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Was he given a fair shot?

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Was he given a fair shot?
shouldn't have chosen a dumpster fire program to start off in
Of course not. Americans hate it when people from other nations succeed, it makes them feel inadequate. It was best for you small dicked cucks to stomp him out before he even got anywhere.

At least you can still look your gfs in the eyes during intercourse without seeing the southern cross sparkle in her eyes, knowing deep down she wants a superior big strong Australian man.
hes living the life right now tbqh, money, weather, women, men?, anything he wants. +he doesnt have to worry about getting eaten by a 30ft spider-snake-kangaroo hybrid.
>implying chip Kelly doesnt make Hayne a QB and Kaep his RB in the circus meme scheme
your country is literally held hostage by emus and kangaroos
and yours is held hostage by apes
The NFL would be full of non americans if any of you fools could play. Nobody gives af about nationality. Just look at baseball.
He's not built for the runningback position. They only put him there because it's the easiest position to learn. He might have been a decent punt returner but he spaghettied his first opportunity. Punt returners get cut all the time for shit like that.
No because he ended up with the 49ers and coach Jim Tomsula. Players choose to retire rather then play for them.
Australians have never had to compete so directly alongside african american athletes, i'm not even surprised he got btfo and sidelined so quickly
>Humans are apes dumbass.
Do you guys have many Fijians? I know there are loads of Tongans and Samoans there.
>The Hominidae (/hɒˈmJnᵻdiː/), also known as great apes[note 1] or hominids, are a taxonomic family of primates that includes seven extant species in four genera: Pongo, the Bornean and Sumatran orangutan; Gorilla, the eastern and western gorilla; Pan, the common chimpanzee and bonobo; and Homo, the human.[1]
you are literally an ape
i am literally an ape
this entire planet is held hostage and being destroyed by a species of ape
each country's leader is an ape
every celebrity ever is an ape
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>this abo trying to get positive attention from BSAs so hard
What a doublecuck
Jesus man. New Zealand and Australia are the closest 1st world countries to the islands. Of course there's gunna be lots
He literally fumbled the ball on his play
>>65240200Let me tell you something, I've been watching this game for 30 years, and no rookie has ever impressed me as much as Hayne has. I've seen all the greatest. I've seen 30 superbowls. I've seen it all man. Hayne has that something special that I've only seen in very few players. Players that are sitting in the Hall of Fame right now. Players that kids and men aspire to be. Hayne is special let metell ya.
Don't you mean if any of them cared about the sport?
Can confirm, the only people that give a shit about NFL here (ironically) samoans and fijians, the same group of people that unironically call themselves crips and bloods here and worship 2pac.
Hayne is LITERALLY the most talented player in your ""sport""
Just like if America gave a shit about divegrass we'd win every single world cup
Yeah, because people are going to dedicate their life to a sport that NO ONE outside of America plays, watches or even pays attention to.
Literally cricket, where you have the pure BBC instead of the diluted American version
>South African cricket

>Paki paddle
>contact sport
The West Indies you dumb fuck

The South African team is almost half black too
He never played college ball and played a tiny amount of pro games

He could be really good but he needs time to adjust.
reminder to respect Hayne
Let me tell you something, I've been watching this game for 30 years, and no rookie has ever impressed me as much as Hayne has. I've seen all the greatest. I've seen 30 superbowls. I've seen it all man. Hayne has that something special that I've only seen in very few players. Players that are sitting in the Hall of Fame right now. Players that kids and men aspire to be. Hayne is special let metell ya.
He was fucking awful m8
Half the fucking "athletes" have beer bellies.
It's not even fucking athletic, they spend the entire time standing around hoping a ball come nears them.
They only half swing the bat and when they hit the ball they shuffle back and forth between the wickets set a few yards apart.

>comparing cricket to NFL
fucking get out you joker
I don't think so in general, but he made a stupid mistake by attaching himself to the first franchise that would give him a shot, despite it being a rolling dumpster fire with arguably the worst offseason last year.

Don't act like it's some systematic blocking out of internationals; if a player can play the game and bring in the shekels, they wouldn't care if the fucker was from Mars.

Wasn't that his first game? I don't think I saw any 49ers games this year really (irrelevant and not in my broadcast market), did he get more chances than that? I think I saw a game in the preseason he played and he had some good runs (albeit against other third-stringers), but nothing seemed super spectacular, although he may have potential.

Personally I still think Tebow got screwed the worst. Too bad ESPN hyped him beyond recognition though.
Objectively wrong. Fast bowlers have to be very atheltic, as do batsmen who can be regularly sprinting in a full kit for up to six hours per day over a five day period

You know Usain Bolt was a cricketer for years but wasn't good enough and swapped to sprinting, right?
>Tebow got screwed the worst
Fuck off, biblethumper.
Tebow has only got himself to blame. Teams have offered him spots in other positions but he refuses to play anything but quarterback.
it's a physically exhausting sport m8
unlike handegg where there's only 5 minutes of gametime, you can be out there playing for literally the whole day in 40 C temperatures for five days and having to regularly sprint between wickets that are only just short of the distance between baseball bases, all while keeping a solid leather ball filled with cork from crashing into your body at 100 mph hundreds of times, over and over again, balls which can and have killed players and caused serious injuries.

It's not rare for players to collapse from heat exhaustion over longer innings. Dean Jones was once batting for well over seven hours in India with temperatures over 40 C and at 80% humidity, and was constantly vomiting and pissing himself, before finally collapsing and having to be rushed to the ICU, where it took him 14 hours to regain consciousness.

Test cricket is arguably one of the most demanding sports in the whole world.
yes. hopefully he gets another one.
jesus this delusion is hilarious

muh heat and running 10 yards at a time constitutes "exhausting."
running a 22 yard distance over a hundred times in full kit in the blazing sun for hours is exhausting, yeah
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Yes and he fumbled it away.
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good rebuttal m8

How often would this happen in a season?
In the NFL literally never. In college football maybe once or twice a year if the team is bad.
there's nothing to rebut
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ok m8 sure thing

Being an American it's understandable you wouldn't know what real heat is
stop calling me your "m8." i'm not your fucking mate. jesus christ what is it with you you cunt. mate is implying that we're friends when in this situation nothing could be further from the truth. you proved with your asinine demonstration of brainpower that you're a retard and have no business being in any sort of debate. yet every response you give me says "m8." no. just fuck off you little prick. i'm not your friend, i'm not your buddy, and i am most certainly not your m8. why dont you do my board a favor and go get cancer so you would stop shitting everything up. no one likes you, you shitbath charlatan freak.
hottest place on earth is in america dimwit
do you live there?
it's in iran
Let me tell you something, I've been watching this game for 30 years, and no rookie has ever impressed me as much as Hayne has. I've seen all the greatest. I've seen 30 superbowls. I've seen it all man. Hayne has that something special that I've only seen in very few players. Players that are sitting in the Hall of Fame right now. Players that kids and men aspire to be. Hayne is special let metell ya.
More then he deserved
>it's already been nearly 6 months since the NFL pre-season
Shut up Australia, nobody cares
>but wasn't good enough and swapped to sprinting, right?
Is that what happened? It had nothing to do with the fact that he was such a talented sprinter that it makes more sense financially for him to sprint?
No, in fact there's other West Indians with a higher net worth than Bolt
Cricket's the second biggest sport in the world, there's a lot of money to be made in it
Does anybody have the webm of the guy doing some weird two-step dance in front of a group of clapping men sitting around him? The dancer has the "aussie shitposter" face shopped onto his head and the clapping guys have various flags over their heads.
yeah I've got it lad
Can you please post it old chum
I'll S your D
yeah I can post it lad
why not go to the CFL or AFL
Thread posts: 66
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