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/hoc/ general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 501
Thread images: 129

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Amanda Kessel edition

>NYI:Josh Bailey records three assists in OT win
>OTT:Erik Karlsson beastly in OT win over ARZ
>CAL:Dougie Hamilton leaves game with LBI
>CAL:Johnny Gaudreau's big night powers Flames
>TB:Tyler Johnson suffers LBI Thursday night
>TB:Kucherov picks up another 3 points in win
>CAR:Sebastian Aho hits 20-goal plateau in win
>PIT:Tom Sestito gets 4-game ban for boarding
>MON:Carey Price out with the flu Thursday night
>DET:Red Wings activate Jimmy Howard
>OTT:Sens will start Mike Condon against Coyotes
>NYR:Rick Nash (UBI) won't play Thursday night
reminder that the 2017 World Juniors was better than the 2016 World Cup of Hockey
Yeah I'm not saying he hasn't done any good, but if they look unprepared for any adversity even after changing the players then it has to be the coach and the culture he has built.

World Juniors is the best tournament in hockey.
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world jrs is the 3rd best tourney after stanley and limp dicks
Is ovie injured or something? He looks awful.
eh, stan lee used to be really great.
now it's like regular season with the same amount of blown calls and more fans
I think it finally clicked in his head that going balls to the wall all season and scoring 50 only to flicker out every postseason hasn't been working, so he's coasting.

>inb4 he's actually good in the playoffs

Whatever he is, he isn't winning. He's probably just trying something different; he's got nothing to lose.
Penalties were 4:4 before OT and the refs let em play. Happens all the time in the nhl. Sorry your lazy ape couldnt be bothered to get off the ice fast enough and the refs had to call it. Stop whining about tickytack shit in OT that never gets called and just be happy with your point
>Shitcouver Shitnucks
why did amanda touch the cup?

now she'll never win it...
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>team squanders all their PP opportunities while the opposing team took advantage of theirs
>blame the refs
She's used to cupping her hands in that position whenever she has her lips on the rim of something
Kongs spics can't win without massive refpuck aid
her brain is mush
Bitching about the refs never looks good. Especially considering how much nashville is called a pp baby team.
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Lets just hope she uses one
>news related to hockey
Wtf op
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Fite me
jesus, i can't even tell if this pic is shooped...
>tfw had last of the mohicans playing in the background as iginla scored the game winner

Dat soundtrack tho

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>Iginla scores game winner
>then he goes on Youtube and made that vid

Just watched Manchester by The Sea

Severely overrated.
I'm a big softie and I didn't cry once and I watched it literally with the intention of crying.

Also Massachusetts just looks like the more word down neighborhoods in Minnesota
He is an wizard

>word down neighborhoods
tfw cried too many times at movies/video games/books to count
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rags are getting tbagged by the nhl's reformatting
>more points than opp
>no home ice
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Was hoping to get a good cry.

0 (zero) tears

Pic related is biggest crykino I've ever seen. And it was a made for TV movie.

The disabled and elderly really gets me
Do you think

Washington* vs Long Island
New York* vs Montreal
Pittsburgh* vs Ottawa
Columbus* vs Boston

is the better first round? (genuine question)
I didn't cry at The Notebook but I got teary eyed at Benjamin Button and cried in Creed.

Trying to think of some good ones,
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>Oliver Ekman-Larsson
>OT turnover for the loss

so how does /hoc/ deal with this Swedish suuperstar. can we just admit he's overrated
maybe maybe not but it sets up a much better overall conference bracket than caps/pens stomping the shit out of the ecf opponent.
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>cried at Creed

Literally why
Fun fact, only two first seeds in their division made it to their conference final in the new system.
Dunno. Always loved Rocky movies and got sad when he had the speech about cancer and how black guy had no dad.

I cry pretty easily.
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>kippers blogposting
You can't appreciate true crykino if you cried at Creed
My favourite movie of all time is Big Daddy with adam sandler

is that kino?

Happy Gilmore > Big Daddy
thats my 2nd favourite
i really really like adam sandler
It's kino.

Reddit has a hate boner for Adam Sandler right now so he's been getting a lot of shit.
t. Reddit trying to false flag to get Adam Sandler hate

Protip: Adam Sandler is /ourguy/
>Adam Sandler movies


get out
Im not smart enough to false flag
I unironically love mr sandler
finns gimme some good meme bands
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>tfw white people don't know or appreciate Asian kino
>who are weebs
You don't have to be a weeb to enjoy Korean movies. I watch French/Scandi films.
Looking back on last year's draft, would Puljujarvi be taken in the top 10 if we could have a do-over?
Of course
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Who can stop the Penguins?

Protip: noone

Nhls first post lockout dynasty
Any news on Coyotes future?
Reddit meme-fenseman. Not good.
Crosby dubs confirm
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Morning :DDD
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Morning binland
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>Flames and Kings win


Gonna get BTFO tonight
so how far does calgary go this year?
They won't make it past the first round
Farthest Canadian team
Finally weekend
I can watch Hokkei again :DD
I genuily believe the non-danish-speaking cleaning ladies stole my gymnastics clothes though.. forgot it yday when I was teaching my students, in my private locker room.. is gone now :(
Owell, Laffs to get the wild card back this weekend, it'll soothe me
Capitals looking to repeat as regular season champs maybe make it to third round.
I bet those perverted old ladies are sniffing your shorts
disgusting to even think about
Oh dear god!
so how can I come to Canada to work at the lumber industry?

>I have an above average loud voice. I can yell TIMBER and even the moose will run
>I have laboured before
>I am a pleasant person

more like arousing

maybe it was some students, as a form of a prank?
Apply for a green card is my guess?
Never looked into it

They can't access my locker room, locked up with a teachers key :(
They're 3rd graders too, ages 9 to 11, they're all pretty well behaving in all honesty.. loud, but nice
Are you a gym teacher?
Bretty cool, thats seems like the greatest job
Partly, yes
I teach 2nd and 3rd graders at gym
I also teach Math, nature and technology, and English
Pretty happy with it, great hrs, great pay
>I also teach math, nature,technology and english
lol why do you teach so many different subjects?
It's required for teachers who teach in Public/private schools (ages 5 to 16), to be able to teach several subjects
Pretty normal to teach between 3 to 5 different subjects
nature and techology, and English are only taught 4 hours combined a week, for children the age I teach
The majority is math and gym for me atm
Depends entirely on what kind of goaltending they get. They actually have a pretty solid team the issue was always their tender being absolute shit.
>lol why do you teach so many different subjects?

They're 2nd and 3rd graders, didn't you used to have the same teacher for most subjects at that age?
Why did Sestito get called up?
Like i saw that coming from a mile away what an idiot.
What was the story behind that?
Nice trips.
Idk i don't follow his team i just saw the story on sportsnet.
He got called up then hits a guy from behind, and is suspended on his first game up.
Guy he hit is out indefinitely

because of the fight at Winnipeg

now tell me about lumberyards
jests/pens had some unfinished business from the game before so the pongs brought in their "enforcer" to take the fall

instead of suspending tostitos they should have fined the franchise if they want to cull these maneuvers
Yeah it's a shame testito takes the fall for it. I mean what he did was dirty but that's basically what he was asked to do. I agree the pens should be fined for that.
>my gymnastics clothes
spot the poofta
reminder that brent burns is a vlasic babby and if karlsson doesn't win the norris this year it goes to show that leafs should be removed
Burns is having a better year though. He's the best player on a 1st place team. Karlsson is having a great year but burns is winning easily unless he gets injured or just sucks dick for the next 15 games.
why do you do gymnastics? do you have the gay?
I started switching teachers in 3rd grade

the hit really wasn't deserving of more than a 2 minute penalty
>brent burns is a vlasic babby
This makes no sense.
yes it does

No surprise there
vlasic is on the ice when defense actually needs to be played so burns gets to play as a 4th winger all game
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He likes pickles
>jests/pens had some unfinished business from the game before so the pongs brought in their "enforcer" to take the fall

textbook hooliganism

this is the team that Bettman sponsors
That's what Karlsson has done his entire career and he's won 2 Norris trophies.
I'd rate Vlasic as a true defender over Burns for sure but to say Burns can't and doesn't defend is criminal.

If anything Burns is a Martin babby, because Martin has to always pick up the defensive slack.

But the fact of the matter is Burns blocks almost as much as Vlasic, hits way more, and has a +/- 20 odd something better than Vlasic. When Burns is on the ice more goals go in the other teams net than his.
>Karlsson doesn't defend
>Karlsson plays on a stacked team
I didn't say anything about him
So when Karlsson racks up points he's the Norris winner but when another defenseman does he just doesn't play defense? Kill youself. Have a taste of your own medicine. The Norris trophy is flawed by definition.
>first place team
>worstern conference

Swing and a miss there faggot.
>Burns is better than Karlsson
Hahaha wow
>what are divisions
Why do Americans post here
>only American teams make the playoffs
>hurrrrr duurrrrrrr lympics
>hurr durr trudeau
>hurr durr trump
>hurr durr you're gay
>hurr durr you're fat
>hurr durr never seen a cup
>hurr durr never won gold medal

good now that I've done all your usual posts for the day kindly fuck off
>getting called out for being fucking retarded
>goes on some autistic rant
Don't forget to take your meds
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I never want to see any Swede critize Subban again
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are you this desperate for the same fight every day? not to mention, as usual, you're wrong
Karlsson >> Burns
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Remember when people thought Weber was a lock for the Norris this year?
Don't listen to the voices in your head my friend!
He could finish in the top 3. I mean right now it's Burns, Karlsson for 1-2. Duncan Keith is having a pretty nice season too for the hawks.
Hedman is probably locked in for 3 right now.
Oh shit good point I forgot about Hedman. The problem with him is the bolts have been so shit this year. Voters tend to favor players on playoff teams. If the bolts grab a WC spot he will get some votes. Hedman is having an unreal season.
then how has karlsson won
the snes made the playoffs both seasons he won

the narrative is fine
The senators made the playoffs both times he won the Norris. Seriously, why do Americans post here?
>making the playoffs in the leastern is considered good
>went 41-41 first time
>went 43-39 second time
I guess the narrative is fine if you include loser points

hurr durr lol fat
Who here is hyped to see Iginla lift the Cup?
yes, karlsson lifted the team on his shoulders and took this across the threshold
Oops i accidentally started drinking
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hate(love) when that happens
>I was proven wrong so I'll just move the goal posts
lmao truly pathetic
you haven't said a single thing this whole time. why are you so angry so early in the day?

because the east was so weak
based General Sandels
You tried to claim Karlsson won the Norris without the sens making the playoffs. That was wrong. You then replied with some bullshit excuse about loser points because what you said was factually incorrect. I wasn't expecting America to get btfo so early today.
no I meant to say they weren't good, not that they didn't make the playoffs. I see how there was some confusion but damn did you get mad over nothing
Thank (you) for quality finnish (you)s
>implying it matters whether they were good or not
Keep back pedalling m8
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>''t-t-t-that's not what I meant to say. Shut up!''

such anger
You wouldn't say that to my face, bitch.
post face and I'll say it
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You sound like a fucking clown.
How do the crepes taste? lots of strawberry jam i bet. lmao
strawberry is my least favorite of the jams. blueberry preserve master race here
>Henrik Lundqvist 02/03 28 games 1.45 GAA
>Linus Söderström 16/17 22 games 1.34 GAA
is he, dare I say it, the next elite goaltender
Sebastian Aho teaching Eric Staal how hockey works.

This kid is stephen hawking level smart.

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>hasb get 5 (or was it 6?) wins in a row, Price in net for all of them
>As soon as Montoya steps in, get shat on
Hmm that's not Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen
kek that has some serious photoshop potential.
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how to stop cenediens in play offs
1. hire goon from ahl who's about to retire
2. tell him to ram into price during first game
3. prices out for the series
4. your team progresses

10/10 flawless plan
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>some mongo mongolainen who isn't even a starter in liiga
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>comparing 2014 drafted goalie to 2017 draft eligible goalie
>only one point out of a WC spot

Explain this.
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Leave the Habs to me
Islanders are 32-34 and in a playoff spot. Thank bettman.
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>Be Laffer
>Pre order 16 playoff tickets and a parade voucher
>They don't even make it
>No refunds
Bluejackets will win the Stanleyb owl
Only way that happens is if Canucks infect every playoff team with Mumps in April except the Blue Jackets.

Vegas will win a playoff series before Columbus and Winnipeg
Fuck off, you're not welcome in this hemisphere
it's the Stan Lee, newfag.
Screeching will make anyone run
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>Eric Staal
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Hey sweden, Sundqvist might dress for the pens tonight, they just called him up.
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delet this
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Rev up your >swedish goaltending lads
well he's a center
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>swedish goaltending
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Well fuck

*runs out of thread*
(ง ˙o˙)ว
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Jarry is the next pens elite goaler
STOP POSTING THIS SHIT ψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψ
he's from way up north as well
Looks russian.
>Implying he isnt going to be traded in 3 years

Murray is what? 2 years older than him?
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Who can stop us?
Holy fuck Swedish Sami. Will it be the first Sami in the NHL since Salming?
not even one year older. jarry used to be top goalie prospect in the ahl and then murray GOATed

the pens took him to primanti brothers and they asked him about swedish food and he said he likes cabbage on his pizza
What's up with all finns named Sami, Vatanen, Kapanen, Salo etc. Is none of them samis?
They came up against hottest team in the league. That's what happened
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Karlsson has also those eyes
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pizzasallad is the shit tho
NHL Divisions should work like baseball, top team from each group advances and the next two best records in each conference play vs each other for the 4th spot.


St. Louis

Los Angeles
San Jose
Las Vegas

New York
Long Island
New Jersey

Tampa Bay

Or you know, just have top 8 seeding like it was before. There was absolutely no reason to change it. Now we have the most retarded brackets due to how strong the metro is. There's going to be a really shit team in the ECF because their bracket was a fucking joke. I'm going to guess thats Ottawa.
so how about them lumberyards?
I believe it. he also made fun of your meat coming in tubes though
meat in tube is pretty silly
i prefer cheese in tube

do you have a video of that interview?
I was looking for it just now but I can't find it. it was last year when he first got called up. it was on the weekly show root sports does about the pens but I can't find their video archive or if they even have one

found this though
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>tfw going to watch Detroit beat Chicago tonight
>wanting to watch detroit lose to chicago tonight
Why would you imply that I would want to do that?
Because detroit are losing tonight
you have 30 seconds to give me a reason why AHO shouldn't be captain
protip you can't
too young
not keen in english
They're not though
Jeff Skinner is on the team
Yes they are
No they're not
Yes they are.
I thought there was only Swedish poster. This is mind blowing.
No they're not
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>Monticello/Annandale/Maple Lake

who you got /hoc/?
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Mom, Dad please stop fighting!
I hope you'll like our stay :)

It might not be the most constructive one right now, I'll admit that
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You two
Yes they are
hopefully cathedral
moorhead if they body south

cathedral and gr win the titles
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Sure thing kiddo :)

Nothing wrong with a friendly hug

We'll see who's right tonight
fuck cathedral
private schools should have their own tourney
Indeed, will you be participating in the gamethread?
The end of the season
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>at elite
>able to recruit students from hard-working blue collar high schools
wow so elite
Finland mad that his countryman are all too autistc for cool bantz
No, I have to wake up early
meme rumour, i'm an insider with admin sources
just cuz they prefer to win doesn't mean the schools cheat.
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What do you guys think of my OP?
>meme rumour
literally facts my friendo, stay mad that the only way shitty """""catholic""""" schools can win is by poaching top talent
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Our autism allows us to exchange bants you normies would never understand
source? because unless you have more knowledge than the principal of these schools i'm gonna have to write you off as a hater.
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Okay. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to brag then
Finland is when Swedish memes went too far.

Leave it alone.
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cat friends.png
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I googled it for you since you seem to be too stupid to do so
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This is the new friendly /hoc/
No bullying allowed
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maybe if white kids weren't forced to sit next to somalia immigrants in public schools they would still go to them
>no source
>open enrollment isn't the same thing
w e w lad. go on and tell me edina and ep are on par with farmington and moorhead kek
Not the same nerd but what faggot private school did you go to? How many dicks did you suck since there were no girls?
wew lad
Just a question.
i went to public school out west
so, 0
>getting millions from rich donors to build fancy lockerrooms and arenas to attract players
>giving out scholarships
sounds like recruiting to me

What private school are you shilling for anyway?
>getting millions from rich donors to build fancy lockerrooms and arenas to attract players
you mean like edina and EP?
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I'm guessing you didnt play hokkei then
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You're a good guy Swedefriend
the laffs need to get matthews on a better diet
which player is this?
Wayzata huh?
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cute piggu.webm
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>warroad gettin cucked
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You too, canadamigo
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my cats outside on my screened in porch licking the snow off the screens
underrated post
Daily reminder that Class A is a babbyleague
>I thought there was only Swedish poster

no they 're not
double reminder that hermantown should move up
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Wake up mom, please wake up.webm
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Those kids should have been aborted the same way they aborted that anthem
is that porker ok?
I want to f**k Krissy Wendell
Lol that wasn't even this anon, retarded faggot.
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the kitten is me
the rabbit is /hoc/
even monsters look cute when they 're little
It's not nice to bite others tbf
Good luck cucking an NHLer.
Fuck the gun laws and shoot animals

2 Finnish yous and I will pellet gun the cat
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Post yfw wings pull no1 pick and select a Euro d man
whats the best hockey team in UK?
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Braehead Clan obviously
moose btfo
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>implying you'd need the first pick to get that

With that said
>tfw Liljegren becomes the new Lidström
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Theyll chose a neutral Center if they select first.
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goose BTFO
Probably Cardiff this year. U.K. Hockey isn't the best
it's tender
is lundqvist worth $7million?
does that count

Yes. The rags failure has zero to do with lundpads.
here is the second
remember to not hurt real pets
only cats
Seriously though. The rags wouldn't even be relevant if it weren't for him. It's fun to meme on the rags and lundpads but he's actually a pretty good goalie. Definitely a top 5 goalie of the last decade.
/firewagon/ desu
>he fell for the goalies are important meme

TopC > Top D > 2C and Top 4 D > Goalie > Wingers > Bottom 6
>mfw the New York Islanders are unironically in the playoff picture and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it
based. keep the laffs out
Top center = Top Defender
You don't win without having both.
Explain the habs
Pongs did twice
Literally a non contender with an elite goalie.

Habs just prove my rankings
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my boy pate be winning da caldurr yoo
I lost my mailbox key what do I do
Calder are busts Pekka.
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that chokes every game 7
He shoulda stayes Goaler. Thats what Loseapeg really needs.
any answer other than sheffield steelers is a LIE
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Yes, but he gets zero help from his d-men
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Nottingham Panthers AINEC(and its not even close)
>wanting to win bust: the trophy
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That'll be paljon rahaa + a first round pick
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>reddit invasion
Thank you for these pictures, you are not reddit.
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t. Saruman
What? How is Letang not a top defenseman? He should have won the conn smythe last year.
they're mad that he's french
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lazy munkey
/ourguys/ going down desu
>He should have won the conn smyth
>Only showed up against Washington

Crosby was much better.
Murray and Kessel also had better claims.

Face it, there is no team where The top D man is the most valuable. Atleast no contenders
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the shorks were supposed to be
Who can stop the snes from winning the cupÉ
New York and Pittsburgh.
Winnipeg Jets
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Strong monkey
the snes
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Reply to me if your team has someone with 71+ points

Not so fast everyone else including Vegas
>only 4 points more than a FUGGIN DEFENDERMAN
dumb phone poster
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Thanks for the You's
I'm guessing you didn't actually watch the pens because Letang was about the only defenseman they had. Their blue line was fucking trash. You don't win a cup without a #1 center and #1 defenseman.
>there is no team where The top D man is the most valuable. Atleast no contenders
sharks desu
Pleaze only post in /hoc/ if you have 2 players in the top 5 points for the 2016-2017 NHL season.

Not so fast Everyone else including Edmonton
It's going to be hilarious when the flimmies leap frog you.
Thanks for taking a picture of my post.

Makes me feel special
So you can't post either? Lmao

It's gonna be hilarious when Lou bought at the deadline but still missed the playoffs
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How nervous are you right now that the flames are going to pass you?
Part of me wants it. Anaheim will devastate Calgary as they always do and the Oilers match up better against the Sharks.
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>Dumb prarienigger doesnt know numbers
Both 2 and 4 are within top 5
>he actually believe the coilers could win a series

delusion got that franchise like whoa
>That flag

Where you from?
lmao if you can't beat the ducks what makes you think you have a chance against the sharks?
Are there brackets for this shit somewhere?
'I dont even know what to search for in google
>McDavid is barely on pace for 90 points
>Crosby had 102 in his rookie season

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Nice reading comprehension bud

Enjoy your parade
crysby already been exposed as a new rules babby
why the fuck would you care who you face if you know you cant beat either

good god coiler faggots are retarded
Rooting for Eden Prairie in AA and Hermantown in A
I'm gay
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>Post season shorks
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Entertainment value my sweet laffer
McDavid will literally never have a 100 point season

Crosby did it while braindead
Watching the coilers get swept would be pretty entertaining I agree.
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You post this every time. Careful with those edges friend.
Sorry, but I chose my teams based on the coolness of their names.

Not sure what you mean about edge.
he has become so deluded that losing in the playoffs is considered entertainment

will you eat your own shit on cam if he does?
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For you, for me pic related was great to watch
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I haven't been drunk in two months. I kinda miss it.
Ill eat mailed shit from you on cam if he does
Where you from Canadian pongs fan?
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>implying you aren't the one that says Go Edina when they aren't even in the tournament.
there's another lockout coming in a few years so he can probably do it the season after
Nouvelle Ecosse
Maritimes was my guess, a lot of Pongs fans there t b h
would newfoundland be a neat place to visit for a week?
Its got some really cool views but not many tourist attractions.
I would recommend Manitoba.
Absolutely beautiful during winter, just gorgeous.
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Had they have not blown that 3 goal lead could the Laffs had made a run to the ECF?

I like views. I've been to iceland and alaska
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How come this fucking retard can't speak English?
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Are you going to watch Crosby get BTFO by his replacement tonight /hoc/?
Can you speak Finnish?
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I just realized young patrick roy looks like Aaron Paul
it's not his fault

the Rangers try to outskate every opponent and deny playing smart
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There's a difference because everyone in Finland is taught English.
Mouths too full of pizza desu
If you like small towns and wilderness yeah. I had a 5 day trip to Nova Scotia and I loved it 3 days in Halifax and 2 on the road around the coast.

But I've never been to Newfoundland
Well pulju didn't go to school
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Brass Bonanza
Oooh, it SHOWS.
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Very handsome very handsome guy I will say he's very handsome truly handsome guy very very handsome handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome good-looking very handsome good looking very handsome good-looking very handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome very handsome very very very very very handsome tremendous!
He went to the school of life

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>2.3 seconds left
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how long until he goes full bogdanoff?
>11am hs game unironically is louder than a nhl game in brooklyn, jersey, sunrise, glendale, or denver.
Can you pitch a quick rundown?
>15-25 year old drunk guys are louder than bunch of families
wew would have not guessed
more like noosefield
most dangerous lead
why can't soccer fags keep it in a /soc/ general

they are really testing my limits /hoc/
ho to the key
this is true for any high school/college game vs pro game. more passion, younger/drunker fans
do you not know that sp stands for soccer posting?
/hoc/, /nfl/, /f1/, /heem/ are all centered around one league. That's why they work and why a football general wouldn't


don't make me make an official irrelevant sports power ranking with soccer at the top followed by a huge power gap with hockey at the bottom
I thought it was shit posting, which can include more than just soccer.
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>world's most popular sport is irrelevant
well this is the dumbest thing i've read all day


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>objective facts makes someone mexican
>high school hockey
Mind is blown that this exists or that people care
good, i don't want mehicanos in my country. we should be a northern wall as well
Then make a general for each league. If we did what soccer fags did we'd have 50 threads of Pulju faces.
>people enjoy all forms of hockey
wow you must be a casual or something
Please watch our sport.
that's sorta what they do.
but if they did it completely we'd have
>la liga
>seria a
>liga mx
>a league
>eufa champions league
as well as other tournaments
>considers Minnesota high school hockey worth watching
I guess it's fun to watch retards try and walk on ice??
Like /mls/, /bundes/, /epl/ etc. Yeah, that's already a thing.
--> >>74604579
But they dont. They spam threads of preticular players
>i'm a casual and i'm gonna try and bully you
lol maybe reddit is more your speed.
they should be forced to be posted on >>>/hm/
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>claims he's being bullied
Wot? Lotta chirping coming from that birdcage
if hockey was popular people would do the same
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Good post
>devils lose 9 in a row
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is there an outdoor game tomorrow/sunday?
Thw only reason its "popular" is because most of the world are idiots and poor. Soccer can be played with a round kickable object and some sticks so even the dirtiest of "countries" can play it. Soccer is literally the low hanging fruit of sports. Objectively its the worlds shittiest "sport" in existence.
that doesn't make it irrelevant though.
sweden always starts off cool but whenthe thread hits 300/400 posts they devolve into Canada-tier shitposting
>sweden always starts off cool
Thats like saying mcdonalds is a relevant restaurant. Its true but for allt he wrong reasons

>Team A plays Team B
>Player C dives
>Team D wins
>none of my friends watched the game
>no one at work watched the game
>no one in my town watched the game

my only interaction with soccer is the threads I see on here
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maybe the cool one went to bed?
so? it's still relevant.
Its literally relevant because its shit you goddam autist
so the initial post >>74604422
is wrong, glad you finally figured it out
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We're both cool
>the beautiful game is low hanging fruit
i like hockey better, but soccer is as patrician as it gets
>I am a pleasant person
lying on your application is a bad start, turkfucker.
I'll always like Sweden because my favorite team would be utter dogshit without their swedes
i wouldn't call it patrician but there is much more to it than what casuals think/see
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That wasn't me tho
Canada has enough non-white commies already
I don't know if you're talking about the Tampa fan or the Detroit fan but I like you too :)
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Hey Losers,

My name is Jesse, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day meming about successful people like me. You are everything bad in hockey. Honestly, can anyone of you even skate? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than being a divegrass faggot. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I am a first round pick and a future superstar. What are you good at, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also can eat more pizza than you and still don't get fat, and have a banging hot captain (He just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all losers who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my captain
I'm a Ducks fan, Lindholm, Silfverberg and Rakell are the heart and soul of my favorite team
Damn Jesse those english lessons really worked.

Good luck in Bakersfield
LMAO hermantown. Thanks for drivin down.
Sorry, I misread your first post like I had clouds for eyes. Thank you :)
rye chips>all
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>that post
>calling anyone an autist
You had me at rye
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vickningschips tbqh
German humor everyone
Nah, salt and vinegar tbf
Most forms of humor are outlawed under sharia law, cut him some slack
this is the objectively correct answer
>american banter

pathetic, kill yourself
Is Felix Lingonberries known Sweden? I've had it and its pretty good. I can get Hafi or Sylt for about the same price, wondering if you have a preference.
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best chips are the Original ones and then you buy dip nigguh

Wew what is it like living a lie?
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exactly what i meant, nice one.
Felix is one of the bigger brands. So yes, their lingonberry jam is well known. I'd say that it's perfectly fine. It doesn't stand out, but it's good.
Hafi is a smaller brand, haven't had their lingonberry jam myself.
And sylt is just swedish for jam, it's not a brand.

I'd probably go with the one that has the highest lingonberry content.
Fucking best post in hoc in years
I mean keke and all
Ps im drunk
what >>74605194 said. i personally go for as high lingonberry content + organic so it isn't some imported berries from russia or some shit. Also, i check for sugar amount + where the sugar is from.
what is mega pussi in finn?
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Hmm well Hafi is the cheapest and "Amazon's choice". I guess I'll try that first and compate it to Felix. I looked closer and the Sylt I said is actually IKEA brand, they said it was 45g per 100g of fruit. Couldn't find info on the others.
Who are the Top 10 Defensemen in the league right now /hoc/?
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>kids still do the countdown to 4:20
I guess some things don't change
Dion Phaneuf is #1
Auston Matthews

ikea sell cheap meme stuff when it comes to food

try hafi, maybe it's good idk.

Felix isn't that special. They're the standard big corporation with a lot of products (pickled shit, ketchup, mustard, apple sauce etc.) who sell their shit at a reasonable price. If you like their shit and you find the price reasonable, then buy it.

To me it seems they're trying to cash in on you by branding their products as something special (as seen by the label).
>denying it
i hope they regret it desu
Off the top of my head in no order

That dude for the soilers, Warhammer

Rest are shit
Pussi is finnish for bag

Mega pussi = mega bag
Alright. Strange that Hafi is the cheapest, I would have guessed that to be the most expensive one, and the one with the most berries.
45/100 g is pretty standard, and Felix is probably around that mark as well (which I happen to know because I bought a jar of lingonberry jam earlier this week). I found one brand with 55/100, If you're lucky Hafi will be as well.

But that sounds like a good plan. That's the one I would have picked out of those three as well. I hope it's as good as you're hoping it will be

Good list
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>6 posts early
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I found my jar of Felix, its 48% fruit. You put fear in me about dirty berries so im getting the organic one. $10 for 10-14 ounces of jam isn't really what I would call reasonable but I really enjoyed it on special occasions.

pic related
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