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Official /turnleft/ Citizen Soldier 400 at Dover

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Race starts: 1400EST on NBCSN

Race 3 of the chase with Troox and Harvick winning the first 2 races.

On the chopping block for elimination...
13th - Dillon
14th - McMurray
15th - Stewart
16th - Buescher

Will Danica crash a contender allowing one of the bottom 4 to sneak into the next leg of the chase?
Will this be the race that Tony Stewart kills again?

Tune in shortly for the answers to these questions, and more....
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2nd for based brad
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Who /ragsinabox/ here

Good man.
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Take it outside, God-boy.
Last race here was pretty good.
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who /JWL/ here
>Dillon advances to next round confirmed
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>bowman not in the 88

This. It's fucked. Unfortunately, money and sponsors talk.

Junior was in Bowman's pit booth for the Xfinity race (Where Bowman came 5th) so he's got a ton of faith in him at least.
Rolling for first caution
rolling for who will hit the barrels
Competition Caution at lap 40. Very unlikely someone crashes before then.
>The stands aren't even 20% filled
Yeh I know. Re-rolling for afterwards

>Kylel doesn't even support Trump unlike Based Chase
It's Deleware, not Charlotte.

One day NASCAR will return to its roots and its fans. But you need to pay these drivers who expect to make millions. So we get $100 seats and constant commercials
>sell a 2nd race's worth of tickets
>still empty seats

harvick blew up
Harvick is fucked...
farewell happy.

we hardly knew you
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Shill free stream:
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Valuable Ally dodged a bullet
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>He came from Reddit
>JGR JGR JGR Penske Penske

Larson ;_;
>Larson is kill


This fucking bullshit. I sincerely hope the JGR guys all get taken out in one big wreck at Talladega
>go behind wall within 30 laps
>still locked in

c h a s e
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dubs confirm

Praise Kek!
wait, so if Chase wins today, we get free lunch from Little Ceasars next week?


post ending in 24 confirms Chase win and free lunch next week
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Kek wills it. Give Kek your energy!

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
>it's the same stream we've always used but commercial this race for some reason....

Who's from Reddit?
OP confirmed gay
Roll for winner
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t. gibbs
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What be mentim, and why do they always want mo of it?
>Danica's radio

Danica: Why is my car so fucking slow? IT'S SO SLOW!"
cc: .....

Danica: When the yellow comes out we have to fix it, this is diabolically slow
CC clearly annoyed: We know, we got it
Ok famalam what'd I miss, just woke up from a hangover from my frat's party last night
>commercial caution

Danica really isn't relevant anymore, famalam, the only fans she has is SJW's who don't drive, they don't even have drivers licenses

>no joke, actually read a post on tumblr about how the "DMV IS SEXIST" because they wouldn't give it to her after 5 tests

maybe do what the instructor asks you to do, and you won't have problems, you have to be braindead retarded to fail a fucking driving test, it's the easiest thing on the planet

>Claims she's going to wreck Kryle last week
>No speed this week.

Not sure if kek or wanting to see the shitstorm if she wrecks Kryle out of the chase.
>Phi Alpha Gamma
happy is ded

law-sun is ded

Krut is win
Clean the semen off your face and get back to us...
>faggoty pink hat

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That would be amazing. Go on, make yourself useful for once, strumpet

not only that, but they don't know a thing about cars

>worked in an auto shop for a few months while i was in between jobs, was working the front desk

>landwhale comes in with her shitbox 1987 Ford Tempo, engine iddling rough, knocking

so, we take it apart, and find out that she hasn't changed the oil in ages, the pistons were knocking hard, meaning we'd have to re-sleeve them and more or less rebuild the entire engine, it was fucked, we were amazed she even drove it there to begin with,

we tell her, and she says "well, just pour some engine oil on it, and fix it"

"we have to re-build the entire engine, and your transmission needs to be fixed too"

"just fix it then, is this gonna cost much, i only have like 100 bucks"

"you're looking at about 900-1200 dollars"
"no, my mom said you could make it cheaper"
"that's our rates"

she took the pile of shit and drove off

how these whales even drive is beyond me
>calling someone else a fag
It's tit cancer month, I'm actually surprised there aren't more pink cars out there.

Breast Cancer awareness

a cancer that kills less than 3 people a year, and only because the cunts don't go to the doctor until it's too late
they buy new cars with prepaid maintenance agreements. they take it in to the dealer for maintenance and pay what they tell them to pay.

well, this broad was so stupid, like, i can't even describe her, she was like chris christie if he was a woman and she wore clothing that clearly wasn't made for someone of her girth, it was stretching and ripping

also she smelled like a half-dead dying corpse, i had to stop myself from gagging when talking to her,

oh, this was last fall, too, she had a bernie bumper sticker on her car, and another one that said "Gender is what you make it"
SJW's just don't know what things cost

had one flip out at me because we charged more than 1 dollar for a jug of windsheild cleaner

"this stuff is only 1 buck at Dollar Tree"
"ma'am, this stuff is thicker, the stuff at dollar tree is 80% water"
"you're over charging"
I used to work at a dry cleaners. Not the owner or the manager, just the barely minimum wage counter kid. I had many women come in and lecture me how it wasnt fair that a dress cost more than a pair of men's pants to dry clean. When I explained that it took longer to press a dress, that much of it had to be hand done, I would invariably be shushed, as attempting to inject reason into their perceived slights to women in general wasnt acceptable.
>McMurray is kill

much rather see jimmie win than jgrshit
McFlurry is a likeable enough guy, but he doesnt show any flashes of emotion. I want to see him smash Loganno across his face with his helmet, just because Loganno is a faggot.
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First Rahrson, and now MacMurree....
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lmao wtf
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I think Kenseth straightened out Lelgano last year, as he hasn't been nearly as much of a dumb ass this season.
why is that a caution
>The City of Chip Ganassi Motorsports
I stood up and cheered Kenseth KENSETH!!! of all people taking out Logano last year. The single greatest thing that had happened in NASCAR in several years.

>mfw my right front went down
>Jimmy in the lead

Thank fuck
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Rip McDonalds
McFlurry ded

ded for real
RIP McFlurry
RIP CGR's chase hopes
McFlurry has melted.
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>know yourre going to blow up
>fuck the whole track up instead of pitting
France giving the team some cash for causing caution
That was glorious....
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>car applodes
>almost run into support truck because it pulls out right in front of you

Tough day for the knife....
Please let the days of JWL be back

Please God someone save us from Toyota

Gimmie is the hero we need right now
>hot mic food orders
What bothers me about Jimmie Johnson is his lack of personality. He's boring. He never says anything remotely entertaining.

Someone so unlikable does not deserve to have his name next to Earnhardt and Petty, two of the most iconic personalities in the world of sports.
Double same numbers and Larson memes his way into the last chase spot.
Pls ;_;
You sound like a woman...in other words, a bitch.

These are race car drivers, not gossip show hosts.
can we get rid of OSHA and all safety rules in NASCAR?
Weird hearing Rick Allen talk about F1
So when are we bringing Indycar back to Dover?
I hate this fucking track so much.
>that Dover crash replay

I really didn't want to remember that, NBC

>blaming the track and not the cars

nigga the race here earlier this season was the best race of the last few seasons
That's the only exception. Every other race here the past few years has been absolutely lame.
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Its over lads
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What even are the chances of that?

>Cars is too tight [ ]
>Car is too loose [ ]
>Tyres too hot [ ]
>Tyres too cold [ ]
>Tyres too rubbery [ ]
>Tyres too worn [ ]
>Other cars driving too fast [X]
>It's too windy [ ]
>Spotter and Crew chief keep talking to me on the radio [ ]
>Engine too loud [ ]
>My feet hurt [ ]
>I'm not racing a dirt car [ ]
>This is not Eldora [ ]
>I'm not having firework fights with my interns [ ]
>I wish Kurt would stop being depressed [X]
>I wish Harvick would stop sending me that bull gif [ ]
>Why do we employ Danica again? [ ]
>Newman won't stop texting me his Moon Landing conspiracy theories [ ]
>Brian Scott is in my Way again [ ]
>My Paint scheme sucks [ ]
>I miss Porkchop [X]
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It would be great if all the JGR cars just stopped working.
how'd your football team do today, /turnleft/?

>watching grab ass

faggot furry

NASCAR is the only non-degenerate sport

that and Curling

curling is manly, i'm 310lbs and part of a curling team
>reciever in court for a crack charge
>running back in court for a domestic violence charge
>defensive end in court for failure to pay child support
>cornerback in jail for gun violation
>safety in jail for assault and battery of a fan at a club

Oh....the same as usual.

The Giants don't play until tomorrow night but we've already lost.

>Having to play the hottest team in the league at home while your division rivals get a babby schedule
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My team plays tomorrow night.
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Steelers don't play til later
>31 cars are 1 lap down
This race fucking sucks butts.
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Got the win
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WVU won yesterday. undefeated.

Thats all that matters in terms of football
Bengals look p good desu
>6 cars on the lead lap

It's like I'm watching a F1 race...
F1 next week, at midnight.

I dont think so Senpai
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I went to the Notre Dame/Syracuse game yesterday, my first football game ever, and while it was a great game I hated the experience.

We did a tailgate with some neighbors, who didn't even start walking toward the stadium until the end of the first quarter (so we missed something like 6 TDs) and ended up leaving at the end of the third quarter.

The security screenings were fucking insane. I expected bag searches but they turned away any bags larger than a pocketbook and then there were actual TSA style metal detectors. This shocked me, considering I can go to a Yankees game and they'll wave me through when I bring a clear, full sized garbage bag of snacks and drinks. And since no one seems to watch the first quarter of football the lines were fucking massive, which was great because you can get up close to the fat, sweaty sweaty superfans as they desperately try to finish their last cigarette before they get let in.

In the bathrooms, every surface lower than 36 inches was covered in piss, literally everything.

And what actually bothered me the most was the amount of >we there was. People shouting "this is OUR year!" and "WE'VE got such good D this year and it shows!" like they're actually helping the team by getting 10 deep and peeing on their shoes.

For people who care about sports, the scene was really pathetic and I don't think I'll be going to another football game ever again.
If you think that's bad, you should go to a race, night ones are the worst

>judging going to a football game off of a shitty college football experience

going to NFL games is based, when we go to Jet games (thank god I didn't go today) you have to have your tailgate wrapped up and start walking to the gates by 12:15 tops. Leaving is a fuck fest but have snacks and shit in the car.

Also stop drinking by the 4th so you aren't pissing while in traffic
what are the odds that Kyle Larson makes up 6 laps by the end of the race?
I've done Indy for Indycar and I've done Pocono for the Cup. I think the saving grace is that there's so much goddamn seating that you can separate yourself from the nonsense. Like, there's a whole infield for it and I never have to go over there unless I want to. Hell, at Indy the party is usually too fucked up to make it off the Coke lot

heard you can't see shit there

these days going to a 1.5 mile track is probably best

Kansas was fucking cool desu senpai
1 in 1 billion. It would be more likely that 2 chase drivers crashed and he finishes ahead of them.
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6 cars on the lead lap. Heh. Is this a common occurrence for Dover?

Japan Grand Prix! Wai~!
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MTJ seems like a top guy, very charitable with the foundation and the catwalk and stuff, he deserves the success that he's having, really happy for him and Sherry with her being cancer free and whatnot. I was really happy about the Coke 600 because they had a lot of adversity and they overcame it in a huge way there

But good lord, this is a little ridiculous right now.
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we'll see about that

I hate 1.5 movie cookie cutters, but yea if you're sitting on the straights at Indy you realize why they're shaped like that real quick.
lmao has there even been a caution today?
There have been 4. The last one was approx. 34,500 laps ago!
nononono, you know its #EATSHITPITT.

sigh, I miss rivalry games.

I want to beat Va tech and Pitt every year again.
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You'll probably kick our ass in basketball this year though.
>danica 6 (SIX) laps down
>Pitts only claim to fame in the last decade was an upset that took place 8 years ago
Chase Elliot = The Professor
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>Our Boy a lap down
NASCAR is all about driver personalities. Watch real racing if you want to see good drivers.
It doesnt matter. I miss going to 3 rivers every other year to watch the games. Pitt fans were always decent. One year it was freezing balls so bad, I no longer cared who won, I just wanted the game to end. WVU ended up winning, and as we were winning, I was bullshitting with some Pitt fan and he tells me "I didnt even care who won anymore, I just wanted to get the fuck out of the cold". Pitt fans and WVU are the same people. We enjoy a rivalry because we are neighbors, the way college football fans should be.

Fuck the ACC, I hope they catch on fire and die.

And fuck these captchas too.
>inb4 meme cawshun
Obligatory caution from McDowell when

>soon please
Worst race of the year?
Toyota weave when?????????????
Tony should put himself in the wall just to fuck someone over in his last meaningful race
>last meaningful race

Like he won't dump a contender at Homestead
At least kyle busch didn't win

Based Chase 3rd in both Dover races this year
wtf I love JGR now
>no burnout
>no weave

inb4 Austin Dildo fails inspection
>we need you to stall the car, do you understand?
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Fucking ridiculous. At least our protagonist got into the next round
>NASCAR is all about driver personalities

Bitch, please.

NASCAR is among the most competitive series there is, and the fact that there's so many different winners every season proves that fact.

Series, like F1, are decided in qualifying like 60% of the time, and barring mechanical failure, the winner comes from the pole position over 50% of the time. Those series are 100% pure shit.
Can Dover just be removed from the schedule forever.
Getting real tired of these Gibbs Toyoterz

not before New Hampshit
>the majority of the teams who arent faggots got eliminated already

why does NBC pipe in fake crowd noise?
Let's see em'...

I was off by Larson and Stewart....
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Well, fuck
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I'm kinda close
They should dismantle NHMS & build a track here in Massachushits. We have facilities for every damn normie sport & more, but not NASCAR.

Hell, we just had our first AMA Supercross race at Gillette in April. I loved that. Who /Eli/ here?
Larson needs to leave the shantytown of Ganassi.
>NASCAR is so easy literally everyone and their son can win a race
>this is a good thing
>>NASCAR is so easy literally everyone and their son can win a race
Except this has never been the case?
>NASCAR has so many skilled drivers that the battle for the win every week involves different drivers.

There's no track here because no one cares here. NH at least has lots of short tracks and interest in racing.
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F1 race was better, that pretty much says how shitty this race was
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>smoke doesnt want to talk
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WMU 5-0
UoM 5-0

Feels good man

hint: it's coca-cola

>It's Coke
>France was trying to get Samsung or Microsoft because of the #KidsDriveNASCAR push would get fucked by a coke sponsorship

Heads gonna roll in NASCAR's marketing department
why not KFC

>I was excited about hearing about the chase for the KFC Famous Bowl
>unless they come from a road racing series and aren't named Tony Stewart

Road racers manage to get the occasional road course win in NASCAR, but usually get BTFO by the oval guys, and they NEVER win on an oval.

Piss off back to your shit series.
>hint: it's coca-cola

>wanting microsoft

>NASCAR games become an exclusive to xbox one and PC

so that would mean i wasted money on this PS4

fuck no
>NASCAR games

>paying money to the never-ending beta that is iRenting

you're retarded

do you even /ovg/ brah?
Are you saying you enjoy Evolution?


you're leasing it, fucker
who said i played iRenting?
Nascar games are all fucking shit except nr2003
and thunder

i dont

i dont have a PS4

i have an Xbone,

Nah. It would just make things awkward for DMR if they sponsored it as the "Chase for the Xbox Cup" but they would be more than likely be sponsoring it under Windows or Azure. Heat Evolution on PS4 already has MS logos on Hendrick cars and pit stalls because they are a team sponsor and they are in the PS4 version of F1 2016 (MS Sponsors Haas and Renault this year but they might be dropping Renault and going full time with Haas next year). The Xbox logo appears in the PS4 version of FIFA because they sponsor the Seattle Sounders and the Surface appears in Madden 17 on the PS4. The PS4 logo also appears in the Xbone version of PES 2017 because Sony sponsors the Champions League. Autism aside, it's already been done and would just be a small headache for DMR (And the worst that would happen is the Xbone and PC versiouns would probably get a few additional paint schemes MS has run with Hendrick like Junior's 2015 Master Chief wrap for the Halo 5 launch).

Autism aside. The rumors were that France wanted MS or Samsung because they want to push the #KidsDriveNASCAR marketing huge and make NASCAR look modern to get spectators back in and wanted a "Modern, technology based" sponsor so it shakes off the "Redneck" image and makes it look technical like every other motorsport. If they failed to land the big tech sponsor and Coke has to step in to save the day (As Coke was apparently willing to step aside for a Tech sponsor if it helped the sport grow as they already have enough branding around) then NASCAR is starting to get in deep shit if sponsors are becoming less interested and attendance keeps plunging.

tl;dr Milenials ruined NASCAR again.

most millenials only care about 6 second vines and are going to vote for hillary clinton because "muh progress" because of the fucked up history scrubbing by teachers and schools in the 90's

liberals have ruined millenials

please no, i don't want liberals watching NASCAR, because then the cup series will be half named "Muhammad" "ahmed" "abduul" or "shi-thead"
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