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Any other woke nfl fans? Do you remember when you thought wrestling

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Any other woke nfl fans? Do you remember when you thought wrestling was real too?

It's literally formulaic. ~30 point lead blown? "Wow totally impossible! Never in FIFTY years has that happened!"
-Superbowl FIFTY-ONE
Patriots motto this year
Patriots win during rough times in America.
And after Presidential elections.
Have to update your goats periodically to keep people talking.
Falcons allowed to get to superbowl, while building their new stadium.. But not allowed to win of course.(9ers much)
>This would have to be the greatest comeback in all of history! From the greatest QB-Coach-Patriotic team combo

I cant be the only one right?
I'm with you my dude. It's just how the world works. Too much money at stake for the elites and it's not against the law to rig sports. Tom Brady has an average skill set but he's their marketing puppet.

Everyone is saying how Roger Goodell hates the outcome. That is laughable. Patriots winning is far more of a story and thus better for the league. Goodell wanted this to happen.
Yeah sucks that you really have to disconnect yourself from the game and your team to realize it. They got me, but inb4 National Football Entertainment. (Not a falcons fan btw)
No fucking doubt.

All of the facemask grabbing and other highly blatant shit New England did that the refs ignored was ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I hate Atlanta, but it was so blatant that you'd have to be a moron not to at least wonder if something was going on behind the scenes.
Thanks exactly. And also I bet Mr.Mcmahon reeeeeally hated stone cold steve austin too. I was duped but I'm glad I didnt live my life being tricked. Nor have a team tattoo lol
I like to pay close attention to the team or particular playets that almost seem like they are literally told they wont win the game. What if you spent 30 years of your life to make it to an exclusive club of millionaires only to be told
>Nothin personal kid, but somebodys gotta lose.. And its u
And then u stand on the sidelines going.. Huh, well at least I make millions of dollars every year, and I'm KINDA part of the club now...
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First, let me be clear: as a Vikings fan, I have no dog in this fight.

Having said that, this 'owl seriously makes me doubt the integrity and authenticity of the game; I think to say that 80% of the penalties called on Atlanta were "questionable" is pretty conservative.

The flag on the second two point conversion had zero justification.

Atlanta's defense having to deal with three mulligans in a row, when only one of the holding calls was justified, was appalling.

WWE has built a business around telling it's audience a story, and I'm starting to think the NFL has done the same thing.

I don't throw the "refball" accusation out lightly, but this game was pure refball after the second half.

During the game they even featured a spot on how many sports championships New England has produced over the years; isn't it fortuitous that things always seem to go right for clubs based in the most white, affluent, suburban, old money region in the country?

I'm not even angry, I wish I was, in all honesty, that's the problem: I don't feel anything, this game was so obviously rigged it's impossible to have any meaningful emotional response to it. I felt the same way I felt when the heel manages to win/retain a title through underhand methods.

It's short-term, impulsive, and masturbatory. I'm starting to think the NFL is comprised not of athletes, but entertainers.

I think I'm done giving a shit about football. At least I still have hockey and MMA.
My friends and I joked at halftime that the only way the Patriots could come back was through ritualistic sacrifice using goat blood. Then they came back. And many of their jerseys were stained red.

>I'm not even angry, I wish I was, in all honesty, that's the problem: I don't feel anything, this game was so obviously rigged it's impossible to have any meaningful emotional response to it. I felt the same way I felt when the heel manages to win/retain a title through underhand methods.
>It's short-term, impulsive, and masturbatory. I'm starting to think the NFL is comprised not of athletes, but entertainers.
>I think I'm done giving a shit about football. At least I still have hockey and MMA.
You get it. Except I dont have hockey or mma really. At least wrestling made you feel good. But the Patriots winning again is just too much. I'm like, you goys arent even trying anymore

This exactly. Patriots winning was a story, Falcons winning was no story. NFL knew who they wanted.

We're now going to get a lot of bullshit "Brady gets revenge on Goodell" articles.

If there is any justice in the world the NFL will continue its ratings decline into irrelevance.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Even if it's not rigged the actual game feels stale to me.

>Muh best 4th quarter evar

That wasn't good football. It was great drama I will grant you that. If that's what you want to see as I'm sure most everyone does then that's great for you, but it just was a sloppy game from front to back.

I was thinking the same thing when it was the 49ers and Ravens to be honest.
>My friends and I joked at halftime that the only way the Patriots could come back was through ritualistic sacrifice using goat blood. Then they came back. And many of their jerseys were stained red.
Kek. I enjoy the ritualistic bullshit in my media and music but now they've injected it into the game itself. Also Tom Brady is number 12. Seahawks fanbase ..the 12th man. White boot lickers win again. Almost as scripted as that last miracle interception by what that black guys name? Oh yeah, BUTLER. HAHA fuck nfl.. Cuckin wwe on how to really trick ppl
A conspiracy that vast would be impossible to keep a secret you silly willy.

No it would not.

Keeping people quiet, or making sure that only certain people are in the know, is really not that hard.
Would you say that the Patriots win was YUGE? Heh funny thing is I know like 1 Pats fan, even after all their years of "dominance"
Time will tell.
Will watch again when robots are allowed on the field tho
These are the same kind of people who believe 9/11 was an inside job and the moon landing was fake. It fits their little narrative so they run with it. Despite the fact that there's no evidence to back them up. Pretty sad imo
You must not interact with the same human race I do. Keeping secrets secret is hard.
I knew the rig was on when Matt Ryan's helmet "malfunctioned" and the announcers just kind of ignored it. The blackout was good television drama yes lol I hope to make some money off of this

Vegas plays a big role in this shit.
Impossible for this to be rigged. You faggots just cant accept the truth.
Here's what you faggots would be saying if Falcons won
>muh blacks win to fuck over trump
>muh MVP and superbowl win Ryan
>muh make Brady lose to continue GOAT discussion
>muh commish rigged cause he hates Brady

When they want something to happen it's not like they tell everyone in the league.

They tell a few people at the top, then a few more people to make things happen. Most people have plausible deniability
The NFL is entertainment. It's not a sporting club. They can do whatever they want.
I knew the fix was in when the announcers kept talking about how historic it would be.
>Matt Ryan's helmet "malfunctioned"
When was this?
how could they rig this? was edelmans catch prerecorded or what? get a hold of yourself
Yeah but how did they make this happen? Do you have any way to explain this?
>These are the same kind of people who believe 9/11 was an inside job and the moon landing was fake. It fits their little narrative so they run with it. Despite the fact that there's no evidence to back them up. Pretty sad imo
Lol and you are the kind of person that thinks this is all real? Trump is president, patriots win the superb owl, the falcons needed money for their new stadium, roger goodell v Tom Brady ala McMahon v Stone cold. Reality check time. Also your mother was the tooth fairy. MONEY SON

Vegas doesn't have to do shit but make sure there's relatively equal money on both sides in order to profit.
Is this a fallout thread for Falcon's fans that were anally nuked?
It's impossible for it to be staged/staged like WWE. I totally agree with that statement.

I do think it can be rigged. Those are two different things. They should have overcome that to win anyway, but they still choked it away.
I think he was being sarcastic but yeah I'd agree. It's like you are only told post millions of dollars, post experience in the league, and especially post CONTRACT. and if you agree, you get fame and fortune for playing a game you love to play anyway. Anyone who publicly disagrees is throwing their entire life away. Imagine throwing 30-40 years of your life away just so ppl could say "man that QB was a crazy loser"
I think the initial odds betting isnt enough. Which would explain the huge initial lead, pouring in probably record numbers of bets for the falcs
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, you shill
>Impossible for this to be rigged. You faggots just cant accept the truth.
>Here's what you faggots would be saying if Falcons won
>>muh blacks win to fuck over trump
>>muh MVP and superbowl win Ryan
>>muh make Brady lose to continue GOAT discussion
>>muh commish rigged cause he hates Brady

1. Why would anyone care other than falcon fans if they won. Exactly
2. Top offense wins Superbowl, not exactly headline news
3. No, the goat conversation is pretty much in the Jordan-Kobe arena now BECAUSE of the win
4. Yeah, the commissioner really hates 5 time sb winning tom brady lol
You are bait
Yeah but if it was being rigged then someone on the outside could uncover it. No matter how good you are you're going to leave some evidence. 50 years of Super Bowls and no one out of the hundreds of millions of people who watch the game has found a single shred of evidence. Shouldn't that tell you something?
If nothing else this game reminded me why I find NFL so difficult to watch.

Flags on every. Single. Fucking. Play.

Please, please, PLEASE tell the refs to fuck off.
Fox literally put on the screen before the game was over NEW ENGLAND WINS BY A TOUCHDOWN.
I know they are "explaining" the rules of overtime, but come on guys.
Um.. Beginning of the 3rd quarter? I think. He called a timeout. Announcers almost were mute about it
It's not a movie dude. I mean they are really playing football, the same way wrestlers are really playing wrestling. That was a dope catch. But patriots were always going to win this game. Even if they had to go into overtime
I'm OP, not falcons fan, actually like Tom Brady, still wanted to talk about this. All of the atlanta sheep are probably getting shitfaced and talking about bullshit calls or something
>plenty of evidence that WWE is rigged
>0 evidence the NFL is rigged

Really made me think
to people who think this is rigged: most people were rooting for the falcons. so why rig it for the pats?
The refs literally have a morning meeting before games to go over what to "look" for in the game. You implement your control directly into the game as much as possible. Refs that do as they are told ref the big game. Refs are employees, they do what they are told, theres plenty of evidence in almost every sport.
Oh, I missed the beginning of the 3rd.

they're too dumb to realize that nfl wouldn't want one team blowing out the other if they could control it as much as they think.

obviously you could do things with the refs but I don't see that happening when each football team is like a competing nation.

Why would they keep rigging it to have pats win when there is 31 other teams.

Unless you think yankees winning all those times was rigged too or detroit redwings winning for massive amounts of time or any other sport with a dominant competitor in it.
Lol I'm not here to convince u. If you cant see with your eyes, your eyes dont work. It doesnt matter to me just wanted to share my 2cents
>Be paid 18 million a year to play football.
>be really good at it
>really want to win an owl.
>here's $10,000 lose the game please.
Senpai if you bribe them anything close to what they make in performance bonuses we'd all notice the cash.
>isn't it fortuitous that things always seem to go right for clubs based in the most white, affluent
you sound like one sad nigger desu

they dont do it through bribes they do it through blackmail and psychological manipulation
>refs have a meeting to help them do their jobs
>they're told to enforce the already agreed upon rules
>they proceed to enforce these rules
>fuggin rigged

None of this is evidence. It's not even circumstantial evidence. It barely even makes sense.
Patriots are the bad guys. Using mens hate to incite them into rooting and PAYING harder. As opposed to the good guy falcons winning and ppl in atlanta break some shit and everyone forget about football for a couple months. This win=more talking about football=more money.
Thanks for your shitty opinion. I guess.
Sorry watched it on stream but it wasnt a mistake or anything. It was on the last drive in overtime in the red zone. I dont think the nfl likes having games go to ot, so I knew pats would score a TOUCHDOWN first attempt
Feels like the games are rigged to get the maximum emotional response to the very end, either extreme depression/anger or extreme elation

last year's superbowl was kind of flat and then they had the ratings decline earlier this season, so they feel like they have to hit our emotions hard to keep people watching
you know MMA is rigged right?
literally wrestling storylines and gimmicks.
>they're too dumb to realize that nfl wouldn't want one team blowing out the other if they could control it as much as they think.
>obviously you could do things with the refs but I don't see that happening when each football team is like a competing nation.
>Why would they keep rigging it to have pats win when there is 31 other teams.
>Unless you think yankees winning all those times was rigged too or detroit redwings winning for massive amounts of time or any other sport with a dominant competitor in it.
Blowouts=less money.
Ppl tune in hoping they will finally see the pats lose.
Pats have a much larger nation than falcons of course, they win=more money. They are expanding the teams slowly. They arent all separate owners, they are all teams of the NFL. Sharing revenue.
Except there are tons of people "on the outside" who believe its rigged and have documented evidence. Its also right there on the TV screen for you to watch. If you think that game was 100% real tonight, I don't know what to tell you. This guy (thefixisin.net) has written several books about it.
WME is after the UFC and trying to rip it apart
I dont think the entire game is rigged, but I think when they see certain situations, like a possible comeback, they start the rigging. they want to keep people watching
>have documented evidence

Then show me it.
>>Be paid 18 million a year to play football.
>>be really good at it
>>really want to win an owl.
>>here's $10,000 lose the game please.
>Senpai if you bribe them anything close to what they make in performance bonuses we'd all notice the cash.

More like
>Be paid rookie figures
>buy very expensive stuff because u know ur gonna be rich
>get to superbowl
"You work for us, if u dont do as we say you and your family will suffer. Especially because you only have nfl experience.
>resign contract and be happy to play a game for millions of bucks

You dont have to bribe your employees. They are your slaves that you pay lots of money to. Not because billionaires love giving away their money, but because it makes them "cool" and we watch and buy their overpriced jerseys
we have been blessed by kek with an abundance of good championships this year. usually the games are mediocre. no, games are not rigged (except for draymond getting suspended against the cavs ;)
It's true tho

this is retarded.

flag on the second 2 point conversion? you mean the offsides that was declined?

you know the refs wouldn't have rigged the game if ryan didn't fumble the ball right? that was scripted too? you guys are retarded.
>the amount of money made on this day is so exorbitant that it surpasses the net income many countries accumulate over the course of a year
>Impossible for this to be rigged

How fucking idiotic can you be? Think about it when you're mind is sober from the beer and whatever heart-attack inducing shit you ate.
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>literally THIS mad
>>refs have a meeting to help them do their jobs
>>they're told to enforce the already agreed upon rules
>>they proceed to enforce these rules
>>fuggin rigged
>None of this is evidence. It's not even circumstantial evidence. It barely even makes sense.
Brb let me go get Roger Goodell to sign a piece of paper that says "NFL is totally faked by me to get more money" what kind of sherlock holmes bullshit are u expecting? An entire stadium blackout? Multiple coincidental electronic issues? "Missed" game changing calls? Calls that are almost never called find their way into the biggest game of the year? Numerology, symbolism, sports betting, the initial reason why the league was created in the first place? Ok then, I have no evidence good enough for you to ENTERTAIN this idea that football is 100% legit. Have fun at the casinos based anon.
logical mind tells me it's not rigged at all
emotional mind tells me that there is more money involved with this one sporting event than any other televised event all year.. when there's that much money involved it doesn't seem like a stretch to say that a lot of parties care about the outcome
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It's important for some people to know here. Just because you are happy being asleep doesnt mean other people are. I'm not gonna destroy the nfl with a damn 4chan post
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This. And after every Superbowl (and increasingly after every NBA Championship) /sp/ is full of sore losers whining that the whole thing is rigged. 10 years ago people weren't such crybabies. Is it so hard to believe that your team simply lost? That's kinda what happens in sports, one team wins and the other loses. Why all of a sudden is this such a difficult thing to understand?
"Best superbowl ever" they'll say. But if you know football you know something was up. They went too far this time.

4chan is full of alex jones retards that think hillary clinton has epilepsy and the water supply is turning frogs gay and 9/11 was an inside job. remember that.
>10 years ago people weren't such crybabies
They absolutely were, most of them just didn't use 4chan back then.
>Good guys

Vick's poor dogs would argue otherwise
I don't think you can entirely rig any sports. But when the influence is so outrageous that nothing anything like that has happened in 50 years, it just looks silly.
>lately with the modern advances in sports and sports technology it seems that EVERY sport is getting better and better every year! Thanks frog God!

>nothing like that has happened before

what's your fucking point, idiot? how is that even an indicator?
>what kind of sherlock holmes bullshit are u expecting
A single piece of evidence would do.

>An entire stadium blackout?
Not evidence of anything really. Literally just a coincidence unless you can prove otherwise.

>Multiple coincidental electronic issues?

>Missed" game changing calls?
Easily attributable to human error. Would have to find a clear pattern indicating some higher level tampering.

>Calls that are almost never called find their way into the biggest game of the year?
You ignorance of the rules isn't evidence of anything besides your clear misunderstanding of the topic at hand.

>Numerology, symbolism, sports betting, the initial reason why the league was created in the first place?
I don't know if the betting is rigged but you have to prove the games themselves are rigged.

>Ok then, I have no evidence good enough for you
You don't have any evidence. That's my problem. It's not about the quality it's about the quantity or the complete lack of it. Look up what evidence actually is and then get back to me and see if you can point me to some.

better and better every year? no. a lot of crazy stuff happened in each sport this year. are you insinuating the leagues all started rigging things this year at the same time? why would you think that? next year when the world series and nba finals are decided in 5 games will you believe the nba and mlb simply got tired of rigging series for money?

>you know the refs wouldn't have rigged the game if ryan didn't fumble the ball right? that was scripted too? you guys are retarded.

Lol this guy believes the New England, Patriots, of the United States of America, just beat the Blacklanta Black falcons of Georgia, legitimately. In the revenue sharing nfl. Where companies pay billions of dollars for ad time. Im not a falcons fan but you must really love your football to not see this
>I could destroy the NFL with a single 4chan post

Thanks for the laugh man.
I wouldnt waste your time on that guy. He's asleep
shouldn't you be on pol
>>literally THIS mad
Actually Im not at all. Tom Brady is a good guy. Dont care about the gates, the sb win doesnt affect my team directly at all. Just a fan really watching the game with an open mind. Actually the patriots beating seattle in the sb was pretty funny and they arent on my list of teams I hate
>logical mind tells me it's not rigged at all
>emotional mind tells me that there is more money involved with this one sporting event than any other televised event all year.. when there's that much money involved it doesn't seem like a stretch to say that a lot of parties care about the outcome

Logic would actually support the game having fixed outcomes. Emotionally I want football to be real. Especially because Ive spent my real time and money investing in it.
Ok tard because michael vick is the qb for the falcons.. Get off my board
How are statistical anomalies important? You must be an atheist. Plz tell me if you are lol
Sports are rigged. Anyone who believes they aren't actually has autism. That being said, I enjoy watching sports for entertainment and banter. The NFL is great at making stories and it entertains me, I am not gonna stop watching because I know it is predetermined.
He was and all of that happened while he was their QB. Wouldn't be surprised if some other people in the organization took part in dogfighting rings or even currently do. They just weren't called on it because they aren't as high profile.
>edelman doesn't make that catch
>whole script fails

Yeah nah, shit isn't rigged. Unbelievable stuff happens all the time in life, not just sports.
"While we call these leagues "sports," they are in fact businesses.Their business is entertainment.The NFL, for one, has actually argued this fact before the Supreme Courtas recently as 2010. Being "entertainment," the leagues are legally entitled to do what is needed to entertain their audience, such as the creation and promotion of certain "storylines." Despite arguments to the contrary, this makes the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL on par withRoller DerbyandProfessional Wrestling."

The NFL is factually entertainment. Is that a good enough shred of evidence for you? That the tv show you are watching isn't happening organically?
True. I suppose it was only a matter to time before the conspiratard mentality would percolate down to sports.

This too I guess. Of course I was on other sports forums then and I didn't see this kind of shit but then again, yeah, 4chan.
They're really sports entertainment, and thus all professional sports belong in /asp/
Do you not understand how green text works? The warriors blew that huge lead. The cubs won. Now tom brady wins 5. At some point you have to stop calling it coincidence. People that want your money are not your friend. Businesses are not your friend pal
Itt: reading as an alternative fact. Tell me that was a failed joke and that you can actually read English...
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>people denying major american sports leagues are rigged

It's all a entertainment business.
There is no integrity.

It's all to make money.

This is all decided by men in suits not men in tights and wearing plastic armor.
Ok, but what is your argument here? That the patriots are the good guys because America? Falcons were the underdog, you can clearly see why I would say that the patriots are the bad guys in this situation. Idk if it was you, but its common knowledge everyone wanted the falcons to win
>The NFL is factually entertainment. Is that a good enough shred of evidence for you?

No it's not because is isn't evidence. Sure the NFL is entertainment. That doesn't mean the NFL is literally controlling the outcome of every important game and play. Or that they have the power to keep thousands of people silent. Or that even if they have said power that they wield it. You're just making a leap in logic and trying to tie it to your core assumption. It's not evidence. It's a bunch ass pulls. Seriously google the word evidence it will help your argument even if you don't actually have evidence.
You don't get it. The entertainment part is how they market the sport. They don't have to fix anything, they create storylines out of what's happening and then proceed to push that storyline as much as possible.

Let's take the cubs for example, for the first half of the season they were just another team having a good season. As the season went on they looked like contenders and the league started the storyline of "what if the cubs win" "hasn't happened in 108 years etc". As the playoffs went on and they kept winning the storylines started gaining momentum. By the time the World Series came the storyline of them winning was pushed so much it felt like they rigged it since the start of the season. But they won and no rigging was involved.

The people in power don't have to rig anything. They will roll with whatever is happening in the season and find a way to make money out of it one way or another.
Why does everyone think that rigging something has to be 100% infallible to be considered rigged? I see your point tho. But this is based off of roughly 20 years of anecdotal evidence
>Josh Gordon isn't actually a stone headed fuck up, he's really a secret spy that's ready to expose the NFL
Yes anon that was a joke I'm glad the tin foil doesn't block out humor AND basic logic.
>Falcons the underdog because they kill dogs, and still liked because of leftists hating on Brady for petty reasons
>the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Fact is NFL is entertainment. This indicates my belief that nfl games are heavily influenced to a predetermined outcome to entertain the public. I would say my proposition is a valid one. Possibly even true.

What you are looking for is literal hard copy proof and confession. I don't have that. Sorry I'll never live up to your expectations dadnon. I want it to be real too trust me. I know there is a literal confession from an nba ref that the fix was in. But I dont have a room where I keep my conspiracy notes or something to timestamp for you. But I do have a strong belief that you have a right side of your brain.
It isn't just american leagues m8, that happens everywhere.
I mean I'm not gonna deny the pats are GOAT, but any event with betting involved will face a certain degree of fixing, that's for sure.
>3 holding penalties in a row on 3rd down to get the pats into field goal range before the end of the 2nd quarter to make sure they can tie it at the end and go to overtime

>passing twice on 3rd down when running would've gotten them two field goals and 6 points and sealed a victory

People STILL don't think this shit is rigged.

Fucking hilarious how stupid some people really are.
I understand that aspect to it. But there are only so many people in power with that kind of money. To say billionaires just created media companies and sports organizations and relinquished their control of it in the spirit of the game goes against muh age old American conspiracy beliefs. And factual knowledge of how the government and rich people live and think. And when I say factual I mean factual. From the horses mouth.
Thanks for your contribution.

However, I do genuinely appreciate your intention of seeking out the actual evidence of my claims. Even tho this is 4chan.
>>Falcons the underdog because they kill dogs, and still liked because of leftists hating on Brady for petty reasons
Brady isnt much of a political powerhouse lol I'd say there are a lot of ppl that hate amazing quarterbacks that win a shit load of owls and have a supermodel wifey. Human nature makes us root for them poor dirty birds. Not because of their politcal beliefs, but because of their social position
>proposition is a valid one

I would disagree. You see I'm not really asking you personally for evidence. I'm asking for it in general. I think it's reasonable that if the league is tampering with games at the highest level then their should be evidence. Not propositions, not assumptions, evidence. Evidence that should have been found a long time ago by someone much smarter and dedicated than either of us. Sure maybe they really have completely covered their tracks and they are still rigging things. But this explanation is simply far less likely than the idea that absurd things happen within the confines of the sport and that you are simply seeing something that isn't there. Occam's razor dictates that without any hard proof the simplest answer is the more logical one. I mean why would they micro manage things this way. Why take such an enormous risk over making a "storyline"? When you can just make a story out of whatever actually happened. It's just easier that way.
Or Quinn fucking calling a play to throw instead of running and settling for a field goal. Or playing prevent defense for more than half of the second
This. 1st half "Shanny best OC of all time. Never makes a mistake. Brilliant mind.
2nd half "omfg this rutard ruined mah falcins" Yeah cuz that's how life works. Also Pete Carroll should have run the ball, but he "passed" didnt he. Pete Carroll after that game
>shucks I guess am retard. $$$$$
Exactly, but of course any one who points out obvious things like these gets labeled as crazy even though we're most likely right.
Well I'd have to say my evidence is about as general as it could be. I think you are underestimating how complex the system is. The end game is to get peoples investment. That after rooting/playing for your team over several decades you no longer care whether it's real or fake. It is American football after all. It's not important to debate whether the game is in fact legitimately rigged or not, but to gauge how much of peoples investment it is really worth knowing that the game itself owes you nothing in return.
>Exactly, but of course any one who points out obvious things like these gets labeled as crazy even though we're most likely right.
Or discredited by pure left brains who require mathematical precision to determine guilt.
When u a billionaire you aint gotta worry about shit lol if I make two action figures fight against eachother, take bets on who is going to win, and my favorite action figure wins, how much evidence would there be? Those pesky conspiracy theorists would dare say this whole fight was contrived!! There is no evidence of my wrong doing. You are simply using anecdotal evidence because ur jealous of my success. :,(
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Ya anybody who paid attention to caliopoli would see how easy it is to rig a professional sports league. All it took was high level management collusion. All that the nfl would need is an inside man in the referee selection process
I mean I get all that. I'm a paranoid and skeptical person by nature. I don't trust the NFL or Roger Goodell at all. I'm just saying they make the rules. They already make the rules to maximize entertainment and engagement. And they change them when they see fit for the same reason. It's rigged to entertain me. But does that mean any of the claims that come out of these thread are at all accurate? That every game is predetermined or Goodell and his gang are holding a knife to people's back to silence them? No, they don't need to do that. When people make these threads it's just to undermine the victory we witnessed. It's butthurt rationalization 9 out of 10 times. It's tired and I'm sick of it. Because it happens every time. I'm not even a Patriots fan. I'm a Broncos fan for fucks sake. It's just so old and done.
Some people truly believe it's just impossible for games to be rigged/cheated anymore.

Yet, we all know that's just not true because sports are full of rampant corruption. Anything involving huge amounts of money usually gets corrupted.

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I'm all for refuting butt hurt losers. I'll even give u a pass for Mannings last year superbowl win. But what happened tonight wasnt an amazing show of greatness. It was an insult to everyone's intelligence. It was the wizard behind the curtain moment for me.
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I feel u. But at least if I were to watch the olympics I would hope that people are cheating in anyway they can to win for their country.
Mfw I accept American sports lied to me like everything else in the world
you are seriously talking out your ass. Go to bed.

wait, you're using one referee caught point shaving and a lifetime ban as proof that every league across the board is rigged to the extent that the winner is determined by all those involved?
Cockroach theory.
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For everyone looking for hard facts. Here's proof. I've got the real evidence. Don't ask me how I acquired this, but it's literally signed by the man itself. Says right there.
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you are fucking retarded.
I don't think it was rigged. We re just in a bad timeline where the bad guys won and will continue to win. What kills me is a whole generation of young kids will grow up legit thinking the patriots are the greatest team ever and Brady is the best qb ever. Deflategate and the spying will be buried in a 50 ft grave.

statistical anomalies happen all the time. it means precisely nothing if you don't have a specific theory prior to the event. what was the nfl's rationale in causing manning to shit the bed in his first SB with the broncos? why do most world series/nba finals end in 5 or 6 games? improbable stuff happens simply because sports have a ton of opportunities for events to happen. you have literally no evidence except for thinking that improbable things could not possibly happen without being rigged. you are autistic.

zero evidence.
Bless those poor kids. Just like growing up as 9er or cowboys fans. Welcome to the world boyos

The players must not be in on it because we all know niggers can't keep a secret.
>The players must not be in on it because we all know niggers can't keep a secret.
The rich ones can. I mean, if you like staying rich. I think that's like anything in life. Poor people don't understand how money works.
I want to believe you. I really do. But I really didn't see any botched calls. All I saw were real miracles. A man pulled off the best comeback in NFL history and surpassed his idol. I want to take it away from him. But I can't call conspiracy just because I don't like the outcome. I can't put an asterisk here man.
That's what I thought too.

It seemed like having the greatest comeback along with the first ever overtime in a super bowl was taking it far.

It even seemed like the atl defense just stopped being who they were in the first half.

I dunno it's just not coming all together
>I want to believe you. I really do. But I really didn't see any botched calls. All I saw were real miracles. A man pulled off the best comeback in NFL history and surpassed his idol. I want to take it away from him. But I can't call conspiracy just because I don't like the outcome. I can't put an asterisk here man.

It's a great story. I enjoyed the game. I like Tom. And he has a hot wife. Falcons losing is actually better for my team football wise. I'm glad Bellichek or whatever can be considered the goat coach. I have good reason to dislike the falcons. But what I saw tonight was not football. It was tv.
Why the hell can't you quote me like a fucking normal person?

you're not the only one

there's lots of paranoid schizophrenic people who live with delusions, /pol
I seen falcons players just literally watching patriots players. Not like a lack of skill but just.not.doing.their.job? Props for some amazing plays by the pats that cannot be scripted but GREATEST PERFORMANCE OF ALL TIME*tm or actual reality television?
No way Atlanta's defense could have worn themselves out.

Defense's get tired, especially when you play as hard as they did to shut down the Patriots early on.
Was havin a good time. Probably hit the Jameson a lil too hard for a work night
okay but how do you account for stuff like that Edelman catch? There's no way in hell you could plan something like that?

What happens if you decide the outcome but the people involved can't sell it?
This. Because young athletically gifted freaks of nature get significantly more tired after a short rest. Everyone knows after a halftime talk you lose 80% of your talent. Duh
I refuse to take anything away from that catch. And I also won't take away from a great performance by the pats. They sold me on that. But the key is the flags. Football is a game of inches, we don't get to see the replays on flags that are never thrown. What is a recurring theme in big games is the refs making calls, in crucial situations affecting the outcome of the games. I'm not political but the superbowl feels different than regular season games. What they can't refute are flags thrown, with replays showing other fouls being committed with no flags thrown. In a legit sport, I'd expect the announcers to denounce missed calls. But they know where they get their paycheck from
are you talking about the penalty that set the falcons back to 3rd and 23? the same play where the receiver/defender had death grips on each others facemasks?

b/c i was under the impression that only the first called penalty counted, and also those facemask calls would have washed out
They were on the field so fucking much during the first half though, man
I didnt mean anything in particular. But intuitively I could tell when the refs got tagged into the game. Like previously explained in thousands of tin foil hat threads, you cant have a blowout. Announcers will tell you the storyline. And then it will happen. I knew it at 21-0 when they said "no team in history has ever come back from more than a 10 pt deficit" followed promptly by
>herp derp yeah but Tom Brady has in regular season so it's believable. Stay tuned ratings, err I mean viewers
I watched every green bay game this season and am a huge fan. What makes them so fun to watch is they play with such enthusiasm and emotion. You never know what could happen.

Then there was that Atlanta game. It was just, well... odd. It's not the fact they played poorly but the fact that they didn't even seem to care.

Like, this is everything you've sacrificed so hard for in life. This is it. You played every game like your pants on fire and now you hang out like you're playing flag football at recess?

What the fuck?
There was a camera angle showing one atlanta player huffing and puffing after a play. I'm like, here comes the age old "young players punching themself out storyline" followed by the old masterful pro showing the young bucks how it's done. Movie tropes, but in a football game. There's a thin line. But I wouldnt put my money on young black men in the superbowl getting tired after 2 quarters. The patriots had done nothing at that point. If there was an oscar for superbowl directing that guy is the meryl streep of that shit
We've known about nba rigging, but for the first time i'm thinking all sports are rigged.
I've never really got the feeling that the NFL is rigged. I do, however, thing the penalties and obscurities of pass interference is atrocious. That being said, I think football teams genuinely try to win, and refs are just trying to officiate the game as well as they can. Sometimes they fuck up, they can't call a game perfectly without closely analyzing each play for minutes at a time.
Totally get this. I thought they were going with the superbowl shootout amazing offense vs amazing offense meme, but after two quarters they are like.. This damn atlanta defense is too good and the pats need to win so... Flags? And... Um... The young guys ran out of gas. You know, how young guys get nervous and stuff.
This thread is full of niggers

Niggers love conspiracy theories

That's why /pol/ is so full of non-whites
Timing is everything
>had deathsquads in your country as recently as the start of Brady's career
>having shitall to say about conspiracy theories

pick one
Death squads were in 1976 and they were a good thing

Crime was low... very low... when the dictatorship went away, crime was rampant

Crime is low again thanks to a democratic right wing government though, they cut it in half
>all the fucking tinfoilers ITT

get rekt pham. you just witnessed greatness the likes of which has never been seen before and will never be seen again.

clean the semen out of your assholes and try to have some dignity
Argie is shitty bait poster.
Patriots are to NFL what Yankees are to MLB, Real Madrid is to UCL and John Cena to WWE.

NE Patriots were almost non-existent in the football scene before, and then suddenly in 2000s they became the biggest shit ever. It's all marketed like that.
I've never seen greatness look so plain.
If u want to fool me they should have done something impossible like recover from the biggest deficit of all time to decimate a killer defense, sending the game into an unheard of sb ot, driving the entire field to end in a td throw without affecting much of fox's prescheduled programming. 50 years of experiences dont matter! *John Cena then makes the game winning touchdown catch in time for 24 to start in a reasonable amt of time.
>not rigged tin foil anon! Muh patriots
>Patriots are to NFL what Yankees are to MLB, Real Madrid is to UCL and John Cena to WWE.
>NE Patriots were almost non-existent in the football scene before, and then suddenly in 2000s they became the biggest shit ever. It's all marketed like that.
Ah shit, I was hoping real madrid was actually good.
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Well you see anon...the matter of fact is this...
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