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24 Hours of Le Mans Thread #5: Comfy Night Racing Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 523
Thread images: 91

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Previous Thread >>68634952

Now entering the 10th Hour

Spotter Guide:

Entry List:

Qualifying Results:

RLM Studio Cam:


Onboard Cameras:

Rain Dance Tutorial:
first for dansky jr
Why did you choose a Thunderhill NASA car for a LeMans thread?
>28 MPH

Let it die m8
#1: "Porche mechanics spend time to fix me, but IDGAF. "

uh does that guy know you're considered retired if you run away from the car??
This is Toyota's biggest chance, do you think they'll fuck it up somehow?
>That dying sound
>This kills the Porsche
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Whatever for Porsche hybrids
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press F to pay respects
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They will. Meme magic wills it
poor wobbler
>>livestreamer http://www.ustream.tv/embed/18270787 best -o filename.flv
But meme magic is busy with Audi's reliability
Because glowing rotors and comfy night racing
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This, they will probably get taken out one of the GTE Am Ferraris
Leopon team best Ooarai team
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press f to pay respects
Best team and best brown from the show
but thank you anon for your patience
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Any one see the sock monkey s on the wall?
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My nigger, you have excellent taste.
they showed at the beginning of the race as well
At the second chicane? I thought I saw the silhouette of one.
Glowing brakes look coolio
It's been lagging a while for me which is a shame because it has rlm commentary
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>when they are showing the headlights
I saw two thus far
>14h to go
>Toyota 1+2
cautiously optimistic
>no longer allowed to cover the front of the garage starting this week

you can directly pass it to a player with a cache

>>livestreamer http://www.ustream.tv/embed/18270787 best --stream-segment-threads 5 --player "'C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe' --file-caching=5000"
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TFW no gtlmam Ferrari and no Deltameme to stop the mighty yota. Europe will weap
Top Kek. I remember that crash
>10 minutes od race
>3 minutes of ads
why eurosport stll exists?
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Does the Croquete onboard stream on fox work for someone?
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i'm happy kenta kobayashi found a nice job after AJPW
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If the Eagle MkIII raced at Le Mans at its time, how well it would perform?
it means OUTLAP so they probably just stopped for fuel/tyres/driver change
Toyota should win

I love the tail lights of the Ford btw. Spooky face tier.
"Out" doesn't mean they're in the garage being worked on?
thank god
Oil at Porsche curves
No, that's what "Pit" means
Porsche go boom
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The race director is absolutely savage.
>Porsche again

What is happening?
Did the RC just asked a team if their driver had problems identifying blue flags being waved at him ?
Safety car!
>Porsche's engine blowing up at the Porsche curves
We get it, you vape.
Yep. Asked the Audi team to move for the Porsche. Was hilarious.
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That Audi driver was being a cunt for nearly a lap
Time to gas the jews I guess
Yes, the #7 Audi
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>Polish Eurosport commentators:
>"Lots of you are asking us whether there would be a contest, and since last year the contest with memes went so well, we'll have the meme contest this year too"

oh god what
>#2 Porsche 1:30~ behind race leader
does your Eurosport also reroll the same 3 ads
10 hours done, 14 to go boys.
>porsche blown up
Hug me, someone
Mine shows the same clip about cyclist being kissed and some bows.
>burning Porsches

It's last years race all over again
Ferrari in first in GTE P
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"It's over. Just place your car in a safety place. It's over... "

twitch / audiusaofficial

>these guys are the best racers in Forza
>racing line
>no damage
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>tfw the camera men drift slowly into insanity and zoom in on the center of the ferris wheel
>the director thinks it's beautiful because he's starting to lose it too

maximum comfy
holy fuck lads
Inb4 Toyota sandbagging
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New Batman car concept?
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How is a car missing one front light though?
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How long until the other Porsches blow?
Easy now
What happened to the #1 Porsche?
Sheeeeit. Corvette is moving up and a gt dropped behind with Ferrari leading the pack.

Could it be?
Go and watch the formula-e esports tournament, it was worse than your average online lobby, and they used fucking PADS.
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just joking
go to bed miguel
Well of couse! It's 2016 already geeez!
Stream chat is kill
>inb4 vette btfo everyone in the last hours of the race while being neutered
>Ferrari takes second
>ford third
>Aston fourth
>fords follow
>Porsches on fire

>Toyota wins it all

Audi and Porsche are kill
I hope Allah strikes down whoever linked it on reddit
did stream chat die
>Xfinity NASCAR qualifying on FS2 instead of Le Mans

Fuck this country.
no, try refreshing the page

>best racers in Forza

Lots of Ricky-Bobbys to pander to
>le swinging my car

what did they mean by this?
It's on FSGo commercial free though
yea we all know thats clearly me
>our dreams come true

;_; you can do it, based Toyo
The chat is dead.
Been like this for at least an hour
Refreshed it at least 70 times
its on fsgo, bud
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anyone else get disconnected from the chat?

the water pump wobbled.
no its dead i keep refreshing it but it gives "error:sever disconnected"
At least you get FS2, hick
>watching racing on Saturday night

Wow, you must all be losers, real people are at parties,

Not me...I'm. Loserz I don't want friends...they all just fuck you over in the end

I have no real life, no job, no money. No hope
you got banned
I said it last year: gte is pointles. Gt3 is the real deal.

No, that means you got banned
>He is not watching LeMans with his family
are you tuned in through the ustream.tv url? for me chat doesn't work when using http://youu.mooo.com/wl/wat-live.html link.

try http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wat-live1
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>Toyota wins it all

I'm fanny frustrated about the Porsches, but I wouldn't even be mad.
we both got banned senpai
If by family you mean 4chan.
They did it again. Without it being focused.
They just don't care anymore
>that fat pit crew member manning the fire extinguisher
Gt3 is literally designed so fat rich old Italians can drive and ruin pro races

If he would be banned, the message "You cannot browse the stream because you are banned" would appear.
I got banned from it 3 hours ago, not unbanned.
no i still get "error:server disconnected"
what did you get banned for
I think I got banned because I mentioned tony stewart running someone over lol
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>neutered corvette and Astons are coming

It's gonna be a wild last few hours.
Replace italians with americans and you get nascar in a nutshell
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>mfw power outage here
i got banned for making jokes about paul walker baka
anyone have a webm of the nugget getting into or out of the car?
Chip Ganassi Racing confirmed for hiring fat cunts
It worked for me, may Mika witness you finnbro
Got banned pretending to be a reddit fag and baiting the stream
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chat works fine in http://youu.mooo.com/wl/wat-live.html with firefox
webm of porsche explosion?
Just got in. I hope I didn't miss anything. Looks like Ford and Ferrari keep trading places.
W-were you the one pretending to be a girl
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What did he mean by this?
Aston and cheby are catching up while Porsche and one of the GTs dropped back
who were you? i was nuffley
I thought you jokes were good senpai
Nah, I was the one asking if this is F1 and vote for bernie, then got banned.
Well done, NuttiesBC
Ferrari Shill, im trying to make a new account but i think im IP banned
good thing i have dynamic IP
>even Russian Eurosport commentator mocking Eurosport ads

i cant change the file, whenever i try to save it, it says "access denied"
>going to miss a chunk of the race for sleep
>going to miss the end of the race cos I'll be out from 9 on wards
Can't get fully invested in the race cos of it.
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Is he dead or alive inside?
>corvette and Aston are on the heels of the 2 ferds

BoP can't stump them
Who /tormentedbyamosquito/ here? Bitch must have bitten me at least 5 times already.
IKR, it's fucking ridiculous, ad breaks happen almost as often as during an NFL game
Run notepad as administrator or save a file to desktop and then replace.
How long does this race go on for?
Quantic crewmen banned next year
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>all these sleeping pitcrews
comfy af
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is that an aston?
do you change it in the program direction, because you need administrator rights then
>it ain't me starts playing
>le ferrari
It was only a matter of time, Ferrari!
24 hours
13 hours in
>the absolute madman!
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>Ching Chang
Cracking open the first energy drink
There's literally a counter at the top of the screen
would rather be him than a porsche mechanic rn
Will Europeans be impressed if Ford wins its class?
Can't tell if sleeping or awake
Ferrari getting away from the Ford.
0.7 Sec last lap
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Who cares what europeans think?
One of the ferraris at the back of GTE Pro.

Ferrari will still win
fucking nice my dude

/bannedfromyoumoo/ here?

>admin got salty about paul walker and tony stewart jokes
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I was asleep for 5 hours, what happened to the #1 Porsche? Anything else I missed?
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Getting late lads, are you comfy?
/banned/ too
the admin didnt find the paul walker banter funny
Trying to sleep in those chairs is the exact opposite of comfy
>2/3 Porsches kill
>2/3 Ferraris kill
>2/4 Fords kill

Yuropoor factory teams on suicide watch, by the way.
Nothing. Toyota is still leading. Porsche lmp1 blew motor. Porsche gte caught fire. Ferrari just crashed. Aston and cheby are catching up. One ford fell back
You have been visited by the sleepy pit crew of hard work.

New tires and fast pit stops will come to you, but only if you post "sleep tight, pit crew" in this thread.
All this talk about it being father's day, I'm a dad to twin boys, why aren't you a father yet /lemans/ ?
>2/3 ferraris kill
the one in the gravel is being recovered so it will go back to racing
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Ford stream is /comfy/
Can't be dad at 19

Now i was able to change the file, but i still cant run the stream in hd from cmd, the quality options keep changing randomly, when i select 720p+, it says "no data returned from stream" but i can play it on 240p
sleep tight pit crew
Hasn't stopped some people
>sleep tight pit crew
I want under a minute and a half pits
Yeah /lemans/, man up and be a father.
I'm also a dad to my wife's twin sons.
i selected "best" and it worked
>already 4 laps down
Who cares. One of the WEC Fords lost little enough time to still be relevant maybe though.

>Corvette up to 5th while still lapping 3-4 seconds a lap slower than the chosen ones
sleep tight, pit crew

Also Porsche, give up on #1 already and go to sleep. It's getting late.
I know some drop kicks that are fathers at ~17

Never underestimate the power of drop kicks mooching off of others
use maybe these options

>#7 Audi
I'm NEET and don't have money but I'm not bydlo, and my girlfriend don't want it as well.
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what's up with you burgers and cuckoldry, transsex, binary code gender?
It's all memes.
"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour you're gonna see some serious shit"
Sleep tight,pit crew
>40 winks in 32 winks.
>neutered corvette and Aston still catching up
This will be like last year isn't it?
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i cant select it sometimes, but when i can, it shows that error, i dont think it´s a plugin problem because i was able to patch it.

Guess im screwed, thanks anyway anon, will open

i tried, still did not work, sorry :(
been away for 3 hours anything big happen?
>>68645469 Not this guy

But I've watched the race while snuggling with either of my two boys and fuck does it feel good. I'm >>68645323
How do you "install" the nightly build? do you only have to paste the folder in the install folder of livestreamer?
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>all memes
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>#86 is 5th in Am
>#82 leading in Pro
feels good mane
Isn't 91 running? They're not shown as retired on the live timings
Lots of ppl out and smooth racing, mostly car failures.


The official Porsche Races twitter account confirmed
It's parked m8, it caught on fire and the engine is kill. The live timing site is a little slow with the retirements
What in God's cock?
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who /anyonebutaudi/ here
i don't use the install version
just downloaded the nightly build and extracted it to a new folder

i also uploaded my version, just in case
>thingken of fast
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Why are there so many Nissan LMP2s? There's like 19 of them.
I love that the other guy still has all his gear on and a blinder over his goggles
>only one more hour until the funny dudes come back
I support my country men in #69 #92 & #97

Will "we" do any good. Probably not but 69 meme magic could do something fun
They did so well last year that everyone wanted to try out their lmp2 engine but in a rear engine application
You only choose a chassis wether it's liger, oreca, alpine, Gibson, or Morgan and then choose an engine. They are basically the only people who make the engines for the class.
FIA fucked P2 and turned it into a spec series so it's people getting ready for 2017.
Fuck that's comfy.
>Audi #7 under investigation

The Corvette just sounds like a pissed off machine looking to fuck up some ferd and ferrari shit

My hope is still alive.
Rules are for displacement limited production based engines with a cost cap and Nissan already extensively developed this engine for racing in GT500.

Your alternatives are a BMW engine modified by Judd and a turbocharged Honda Accord motor built in the US.
>wanting audi to win
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you think they'd let me buy one of those engines for shits n giggles?
They're moving up like last year. Who knows. Maybe they'll pull the win out of their ass
Second question then, why are those JSP2 so shit. 4 laps behind the leader for the first one, which is also only 2 laps ahead of the first GTE.
Shitty BoP or something ?
Yes. Part of the rule of LMP2 is that the car and engine has to have an upper cost limit. Therefore it's available to anyone with the money. They're not cheap, but go for it.
>68's fastest lap now quicker than 66's qualifying time
race director about to go HAM
Who knows. I think all the chassis weigh the same and using the exact same engine. I doubt it's BoP (like they fucked up GTE Pro) but rather shit driving from those teams
>pull the win out of their ass
plenty of time for shit to go down for everyone
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64 in 5th

I believe. The Corvette Racing team probably has the best crew out of the whole GTE field, and the car has a proven record of reliability. It can happen.
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tfw missed half the race because of work
First time I've missed most of this race
Yes I remember when I watched that accident in person in 1955
Someone pls webm that shot of the 911 rsr roaring to life, that was cool
It's gonna be an intense race and still 12 hours to go. The way Aston and Cheby have moved up in the last 12 will definitely give them a podium if they keep it up but this race will be close either way considering all these cars have been separated by a lap or so.

>still no major accidents
>not taking the weekend off for this
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Me in the crowd
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WARNING: if Ford loses they will be back next year

let that sink in.
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good night /sp/
>being poor
But next year there won't be an anniversary of the the ford winning LeMans so they won't do any better.
Dubs are true.
Yea? I'm only concerned about after their 2 year contract is up whether they decide to stick around or jump ship.

ferrari will come back stronger and beat them again even if they win this year
but next year they can shit in ferraris gas tank
who won that year
says who? you and the dirka dirka jihad army?
The Funeral Homes
Jaguar, in fact it was the car and driver that many say were responsible for the crash.
>tfw my fetish is to buy a GT3 car, put some DOT approved tires on it, and use it as a daily driver for shits and giggles

dem turn signals
cuz dey bad

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Mike Hawthorn and Ivor Bueb in a Jag D-Type

>For 1955 the cars were modified with long-nose bodywork and engines uprated with larger valves. At Le Mans, they proved competitive with the Mercedes-Benz 300 SLRs, which had been expected to win. Mike Hawthorn's D-Type had a narrow lead over Juan Manuel Fangio's Mercedes when another Mercedes team car was involved in the most catastrophic accident in motorsport history.[3] Driver Pierre Levegh and more than 80 spectators lost their lives, while many more were injured.
>Mercedes withdrew from the race. Jaguar opted to continue, and the D-Type driven by Hawthorn and Ivor Bueb went on to win.
>Mercedes withdrew from motorsport at the end of the 1955 season
im so sorry, i couldnt make it work :(, but dont worry, it still looks great in the ustream, thank you for being patient :)
>The Funeral Homes
bouncy moon
So, do you guys have any hobbies? is anyone else into scale models?
I totally missed this thread.
>tfw no 24 hours of africa race
video games
You're probably right. That JSP2 is crap in the end. Damn, the best lap by the best one is 3'39...
Oreca 05 meanwhile : 3'37

...And I thought ESM could do something good in Le Mans after that win at Daytona.
Used to be, years ago. What kind? Cars? Trains? Something else?
they do races in Argentina.
Did the 92 really blow the engine on the same corner the 91 did?
>Another Porsche lgnites

Wew Lads.
video games
>in charge of reliability
anime porn
i did gundam when i was little.
>then ambition overtakes talent and I am kill.
92 Porsche has suspension issues.
fuck off indy
There's 15 days of [s]Africa[s/] South America.

Stop posting proxy fag.
I play guitar.
it's only smokes, it will be fine
Fuck of american you proxyfag.

Exit speed on the lmp1 cars is pretty insane, are they faster than f1 on the exit?
nice proxy indycarfag
How do you type when the Dutch cut off your hands?
there is, its called running for your lives from whichever banana fuelled militia it is this week....
I drive around desolated places blasting songs from Initial D
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>tfw no 24 hours of Palanga
yes, they send hybrid power to the front and essentially create an AWD system for corner exit only
fuck off indycarfag
reported to mods
>nismeme getting bodied
Anime and sim racing
Nope. It wasn't that close even when the regulations allowed for more power, until 2014 or something. Thing is, André Lotterer mentioned the LMP1s have far more grip and, because of Bernie, better tires aswell.
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>tfw your not an autistic britbong obsessed with tracks in 3rd world shitholes
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yet another one to add to my collection
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>tfw no 48 hours of Niemuno Ziedas
fuck off indy
you think you're funny
Oh yes, the based chinaman from that documentary.
DAMN RIGHT WE DO, "TURISMO CARRETERA" which translated is something like "Touring Highway" is the longest running Racing competition in the world :D

We also have more advanced touring car championships, a national rally, and the motogp race :D

Cars and Bikes, most of my models are 1/43, and my favourite ones are 1/24, or 1/12.

I got too excited with my first paycheck and i spent like 500$ worth of scale models, hahahaha, but since i almost dont spend money in anything besides transportation from work / university to home i could afford it.




that´s cool

drifting in the toscana must be amazing

Which sim would you recommend me? i´m planning to buy a pc to finally start playing games again.
24 Hours of Watkins Glen?
What's the kill list looking like so far?
Will NISMO ever recover with the GT-R meme car?
I actually subscribed for this summer. Quality of racing is really hit or miss.
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LM Porsche 956.webm
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Let's feel old.
Do you guys think the Dakar rally is overrated or underrated? if so, why?
>This anon paid money so he can be a proxyfag and get (you)s.
rfactor 2
is #1 still not retired?
do you rob interlagos to host f1 on memes del rio hondo?
it wouldnt be a bad idea after all
YOu need to watch the video to fully enjoy this. The sound is just something else.
>porsche gap is now 1 minute
Than again, what happened to porsche?
I went out for dinner, just got back.
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I'm actually from Sicily. But it's still amazing, anyway. You get to see tons of spooky places.
Depends on the kind of corner a bit but sure.
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>You will never pilot the 2D at Le Mans.
>you will never be 2D
porsche corner claims another victim
Who /antarctica/ here?
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i hope toyota wins b/c toyota has a good reputation in africa
You don't know that. We might have a deep immersion 2D waifu sim in 10 years. Never give up
I agree, I love my tundra!
10 years is to far away

Might kill myself in 2
i think you meant that if i would swap interlagos for termas del rio hondo.

No, i would not, i dont think i would swap it with any of the gps, maybe the newer ones on countries with no racing tradition (bahrain, dubai, for example), i think it would be nice to have an argentina gp before or after interlagos, or maybe have it like in the 90s, when you had AUS-ARG-BRA as the first 3 races
It needs to be real man
>audi #7
Doesn't right now feel real?
>#7 again
we're approaching 12 hours lads

im making a sausage to celebrate
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you don't need to wait

Yes Fucks Yes.
Had to call in to work today and have missed everything from the green up until right now lads. What have I missed? Are the Toyotas for real? Any dank memes?
>The apartment of Audi
Thanks senpai
>germun engineering
i´m having rice with chicken and cream for dinner
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>audi ded again
Well shit
Safety cars
Toyota and Porsche fighting for first place
Audi on suicide watch
People forgetting to turn at the Mulsanne
Ferd almost one lap down on Ferrari in GT pro
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>audi right now
My bf gave me Italian sausage earlier :3
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>"Vorchsprung" durch "Technik"
Ctrl+alt+delete guys
mark off them bingo sheets
Who will console Leena
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>#71 rim explosion (????)
>#92 suspension mounts on chassis broken
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Yeah, and if Audi tried it the noose would probably fail.
Ok, we are half way through.

Thoughts so far?
>feels bad man
inb4 a Ferrari hits the Audi
any savage crashes yet?
Pretty good now that I've almost forgotten how bad the safety car start was
Nope, but we had this
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what the fuck
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He is going in
amazing, didnt think it would be this interesting
We're halfway bois
h a k f w a y m a r k
>no hands or feet

I salute that man.
poor guy ;_;
Good for him man, going the distance to do what he loves
>nugget has an ejection seat
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Audi on suicide.png
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>audi on suicide watch
>Halfway mark
>Both Toyotas are still alive
W-what does this mean
24 (duration in hours of famous 24 Hours of Le Mans race) times 84 (number of 24 Hours of Le Mans races held) is 2016 (current year)
No :(
>12 hours left
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>Audi is kill

What is she going to do now?
>playing video games

why are you fuckers playing racing games on a saturday night and not going out and having sex?

losers, quit playing video games and paint your houses

there's no reason you can't be working 15 hours a day 7 days a week

i gotta get back to work, my brake is over
>go to bed
>wake up
>wobbler is 52nd



Was my portuguese good, or bad?
She didn't even get a proper send-off

he wobbled
What a world
I'll give her lots of things to do, if you know what im saying
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Why does /sp/ have a lemans thread?
Not complaining just curious.
like, homework?
On all levels except physical, I am a Toyota TS050
Tell Andre to push harder if you catch my drift
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bye bye leena.jpg
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go to bentley and dominate there
Because it´s one of the most important races of the year?
because racing is a /sp/ort?
>sort of anyways
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I-It's only 45 seconds, right?
T-Twelve hours is enough time to make it up, right?
Because is part of motorsports
you forgot the ~
That was pretty good

DON'T REPLYYYYYY Jesus christ.
>sandbag all year
>get nerfed after quali

the city of Ford Motor Company

vlw, ta legado ;)

you can´t tell me what to do!
Malucelli is contractually obligated to fuck someone's race up, so just wait
>Fords losing time in the dark
As long as they don't slip too much >we'll be OK.
They're better on a warm track so the cars could make up ground once the sun comes up.
Plus, it's only a matter of time until a Ferrari fucks up.
>64 gets passed on track by 97
>nobody cares
WEC stream please
>tfw no more GT-R LM Nismo to mock all night long
>dat corvette noise

I bet girls bring towels to stuff between their legs when they go to watch races because of this car.
I know they're athletes etc. I only found out about this thread because /o/
>YFW if Toyota had brought 3 cars it could have been an all NIPPON BANZAI podium
Nap time.
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Too tired, got to sleep.
Cheeky dub for the #5
/o/ used to host these threads but it took time away from their bench racing and shitposting so they moved it over here.
In NASCAR, they have tearaways on the windshields to making cleaning easier. Why don't they do this in Le Mans?
I think they do here, but it's just a limited number, so clean them a couple of times then rip off.
Le mans teams have tear offs,but alao clean them because le mans pit stops last long enough to properly clean the windshield
But they do

The more curved the windscreen and the more layers you have the more distortion and visibility problems you're going to get.
Gotcha. I just haven't seen it yet.
Yeah it's lame, I remember in years past /o/ would go through like a dozen threads. Guess everyone came here or just fucked off.
I don't think I've seen a tear-off getting ripped off yet either, but I have seen the stickers for it.
It's literally just memes over on /o/. I like /sp/ because people are actually knowledgeable.
/o/ went extremely downhill over the past couple years

So let's have some real talk. Why the fuck is Marcel Fassler, Benoit Treluyer and Andre Lotterer all in the same car? Spread the talent out. They're the only drivers left worth a shit
Sad but true
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>Toyota hasn't lead a Le Mans race in over 20 years
Feels good hope they win desu
/o/ is fucking terrible
It's just a hugbox for irl friends and people at the high end of the autism spectrum at this point.

Basically an even slower and shittier /k/
The teams tend to put their best talent in one car, and a really good set of drivers in the other. And leave the second car to test strategies and shit. Unless they're unlucky and have issues.
Shit, I'm so sleepy I can't even get hard anymore.
Toyota had a huge lead past halfway in 2014, and that should be a reminder to not fucking jinx it REEEEE
The first Le Mans I ever watched with /o/ was in 2014 and it was breddy gud. One year later, no sticky, endless shitposting, and garbage memes. That place went downhill really fast

Yeah, it's just FWD vs RWD, Vette vs GTR, benchracing and other shitposting now.
Can confirm, /k/ is filled with retards.
They did? Welp my bad bb
Is the American commentator the one for IMSA? He sounds familiar.
is there any way to get the corvette onboard stream besides foxsportgo?
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They're safe this time, no dildowang to ruin it for everyone.

>All those Am Ferraris jumping on the BOP bandwagon though
I have more questions.

Why does audi continue to use their failing diesel? Well not failing, but pointless because the more efficient they make it, the smaller the ACO will bop their fuel tank.

They have to pit every 12 laps to porsche's 13, and toyotas 14.

Ulrich must be turning purple. That or he's too senile to care.

>he got banned from DTM for telling Timo to push another car off the track last year

Yeah he is.
What happened to the two Fords in the lead? I go away for a while and next thing I know Ferrari is BTFO'ing everyone in the class.
Is it just me or the youtube stream has gone dead?
Eurosport HD acestream gone dead
Not running as well at night.
They did, then in classic Toyota fashion the car burned down just past the halfway mark. Davidson also led for a few corners in 2012 before one of the GTE-Am Ferraris took him out
The one I'm watching is fine.
ive been watching the mooo stream and it has been perfect since the start
Same reason why Porsche is still using an RR design, it's worked for them and they'll continue to develop it and market it. I think not being in the 8MJ class is fucking with them as well.
She's famous but don't think for a second that Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich isn't the GOAT in Audi Sport.
I gotta go shit guys, wish me luck that i dont miss anything big

>all these fucking store fronts, fuck off captcha
>8 consecutive Ligiers at the bottom of the P2 field
Fässler, Treluyer, and Lotterer have been a team for years, and they work extremely well together. Breaking that up would come at a price.

And the value of a victory is wildly higher than a number of lower place finishes, so race teams try to maximize the chance of victory - which demands the very best drivers all on one team.
It worked for them when their competition was also diesel. But its not anymore
Porsche only use rr because muh heritage.
The cayman was nerfed to protect the 911
>banned from the stream chat
I wasn't even talking.

its censored you fucking cucks
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assmad gm fangirls spotted
Has Nismo Vs Z06 even developed since last year's Le Mans?
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>tfw a 24h race is just an excuse for you to spend 24 straight hours on 4chan
200 laps boys
who /cautionclock/ here?
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I don't think of the GT-R ever.
>But its faster

>Needing an excuse
I already do that, just not on /sp/
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I do that already, man
#98 fugged up
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yeah hahaha
Ha! I remember /o/ lemans streams from '09 and '10.
Those were the glory days, bmw troll car, dildo wing, massive peugeot fanboi butthurt, McNish getting airborne, Saleen S7 class win.

/o/'s been shit since '12
Christina is IN
They always do.
man, /o/ le mans threads were comfy as fuck

I'm so used to coming to /sp/ for f1 threads that I forgot to check
How long until the fords break down?
/k/ still has its good moments in the lulls between America's regularly scheduled mass shootings, but the last 8 years haven't been kind to it.


new thread

>bring barely street legal car
>win by less than 2 sec

>that ridiculously inconsistent braking
The fuck even

>practically the entire lap time difference comes from lifting coming on to the backstretch and using a completely different entry for the last corner
last 2 digits are the remaining laps for them.
/k/ is a board dedicated to tripcode circle jerking
After last year's failure of a GT-R hybrid Nissan has backpedaled, saying that they're happy as the major producer of LMP2 engines.

Really, they should have taken a super gt500 car (that they already have a fuck ton of race data on) and built their program around it.
Nissan's Super GT500 car is shit tho.
couldn't have been worse than last year's shit show
It doesn't make it any better
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Ye thats exactly why its dominating gt500 right.
Youtube stream ded
I love this time in the race. Usually a few streams with no commentary, fall asleep for a few hours to race motors.
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24H 940 remaining.jpg
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#51 AF Corse Ferrari out for engine problems
Thread posts: 523
Thread images: 91

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