can wait 11 more years senpai
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and this is what started it, getting tagged too hard
Honestly, I can understand why people appreciate the Red Sox shitposting culture, as autistic as it is. The Orioles's is just sad though. It's like they're intentionally trying to jinx their team.
kek what a crybaby
what a baby-back bitch
holy shit is he okay?
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>bombston making fun of anyone when the "hero" of their team is a literal roidmonkey
wow didnt know donaldson was such a dirty player
This fucking general talks about the Orioles so much it should just be called /orioles/.
and a Jays fan, you fucking idiot
Classy play by Machado. That's just pure class.
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>orioles getting btfo itt
>still there's damage control
go to bed, man
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Here's your future Felix

Signing him pushed me to the 2nd highest payroll, whoops
>baltimurder making fun of any other city except oakland or chicago
>btfo by a team with a worse record
These insecure Orioles "fans" will disappear back to /nfl/ in a week when they're back at .500 and falling fast.
Don't bring that up, the orange duck fans get angry when you remind them they gave up a 9-1 lead to a team with a worse record
>resorting to the same single bit of damage control this entire thread
Wouldn't it be embarrassing for your team to be up 11-4 in the 7th inning and still lose? It's a good thing no team has done that recently.
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>bombston LITERALLY has less wins and LITERALLY has more losses than the orioles
>still shitposting about a regular season game played by a team with a better record than your team
and after being up 9-0, too!

you just blew my mind harder than the aforementioned 9-0 lead against the Yankees two days ago
aren't baltimore and bombston pretty much the same thing though

like I thought they were all just one massive shitty new england sprawl, don't their suburbs connect?
AL East fans are cancer incarnate. You don't see us AL West fans acting like spastics.
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For me, it's the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Baseball Club.
You ran out of epic video game reaction gifs and you're resorting to My Little Pony images to show how not-upset you are that the Orioles are shit.

This is just getting pathetic.
>You don't see us AL West fans
>still shitposting about a regular season game played by a team with a better record than your team
For me, it's the Texas Rangers.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are a baseball team in the National League
fun fact
this literally means The The Angels Angels of Anaheim
>canadians knowing US geography
no. New England is the extent of the Red Sox' fanbase (and even then west Connecticut is pseudo-NY), while the Orioles have the DC area (kinda).
Class. Manny Machado.
Why am I repeating myself?
honestly the only thing wrong with machado's slide was that it didn't end PEDroida's career
max was gifted a cy young because of kershaw's injury
I swear this arrow is going to be most hated to most loved in a year or two
Haha, as a Baltimore resident I have to agree with this post. Machado is probably the classiest player of this era.
I love the arrow. It's hilarious. Makes me laugh.
How long until Giants/Dodgers falseflagging turns into Red Sox/Yankees? Will the Red Sox or Yankees get their own DG? The future is going to be interesting.
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post em
Nobody's talking about the Yankees, fuck off
post template
top 5 or so players on my team are pitchers desu
The red sox are going to be crazy good when Ortiz gets back from being sick
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so hey guys I just picked up Jose Abreu for my fantasy team and am starting him this week in favor of Miggy because Miggy is usually a slow starter in the beginning of a season or coming back from injury. Any Who's fans caught any of Abreu's at bats over the last week? Has his AIDS really worn off? Looks like he's heating up. Sorry I'm like jacked on orange ad's I should be in bed. Greetings how is everyone tonight
Not a Sox fan but I also got Abreu and he's been shit as fuck all year but he woke up yesterday with two homers. His first since July or someshit. He's been injured but without question a top 10 1B in the game. Plus power. Keep him.

Phillies mascot is based AF.
They are also the token underdog.
I'm biased though. I fuckin hate the yanks.
who has the bigger cock?

stanton or judge

both are at least 7 inches flaccid
steroids shrinks it

No mascot will ever top this:

U are so so right my dude
>Quickest Lasorda has ever moved
>gotta do something when ur 28 games behind

This announcer is killing me

It took me about my 10th time of watching it to notice Weird Al's "I'm fat" playing in the park during the incident.

Why is Bryce so cool, /mlb/?
When >rags fans weren't shitting up threads these past 2 series were pretty nice. Stros and M's are best ALW opponents
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Yordano Ventura did nothing wrong
He was a chimp and he's dead now. You gotta get over it my dude
His death was more tragic than Nick Adenhart's
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>tfw sweptober
Give us the template faggot
>implying the Royals will be playing in October
1. Yordano Ventura
2. Jose Vernandes
3. Cory Lidle
4. Nick Adenart


3001. Thurman Munson
3002. Lou Gerig
Why is MLB the only sport where unlikeable players like Ventura die?
>a flukey but competitive team
>win a World Series
>decide to see what dominating and failing feels like
>JUSTS their season right the fuck up

This is late 90s feels bruh
Has he fixed it yet? Is he done trying to do too much and only get Ks
He hits walk off bombs and doesn't afraid of anything.
This is unironically better than the neverending dodgers/giants circlejerk these threads have been for years
>los los angeles angeles de los angeles
Thats because AL west baseball is a fucking joke with no history
More history than the concussion league you so dearly love, so why don't you go right back to that general instead of posting here, huh?
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Calm down sweetie, dont get triggered when someone calls you out
Reminder that old bay's too dumb to ban evade so they'll be gone again soon
Shut the fuck up and go clean my chimney you limey piece of shit
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>tfw I fucking suck at hitting with Cespedes in Diamond Dynasty but my god that arm is irreplaceable
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hes here forever
>orange ducks have given up 30 runs in the last 3 games
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How can you not root for /our guys. The Arizona Sneks ?
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partial lat tear

I never want to hear other anons bitch about how bad their teams situation is because they have nothing on the Mets
or not giving a fuck about the mets

don't think we didn't forget how fucking autistic you and those KC fuckers were

fuck the mets
you realize the marlins and royals literally had their best players die and the white soxs have a big red down arrow until 2030?
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Another day, another mets fan to spit on
I know that feel. I'm abysmal at getting strikeouts with James Paxton, but I get 18 ground ball outs
I'm not a Mariners fan but I'm pretty sure they at least have had it worse for a while.
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Is there an unofficial rule that you have to be over the age of 50 to wear this? I see so many old dudes wearing this

No one in Montreal even likes baseball
Are all new York people this white trash?

He doesn't sound like he's from new york
> people from out of town supporting a new York team.

For what purpose
>winning Diamond Dynasty
>blue screen "an unexpected error has occurred"

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They've got the best memes
he sounds like he's from texas

did you try not being a faggot?
Why the fuck would anyone buy a post-season hat?
Dank as fuck. Do I have your permission to save this?
I only buy post season hats at the park never online or away
Why do the superheroes get injured so much?
Manfred juiced the baseball's with kryptonite because he wanted there to be more offense
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I've searched far and wide for it, but I think I've finally found the worst possible thing you could buy from mlbshop. $20 for it too
teams aside, that looks pretty comfy if you have just like a wooden chair with no footrest
that looks fucking awesome
good posts
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This was my runner up. It's Tanaka as a shitty elf. Also 20 dollars
This is way worse
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The Yankees ruin everything.
I would believe you if you told me this was a dog toy. Just horrible.

It's just I've never been in a situation where I would need the footrest thing. It would probably make your feel hot and sweaty in 5 minutes. You'd put it away one day, then never find it again
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Someone is running a business selling these for every sports team going lol
Did they make the Mensch on the Bench for the Jew Crew?

>based lou
>jose "dude coke, LMAO" hernandez #2

kys, my dude
What about those toasters that toast the team's logo? Sure a toaster is still useful but I doubt the logo comes out looking right.

Plus I bet it's a piece of shit which means you might as well not pay 2x the price just cause of the branding.
Erf on a sherf
>famous rich guy in Miami doing coke
I bet the phillie phanatic gives god tier blowjobs
A series loss is bad. A series loss to the Red Sox is worse. At least I can take solace in knowing that the Red Sox won't beat my Cubs in the World Series this year lmao. At least I can actually say that my team has won a World Series within the past two years. Fuck all of y'all for getting so riled up over an April game lmao.
A gay kiss is bad. A make out session with 6 guys is worse. At least I can take solace in knowing I drained their bank accounts a little bit. At least I can actually say that I took advantage of queers in Boystown within the past 2 years. Fuck y'all for getting so riled up over a homosexual kiss.
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this is the kinda shit I wish espn would just fuck off and die in a hole. Theyre making chicago people look bad by shilling for us so hard.
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> Theyre making chicago people look bad

>lifelong cubs fan since 2015
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So that cup under the bowl has all or some of the Series logos for the titles the Yankees won? Thats pretty cool assuming its plastic and you can take it home with you.

Although they stole that idea from the Rangers who are doing the same thing.
chill out fag. dont you have some boys to kiss for drinks? Theyre just meming with the bantz. Most of these autists know baseball. Its May 1st, they know nothing matters
They didnt copy the rangers completely
The yanks put their ws wins on the cup and the rangers chose not too
Lmao you can't just say retarded shit and then act like you were just pretending all along. Don't reply to me ever again.
>Lmao you can't just say retarded shit and then act like you were just pretending all along

the irony of this coming from him is just earth shattering
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> you can't just say retarded shit and then act like you were just pretending
> coming from the trip fag who pretends hes straight
You understand that guy is just Soler trying to emulate DG right? Says stupid shit on purpose just for attention. Stop replying and filter both
Triple A ball is just sad.

I didnt reply though

Lmao I'm not Soler. That fag makes us look bad. He rarely posts tho, thankfully
> soler makes us look bad
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Doctored. Quit posting.
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Is there some dank new quit glitch in Battle Royale for THE SHOW i dont know about?

>4 people in a row have quit on me right away
> this upset youve been outed as a closeted fag
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Based Barry
>Noah Syndershit
>hate based on rings
how are they so low? do they not know how bad molester is?
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And with this, I rest the NY mest in piss.

SUMMER 2015 - SPRING 2017.

& not one CYA to show for it.
Lmao, I figured that's how it would be. The Cubs aren't a hateable team, and there's really nothing about them to hate. They should probably rated lower.
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> there's really nothing about them to hate
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>and there's really nothing about them to hate.
Without memes, tell me what about the Cubs is so bad.
You think you have it worse than the Cusb?
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>and there's really nothing about them to hate.
>attend baseball game
>sitting near first base up a bit with my friend
>foul ball
>ball is caught by a grown man who just stood up and grabbed it in mid air
>man sits down with the ball and tosses it to his girlfriend or wife
>crowd starts booing him

>crowd wants him to give a baseball to a child who is sitting 6 seats away that the ball didn't even come near

but that's correct, that's exactly what he should do

children get joy from trinkets and trivialities. adults should not. therefore, not giving the ball up is literally stealing from a child
Lmao bullshit. There are plenty of reasons to keep a ball for yourself. Spoiled little shits aren't entitled to anything that I acquire.
What if he had a kid at home though?

>Yeah I caught you a foul ball but then 40 people decided I should give it to some one else

The only people who give the ball to a kid that isnt their kid are either morons or people who want 5secs of ESPN webgem fame. In which case they are still morons.

there are exactly zero reasons to keel a fucking foul ball. you're human vermin


> going to a ballgame with your wife and not bringing your kid

that would make him a terrible father and a complete scumbag, in which case he shouldn't be allowed to have the ball anyway

why would you not want to catch a foul ball? Ive never caught a hit in my life and Id still keep it as a memento

because i'm a grownup?
This guy still wears his mitt when he goes to ball games. Also, only goes to games becuz his uncle invited him.
>everyone thing you do with your wife you must do with your child too
Lmao is this what you told the courts during your pedophilia trial you fucking freak? Never reply to me again. You're a retard. You probably spoil your kids to in addition to hugging them a little too much lmao

doesnt sound like it to me
>exactly zero reasons

Just for this comment next time I go to a game I'm bringing a glove and trying my best to catch a ball and punch a 5 year old in the face while I do it.

That child's broken nose is now your fault
their tripfags
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seek help. i'm serious.


not caring about having a foul ball makes me childish? when i'd otherwise be giving a child the happiness of having one? bro...


cool, have fun
At least I can say my team has won more than one world series in the past century.
The Show has crashed for me 4 times today since I put that patch on this morning. Literally 4 times. 3 in Seasons, once in Battle Royale.

Anyone else?
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Lmao and how many times have the beated the Cubs in the postseason in recent memory? How many times have they made it past the wild card game? How many times have they scored a run in ANY wild card game? Never reply to me again.
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> how many times have the beated the Cubs
remember when the cubs had a first round playoff exit just 2 years ago?
*2nd round
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i'm not sure...refresh my memory, was it at some point during this time span?
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>gimme an R!
AAAAAARRRR you got yo R you got yo R!
>gimme an A!
AAAAAAYYYY you got yo A you got yo A!
>gimme a G!
GEEEEEEEEEE you got yo G you got yo G!
>gimme an S!
EEESSSSSSSS you got yo S you got yo S!
>bringing up the past
Lmao log off.
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>The oldest Franchise in baseball to never win a World Series
>Didn't make the postseason for 36 years of existence
>When they finally did, they played the Yankees 3 times in the division series and won just a single game in all 3 meetings
>Didn't make it past the first round until 49 years of existence

And after finally winning a Pennant:
>Lost b2b World Series'
>One strike away from winning it all TWICE
>Josh Hamilton kills a fan
>Blew a division lead to the A's in the final series of the season when all they had to do was not get swept thanks in part to this error
>Yu Darvish blows a perfect game on opening day in the final out
>Lost in the division series to the Jays after being up 2-0
>Lost AGAIN to the Jays in the first round the next year on a walk off throwing error by Odor in a season where they had the best record in the AL
>Minor league coaches in their organization get caught raping children

Is it even possible at this point for the >rags to add to this lofty list of cartoonish tragedy?
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>log off
>he doesn't know about Jeremy "meme injury" Affeldt

lost 17-5 to the twins despite having the best record in baseball
>he has to keep all of his shit talking to extremely recent history because his team has nothing worth mentioning until now
Lmao and what have the pirates done in recent memory? Don't be an idiot. Don't reply to me again.
Is Kershaw starting today?
That's what I thought bitch. Don't come at me when your team has never been anything but shit in your lifetime.
Why not just check yourself

>>75640912 →
>>75640912 →
>>75640912 →
>>75640912 →
>>75640912 →
b4 you wreck urself
should I buy a jersey from dhgate with my own name and number on the back for like $25?
What is your last name?
Sorry mo, I was busy.
>108 years
is all I need to rustle you.
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How are my AL All Star picks? :^)
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>freshly updated

elbow/bone spurs/Tommy John/shoulder/hamstring
elbow/arm fatigue
elbow/shoulder/bone spurs
elbow/Tommy John/forearm soreness/ulnar nerve
shoulder/labrum tear
elbow tenderness/partially torn UCL
finger blister/fingernail/dead arm/biceps/lat tear
arm fatigue/strained flexor tendon
>tfw no old/fat
I won't say on here, bit it's the same last name as exactly 1 (one) current major league pitcher, who is currently not on my team. I wore the number 1 in high school though, so I'm planning on putting that.
I know you're just memeing, but Bird and Sanchez's stats will even out soon. Bird has gotten profoundly unlucky, and Sanchez got hurt right when he started to hit again.
B but they're Yankees..........
>not all whites
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No, you're an adult.

Plain one that you only wear to games or nothing
>ESPN firing their prominent baseball writers
>BBTN is only on Sundays now
>Now has Intentional Talk on ESPN2 an hour before it shows on MLB Network

Can ESPN get anymore JUST when it comes to baseball?
>Andrew Marchand: Yankees reliever/first baseman Bryan Mitchell has been sent down. Pitcher Luis Cessa is up. No word yet on who will be the Yankees third string first baseman.
Get out of here man, baseball is all raysist n aheit
Do you think Luis Cessa and Mike Francesa ever get together for dinner or something?
Is it acceptable for a grown man to have a vintage baseball card collection?
I know right, you don't know anything about the cubs past before 2016
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>roycucks now have the worst record in baseball

Mets fan here, going to the game tonight - first time at SunTrust park. Don't let me down please
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We'll help you guys out
Man you don't even understand how talented the Jays roster is compared to ours.

You guys have had a ton of unfortunate losses, we just suck.
go with the blessing of Rickey Romero (PBUH)
>80% of the team hitting under .200
>8 blown saves in 3 weeks
>3 blown saves in 1 game

>"unfortunate losses"

you fucking better
you JUST know that this is the series where you guys sweep the yankees. Even with your bad start and injuries, you have new yorks number
Yeah but a lot of those guys had great seasons last year. You can't expect that they'll continue to hit under .200. You don't know how averages work, eh?
Is Plawecki pitching?
it literally does not matter when they are like 10 games under .500 with 2 starters and their best player on the DL

the worst thing they could do now is finish with 80 wins and miss out on dealing estrada and liriano, and possibly donaldson at the deadline
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Do you feel it, Mets? All your arms needed was
and your future is gone
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Dirk Nowitzki.webm
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this season rn
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No need to rub it in. The Mets and their faggot fans have already suffered enough
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come back to us noah
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I guess we are above that kind of savagery
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The resurrected corpse of Ryan Zimmerman has been named NL Player of the Week.
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that the Yankees won the Didi trade?
Is baseball the least watched sport on /sp/?
>Madison Dumbshit

No. It's not enough. I'm still waiting for the sticky weabo virgin to show his face. Always dismissing injuries as normalcy in a career. Shit is too funny.
I haven't seen Nipscribbles in a couple days. I don't think he was ever in the gamethread yesterday.
the fact that i literally dont remember the other parts of that trade probably means yes
I'm glad that I am a classy Braves fan and I don't cheer for players injuries. With that out of the way I am lmaoing at the Mest.
That's probably cricket or rugby if you go by "real" sports. Obviously it would be something like womens water polo or some other sport that no one gives a fuck about if you include everything anyone's ever talked about or watched
Yankee pitcher Shane Green went to the Tigers, I forget what the Sneks got out of it
>tomahawk chop
Looks dope, but do they have one for a non meme team?
What you don't like the chop?
It's one step below Chief Wahoo and Redskins on the most racist Native American sport memes scale.
>not to mention it's annoying as fuck when all the barves fans start chanting like retards and waving their arms on a two out bases empty walk with the pitcher coming up. every fucking time.
>Bob Clemente

WTF why?
Marlins or Tampa. Do they even have a single fan here?
>heavy traffic in your area

Fucking lel. Thank god I don't live in that smog shit hell of LA
Rest of socal is alright though
I'm such a big fan of my team that I got cable.
LA is better than your shit city lol.
Where's all the Mets fans go?
Lmao LA is absolute shit. Fuck off DG.
Is it even a contest? Syndergaard.
>Cubes repeat
Now I know what my nightmares will be about tonight.
They were trying to Americanize his name.
Also Roberto is long.
Why are you telling yourself to fuck off?
He thinks he's tricking us.
> someone from shitcongo calling anywhere else shit
It's clearly not working.
>living in a city
Thats a meme
rather live in a comfy /out/ place

Lol LMAOing at your life.
You probably don't even go outside anyways.
Log off, go outside and choke on that sweet LA smog
Lmao I'm not DG
>cusb faggot who doesnt live in the city

go figure

gas all bandwagon scum
Well, everybody...

I've run out of creative things to do with the "mo'Lester" character, so I'm officially retiring it as of this post. It's been a fun ride.
You could say you had a gay orgy for free Cubs tickets or something. We'd believe you
to prove it, reply to this post with the correct trip and say "I'm gay"
If only it were true.
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w-wait for us jasy
I respect you stepping away instead of trying to keep it going well past its expiration date. I recommend a delusional Sneks shill.
Lmao, bitch I know I have a large fanbase on here, but don't pretend to be me. I'm here to stay.
>I have a large fanbase on here
Lmao you can only wish that the person that owned your ass earlier today was a fraud. Don't post on here ever again.
I'm mo'Lester
March 2017
Me: The Mets rotation will never make it through the season.
Me: Reasons and history
Me: More reasons and evidence

Fast forward to April 30
Me: The Mets rotation is ded.
Mets fans:
It's obviously se!an with a proxy you faggots
Don't need no MRI I'm a fucking superhero, all the other players are superheros, and our lifelong fans dress up like superheroes
You can only wish.
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We were under 500 in August last year and still made the playoffs. The team still has a chance. The Nationals are the best team in baseball right now but the wild card will remain in play as long as the team doesn't slip too far.
Terry is a bad manager, team is poorly run, but they still have a chance as much as anyone else in the wild card race.
Division would be LONG shot of course.
If you wanna reply rationally go ahead and tell me why I'm wrong.
>I’m pretty in tune with my body. That’s exactly why I refused to take the MRI. I knew there was nothing happening in there.
>owned my ass
You rascal, you only wish you could have this ass. ;)
> boy, i sure wish i was an obsessive alcoholic manchild with no self respect or shame!
Pure cancer
You'r team is garbage and you should fill bad.
>you should fill bad
Lmao the gay meme has been debunked countless times by me and others on this board. Continuing to perpetuate it is just antiquated.
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>chief Wahoo, nuff said
what did they mean by this?
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*teleports behind you*

heh, nothin personnel mets health
Bad coaching, horrid front office, abysmal line up, best position player on the DL indefinitely, 2 other starting position players on the DL indefinitely, 3 starters on the DL, including the best one, indefinitely, gasoline bullpen, offense overly dependent on HRs, no help coming from the farm, training staff 3 Stooges tier inept.................
>he still thinks the division is play
The Braves, Indians and Redskins aren't racist though
I never said the division was "in play"
You guys talk a lot of shit despite never winning a single playoff series lol. Go Yankees.
Where were you when you realized kiss'lester was a shitskin?
The Mets aren't even going to be within sniffing distance of .500 in August.
>Division would be LONG shot of course
I'll cap that for you. People were laughing at the Mets in August last year when they fell under .500 and they still got the first wild card spot.
I don't even say lmao that much
The sheer amount of delusional, wishful thinking in this post is staggering.
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desu senpai the


should probably blow it up around june and get some prospects back for a couple of guys

it won't be a popular decision but bumgarner doing stupid shit in colorado gives the FO the perfect out to not give him a yuge extension

the jints are already crippled by posey (lt dan i lost muh power) and cain's (lt dan i lost muh arm slot) contracts.

no point in tacking on more baggage unless they want to go full phillies and have everyone lose their jobs. also bochy might legitimately die on the job and should probably retire.
Come back when you get educated and can talk like a decent human
Bochy is the only thing that SF has going for it at this point.
So at this point it's just this trip character talking to himself, right
You people don't still reply to this guy do you

i've been deliberately responding without giving him (You)s but i'm about to stop completely

Harvey next. Cap that

basically, but he really should probably check out. he's been in and out of the hospital due to heart related shit for going on three years now
I only do it for laffs.
why? what about just number, no name?
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