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Thread replies: 517
Thread images: 126

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1st for Aspen Ladd
She looks like she sucks dick for cigarettes.
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Cynthiaposting is becoming as bad as Schaubposting. Wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't forced so much, even Francisco Ngannou wasn't this bad.
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its like 90% me man. its not nearly as bad as schaub posting. stop over exaggerating. I have like 4 pics and 8 webms of cynthia. the schaub guy has over 100
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le get in my guard man.jpg
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Who is your favorite female fighter?
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>that bottom right pic
gets me every time
It's because you can tell it's just one guy trying to force it hard and she hasn't had any notable wins yet
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For sure my man.
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the only time i ever got banned was for posting that. i would have ridden that meme into the ground
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was this knockout of the year so far or does platinum take the cake? or others?
Keep doing what you're doing brother
is this good training?


rose's just knock down of michelle is better
As much as I love Platinum this wins
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is this still card of the year?
Wasn't this in December ?
That's what the fucker gets for robbing Michael Johnson.
Is Smug Markwan Amirkhani done for lads?
january 14th my man
It's still only April, but yes.
8 fights and 6 finishes (haga vs montenegro had a tapout and choke to unconsciousness at the bell)
i dont think its even close
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>Mfw the current state of affairs
Let's wake heem up, got any Jacare webms?
Smart lad
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I've got some gadooshes alright.
LOL, wmma ugly low level shit - card of the year?
Wmma shills dumber than football dank hools
do you prefer an octagon or a ring for watching fights?
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Are people going to hate on Alvarez when he fights peahead?
Thank you based whittiers
that card was like 6/10 at best
I'd agree if the second half were as strong as the first. Aliakbari-Dos Santos and Ishii-Herring were awful. Still the runner-up tho
God, I wish they'd allow me next room so I could spit in your fucking face.
what did she mean by this
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Flyweight isn't a division
Jazzy "40lb advantage" Gabbert was an embarrassment. She killed the hype for the Gabi fight before it was even hyped
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What did Robert "The Alligator Hunter" Whittaker mean by this?
Stephan Strudel is the man!
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Shit card but Rena vs Hungarian gal alone made it better than most UFC fight night cards
if you made this you should stop pretending youre not a casual
>What did Robert "The Alligator Hunter" Whittaker mean by this?

Crocs on the barbie m8
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You know that I would literally kill you if you did something stupid as that
Yeah those fights weren't fun, at least the Jazzy-Reina one was entertaining
Abortion form
Listen to the woman Jon, CALM DOWN JUST CALM DOWN
That today is the deadline for filing your tax form and that it's obligatory for athletes too. She also shilled some accounting company
>4 fights
that card was lame
>Caceres didn't get to meme it up
>Ngannou didn't get to be impressive because Arlovski is deleted
>Cerrone looking old
>Pena underestimating Chenko's ground game
6/10 maybe 7
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That's not a real name, he made that up.
So Jon, you just think I'm gonna sit there and let you kill me, Jon?

>Was it you, string bean?
Boxing/bjj, Muay Thai/ bjj?

Boxing: hit without getting hit
Muay Thai: Hit hard get hit hit harder back

do I only have a bad impression of Muay Thai?
You'll know who she is soon enough
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roughly 30 pounds of muscle
You have a pretty simplistic impression of Muay Thai, don't underestimate how much your personality shines through in how you fight. Some of the best muay thai practitioners ever rarely got hit
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Oh I bet I could kill you, I'm not saying I'm would fight you, I'd kill you
i really wish you wouldnt have ruined my strawwight image of her. i thought she was a cute twink but now shes a gross bigg
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There were quite a few good fights, just too much lag to be called the best of the year for me. I have really high hopes for their next few cards.
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Let's try, that Jon. Let's try that. Let's try that.
i might be biased because all my boys and girl won
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then surely you won the picks?
imagine going from this to this >>75560131
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You think I'm gonna just let you break my arm Frank?
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Fucking Arlovski.
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My fucking sides, I completely forgot about this.

DC is undoubtedly one of my top 5 boys, but he's so god damn goofy.
yeah that's just from 18 to 22, and with training enough to get signed by the ufc lol
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Cormier talk a lot of trash for a guy that was 49-46'ed at what he does best
why are goobs arms so long
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Promo poster for the July event. These guys are going all out I'm telling ya
Is that you Adan?
Illegal surgery - forearm transplant
Thats good to hear

I don't know whit about actually practicing just hearing about some training practices and attitudes must have given me a bad microcosm of perception.

hole in the wall MMA gym near me I'd like to go to since I can just ride my bike over

One of the three coaches fought in Georgia like last week

what do you all think?

his shoulders are wide
I meant that she got way uglier
Not sure if that's what you meant too though
Getting punched in the face isn't good for looks anyway.
yeah that transformation happened in only 4 years
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He can talk all the trash he wants, that nigga my boy.

Polandlad is such an enigma, we don't even know who his boys are.
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Artem has one of these candles by his bed, sweet smell of Oirish Bowls before bed
Wew, Rizin at the Fillmore. No idea who any of those are supposed to be, though.
Who is your favourite woman fighter?
If you go to a good gym with as little ego as possible bad practices should be kept to a minimum. For example my BJJ place spar hard and sparring is obligatory day 1, whereas muay thai place I'm starting to go to sparring is totally optional
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Adan are you still devastated by having Studboy hang up on you?
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I wouldn't say I have an eternal boy for good and bad, I have a bunch of guys whom I like though

And itÄ…s very telling that you cheer for DC, you don't even like him, you just hate Jon Jones

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Only degenerates have multiple boys
she looks so small in her fights. i dont get it
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Just heard Bisping's dog died

LMAOing so hard atm
What is your favourite walkout style of an ex-UFC champion walkout?
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Poland Jones, get your shit together, I'm waitin' for you!

>Not having a boy per weightclass
Listen geroges, I just had a death in the family the fight is OFF. I need time to mourn
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It's my career, not yours :P
You need a boy per weight class to create the most nerves possible on a fight night
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RIP BispDog
Read this dumb shit in Bisping's voice and laughed harder than I should
Who is your woman favourite fighter?
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>my favorite hobby is pretending to be other people in my 4chan friend simulator
Adan still seething after getting BTFO in front of everyone
I literally have no idea what you're talking about and I like it that way

stay obsessed you fucking idiot lol
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its quite sad actually. these are the same people who hate on schaub btw
Where did you emigrate from?
When did the gimmick posting start?
Who is your favorite mma related simulated friend?
lithcuck is the founding father
Tough call, between Spainsperg and spergOP
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What are they going to name the child, /heem/?

I think it'll be a traditional Irish name, like Sheamus, or Potato.
WOW, she went from a solid 6/10 to a generous 4
D-Do all women get that gross when prego? How long until they become normal?
Don't talk about mummy like that.
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schaub bless brothers
do you not know how pregnancy works?
Springsperg cracks me up
Spain knows how to derail a thread
Woodley race-baiter is interesting
Lithicuck is a bit too much of an attention whore

>How long until they become normal?

They dont

Wow, did you know Irish was a language? WTF I hate the British now!
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what was Raquel thinking when she saw this posted?
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>Woodley race-baiter is interesting
Heem urself my man
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He said it was Pakistan a while back. Kind of hilarious that the two biggest thread-warring spergs are both Muslim immigrants.
She looked 2/10 on TUF, especially with her 'stache
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>still posting this picture

she's my thinfu
Did u her that they make Mark Hunt action figure with bitch titties and small package? Salty Dana lmao
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my dad's irish and my mother is english

lmao stay obsessed my bud
I hate tattoos so much.
Cub should learn from Conor, fight Aldo under the exact same conditions as the loss to avoid doubt
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The "word" is Woodley v Maia/Masvidal winner at UFC 214

Which doesn't make much sense considering it's possible one of Maia or Masvidal get hurt and having the champ currently training

Also begs the question if DC-Jon and/or Cyborg-GDR is off the card
That's literally the only fight to make you idiots, how did you not see that happening? Who the fuck else would Tyrone fight?
Maia literally takes no damage, could be safe
>tfw ronda rousey turned nick into an alcoholic
Why schedule a title fight when the title eliminator is two weeks away and its very possible one of them could get hurt?
In the future, you would have to be stupid not seeing Maia/Masdival winner not being next
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Obviously. But what does that have to do with scheduling the fight already?
Plutonium Mike Porcini is next
It's not scheduled though? Why Schedule GSP vs Bisping when one is injured? That's a better question
Pettis, Ronda and Weidman justed into oblivion and yet Aldo despite having the most devastating loss of all the champs with Ronda is still unjusted.

Jose's going good, he'll beat : Holloway, Khabib and Burger king in that order
Jose is good fighter, casuals just meme on him because he lost to some guy that was at death's door to cut weight
>that was at deaths door to cut weight

And Aldo lost to this guy? LMAO
He probably will beat Holloway
Did you not see the size and reach advantage? That fight was guaranteed to end in first exchange
But he cut all that weight! Surely he must've had some advantage!
Oh wait Conor cuts 5 pounds more than Aldo at most and his advantage was in height and reach which wasn't even all that massive
RENA is the one in the middle because fangs
What's the most weight you've cut? Thinking of RDA's cut to lightweight here as the ultimate benchmark (40 pounds, give or take a few)
Tibau did 40-50 apparently
Conor has looked better at 145, it was just a bad weight cut. You are stupid if you think Conor only cuts 5 more pounds than Aldo. Even at LW he had big size advantage over Eddie. Ferguson is the one to end his LW career
Is there a sport that so freely talks about steroids and steroid accusations than MMA?
How much do you think he cuts? Aldo says he walks around 170. Conor has multiple said in the 170-175 range. He looks worse when cutting because he's taller. And he was clearly taller than Eddie too
walk around weight is not the same as fight weight
I don't believe Aldo walks at 170, Conor is easilly 180+ when not fighting
thanks tips
>Conor is easily 180+

Lol thats absurd
Where Adan Elmi's fine ass at?

He look sexy when he gain all that weight
I mean they start their cut at a weight lower than walk around weight. Walk around weight is what they are pre-camp.
It's not
That's literally not true, he walks around at 167-175
I love when there are Brandon marks on porcelain Schaub repository and I get to blast them off with pee
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>walk around weight is not the same as fight weight
he's in jail bud lol
You are a fool if you believe that
Theyre still cutting weight. Losing weight is losing weight
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Is Bellator the future of MMA?


Bellator crowning a Women's Flyweight champ BEFORE the UFC - Sad!
A "weight cut" refers to the two to three day period before a weight in when the fighter stops eating and drinking and tries to dry themselves out. It's not the same as losing weight through doing a camp and getting ripped.
Give it a rest, he's banned so let's just go Schaub-free for another day.
You don't know what a fit 180 pound plus 5"9 male looks like apparently, hit a gym up pal
Coralsperg got a 3 day vacation. He's just seething in fury watching you post this
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How would he do in the UFC?
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so you guys are refreshing mma news sites the same way Springsperg autistically refreshes heem?
Wow. Truth bomb after truth bomb. Any other wisdom you'd like to share?
Lollator sloppy women "fights". Meh
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Implying UFC’S women fighters are any better
You referred to the weight they lose in camp as "cutting weight" when that wasn't the case, I was just clarifying why.
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Khabib stuffing his three-head with coffee cakes is every bit as important as sweatin it out
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What sort or Schaub receptacle is this?
They're trying to siphon all the girls from the UFC are too fat for strawweight and too small for bantamweight. Not a terrible idea if they're trying to build up a women's division of their own.
Sam Alvey vs the USADA'd corpse of Vitor Belfort
who wins?
Considering Alvey has looked like absolute trash in his last few fights, I'd give it to Vitorpse.
>Slobsperg numero uno gets banned
>He's still talked about more than any other fighter
Those Lelator women are lucky to make 30k a year and that's if they win
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Speaking of which did we already meme about BelfoTRT v MarquaTRT in Vitor's retirement fight?
It probably beats fighting once a year MAYBE on the UFC's short leash.
I don't know dude, there was a lot of discussion about Yair and Fronkie Poogar last night
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What's next for Jorge after he heem's Maia?
They ain't fighting more in Coker's show either, but instead of 10k/10k they get 7k/7k
Maybe their equal levels of JUST will cancel out and it will be a spicy banger.
auto update on twitter
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Will Fronk 50-45 Yair with superior traditional boxing? We've seen memekickers fall over and over.
Rumble fought at 170 and now cuts to make 205
Secretary of Defense in Trump's administration
Unironically Tyron, unless they do actually put together a scrape with one of the Diazi. Other than Jorge, there's nobody left in the Top 5 that makes sense.
>Will Fronk 50-45 Yair
its a 3 round fight but now I sort of wish they made it a fight night main event instead
Maia + Yair + JDS is probably the best value parlay of the year right now
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You realize masvidal is gonna KO maia stiff, right?
Only a few years ago we had Anderson, Jones, and GSP as champs.

Now we have Bispong, DC, and Tyron.
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This triggers the you know who.webm
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>n-n-n-n-next time
DC, Moose, Oliveira
I'm retarded. But still, I don't really see how Yair wins this one outside of catching Frankie with one of his flying memes. Although I suppose if Jeremy Stephens can find Frankie's chin with a kick, Yair surely can.

That said, Edgar is nigh-unheemable.
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How do I get a job at USADA?
dude that parlay yields +730
What's next for him when Maia and Masvidal both die in a plane crash?
You don't think Yair could outpoint fight him?
Goddamn, that Viking is shredded. Did they not tell him that we drug test the midcarders in America?
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>when you aren't fighting Nick Diaz next
I thought dabbing died with Cam Newton at Suberb Owl 50, why is Tyrone doing it ?
That's 100% Frankie's game, lad. He's been doing it since before Yair could kick flip off his mamma's porch.

To trigger you
Frankie is old and slow, Yair might just KO him in the 3rd round.
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parlays are fun but I always miss by 1 and end up losing my money

I wish I was a better better
He doesn't trigger me tho, I don't feel one way or another about him
>first loss was a TKO by a guy named Mohammed Abdallah

the state of scandinavians
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probably just another german tuf reject
Being the first guy to finish Fronk would for sure give him some stock, but I still think it's Fronk's fight to lose. Do we know if Yair can wrestle?

isn't dabbing a weed smoking reference?
It's no secret that guy was on copious amount of steroids before getting signed.
I dunno, all my knowledge of african american culture comes from GTA San Andreas and Boondocks
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stay shook



He has good TDD and scrambles



yeah okay bud lol
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You too
He has more than a 23.5294% chance of winning, goof.
Let's hope he can counter blacksplosion. So many fighters have no idea what to do with the negro blitz.
>one loss in the UFC
>ZERO losses in the burger game

You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
feel like everyone is sleeping on JDS

he got his old girl back and looked amazing in his last fight, and stipe is very chinny
>looked amazing in his last fight
I wasn't impressed by his per-for-mance
It'll be another slobberknocker regardless. Can't wait!
lol none of you dorks know shit about parlays
no he doesn't goof

if they fight four times Sergio loses all four
I wonder what hueburgers taste like

what website?

there goes your money
How to piss away money 101.
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He looked amazing beating up that fat mess Ben Rothwell, yeah. I don't think there was a better matchup for JDS in the whole heavyweight division.
Then put your house on Cejudo you fucking donkey.
i have no faith in a brazilian in a title fight post usada
Plus he already beat Miocic and I'm sure he knows this is the last real crack at the title he'll ever get. Gonna be good.

>place a single bet on a massive favourite

You're pretty shit at this eh bud
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>betting on a pettis


>$5 is a lot of money

lmao get jobs
>stipe is very chinny
Of all the HWs Stipe is the least chinny dude
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Literally why are people picking Mini-Pettis over Cejudo?
>>$5 is a lot of money
that's not what I said, idiot

also, we have been getting jobs left and right lately bud check it>>75562063

lol idiot
Sergio has good hands and Cejudo is overrated
casuals. they probably read it was a good bet on reddit
it's literally one idiot
Ngannou is the least chinny until he gets heemed
>and Cejudo is overrated


he's going to take B. Pettis down at will dude
>betting on Cejudo is so much +EV!
>betting on Cejudo large is stupid!

Please keep depositing.
You better hope, because he will get outslicked on the feet all day
he will take him down at will
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>replying to your own larp post cause no one else cared
Pettis has a suspect chin and Cejudo's striking looked sharp vs Joe B
>Cejudo is overrated
His only loss is to Mighty Mouse. (Yes he did beat Benavidez)
There's levels to this grappling thing bro
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>tfw too many breakfasts
I too thought Cejudo was robbed.
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"Robbed" is a strong word. With the point deduction it should have been a Draw.
that fight was probably the furthest off of the actual decision I have ever been in my life

I thought Cejudo won hands-down
WHy is Cormier ducking Lenny?

Sign the liability form Daniel!
>betting is pointless unless you bet for an underdog
Benavidez winning was also the worst outcome, considering he's already lost to MM twice. So now what's he gonna do, wait for him to retire?
One judge scored it 30-26 Benavidez, which was just beyond dumb.
after mighty mouse retires i bet dana closes the flyweight division. nobody wants to watch the manlet belt change hands every other month
Just watched Bendo-Masvidal the first time

Really good fight. So many nice grappling exchanges especially in the later rounds

People kept saying Bendo wrestlefucked Masvidal. Masvidal only got held down maybe once but still scrambled back up quickly.

Bendo is so under appreciated too. Especially his striking

Every round was so close too. Good fight
I do
>can't even speak your own language
Why are all the LW GOATS Asian or part-Asian?
Conor was fluent until recently, you don't know what you're talking about
>The Oirish are back yeh
>Can barely speak his own language
Someone post the Cultural Enrichment webm.
When did you realize Dallas Winston was the GOAT at MMA judging?
*forgets my mother tongue*
nobody could ever forget your mother's tongue
I unironically think there should be more 10-10 rounds being scored
At least he has his own language
>What is AMERICAN sign language?
So do I
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>he rates fighters below LW
As an unfortunate consequence of an 800 year occupation the first language most of us speak is English, we learn Irish after, older people often never got to learn Irish, but you know this. It's just another bait
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>he ranks white fighters
>Wh-What do you mean Rory is coming back to the UFC? Y-Y-You're joking, r-right?
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USADA exists now Roidry, no TRT exemption for you.
Just messing with you, it's all love.
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>muh right hand
>muh double leg
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>claims to not be a casual
>doesn't watch Bellator
Why is it hard for you to believe that a 20 something year old would have a naturally occurring backne ?
Nice for you to finally pick a side bandwagoner lel
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Ladies and gentlemen, your heavyweight champion of the world.
Glad to hear
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>he ranks tyrone
>watching the TNA of MMA
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>naturally occurring backne

"Acne is one of the many side effects from steroids. Acne occurs from the usage of steroids because the sebaceous glands on the skin secrete more oils due to the increase of androgen levels in the body from the steroids. Acne of steroid users is most commonly found on the back, shoulders and face."

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I'm not sure what you're talking about
Yoel Romero is next MW champ, does heem disagree?
As far as proofs of roiding go that has to be one of the weakest
damn so many kids these days on the juice
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>He ranks voldemort
I bet you think GSP is natty too
I have some bad skin on my back, have I been on the juice this whole time?!
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>implying i do
Your boy got bullied by Voldemort, a straight up lellator scrub. Jorge is coming for that strap son.
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Gsp is going to heem Bisbong
>n-n-ext time

Loving every laugh. Did ya delete ya wonderboi webm folder yet?
>grown man Tyron is scared of a white kid in his 20s
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I think you are being stupid parading a bunch of zits on a guys back as a definitive proof

But yeah, motherfucker's on steroids, errybody is,
Literally everyone is on steroids you goof, some more blatantly than others.
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even if he takes no damage, he'll have to cut weight twice in two weeks.

can we have a fucking tyron defence where no one would bitch about the result win or lose, for fucks sake
Did you guys see this all flying knee KO video? Got damn

>a guy who wouldn't even KO BJ Penn going to KO a dude who fought in LHW

Rory was on steroids and no doubt still is, but bacne is pretty much the least convincing proof of steroid use there is.

Tons and tons of people have terrible bacne and have never touched steroids. And then look at all of the very obviously roided up fitness models and bodybuilders with clear skin. Having bacne doesn't prove anything.
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>ranking m-m-m-uh explosive right hand
>muh sit with back to the cage for the whole fight
Heem yourself. Jorge beats anyone at WW or LW son.
Which other fighters do you know have roid bacne to the extent of Rory's?
Remember the Tyronfag isn't even a Tyron fan. He just uses this gimmick for (You)s
>For sure I've been a Jorge Masvidal fan since his street fighting days my guy

Cringing @ bandwagoners 2bh. If he gets back-packed by Maia you'll say you saw his first jiu jitsu tournament live.
When's Godofredo Pepey fighting again?

I know, not sure why people reply to the nigger-wannabe though
>s-s-top liking what I don't like
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No he isn't.
>Can't be a Tyron fan without triggering polturd losers

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>He didn't watch Jorge's fights with Ray
Heem yourself bud.
Wait...is Kelsey's a fucking restaurant or a gym?
>For sure I've been a Masvidal fan since before strikeforce 100%
Its really weird how you decided to start being a lot more vocal about your love for Tyron when 209 was approaching
I don't know about that but ever since Woodley laid on Jordan Mein like a faggot I've wanted him to die. How do you like that?
You've been btfo my man, you can stop now.
Dip portioning center for reformed Somali terrorists.
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>That flag
>This topic
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oh for sure you guys been masvidal fans since the beginning my guy, 100%.

atleast you finally picked a bandwagon to hop on lmao

>masvidal for sure since strikeforce my man
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Did I goof up?
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I was literally a fan for years and I was even a more vocal one before the Lawler fight but the popular meme here was "affirmative action nigger is gonna get his soul taken by based blood orc"

And then after that it was, "wonderboi is gonna headkick KO him in round 1"...and then it was "n-n-next time", now it's "m-maiavidal"

The seething and bandwagon for the next guy will literally never end. Now hardcore Masvidal fans are popping out of nowhere when they didn't even know who he was before he fought cowboy. No one even posted about him here lel.
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>it's only one person
hmmm try again sweetie x
Poorier is gunna KO Poovarez
You made the right choices Anon.
Lots of people picked him to beat cowboy. Doesn't mean there was a bandwagon for him here like there is now.
Is he wearing a cup in that pic?
>Mark Henry
His fanbase got bigger after he won a very important fight. Shocking, isn't it? Just what exactly is your point here?
>Picking Peahead against a Top 5 fighter.
Conor didn't even put eddie out cold with like a dozen clean shots. Poirier got actually heemd in his last fight. Alvarez has also taken a good amount of time off since his fight and he has a clear path to victory via wrestling. I'm not worried about his chin.
You're a bandwagoning leech who will always root against the guy Tyron is fighting cause he beat up your heroes.
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he'll surely lose this time right? for sure some 155er journeyman would beat tyron, wonderboi won the popular vote and le orc was deleted before.

all your money on TBD senpai
Porier hasn't been the same since Conor
What he did to a bright young flower in Mein is try to impregnate him, not beat him up. He ruined something pure and innocent and I will never forgive him for that.
>Poirier got actually heemd in his last fight
wow Jim Miller heemed Pooier???
>Poirier can't wrestle too
>he'll surely lose this time right?
You say that like he hasn't lost or come close to losing before. He's currently on a win streak of ONE (1).
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so you're literally admitting to being a hater? good, atleast we know where y'all stand

>first fight was a draw!
>steroid guy x beat tyron so HA!
Jordan Mein is a journeyman who lost to a roided out Norwegian rookie. Keep crying.
My B. I guess I erased 208 from my memory.
Not in the same way eddie can. He is not going to grind eddie against the cage.

Don't bring the dog out of me bro
Wouldn't bet against that fight in a million years. Literally two of the most unreliable inconsistent fighters ever fighting is a recipe for a wonky split decision.

Oh no he just keeps giving these pol losers more reasons to hate him.
McGregor vs Ferugson
DC vs Jones
Tyron vs Nick

This is the ideal July event
>implying white women retain youth as well as asians
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>h-hey Trump I'm gunna majority decision your white ass
I hate the guy because his fighting style fucking stinks. Not because he's black or uses steroids. That's literally the most valid reason to hate a fighter. The Wonderboy rematch made me honestly reconsider following this sport.
McGregor will NEVER EVER fight in the UFC ever again
He is now, but in that fight he was a 21 year-old wunderkind who just murdered Cyborg with the best elbows ever seen in MMA.
>Blames Woodley for the fight being boring but not wonderboy who is the very essence of a boring point fighter

Really makes you think
Woodley is the one who somehow has fans on here so he's the one who I'm directing my anger against. Blame yourself.
That's what it should be, but what we'll get is

Ferg vs N8 for interim bullshit belt #372628
DC vs Manuwa
Tyrone gonna stand by the Mexico wall for 24 minutes lel
Woodley won the fight if its judged overall

Wonderboy won the fight if scored by rounds
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woodley knocked down wonderboy like what? 2 3 times? almost finished him 4 or 5 times? but it's woodley fault? not the teeping twink everybody on here was so sure would ko that affirmative action nigger?
He isn't fighting/boxing anywhere without the UFC being involved, he has a contract. There is no chance they won't have a stipulation in any contract with Floyd that requires Conor to finish his contract with them too. Beyond that reports have come out today that negotiations between Conor and Floyd have stalled pretty heavily.
He has a couple trolls and one really lonely autist that you're talking to right now. If you ever see a thread derailed with back and forth childish autism. Its most likely him. He has no life at all
I hate T-Wood's fans. The man himself is wgaf.
I would be very pleased with Tony vs Nate. It's a fun fight.
I left my friends place before the 5th round of the rematch because I was tired and needed to get home. It was one of the worst title fights ever aired at that point, whatever happened in the 5th doesn't change that. Woodley is at least 50% responsible.
Nate isnt fighting anyone not named Conor.
GDR is retiring so she doesn't have to fight cyborg.
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>all the wonderboi "fans" in the comments

he won, get over it dork. it's like you didn't see wonderboy do the same shit with rory.

tyron exposed an undefeated kickboxer, and instead of giving him credit you bitch and moan for months. cant wait til he beats your "boy since strikeforce" next.

or your "boy" maia if masvidal loses like I think he will. stay crying, your tears are delicious
It would be spicy, but I don't want anymore of these fake belts floating around. Ferguson should sit on his ass as the rightful contender until Conor comes back, fuck the UFC's drama.
I'm not arguing that he didn't win. I'm saying the fight was awful and he's awful. I don't need to get over it, I'm perfectly aware that it's a reality.

Wew, at least she gets to keep her belt from division with no fighters
smart desu
How is Woodley going to survive on the ground with Maia if he lost to Jake Shields?
Fair opinion.
>he's awful
he won a stand up fight against wonderboy. you're wrong

>maia taking down woodley
he'll get heemd faster than lawler
Shields beat Maia though and Woodley didn't lose that fight on the ground
>Wonderboi doesn't or rather didn't have fans on here before UFC 205 and 209
Is it still "before"? Do you think I was talking about then, not now?
Hey arent you that guy who outted himself as a Jacare/Anti-Jacare posting loser? I think you should write the initial book on childish autism on 4chan.
I don't care if he won. As a fan I require fights to be entertaining to make them worth my time watching. Woodley has repeatedly not met that requirement and put on some of the worst fights in MMA history, so fuck him, I can't wait until his do-nothing-for-4-minutes-then-blacksplode style backfires on him again.
>you now remember when Bellator let BW champ Eduardo Dantas fight Tyson Nam for no reason and he got KO'd
Everyone who was a wonderboi fan is now a masvidal/maia fan. No one even cares what wonderboi does next cause you were never really fans of his.
Considering you even asked that despite me talking about Woodley. I'm guessing that was you
None of what you just posted is true. Not enough fans care about hating Woodley to really root against him in just a uniform fashion. He annoys people - he doesn't enrage them.
that fight did suck I'll give you that, but it's wonderboys fault, I was frustrated tyron didnt try and finish earlier than the fifth.

his next fight will be good, especially if it's with masvidal.
Excuse my retardation, but where can I find torrents/downloads of past MMA events? I missed the last Rizin card, and I really want to watch it in it's entirety. I also want to watch some old-school Pride as well
>but it's wonderboys fault
how can you say that when Tyrone literally stood against the fence doing absolutely nothing at all for the first 2 rounds
No I'm pretty sure it was you cause you said the same exact thing while making an anti-Jacare post while using a Jacare webm.

You got so embarrassed by your own incompetence that you had to delete it after several people called you out on it.
The first fight wasn't anything special either, outside of the 4th round it was more of the same with Wonderboy having a slightly higher activity level than he managed in rematch.
Its both their fault. Neither even tried to engage
I'm a Wonderboy fan, there just isn't much to talk about until we know who he is fighting. He isn't the champ so it's not like there are obvious contenders like there is with Tyron.
That fight took place outside of Bellator but it's still hilarious. Bjork let one of his champions go off and get and KO'd, then he came back and continued to reign over the division.
>None of what you just posted is true
Everything I just posted is true considering there are now schmucks coming out of the woodwork and saying they were Masvidal fans before his strikeforce days. If he loses you'll go back to not caring again like the bandwagoner you are.
>only one person says loser

The odds right now heavily favor Joshua (about +425 Klitschko). Do u think there is value in betting on Klitschko since I have the feeling its about 50:50 with them.
>and put on some of the worst fights in MMA history,
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read one /heem/

Sorry he beat up your boy all those years ago and derailed his hype-train before it really took off, but you need to get over it already.
It's even more hilarious because of that. It's like when the UFC let Couture go to RINGS and he just got submitted a bunch of times over there.
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Fighters you have said you hated unironically for years when almost everyone thought you were kidding.
How can I get over the Wonderboy fight, I watched it live at 4am less than three months ago. Those wounds are fresh.
You don't seem to understand that fighters can be more or less relevant (i.e. Having stuff to talk about) depending on how close they are to the belt and if they have fights scheduled. Nobody was talking about Tyron here in 2015 because he wasn't fighting, that doesn't mean his fans didn't exist. This isn't hard to grasp.
Have you tried /box/? I'm unironically more interested in the muay thai fights in lebanon tomorrow
he took him down in 2. he was just timing the explosion, shame he couldn't finish wonderboy. dude has heart ill give him that.

since your saying it's woodleys fault, are wonderboys teeps and jabs exciting to you? its bothboth their fault like the other anon said but atleast woodley did some damage for fucks sake

i liked how the fights were tense live, I'd never rewatch them. dont understand wonderboy, he said he'd do more then he did even less.
I've been telling people that Masvidal is the shit for years. Masvidal gaining popularity after a high-profile win on network TV makes sense - that's why fighters want to fight on large platforms. It has nothing to do with Woodley. He's lost a fuckton of times and I haven't stopped following him.
The intensity starts to deflate when you realize nothing is going to happen and you've been watching two dudes breathe heavily at eachother for 12 minutes.
Haha, in fairness though at least the UFC made Couture vacate the belt before he left. Dantas was literally representing Lelator when he got KO'd in some regional promotion.
yeah. one thing possibly going against him is he has been fighting since he was like 18, so hopefully he doesn't decline quickly
That dude is a hack.
I love how RDA haters say he is scared of Conor. RDA would have fucked him up and you know it
I guess I'm easily entertained then I dont know. I get why you didn't, I just did
He hasn't taken too much damage luckily, but he does have a ridiculous amount of fights, and is 32, so I'd wager he probably has two to three years left of peak performance, it's now or never - he came in hot against Cowboy on the biggest stage of his career, I'm hoping he can do the same to Demian, who I do like, just not as much.

Nope I don't buy it. The same way I don't buy that Eddie Alvarez fans existed here, the people rooting for him to beat Conor just hated Conor.
I'm an Eddie Alvarez fan :(
Conor is Conor. Woodley is Woodley. I'm sure you can figure out the difference when it comes to inciting a reaction from the fanbase.
Ok, you're just dumb or confirmed b8ing then lol

Have a good1
desu some are probably woodley haters but I did see masvidal being posted before the cerrone fight once or twice senpai
Same here bro. Still my boy
There are haters who both want to see them lose so they will latch onto whoever they fight even if it's Jessica Eye.
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not him but conor is more liked here than woodley.
>Tfw your low-key invicta girl gets signed to the UFC

Though I gotta admit the recent invicta signees have looked like complete trash in there.
Conor is more everything than Woodley. Liked, disliked, popular, controversial, exciting, marketable. It's why acting like the effects they have on the fanbase are the same is idiocy. Woodley does jack shit for ratings and buyrates because people don't care about him more than they hate him.
Friendly reminder Brendan could beat the shit out of Woodley and Conor in the same night.
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Heeminder that Woodley got punked by a tiny weight cut conr
Woodley just won the belt dummy. The point I was making was there exist idiots who will always pretend they are super fans of the guy he's fighting when they really aren't. I wasn't comparing his buy rates to McGregor's.
we're strictly talking /heem/ here, not your average viewer.

on /heem/, he's more hated.

For sure Masvidal was talked about a lot on /heem/ before the cowboy fight my guy. I've personally been a fan since his youtube street fight days 100%
I don't think he is, I think McGregor inspires a shit tonne of hate, but even more love. The love for Woodley is practically naught and the hate builds every time he fights.
yeah posted it in the wrong tab, sry. But I'm a /heem/ guy. Just interested in this fight cause here in germany Klitschko was always big and it gets promoted around here a lot.

However I noticed that boxing odds are fucking horrific. Lookin at my betting I noticed that like 90 percent of the underdogs start at +600. What the fuck? No wonder boxing is dying if most fights are so predictable...
what was the worst fight this year i want to watch it now
I don't think Woodley has that effect on people, he's just fighting guys that have established good followings among the fanbase. Wonderboy was everyone's tip to be the next great champion before he turned in two terrible performances, everyone loved how insane the Lawler era was, Masvidal has fans from his street-fighting days and newfound attention with this run he's on, and everyone respects how out of this world Maia is on the ground. These guys aren't being pulled from obscurity to be used as props for Woodley hate. They exist as entities in the MMA lexicon with solid amounts of fans with or without Tyron.
How many of you are rooting for jessica andrade?
you're just saying what i said
>Masvidal has a huge following
Me. That Polish gremlin has it coming.
Your "point" is nonsense considering people had been hyped about a WB since before the Hendricks fight.

No, I'm saying Woodley isn't more hated on /heem/, or anywhere else. It just seems that way because he has no love to offset the negative attention like McGregor does.
Literally me. Andrade round 2 TKO
Whomst are you quoting, anon?
Why do people even care about Rory anymore.

Bellator = career over.

Move on.
for boringness, woodley wonderboy 2

for terrible fighters, dandois' last fight

maybe. does seem like it to me, post the lawler fight was cancer
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Sure thing
i made this thread 6 hours ago unless someone has a thread with news ready to go

That's because everyone loved Lawler and the reasons behind Woodley's title shot left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. It also didn't help that it never felt like Lawler got going in the fight, it was over so quickly.
Yeah man spainsperg is a great representation of the average poster.
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"ayo cracka what da fuck u lookin at?"

*backs away from you with a steady pace*
My niggas
because he's top 3 or top 5 WW in the world

imagine if tony or khabib left the ufc LW division and saying 'lol who cares?'
So you're seething that Woodley KO'd Lawler early and didn't let him get into his rhythm? Lol.
Well he looked like shit against wonderpoop.

Why did he have to leave if he was so good? He probably knew it was only a matter of time before he gets popped by Poosada.

If Khabib left it wouldn't surprise me. He's so close to getting exposed as a can crusher provided his liver doesn't die first.
Is that all you took from my post? Do you have tiny baby bird brains?
He remembered he doesn't have a real argument or any intention of discussion so he is resorting to shitposting. Probabaly time to disengage.
his contract was up and because he lost to wonderboy he didnt get a good deal from uncle dana

so bellator offered him a juicy check. because like you and me, they know rory os the most fascinating and naturally talent WW around. they basically bought themselves a GSP
lmao that thread is absolutely delicious

so what? you wanted woodley to deny the shot?

>no thanks, some fans on an orange chicken recipe forum would get triggered

him winning by ko in the first showed he deserved it, and he defended it against the top contender twice unlike some other champs

*cough* conor *cough* bisping
he's trolling you and youre copying sam hyde quips? whose got the tiny brain now?

lmao bud

>muh bacne
nah senpai, rory just hit puberty in his 20's. ees normal
it would have been nice if he actually fought hendricks for the shot instead of leapfrogging from top 5 placement to number one contender for free.
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Keep begging me you schizo

I've taken a lot from this interaction. You hate Woodley because:

1)He beat up and derailed Jordan Mein's hypetrain over years ago
2)He didn't let Lawler beat him up and KO'd him pretty quickly, he should have let himself get into a war with le blood orc
3)You think it was his fault that Wonderboy is a boring point fighter
4) Johny Hendricks showed up fat and couldn't make weight.
5) "Le affirmative action nigger" meme that kept being pushed here before UFC 201

You are the biggest hater alive and I almost feel bad for you.
Nobody expected him to deny it - it just wasn't clear exactly how or why he got it to a lot of people.
it would be nice if hendricks wasn't a faggot who misses weight.

hendricks post usada would've been a quick warm-up for woodley anyway
What everyone else got from this interaction
1. You're quite dumb
I hate Woodley because he has a shitty fighting style that leads to shitty fights. Other people might hate him because of his race.

I pointed to the situation surrounding his title-shot and the anticlimactic ending of a championship reign characterized by lengthy wars as reasons as to why fans took while to warm up to him as champion. The two terrible defenses probably didn't help, as did him angling for fights with non-divisional contenders like Bisping or GSP.
>it would have been nice if he actually fought hendricks
Do you actually think 2016 Hendricks would have beaten Tyron?

Tyron earned his titleshot fair and square, and he proved he deserved it by KO'ing Lawler in record time. Hilarious how it's been almost a year and you're still crying about it.

>instead of leapfrogging from top 5 placement to number one contender for free.
Oh yeah cause that's never happened before.
gsp is the former champ, ronda lost and still got an Insta shot, same with aldo. I didn't like the bisping fight too though desu
Hush little one, adults are talking.
Now we come full circle: >>75563956

>as did him angling for fights with non-divisional contenders like Bisping or GSP.
Oh the irony
Deep breaths
Just have to get the last word in huh? Funny how you accuse me of derailing the thread when I'm discussing MMA while you're interested in winning internet fights like the loser you always will be.

You can add this one to the collection spergo.
Bagautinov got heemed with a headkick on the buzzer

That wasn't me, faggot. Pay attention to flags.
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