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why do you guys go to 4chan? i thought chads go to instagram

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why do you guys go to 4chan? i thought chads go to instagram or snapchat or some other popular normie shit
But I'm not a Chad
but only chads like sports
I've only kissed a girl once and it was involuntary
Chads pretend to like sports because it's an excuse to talk and drink. The pepole here autisticly like sports.
This. Your average Chad just bandwagons off of whatever team is good. "Yeah bro I love the Pats bro, Tom Brady."

/sp/ers are those fat ugly guys you see at an actual game or in commercials.
>Your average Chad just bandwagons off of whatever team is good.
but whats the point of supporting a team thats not good? the whole point of watching sports is to be entertained, and theres nothing entertaining in constantly losing
I go there too pendejo
>implying 4chan isn't full of normies now
To much work, I'd rather one stop shop here. More time for fuckin' sloots.
Same reason people don't just play video games on easy all the time.
Struggle makes success that much more sweet.
How do you do it?
I use those too

I've been on 4chan since like 2005 or 2006, it just feels right, even though I dont really fit in with the average posters anymore
Smile that smile, shoot them the pretty eyes & magically say hi.

They usually do all the rest.
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This board is for elite sp/a/rtans
>girls do the rest
>girls doing any work at all
How do I know you are ugly?
To harsh, maybe you aren't ugly.. just not attractive.

Hot Tip: Start with the ugly fat girls with relatively hot friends. Bang them to kingdom cum & wade through the pussy.
oh dont worry i am

but please, dont act like girls do any work at all when it comes to sex/relationships. you have to do everything
Sorry, pal.

Girls are pretty nice. Maybe adjust your attitude. If anything.
>implying Chads are normies

No that is wrong.
Look man, maybe you experience different because you're handsome or something.

But it's a well known fact that guys have to do all the work when it comes to any kind of relationship or romantic stuff with girls.

You gotta ask the girl out, hold up the conversation, and do everything. Please don't act like they do anything more than is required of them (i.e. their looks and having a vagina)
/sp/ is the guy who calls into spoets radio and talks about meme stats for a baseball playet from 100 years ago and analyzes every player. Like Rainman
People are people, brother. Whoever burned you on women is a fucking shit.

It's not hard. So you may be ugly, stop punching above your weight. I see it with friends of your ilk all the time.

>You are 5/10 at best
>Fall in love with a solid seven
>Somehow you make it work
>She constantly gets hit on
>you take this as an affront & punish her for it
>She cheats on you

You are a featherweight looking for a counterweight belt. You can't have it. Deal & adjust accordingly.
I've mostly known women who put as much if not more effort than I do into relationships. They get gifts, plan trips, are emotionally supportive etc. Maybe you'd do better if you didn't assume that women only have looks and vaginas.
Women aren't people.

When you've fucked enough of them (and they inevitably try to take you for a ride each time), you'll realise this too.
Thread theme

Not going to say there aren'y megacunts, but man.. I've been in more relationships where I was the shitheal to even count.
Then you've never reached that point where your relationship develops and she subtly tries to take control of your life. Every. Fucking. Time.
See now, I love that aspect. As long as I get my Sundays for Brady & my 4chan time I welcome it.

I am an empty void.
To each his own mate.
I hate it.
That and my belligerent alcoholism.
I'm not that guy, but I've dated five women for 2+ years each time, and this has never happened to me. Maybe you're a shitty person and attract shitty people. Just a thought.
I like this answer

>Your average Chad just bandwagons off of whatever team is good. "Yeah bro I love the Pats bro, Tom Brady."

I'm too drunk/lazy right now to disprove this "argument" comprehensively, but I'm from Mass. and rest assured that the chads there have been all in on the Pats since they learned that the NFL exists.

[spoiler]I'm one of them[/spoiler]

I feel bad that Michael in your chemistry class is taller and better looking and is also a faggot who bandwagoned the Pats, I've met many squids like him and rest assured any actual Patriots fan thinks they are a faggot also
Are you guys legitimately going to sit here and act like men aren't required to do all the heavy lifting in a relationship? are you trying to act like the girl was the one who asked you out, the girl was the one who would initiate activities, that the girl wasnt playing games emotionally with you, that you felt sad after a breakup and she was onto another guy very quickly?

I mean jesus christ am i being reverse trolled here
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get out
Sure. I've had women ask me out (though I think this is irrelevant, given that it's like a 5-second ordeal), though that's less common than me asking them out. The vast majority of the women I've dated did initiate at least half the activities and played no emotional games while being emotionally supportive. I have no idea if they moved on to other guys quickly after the breakup.

I don't know why it's surprising to you that people would have different experiences from you.
I don't mind it. It's written in the code. It's almost weird/off putting when a girl throws herself at you.

That said, if you have kids & I don't... I'm the woman now.
>and played no emotional games while being emotionally supportive.

now i know you're lying
>I support my hometown team despite the fact that none of the players even come from there
Hijacking this

If evens I wank
If odds I sleep
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what is the brazilian term for chad?

Post bannable offenses or rare Pepe/Bradys
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who said anything about a hometown team you dumb bong?
>Luscious Lopez
I hope you know about Olivia O'Lovely.
>Olivia O'Lovely
Wonky tits desu
shut the actual fuck up you typical shit for brains pats fan

i can already tell you take the patriots accomplishments as your own personal accomplishments, please kys
some people come here to actually talk sports. plus the site makes me have a giggle sometimes. 4chan is probably the least filtered place on the internet right now. it's gotten a tighter with filters, but fundamentally it's still the same. oldfags get older and resent newfags, saying /sp/ is worse now, but in reality, it's just a new gen coming in. the magic of growing up is dying off, and we're becoming bitter assholes.
I had fun with your mother last night. She's too hungry. Bitch wants the streets. Your father lead her to this with his inability to pleasure a woman.
this is so fucking accurate to describing my life
butterfaced big ass latinas are my fetish.
nena linda is my favorite pornstar for obvious reasons.
Luscious Lopez never made the big time due to I don't know what, but it wasn't her face.
I got a really toothy blowjob last night and my dick hurts
Im on snapchat right now about to hit the bars and clubs homie
1. Do you have a Charlie connect?

2. Do you have a Oxy connect?
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stay mad my man
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It's also a well known fact that gay relationships are superior in every possible way. Get good
These tbqh

t. College student
Chads actually don't like sports. They just occasionally talk about players who were relevant two years ago.
I think I can speak to this. As a Falcons fan, this year has been something incredibly special. This team shouldn't have won more than 7-8 games, but goddammit they're going to the Super Bowl. A team that is playing in the Owl every third year doesn't evoke such emotion.

You are dating the wrong girls bro.

Women, just like men, vary in quality, from damn good human being to lazy piece of shit. You are dating a lot of the latter. Maybe because they're attractive, we've all fallen for that trap, don't feel bad.

But don't blame ALL women because some of them are shitty.

It works in reverse too. I know a very successful pretty girl who is dating an unemployed loser who gets high and plays "competitive X Box" all day. Sometimes guys are pieces of shit and mooch off of women.

Find you a girl who wants to be your partner. Not a girl who wants to be your daughter.
The reason you don't like women is because you're a bunch of homosexual gay faggot cucks. Me, personally, I love women. Fucking faggots kys
All of those things have happened to me multiple times. Jesus, dude.
Women are GOAT. You're just a faggot
If you hate women, you need to leave 4chan. Maybe give Reddit a try
t. Reddit's owner
Learn to respect yourself then maybe you'll learn to respect women
Reddit is for faggot cucks who hate women.

You need to go back
You're also a massive faggot
You're also a homosexual
stop posting before I show you what this faggots dick can do
I'm just saying if you hate women, that makes you a homosexual. Don't get upset at facts
>all these Canadian cucks in this thread

Go watch a refuge fuck your women you sad sacks of shit
No one likes refugees. All I'm saying is that women are not the enemy
Doing the heavy lifting is your biological imperative you disgrace.
Are you a man or a fucking mouse?
Taking control and being in charge is a masculine characteristic, and a sign of a strong mate.
You wouldn't date an ugly girl, why should girls date useless men?
kys weeb fuck
If men raise the standards they set for themselves, women will follow


yeah theres a difference between "taking control" and being a fucking cuck who lets the women use them for everything

no, i can guarantee that you havent had "multiple times" where a girl (and given you post here, she was probably a teenager or early 20s) has done all the work in a relatiosnhip
Lay off the sauce, switch to Coca-cola
Because having thousands of NFL gambling spreadsheets is pure autism.
I've had multiple girls ask me out and initiate all the activities, which is exactly what you've said. Believe it or not, women are normal people just like we are.
>people iTT saying how there are plenty of girls who do all the work

>go on tinder
>guy has to carefully formulate a profile with the correct pictures, in the correct order, doing the right things with the right people, a witty bio, has to message the girl first, be witty and funny, basically carry the conversation, ask her out, tell her where, do everything
>girl is required to literally just exist and be a girl and she has success. doesnt have to have shit on her profile, can respond with a few words at a time, and she'll have guys falling over themselves to get with her
Must be nice being handsome then
Fuck tinder. There's your problem right there. Go outside
I literally and unironically have a entire database sitting on a dedicated hard drive on my computer so I can analyse the results of amateur cricket games and identify future talent before anyone else does
Set reasonable expectations
Not particularly. I'm not hideous, but maybe I fit some sort of niche. As I'm trying to say, women are not so different from you. It would probably help if you didn't hate them.
But Tinder is the most popular dating/hookup program among this age group, like 18-mid 20s. Very prevalent on college campuses as well. Pretty much everyone uses it.

How does that mean I need to "go outside"? I feel like tinder is a pretty good microcosm of the dating world
Go to the mall. Great place to meet people
who said i hate women? just because i say what the culture is like with the guys needing to do everything and women not needing to do shit doesnt mean i hate them
and esports is just like real sports right
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why the fuck do people on a college campus need to use tinder?
Tinder is dominated by males. Girls can afford to be passive. The same isn't true in the real world.
>implying in the "real world" there arent multiple guys trying to get with the same girl

well to be honest, it's mainly for sluts and manwhores who are getting "bored" with the usual ways to have sex from people they know and want to find even more sluts/manwhores to bang

not similar in the slightest
It's not. I had a two year relationship with a girl I hit it off with at a party. It turns out we had matched on Tinder, exchanged three or four messages, and then didn't speak again until we actually met.
>gets invited to parties
>hooks up with and dates girls from those parties

yup, must be nice being handsome
You're doing it wrong.

My entire dating history is girls being way more into me than I am into them, them putting all the effort into the relationship, me growing bored and eventually cheating on them before I grow so emotionally distant and cold that I force them to end the relationship.

That or the girl is absolutely insane and things blow up after a few really intense weeks. Those ones are really fun up until the fiery trainwreck at the end. But again, I'm not doing heavy lifting.

And I'm a 6/10 on my best day.
>tries to discredit the fact that "tinder is the most popular dating app for the age range" with "me and this girl were both on Tinder"

>implying I got invited
It was a big party I just happened to be walking past and stopped in. I didn't know anyone else there.
Literally /r9k/ the post

Plenty of ugly guys go to parties, hook up with girls and go out with them.
>tfw even if i had friends, i couldn't see myself ever using instagram or snapchat because i don't see the point of wanting to see and know everything that everyone is doing all the time

i dont get it, people bash facebook for the fake social media facade when these things do the same thing yet are beloved
ugly guys may go to parties, but they sure as hell arent hooking up with girls at them
yes they are, have you never been to one?
The entire internet is a meme. Everything in moderation
That's like saying every good looking guy gets laid. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
People need to wake the fuck up. This isn't 2016 anymore. Get your fucking shit together
It's this weird meme people over /r9k/ are obsessed with. They seem to think that your entire life is determined by how good looking you are. If you're handsome then you're instantly popular and have girls throwing their gushing vags at you. If you're ugly then you're doomed to a life of anime and 4chan.
>Not realizing that most ugly people get into relationships if they put forward even the tiniest amount of effort and aren't focused on the unattainable.

must be nice being stupid
no, "ugly guys" are not hooking up at parties. at a party there are always going to be decent looking people who girls will go for way before an ugly guy


yes, every good looking guy does get laid, you fucking dumbshit. its not like they have girls throwing themselves at them, but they barely have to do anything to get girls.
And Jesus said the last shall be first. I'll take his world over theirs
>be ugly guy
>get called ugly
>gets told to lower his standards for girls if he wants one

>lowers his standards for a girl and gets one
>gets ridiculed for having an ugly girlfriend
Mate, you're fucking deluded.
There are ugly girls too, you silly twat. And get this: They are just as interested in hooking up.
There's more to a person than his/her looks in a vacuum, my man.
I'm proof of the opposite, you dumb fuck. I'm attractive as fuck and I've never had sex that I didn't pay for, so explain that one. I'll wait
And yes, I did have girls throwing themselves at me. You know literally nothing
>Caring what other people think about who you're fucking

God damned, no wonder you can't get laid.

And if you are actually that unattractive, no one is making fun of you for dating an unattractive girl. You only get taunted for fucking an ugly girl if you can do better.
I'm sure you don't like it when people claim to know things about you or a group you're a part of (whether racial, religious, hobbies, job, degree, etc) based on assumptions/stereotypes they have about said group, when you've experienced it firsthand and know that their assumptions are not the case

It's the same thing for something like /r9k/. Those of them who ARE ugly have had the experience in life to see what it's like being ugly... having girls creeped out by you if you make advances because you're ugly, people not wanting to be friends, etc.

Just because you are better than they are (looks, skills, etc) and you find it hard to believe that stuff like that happens, doesn't mean it's a "meme" or untrue
I'm ugly lad
It's people having problems and trying to find a reason why it isn't their fault.
>be ugly guy
>get with ugly girl
>get teased for your girl being ugly (yes, it does happen no matter what you think)

>be ugly guy
>get with moderately attractive girl
>instantly get shit like "oh he must be rich/have a great job to get a girl like her because he's way too ugly for her to want him for any other reason"
>guys face the problems every day
>you still say "they arent really problems" because you've never experienced it so you can't understand why they act that way
no this doesn't happen
People are assholes. Fuck them. As far as you're concerned you're the only person that exists. Be a nice person, but do it for yourself and not for anyone else. Don't trust anybody but yourself
I have these problems too, but I can recognize that it's a result of my shitty personality.
Ugly guys get with girls all the fucking time. Every girl out there isn't a 10/10 supermodel that only wants to fuck other 10s.

If people don't like you or are repulsed by you it's because of your personality or the way you carry yourself, and NOT the way you appear. Similarly, people won't suddenly want to be your best friend or fuck you just because you're good looking. That Elliot Roger kid was above average, and we all know what happened with him.
Do you actually give a shit what people think?
Do you people realize how many good posts I make on here without getting a single "You" or if I do its someone shitting on me? It's a lot. I can tell I'm making a difference though and I don't need anyone to tell me that or validate it in any way
Me too m8

>have shitty personality
>leads to no friends/gf
>leads to being miserable which causes anger/bitterness
>which keeps my personality shitty
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I lost my virginity to a literal prostitute, watch a shitload of anime, play vidya, eat like shit, drink alot, and am 60k in student debt. Of course I'd be here.
Lost it at 23 to a literal whore
>be me
>be ugly and weird looking
>have been teased, mocked, ridiculed, or insulted for my looks for my entire life
>if i attempt to be a dick back to people, i'm just an asshole and people get angry at me because they feel they have the right to treat me like shit
>if i take the joke about myself or make one about myself, i'm a spineless self-deprecating person who doesnt deserve to be called a man

i have experienced this for my entire life. i don't need some fine looking person on here telling me that everything i have experienced "just isn't true" and "doesn't happen"

I realized this once at a bar. I was talking to some off duty military guy about basketball guy and I went full sperglord. I just love faculties of play styles and shit and people never really talk about the play making involved in sports. It's the easiest way to tell apart a sperg and a normie
I'm 25 and a kissless virgin, never been asked out by a girl, never pursued one, and to be completely honest, I really don't care about it. I don't hate women, I don't cry about no gf, I don't have feels about it. I think it's just such a foreign concept to me to have a girlfriend or sex that it's not even something that I think about

I think that's worse than both your guys situations.
Stop focusing on your outward reactions in specific scenarios but rather focus on your inner life in all scenarios
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>>be me
thanks for clearing that up

there's more at play here than just your looks m8, stop focusing on it as the sole source of all your problems
I'm focusing on the easy cases first, we'll get to you eventually. I promise
Thanks, you too
If you don't care, there isn't a problem, so it can't be worse.
I hate when I get a bad number on a post. That bothers me more than anything

Is this a fucking joke? So let me get this straight: You guys think that it's "autistic" to be knowledgeable about a hobby of yours? You watch sports and enjoy them, possibly play them, and somehow it's "autistic" to want to know about them more intricately?

I mean, I guess I can understand if you're just watching it with someone and they say "wow that was a good stop!" and you say "YEAH DID YOU SEE HOW THE SCREEN SET UP A ZONE PICK AND ROLL BLAH BLAH BLAH" and shit like that, yeah you might be seen as a little weird.

Although I guess this might explain why on places like /sp/ and Reddit, long detailed analyses on teams/formations barely get any notice, while posting memes and hot takes and pandering comments get all the attention
>Smile that smile
>Shoot them pretty eyes
>Say Hi

How are you fuckers fucking these steps up?
For me, sports is a hobby. My passion was facing every single fear I have inside my head head-on.
I would honestly feel like such a tool doing that. No thanks
You just look at them. Let them smile first. You must either be trolling or retarded or both
Do you have a trouble with smiling?
But even that is wack as fuck. I'd explain further but there's levels to this shit


You may be leaving some pussy on the floor.

Learn to love yourself first.
Basically, there's no instruction manual. Stop trying to manipulate situations and people. Just be the best version of yourself in all situations and the rest will take care of itself
In addition to the real life reactions to my ugliness, I have posted my face on a number of 4chan boards, including fit, r9k and soc. I have been called ugly as fuck on all of them

I even posted a picture of my face in a picture thread on reddit's forever alone board, a place full of complete losers who all think they are ugly as fuck, and i was literally being pitied by users on there for how I looked

So please, save the "your looks are not a problem it's definitely something else" retorts. While I fully, whole-heartedly admit that my personality is pretty shitty with a short temper, sarcasm, and general weirdness, it has in part been cultivated to this by nearly two and a half decades of being treated like complete shit
Like the other day I wore a baseball hat, ate cheese and jerked it to clothed teens because I could tell the pedos were getting mad at me. It's not about being right 100% of the time. Just do the best that you can as often as you can
Do you have high standards?

Would you band & love a fat bitch?
Just do the best you can with what you've been given. I believe in karma and you'll be rewarded with a better future rebirth
I mean, there are some sexy fat bitches out there. Enough to even impress a King Fuckhead like you senpai.
Being born in the time of a Buddha is a blessing in itself so don't waste it
Hell, even a human birth is extremely rare as it is. You're already blessed beyond belief. Rejected by people? Focus on the spiritual path
No one is saying your looks aren't a problem. They just aren't the sole problem.

You can work around being ugly, but you've got to have something else to get people interested. If you have a shitty personality as well, why should anyone want to be with you?

>watching sports
>a hobby
No, I don't have high standards, as a matter of fact I have the opposite. I find probably 75% of girls I see in public in the 18-30 age range to be cute.

The difference is that I don't attempt to get girls. And yes you will say "if you don't care then what is the problem" but it still feels shitty to not care.

Oh I also had a girl I talked with online who said I would literally be the perfect boyfriend for her because I fit her desires personality and looks wise tell me that "it would take a very particular kind of girl to find you attractive"
Women are only good for fucking, prove me wrong
You're overthinking this.
>The difference is that I don't attempt to get girls
Mindfucking is still fucking

Girls buy me things. Usually when I don't fuck them. They are good for that. Also, they bake you things, and can pick you up from the bar when you're too drunk to drive.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take
old tli was actually good
I wish people weren't so intimidated by my posts, but I guess there's not much else left to be said at this point
ITT: virgins getting terrible advice from idiots

Women are just people you fucking morons
This is basically a proven fact when if a girl doesn't have sex by the 2nd or 3rd date, the guy wants to break it off with her

>mfw guys try to convince me that they have female friends they aren't trying to have sex with
>the mental gymnastics
this post is proof that we autistically like sports
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>women are people
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>tfw no qt Chad to rape me
Because when the team you support does win it's incredible, Pats fans literally don't even care that they win the AFCCG and neither does the team. Even winning the superbowl is hardly anything special to them, there's nothing entertaining about watching a team that constantly wins. The excitement and entertainment in sports comes from not knowing if your team is going to win or lose, there's nothing entertaining about watching a game you already know the outcome of.
Most of us frequent other boards too. But let me tell you something, even if the average sports fan is a Chad, we interpretate sports in a very different way. We watch them like if they were anime; we have heroes and villains, comfie memes, etc. Most of us would be awkward in normie webpages. We need 4chan desu, stop despising /sp/. You make me feel very sad.
t. never been to a frat party
This was a good thread
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you have some serious complex, don't you?
Yeah, maybe
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Wow this thread has been a roller-coaster. What a fun read.
blackout drunk/high sorority whores dont count
How do I acquire a gf while being completely socially retarded???
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>this whole thread
Make girl friend do my snap streaks they are too much work
Really only check insta once a day
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