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>eye of the tiger music
Who will win?
I'll predict Slovenia leading by one into final 10mins. Choke. Croatia wins by 3.
Cro 30-27 Slo
Last night I dreamt I was watching on TV Brazil x Tunisia for HWC semifinal
I meant between Slovenia and Croatia
Everybody knows that France will win the final
Is the match already ogre?
Worth the watch?
It only started, we leading 9 7
I dont know whats wrong with us, but we always, ALWAYS choke against fucking Croats. Unbelievable. Thats some serious inferiority complex across all sports.
Don't worry, we're like that against frogs
Cmon Slobros, you're falling behind.
Pick it up slovenes dont let us get away with this
I hate Spic refs
Lmao slovenci BTFO atm
I thought this was a game made up for gym class like dodgeball
Jebote je se kurcimo, koja kvaliteta napada izgubili smo vise lopta u napadu zadnje 3 utakmice zbog cistih gluposti nego svukupo zadnje 3 godine
Mi rabimo psihologa, majkemi
We had a free win against Norway in the last second but Horvat fucked up
I wish Slovenia would just demolish us
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>extra rest day
>0 fastbreaks
Penalties are the spawn of Satan.
As soon as you rely on them you lose.
Since we had 1 day less to recover I'm suprised that we're doing so good. I have a feeling that the reffs are in our favor too, anf that for the whole KO games.
You're just used to them ripping us off.
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Neka pati koga smeta!
Aj Babiću začepi
choke contest
I rather watch Norway beating France then us beating Slovenia 2bh familia
I feel kinda bad for Croatia after yesterday
>american only knows what football is
Surprise surprise
If trips, we win
>ex-yugo in charge of making it into the finals of anything ever
I hope norbros win the final, it's boring when only one nation dominates a sport
Don't, you're a better team this year.
Don't. We deserved to lose because we are the only ones at fault for letting you drag us around the whole game.
I'd rather watch anyone beat France at all.
But not happening.
Norway is probably more tired than we are.
There is no fight in this Slovenia team. As soon as we go down by 3 or more we just say "oh well we tried". Bunch of cowards.
Let us choke together
the choking begins
Where's your team Serbia, you're tall, aggressive and physically fit for a nation, why aren't you top5 in handball?
How can we loose so many balls when passing. We must have lost like 8 by now at least.
Wish he saved like that yesterday.
wasn't cro-slo already the bronze final in 2013 ?
basketball is too big there
They stuck with waterpolo and basketball from the Yugoslavia days while we mostly abandoned them (internationally) for other stuff
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This is unwatchable
feel bad for you guys rn, I expected you to smash us
Getting kinda painful now.
Izgleda da ce ovo biti buduce rivalstvo. Slovenci imaju mladu ekipu, a dosta kvalitetnu
>a dosta kvalitetnu
hahaha. Just because people play for Barcelona doesn't mean they are good.
Aj ne seri, dobra vam je ekipa.
Imagine if we got the best players from serbia croatia bosnia and slovenia into one team, we would be unstoppable, oh wait....
I honestly have no clue mate, we used to be alright at handball a couple of years ago but dropped off the radar since then. I guess when you're strong enough to play handball here you usually pick up basketball, it's much more popular for teenagers to train than handball
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>Aj ne seri, dobra vam je ekipa.
Imagine a French team without a single French in it oh wait

>He doesn't have a former colonial empire
Nije Kavticnik prije bio krilo?
>he has to rely on former colonials to make their team
why so buthurt??
Because I'm bothered by all the blacks in France
Watch slovenia coming back and winning
>both trainers are speaking croatian

feels good
Wow how shitty must your life be to be jealous of people living in the ghettos of another country?

I didn't realize croatia was such a shithole
>get cocky
>lose 8 point lead

Typical us.
that's it we're going down
I hope we lose
Crobros what else is popular in Croatia? I know about football, handball and waterpolo, seems like basketball is growing there too, anything else?
>he likes niggers
Oh im sorry mr Chang
I guess tennis
I need an actual French answer not an Alaskan-mountain-French answer thank you.
>implying there are any canadians in canada left
I love Cindic, even when he's selfish. He reminds me of Ivano Balic... Cunning and confident
Najpopularniji sport da budem iskren
it's ogre
kek based
I'm gonna play the shit out of it when I grow old
i have a set, god-tier game for summer with a lots of beer or wine
Lmao spusit cemo, plakem od smijeha
Za Dalmaciju da, jel ko igra u Slavoniji il Istri?
spušit će meni tvoja stara karu
I found a shitty stream but does anyone have a link to what >we are all watching? Handball is based and has fuck all exposure over here.

too bad every country around mediterranea has its own variant of that game, would be cool to watch an international event of such game
Lmao stop being in denial we are losing this one
this has got to be the worst choke I witnessed in my life.
This is so sad
I love it when we choke

>virgin mary switched teams

we are doomed
E nema da nezaseremo kad triba.

kill me now

>the game is decided by some spiritual force
don't be that kind of person

I am affraid it is our time to choke now desu
Stevanović ne funkcionira
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Lmaooooo finally a goal and they score right back
Ovo je jebeno jadno, brb hanging myself
How aren't you guys tired after France?
because they had like 2 days to rest, we didn't even get 24 hours
A nemoj me jebat lmao
Get fucked Croatia LMAO
You don't understand the memes
everytime we win our coach says that virgin mary is most responsible for the win, so it's a meme.
Total kek
you never heard of Croatian coach, did you?
brb hanging myself

hajajahahajafoianefoaneofiwengt HAHAHAHAHAHHA. congrats sloveniabros, i'm literally not even slightly sad
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Nobody deserved the bronze medal tbqh



Don't, now you'll see Babić getting fired.
This was hilarious
Props Slovenia
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still loving this man
it would be funny if it wasn't just outright saddening.
Nice we lost

Shouldve been us vs France for finals and Slobros beating Norway for 3rd

Fuck our squad
Good game, Crobros
how can you waste a 8-goal advantage ?
I can't comprehend what I just witnessed

Yeah we suck, if tito was here he would line them up and shoot them, fuckboys
Hopefully this disappoints our normalfags from ever paying attention to this sport again.
You call this a good game? You deserved the win, but that was anything but a good game from our team. I'm gonna kill myself now cya
What the fuck happened? When I went to shower, it was 27-21 for Croatia
Hey Croats if you feel sad, just watch this video.

Also who's choke was bigger?

Cant wait for the IRL trolling of our team on the media for the next few days.

GG slovenia
I hope, then we can focus on the real mans sport

wait for tomorrow, you might see norway beat us... I guess
let's be real here, you'll run over them like with a bulldozer, there's no stopping you.
i'm kinda happy, slovenia are now more happy than we would be.
>Drvo zlatnog sjaja
KEK @ our TV commentator raging and insulting everyone currently
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>31 30
Well we are still having nightmares of Dado Pršo, so this win will help
ma nabijem i tog saračevića
Bogte obrana ka drvena marija, pa di ovo ima osim u rvtackoj
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It was a horrible game for Slovenia minus last 10 minutes, Croatia completely dominated until that point. Most game time it was very one sided, but that return of the dead in the last quarter will be remembered for a long time
I felt kinda bad for Slovenia because of you guys winning against Norway in qualifiers and here we are
Pa cekaj.. Igraju 45 minuti ka nadrogirani pa odjednom se valjaju po podu!

seriously this.

i still shiver when hearing that name.
we've been choking in finals in every sports since last year.

the curse is on
Ma zidovi su to sve nariktali, question everything
I need to know my croatian friends

how bad is this disapointment compared to the 2009 final ?
>since last year
last year was not even a month ago. doesn't count senpai
This loss is nothing, more funny than tragic.
this is even worse
in 2009 we expected to lose. but this victory was fucking assured, and we still fucked it up
At least we got to the finals in 2009
Fuck this i want to kill myself

Our silver to gold medal ratio of the last olympic games still haunts me
This was 2 days of suicidal thoughts in a row
Time for Babic to go.
Ilka Štuhec- 3rd place in alpine skiing downhill
Žan Košir- 3rd place in snowboarding
Handball team Slovenia- 3rd place
Only our ski jumpers fucked, they were 4th, should have been 3rd for the perfect streak.
This is the most meme team ever.
>go and get something to eat
>come back to see croatia completely choking it
Čudi me da nije BDSM popularniji medju našim zemljama, obožavamo čoking izgleda
I'll list them chronologically, top 3 disappointments in handball for me are:

2009 final with France
2012 semifinal with Serbia
2017 semifinal with Norway
Daily reminder that this was our 6th consecutive choke in a semi-final in a serious tournament.
>Čudi me da nije BDSM popularniji medju našim zemljama

that's what you think ;^)
Pa bogati nismo švabe.
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If Norway cleans up France these last 2 days will be so worth it.
>researching Macedonia

What did he mean by this?

Why does this wildcard exist in the first place

I remember in qatar germany and iceland entered the tournament because teams that qualified "chose" to not take part in it, but what's the reason this time ?
t. Macedonian diaspora
as far as i can remember one of the asian/oceanian qualified nations couldn't make it to the tournament, so it was given to norway.
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To prevent a big market to miss a tournament by accident (like Germany, as an example).

>handball manager running at incredibly high speed.jpg
Why do Croats hate their kind so much?
Their national Handball Federation is retarded.
Why not? I hate others just as much.
no one cares about this sport anymore

there's only so many dissapointments you can experience every single year a handball tournament is held

beating you in 2008 and losing to denmark in the finals was probably the biggest dissapointment
Herregud for en keeper!
Herregud for en keeper!
Come now, yeah we fuck up. But we still get results, you're acting like all those silvers and bronzes don't mean anything to a small country like us, France is France, we're never gonna beat their track record, but what about Germany, Denmark and other teams? It's not like their records are much better than ours.
Gospa: Odjebi vise Zeljko.

To me, games against croatia always were the most meaningful. Winning a tournament without meeting you feel like something is missing.
In my heart, croatia is and will always be the shit to beat. Damn I remember how hyped I was for CRO-FRA games in the early 2010's
I'd enjoy our games more if we didn't always play so stiff against you.
It's either some defensive instinct or fear of blacks.
No Oceania qualifiers because some problems with australian federation
"problems" aka sell the Wild Card.
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you have your owns though, you shouldn't be affraid
We're not accustomed to black dudes running at us, man, it feels like we're about to get shanked.
I live in a coastal town with a 150k population and we get over half a million visitors here, even then I find blacks to be a rare sight.
gg no re
Glad slovenia won and based Serb lead em to the 3rd place

crorats are nation of butthurt losers and they're proving it everytime
What a comeback
Except kad pobjeđuju.
Zar nije on Montenigger?
We also are going to win that.
Here (You) go.
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