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>basketball will be more popular than soccer in your lifetime

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>basketball will be more popular than soccer in your lifetime
>basketball is more popular than soccer in Argentina
I don't believe that for one minute.
What are "cue sports"? Billiards?
>football soccer

I also refuse to believe that basketball is the most popular in France and Spain. How do they come up with this?
<citation required>
Most of the world are manlets, footbol will always reign supreme
this tb͏h
I see no "Team Handball" anywhere on this map. How am I supposed to differentiate between the colors for cue sports and boxing
nobody cares about pussy indoor sports.
What genius decided to make two of the most popular sports in the world almost exactly the same color on the map?
Japan is baseball, mongolia = wrestling, papua new guinea = rugby, afghanistan = cricket or soccer.
I guess to save colours, it's pretty obvious which is which after all

china is crazy about basketball. they pay our washed up nba players to go live there and worship them as living gods.
let me tell you nignogs, basketball is not even close to being the most popular in france, it would be soccer, cycling, rugby and then maybe basketball

and in ireland it's probably 3rd desu
I meant soccer is the 3rd most popular in ireland btw. shit map
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sloppy fix
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more accurate desu
>argen fucking tina

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What kind of bullshit map is that?
Made by delusional NBA officials or something?

Here, have the real thing
>I guess to save colours, it's pretty obvious which is which after all

Look a little closer at the legend, and you'll see they are just about indistinguishable. Remember, the darker blue is boxing/wrestling or cue sports.

>also, no Kabbadi

This map is pure trash
This seems way more accurate. Still....

>no Kabbadi

why is baseball such a commie sport?
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lmao wtf is this
Football is more popular than ice hockey in Switzerland by every metric
somewhat surprised that ice hockey or nordic skiing is not the most popular in Norway

Not a single asian country is table tennis?
How much does Alonso/Markek earn to top Ramos?
>Spain, not football

Yeah that map is BS
10 million/year

36 million/year

But you have the some of the best basketball teams in europe
id say greece could be swapped for basketball and maybe some of the other slavic countries
what the fuck is this map
They also have 2 of the best football teams in the world
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No volleyball? You fags!
Basketball is becoming more and more popular here but you are right, there's no way it's more popular than '''''soccer''''
Is this real life or a prank?

What glorious land do they play volleyball like this in?
This is complete bullshit. Soccer is #1 in France, Spain, and Argentina. Nobody in Italy cares about basketball.
>ice hockey most popular in norway
oh you best be joking.
Did you make that up yourself lad? well done, you triggered a lot of people

the ONLY country where basketball is the most popular sport is...

... Lithuania.
>Soccer is #1 in France, Spain, and Argentina.

and everywhere too, shit bait that will reach max replies.
And Philippines.
>Everyone falling for this obvious b8
>Basketball bigger than football in Spain, Argentina and France
Not gonna lie, I have my doubts

Also I always thought Baseball was bigger than soccer in Japan

U wot?
Macedonia is handball
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Because America fucked them the hardest

We brought our culture when we invaded them both as Missionaries (China, Venezuela, Lebanon, Turkey, Japan, Lithuania), pure imperialism (Cuba, Philippines, South Korea, Pacific Islands, West Indies)

Therefore the countries with the strongest reactions against American imperialism also grew to love the sport.

Chavez and Castro were both huge baseball fans.
why is it always a leaf?
are you trolling? or do you genuinely believe football isn't >our most popular sport?

tbf Scotland probably prefer golf cos they're dogshit at football
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>basketball more popular than soccer in the entire Iberian Peninsula and Italy
>soccer more popular than baseball in Japan
>soccer more popular than hockey in Russia
I think soccer is more popular than hockey in Russia though
Ya our system is so bad
With all the dindus they import you never know
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>world series
every time
>and everywhere too

Well, not everywhere. Canada, Russia, the US, Cuba, Venezuela, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Sweden, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, Australia.....that's like 1/3 of the global population, and in all of those countries soccer is not the #1 sport.
The NBA is horrible
It's been called that since the 1880s, when the US was the only country playing baseball. Baseball is all about tradition. Plus there were two leagues, one called the American League and one called the National League. They couldn't exactly call it the "American Championship" or "National Championship".
Football will overtake Basketball in China. In ten years we'll probably have a Premier League which is 90% owned by Chinese businessmen and with how nationalist Chinese people are they'll all be watching it. Scary stuff.
Not that scary, the PL has been mostly based on Asia for a long time now. Most Manchester United fans live in China and India.
It was just an era thing, post 2012 has seen 4 different champions in the NBA.
It's happening all over. A Chinese company owns 40% of Atletico Madrid, the Chinese government owns the entire Portuguese league, the Chinese government owns 15% of Manchester City, both Milan clubs have been bought by Chinese companies.....their own teams aren't producing talent, and European coaches don't really want to come to China, so they're going to buy European clubs and make them train Chinese players.
>PING-PONG is your national sport
>a fucking kid pastime

What went wrong with China lads?
It's popular here but barely the 3rd sport

Football and motorsports take +90% of the fanbase anyways
I wouldn't say AFL is the most popular sport in Australia, like 90% of the teams are based in Melbourne and the state of Victoria. Rugby League is popular in New South Wales and Queensland, the only sports that every Australian state cares about is Cricket and Motorsport tbqh.

Also Ice Hockey isn't that popular in Norway compared to Skiing, especially Nordic Skiing/Biathlon etc.
Norway, ice hockey?
The ONLY winter sport we dont give a shit about?
Shit map
true that basketball is very popular
but im pretty sure that i read on wikipedia that football is the most popular spectator sport in China

And know when they have these huge investments in the infrastructure of the sport made by the president plus the pretty big names they get to their league in these years i think football is more popular than basketball

it would be nice to hear from a real chinaman what the situation is
The relevant part of it cares about hockey.
what the fuck is this piece of shit map you fucking retarded faggot leaf?
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>any relevant part
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Afghanistan should be Cricket, I mean it was also the only sport that wasn't banned when the Taliban ruled the country.
football is the most popular in Russia, South Korea, South Africa, Sweden and Norway

trust me
oh well, can't argue with that
>basketball more popular in Spain, France, Italy, Argentina

How about no
Just taking the piss, I like your country
Who ever made this picture forgot the Maple Leafs and Flyers. Also 25/30 teams have a final appearance.
How is there no data on Serbia? Basketball is king there.
Football is the most popular sport in Serbia, and the Football Association of Serbia with 146,845 registered players, is the largest sporting association in the country.[1]
Norway is curling isn't it
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(sand)niggers in Europe don't really play basketball, though
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Then why doesn't England also prefer golf?

At least we actually qualify for tournaments. Scotland couldn't even qualify for the Euros when even Northern Ireland managed to.
Wins since 1982
Only goths and Poles play basketball here

who the fuck wrote this?
When it's pretty much a lottery who wins every year it loses prestige
Your goths play sports? Our goths wear make up and listen to industrial music
That doesn't even make sense.
Of course it does, when a shit team can just turn around and win the biggest trophy then it means nothing.

In football it's special if a team overcomes the odds

I think he means because of how American sports are set up with salary caps and player drafts and being rewarded for having a poor season etc, it's ultimately not that impressive for a team to win the NFL for example, it's only a matter of time before you get your shot at the Superbowl.
>it's ultimately not that impressive for a team to win the NFL for example, it's only a matter of time before you get your shot at the Superbowl.
10 teams have never won the Super Bowl despite trying for around 50 years.

But there are only 4 teams that have never been to a Superbowl which goes to show unless your franchise is ran by absolute retards you will eventually get your Superbowl opportunity.

I'm not saying it's bad, I would personally welcome more parity to the premier league and football/soccer in general, but in the end it means muh fairy tale underdog champions becomes nothing more than a marketing facade
>but in the end it means muh fairy tale underdog champions becomes nothing more than a marketing facade

It's still preferable to the situation in the PL. When was the last time the English champion wasn't one of the richest teams in the league? Nottingham Forest in the 70s? And there have been just 5 different champions in the last 20 years. The whole thing seems kind of boring.
>When was the last time the English champion wasn't one of the richest teams in the league? Nottingham Forest in the 70s?

Not including Leicester, of course, since they're the current champions.
Ligue 1 is shit
I think that is certainly a good thing
Inb4 some uneducated yurotard calls our system not socialized because he is too dumb to look even slightly larger.

Blackburn Rovers in the 90's. Of course the league is dominated by the richest teams but there's also other opportunities to win trophies like Birmingham City upsetting Arsenal in the 2011 League Cup final or Wigan upsetting Manchester City in the 2013 FA Cup final.
Why are Mexican immigrants allowed to post on the internet without fully mastering English first?
not if we gas all the niggers
>Blackburn Rovers in the 90's.

Blackburn were loaded, that's why they won and it's also why they crashed so quickly. They didn't spend quite as much as United, but nobody really did in those days.
>apehoop will surpass Futbol

I was trying to figure out how to articulate my thoughts clearly for the yurotards and added a 'not' that doesn't belong. If you had truly any grasp on English you would have gotten that, you Bible Belt coal mining retard.

Family came from England before the US was a country btw, my mother has documentation of this and is quite proud of it for some narcissistic reason.
>you Bible Belt coal mining retard

lol i'm latino
Did your family jump the border or did our government jump the border over you?

Doesn't matter much to my original point either way. It was that our leagues are set up incredibly capatalistic in mindset that they are predatory.
>Hockey more popular than football in Norway, let alone skiing
I'm really curious as to what part that would be.
I love hockey though.
That map is bullshit
It's the least communist sport in America, Hans
Both teams take turns sending a tagger to the other side, after tagging an opponent the tagger must get back to his half of the field before getting tackled.
why is norway bad at hokkei?
its a snownigger sport for rich countrys. seems like you would fit right in.
>AFL and NFL listed together
What the fuck? They're nothing alike.
u wot
I don't really know. It's sort of semi-popular here, and we do give it a lot of attention whenever we're in the Olympics and the WC. I think it might have something to do with how spread our population is. It's expencive to build and maintain an ice-hall, and it's really hard to put up all that money in small places. So it's really only popular in the south-eastern part, where about 40% of the population lives, and in Stavanger, for some reason. I'm guessing oil-money to piss away.
Soccer is definitively most popular in france than the other sports
>American football
>funding sports in Africa

Plus, is it "the most paid of your nationality" or "the most paid playing in ?" because, for examples, Alonso and Gimi :DD don't live in Spain, nor Federer in Switzerland.

In France, the most paid is Angel Di Maria, Argentinian, and the most paid french sportsman is Nicolas Batum, living in Charlotte, USA. The most paid french in France most be Blaise Matuidi, Alexandre Lacazette or Sébastien Ogier, actually living in France.
Both sports are awful but at least basketball is less awful.
how does it feel to not be even in the top 100 of your favorite sport ?
Wait, Japan has basketball players?
>We brought our culture when we invaded them both as Missionaries (China, Venezuela, Lebanon, Turkey, Japan, Lithuania), pure imperialism (Cuba, Philippines, South Korea, Pacific Islands, West Indies)

The Japanese picked up baseball from American missionaries, then they spread it to South Korea and Taiwan. The Cubans and Venezuelans also picked it up on their own. The only country that used to be directly ruled by the US is the Philippines, and they don't care about baseball at all.
>Basketball in Argentina

feels strange to see that soccer isn't the first sport of the three most populated countries in the world, even if they are very different

>comfort and entertaining, rich people

>discipline and work, mid-class people

>surviving, misery-tier

Although, MLS and China Soccer Championship have in average a better attendance than la Lega Calcio or la Ligue 1.
Good. Maybe we'll start breeding out the manlets
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>Although, MLS and China Soccer Championship have in average a better attendance than la Lega Calcio or la Ligue 1.

That has more to do with both countries being really big and MLS having nice stadiums than the sport being really popular.
Wrong. So very wrong. Baseball grew in Japan as a result of US occupation after WWII. Cuba and Venezuela picked up Baseball after US imperialism via Spanish-American War/Panama Canal imperialism and trade. Monroe doctrine and all that.
>why is baseball such a commie sport?
If only some guy from the 1950s could hear you say that.
If you want to mesure the popularity of a sport in a country, don't count the number of players in amateur sections or the salaries.

Some sports are awesome to watch but scary in practice (american football or rugby for example).

Some others need less players so you can pay each player better. This is why the salaries are so huge in NBA and not in the NFL (plus the salary cap, but it's always easier to pay 18 players than 53).

If you really want to mesure the popularity of a sport, count the attendance in the games, the TV income and the salaries of the underdogs of the main league of the sport (con : only works with team sports).

For example, in France, the stats of an average underdog in Ligue 1 (soccer) are similar to the ones of the top 3 teams in rugby. And the stats of the top 3 teams in basketball or handball are similar to mid-tier in second division of football.

In USA, I bet teams like the Chargers, the Dolphins or even the Browns and the Jaguars are better stated than teams like the Hornets, the Padres or the Islanders. And I'm not talking about college football.
That map is a crock of shit. Gaelic football is the most popular sport in Ireland. Soccer might be second, but it's probably hurling.
>In European football, there's not only one competition like NFL or NBA. Each team has the opportunity to win its domestic championship, to win the national cup(s) (where teams from lower divisions can compete as the others, and once every ten or twelve years a div 3 team like Calais or Quevilly reaches the final in France) and to compete in european level (UEFA Champions League or Europa League).

For example, a team like PSG five years before, when it wasn't yer bought by Qatar and became ogre, was competing in the three kinds :

>was often between top 2 and top 5 but never champion after 1994

>National cups
>almost every year in a final, has won 9 cups between 1993 and 2010

>European level
>won it once, was more like an outsider

So, as a PSG fan, I could have my emotions via the cups, and sometimes via the championship and european games. Even our biggest rivalry, with Marseille, was more intense in the cups as if you win, your rival is out.

In Europe it's a different way to follow your favorite team because of this structure. For some, the most important competition is the Champions League (Barça, Bayern, PSG-now, Juventus fans), for others it is the championship (especially in England since the level on field is almost as high as in UCL), and for some teams that have the "mentality" of winning a few but most important games (being clutch as a team), it is the cups (and old PSG was like that, it was even called "l'équipe des coupes", the cups' team in french).
True, but you know it's growing fast when the best average attendance in MLS (Seattle) is as big as the best one in France (Paris) or Italy (Inter) with similar-comfort stadiums (we are talking about San Siro and the Parc des Princes, two mythic stadiums).
the mls has 3 more champions in a similar time to the Premier League, all the other leagues have less winners than the number of teams to win a top flight title in England. This is before you consider the FA Cup, European Cup and UEFA Cup. Not to mention how many more teams have played in the top flight compared to American leagues.
Short history lesson that you probably don't care anyway, those countries became commies from the 50's to 70's, before that americans were the larger international influence and at that time baseball was the most popular sport in America, you do the math there, and when the commies took control they didn't change that because they were baseball fans themselves, besides it's the only sport that you can play drunk without sucking ass at it

it's ok, we have players in the NBA and everything but this is bullshit, I don't think it's even above rugby, tennis, women's hockey or turismo carretera

it's the only way of increasing the rating
This is total bullshit.

Me in the number 4 jersey
>Baseball grew in Japan as a result of US occupation after WWII.

Baseball has been played in Japan since the 1890s. They had their first professional league in 1936.
I remember during the war the Japanese government tried to replace baseball vocabulary that were based on English words with "original" Japanese baseball vocabulary to stay "patriotic" and not show America in any positive or neutral light. Autism at its finest.
And I know france will soon become south africa tier demographics wise but I still call bullshit on that.
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football is more popular in china by far
And that's even more strange when most of the nigs and muslims only watch and play football.
Basketball becomes more and more popular thanks to the "American street culture" tho, but there is no point of comparison.
>martial arts

What the fuck
fuck this map is so wrong it pisses me off
>ice hocker
hahahha, behind football and every other wintersport known to man perhaps
oh, this one is much better
only thing that looks wrong right away is south korea should be baseball

>The economic impact of baseball is bigger than three other major sports -- soccer, basketball and volleyball -- all combined, the report showed.
what a nonsensical way to measure the popularity of a sport
makes perfect sense to me

but anyway, I had some gook buddies in college and they tell me that soccer isn't that big at all outside of the national team. National team games are huge events though, everyone watches, though apparently even that has tapered off since a high from the 02 world cup. But domestically baseball is a far bigger deal, soccer isn't on the same spectrum.
from the first hit on google
>Football and baseball have traditionally been regarded as the most popular sports in Korea.[1] Recent polling indicates that a majority, 41% of South Korean sports fans continue to self-identify as football fans, with baseball ranked 2nd at 25% of respondents.
would you like to contribute with some more made-up anecdotal evidence?
>recent polling
>poll is from may 2009, closer to the world cup than to now
>poll of normies and women who don't even like sports, probably just like to drink and party every 4 years

I talked to literal koreans senpai, I think they know what's up. And it's not like the economic impact is close, baseball's is bigger than the next 3 combined, it's a blowout.


the poll in question btw
in 2005, 57% said soccer was their favorite, 19 said baseball
in 2009, 41% soccer, 25% baseball
Obviously 2 samples isn't much to go on for a trend, but I'm backing this up with what my buddies have told me from first hand experience and the above article which tells us that baseball is booming, even among females.
actually I'm probably arguing over nothing, we all know their real favorite sport
Kek there's like one decent hockey player from Norway.
Baseball was also popular in Cuba because it was El Presidente's favorite sport in Fidel Castro.
If you slightly adjust the years to 1984-2010 the NBA has only 5 different champions in 26 years. Fucking ridiculous
*6 my bad. Still crazy
>what a nonsensical way to measure the popularity of a sport

In what way is using the earning power of a sport to measure how popular it is nonsensical?

If people are spending more money on one sport over another it's obvious that they like it more.
You have it backwards. Baseball was Castro's favorite sport because it was popular in Cuba. He grew up playing it, the way practically every other Cuban kid has in the past 100 years.
>not skiing

Complete and utter bullshit.
No, you moron. Baseball was popular in Japan well before WWII. They were playing amateur ball as early as 1900s, they had their first pro team in the 1920s.
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Did the person that made this just guess?

Ha, i still wish.
Its LoL now, soon to be Overwatch
>basketball more popular in france, spain and italy

Son...i have bad news for you...
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This list is retarded as fuck because it takes into account athletes that play outside of your country. The highest paid athlete IN Australia is a cricket player, and cricket is the most popular sport here.

This image was so obviously made by a cuckold apehoop fan to try make his feitsh seem globally relevant.
What the fuck is this meme map
Probably should be football though, but I'm not sure. Might be skiing.
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