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>>71714078 can't you just join the exist thread Shaniqua?

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can't you just join the exist thread Shaniqua?

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Reminder this is the face of a cuck.
existing thread is about to 404'd, paco.
Stai facendo un video? Bravo!
And I thought Basques were ugly.
Who were the players involved btw?
Sergi Enrich
I love eibar lads
Me on the left
fell kinda bad for him but then again a girl with that kind of piercing should be a straight give away

here's hoping he didn't put much weight into the relationship

>inb4 forgives her and married with children
Who is the guy? Is that his girlfriend???

Is there a longer version of the video??
felt kinda bad*
>dat trash faced piercing
>dat hair
nah, better for him to leave her.
he was sad
what's the existing thread

those prices are wack
It's autosaging.
yea but... that wasn't my question

thanks anyway broland
En Eibar, vás a follar

>dat jackhammer

Good form
Pretty gay tbqh
one of the gayest ways to have sex with a woman
Explain pls
Who is the girl?
Who's the dude
just a couple of close mates having a good time fucking the same woman. it was that slut but I imagine it could be any other
>It is the only football club who has the quality certificate UNE-EN-ISO 9001.
I don't seem to find her price on the menu
Literally nothing gay about it if you avoid eye contact
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girl in pattern shirt = girl fucked in video
guy on left = girl's bf
damn he's hot
of course she had a nose ring
the memes are real lol
poor dude though, even handsome dudes get cucked
wait where's the other thread god damn it
>tfw gf has a nose ring
i'm sorry my dude

>weird hair colour
>weird piercings

it's his fault
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well at least now you can pick the bull yourself for her birthday

that reduces available young Spanish women by 90%
no wonder why we are a bunch of cucks
>weird hair colour
wtf like 75% of the girls I see walking around town have that dye job
its only gay if the balls touch m8
But there's two guys
en Euskadi follas
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>all up in a guy's ass instead of one dick at each end
good meme
>I'm sorry about your gf, Antxon
>It's okay. I was so good she needed two men to replace me.
Where's the sex tape?
someone would unironiclly say that on facebook
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This is the cucker, how could you compete anon?
Looks like the photo you would find next to the dictionary definition of chad.
what does that slut say before the si si si si si
paro something..
This how 80% of 16 to 35 males look in Spain.
And women cream all over for them.
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You see /sp/. You trash this man right here every single day. He ditched women forever like the whores they are and is raising his only child single-handedly. Young Ronaldo was a macho man, but he learnt his lesson the hard way. He had all the women in the world and he came to the conclusion that they are useless pieces of meat whose sole purpose is poping out kids. But Tsunaldo... he is smart. He is an independent white man who needs no ménage à troi with his friend Gareth Bale and the whore from the local pub. He is an independent white man who needs no Antonella serving him sprite and cheesy pizza. He is above that. He is the finalform of the alpha male. He is the perfect spécimen. He is what we should revere.
You see, when he shouts TSU, he is screaming in pain, but it isn't his pain. It's the pain of man from around the world who have been cUcked by women. So /sp/, the next time he shouts TSU, shout with him as hard as you can.
Murrican here (obviously).

Is there more? Can I get more details on this amazing drama? These guys will win every cup for their team now.
al dente pasta, ricardo
still need more info, i dont get it

those 2 both are Eibar players? the girl is the gf of one of the players? none of the guys are the girl's bf? or what's going on?
2 Eibar players banging some random sloot. Picture of her cuck boyfriend is near the top of this page.
good post
>The sound spanish people make during sex
and now feminist blogs from around the world are writing about how the men should be locked up for leaking such video
To be honest, they sould. It's a crime punishable by law. She's still a slut though.
I'm glad my fiancé was a virgin when I met her. I'll never have to wonder if she was double teamed by two guys before.
"Para, eso no" means stop, not that (in reference to the filming). Also the guy was saying "sigue, sigue, sigue" meaning keep going kek.
Also that has to be the gayest devil's three way position I've ever seen.
How do you know that's the girl?
It looks like he is pounding the guy's ass.
>80% blue eyes and blondish hair
nice try Medina
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>he fell for the virgin lie

How much is she going to be able to pawn the ring for when she finds a new Chad?
>not taking the ring AND the finger if she breaks out with you

this is why you'll never have a secure marriage btw
breaks up*
Her hymen was in place bruh

He is a good-looking lad, nothing can really protect you against being cuckolded t b h
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desu the girl in the middle is cuter than the girl who cucked the dude
she reminds me of rashida jones
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>completely pubeless men who look like justin bieber clones banging each other's assholes

Just another day in Europe
That was awesome.
Who did I just jack it to?
I heard about this but I'm failing to see how having sex is a scandal?
It's not, just meme the press say. It's also funny cause she had a bf but I mean he was a literal who so no scandal.
Viva el presidente, ronaldo
someone fill me in

is it actual cuckholdry?
someone post the actual video ffs
The video is gone. Someone please post a new link.
Can someone repost the original video from Vimeo?
>sucking this ottermode faggots dick
Probably meant it in the sense of how much men here take care of themselves, their hair, etc because 80% spaniards don't look like that you are right.
The Spanish media are now spinning this as an example of machismo. That poor sloot has a right to privacy.

When you let yourself get double teamed and filmed by footballers you should imagine what's going to happen
but it's not her fault bro
Too much FC, stupid cunt
here you go lads
based britbong
Time for a cheeky work fap
In the stadiums will sing jokes for Sergi Enrich and Antonio Luna
eibar desperately trying to become the next leicester
i dont even think i could get hard with an other naked man in the same room as me
It's like those JAV videos where a guy finds a way to stop time. So he tries it out, fucks a girl or two and carries on with his life.

Then proceeds to go tell his mate about it, they get excited together and GO FUCK THE SAME INANIMATE GIRL TOGETHER

>tells the camera person that she doesn't want to be filmed but keeps sucking the cock any way
it must be pretty distracting for everyone involved 2bh.
Kek based
And why would they want it?
>watching censored chink porn
the censoring sucks but JAV idols are hot

wish they got hired by some western production studio
It's top tier porn, once you get used to it. Also you have to filter out the ones where everyone's screaming out loud, the ones where everyone is trying to be quiet are incredible
Two Eibar football players fucked a woman and recorded it. It went public and now she is sueing them
boyfriend here>>71714487

she's the one with the cow piercing
hahaha amazing. not one, but two guys railed your GF. I can't imagine him recovering, you're the guy whose GF got double teamed by two football players.
That is gay as fuck
desu I think he got lucky, he can now dump her, imagine if this didn't get ''leaked'' and he ended up marrying her
If there wouldnt be a girl in the video, that would have been my first thought.

>no rimming
>no banter between the lads
>no racial slurs

shit tier
there's a girl in the video and it still comes off as gay

probably because it looks like he is fucking his mates arse
Ofcourse, but still.. What did you do wrong that your GF goes out and gets spitroasted by two other guys, not even you and another guy. Two complete strangers.
nothing, she's just a slut
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she sucked a footballers dick and let another one take her from behind whilst you are all sitting here posting on 4chan
Women don't just go and get spit roasted by other men. Dude was probably low test, only fucking her in like 2-3 positions two times a week.

But im going to fuck a girl from behind tonight anon, and probably cum in her mouth. What about you anon ? Did you get some action ?
Supposedly the guys paid 10000€ each to the girl. This is getting more and more interesting. Will Spanish media keep white knighting her if she happens to be a literal whore?
i get no action, no
>only fucking her in like 2-3
W-what's wrong with that?
I guess you mean we. Also, I wouldn't like to be part of that pseudohomo threesome.
btw she looks nowhere near as good in the other pictures
she's a womyn so she's already won
Hot af
Why would anyone pay that much?
why are there spanish girls in poland, is your economic situation that bad they have to "work" in eastern europe
Cup run at best
It gets dull after a while. go wild, even if it feels clunky to try some crazy just roll with it. I dont know about you but i don't have the biggest dick so i have to be creative.

Why's that anon ?

for the sex? or to keep her mouth shut?
What does sex feel like?

what a fucking disgusting whore, I tell you one thing for sure no guy will ever treat as anything other than a fucktoy after this, her chances of a normal relationship are gone forever
bags of sand, salty coins and milk etc..
>nose ring
red flags.
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Did somebody post this already?
I'm not sure now, it's not clear because I can't find the second audio to listen myself, so need to read what "journalists" are trying to explain.
Why are so many british young girls on summer here? Is it because there are no heterosexual guys there to satisfy them?
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are they gay? i mean he was basically staring right at the guy's ass while fucking her.
no doubt they wanted to fuck a woman but couldn't get hard without each other
>what are bisexuals
>he never double teamed a girl with his bro
when you double team a girl with your bro do you take a wiff of his ass every stroke?
Did you every do it ? I don't think i could handle looking at my friend's fuckface expression. How can you stay serious and hard after you see this face >>71715214

yeah, and I also slap his ass so he keeps his stamina high.


her name is slut
Honest question /sp/.
Would you take part on a threesome?
Would you be willing to share your girl with another dude?
I'm trying to warm my gf up for a 2-girl 3 way though.

>my girl
>another guy's slutty gf
1 guy 2 girls sure
I'll take your girl for my slave of sex.
Doesn't that make all of you hypocrites?
sure but do I really care? not really
He means it, he's Japanese.

translation please you barbaric papist
I didn't exactly have a threeway, but I did have two people have sex right next to me while I was asleep (my best mate and his gf). I'm a firm sleeper.
I'm depressed

That's not the ful video from vimeo :(
>Luna passes to Enrich and he scores at minute 69

Spanish >humor at his best.
keep your head up, youve got a good head on your shoulders

what's the deal with her, has she made a public statement? has her boyfriend dumped her? has she expalined how it happened and why she did it?
No, because my gf would enjoy the girl too.
Is there a video longer than those 17 seconds?
she has sued them
Has the boyfriend commented?
look for it.
so that 6/10 fucked 2 absolute chads, pro athletes, top 1% genetically

In what world could a random 6/10 middle class guy, nothing special, have a threesome with 2 victoria's secret models?

It makes me sick



nope and BF is unconfirmed
baby's first "life is unfair" lesson
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based CR7
>2 absolute chads, pro athletes, top 1% genetically
Nah, only Enrich looks good

If she's the one on the right, she's at least a 7.5, qt af
The nose piercing warrants a 2 point deduction.
>she's at least a 7.5, qt af
and I thought israel had hot women
>tfw you're jackhammering some broad with your teammate
>tfw your amigo always insists on spreading his ass in front of your face
>tfw you close your eyes to avoid having to stare into the abyss
>tfw you haven't figured out how to avoid smelling his sweaty ass.
holy shit that is fucking amazing
If the recordings are NOT fake (as players, agents, etc.) claim, they are going to look even worse. No one in the story is going to end looking like a decent human being. The 20000€, the boyfriend, the lies...
Good post. Will force this.
it's said the video is from months ago, an ex-Eibar nigger player called Eddy Silvestre leaked it now. On that time the girl was single, so the cuck boyfriend is just a meme

Anyways, that could be another rumour, chose the story you prefer...
Easy 7/10 if it wasn't for the cow piercing.
6/10 because of that.

>having a dead stick in a plant pot

do spanishes really do this? are they too lazy to water a real plant?
At least they are not dead from radiation
>her chances of a normal relationship are gone forever
M8 Spain is cuckland and there are too many betas who would sell their mothers to DAESH in order to have a gf, no matter if she's the biggest whore on Earth.

>would sell their mothers to DAESH in order to have a gf
made me kek, but it's true.
based Canton(e) Ticino poster

Us who browse 4chan don't, obviously
Btw, both players are from Balearic Islands. I don't know if, as a balear (mallorcan), I should feel proud or ashamed. Or both things at the same time.
You're such a faggot for not fucking his ass
and "accidentally" sticking your dick in his ass
Being alpha is exhausting though

The place that has given us Ibiza and Magaluf...it's in your culture
You should kys after they're finished bulding the statue for these two chads.
So she doesn't want one of the guys to record the video, but keeps banging them instead of asking for the phone, deleting the video, and leaving immediately, and she didn't expect the video to come out eventually?
judging by her reaction to being recorded any proper lawyer will get the case dismissed

she was having 2 much fun to stop
>be a slut
>fucks two guys behind BF back
>gets pissed because video gets released and her life is ruined
I know the feel about the bag of sand, but what does the "salty coin" makes reference to?
the taste of vagina
good post
Thanks,hopefully i'll never know personally.

this makes me think they are bi

The game is out there, and it's either play or get played
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Is that Azzar?
Are they brothers? The only difference in their faces is the beard.
>her life is ruined
I wish
She will become the new Rebeca Linares. She's bound to have received offers from porn studios by now.
Can a girl just have a good time and enjoy an experience without being judged by sexist neckbeards?

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my boy
uploading the vid without her consent sucks desu fan baka
They didn't upload it.
TY based Ronaldo
oh yes they will. you seem to be unaware of how many beta guys there are nowadays
Her getting indignant about it is why people are shitting on her.
She has a right to privacy, though.
don't need it
I'm sure those lads are just totally chilling out in their sexist man-caves right now and not dealing with suicidal thoughts or anything. Perspective Debra, look it up.

So a girl can't have a fun night with a couple of guys and enjoy her sexuality?
no, sluts should be shamed
Two literal who's paid a girl to have sex with them. Who cares?
Your mom as she's been doing it for free this whole time.
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>mfw my gf admitted to getting spitroasted in college
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>weird hair colour
u wot
>mfw my gf admitted to getting spitroasted in college
> my gf

Not my ex-gf.
Fucking savage
so did they really pay the girl that much?

in Barcelona you can fuck 8/10s for 150 an hour, maybe there's a premium in Eibar...
150 and hour for an 8/10?

I'd rather check some 20/10, they always have some good stuff if you are patient enough.

Into the trash

>implying any spaniards have enough money to actually visit stadiums

whats the average attendance for eibar games? 600?
they have a 6300 capacity stadium, with an average of 83% (5300)

Wait, so they had to pay? how much was it?
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Why dump her when the sex is still good? it's not like i'm marrying her in the long run
10k shekels each
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>falling for the women meme
They paid so she wouldn't sue them after the video leaked.
S-she's perfect...but she'd never talk to m-me..
>eso no
really good post
mmf threesomes are the gayest things in the world
Bf looks like a beta cuck even though he's handsome, bitch on the right is qt as fuark, but seems like this photo was a fluke, she looks like a 6/10 in others, bitch in the middle is okay too.
Imagine how many of these whores i.e. women get gangbanged and then get married. Nobody finds out about this because not all of them fuck somewhat famous people and even if they do few people are retarded enough to let something like this leak.
Really makes you think.
They literally look like brothers
if she has nose piercings chances are she's pretty slutty bro

but since tattoos became popular it's never been more obvious
this doesn't make me think at all to be honest
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