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British sportsman banned from USA

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>Sir Mo Farrah is no longer able to enter the USA

What will happen to american sports now? They will no longer be able to host things such as the Olympics or world cups
Naw they still will, mo farrah just wont be there
The Olympics in Atlanta and Los Angeles are the only summer olympics to turn a profit. And no American consumers would lead American giants like coca cola, McDonalds and MasterCard to pull out of sponsorships, damaging Olympic ad revenue. Hell, Russia arrests gays on a daily basis, and they had Sochi and will get the next world cup.

Wouldn't happen.

They'd literally have to ban entire nations from competing. I doubt we'll see it in the US anytime soon
>the only one to turn a profit
the london olympics literally took the uk out of recession
stupid lardos

>in 2012 London took in $3.5 billion in revenues and shelled out something like $18 billion to host the games

pls stop giving financial advice, portugal
>the london olympics literally took the uk out of recession

even for a shitpost........................................................................................ this is some next level inanity.
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what did canada mean by this?
>Wouldn't happen.
What about when the athletes from the countries are banned from turning up?
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The ban is only 30 days
The ban is 90 days, but I can't imagine that the IOC wants to have Olympics in a country that bans people from entering without warning.
Why isn't he flying planes to Tijuana to accept mexicans?
He's a British citizen so he can, but the Olympics cannot.
No he can't

The ban applies to dual citizenships and he still holds Somali citizenship per The Sun
More a case of politics interfering with sport
feel free to take in a couple of million third world immigrants that will live on the dole forever. Oh wait I'm sure they are all phd cadidates and rocket scientists
This wouldn't be the first time they've tried to stop him entering. He was stopped after 2012 just cause he's called Mohammed. Had to use his gold medals to prove who he was
what's the story behind this? is the fat yellow man still desperately trying to get the muslims to nuke the fuck out of america?
Good. Bong Mohammeds OUT
He's banning muslims from any country america doesn't sell weapons to
>limeys bend over backwards to appease their mudslide masters
>still get beheaded in the streets

We just can't rule out his motive for entering the United States would be of a terrorist nature
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>this fat fuck of a man unironically thinks pissing off muslims even more and stopping the sale of weapons to them will stop them from going there and/or obtaining weapons from other sources i.e. saudi

lmao i hope iran really does nuke america. this is getting stupid now. the last guy to try this shit was main man hitler and that shit started a world war
wtf, this is our strategy
They are, kind of. Some of my family in Mexico were able to get visas to live in Canada. Supposedly, the process to get a Canadian visa is pretty easy. Thank you Cucknada.
Obviously he would be granted an Athlete's visa when he states his case, but that does not fit the narrative of brit shitposting.
>and stopping the sale of weapons to them
That's the thing, they aren't stopping the sale of weapons or banning people from places like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan
I'm not saying this in a mean spirited way, but i would genuinely be glad if all the people trying to illegally immigrate here & seek asylum here went to Canada instead. Thank god for Canadian progressiveness and open-mindedness, it'll save us quite a bit
I read Canada already took in more refugees than America under Obama
he's a dual citizen, so no he can't
What is it with western Euro politicians and their odd butthurt over America's sudden rejection of unchecked refugee admission? What is it to them if the US decides to tell people to fuck off?
I wonder why all of the muslim countries aren't lining up to take in all of these refugees, has to be a country halfway around the world?
so it's basically a pointless move which will only create more hate and tension by the whole of north africa and the middle east towards america.

great move! this will definitely stop terrorists from bombing the shit out of america in the near future!
>no longer

He lives here in Oregon you dumbass
>remember that country that sent 15 people to bomb the shit out of our world trade centre?
>yeah, lets allow more of them to come in while pissing off their friends

He is a fucktard of the highest nature
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Leafs aren't so bad after all.
I was preparing to btfo of your statement, but you are actually correct. Nike will be pissed, major pr decision coming up.
virtue signalling

also our right-wing polticians are praising trump for this and only criticizing the hypocrisy that he didn't include saudi arabia (single biggest sponsor of terrorism) on the list because of >muh business deals
The US never took in a substantial amount of refugees. I think they took in 10.000 Syrian refugees, and they have one of the hardest vetting processes too. That's what makes this ban interesting. They don't even have a "refugee crisis"

Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan alone hold about 5 million refugees.
thanks to russia in the 80s/90s and america in the 2000's the whole middle east is a shithole cos of muh resources. they left a massive fucking power struggle in the region.

and don't give me none of this "i-it was for d-democracy" shit. everyone knows it was because of resource pipelines.
Yeah, the numbers weren't big but canada were still taking in more, I think it was 15,000 for them. I'm not sure how many we've taken in here though, have Belgium taken many?
>They'd literally have to ban entire nations from competing.
To be completely fair, those nations would never medal in anything.
>it's the big bad russian and American's fault!!

London please
UK had its part too
thanks to fracking and soon to be revitalized nuclear programs, we won't need anything from any of these shithole countries. Enjoy fighting the jihad Europe
Why would they be pissed. Mo is a literally who. He probably only generates 1% of the money that Jordan brings in.
>taking Brits seriously
Do you do this unironically or only do so for discussions sake?
Trump started crying like a bitch over that wimmins march lel, wait until he sees what London brings to his ’''''''''state''''''’'' visit.
>He probably only generates 1% of the money that Jordan brings in.
Literally who?

Trump coming here? Maybe we should block their journalists who enter the dates in american just for a laugh
I really hope that Canada steps us and decides to take every single refugee sailing across the Atlantic

I would suck his dicks all day. Japan loves Canadada!
I don't understand why they didn't extend this to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The most recent domestic terror attacks here in the U.S. have been perpetrated by a Somali, an Afghan, another Afghan and his Uzbek wife, and two Pakistanis, one by way of Saudi Arabia
despite all the Chinese people there?
About 20.000, I think.
except it is you spastic.

>muh russian expansion in the 80s and 90s
>implying trying to invade irrelevant countries like chechnya didn't cause massive radicalization in the region of which wars are still fought in to this day

>muh amerilard goverment giving saddam resources to fight iran because iran was bombing the iraqi oil exports
>same government decide to invade and kill their number 1 guy in the region (saddam) who they gave billions of weapons and resources too because their anti iran narrative ended and because saddam threaten oil sanctions against the west

the aggressor is never at fault, right?
>a businessman wanting to cause problems with his business partners
Trump would be hurting his own company by this, because he has business ties to all those countries


He basically just included countries where his company has no business.
you forgot killing gaddafi and american-russia proxy war over syria
They are of strategic importance in the middle east to the US, especially Pakistan. I think he just asked around which countries he could bar without messing up his international relations.. feels like a halfassed effort to me
>this is the face of the modern Londoner
>black and muslim

>Expecting a burger in full state worship to understand reason
Farah is huge for Nike worldwide. His training camp is Nike Oregon, which he now can't use or is trapped at and can't compete.
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>Trump does something minor
>bootyamplitudemodulated third worlders whine about it for weeks
>The U.S. is officially 60% white
>This includes arabs, North Africans, some hispanics and Mediterraneans
>The U.S. is therefore more likely less than 50% white
Because Trump is willing to be this man of principle until it affects his own business
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>Trump banning people from shitholes from entering this country is a bad thing
His only real crime is being an arsenal fan
>when the somali londoner tries to reply to me

lmao fuck off kiddo. go kneel towards mecca
>President Trump’s executive order on immigration quickly reverberated through the US and across the globe on Saturday, slamming the border shut for an Iranian scientist headed to a lab in Boston, an Iraqi who had worked for a decade as an interpreter for the United States Army, and a Syrian refugee family headed to a new life in Ohio, among countless others.
>Around the nation, security officers at major international gateways had new rules to follow. There were numerous reports of students attending American universities who were blocked from returning to the United States from visits abroad. One student said in a Twitter post that he would be unable to study at Yale. Another who attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was refused permission to board a plane. A Sudanese student at Stanford University was blocked for hours from returning to California.
>At least one case prompted a legal challenge as lawyers representing two Iraqi refugees held at Kennedy Airport filed a motion early Saturday seeking to have their clients released. They also filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and other immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.
>Shortly after noon on Saturday, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, the interpreter who worked on behalf of the United States government in Iraq, was released. After nearly 19 hours of detention, Mr. Darweesh began to cry as he spoke to reporters, putting his hands behind his back and miming handcuffs.
>“What I do for this country? They put the cuffs on,” Mr. Darweesh said. “You know how many soldiers I touch by this hand?”
>Inside the airport, one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project, asked a border agent, “Who is the person we need to talk to?”
>“Call Mr. Trump,” said the agent.

lel, absolute madman

>US invades Iraq
>Iraqi works and risks his life for the invader
>now they ban him

kinda shitty
they worship this yellow manlet like a god when they're too stupid to see he's going to be their downfall. i'm honestly going to bet trump pissing off europe too and then next thing you know half of the fucking world will be ready to go into america to take that guy down. i mean, it's not like similar situations have occurred before though....oh wait
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>Europeans all over on the edge of tears all because of some guy in D.C.
Lmao enjoy paying for the fence (it's not a wall)

we really don't give a shit

>inb4 you post some anectodal leftists on twitter as evidence
Nah m8 we're taking 40,000 plus
best timeline, this policy is great imo
same reason Obama shits on Assad but didn't give a fuck about Saudis
Trump is no angel
This. The third world bootyblast that it's producing is just spectacular.
How long until Trump gets assassinated? Can't wait for the /pol/ tears, hopefully it's a black guy
>implying it's not mainly half of your very own population that is "on the edge of tears all because of some guy in D.C."

Get real, most of the butthurt I'm seeing over this on social media comes from Americans.
It's a thing I never understood; what is it with their preoccupation with our domestic affairs? Our media very fucking rarely talks about foreign shitholes, yet theirs seems to have a mandatory daily America-coverage quota.
I hope so too and I'm a trump supporter. It would effectively make him a matyr and any successor would have a 100% undisputed mandate to enact even more radical policies.
>have syrian guy in my class
>super nice guy
>invites me to his house to eat all the time out of cultural shit
>food is kinda bland but decent nevertheless
>news report comes out that there are people running around some big city killing and raping people for bantz cos of said proxy war between russian backed and american backed fighters
>guy is literally fighting back tears
>"t-this is my country, bro. i-it used to be such a nice place"

all of this is as a result, again, of the instability caused by russia/america in these regions. amerifats will still defend this though.
Its called knowing the world outside your borders
They're yet to understand the art and science of not giving a shit about anything that goes on outside of your borders. Being self-centered and entirely indifferent to what happens everywhere else can be a really comfy thing.
>Broncucks literally SEETHING because some irrelevant ethiopian can't run in the states

Top Laff
Your foreign minister is having almost daily spergs.
>literally a malnourished jiggaboo
>implying anything outside matters
>Trump gets assassinated?
This would be horrible. Horrible for liberals and conservatives...and the country.
Yeah, why are these yuropoors concerned about the world's biggest economy and reserve currency. This mong is around six months away from causing a worldwide recession, screencap this post because it's happening.
You're our entertainer, our village idiot so to speak.

Why do you think we let you exist?
You're an entertaining as fuck country and with the recent election you really outdid yourselves, so we extended your country for another season, congratulations.

Btw, another civil war in your country would be awesome to watch, do you think you could arrange that for us in the near future?
You are a retard if you don't think the UK is also to blame. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, France and Britain effectively drew random lines on a map as borders under the Sykes-Picot agreement and divided the middle east ignoring sectarian and religious tensions.
This is so embarrassing.
Entering this place is a fucking hassle, I saw kebab families dressed like shit waltz right on through while many of the Americans were given the third degree.
Several of us gathered and chatted after getting through to discuss it
Clearly thought you were more like to shoot someone
Of course Satan wants to let Muslims in
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Nigga, i aint readin any of that shit. Lawd knows I cant read anyway.
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Who the shit cares who's great great great grandfather did what?
>mfw still cucked into fighting long dead people's battles
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>all of this is as a result, again, of the instability caused by russia/america

Oh yes, British involvement NEVER caused any undue strife in the Middle East. But please, continue to preach from atop that high horse bongfriend.

>i-it used to be such a nice place

No the fuck it wasn't.
His warm-up would kill you fat man.

What the fuck are you doing in the third world bruh?
yes, it's embarrassing
Berlin mayor said today as well that Trump shouldn't build a wall
They were probably Saudi arms dealers/terrorists
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>Lawd knows I cant read anyway.
Probably can't swim either
If Deng and Zibanejad are both banned (like I think they will be) this will be one of the biggest sports/politics stories I can think of
You guys could have really used a wall starting about 1 year and 3 months ago
didn't trump recently say that he would send in the army or something to chicago to stop the murders that are going on there everday?

when can I expect that to happen, that shit would be fun to watch
>muh blame game 100+ years after events.

Dead people puppeteering dumb cunts from beyond the grave
President Donald Trump was a massive fucking mistake.
Trump says a lot of things
The borders that they drew up still exist retard. In practice, the Syrian-Iraqi border is non existent. You won't be able to understand global politics if you don't have s grasp on history.
>Oh yes, British involvement NEVER caused any undue strife in the Middle East. But please, continue to preach from atop that high horse bongfriend.
>i'm not saying the uk isn't to blame, but america are the main ones behind wars such as iraq of afghanistan.

>No the fuck it wasn't.
yes it was.
>US Army vs Black gangbangers

Holy shit, make it happen!
why is /sp/ full of /pol/tards
calm down justin, I'm not from /pol/
The /pol/ish diaspora pretty much intermingled with people from every other board, including /b/, and then spread like a form of Super AIDS>>73925844
Because they take their job very seriously
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m8 dont criticize it. The poorly veiled eurobuthuurt ITT is genuinely amusing. Never knew that an American president doing so little can cause so much bitterness all around the world.
Is this you? >>73925833
>Never knew that an American president doing so little can cause so much bitterness all around the world.

You have a very short memory.
Dig them up and make them account for it.
true, true. but the hostility between these nations were around for centuries before because of muh religion sects and all that crap. these countries were pretty stable before the us/uk etc decided to invade for muh oil. now they're right down the shitter and the west are still urging them on to kill each other and are using these century old religious tensions as a front for this. just look at iraq.

>sunni's in power
>usa puts shiite's in power to piss off the sunni's
>mass war occurs

they should have been able to do a vote for this kind of shit, not just having a new and "different for the sake of being different" government plonked infront of them. this is why these wars failed and why we are in this position.
Sorry I mean here >>73924706
Dubya was G.O.A.T. Fuck what everyone else says.
his awful decisions led to ISIS
But really, you guys seem to be extra dickish to Americans, you'd imagine they'd be a bit friendlier considering how they spam this nonstop in America

Doing my part in supplying semen to the Anglian region
>Bush asks us to join his idiotic war
>say no
>Americans get butthurt as fuck

And now it turns out that we were right.
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>Now watch this drive

Jesus christ how the fuck did people react to that? How fucking based a man he was.
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>See you at church

I need a thug life edition of this
>now watch this drive
H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T. I literally did laugh at loud at that.
Seconding this. If there's ever a clip that needed a thug life edit, it's this one.
Is Golf really that much fun or why do so many rich people and US presidents play it?
>proceed to treat wounded American soldiers
>countless bombing missions launched from Germany
>decide to absorb all the pissed off displaced victims of said bombings

Based German bros
rich people play it to get to know more rich people and discuss how to cuck poor people in their secrit clubs
I'd do car racing instead
>He fell for the friendly Brits meme
Ha ha ha ha, you are about to suffer
None of this led to us spending literally trillions of dollars and sacrificing thousands of soldiers for literally nothing.

You could've spent this money on your shithole cities that are literally falling apart and have 3rd world crime rates, but you chose to spend it on bombing some brown people who never asked for your democracy instead.
Great fucking job.
>they'll be able to get it elsewhere anyways so why not just sell it to them yourself

Nice logic Mohammed

>unironically thinks pissing off muslims even more

Who cares if they piss off Muslims even more? How much worse can those animals get?
>car racing
Rich people don't sit in death traps.
Try sailing or Tennis.
No money can save those cities. Only a change in demographics can.
m8, what's with all the pain and anger in your post? You seem even more bitter about the whole Iraq thing than some people here are.

Are you ok?
Not really. Once you get good at it, it becomes tolerable.

The barrier for entry is extremely high and the game itself frustrating as fuck. So basically only wealthy people with huge amounts of free time can play it. While golfing there is a ton of standing around doing nothing, so lots of time to drink and bullshit, also far away from eavesdropping.
>Rich people don't sit in death traps.
Aside from Patrick Dempsey
People are literally begging the US to bomb Syria. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. But you're right we could have saved the lives of our soldiers.
>but you chose to spend it on bombing some brown people

I actually wasn't present during that meeting at the oval office.
Yer Da is alt right
>responding seriously to Europoors ITT
no you retard. why would you stop selling to a small group of countries who are practically no threat but then keep selling to other countries like afg and saudi who are 10x the threat. if you're going to ban 1 you should ban them all. nobody is going to be nice and say "oh i don't want your money and i don't want to sell you these weapons because of my good husbando america".

>Who cares if they piss off Muslims even more? How much worse can those animals get?

this is more than pissing off some raghead radicals who just like murdering people, similar to the black gangbangers in the US. this will piss off the higher tiers of authority who which can cause massive issues. america is done for if these arabs decide to put their differences aside to combat the "oppressor of allah" aka america. it's not like muslims haven't united to combat a common enemy before. it's happened many, many times throughout history.

trust the retarded proxyfag to know anything about history and politics though. enjoy eating raghead shit in 20 years time when they nuke the fuck out of your block for "sake of god".
>People are literally begging the US to bomb Syria
What kinds of people aside from edgelords? Assad was a good leader, it was the US, amongst many, that went hard against him. Arabs need a dictator, and that's what he was. Syria was semi-ok to live in before the shit went down.
Rich as in Illuminati/Rothschilds/Rockefellers rich, not act in shitty glorified TV soap rich.
Car racing is more expensive than golfing.
You mean blacks?

Well, you could maybe create some jobs for them and by that keep them too busy to be constantly commiting crimes.

I'm calm as one can be.

Those people are idiots and you shouldn't listen to them.
Just stay out of this for once.
Those jobs have to be necessary and they would also need to be qualified. It's a lost case, man, it all has been tried. Soon to be in Germany as well.
you're right, they just buy the drivers.

t. Lance Stroll.
It's fun to pass the time since you mostly chat, drink and fuck around so it's good for the lazy.

I just meant the agent, you guys are generally quiet and non threatening at all. Not my first time here, you make me look like an extrovert. This milky bar makes up for everything
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>inner city blacks going to work
Take away their welfare checks if they refuse to
I miss him ;_;
It's not about the expense, it's about the audience
matchday tourists
take away their welfare checks period
would decrease their birth rate dramatically and make them much less arrogant
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Sometime, when I close my eyes, I can hear his voice on the wind.


>One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.
>america is done for if these arabs decide to put their differences aside to combat the "oppressor of allah" aka america

Topkek you're delusional. This is best case scenario for all of us. Let them attack, they'll be nuked back to the stone age.

Weak "men" like you, who carry the big stick but still thinks they have to kowtow to a bunch of rock-throwers, are the reason they are so emboldened in the first place.

Let the real men like Trump deal with the middle east, and you worry about consuming your chinese cartoons
his voice was super soothing, would absolutely torture moslems in CIA black sites for him/10
Over half of the country can't stand him. Don't lump us all in with the idiots who voted for this piece of shit.
>Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen
What on earth is barring Iranians from entering the country going to accomplish? The Iranians who come here aren't the ones we should be worrying about
we'll he is your president now so why not just settle down and get along?
But at least he's not Hillary, so.
>america is invincible
>there are no other countries in the world who have nuclear stockpiles

fun fact: these middle eastern countries have more nukes than the usa can even imagine. that's without even counting iran. the us will be blown to smithereens before jamal can even whip out his dick in his rape attempt on your mum. keep up this untouchable america narrative though, it's funny.
So I'll lump you in with the idiots who would rather Trump fail and the nation you live in go into the shitter than see him succeed.
That's probably the most un American thing you can do. We're not a country that has a history of bowing down to people we don't like.
this country is going to collapse. people are going to start rebelling in the streets
This is just retarded. The only Islamic nation to have nukes is Pakistan, but you would know all about that Rasheed.
>this country is going to collapse
>this is said literally every election
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>The only Islamic nation to have nukes is Pakistan

>>the us will be blown to smithereens before jamal can even whip out his dick in his rape attempt on your mum

>implying these Arab countries have the capability to deliver a warhead to the US mainland
>implying the US doesn't have advanced missle-defense capabilities

This is getting pathetic, Ahmed
fair enough
Lmao I -vividly- see myself and my friends standing around in the streets and holding up framed pictures of some shitty general like they do in all the media coverage of third world countries

S-save us mad dog senpai...
His success is what leads the nation to shit. Although, there's a fairly coherent argument that "success" and "failure" are meaningless words in terms of presidents, so I'll phrase it like this.

The implementation of his agenda will damage the country. I want that implementation to fail, so as to not damage the country.
Trump failing means the country succeeds.
>implying these Arab countries don't have the capability to deliver a warhead to the US mainland
>implying these middle eastern countries don't have advanced missle-defense capabilities

and our greatest ally israel isn't selling classified blueprints to china and saudi either, right?

this is getting pathetic, cletus.
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>The implementation of his agenda will damage the country
>Trump failing means the country succeeds.

You can be With Her all the way to federal prison
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>China already has around 200 deliverable warheads.
>Israel selling anything to Saudi Arabia
>Israel even admitting it has nukes

Holy shit you're dumb
fairly sure he's shitposting, pretty poorly too
>Hating Trump automatically means you wanted Hilary

you're the worst type of cuckold
Massive protest at JFK Airport by the way
i'm talking in a general sense here. are you denying that our greatest ally israel isn't selling classified documents to china and this saudi/iran?

>Israel even admitting it has nukes
>b-but arab countries saying they don't have a nukes is true!
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>I want to imprison people for disagreeing with me
and thus*
>They will no longer be able to host things such as the Olympics or world cups
for the next three months

oh no
>some poor engineer in his 3rd year at Penn State from Iran is going to get kicked out or some shit

I hope you're proud of yourselves Drumpfkins. Hate has officially won sigh...
>jokes on you, I threw my vote in the trash!

>*tips towards Nigel*
What did I say?
this one's different
> this is a muslim ban
> this is a muslim ban

> only 1 country in the top 10 for highest muslim populations on the ban list

> this is a muslim ban

why are leftists so fucking stupid?
Trump blasted apart the US's stupid two party system

Thank goodness
I thought Trump had a chance to be a good pres, turns out he's awesome

Because Trump hurt their feelings by doing the things 60 million Americans elected him to do.

>Wahh wahhh, muh feelies, muh muslims, I'm literally shaking
Not really the leeches will soon return to power once he's out of the way
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Makes me ponder
Mike Rundle is the ultimate cuck
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>that's awesome! I love cultural diversity.
>Canada taking in every Mexican immigrant and relieving us of the burden

When did Canada become so wonderful all of a sudden?
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>mfw Canada takes all of America's CHIcanos y centracas, simply for the love of diversity.
Sounds like a win-win-win scenario to me.
He really doesn't have the authority to be banning people with legitimate green cards and visas

desu this is grounds for impeachment

except that isnt true. this is current US law:

"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
Tory MPs on twitter are saying that he shouldn't be allowed to address the House of Commons. I'm hoping the protest will be so big he won't be able to leave Heathrow
It's actually technically illegal, as fuck up as that it is.

Dude has no moral compass.
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How is it illegal

this opinion was raped here:

>portugal in charge of finance
Didnt LA lose the bid? US wont get an olympics until 2028 and even that is best case scenario
the host of the 2024 games is not announced until September
Britain and France aren't that bad at the Olympics mate
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>its not a wall
O shit lol. Is this the new liberal taunt that actually has no pejorative connotations? Lol like drumf. God you faggots are pathetic
we dont host those anyway

we dont bribe FIFA / the IOC
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canada ahahahahahahaha.png
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There are going to be no white people left in Canada by 2050
America by 2025 (instead of 2020 because of wall)
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>canada takes in all the refugees
>they flood into America from the unguarded north
>A wall is built between America and Canada in 2020
How are the approval ratings for this guy in Canada?
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What went so horribly wrong?
Doesn't he have British nationality? Trump just gave a list of countries, not religion.

Iran had athletes medal this year.
Dual citizenship
i'm sure if you're relevant enough they'll let you in.
So tell him to use his brit passport instead of his terrorist one.
Seriously though, why are people so bootyagitated about this idiot Trump? Executive order or not, it's insanely difficult to get a visa to the US, and apparently social welfare is shit over there. How many immigrants does the US even take in every year, compared to other places? Why would you wanna go there?
This is all going to be repealed by 2024 so there's nothing to worry about
Flags were a mistake.
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