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Why are French and Spanish police so afraid of English football

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Why are French and Spanish police so afraid of English football fans?

They think people being drunk is an excuse to beat people half to death
because english tourists are a bunch of fucking savages
This desu.
>englishfag pretending to be tough after the last euros
ayyyyyyy lmao you guys get beat up everywhere you go, be it by other fans or the police
Because everyone assumes our fans are the 'hard cunts' from the 80s. But all the real hooligans have their passports taken off them during international games and are banned from watching football. It was part of the big crackdown on hooliganism after Hillsbrough.
So really they're just picking fights with working class football fans who think they're tough but they're not.
just admit new english generations are a bunch of limpwristed faggots, stop making excuses

tell your friends to skip the russia world cup, nigel, trust me, it's for your own safety.
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French police?

You got slapped around/threw into the Mediterranean sea by russian ultras + lelgerians from marseille

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You don't need an excuse to smash english "people"

The english need a regular slap around the chops to keep you in your place and remind you that your "empire" is dead.
Why can't English tourist control themselves after a few beers?
It's never just a few beers.

Why are English fans so afraid of French and Spanish police?

They think people being drunk is an excuse to act like animals.
over/under on how many matches before the English run from Russians?
In the case of Spanish police it's not an anti-English thing. They'll beat any football crowd regardless of nationality.
Like, last time Atlético won the Europa league, the police repressed their peaceful celebrations with rubber balls and truncheons for no reason.
Russians vs Brazilians
How long would it take for someone to die
>Gibraltar is ours
looks like the spanish couldnt handle the banter

"Gibraltar is ours"
fucking lol
>cuánta represión!!

Hools are a disgrace, they deserve every bit of it.

being British IS enough reason to beat people half to death
Overall people here are trashy
The police should've arrested more of them
As usual FPBP
Why would we fight Hues?
This, our behaviour in continental Europe is indefensible at times. No wonder everyone is starting to hate us
>le contrived pissed up british yob
ze English are getting BTFO pretty good in the comment section
this tbqhfamalam

They weren't innocent that's for sure
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This is you
mate every fucking nation/club has these fans. You get actual fucking stabbings in Italy.
Europe is so buttblasted we left the EU. They hate us. What other nation gets labelled entirely by a tiny group of idiots kicking off? We have some of the tamest fans in eirope now. Ah well keep hating.
I think he referes, or at least the non-brits are, to how you usually behave in continental Europe, not just the fans. Not just your fault: Southern Europe, particularly Spain, are planned by the EU to be the whorehouses of northern Europeans.
its not our fault that 20EUR flights to sunny beaches with cheap drinks are affordable to even our working class. Ask people in Switzerland, the south of france, northern italy, what they think of brits on holiday and they will have a different opinion.

Places like spain get our scum. Its like asking why you see a fat person in mcdonalds... because its mcdonalds.
Also pretty amusing it's the only thing keeping the Spanish economy mildly afloat.
It's not that it's the only thing keeping our economy (I'm Spanish) afloat. It's literally the only the one thing on which our economy is based: building massive amounts of buildings (thus the housing bubble) to put inside tourists, basically Germans, Dutch, Brits...

I've partied a couple of times in Britain itself and I'm not sure you're really civilized anyways, but in any case, I agree with the McDonald's example you put. We base our employment in being waiters, we bring thousands of Eastern european chicks to be whores, we build all over the coastline, everything just to make ourselves the McDonald's of cheap tourism for foreigners.

So I can imagine the Leicester fans: Champions League match, Madrid, Easter...
Why are English football fans are such softies , jesus toughen up mate , all that crying about smoke bombs and a few tomfa hits... It's part of the game mate , thicken your skin. We still have a real police force unlike in britainistan , our cops actually have means to enforce order.
>france calling anywhere else 'istan'

> is starting to hate us
> starting

Hating you guys is part of the European identity , ever heard of the perfidious albion? You can't exactly spent centuries being a treasonous bunch and not getting some sort of reputation...

Spanish bastards BTFO
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>We still have a real police force unlike in britainistan , our cops actually have means to enforce order.

Which is why we last notably had a couple of days of rioting in 2011, whilst in Paris they do it every couple of months, right?

Difference our police shoots our shitskin , they don't get elect as mayor of our capital city.
>says fucking France

Paris is unironically a bigger shithole than London though.

keep it, we don't want another worthless rock, we just want to beat you sensless and put an excuse to it.
>brits go around chimping out, throwing bottles and shit
>get smacked
>b-but they were just drunk they dindu nuffin

protip: alcohol doesn't justify you acting like a monkey
What a literal non-retort.
>b-b-but he's brown
That's just sharp banter.
shit policing. They treat their own citizens just as bad when sporting events go on
no the difference is your shitskins shoot you.
they get drunk pretty heavily though, throw up everwyhere and shitm, it's not like how south europeans get drunk
watch the videos where the police just go up to random fans siting down and bashing them over the head with truncheons
it's our way to say hello
respect the culture m8
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>sharp banter
i know i went to England, they get so pissed it's hard to believe
that kind of behaviour would be disgraceful for anyone over 16 here, yet there it seems normal

anyway drinking heavily it's your choice, knowing full well you're not going to be lucid, it's not an excuse
this map is fake news
How bad do they get pissed? if you are not the Spanish lad, are they veneto tier or even worse?
alcohol is a drug, I don't know why you'd think people literally doing drugs don't want to get the most fun out of it. Thats the attitude here.

Its hard to break a thousand years of the attitude that when you drink, you do it for the purpose of getting drunk. Why else would you drink alcohol? I would drink water otherwise.

It's like eating food and stopping before you're full.

It also has alot to do with weather.

Its friday or saturday night. Its dark and raining. You cant have a leisurely drink in the sun outside with your friends. Your other option is stay inside (a pub, or a club), and drink for hours until you are smashed.
all soccer fans should be lit on fire
Tell that to all those poor date rape victims you shitlord
Getting fucked up is a fun way to "let your hair down" from the stresses of the week. Its a way for British people who are normally very reserved and not emotional, to loosen up - and then when very drunk , release ALL of that inner desire/passion/anger/whatever. Alcohol does that to people anyway.

Going out for the purposes for a few drinks does exist. For a lunchtime drink, with work friends, for a short evening. It's just obviously that doesn't make the news.
t. southern poof
It's also because we have no food culture. Even in Germany, which is another heavy beer drinking nation, they eat while they drink so they don't get so disgracefully drunk
>it's a 'english louts pretend they dindu nuffin' episode
First post, best post.

again... being a Brit is enough to get you beaten in here. Don't like it? Don't come.
>Don't like it? Don't come.

Don't get uppity mate, your economy depends on these louts

Spain solely exists by the grace of England's working class scum. You should be on your knees thanking these fellows for their charity
Colchoneros are the most punchable fanbase ever, the police did nothing wrong.

Also, kind reminder that Atleti ultras are the only ones in Spain who actually murder people.

that's what losers like yourself like to think, that you're the belly button of the world, meanwhile we can live without you and your shitty smelly tourists so please go somewhere else next time, i've been told Afganistan is cheap.
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I've noticed this too. English tourists aged 18-30 will step on pubs/bars and ask for beer while neglecting "tapas" and solid food in general even if it's meal time for them. At first I thought it was due to a prejudice of theirs against any foreign food they may deem as "dangerous" (similar reason behind some American tourists eating at McDonalds/Burger King while abroad).
It's because eating food will sober you up mate.
The only "finger foods" we really have with our drink are crisps and salted peanuts. Otherwise English people tend to just sit in a pub necking pint after pint after pint. It's so unhealthy
I have never met a Spanish student here who didn't absolutely fucking love our nightlife, and enjoy themselves immensely on a night out.
god save the queen brother
eating is cheating mate
good post
What the fuck are you talking about
I went to Rio during the WC
The tranny brothel I usually go was closed for tourists and they told me to fuck off and pleasure myself with a cucumber
They were mostly spanish and americans
Most Irish domestic football fans are also scum. People don't realise this though because the likes of Shamrock Rovers and Bohemians aren't actually good enough to qualify for european games.

i don't know how to react to this post.
What was up with the annoyingly chirpy Irish fans at the Euros? Middle-class types?
They behave on purpose just to make us look worse the crafty bastards
Scotish are the only UK country who can drink a lot, bein drunk as fuck, and still being based.
aka ordinary decent people
man i wish i could beat up english people and get away scot-free (get it)

i'm so glad they're going to starve on their miserable little island
when's the last time there were ever an appreciable amount of scots at any overseas event? das rite
oh god. Cant wait for russia
the people who go to Irish domestic football matches are not the same as the people who went to the euros
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> The tranny brothel I usually go
>a German beating anyone up

Nice fanfic. You'd probably let them into your home to have a go on your sister.

just come here, we do it almost as if it was a national sport.
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even my sister could beat you inbred yokels up. check yourself before you
oh right, too late
they came in my hometown last year to play France before euro, they were dope, they also cleaned out bar toilets, truly, the best foreign supporters i have ever met
because puking all over ourselves isn't fun. Get some fucking control, eat while you drink, drink water and you can survive an all-nighter without being hungover the next day.
>he's a weeb too

Is this the German masterrace Hitler wanted to create? Ayy lmao
So do these peaceful ordinary drank-a-bit-too-much decent working class football fans also trash English cities when visit?

Maybe when a few die in Russia you'll get it's not acceptable behaviour.
Lmao no they're not

When I was 18 I went to Magaluf and the Scots were by far the scummiest fuckers there
>beat up English
You mean you stab one that gets too drunk and wanders off from his mates
We will watch and follow the football however we please you prick it's out sport

Two world wars and one world cup
>So do these peaceful ordinary drank-a-bit-too-much decent working class football fans also trash English cities when visit?

Depends on the team, but yeah. A bit of pre- and post-match chaos is seen as part of the fun of attending a football game over here
this all you got mate, some stale /pol/ shit? weak shit, but that's what you get from centuries of inbreeding and chronic tooth infections, my dentally challenged friendo
If Heysel never happened I bet English fans would get more leeway

I mean that your tourists are always so fucked up that literaly any 5 years old can sucker punch you and make you dive like messi in a pool of sprite.
sounds like a fucking shit night out in poland mate
>Banter: The Thread

I've been working in magaluf area in summertime for the last 6 years and english people take all the credit for that.
Holy shit that was actually a friend of mine. He was talking to a Spanish girl and left his group. They got 4 boys to follow them both, they put him in a coma and now he's basically braindead, in a wheelchair.
Continentals hate English people and will attack English people whenever they get the chance. Visiting continental Europe is like visiting Africa. Avoid. The wogs begin at Calais.
maybe if you weren't such a trashy place, you wouldn't get trashy tourists.

if your govt didnt like it, they could 'reform' these places, but the fact is they need the money our scum brings in.

its like americans in mexico.

you're our mexico.

think of it as payment for winning the battle of britain and not letting you be fucking wiped out by germans
You're the doing /pol/ shit, I'm just laughing at someone who's probably got a waifu pillow fantasising about beating people up. We both know you've never been in a fight in your life.

liar, you have no friends.
The only thing English tourists are good for is when you give one of their ugly girls a real fucking for once in their life and hope your friends don't find out
What's the matter? Not hard enough to defend yourselves?

Greatest ally... you have disappointed me so.
That's true.

For the European nation that did the most (bar Russia) to save them fucking literal fucking genocide and national destruction, they sure are ungrateful. If we had lost the Battle of Britain, it would have been game fucking over.

Next time you're jerking off your 'culture', remember it was 30 minutes ago in historical terms that we preserved it for you.

Can't wait for the same people who jerk off at the length of european history to tell me it was AGES ago and shouldn't be talked about. As if their own shitty nation has done anything more significant in the 70 years since. Or ever.
>tfw the only spic I've become mates with was a gay from Barcelona who keeps trying to get me down the fagbar

i'm sorry but you're your own mexico and your tourists reflect your shitty culture and country.
Beating monkeys from Englishtan will replace bull fights in a near future, Screencap this.
>wiped out by germans

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>Places like Spain get our scum

Hes right you know, my mum lives in spain and my granparents in the south of france, spain is full of the working class with rich expats, you go to france and everyone is upper middle class, there aint not english pubs or chippies over there

Also spain being salty about how many of us go on holiday there, you cunts should be thankful, your economy would be in an even worst state without it
English "thugs" like to act all though throwing chairs and kicking over tables

Then get BTFO when big strong Russians storm in and push their shit in


LOL, you tell them Vladimir!!!
Also we have a weird relationship with beer especially during the plague when the water would kill you everyone drank beer instead, though it was watered down somewhat
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A packet of salted nuts at the very most in the red lion pub with the lads ey
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go to Glasgow with that accent mate and see if you want to reconsider what you said.
If Russia and England teamed up, would there be a more hated European duo?

I wonder what would happen if you asked 70 years ago :)
>european countries arguing over having more shitskins than eachother and how the shitskins shoot them

you were the chosen ones, now there is literally zero reason to travel since it all looks like the US over there.
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>Mfw got that tom jones disease when your fully english but can easily pass of as a spaniard, no stabbing for me la
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Don't worry, we all get a kebab or a Maccers afterwards
Good, please don't come. Even to Spain, France, etc. I'll rag on these continental fags all day but I wouldn't want even them subject to the cancer that is wealthy American youths abroad.
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shut up Kristi, europeans are talking.

You would become Russia's bottom bitches so fast
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English fan who went to Brazil and France in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

All the European fans fight like pussies but the Russians.

>Spanish will attack any strays like a pack of wolves but get buttblasted due to their smaller sizes everytime there is an actual face-off.

>Italians are pretty based they like to fight but carry weapons too often, us English just throw chairs and use fists.

>Russians, legit tough motherfuckers, I'm convinced Putin sent some proper military guys in to reinforce the tough Russian stereotype I wouldn't be surprised.

>French just hide like pussies in their homes and flats and only come out when it's someone else doing all the work, like in WW2.

>South Americans are crazy and use guerilla tactics very well, most are based though but argies hate us english stay mad falklands lolol

>Germans are cool guys apart from the neo-nazis they just wanna watch some football, drink good beer and they're usually always super respectful.

t. English guy who stands at the back with a beer in his hand behaving.

Went for a game here too was awesome.
>le big stronk Russia

You lot are such pansies. Embarrassing lisped fags
>not getting a cheeky Margherita pizza at some dodgy Turkish place at 4am
>St. Pauli

I think that blouse reached its elasticity limit.
>tfw you could easily heem everyone going to Russia 2018

yup had a great time down the Reeperbahn and the fish market they do at 5am Sunday to carry on drinking.
>our """"police"""" shoots our shitskin
>2015 Saint-Denis raid
>police fired nearly 5,000 rounds
>terrorists had fired a total of 11 shots with a simple handgun
>the protective equipment used by the police showed substantially more than 11 impacts
>only time police"""men""" hit the target was when they shot each other out of fear
>several police"""men""" wounded because of friendly fire
>explosives laid by police were ineffective
>suicide bomber lures police to the building drawing them into blast range
>a Belgian shepherd police dog named Diesel was killed

No terrorist was killed or even hit by the french police"""men""", 2 were killed by the explosive belt activated by one of them, the third having died asphyxiated under the debris. The belgian police dog was killed involuntarily by french police"""men""". A bunch of french faggots and the only one with balls was a doggo from flanders.

>meanwhile in Molenbeek
>"""frenchie""" abdeslam runs from belgian police
>gets shot several times and every bullet hits the target
>kneecapping the faggot (pain is excruciating)
We shouldn't argue about which European country has the most shit skins. We should debate the best way to get rid of them for ALL Europeans.
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Our hooligans (organizadas) don't travel abroad to watch our NT games. Only a few of their members. First, because they don't have enough money to buy tickets. Second, because they don't really care. Organizadas have been banned from NT matches since the late 90s and early 2000s.

Our NT fans are mostly middle-class people who don't even care about football and only go to the stadium to take selfies and post on Instagram.
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>terrorists had fired a total of 11 shots
>being that retard
>not 2015 Saint-Denis raid


this. When I went to Brazil only if you went in the bad areas did you see these guys. The average guy I saw was a Neymar wannabe, disgusting
Minus the poverty bit that is exactly the same as England. All travel banned. Russia on the other hand literally has hooligans in its fa
>They think people being drunk is an excuse to beat people half to death
And why isn't it? Why does anyone have to deal with drunk people's bullshit?
Can we all get together and crowdfund some thugs to beat the shit out of these weak cunts? Legitimately asking. Don't care if some of them get cracked skulls, they'll soon stop being such louts if that's the standard response.
>Thinking we care about Gibraltar

Gibraltar only exists to give us cheap cigarettes.

You seem to care enough to be cunts on the borders
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spaniards are incredibly butthurt about gibraltar, don't let them tell you otherwise
Yeah, we want dem monkeys!

you would be a cunt too if you had a border in which a shitload of contraband passed everyday.
Sardinia tier

who gives a fuck your country is a poverty stricken unemployment mess for reasons other than Gibraltar

>being the Mexico of Europe and not even realising it

HAHAHAHA, nice banter, I had to look twice at your flag mohammad, alluh snackbar and all that, keep praying to mecca.
>on the high street fookin sloshed at 4am
>stumbling round leering at all the birds walking by
>following a group into a kebab place and end up loudly bantering about fuck all
>being a cheeky cunt and knicking some of their chips
>taking food offered by all the poofters who can't finish theirs
>ending up in McDonalds after to get a 20 nugget meal you won't finish
>sitting on the curb until 6 off your face with a bunch of paralytic strangers
>stumbling home never to see them again

You Euros have never lived the dream

nice comeback but you know I'm right.
The whole of Europe sees Spain as a cheap holiday mate. If you want culture you go to Portugal.

truely blissful being a british lad
it's not our fault your Islamic cesspit country has a matching weather to go with it.
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Lifelong lester fan Da Queen visiting her homeland today one day after lester's 1-0 victory in Spain, and defending her colony Gibraltar. Coincidence? I think not.
Islamic countries generally have hot weather. The middle east, northern Africa, Al-andalus etc
Spain on absolute suicide watch
England on absolute suicide watch
official english thread theme


Do you have any idea what the weather is like in England amigo?

you'd know what an ape loves like wouldn't you juan
I don't really have any sympathy for the Leicester fans, you're in one of the most iconic cities in the world and all you want to do is get drunk for 12 hours and take the piss during the middle of a working day. They should put a city wide ban on the sale of alcohol to English fans on a match day because they have no chill when it comes to binge drinking.
They didn't see russian fans yet
do you actually, legitimately believe what you just said?

completely incorrect
how can they be so dirty, look at all the trash on the ground
spanish police are just a shitty police force who aren't worthy of respect and thats all there is to it

way less civilised than Britain and im not even trolling
boring bastard
you are half right, beer doesn't transmit diseases like water can but I'm pretty sure you can't catch yersinia pestis from water
desu you are half right

i would say like 60% of time I've been to spain I've gotten incredibly sick after eating at a restaurant

literally never happens in britain unless you go to a dodgy as fuck takeout
spaniards really come off as genuinely nasty cunts with attitude problems

are they trying to banter and failing?
is it insecurity?

lel why are spanish such cowards

>that flag

usually it's a white flag you smelly frog

Spaniards are butthurt as fuck over us English. We beat their navy and ended their reign at the top. We also have Gibraltar which no one cares about here but their politicians cry everyday about it.

They want to be us and it's cute. Portugal are bro tier tho
me centre left
>most iconic cities in the world

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>eating is cheating
Is this really a thing in England?
>all these anglos itt who take pride in nigger tier behaviour

I saw some video about a Muslim supporter who got a lifetime b& or whatnot for singing unapproved songs or something like that.

I think it was Ireland actually. I was kinda loaded when I watched it.
it is yeah
mostly among students though

I enjoy our drinking culture, nothing like getting absoluely pissed then having a lil fight towards the end of the evening, comfy af

But muh tradition.
sorry you have no culture m8

english people have been getting black out drunk for as long as there has been alcohol
>I enjoy our drinking culture, nothing like getting absoluely pissed then having a lil fight towards the end of the evening, comfy af
Yeah, drink until you puke and start a fight with innocent pub goers and locals sure sounds like the prober way to behave.
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>reading the brits on this thread

Solid mislink.


This is a good tradition.
I have not puked in years 2bh

nor do I start fights
I am the very image of respectfulness, courtesy and decorum
The English """"""""people""" are literally scum of the earth.
>english tourists are a bunch of fucking savages


They're the most obnoxious fucking people on the planet, bar none. Even the "nice" ones are irritating as fuck.

As a cop, I would treat beating the shit out of English soccer faggots like the sport it should be.

Yes, in the UK most people don't really space their drinking out through the week, you just go in hard on one night and drink as much as you can before the bars and clubs close, I would say some people in the UK probably drink more in one evening than some people do in the course of a month in other countries. The idea is that if you aren't paralytic and only a drink or two more away from the hospital, you aren't having a "good" night.

Unfortunately other police forces aren't so well prepared to deal with this behaviour, I would genuinely say British police are the best in the world as deescalation and preventing public disorder before it arises.
go shoot some black children lad
obviously meant to reply to >>75212239
>tfw going up to the massive police horses in town pissed out your mind and giving it a cheeky stroke on the nose

>italian fans at WC/Euros
>carrying weapons

this is a 100% lie
we have no hooligan/ultras groups for the NT, it's strictly a club thing, and only ultras carry knives and shit
nice english flag
why would you want to stab and potentially kill someone over a silly thing like footie la
Why can't the bongs handle their liquor and why are they so bad at fighting?

Also, why are they so ugly compared with other whites?
>Ask people in Switzerland, the south of france, northern italy, what they think of brits on holiday

Obnoxious scum. All of you.
it's the other way around, ultras want violence and they use footie as an excuse
also killing someone stabbing with a short knife is about as likely as killing someone punching them in the face
almost all victims we had in fan riots were from gunshots
aren't you american?

why do you have such a chip on your shoulder, seems you've just wandered into a thread that doesn't concern you and started acting mad
Yeah, but it's willing obnoxiousness. You on the are all oblivious to how pigshit thick you all are abroad. Well the 10% of you that have passports.
>call you out for the scum you are
>having a "chip" on your shoulder

Choose one.
>go shoot some black children lad
Not in season until June.
choose the 2nd, since you're clearly upset

these people would be more at home in underground boxing fights I think
>writes incomprehensible jibberish

Good job, Nigel.
I'm not the one crying about having my shitty island people being called out for the obnoxious scum they truly are, sunshine.
you just keep repeating yourself though, I'm not remotely upset

calm yourself, its only the internet lol
did deano fuck your girl or something?
It's funny how the Spanish fight like they play football.

>Only fight when it's 3/4 vs 1 and never when numbers are fair

>Start diving/cheating and resorting to refball when it looks as if they may lose a match.

Pathetic cowardly sub-humans.
You're clearly hurting and very angry anon, give it up.
Obsessed much, Nigel?
not really but alri
Calm down, kid.
i am calm
They're Moorish rape babies, you can't expect them to act civilized.
What Turkey did to Greece, the Moors did to Spain.
No, you are a raging mess.
Nah, I'm not
not sure how you got this into your head

>I would genuinely say British police are the best in the world as de-escalation and preventing public disorder before it arises.
It's pathetic that this is the police's job.
>why do you have such a chip on your shoulder
pretty much every American football fan on /sp/ has some strange obsession with us
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funny how the english also fight like they play football
>think they are badass
>fight like absolute shit
>and always lose

>and always lose

your armies would beg to differ juan
stop being so obsessed with us

gotta say I have zero pictures on my hard drive and not one of them contains anything to do with spain or spanish people

you seem to have a folder designed to upset english people, which says a lot more about you than it does about us lmao
Which country has the best fighters? I'd say the Irish or some Eastern European country.
from the filename it seems it was linked from somewhere else, anon
>johnny foreigners in the thread have never drank 10 pints of bitter followed by a portion of chips and gravy all washed down by shooting their hot fish yoghurt up a slags shit pipe

it all makes sense now
>drink until you puke and start a fight with innocent pub goers and locals
this doesn't really happen tho
fights only happen between equally drunk and scummy people while puking is only for the weak
the city state of liverpool
England is the scummiest place in the world. Why?
>have never drank
should be
>have never drunk
which of the lesser countries are you from
you also seem to have a large chip on your shoulder so I have to assume scotland

thanks tarquin
Why are people so obsessed with us?
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>hot fish yoghurt up a slags shit pipe
I walked into the Nag's Head to sustinate my belly,
Fit crack in the corner, but I knew its cunt was smelly
Smelled of rotting fish heads and old and crispy sick,
She said her name was Charlotte and she wanted to suck my dick.
She's the type of crack that you've heard about, the sort they call infamous,
Peroxide hair, dead long legs, and bog paper stuck to her anus.
I thought: 'Ay lad, times is hard, and its nearly closing time,
I'll put a bag on her head, and a peg on my nose,
I'll grummidge through the slime.
beautiful lad

did you write that yourself


I wish, it's by a beautiful english group
>Johnny Foreigners would rather sit outside a bar and quietly drink 2 glasses of wine before going to bed than go on a legendary bender with the lads which ends with you sleeping with some sketty girl with an awful accent as you and your mates spend the next few weeks trying to piece together all the mad shit that happened

Their loss. When you get to the end of your life you won't remember all the quiet nights in and time spent restricting your urges, you'll remember all the crazy events you experienced and times you really got to experience the highs & lows of life.

Aye, you don't want to be hungover when you're cleaning out the bogs, do you Pawel?
Der's Tod lol

by the time we're ready to go out and fuck girls you've already vomited in an alley or lost a fight and you're in the accident and emergency room
having sex at the end of your night is what the whole going out revolves around
which is why we drink enough to be more open and social, do stupid shit, but not enough to become unable to stand or speak like you people do
no you don't drink enough because you drink poof swill like wine and not john smiths bitter
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>english lads go abroad
>have a few beers
>sing a few chants
>yuros triggered to fuck by a little banter
>all absolutely seething
>organise into squads
>collect weapons
>draw up tactical strike plans
>a handful of drunk tourists having fun get a little bloodied up

>hehehe brits btfo
>Why are French and Spanish police so afraid of English football fans?

>They think people being drunk is an excuse to beat people half to death

gee maybe that's why
>look up this john smith's shit
>3.6% alcohol

top fucking kek you are all pussies if you get drunk on this fake water

and they all end up with big fat guts and looking like shit because they drink like 20 pints of it per weekend
This. The European police remind me of the janitors on /sp/
>triggered by banter
>upset by people having fun
>take their job very seriously
>does it because it is the only control they'll have in their life
>will never move out of their parents' house

Speaking of janitors, I'm shocked this thread is still up. It's nice to have an international banter thread every now and then. Beats boring generals.

The true Ale connoisseur drinks Carlsberg's finest Special Brew, which weighs in at 9% ABV
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>drinking any type of Carlsberg

they've ruined it, put it to 8.2, kestral super now
cant we all just get along :^)

let's all vote for ukip
let's all vote for ukip
na na na na
cant we all just hit aBong :^)
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You actually just met some sober Scots. That's what they're like sober. You don't want to see them drunk.
Hitler wouldn't have destroyed Spanish culture you fucking mong. And you're the ones who attacked Germany, not the ther way around.

The good guys lost that war. Enjoy your shitskin-fueled genocide and national destruction, "victors".
>le hitler should've won

damn you leafs are cringy
Thanks, son.
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>be lester hooligan
>go to Madrid, get drunk and start making troubles
>confront the police
>get fucked up
>taken to court
>sentenced to 4 months in prison

Gg lads, enjoy it.
Britain has some of the most topnotch people on Earth, and some of the trashiest. There is a bigger divide than most countries for some reason
where are the Atletico ultras FFS defend your city
What are Spanish prisons like?
Any worse than living in Leicester?

A pale assed brit in a Spanish jail? when he finally leaves he'll be pregnant.

No idea desu. All I can say is that those lester boys are gonna meet a lot of top lads from the Balkans during their holidays stay in the Spanish prison.

Nah lad, maybe 1 in 25 but still someone who had a gank.
This actually
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european though """"fans"""""


You'd unironically get killed here. I hope this really ends the european hooligan meme, they were literally never dangerous, they just looked dangerous to middle age housewives and some stupid newspaper. Any barrabrava would bash their head against the street.

Here even the players fight, there's Nerman and his pals taking it in the ass by the way, Nerman would probably beat the shit out of any eurofaggot
The problem is with Patetico Madrid customers, they let these english lads come to their city and start acting like bad boys. And to top it off they let the police beat them up instead of doing it themselves, I don't want to say all spaniards are like that but if Atletico that is supposed to be the "neighborhood" team doesn't have real fans that'd fight drunk english fags then no other team has it.

Atletico Madrid es amigo de la policia, no es coincidencia que tengan los mismos colores que Naciomal. Gallinetas
>Brit "hooligans"
>refuse to respect local laws and take at least one daily siesta
>police comes and puts them to sleep
>8 Leister followers in jail for 4 and 6 months

get fucked and welcome to ASSpain
We once got into a brawl with some drunk English lads in Barcelona. They practically wanted to take a nearly passed out girl of ours back to their hotel room, we told them that she has a bf (a lie), but they didn't care.

When one of the Brits started to bleed, we ran away in fear that we would land in jail.
>Nerman would probably beat the shit out of any eurofaggot
Nerman looks like a faggot, nigga.
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>Why do other countries hates us?
That's a nice penis.
>of ours
What makes her yours?

>a lie
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>Complaining about muslims stealing their "culture"
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I hate beer, but since it's unconvinient to line up the tequila shots and rhum cocktails while drinkingwith the lads I have this to bail me out
>english retards are butthurt at the spanish over gibraltar but dont seem to care that london is 90% mud
Never thought of it that way before. Everyone who has muslims should cede land they own. A true Australian intellectual.
We aren't used to being tourists that's why. We're used to pulling third world countries, kicking and screaming, into a more modern age. Remember that one decade America was good? Well we were like that for centuries. You could have been too, except you fell for the same meme we did just you fell for it a lot lot earlier and now you're a glorified satellite state. In fact you're literally the 21st century equivalent of this


For shame.
That's the flag of Great Britain. The flag of England is the cross of St. George.

Why am I explaining this to you?
Is that Bob Geldof??
Because you're a bore who can't understand sarcasm probably.
The cops don't beat anyone because they are drunk.

They beat them because they are English.
Oh shit, was that an example of the legendary British sence of humour I've heard so many great things about?
weird how what the terrorists did at Bataclan was EXTREMELY under-reported.

There's an official board for fake news you know. Keep it there.
>I enjoy our drinking culture, nothing like getting absoluely pissed then having a lil fight towards the end of the evening, comfy af

I moved to England when I was 20.
FInding this kind of culture was so disappointing. It was disgusting.
The other disgusting thing was that Brits wake up every morning believing that the classes above them are truly superior people.
So sad.
Given that I can understand why they are so self-limiting and self-destructive.

But then they talk shit about Americans -- but Americans believe that if they get their shit together and work hard they can succeed. Big fucking difference in outlooks.
When getting blotto drunk and fighting someone is the high point of your week, you've really lost sight of what it means to live a life.
OK, Ahmed.
>l-let me spread my narrative in peace!
Fuck off
>Talk shit about someone
>They respond
>"Stop being obsessed with us!"

This. For such a small country, the amount of Olympic medalists they produce in Boxing, Wrestling and Judo is quite impressive.
>flag of Great Britain
Of the UK.
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