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Miami Marlins @ Seattle Mariners Official Game Thread

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Thread replies: 206
Thread images: 66

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Monday, April 17, 7:10 PM on RTNW, FSFL
Safeco Field

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miss you, Ichi
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Wow, I can't wait for the Mariners to lose AGAIN!
>It's a mariners won't let the past go episode
I love tributes. We miss you Ichiro
Implying we have a future to look forward to
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>they rolled out the red carpet for Ichiro
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I'm pretty sure the translator we have no is the same one that got a job when Ichiro started. He should have been out on the field too.
Ichiro and iwakuma bowing at eachother was cool
Was the "remember the titans" song cheesy or effective?

Or both?
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>stream isnt showing any pre game stuff
Favorite M's moment guys?

mine is

what stream are you on
Right here. It even has Ron Fairly and Dave's voice is still extremely strong. Best catch I've ever seen.

How the fuck does Dave Sims know so much random bullshit? He just was talking about a band from 1957-1960
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Favorite Ichiro moment is pic related

Favorite Mariners moment would probably be attending the first Supreme Court after Felix's perfect game
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Let's see what we gave up for Big Game Wade Miley.
I've heard much, lets see the straight facts.

Good booth desu Seattle
Griffey said in the Player's Tribune article he wrote that was the best catch he's ever made.

best music is from the 60s and before
I just realized I typed "M's moment" rather than "Ichiro moment" but whatever, post both.
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These videos are making me miss Dave
As much hate that I have for him, he does have an awesome memory, as most multi sport broadcasters do. I would bet that he was a teenager in the 60's because he always talks about the 50's, 60's, and 70's when his brain was the most powerful.

I was watching it at my Grandparents house. I will never forget where I was sitting and how excited I was to tell my Grandpa about it. He was outside smoking a Camel while listening to the game.

I'm a kid in college trying to make it as a sportscaster. When I was a kid I would listen to Mariners games with my parents and Dave's voice would give me chills every night. I wanted to be him so bad. The rare games when him and Rizzs would work together I had my dad tape on VHS so I could watch them over and over again. I cried like a baby when he died.

I miss the fuck outta you, Dave. It's a god damn shame that Sims is your replacement.
Alright let's get something going
Those Rick + Dave broadcasts were magical
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go m's
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Sims is old enough that he could be done soon. Then we'll get Aaron GOATsmith on the TV
My mom just texted me and asked me if I had a Mariners Jersey who's would I want. I think she wants to get me one for my birthday.
I can't decide. I've been trying to decide ever since this season started. Suggestions?
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ICHI back in Seattle!
Someone who wont be traded this season
haniger or motter tbhwyfam
I know everyone likes him but holy fuck is he annoying when he just fucking SCREAMS into the microphone. When he dials in the scream they're awesome highlights though.
Current players: Seager, Cano, and Cruz are safe bets
Former players: Ichiro, Buhner, and Edgar

almost impossible to know with dipoto
Seager is a solid choice. Gonna be a Mariner for a while, not always complete dogshit at the plate.

Or seager. Griffey and Edgar are cool legacy picks
Can't go wrong with Hernandez. His legacy means you'll be able to wear his jersey long after he retires. Paxton or Seager would be great too.

I don't mind it. Maybe because it sets him apart and it matches my excitement level for really good plays.
There we go Cano!
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CANO feasting on that MEATBALL
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I believe that's the first time Cano and Cruz have gone back to back?
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holy shit yo
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hernandez and seager are the safe picks. Maybe iwakuma too
Are there any Marlins fans here or are they all in bed because of the time difference?

I really like this style of Marlin jersey
Did he strike out the side
yes, just had to work around those home runs
taking these all into consideration, I'm thinking sunday jersey. they look pretty sweet but they don't have names
Stanton's gonna hit the god damn roof
Cream's a good choice.

Personally, I would go with either Blue or Teal.

I got a nameless blue jersey and it's great.

you really can't go wrong with any color though. they are all great, even the retro ones.
You can't go wrong there. They are pretty fly. Plus you can get the matching 40 year patch and get it sewn on the arm.
If it's the Sunday alts then 34, 24, 51 and 11 are all iconic. 15 and 18 are harder to recognize
If he gets a nameless 51, he can basically have Ichi and Randy in one jersey
miranda keeping it together
What about #3? Everybody loves that guy ;)
Lmfao that was a hilarious highlight clip
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>knocking the new rule on air
i love it
let's get into that bullpen

hit a dinger pls
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y do u do this to me zuni
>shot of Ichi stretching

Zuni will never be a good hitter
Im sorry anon, I wanted it too
>ichiro SOON
right to the glove...
inb4 ichiro hbp
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>Ichi-meter in RF
Slap single pls

I need this
im gonna cry lads
>tfw kinda like the Mariners but can't root for them because I live near a different AL team

gl in the west guys.
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>this is my home
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i live a few miles from Oakland but fuck those guys
where are you?
Root for them secretly, then when they do well you can say you saw them when they were struggling at the start of the year, because you're a fan.
Haniger just keeps delivering
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My fucking heart
did ichi say that today
Wow you are a genius. I grew up with ichiro and I love Randy because he threw lefty and batted right, like me.

lol maybe. Probably gonna buy one of those royal blue hats desu.
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Announcers said he did.
Good thing Haniger didn't get burned down by Ichiro right there.
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here's a big opening
>expecting anything from Valencia

My bad
the Ms really need to do something about valencia and zunino
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im tearing up
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Still angry that the Marlins changed from
the fish logo and color scheme. Fuck those new uniforms and logo.
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>brad miller fucks up at fielding

im shocked
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>Ariel pitches lights out
>perfect game going into the 9th
>one out left
>in steps ichiro
>crowd is conflicted, don't know who to support
>3-2 count
>Ichi slaps one, gets an infield hit
>Crowd goes wild, celebrating the legend
>ichiro tips his helmet, tears in his eyes
>Servais pulls Miranda
>Vincshit blows the game
Like pottery
stanton mad
Rays is even worse imofam

I don't know how I would feel about this
but why did Florida even change it? Just so they can be called Miami? I don't get it.
way to jinx it buddy
Hey look, Martin did something
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this desu

the Devil Rays had a great thing going but then the old florida Christians got butthurt
It's only jinxing when it's after the 5th, I called Manfred personally

no fun allowed
Fresh as shit senpai
gutsy play martin
E1 just for fun
>that awful check swing
what an error
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Dyson has been a pretty good lead off for the M's

when Segura comes back, we might want to stick him at 6 just because Dyson has been raking
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Great hit, dyson
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Fuck yeah Cano, thought it was gone for a second.
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Nice throw from Ichi. Almost got him.

Can't help but feel that old Ichi could have caught it of course
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Pretty fun game so far
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>ichiro didn't get #3000 as a mariner
just doesn't feel right
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CHOO CHOO Mariners bringing the Pain Train tonight
Wow, what's gotten into Miranda?
Fastball on point tonight

I remember this collection
I added the Gar Car this winter. I'll have to order one sometime this summer.

Seager homerun when?
Glad the M's got their shit together.

I was starting to think the NFL draft was the only thing to look forward to.
MOTTER POP into the stratosphere

Can he play first base when Segura comes back?

tomorrow would be my guess
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>motter hitting harder homeruns than Cruz
Wew hold me lads
Surely Haniger and Motter are on unsustainable tears? There's no way they're both above average, right?

Martin and Valencia need a stint in the minors, Valencia especially isn't ready for the big leagues.
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stick motter at first pls

I doubt Valencia has options left but I could be wrong
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how do you beat the fish
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Man, Ichiro used to beat those out no problem.

Fuck we're old fellas.
You play Conforto
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The fish's natural weakness is seamen
I don't know how seags did that
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Do you not remember how much meme magic I imparted yesterday into those two? Your get just cemented it. Never doubt again.

I'm skeptical but you did get dubs...
i wont space


What does this mean, oracle?
Angie did not seem amused at the Motterpop nickname

she'll get used to it
/sp/ has single handedly meme'd Motter into a legend

Angie could get used to me if you know what I'm saying :^)
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>beard hat night
>may 5th

looks like a good beard hat too
i dont
what are you saying?
that the initial impression you leave on women is bad and the only way they like you is through repeated exposure that turns into indifference?
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don't get sloppy, m's
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It means that he's become ENLIGHTENED
lol you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

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holy shit seager
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Please be good today nick
Let's play: which Nick do we get?

Iooks like the good nick might make a showing
Hopefully Andrew Moore and Viera keep improving
I could not give less of a shit about Shrek
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>mfw this is a comfy mariners game
I can't hate Ichi for that

nicely done
You know what, fuck it. Nice fucking catch Ichi

Great catch. Awkward landing, but damn that is some skill.
Tfw when you have a 6-0 lead so you can enjoy a classic ichi catch
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ichiro turning back the clock
Imagine a Dan Wilson + Jamie Moyer broadcast with Blower
No shutout.

What's even the point.
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>no longer a shutout
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unease level: 2 out of 10
>scrubner blows the shutout by pitching a homerun to a prepubescent boy
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6 out of 10
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>no shutout

so close
its all over boys
Hell yeah, good win.

>Gallardo tomorrow


See you there guys
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c-can we post this now?
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Cya guys tomorrow
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I finally had to retire my Mariners logo laser engraved Oakley lenses. Too scratched up after 3 years.

Anyone know where I can find replacements? I had to get Fuselense lenses to replace them for the time being ;_;
Give this man the gold glove already

miranda was so good
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its been a solid few days of baseball

gg marlins
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Thread images: 66

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