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Does anyone feel like they just witnessed the greatest game

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Does anyone feel like they just witnessed the greatest game of all time?

pretty much
yes that was one of the best games I've seen. it was like a movie
I thought 49 was better, this one felt like partly the falcons fucking up, no disrespect to brady though
As much as I hate the Patriots and Tom Brady, that was amazing.
>down 21-0
>Brady passed 200 yards in 4th quarter
>Brady sets all time passing record
>First Super Bowl overtime
>GaGa killing it

top 5 greatest Super Bowl game confirmed

greatest comeback in Super Bowl confirmed

Brady confirmed goat

There was no competitive element until like the last 10 minutes and overtime, sorta.

So no, not really. I tuned out in the middle of the game multiple times, even during the comeback.

It was amazing.

All those media journo and pundits saying they couldn't get excited for the game or that superbowl games were boring and all hype.
Decided by a coin toss
/pol/ here I don't even like sports

greatest 4th quarter maybe
I feel like I just watched the pats get 2 points on a bullshit call to take it to OT, get lucky in the toss, and win for free.

But that might just be because I had 5 bucks on the falcons, but as far as I'm concerned it should have ended 26-28 Falcons.
Greatest comeback yes not greatest game
>you now remember that Edelman catch


and brady just picked up every meaningful SB record possible

Yep. Best comeback for sure, or biggest choke, take your pick. But the game was a joke until about 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.
That's because it WAS!
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Best. Game. Ever.
Truly superb.
This is why college OT rules are better
>a coin toss made the falcons give up a 75yd drive
no where near greatest game

this shit was boring as fuck for ~40 minutes

plenty of other games were back and forth competitive down to the wire for the whole 60

biggest choke in a game 5ever tho
Fate was on his side from the beginning
>First OT in SB history
>Dat Patriots comeback

Exactly how I felt.

Amazing comeback, but not an amazing game.
The greatest comeback in football history, like 8 straight drives that needed to be perfect for New England and completely worthless for Atlanta
more like a coin toss that exposed Falcon's shit covered defense
The only way it could have been better is if the Falcons fought back a little harder at the end, but this could easily be considered the best game for the next few decades. This could be the defining game of the GOAT.
Neutral sports fan here. It goes into the top 5 of my memory. I'm a bit biased by iron bowl games
>cam newton come back
>kick 6

i just like to be entertained at this point and I got what I wanted out this game
Tom Brady is a living folk legend in our own lifetimes.
Atlanta probably hasn't been this depressed since MLK's funeral.
My brother this was like November eighth all over again

The good guys always win
>initial expectations shattered
>game goes totally awry
>awful lows, many sacks and a missed extra point
>unprecedented comeback
>2 point conversions

It had everything, I don't know how you can beat it
just ordered a brady jersey to frame on the wall
What exactly was bad about the call?
I feel like I just witnessed a coin toss
what fucking flag is this?
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Forget the greatest Super Bowl. This IS the greatest NFL game, of all time, bar none.
Looked to me like he got stopped before he made it to the end zone. I guess I was wrong though.
Not really desu. Brady played well, but he just exposed Atlanta's shit D.
The defense played lights out, and Ryan did choke a bit. Belichick is truly a wizard.
College rules are better across the board. Much more fun to watch than NFL.
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>Another year of wealthy manchild massholes boasting
this was a good owl
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I'm a pats fan, and I play Overwatch, and it's never a good idea to decide a game based on a coin flip. Regardless, that was phenomenal.
in Roman times, politicians used Colluseum games to distract the populace from what the government was doing

remember, FUCK TRUMP
This game reminded me of the 2007 Rosebowl for some reason
yes, made even better by the hang-on libshits that would never even care about football otherwise
That was pretty good to be fair lads

You Americans are alright
We did it, bros!

a literal god
He only needs to get the ball over the line while keeping it under control as he falls.
this pretty much
Can /sp/ and all those idiot analysts stop with the Aaron Rodgers is the best qb playin right now bullshit. It was dumb to say then and its def dumb to say now.
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You know what? I started this game wanting the Falcons to win, but as the game got further in, part of me wanted the Patriots to make a sick comeback. And then they did, and by the time they went into Overtime I was legitimately rooting for them. I normally hate the Patriots, but fuck, I just can't resist seeing a comeback like that. G fucking G, consider me a believer now.

Pic related, my face when they took it into overtime.

The Super Bowl is rigged bullshit. They way the announcers called out how no one ever came back from a 21 point lead over and over shows how real and genuine this game is.
It was the greatest comeback. Not really that great a game for like 75% of it. Falcons literally did nothing. Even a field goal would've won it and they had all the time in the world.
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No more sweaty balls.....
Nah, sorry. First half the Patriots were dog shit, second half the Falcons were dog shit. Obviously the ending was exciting, but in general it was not a well played game.
They cheated. They owned the refs. It was pretty obvious.
i thought the nfl being rigged was just a meme.
this game officially proved that wrong.

Pretty hard to find things that aren't rigged. Was funny cause people thought the pats were paid off in the first quarter to lose.

i cant even right now

that was insane
>work weird shifts so this game was on during the equivalent of my 3-4am time
>fall asleep after 25-0 half, assume game is over
>tell everyone to wake me if it gets interesting
>hours later after the game is done someone wakes me for work and tells me about how amazing the patriots ot comeback was

honestly considering suicide
>greatest game of all time
>winner is decided in a coin toss

Never change americans
Really gets the noggin' joggin'
You're clearly british, but you seem to think you have any sort of grasp on the athleto-political situation in America. I dont get it
18-1 is the best
Comeback might be a fun statistic but it just meant you watched 3 fucking boring quarters for one nail biter at the end. That's not as much fun.
Even 49 was better than this.
just like falcons won the coin toss at the beginning and had a 28-3 lead?

keep making excuses cuck.
>coin toss caused falcons to roll over on 75 yard drive after blowing a 20+ point lead
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the revolution continues
That fourth quarter and the OT drive from Tom was the stuff of legend. That's classic sports movie type shit that we just saw.
Atlanta won the first toss, New England won the second
almost like it was scripted
NFL belongs on /asp/ just like all other scripted athletic performances.
sticky this thread mods or i will take this whole site down FOR GOOD

Yes. Yes I do.
New meme in the making?
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Fresh OC

If the other team would've won the coin toss they would've won the game
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>i don't get it
ofc you don't dumbass
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best game
entirely improbable comeback
and you know this how, Urugay?

captcha 12 DIAGONAL
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GOAT game. GOAT qb. GOAT team.

the cemented it all tonight
pats had just scored like 23 unanswered

atlanta offense was not a guaranteed TD there at all
Was this better than the Seahawks game?

>Brady drives them down the field for lead but too much time left
>Kearse catch
>Butler interception
>nigging out at the end


>Brady comeback and drives them down the field
>2 (two) 2 point conversions
>Edelman catch
>Brady gets the ball and drives them down again
>Margins of victory in @Patriots Super Bowl wins: 3, 3, 3, 4, 6

Just put them in the game every year tbqh
They just made football great again.
Pats are solid.
>falcons just decide to shit themselves

Nah. '86 baseball season is the best season for any sport ever
To everyone who has ever questioned WHY Burgers watch Football, with its endless commercials and constant stopgaps in action

This game is why. This game had literally everything you could imagine
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Rate my prediction I made just after kickoff. Off by three is pretty gud for me.
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No, this wasn't even a good game.

The greatest games are ones where both teams play incredibly not one where one team shits itself on the field.

This was possibly the most humiliating football game I've ever seen; but this isn't even the best Pats Superbowl win. The win vs the Panthers was better and I say that as a Panthers fan. Both teams played well throughout, there was no ref ball rubber band effect and it was competitive to the very end. None of that can be said of this game.
So I live in Houston and dark clouds just started rolling in and I've heard a consistent, non-stop rumbling for the last 15 minutes.

Did Brady and Gaga complete some dark summoning ritual together?
>falcons: perhaps too good to win a super bowl
scripted mandrama?
I live in Indiana and watched the first half at a bar with a bunch of Colts fans who were saying "we need to get a first down" and shit like that. I wish I would have stayed to see their faces. Thank you based Brady this butthurt will sustain me for decades
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>You will never feel as accomplished as Brady
It makes me sick, it makes me proud of him.

everyone I was watching with (me included) started off rooting for the Falcons, towards the end I was full Patriots

just the context, possibly the greatest comeback ever along with the coronation of a GOAT QB and HC
>CTR pushing the scripted meme
>the coin toss made the falcons false start and make pass interferences
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>people are saying it was scripted
>I want to rip them apart
>But the cynicism of the current times are justified

I just don't know, anymore.
>i'll never be the greatest qb of all time

yeah no shit i got over that a long time ago bud
> Lost 2 Super Bowls to Eli Manning


pick one
Yeah, I agree. I don't like a coin toss playing such a huge role at the end of a game, but the Falcons' offense had imploded by that point. Winning the coin toss might have not mattered.
Just in anything anon, like that degree of happiness and pride.
This game was the greatest NFL game I've ever seen. That being said it was still boring as fuck. I only watch superb owl to be a part of the /sp/oo tidal wave during and after the game
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Tom Brady confirmed for strongest user of Spiral Power.
better than the real Onion post desu

oh, you bet. Tom wasn't playing the full Legion of Boom then; Atlanta's 23rd-ranked defense was stuffing him and the rest of the team all game long until he decided to go full Bradymode on them and make the greatest SB, nay, NFL 4QC ever, and quickly put the Falcons out of their misery in overtime.

False-flagging Falcunt fan detected. Get fucked.
>pats barely do anything first half
>Falcons score 28

>Falcons didn't score AT ALL in the second half
>Pats do a miracle comeback in the fourth quarter
Probably the best/most exciting quarter of football that will ever happen. Then the fucking drive in OT was just insane.
Yes this is honestly the greatest superbowl I've ever seen
Anywhere online I can catch the highlights? Can't seem to find any
Pretty much. God I cackled like a madman after that god level comeback.
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Falcons scored a TD in the third quarter
The BALL needs to cross the line, not the player. It definitely crossed.
Gaga sure as hell did.
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Never underestimate the power of the dark side.
This was my first Super Bowl ever. This shit was intense as fuck. I still can't believe they pull it through. Only match I can compare with how intense it was was the Portugal-France Euro Finals.
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Honestly? It was horribly uncompetitive for 75% of the game. The Patriots' comeback was only possible because Atlanta made an absolutely amateurish hash of an opportunity for an easy field goal. The finale was fun as hell but a great game it was not.
One of the very few instances where "legendary" is an apt description
I hope Tom gives James White the truck. Easily the best playmaker for the Pats aside from Brady tonight.
Tom Brady will go down in history as one of many great QB's to ever play the game.
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>one of many
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Hands down the best I've seen, I've been watching since 2001 (I'm 21 don't shit on me).

Not even a Patriots fan, but I have to admit Tom Brady is the greatest of all time, no question.
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>False-flagging Falcunt fan detected. Get fucked.

I was rooting for the Falcons in this game because I hate the fucking Pats; but I hate the Falcons too.

This isn't the Pats best win. Its an amazing comeback and I'm laughing my ass off at how Pathetic the Falcons are; but its more of an epic choke than an epic comeback. Even after they gave up a TD and a 2 pt conversion the Falcons could have just kicked a chip shot FG from the 20 and iced the fucking thing; but they gave up a sack and a holding penalty then gave up another TD and another 2 pt conversion.

The Falcons shit themselves. Enjoy it; but its still a lousy game.
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an entertaining ending is not "the greatest whatever". It was a spaghetti festival one way and then it flipped the other.
Yeah but it still doesn't match up to any decent CL final.
shut the fuck up, cunt
Stanley Cup hockey has the only good overtime rules
It wasn't really the greatest game of all time. The Falcons were lucky to even be where they were. They're a mediocre team. It would have been the greatest game of all time if the Patriots were the underdog but this is basically just another season for them. Brady really fucked up the first half letting it even get that close.
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I bought Madden 17 for PS3, as used as found at GS, last Friday just to play it. I rarely play sport games, cos they are dated shit that get rapidly dated after six months of release.

Here's pic related for Falcunts. N-word BTFO. Riots when in Atlanta?

Post season NHL has the best overtime. NFL overtime needs to be reworked, too much depends on the coinflip.
The Falcons dominating the first half makes this point redundant. Great comeback, but the game as a whole wasn't the greatest. Best Owl was the Cardinals Steelers one, then the Pats Seahawks one.
I've only been watching NFL for 4 seasons but this was truly amazing. THIS is Football. You may call Diveball soccer now, don't worry about the Pohms.
Peyton Manning, Joe Montana and Tom Brady are the 3 greatest QB's of all time
>horrible trick plays
>trying an onside kick

Thought the pats were done for at that point but it was all just a ruse to get the falcons to let their guard down.
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>literally only anglo flags in this thread
kek you guys are sure deluded
Especially that ending part.

honestly it does at least rival the 18-1 game. I even missed some of it because I stopped paying close attention once the Pats went down by 3+ TDs
We did.
>GaGa killing it
I mean she was all right, and for all the /pol/ pre-hype she didn't do anything shitty. But she wasn't like Katy Perry on a lion killing it...
Same. When they tried that lateral pass trick play I thought it was over since it looked like they were trying anything to compete.

And then they scored 31 unanswered points.
Thomas Edward Patrick Brady (Tom Terrific, Touchdown Tom or The Pharaoh)
>implying your commie country even allows you to watch the SB
Falcons defense (which was killing it) was just on the field too long, I think they just got bushed. When Tom gets any momentum at all, he can just completely steamroll anyone.
Kill all commies.
I never stopped believing.
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is that kornheiser on the back left?
>Ball literally floats until he gets it
Belichick black magic at it again. Gravitygate.
eli manning is 2-0 against brady in the superbowl

is eli the actual GOAT?
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Try again


it's like the ball is America

check out the muscles in his left arm
Someone travel back in time and get Einstein to explain this
Who else /lowkeyfellasleep/ here and just woke up missing the greatest game of all time.
They deserved it when they decided to not just run it twice and get a field goal to seal the deal.

he is the GOAT counter at least
This gave me flashbacks to the Kearse catch in XLIX.
Glad the Patriots decided to run it at the 2 instead of pass it.
Greatest show on turf 2
It was kind of refreshing to see the Patriots get an insane superbowl catch for a change
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Exactly, I feel blessed that I would never make a post like that. Always gotta be the "equalizer cunts" who make sure nothing ever can be overall loved, they'll just try to keep everything at a dull haze of mediocrity so they can feel above it all.
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>200 yards in the 4th quarter when you held them to 3 all game was decided by a coin toss

rlly maks u thjnk
kind of.. yes.

*chokes to death*
>biggest choke
Nah, pretty sure you want SB XLIX
The lowest low but the highest high. I was blindsided by it. I think that makes for a better game
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