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What does /sp/ think about extremely loyal fans to extremely

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What does /sp/ think about extremely loyal fans to extremely shitty teams?

Do the true longtime browns fans deserve a superbowl?
Do true diehard Cubs fans who've had generations supporting failures deserve a world series?

Do you admire them for their loyalty or do you mock them for their blind faith in nothing?

Should fans boycott their shitty teams or should they continue to give ratings and money to the org every year?

Every year come playoffs and championship time, we always see the bandwagoners and casual fans far outnumber the hardcore/diehard fans. Is this a problem or are the diehard fans in the wrong here?

What are your thoughts on this?
I can understand supporting them if they're your local team but I can't understand at all giving them tens of thousands of dollars for tickets, merch, concessions, subscriptions, etc if they're shitty and shittily run.
Why would you pay 700 dollars for a ticket to watch your team suck and then tell others you paid 700 dollars?

Why not, you know, just not go and keep your 700 dollars?
I don't really care
The team I root in football is a big one, so I can take advantage on that, but I tend to feel sympathy towards shite teams, because it's fun to watch their games and see people from different places doing different jokes about it.

>does this apply to 7-1?
>sorta, I don't watch NT footy but hey
>there are great jokes towards 7-1
You don't follow a team because they're good, you follow them because you love them.

Americans seem to have this idea that supporting a team is conditional to how good they are
Blame bandwagoners and the media pushing bandwagoners

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browns fans are like cucks

do you admire cucks for still loving their wife as she fucks a nigger?
Well when a team can just up and move somewhere else, there isn't that connection they'd have otherwise
Dolphins fan here.

I know the pain.
Actually Browns fans are like abused women. We sat there and let Art Modell beat us until he finally left us for a richer girl. Then we hooked up with another guy and he beat us.

Why do it? The delusional hope that something good will come from all the suffering and the personal integrity of saying we chose this team and we're going to stay through good and bad.
If you really go down to it supporting any sport team is irrational anyway. If you don't feel like supporting something, then don't. For some other people it's not something they can easily quit.
Any fan following a team who isn't constantly winning is like a poor relationship with a girl

You think things are going great at first but then you hit a wobble, you're sure you can work through them but the wobble can sometimes get catastrophic. You'll have a break from them for a few months then come back convinced things will be different this time but deep down you know that it probably won't be
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>x is my second team
bandwagoners are absolute scum, you can watch the good teams without claiming to be a fan of them. only people who live out in bumblefuck, nowhere have the right to pick random teams as their favorites.

and if a team moves to a different city you should still follow them, in my opinion. it's still your team with the same staff and the same players. besides, going to games in person is more about the people you go with than the actual game, because you're not gonna get a better view of the field than you would on TV.
The "diehard" fan doesn't get rewarded anymore.

You spend the whole year bleeding your teams colors and watching them make a mockery of the sport on the field only for them to flub the draft and repeat the same old clown show again next year and for what? Sadness? Disappointment? Heartbreak?

Meanwhile the bandwagon fan enjoys happiness year round and success of course while having tons of media attention and things to party about.

Why is it the diehards get punished while the bandwagoners get rewarded?

Honestly. You can buy a nice TV and cable package with that kind of money. Or other far more important things.

Sports are entertainment, which is in competition with all other forms of entertainment. In all truth, netflix, red box, and video games are far cheaper and provide more hours of entertainment.

I only go to home playoff games.
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>having favorite teams in both leagues
Go tell that to Rams fans.
>Why do it?

Because we live in Cleveland and the Browns are the local team.
And not to mention its actual entertainment too moat of the time. If you watch a show or movie you wanted to watch, you will be entertaines unlike if you paid thousands to watch your team get BTFO that doesn't sound very entertaining.
>Do cubs fans deserve
The hope lies that some day they'll get their shit together. You keep supporting shitty teams because someday it'll all be worth it.
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Imagine a marriage. You say you're going to spend your life with that special someone, through sickness and in health, until death does you apart.

Every year, your wife gets worse. She gets fat. She spends your money. She's not really fun anymore. You're frankly embarrassed to be associated with her. Not only that, but your friends all have hot, fun wives. Several of those hot fun wives even have twin sisters who are single and always asking why don't you come take them out to dinner some time. Your wife says she's loyal to you, but she does less and less all the time to enrich your life. She behaves selfishly and makes bad choices that ultimately exacerbate this situation.

I would feel bad for such a guy. I may even respect his Quixotic clinging to the woman he promised to love, a woman who no longer truly exists. But if he left her for someone else, a good relationship (not a perfect one, but one that didn't treat him like shit) I wouldn't blame him; would you?
My brother in Philthadelphia is still a diehard fan of all their teams (even the Sixers), and he seems to be doing it for the feeling of integrity that comes with sticking with a shitty team. And then it will be that much sweeter when they finally win something (>implying).

additionally teams owned by investment groups, teams used to add value to real estate holdings/investments...

in a way, the only "diehard" fans in the u.s who aren't fools are fans of high school and collegiate athletics... or fans of non-team sports.

(i do realize there are some legitimately good owners in sports, but they're rare.)
These metaphors are almost perfect. Except a wife implies binded marriage contract which sports has none.
The funnest part of rooting for a shitty team for a long time is when they do finally get good, you get labeled a bandwagoner!
>be seahawk fan since 91
>be miserable
>know zero seahawk fans for entire life
>seahawks go to bowl
>seahawk hats/shirts everywhere
>everyone is obnoxious
>more miserable
>stop watching football
>suddenly happy

Damn that is so true.
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I used to think someday they'd be good again but now I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed.
That's why you shouldn't ever get married.
>bandwagoners are absolute scum

This is the sole reason i hope Carolina loses.
Are you implying the broncos don't have bandwagoners? Do you even know how long they've had Peyton Manning as their QB? Protip: it wasn't and it brought in huge droves of bandwagoners. Why are you so new?
They're just masochists
Pretty sure that isn't the case. Who doesn't want to see their team be successful?
I like my states teams when they're winning, and I stop following the sport all together when they're not. Even then, I only bother to buy tickets to go see games when I can get a good deal on them.

I don't really see much point in getting excited for some other state's team. So, if we're not winning, the sport is pretty much irrelevant to me.
What if I root for my team even if they suck but will just never contribute monetarily?

>I.e. never buy tickets
>never buy gear/merchandise
>pirate all their broadcasts on firstrow, etc
>use free obvious solutions like Google to look up scores and stats
die hard Minnesota sports fan.
JUST fuck my shit up famalam

>mfw the Twolves are probably going to win us championship first
>don't care about cuckhoop
I'll probably start bandwagoning them in 3 years when they win it all tho
It's not about being good or not. It's about putting a great effort to succeed. I'm speak speaking more about the front office here. Because of their ineptitude, the Browns should kiss the asses of all their fans because the organization doesn't deserve them. Whereas a team like the Steelers and Patriots are absolutely committed to winning and have smart people making football decisions. The players are bought in, and generally play well.
>stick with bad team
>i am a "real" fan
>team moves
>or team is good and ticket prices go way up, see cubs 2016 season tickets

euro fans
>sometimes the relegation fight is even more passionate than the title race
>sweat EVERY SINGLE RESULT cause you know it all counts
>even shit 1-1 draw are slightly enjoyed if youre in trouble

i think the "suffering fan" gets their moneys worth,but thees no point in suffering in us sport cause there are no consquences. except if you win the fan pays more money.
Id put money on the vikes over the wolves

Just on the grounds that the wolves have arguably more competition
I could see the wolves being like the 93-95 pacers. Perennially losing to the knicks and finally beating them just to lose later in the play-offs

Like certainly in the next 5 years the wolves will never get ahead of the spurs warriors or even maybe the clippers if they pull there shit together

Where as the Vikings could have totally made it to the nfcg this year and possibly even further next year with good drafting a good o line a few weapons at wr and a replacement to peterson in about 3 years time and we're bowl bound
As much as its
Relegation does make sense and that fight to advanced in leagues or stay in one sounds like it'll always bring excitement and more bants. But yeah, murrcans all about muh money so forget that ever.
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If you don't support your local teams.You're awful.If you weren't there to experience the teams hard times, you're awful.If you go to the game and don't even understand the sport you're awful.

No one "deserves" a championship.They aren't presents, you don't get them when you feel down.Great teams win, shit teams don't.

Yeah I like seeing shitty teams have loyal fans.It's nice to see really good fans.I hate anyone whos a fan of a shitty team to be a fan of a shitty team.It's not fun, why do it?If you're going to be a Browns fan because it's cool to be a fan of such a shitty team even though you live in vermont, maybe you should read some books go on vacation or just straight up hang yourself.
This more applies to the Cubs.
Browns tickets cost like $15 lol. I would know, I paid value and found out they're cheaper closer to the game. Once the losing starts

That's how you lose your team. And if Cali has 4 teams, Ohio, the literal birthplace of football, deserves 2. Honestly Columbus needs a team too, we played the first NFL game ever
The Browns are actually my second team, 49ers are my first lol
>niners been to conference champion games and even Superbowl this very decade

Fucking bandwagoners I swear
yeah and then everything gets expensive too
band wagoners can just kill themselves tho
ive been a huge met fan since i was born, and i know die hard yankee fans that straight up despise the mets most of the time.

mets go to ws and the same yankee fans are now wearing mets apparel
not fun when youre called a bandwagoner for liking the team that you always have when theyre good
How do you guys feel about liking teams that aren't your local team? My father is a Giants fan, we're from Syracuse, but I started to like the Bengals around age four (tiger stripes or some shit) and I've stuck with the team since. I still follow the Giants closely however.
>Meanwhile the bandwagon fan enjoys happiness
That's not real happiness. The only happiness is when you know what is to suffer
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Seriously whats the point of doing pic related?
Still remember my dad turning to me on the couch in the 09 game and saying to me as they're in field goal range "I can't believe it, we're going to the super bowl" he just kinda left after that game

Depends on the sport - like football? Who gives a shit, you attend 8 games a year and watch 8 at home. It's not like your investing a ton of time into it. Even if they're hopeless you still have fun having people over for food and drinks and tailgating games.

Baseball? If you're a true hardcore fan who attends everything that's 81 home games and 81 away games (assuming you watch it).

It would take a football fan 10 years to reach the amount of games a baseball fan watches in a year.
It's funny
Stop making threads about being a pathetic Browns fan every night you faggot. Nobody cares.
I agree.

Does anyone on /sp/ have nephews?

I have two: babby and a kid. The kid is a tremendous faggot that bandwagons winning teams.

We were at a Colts game the year Manning was out and the Browns beat the Colt so he was a Browns fan. Then the Patriots played in the Superbowl so he was a Patriots fan. Then the Seahawks did well and now he's a fan of them. He loves Kobe Bryant and hates the Pacers. He loves Oregon because they have cool uniforms.

This year has been great for me because all his shitty meme teams are getting BTFO.

When I'm watching the games and his team lose I get a happy feeling knowing he's spurging out like a faggot at his mom's and she has to turn the tv off because he's a bitch and cannot handle disappointment.262
But you waste money.

Fuck you bandwagoner scum. Kill yourself.
>get a happy feeling knowing he's spurging out like a faggot at his mom's and she has to turn the tv off because he's a bitch and cannot handle disappointment
What are you talking about? He's most likely a Panthers/Warriors/Royals fan now and still living it up and celebrating.
I'd rather have the high peaks and the deep valleys than the small hills and the low slopes
>What does /sp/ think about extremely loyal fans to extremely shitty teams?
I have the upmost respect for them.
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>be a fan of a shitty team my whole life
>they finally get good
>get called a bandwagoner
This year.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Just fuck my shit up, Tracy Porter
This is just plain unfair.

Check your good team privelege.
I sometimes wish the cubs hadn't been good this year because of that. I live in the middle of Nebraska and the only jersey's you'd regularly see are St. Louis Cardinals and the Green Bay Packers (with the occasional Burrs thrown in). But now all I saw towards the end of the year were KC Royals Shirts, Cubs, Panthers, and Chiefs merch. It's fucking sickening.
Seriously? I was a niners fan since 00s, they fucking sucked for most of my time being alive (I was born three months after their last super bowl).

Nothing to bandwagon. My dad lived in the bay area
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I'm a loyal fan to a shitty club (QPR).

I remember a few years ago, when we were constantly on the verge of liquidation and in a freefall through the leagues, the fans actually used to pass a donation bucket around during games just to keep the lights on. But despite the absolutely dire state of the club, it actually felt like a real community. The players used to get lifts from fans after the games (parking was a nightmare around the stadium), stuff like that.

And then suddenly, a consortium of rich cunts come in and buy the club, and then that 4 Year Plan film comes out, and everyone thinks that we're pathetic scum. The stadium gets partially gutted and gets filled with corporate/media seating, the old beloved staff get replaced by gelled-hair suit-wearing wankers, and the club goes from the plucky underdogs to underperforming pantomime villains. But hey, at least we got to see players like Cisse, Bosingwa and Ferdinand play for us...
I disagree. It's more like deserting your cancer-stricken wife because it's too hard and not fun anymore. Pathetic and despicable.
That only makes sense if you only care about trophies.
Being a fan is (or at least, should be) so much more than that though. The defeats and failures are what give the victories and celebrations so much meaning and value.
Watching your club fail isn't fun, but watching them eventually put a run together and win a trophy after decades of failure is much sweeter than winning the trophy every year.
>and if a team moves to a different city you should still follow them
Uh, no. If you're a foreign NFL fan, then maybe yes. But I doubt people from St >louis will still root for the rams after Stan kroenke literally took a huge dump on their city.
This would be ideal if relocation wasn't so easy.
So, if your team moved, would you still root for them? If not, which team would you root for? What if when your team moved, another team moved in?
As a Jets fan it extremely frustrating, especially since they have been contenders multiple times in the last 10 years
This is probably one of the better comparisons I've seen so far. And it came from an ausposter.
this is me as well, fucking hate being in contention to be elite but then hit the shit sty and be a laughingstock.. but I continue to attend jets games when they hit buffalo only to be embarrassed, but one fucking day, man
Man that's fucked up. But then again nebreska has no teams. So then that begs the question, what are your teams?
So basically the Browns situation?
>Americans have to deal with this situation

fucking cucks
Handegg - Burrs
Boreball - Cubs
Cuckhoop - Bulls
Hockey - "no"
CFB - I don't really keep track but if anyone I'd say the Mizzou tigers.

>my dads side of the family is entirely chicago sports oriented which resulted in me being the way I am
>be raiders fan since Bo Jackson
>mild success
>James Jett and Rahim Ishmael jerseys fucking everywhere
>obnoxious faggots who think John Madden is a shitty game on the sega
>Punished Gruden happens
>get comfy in misery
>oh hurt me more sip n grip
>Friend is a Jets fan
>"I'm thinking about getting a Carr jersey, Raiders look pretty legit."

Thankfully I'm a Patriots fan, and we will literally never be bad.
The Patriots were literally the Jags before Brady and Belichick.
>18 year old pat fans don't know this

They will soon.
>muh ancient rings

>Rahim Ishmael
It depends on the price of the tickets. It's one thing to pay $100 to see an NFL team being run into the ground by ownership, it's another thing entirely to pay $10 to see a poorly-managed NHL team.
This is why I don't understand when people hate on fans that leave a game early if their team is getting BTFO. The exception is a playoff game. There's much better use of my free time.
Because it ain't over until its over. If you look at all WPA graphs for even the worst btfo games, the win% capa at 99.99%. You stay for the 0.01%.
I saw someone once post on here that pulling for an Atlanta sports team is like dating a religious girl. You always think you're going all the way and just wind up getting your dick yanked
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IMO people still follow minor league teams pretty closely I have been a condors fan since I was a little kid and even when they were in a 6 game losing streak last year I still went to every game because season tickets were cheap and I liked the giveaways
Iktf bakobro
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