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>London has Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham >Madrid has

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>London has Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
>Madrid has Real and Atletico
>Paris has PSG
>Lisbon has Sporting and Benfica
>Rome has AS Roma

Why is Berlin so shit at football?
Berlin is shit
Berlin is only the capital because the government is there, iirc it's the only capital city in Europe that actually drains money from the rest of the country.
Don't worry. Soon Union will get promoted to first bundes and then we will have a guaranteed CL final.
It's still the most populous city in Germany. One of the reasons why capital cities usually have good teams is because they've got a shit ton of people living there and a handful of them are bound to be good. Also capital cities often have a fair amount of immigrants whose children don't really have any future prospects unless they become a footballer.
all the men spend their weekends high on MDMA and sucking each other off in Berghain instead of following football
it's like if Detroit was the capital of the US
the jews
berlin is the best capital city in europe
Let's ignore the fact that Berlin was under the Marxist yoke for 45 years.
madrid is the worst
without the bernabeu madrid is cardiff tier
More respect to Hertha Berlin, fool
Germany is the least centralized country in Europe, so that might be the main reason.
Another big reason is that the left in Germany always did a great job letting shitskins be nationalistic while at the same time trying everything to keep Germans from being nationalistic. One of the side effects of this is that most non-Germans support a club from their home country instead of a German one, so Berlin just has many different clubs with similar amounts of German support whereas brown people in England e.g. support one of the main clubs there along with the whites.
Do you miss Wood?
>did a great job letting shitskins be nationalistic
nationalistic for their ancestors' home countries of course
Madrid is like the third biggest city in Europe.Why so butthurt?
They are getting promoted without him while he's getting relegated with HIV so probably not.

Koln is the capital of the West, Hamburg the North, Berlin the East, and Munich the South.

Berlin is just a shitty Prussian city, not really German at all.

It might be the most populated but it's unlike other capital cities in that it's also far cheaper to live there than every other big city in Germany. You can get an apartment there for like 200 euros a month, there are entire areas of the city that are essentially abandoned because there's barely any industry in Berlin, it's full of jobless bohemian artists hoping to be the next big thing
Berlin is historically the capital of Prussia. It later became the capital of Germany after the complicated creation of the young nation.

Then German industry including Berlin became too successful during the early 20th century. And the Perfidious Albion fabricated two World Wars to split Germany again. Everything of value was moved outside of Berlin. Later the political institutions were moved back from Bonn to Berlin. But the economic behemoths remain in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
this sounds pleasant

And you didn't even say Protestant once in that little story of yours.
Berlin is a shithole that needs to be MOAB'D
Just like Columbia in the USA or Brasilia in Brazil

> 'X big city' is a shithole and needs to be nuked

why you europeans do this?????

Trumpet is impressionable apparently
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Moab is a beautiful place let me tell you
Berlin is an immigrant shithole ran by the most incompetent politicians in this country.

I don't even know why we moved the capital back there.
It's called Moabit though.
Prithee, elaborate on that.
this, football is too pleb
even the alternative hipster clubs can't get a decent crowd
I know, was just making a topic-related joke.
I used to live in Moabit. Big up to the Birkenstraße massive.

My fave city in Europe but yeah terrible for football.
it's almost as if a city that was divided between two enemies for 50 years didn't have its teams develop very well
You've clearly never been to DC man, it's honestly worse than Detroit once you leave the Mall.
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>the literal city of Berlin
that would describe half of european cities, either at war with others or themselves
Isn't DC just full of niggers due all the goverment jobs?
just like madrid
Madrid recieves more foreign investment than the rest of the country and has a thriving private sector.Why are you so mad Jordi?
Never been more scared than when I walked though Gorlitzer Park desu.

The government employees all live in Virginia and take the train into DC for work

The blacks might have janitor or security guard jobs but for the most part the real government workers live in the fairly wealthy suburbs
This has been discussed so many times, but here's the short version:

>Berlin was split up until 1990
>there are many clubs in Berlin which take away fans from each other
>Germany is a decentralized country, Berlin is the political capital of the country, but it does not have the same level of meaning for Germany as London has for UK or Paris has for France
>Hertha has suffered from awful management for many years

that's about it
What happened 1975-1979
Lol seriously? They're just trying to sell drugs, I walked through it many times at 3-4am without any trouble. Try walking through any park in Hull after 10pm and you risk getting your head kicked in. By white people.
>Madrid recieves more
of course, it's called the 'capital effect', happens literally in every capital of every country

one day you'll grow up, travel, start your businesses abroad and understand these things, paco
>gets let into Berghain once and thinks he's an expert on Berlin
A 6ft black guy followed me across the park and when I turned around, walked away. Tell me you wouldn't shit yourself.
by the drug dealers there?

they're harmless desu
they just want to sell you their stuff, but will respect a 'no'

this ain't the US, where drug dealers walk around with guns and you might find yourself in the middle of a shooting suddenly
Not true for the US or apparently Germany
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Nice anti Berlin bias excluding DDR-Oberliga
This, I have wealthy government bureaucrats in my family and they live in Northern Virginia and refer to the Potomac as "The Moat"
I lived there for a year cheers. And never went to Berghain. Only time we got trouble was near Warschauer Straße when someone tried to steal from the girls' handbags, we chased them off straight away, they only want easy targets.
Jordi Muhamad reciving 80% or more of the foreign investment does not happen in every capital.WHy are you so jealous? Madrid has surprassed Pakilonia in every metric.You live in a backwards and stagnant region.Just deal with it
That shit was more fixed than the CL
What is Frankfurt to all those cities?
Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany (and the EU)
hub and economic city of western germany
Jew central. Also no beer here

10% bankers
100% drug addicts
Hertha Berlin is probably better than Arsenal at this point
Yeah that was my question really. Really important financial capital and far more flights seem to go there than anywhere else but apparently not one of the big 4 cities?

I've been to Koln and it was ok but I imagined Frankfurt to be bigger and more dominant.
Rich people, bankers and whores

There's really not much to do in Frankfurt, it's actually pretty small, it just has a huge airport, bank HQ's and a big convention centre.
There are many cities surrounding Frankfurt.

Frankfurt itself has only like 700,000 people I think, but there's Offenbach, where the pleb working-class immigrants live and Wiesbaden, where the rich people and retirees live, just around the corner.

Mainz is also just across the Rhine.

So the metropolitan area has like close to 3 milllion people I think.
Berlin was east germany
that's fucking why
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other than madrid, all the capital cities are crap

in england, france, germany & italy, all the historically best teams are from provincial cities
>Frankfurt itself has only like 700,000 people
>only 700k
I live in a 100k city.
funfact: the rothschilds are from frankurt

it was always destined to become a banker city
No, it wasn't. Even the Albanian league under Hoxha wasn't.
What went wrong with Augsburg? In Euro history in high school we learned a lot of the older big banking families (Welser and Fugger) were from Augsburg but that all disappeared to Frankfurt it seems

Columbia is the capital of South Carolina...

Don't be ridiculous, DC is fine. The eastern part of the city might actually be the worst urban area in the entire country though.
A few weeks ago I watched a video on why the Fuggers lost most of their wealth and power but I forgot what was said.
Berlin is so cultured to worry about monkeys chasing a ball.
Berlin is more comparable to Bristol in culture than London, and Bristol is also shit at sports for its size.
>Arsenal, Tottenham
Are shit and Chelsea was even more shit before Roman.

>Paris has PSG
Still shit despite oil money.

>Rome has AS Roma
Are pretty shit too.

So when you think about it Berlin is pretty average. Only Madrid really stands out. Also London for having SO MANY teams and only one performing respectably.
Berlin is shit at literally everything other than symphonic music.

FPBP as always
>iirc it's the only capital city in Europe that actually drains money from the rest of the country.
correct, Berlin decreases Germany's GDP per capita by 3%.
Isn't it down to the eastern part?
Bankers and Hookers
>only one performing respectably.
Which one is that?
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heh deutsch humor
>dat Beate Uhse in Flensburg

lel, the northerners sure know their business priorities
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they did a better job with it than the pig dog capitalists have
They did a good job at building a wall and having thousands of commie Berliners running away to pig side
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same reason belfast doesn't have a big team

heh heh, yep that's why
>tfw iam from melitta and wago town
>tfw worked as leihi wageslave for wago
good feel
You are retarded. Berlin is the capital since 1990, the goverment resides there since 1999. Berlin was also the capital before.

>One of the side effects of this is that most non-Germans support a club from their home country instead of a German one
Not entirely correct. A huge amount of them are grade A bandwagoners (robably 95% customers).

>Berlin is just a shitty Prussian city, not really German at all.
>t. believes that Weißbier, Lederosen and Kuckucksuhren are german culture

Every former West-German city is even worse. Trust me!

kek. name just one example!

infested shithole and meme city. Also the city part of it is rediculously small. The rest is slum-tier.

yeah, but only 10% of Frankfurt is Frankfurt as it's always portraited. the rest is really Kiez (ghetto-tier).

>t. muncuck

nice strawmen. As if the administrative state-sponsored mafia and the Hartzer wouldn't leech elsewhere when Berlin magically disappered.

This guy actually knows what's up. Every other one in this thread is retarded or a butthurt Wessi.

>Every former West-German city is even worse. Trust me!
I lived in Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt so far. Berlin was the worst, Frankfurt the best.

They were all shit tho. I'd get the fuck out of any major metropolitan area if i wasn't an IT cuck.
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why doen't germany just get rid of the ex-communist shitholes and give them to poland or something
National messiah complex due to Nazi era. Same reason they let in all these brown people.
>muh guhmmunism

yeah, because it's not like most of the industy was moved to the west zones or shut-down. And after reunification, again, moved west or shut down.

>founded and located in Berlin until 1945
>(((suddenly))) in Bavaria

>muh superior Bavaria, Burlin issa shithole

sorry, the industrial structure was forced to re-locate in BaWü, Hessia and Bavaria. It doesn't have anything to do with communism. Learn your history, faggot!
>Berlin was the worst, Frankfurt the best.

lol, that's what you get for falling for the Szenebezirke meme.
Nice try Berlin Lefty, but most companies were founded way after 1945

You Northerners just really suck.
Tbf Paris would be just as irrelevant if the Arabs hadn't arrived
Madrid is a shithole. I've been there and it's nothing compared to bigger European cities and certainly Barcelona.
>most companies were founded way after 1945

yeah, by former employees of companies that where shut down in Berlin, Saxonia, Thuringia and across the Baltic coast.

>You Northerners just really suck.
>Bavarians build the world
>t. Alois Oberhinterkuck
>Germans fighting about German history in English

I know you Northerners have a disastrous education system, but didn't know they're still feeding you ridiculous propaganda.


literally nigga-tier
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But, Alois, this is literally what people in the south/south-west do.
that's a nice german lady you posted there

why do you brits worship her again?
stop delete
by far the prettiest lady they can find on their island.
>German bantz outdid Bong bantz
What a time to be alive.
Calm down. There was fucktons of innovation coming from BaWü.
According to wikipedia:
Playing in the DDR-Oberliga BFC won ten consecutive titles from 1979 to 1988 allegedly assisted by obedient referees, and important player transfers from other East German teams. BFC Dynamo was reviled by many East Germans and referee obedience incurred the unofficially expressed displeasure of the country's ruling Politburo. Alleged manipulation of the 1986 championship match between BFC Dynamo and Lokomotive Leipzig which ended in a 1–1 draw led to nationwide protests and resulted in sanctions against referee Bernd Stumpf.
>assisted by obedient referees, and important player transfers from other East German teams
Almost sounds like that Bavarian club who got a stadium gifted to them by the state...
Fuck off poo in the loo


London, Madrid, Paris, Rome are nothing more than canaanite babylons at this point.

All Germany could have been one big Berlin but the fascists won in the 70s, killed the qts and sedated the brutalistic ignorant masses with footballs and burgers. Only Berlin somewhat resisted the canaanites.
sounds exactly like current state Buyern tßh
>because it's not like most of the industy was moved to the west zones or shut-down. And after reunification, again, moved west or shut down.

I wonder why
When? After WWII or after the reunification?

After WWII it was keep important infrastructure as far as possible from the soviet zone.

After reunification state-owned businesses were sold old for peanuts. Buyers were of course the one who had money, and this was private business in the Western part. They shut them down to expand there market and increase production in there home factories.
If I wanted to live in Germany for a year, which would be the best city to be in? For jobs, nightlife, seeing the rest of the country, general culture.

If you're the one usin the term "nightlife" I guess you should go to some Hipster capital with lots of STD loose hookers, "Clubs" and weed ay lmao.

Well okay, bars and pubs that are open until a decent hour. Clubs and weed are not really my thing anymore.
Suburban pussy do drug dealing Africans really scare you? The dealers there were even pretty nice but then again im CHI
>Berlin is only the capital because the government is there

probably the dumbest thing i have ever read
>sees a black guy
>shits self
Lmao what a fucking pussy. Nothing in Berlin is that sketchy, i lived literally in Kreuzberg for 2 years and never saw even 30% of the scary shit i saw growing up in los angeles
Well no sane European would move to Niggerville USA

Sorry we weren't bought up in the ghetto Jamal
Fair enough, but if you're scared of a tall black guy walking near you or random street drug dealers you are a fucking pussy, no matter where you're from
30 year war fucked the town over. In fact it fucked over all of Germany, but Augsburg lost the big monies and everything, afterwards Munich became the regional powerhouse.
worse than refugees
Schut das fuck up you loser berlin is shit move it back to bonn

I meant that it's only a political capital, whereas London is the political capital, the fashion capital, the cultural capital, nightlife capital, media capital, food capital etc. of England. All Berlin has is the Bundestag and "muh DDR relics".


As cliche as it is, Munich is probably the best city for somebody that wants to experience a bit of everything, you can partake in the cheesy stuff like beer halls and oompah music, you have the Alps on your doorstep, lots of jobs, you can go on day trips to other countries like Switzerland, France, Austria, Italy etc.
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