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He's the greatest of all time. It's objective at this

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He's the greatest of all time.

It's objective at this point.

Lifetime Brady hater, but yes. There's no arguing this now. Fuck you, Matt Ryan!
I hated tom brady and before this game would've never given him the title of greatest.

After this game he is officially the greatest of all time
I absolutely agree. We just witnessed history.
100% this

I'm not an NE fan but this is historic.

Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all-time. No doubt.

Holy shit.....
he was even before the game

the only thing this did was made the brady statue 10 feet higher
He has the most rings, wouldn't define that as greatest.

Joe Montana was by far a man of better character
except for the cheating controversies keeping him permanently from the title.
Honestly he just got lucky as always, basically won by a cointoss.
Second. Disliked Pats as far back as 2002 and Brady provided plainest statement conceivable of why he deserves to be where he is.
brady would be nothing without belicheat
Agreed. This is now a fact.
He won by conducting the greatest comeback in history, smelly dumb beaner scum.
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>Distant Relative is the GOAT in American Football
Trump better say Thank You to Enda on St Patricks Day for giving them Brady's Great Grandfather.
What A Time To Be Alive.
There is zero doubt at this point
>Cheated to win his first three super bowls
>Lost the next two when he didn't cheat
>Won the next two by fluke

Not the best. Montana, Marino and Manning are better
Lucky system babby cheater
>muh heritage
It is not even for debate, he's the GOAT
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>Montana, Marino and Manning are better

This is the gayest thing I have read all day
>Not being broud of your Heritage
I hate when people think Americans should "just be American & forget about their Heritage" and I'm from a Country full of people like that.
Who was the former GOAT? What were his achievements?
Eli or Peyton?
you ever wonder why niggers in the usa tend to have irish surnames? it's because during the slave trade the english forced irish women to breed with nigger slaves so they would be more aesthetically pleasing. your descendants in the usa are niggers. come visit detroit some time and to get to know em

You don't really understand how destiny works, do you.
Go actually watch the pats superbowls.
He's great but super bowl rings are a terrible metric for individual success.

If anything, it proves Bill is the greatest.
These are team wins. Not Brady wins. He actually had a pretty meh 1st half.
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Call it what you want. Montana didn't cry like a bitch or have his wife cry for him after he lost a superbowl
joe montana, has 4 super bowls, but also had the GOAT receiver and GOAT offensive coach. this was also not in the salary cap era, so they could keep the team together easily.
most influential media members watched him play in the 80s and have a huge erection for him
I've been a Peyton dick rider since forever, but it's over. Brady is the GOAT. That was the greatest comeback I've ever witnessed.

He's the greatest winner, not the greatest talent.

Marino, Rodgers, and Peyton are all mechnically better QBs.
God is dead.
Aaron Rodgers is still better
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>brady's mom has cancer and missed every game until now
>he threw 470 yards and 43 completions and led a 25 pt comeback while she watched
>I've been a Peyton dick rider since forever, but it's over. Brady is the GOAT. That was the greatest comeback I've ever witnessed.
Brady was nowhere near the best player in this game.
It was a team win. Stop insulting Bill and his team and giving it to one guy.
You're delusional
I can get rings being the end all be all in basketball, but they have not and will not ever determine who is a better player in the NFL.

Unless you really think shit like Favre was better than Marino just cause Favre won a ring.

he went nuclear in the second.

There are two choices;

Admit Tom is the GOAT
Admit you're an idiot.

You thinking Tom told his wife to do what she did makes the Patriots winning even sweeter. I'm glad you didn't get the result you wanted.
Both White and Eddlemen played better.

I don't know why this is a hard concept to accept.
He's a great QB but in none of the superbowls was he the greatest conttibutor.
Finally ppl can shut up about Aaron" i really like women"Rodgers. He is not the best right now he never was, only thing he can do better than Bady is run thats it.
Nah. Theres better QBs now.
But there will never be a better coach than bill.
>le pick six man
>le one (1) TD vs a gassed defense man
>le 4 asterisks and a Failcons chokejob man
He's barely even the GOAT Patriot. He's got nothing on real Quarterbacks.
Yes he is and I am crying an dsobbing about it. fuck this cunt fuck him so much and fuck the patriots for ruining my love of football
Fuck yeah Patriots, but i seriously wish /pol/ would fuck off.
Everyone with a brain knows this. But casuals and sports media will put him on a pedestal hell they're gonna end up changing the Lombardi to the bellichick watch.
But... black people actually tend to have Anglo surnames...
Jim Kelly is a top 5 QB. No body has done 4 straight.
You can. You could still bring up the cheating scandals or how the game is more in favor of the offense than what it was before, but it's just a lot harder now.
Now that he's collected all 5 infinity stones, did Brady ascend to godhood and kill the avengers?
>Brady is goat
>In an era where you can't breathe on reveivers
Yeah fuck off buddy
Thank you.
This so much.

The TEAM won the game.
Stop insulting them and saying it's all brady.
>Being this delusional.

Falcons fucked up second half. And that one hail mary was a very good catch. Rest was pure capitalization during the OT.
you play the game to win. you don't play for stats, you don't play for style, you play to fucking win. period.

so how the hell are rings NOT therefore the metric for determining who is best?

i hate the pats and brady and theyre all fucking overrated as shit and most of their fans are bandwaggoners but honestly at this point if you can't admit that brady is goat then you're just lying to yourself
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Individual stats-wise, Peyton Manning.

Super Bowl, and game winner, Tom Brady.

Un-biased point of view here. I think it's close between the two. You could say either QB, and you wouldn't be wrong. If Brady passes Manning's passing yards record, then yes, it's objective. Until then, it's like arguing Dan Marino and Joe Montana--stats vs. Super Bowl wins.
Thomas Edward Patrick Kennedy Brady Jr. is truly a God among men.
>greatest QB of all time
>6th round draft

Does this just prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the draft is antequated bullshit?

Shit man I forgot Brady was playing D and Special Teams out there. His 2 TDS with a pick six really won them this game.

This isn't basketball kid, just like if the Falcons won it wouldn't have been Ryan winning the game for them.
stay salt
>flip coin
Wow, truly the greatest.
Yeah! Because that coin totally made an 80-yard drive to win the final score of the game! After coming back being down 8 points, with only 3 minutes left to go!
not only most wins but simultaneously
>most yards
>most completions
(>first overtime tradition breaker)


>442 yards
>on 7.5 yards/attempt with 62 attempts

ebin maymay friend.
I cannot wait until he retires, so maybe some different teams can win. He's got nothing left to prove anyway, so hopefully somewhat soon.
>mfw I can't refute this
I thought I would be extremely pissed to see Brady win another, but all I feel is happiness. I think all this winning has made me see the error of my ways
the coin toss came back from being down 25 points in third
>sudden death OT
>other team defense gives up
yeah that's how it works
Mfw he's won 10% of all super bowl
Holy fuck stay mad HAHAHAHAHA
Colts fan here.

Brady is the undisputed goat.
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>He's got nothing left to prove anyway
yes please!

Hour-plus long fluke? It's not like he threw a Hail Mary....
Bill is the undisputed GOAT coach.
But there are better QBs than Brady.

Stop using lombardi wins as mettics for indicidual success. He wasnt even the best player on his team today.
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He threw 7 passes that should have been intercepted tonight, luck be a lady named brady
So great that even /a/ mods haven't deleted his thread yet

Yes I can. He and his coach and staff are cheaters.
>yfw it comes out that they started cheating in the 2nd half
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One of his Super bowls will always have an asterisk next to it, and the one he just won was so blatantly fixed you have to legitimately be a fool to believe it wasn't. I fully expect something like this


from Jewdell sometime in the next five years.

At one point Atlanta's defense had Tom Brady's number so hard the refs were literally giving him mulligans until he could get a first down.

This same defense, along with Matt Ryan, conveniently forgot how to play football after halftime.

Back when the Seahawks lost I just thought it was a perfect storm of inner politics, a shit play, and a dindu being at the right place at the right time, now I'm starting to think the most obvious answer is the correct one.

Anyway, if you're a Pat fan you're invariably being a massive cunt to everyone at the moment, but take a moment to question if it's really worth being hype for a win when the officials literally refused to allow your team to lose.
I'm just tired of watching the Patriots win.

Yes Anon, it was because of cheating Brady just pulled off the single best SuperBowl performance ever. Yes, you salty bitch, that must be what it is.
>questioning providence

You're an idiot. He threw 470 yards on 63 attempts and came back from the largest deficit in the history of the Superbowl with two practically perfect last drives to win.

Brady is going to play for 5 more years and break every single record Peyton has.

100% wrong.

Brady has:
5 fucking superbowls,
on 7 fucking trips to the Superbowl
the greatest single season of all time
probably the greatest single game performance of all time
The single greatest comeback of all time
is on pace to own every individual passing record that exists by the time he retires.

Brady is now in Gretzky territory, he's so high above his competition it's silly.
stats are important dont get me wrong, but when it comes down to it stats dont mean shit if you cant utilize your talents to get your team the win.
For all the MVP awards Manning won with the Colts he just wasnt great enough when it really counted to get them more than 1 owl. Sure he got another one with Denver but nobody would give Manning any credit for that win.

Brady's stats, although not quite as impressive as Manning's, are still outstanding and on top of that he was able to get his team the win when it mattered WAY more often than Manning, and pretty much anyone else, ever could.
Ahhhh you'e so mad, please more of you post like this, I'm so hard.
Meh. He played a decent second half.
Terrible first half.

There were better players on the pats tonight and better QBs in the league
>tfw I'm going to name my son Thomas Brady
>100% wrong.
>5 fucking superbowls
Every backup QB that never playes has a ring too. Stop using rings as individual metrics.
>on 7 fucking trips to the Superbowl
See above
>the greatest single season of all time
Excuse me?
>probably the greatest single game performance of all time
Anon, lets keep to the facts
>The single greatest comeback of all time
>is on pace to own every individual passing record that exists by the time he retires.
Because he's played the longest
>Brady is now in Gretzky territory, he's so high above his competition it's silly.
There are better QBs with better stats playing today.

The patriots under bill ate the greatest TEAM of all time. Stop discrediting them. Maybe actually watch the other owls and see how they won.
This so much.
You can always tell who the fake fans are when they give it all to Brady.
>greatest NFL player ever
>have a super model wife
>better looking than your wife
Glad to see not everyone is a brady bandwagoner.
Pats best team ever.
>pulling for matt ryan to shut brady down and keep him away from the GOAT title
>ends up choking the game away basically by himself with 2 major errors
Don't know what I expected...
>greatest NFL player ever
Not even best in his position. Best coach and team tho
Yeah the cointoss was just gifted to him, he didnt have to tie or anything
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Quick rundown
>Goodell bows to brady
>in contact with Belichick's home planet
>rumored to possess ball-deflating abilities
>controls his conference with an iron but fair fist
>owns mansions and super models all over the world
>direct descendant of the Merovingian bloodline
>will be the first to colonize outside our solar system (TB-12 will be the planet's designation)
>has spies in basically every NFL training facility on Earth
>said to have an IQ equivalent to his average passing yards per game (~300)
>ancient drunken Bostonian ramblings tell of an angel who will descend upon the earth and bring about an era of shattered records and unprecedented ring acquisition
>Your wife likely has Brady inside her right now
By /sp/'s standards, a backup QB that gets 6 rings would be the GOAT.

10/10 b8. Guaranteed replies.
not too shabby

don't forget the single greatest season choke of all time.

I'm sorry, I love brady, he's great possibly one of the greatest ever, but how can a guy who chokes away a perfect season be considered GOAT? It's just a huge blemish on his resume, the great ones aren't supposed to lose in situations like that. That's the difference between a great player and a legendary player, that's why he can't be the GOAT to me, he's proven he's only human. Real GOATs are supposed to be untouchable superhumans, like Jordan or Usain Bolt. Brady is only mortal, possibly one of the greatest ever, but not quite GOAT status.

In 20 years more people will remember him as the guy who choked away 18-1 rather than for his 5 SB rings
His first half was bad because his line was getting run over and he had no time to throw.
One 49ers super bowl team had the number one offense and defense in the nfl because the just bought all the best players.
>yeah he's better and has singlehandedly broken many records, including the most Owls under the his belt, buuuut I don't like his personality therefore he's not the best
>also I'm fucking retarded and this is b8

Drew is going to end with all of the career passing records you delusional cunt. And Brady isn't the goat. Brees, Manning, Marino, and Montana were or are all better than this fag. He only has this many wins from playing on a GOAT team with a GOAT coach. It's a fucking team game and there's no I in it.

Fucking DUMB. He's the best dude, there aren't any more arguments. You're just bitter.
You dumb fuck. Brady STARTED 7 Super Bowls and won 5 of them. It's not like he was a bystander for them.

Peyton has the passing records because he played for a long ass time.

Only by bitter autists.
>Meh. He played a decent second half.
Terrible first half.

43/63 for 466 yards a new superb owl record.

I hate them so much but I can't deny this.
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>tfw I live in Georgia and now I have to deal with all my coworkers bitching about how the game was rigged
Facts dont lie.
Best team.
Best coach.
Tope 10 QB.
nice post Taiwan

I am a die-hard seahawks fan, and tom is objectively the goat.......as of now.

...russell wilson will be the goat five seasons from now.

Screencap this.
He should be considered the GOAT based on the fact that his overall body of work BTFO's literally every other QB who's ever played the game, not based off one game in his career.
>His first half was bad because his line was getting run over and he had no time to throw.
Did we watch the same game? His throws were so far off it was laughable.
Luckily Bill had a plan.
well, it's arguable
>You dumb fuck. Brady STARTED 7 Super Bowls and won 5 of them. It's not like he was a bystander for them.
Defense won 4 of them actually.
Watch them again.
Theres better QBs, for sure.
But the TEAM is undesputable. The best ever.
Friendly reminder that the patriots only lead was the final score of the game in overtime
Throws were on target. There were a lot of drops.

So fucking true. Greatest QB to ever touch a football.


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Is it the most suspenseful football event ever?
Patriots nearly lost...... but on 4th Q, they transformed into "Super Saiyan" mode and went into .....
NE 0 3 6 19 6
Friendly reminder that the final score is the only score that matters.
Who is better? Using facts, which QB has a better case than Brady?
greatest* of* all* time*
Brady is just a passer,Belichick is the true hero.
also 20 years ago the game was totally different,no current qb could handle the running action of the past.
Brady is the greatest of the century yes,but casuals gotta stop with the 'hurr all time and shit' meme.

If the game is over as soon as they make the final touch down, doesn't that mean they technically never led the entire game? I mean, the game was over at the exact moment the ball went over the line, but the points don't get added until after that.
there might be some better QB's in other timelines
>Facts dont lie

They do not. Most Owls and MVPs all time
Every holding call was very evident on each replay they showed. If you can't admit it you're extremely biased against the pats
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>Throws were on target. There were a lot of drops.
Also a lot of pretty bad throws.
But the team came through!
>Land of the Free and Home of the Cheaters
Hardcore bronco fan, roommate is a
Hardcore 49er fan. Fuck did we witness greatness tonight, down 25 to win it...the fuck I lost $650 but man was it an amazing game to watch

And throw
its not disputable anymore

he is the greatest football player of all time.
I think the throws were on the money, and most passing yards ever in a SB. Many such cases!


Beady has admitted he's not the best and that he hadn't deserved all the MVPs.
The MVP award is generally the QB award. Remember the year Watt didnt get it?

Greatest team and coach ever. Better QBs, the stats make it clear, but what a great team.

only plebs recognize his GOATness now
Dude, even if he did take pressure out of the balls (completely debatable, as the ideal gas law could explain the pressure drop if they were filled in a 70 degree room), it's the equivalent of playing with too curved of a stick in hockey, which is a two minute penalty if caught (and a fine of 25K). The penalty would be like suspending Alexander Ovechkin for 20 games and fining the caps 1 million dollars for something he gets caught doing about once every season.
The fucking interception in the endzone to prevent the seahawks from winning the Owl in the last seconds of the game was more suspenseful, I think. Once the drives started coming, and NE won the coin toss for over-time, I knew it was ogre for the falcons.
plz don't laser brady's eyes next year
The points are added to the score, then the game ends. Technically they led in OT, at the very end. Now you could argue that no time expired from the game clock, which is a better case.
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This was probably going through Tom's mind in the fourth quarter.
I don't know. His mom has cancer, and if she's not looking good, he might retire to spend time with her before she dies.
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yeah you think he really believes that he's not? Its mediaspeak you fucking retard.

You see what he really thinks in the deflate-gate e-mails that were released.
>so how the hell are rings NOT therefore the metric for determining who is best?

Because that is results oriented. How do you have enough interest in sports to be posting here but have no concept of basic game theory?
Belichick planned this out from the beginning and they let the Falcons score to get comfortable. Then they unleashed Brady.

Based brady.

No deflated footballs. Just pure comebacks.

He really is a fucking GOAT.
False humility lad. Brady is best and he knows it.

Look at all the seasons without rings though, still playoffs and often byes, even a 16-win season in there.

Doesn't matter what metric you use he's the GOAT.

I fully agree he is GOAT, it's basing it on rings that I think is fucking stupid.
Not sure what game theory has to do with it, but look at some of the other stats that matter - SB appearances, MVPs, wins. Look at TDs, playoff wins, playoff TDs, yards, interceptions.
That's what it seemed like to me, too, not to say the Falcons weren't playing. Bill called a lot of shitty plays in the first half, probably just to see what Atlanta could do. He thrives on the half-time adjustment.
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Clearly you do.

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>SB appearances, MVPs, wins. Look at TDs, playoff wins, playoff TDs, yards, interceptions.

Exactly. He plays GTO. Whether or not it resulted in rings is irrelevant. He just as easily could have gotten fucked out of every single one of them by a run of bad luck. He'd still be GOAT.
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my friends tonight were only talking about the warriors blowing a 3-1 lead. when i said "18-1" none of them even knew what i was talking about until i reminded them

these are all people that watch more football than i do. nobody cares about 18-1 anymore
>False humility lad. Brady is best and he knows it.
And yet he disagrees with you. Hmmmm
And he threw another fifteen that were dropped. Had his receivers not been dick the first half and Blount not fumbled the GOAT would hold a Super Bowl passing record of 600 yards, but I'm fine with the record he set instead.
First half would have been great if his line had blocked and his receivers hadn't dropped a dozen passes, but keep hating on the GOAT.
LOL, okay, sure bud. Let's see them rings angry autist.
He's not the ones the one who dropped the game winning perfect season interception. That was Asante Samuel. He's not he one who gave up a miracle catch to David tyree on the next play. He got them the lead and the defense lost it and gave him the ball back with just about 30 seconds.
The fact that the Patriots were even able to bring it to overtime from a 25 point deficit means that the Falcons absolutely deserved to lose.
>Every holding call was very evident on each replay they showed
I'm going to have to disagree, and my point is any time the refs could call on the Falcons, they did, meanwhile Patriots are holding, grabbing facemasks all day and nobody says shit.
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Fuckin checked.
I fucking hate that smug douche bag but you don comeback from 25 down. I mean thats like double the biggest comeback ever. Brady winning the Super Bowl the way he did man... the GOAT talk is all over.. Brady is the best ever
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>bills stats before brady were average as fuck
>brady joins
>all of a sudden bill is the GOAT
>brady out for a season
>struggles to make the playoffs after literally shitting on every team the previous year except the giants after eli's autism kicked in

I hate this meme, just like the meme that he's surrounded by great players whose stats all somehow go to shit or become painfully average when they leave the pats.

Beli and Tom work in a combo, but way too much credit is taken from Tom because of Beli because people are too salty to admit Brady is that fucking good.
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>“I kept telling people Duron Harmon walked in and said, ‘This is going to be the best comeback of all time.,’ Long said.
>“And we completely believed it. We had enough guys like that that were pulling guys like me along who were down.
>There were some guys that were like, ‘Man, how’d we get in this hole? We’re going to keep fighting, but it’s hard to believe.’ We just kept at it.”

>Long didn’t have any doubts when the game moved into overtime, calling Tom Brady an “assassin” who “tears people’s hearts out.”
>That gave him a chance to experience a championship after a long career on losing teams, which he called the reason why he signed with the Patriots in the first place.

>“I think it’s one of those feelings, it feels amazing right now but it’s going to feel better as a memory all the time,” Long said.

>“That memory is never going to leave me. You feel like you’re kind of immortal.”

- Chris Long

You're the real scum. Sad.
>Last 2 owls gifted to him by idiotic coaching decisions

>still call him greatest of all time

Yeah I don't think so faggot
that's completely false though
Is there a VOD somewhere? I fell asleep cause it was very late here after GAGA
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