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/cric/ INDvAUS

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Thread replies: 499
Thread images: 40

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>Unemployed Suicidelanders
first for Australia wins this test
Red Sox 2bh
are creams more elite than white clothing?
Will retail, fast food, hospitality and pharmacy workers EVER recover?
Good start
is this a sport?
Who cares, maybe they should grow up and get real jobs.
I, for one, welcome our new fly overlords
What happened to Queensland now

They were already fucked anyway
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literally furious
My last 3 digits is how many minutes Renshaw takes to poo it all out
That's a big shit
based immigrants needing to work 3 more jobs to break even
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So poor people BTFO
this is now the auxiliary /mlb/ thread
>Hearing that Renshaw has an upset stomach
guys what if the stadium doesn't have a loo, what does he do?
I'm in a tutorial for a subject called "Human Rights in History" and I'm the second guy in a class of 20 lads
Do it on the pitch so the ball gets stuck
Designated sitting seats m8.
doesn't uni start next week lad
renshaw should't have eaten curry last night
Anyone in /cric/ ever shit their pants? I knew a kid in high school that was kind of popular, he shit himself and things were never the same for him.
As for me I've pissed myself a few times when I was blackout drunk and sleeping. Kind of a shitty feeling ttytt
Enjoy being on centrelink the rest of your "life"; dread to think what useless "degree" has that as a subject.
Yeah I thought it was a fart but it wasn't
good blog, idiot. consider suicide
Start some banter about how things were better 100+ years ago
already have Tbh
Uni starts next week. Go home.
One time my bf fucked my ass in the morning and I was still a bit loose when I went to work.

Based statsy
I'm doing a Double degree of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and International Security Studies in Australia's top univeristy, try again lad.

Russelling Jimmies would be exceptionally easy

Go away Melbourne Uni
Tampon in the front and back bum lad
And same to you, go away Melbourne Uni
> Australia's top uni
> Not Melbourne uni

Pick 1 and only 1 faggot

Trip quotes and trip post checking
Wait, other unis exist?
You heard me cunt fuck off
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>he lives in Canberra
Same uni I went to, shame about your useless double degree.
>I'm doing a Double degree of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and International Security Studies

Nice "degree" with good job "prospects" out there
Oh great, another public servant in the waiting who'll spend their life shitting on capitalism whilst reaping its benefits.
The 2 cringeworthy and unacceptable things to talk bout in /cric/ are:
please refrain from talking about these
Law or STEM lad?

even anime is better
> that flag

>Double degree of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and International Security Studies

Hope that works out well for you cuck.
Unlike STEM where all jobs will be shipped of to Pajeet and Zhang in the next two years and Lawyers where there is a massive over supply and which will increasingly become redundant due to automation.

Nah I hate them too
Hi tradie
> He thinks his glorified arts degree with get him a job



Indians aren't allowed to post in the Aus/India thread?
>current year
>studying law

STEM, lad. Currently med intern.
>he thinks I'm Indian
>He thinks anyone cares about his poosonality
Why would you do Med at the ANU? You would have to do Med Science and then later do Medicine. You must be in your fucking late 20s at the earliest.

I don't think it will, I know it will.
Ayyy good lad. It's a hard slog but worth it in the end. Really appreciate what you guys do
a boong in my class in primary school shit himself.

apparently it was running down his leg and nobody noticed until the smell hit.

Tradies get the ladies.

Politics, Philosophy and Economics and International Security Studies gets you a lifetime of being a barista at Starcucks.
>You must be in your fucking late 20s at the earliest.

>Doing undergrad med
>trusting yourself to a medical undergraduate

MD/DPT/DDS is very different to commerce or or law or engineering son.
Health science grad are expected to study well into their 20's.
My average age of my DPT year 2 class is 26-27.
Tradies also give you a fucked up body. Enjoy having 2 hip replacements and a a dodgy knee, thus making you unable to walk freely after 69.

I think I would kill myself if I was at uni for that long. I decided not to do Law just so I wasn't there for another year.
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Now this is an OP I can get behind.

Suicidelanders are literally Northern Territory and Tasmania tier people
That was meant to be 60*
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Yet all three are leagues ahead of South African """""""people""""""""
>this is what a """""democratic""""" and """""free""""" Sith Ifrica looks like
Welcome to the wonderful world of Health Science.
You really do have to love what you do, because if you go down the hospital route; you'll have lectures run by your fellow clinicians before and after work.
It's for a good cause though at the end of the day; you are responsible for someone's wellbeing, and in some cases, their lives.
Can't hurt to be too careful.
If only this same attentiveness was given to political studies....
Audio feedback is fucking atrocious
So Renshaw has to wait for someone to get out so he can come back in?

A steady income for 40 years is well worth any trade off. You have 0 future prospects.
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PPE is what many former prime ministers/presidents of countries have studied. Many people can earn a comfortable income from it
Yeah fair enough mate, good luck. Have a lot of respect for the health sector.

Again you are sadly drastically incorrect.
As long as you know how to suck dick m8
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pretty disgusting t b h
Are you still all jerking off about tradie vs arts degrees?
>expecting change
things change every day to be frank

I wasn't expecting change, I just wanted to know how the barometer was pointing.
why would you want to be a politician though? literal parasites

"Y-you're incorrect".

Nice coping buddy, I'm just telling you what I've learnt from my experience whereas you display the clear naivety of a delusional first year uni student.

i hope they get a howler now
>curry reviews
rate my course /cric/
>Bachelor of Commerce with majors in Finance and English
You can't make it in politics unless you're prepared to sell out, mate. I know it's cliche af, but it's true. If you're going to spend a decade sucking cock (which is what it will take before you get preselected somewhere winnable) you should know in advance.

Also, go back and look at every normiebook status you've ever posted and think if there's anything there that can be taken out of context.
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>Jimmy Neesham will never command a dominatrix to crush your balls
india appeal for anything I swear. Still think they are in the era of home umpires.
Ah yes, the very limited scope of being w tradie for less than 10 years, while your so called "experience" would be likely to be a few mates doing arts degrees at substandard unis struggling to find employment. My circumstances are entirely different, take it from me.
How old are you lad?
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Listening to this while watching lads

Who /R. Connor/ here?

"I'm different".

Keep feeding yourself that delusion pill.

I'm merely amused at being scoffed at by a first year student.
this, and if he does make it it's a worthless existence; everything policy related is determined by reviews and projections these days (no room for """philosophy"""). if he joins the liberals he'll be a slave to the corporate machine and maintaining the status quo and if he joins labor he'll be forced to constantly undermine and discredit the government for every little thing
or he could join one nation and fuck up his entire social life/ image but it'd be a right laugh
Seeing as everyone is still battling over this bullshit, feel free to ama - I did an arts degree and have done tradie shit for 10 years ama. inb4 oldfag (which I am).
Anybody want to go the pub and watch this?
why don't americans celebrate easter?
yeah meet you at the marlborough in 5
Although I'm in the public service, I have to agree with the guy saying your job prospects are looking bleak

it is borderline impossible to get into the government now. The only way really is grad programs and even then you are talking about 5000 or so applicants for 50 odd jobs.
Gatecunt is on literal suicide watch
>worst australians
>There are """""PEOPLE"""""" that thought fucking Shaun Marsh should be in the team after already have 500 chances.

Get fucked

Remove Marsh
based marshy
renshaw must be having a long shit
Why the fuck would you play Renshaw over Khawaja if he wasn't feeling well. Seriously what the fuck were they thinking
Why didn't renshaw go out? is he out for the day?
Is that how many balls it took him to reach his 100?

I'm not watching.
I have to say this wicket is completely fucked.
Biggest dust bowl I have ever seen, without exception
based budget grandhomme
>you know remember gatecunt furiously shilling for Shaun Marsh before the series
No one doubts his ability, the fact is unfortunately that he is the most mentally weak batsman to play for Australia. That's why he always dominates in practice games as falters when the pressure is on.
I was at the Marly a few nights ago to cash a beer voucher, I'm closer to Central atm though mayber later
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There's a rat, called rattus
Welcome to your standard sub-continent pitch, lad.

Of the three that operate off of them, Sri Lanka has usually the best ones, that alone is something scary.
It's interesting to note that those jibber jabber sounds the Indian players make is actually a primitive form of communication
Why couldn't they just serve up the same fucking pitches ad they did against England?
Newtowns for fags
I know your average dustbowl, but I have never seen such prominent cracks in the surface before a ball has even been bowled. That's what sets this apart.
If he doesn't have their number and they're not responding to normiebook messenger then they're not his friends
Lyon to take 20 wickets for the match
Gatecunt is a queenslander who came to WA under the impression that he could work FIFO and live in a 4x2 in Ocean Reef and spend his R&R fucking around on jetskis and hitting the glass barbie
>instead he's a loner who spends his days shilling Poodam Poogues on the cricketing general on the sports board of a Turkmen rug weaving forum
>Already complaining about pitches
It's alright if we pitch doctor though and trounce everyone at home, right?
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live from Renshaw's anus
this is probably what I would have written if I didn't do a stupid and press post before I finished typing.
btfo lad
quads and renshaw comes back out only to poo himself
What's it like living in a 3rd world shithole?
ask any of your countrymen outside of the major cities
Hi Raaj Patel from the cricket.com.au Facebook page. Australia's pitches have been abysmal for the last few years, everyone agrees. But they have just been flat, which doesn't favour either team. This is just the BCCI ordering the curator to create the biggest dustbowl possible to exploit Australias weaknesses. Notably they didn't do the same against India and NZ, where they prepared even and competitive pitches for both series.
Nobody lives outside the major cities, Te Rangamotomiraringanui
He was probably fine this morning
Our curator quite seriously bragged about making the pitches favourable to Australians during the fucking Poo Peeland series, you idiot.
its because there is 2 right handers atm you fucking retarded commentators

Why did he even leave the field? Should just drop his trousers and shit on the square between overs. The Indian way.
Link please, and even so, was the favouritism even close to the same level as this extreme?
B-b-but I live in based rural victoria
D-d-don't say I'm from Cuckbourne
no he didn't m8
This is a bowling wicket m8, not a road
There is literally nothing wrong with doctoring the pitch to suite the home team. It is literally the point of Test cricket you UTTER casual

If you want everything homogenous and the same then fuck off and watch your pyjama
Should Caught and bowled really have its own dismissal type?

I feel if its unnecessary
I personally have no problem with pitch doctoring as long as its consistent and not trying to force a result.

ie. if india is up in the series with one match to go, so the curators make a road to favour the draw. India is down in the series, then producing a raging turner to give them the best chance of winning and tieing series
>A worker who stood alongside Opposition Leader Bill Shorten complaining the penalty cuts would cost him $109 a week is a Labor Party member and will not lose a dollar.


>Where's your evidence?
kys pajeet, back on your boat
yeah because the difference between australian and nz grounds are equal to the divide between >us and the indian sandboxes
Fuck that is a long shit
>australia will now bat through easily til dark
>renshaw will come out as a night watchmen

Next fucking level captaincy from the spud. Tactically pretending renshaw was ill so he can face off the start of both new balls and the night overs

KEK that delivery has gone straight to robelinda2
Hopefully he removed all the queenslander that was infecting him.
probably still looking for the toilet
smith is a fucking bum
Anyone have a stream for a notv fag?
delicious, hate that fivehead cunt
Dubs then trips confirm
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Go away
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>name is almost "Handsome"
>look like this
>muh amazing player of spin
>plays back to a full ball

Genuinely can't wait to see 8/8 dismissals to spin for Handscunt, just desserts for all the "good player of spin" malarky that is completely baseless
post your face
Match is over. See ya next test boys.
Went unders on Hanscomb purely because some aussies called him a "good player of spin"

ABA wins again
Gollabse :D :D :D
East or west India are best, north or south Aussies shut your mouth!
oh good, Darsh can delay his wicket for another 10 deliveries
Fucking kek
white people should refuse to play in these shitty countries with their shitty tracks
t. ntini
>Marsh not out
>gives me time to get my unders bet on him
I'm serious here, has Wade bought out the selectors? No one that fucking shit deserves to be in the side.
we have no good keepers
Didn't even bring a backup lmao gg worst waugh
How do the Marsh's keep getting away with it?
Will our bowlers do anything on this pitch?
Shaun is alright. Well, was...
Why wasn't Zampa brought over? Is Lyon seriously the best spinner we have?
should've brought 11 specialist spinners like ol uncle warne told you to
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Reunite the broship at test level
renshaw is so fucking legit

Pace bowlers can probably turn it on this pitch.
The pitches vs RSA were worse, only one century in 8 innings.
what's it like living in a 3rd world shithole?

"automatic wicky" should be outlawed desu
that has to be it for the marshes. that's fucking it.
Bat for ball is the worst "rule" in backyard cricket

>worst australians
jesus fucking christ
>the rancid swamp of Marsh
>this curry commentator doing his best to put the commentators curse on RenGOD
it's over
How the fuck can these so called expert pundits continue to defend both Marsh's?
how does it feel that you will never be able to afford your own home in your 1st world country?
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You now remember Adam Gilchrist
how are >we watching this?
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That guy was almost as good as Sangakkara

Greg is REALLY not happy lads.
I'm pretty sure everyone who's made it to /cric/ knows who Gilchrist is who fucking faggot. Who can forget his maiden 200 coming in as nightswatchsman?

Not him but pretty shit m8
>10 seconds in
>That accent


Why do all Australians wear wife-beaters?
Uhhh, excuse me mate, I'm studying a triple degree in philosophy political capital and public sectorhood, I'm only at the start of semester 1 but I know I'll be earning 500k in 3 years, you tradie fuck
they are cheap and come in 3 packs
you sound like a stuck up cunt, but i bet you know that by now. now fuck off.
it's hot
already got a mortgage cunt. not everyone lives in sydney. your narrative was exposed before it even began
Thank god we have the Marsh brothers in the team

Or as I call them "the GODS of the subcontinent"
>could've played Agar or Maxwell instead of MMarsh to take advantage of the spin and make for than 4 fucking runs
>could've played bushman instead of Smarsh for obvious reasons
execute all Marshes
Maxwell would not have scored
This tbqh
Renshaw anus earlier today

>>could've played bushman instead of Smarsh for obvious reasons
What reason, Khawaja's woeful play of spin

Those tradies must have asked them to park there as a hilarious prank
What went wrong?
if Renshaw is * at the end, does it count as carrying the bat
Just got called into work lads
Nice one dickhead
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>collapsing to spin on day 1
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>A worker who stood alongside Opposition Leader Bill Shorten complaining the penalty cuts would cost him $109 a week is a Labor Party member and will not lose a dollar.



b-b-but we have shaun marsh the spinGOD
Got my tickets to go see the Oils in /gong/ today lads, pretty excited tbqh
>made more money gamboling on the /cric/ today than I did working
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eagerly awaiting the fallout directed towards this fat cunt in the coming week
labor social media shills are the worst
I've given up on cricket, shit is more corrupt than boxing. How the fuck do the Marsh brothers still get a game, and Usman sits?!
>works at Coles
meh his life is shit anyway, no need to bully him
Are any of the Indian players handsome or am I just racist?
You are deeply deeply racist
the oil in the industrial area?
t. trent hunter
maybe but I just find these super pro-labor supporters are absolutely intolerable, in his mind he's justified lying to promote the party
desu though I bet he really did think the cuts would effect him, only makes me more annoyed at his ignorance
Shaun marsh is a better spin player than Khawaja. Khawaja has been utter shit in the subcontinent
going to elton as well m8?
Cricket is kind of boring and the memes aren't spicy enough.
Reminder that O'Keefe and Starc are both all rounders
Do they have muslims in the indian team or would everyone hate them?
and just 84 short of his hundred
Virat is a Muslim
this team is a fucking mess
>rank turner
>highest wicket taker is a pacer

>not remembering Zaheer khan
really looked like lyon hit that
india score 450, win by an innings

Look, I know everyone but Renshaw fucked up, but it's still the Marsh's fault
Just as expected from poopeelia
Shaun had a bit of bad luck, wasn't a bad shot choice

Shitchell cannot be defended
thats rude

we dont make fun of your country
*desperately tries to banter with the lads*
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>watching cric in the new year
The marsh twins are a testicular cancer on the team
>tfw no Rohingya gf
>not being Aryan
/rug/ rules /cric/ drools
Aren't indians aryan? Makes everything quite confusing.
>Cartwright does nothing in particular
>gets picked
>Cartwright does nothing really wrong
>gets dropped
>Marsh does nothing in particular
>gets picked
really would like to hear the selectors explain any of the above
another Starc 99 incoming
sorry whiteboi, the 21st century is the brown century. we're in your countries outbreeding you
>he isn't white
>he isn't married to an 11/10
>he doesn't have 3 children, with the oldest being male
>he doesn't have a mistress
>he doesn't make $200k+ per year
KEK, what's it like being a subhuman failure?
didn't australia just play yesterday in australia?

why would they schedule another match the next day in a different country? it ended late too.
that team would have done a better job tbqh
That's why Renshaw was sleepy
Reminder this is a decent score consider the circumstances
yeah India will score 400+
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you don't know if it's a good score until both teams have batted
Hve they just bowled spinners non stop all day?
Possibly, but could you imagine chasing in the 4th innings on this pitch?
India's best bowler has been a seamer
yes I do, I know literally everything about this sport

Yes, I can. Can't see India having too many problems polishing those 20 runs off
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Storc just doubled Australia's lead in one over
Exactly. Rahane will score 150 on this deck
Good number 11 innings here from Hazlewood
imagine being indian
i'll wait
it actually is
Tony Starc
How is it any different from being an ugly white guy?
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Match in the balance at stumps, with one side clearly ahead
>Dodging the salary cap is high intelligence
>using steroids is high intelligence
why are they playing the match on a mountain with 15 cunt watching?
>raiders in the third tier

look you either have to put them in the top tier or the bottom tier depending on your stance on walkcunt
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What is test cricket's greatest ever duck?

Not necessary most balls or longest time, but someone coming out when all they needed to do was block and not get out, and did just that in a critical moment.
>implying otherwise
Nothing more chickenshit than streaking but not going full nuddy
bretty accurate

except soccer and nrlel arent sports
Reminder there are people on this board who think Cummins is a better batsman than Storc
Why is my internet so f*cking slow lads?
Just got a $2000 payday loan.

I'm going to put it all on India 4-0
some kiwi got a 40-ball duck, i think he was partnered with a specialist batsman
he is

Sterc is literally only good at walloping spinners
i guess hawkroaches are intelligent for not getting caught
Because you voted for Turncuck.
Do you need a job to get one of those? How do they check?
*smashes the report button while holding back nigger tears*
>Literally a decade since Rudd came into power
>He still thinks the Guvment is gonna build his internet for him
A lot of them automatically check your bank statements rather than having you submit payslips.

Only a select few will give them to you if you are on Centrelink.
WA lads, is voting in the state election compulsory?
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Only if you live in WA
good evening faggots!
thought there was one in one of the tied tests, probably that
hey kermits arsehole
Can someone explain to me 1 more time why BOTH Marsh brothers were in this test XI.

What were the match selectors thinking, they would suddenly be good just because???
hi pajeet
(it was Aus vs. Windies 1960 at the gabba, Lindsey Kline run out 0)
thanks goosey
At the ground, Hazlewood just got out last ball

I just checked the site and it says it is, this is news to me.
that is FAKE NEWS

dont do it lad
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Hello fresh friends!
do you want to know how I know you are fresh friends?
there have been actual bangladeshis here
i don't give a shit about your personality
they dont live in a festering swamp ?
No one gives a shit about your carefully cultivated /cric/ persona
no one cares about you m8
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greatest odi duck is pic related.

You literally cannot debate this
no one cares about you
I also don't care about that guy
australia wins
i stopped watching cricket for 3 years after that
>Independent umpire deiced Sunday penalty rates were unjust
What a lad
How do I ask my gf to dominate me but also make sure she still respects me as a man?
Is there a stream?
Date an Asian
>1 year later boucher and pollock fuck up by 1 run in the D/L
is starc a genuine all-rounder now?

The irony is that it was shorten himself that introduced a clause into the fair work act that setup the fair work commission to look into penalty rates. He was also put there by the previous gillard labour governement KEK
too tall
my meme la, get your hands off it
there was no persona
thanks for the (you)s autards
make another meme if you're so good
coin tosses are rigged tbqh
england won all of then and australia won all 4 of them the last time they toured too
why are you still here?
Is it too late to start an apprenticeship at 27?
To enjoy that long forgotten taste of autism that once lingered here.
and also to say fuck you! you inbred bogan cunt!
I think they prefer to take on younger people because they can pay them less.
I thought there was an "apprentice rate" that is the same no matter how old they are?

Reminder this was always my list for India based on the touring squad
Reminder I should literally be a selector

Not a bad total score though Australia did alright not great but alright
England won because of the luck of the Irish m8
If you buy 50 x $1 scratchies, what are the chances of winning back at least $51 from all that?
McMeme in the World Cup lad
Hard to see Australia losing from here
In the bag
India on pouring laxative in GOATven GODth's curry watch
>I'm not gay I swear!
Is it because he's worried he'd get beheaded if he came out?
What's your casual indicator /cric/?

Mine is when someone wants Khawaja in for Shaun Marsh
I didn't vote in a council election once and I got slapped with a $70 fine. I repeat, an election which only exists to line local businessmen's pockets I get slapped with that fine, but apparently not voting in the federal election gets you maybe $20-30 down the hole.

If that isn't proof enough councils are completely and utterly corrupt then I dunno what is.
Why did he only get 180 for $200?

And he needs to do the experiment more than once for accurate results.

People who don't remember this:

>Steve didn't know what was going on
pffft hahahahahaha of course he didn't, Matt he's special needs.
Why did >we only bring six pure bats on the tour? And one of them in Khawaja who we apparently don't want to play (fair enough, he is terrible in Asia). So we're effectively forced into playing an all-rounder when we clearly don't have one who is Test standard.
Didn't know council voting was compulsory?
Australia also only bought Wade. Fucking retarded tour squad
Local government is completely irrelevant. In this day and age it could be done away with and everything handled at a state level.
This triggers Daniel
Truthy: Rod Marsh was better than this rabble
True. I was thinking, when Wade inevitably gets dropped it looks like it will be Nevill who comes back. Is there some way we could bat him up the order at 5 or something? He always seems good batting with another recognised batsman (both with NSW and Australia) but is absolutely woeful as soon as he has to bat with the tail.
That was exactly my point. Councils are utterly pointless and are blatantly only in it for the pensions. You will hear them readily admit this as well.
Nevill should have been played above MMarsh when they were both in the same side, both would have been better in the other's position

No matter what I do I can't justify these selections. They're literally Cameron White as a bowler tier memes
>there are people in this thread who didn't see live Steve Waugh getting his name nose broken against Sri Lanka after a collision with Gillespie.
those were the days hmm
who won?
>Australia scored 256 runs
>India scored 0 runs
pretty obvious m8, the curries got rekt
do you think australia can win on this track?
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some pics of the 2nd test pitch have leaked. looks pretty dry
Ayy any other Melb uni lads here?
yeah lad ama
Fuck off leaf
I'm here to stay fellow Canadian
Sup /cric/
lol POO in LOOs
Fuck off jamal, I'm aussie just here on exchange
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Woke up
He destroyed Dizzys career. Never bowled the same after that.
About to do a big ol shit
Memeing aside, it's probably more necessary than state governments. You think State parliament will handle traffic lights, garbos, park benches, and all that day to day shit any more efficiently from the capital city?
Reminder Starc has 9 test 50s
How was your sleep lad?

Have anything for brekky or lunch yet?
Slept like a giant baby
About to go down and have an up & g, chocolate flavour of course
>implying local councils do a good job of any of them

Also fyi, the RMS/RTA are responsible for traffic lights

Major roads are state responsibilities, like freeways, highways etc and a few other major roads in towns. By that though they basically tell the local government to fix and fund the repairs.

Council workers are notorious for being bludgers and will make the job longer than necessary.

Also look at council rates for when you home a own, they are ludicrously expensive. We already pay taxes, why do we have to pay rates on top of that
where you studying lad?
The based freo council are spending ratepayer's money on covering fines Roe 8 protestors have been given by the police and "culturally inclusive" music festivals instead of addressing irrelevant issues like how every business that opens in the shitty area of the city shuts down within 6 months because no one wants to go there #elite
I didn't say council was efficient, I'm just saying state government doing that shit won't be any better.
How would you even know when it hasn't even been tried before

What the NSW State government doing is great by merging councils together.

Local government needs to be abolished
this but with the introduction of a few more states
How long til unstumps?
1 hr 50 mins
Besides Nick Giannopoulos, is Sterc the greatest wog to ever live?
Mark Pooapoosis
my mate harry
i think i might have played cricket with sushant singh rajput 16 years ago
apparently la la land is racist lads
nobody cares la
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according to this race baiting,muslim nigger
>renshitmypants replaced by maxmeme in the field
Anyone tried Cricketer Arms ale?
literally what is going on with this """crowd"""

can any curries tell me why no one is there?
Besides Warne and Benaud, is Lyon considered the third best spinner of all time for Australia?
fuck no
MacGill, Grimmett, O'Reilly and Trumble were all much better
its a weekday plus the stadium is like 40 km out of the city in the nowhere.

Isn't it just going down form double time to time and a half? boo fucking hoo
meant for >>74359283
oh no they lost their outdated and irrelevant pa bonuses that businesses were struggling to pay and that caused businesses to close down on public holidays because they couldn't afford to pay wages
do indians not call in sick when a test is on?

it's a time honoured tradition over here
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>going to test matches
seems odd to build it that far away Tbh
you're getting confused with suicidelanders
>Shit O'Queef
So it's unanimous that next test Agar and Maxwell replace the Marsh brothers?
>calling up Maxwell
>dropping Shaun

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>260 is an above par score
seen the pitch?

Reminder this will be his Gillespie in India series
based josh
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mfw cook batting.webm
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Imagine how empty the stadium will be if Kohli gets out early.
me on the right
I think it's a optional holiday today but not for the kids which makes a pretty good crowd.
they have one in the city but wanted a bigger one
>cup falls over
>bloke is still asleep
shut the fuck up about swepson you botox filled fuck
>Shit O'Queef
Reminder this happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I_xA83a1hc

Based Freddie
In honour of Steve O'Keefe, let's make an Australian Booze XI

>Marsh (wk)
>Shit O'Queef
Reminder that Malaya beat Australia in 1927 by 39 runs.
>wallop O'Keefe
why do pakis like memefridi so much
how do you feel seeing your favourite bowler get walloped?
did all these players get in trouble drinking?

>fat ugly bloke who tries to hit every ball for six

He's pretty much every Pakistani club cricketer.
Oh Steve, yeah he's doing pretty shit. I thought you were talking about muscular Stoinis for a second but he seems to be doing pretty well these days. I think those tips I gave him worked out pretty well.
Boon didn't, the rest did. Warner punched Root in the face, Ponting got into a brawl in a pub, Symonds and Marsh played games while drunk, O'Keefe got arrested last year after a drunken rage in a hotel and Faulkner got caught drink driving

meant for

you could add the entirety of that aboriginal team that toured england
Doug Walters as the last batsman, dunno about the bowlers. Maybe MacGill?
dat casual racism
kholi on pedophilia watch
Didn't S. Marsh get in trouble for cocaine also?
If it was a World Booze XI I'd include Jesse Ryder and Monty Panesar
what's a derogatory name for Lyon that I can greentext
he managed to avoid getting in trouble over cocaine, but it was pretty obvious he partook
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>forgetting Freddie
t. Agamennone Lo Cascio
fuck hazlewood is good

starc is overrated meme shit
Do cricket commentators just repeat the same drivel over and over?
Must be tough to bring up new talking points in an 8 hour match Tbh
the english literally spend their time reviewing cakes
ask me anything about cricket
I already know everything about cricket


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indians on actual pooicide watch lmao
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good post
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le shut your gob man.jpg
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Virat loves his cricket, very enthusiastic, but yet to score a run.
very funny
500 for /rug/
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