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BBL Gamethread - Thunder vs Sixers

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 572
Thread images: 84

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The Big Meme League is back boys
The memes are back boys
Can you feel it?

Don't forget to join the /cric/ fantasy group while you still can:
1st for MEMES
based, finally some real cricket

>Pissmania has a Based Bash team
>PP never will



how many of you bogan fucks are gooks?
my guess is 2/3s of this """community"""
lads I have a noticable lump under the skin of my dick
I'm genuinely afraid I have caner
im unironically keen for the big bash
what's wrong with me
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>leave the S*xers to me
>Chip on your shoulder?
>Melbourne’s working class Renegades have one, too. First off, there’s Cam White, who was tossed aside from his captaincy of the Stars when there was a sniff that Clarke would be available.
>Add to that Matthew Wade, who has been relegated to keeper-in-waiting (at least in the Test scene), and who has rapidly overcome an injury that was thought to have kept him out of action for much of the summer.
>Add to that West Indian duo Chris Gayle and Dwayne Bravo, who will doubtlessly cop flack for choosing the BBL over international duty (despite having some very sound and appropriate reasons).
>In fact, there are half a dozen other players who have something more than the thrill of victory to play for. Guess they’re drawn to the vibrant red for a reason.

so then, I take it all the Poo Peelanders will be supporting red melbourne?

>sound and appropriate reasons
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nice meme weather you got there, /melbourne/
just got back from the shoe store lads
got a new pair of shoes
feeling fly lads
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rate my team pals
You know there's a paki on your team lad

hazlegood isnt playing m8

all the test quicks are rested
Hope he is worth $53,500.
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who /strikers/ here?

hopefully Jake Mememan can do something beyond growing a kiddie tickler.

dont think McDonald is playing either

atleast he isnt in the squad

>McDonald actually played tests for Australia

Things were pretty dire back then lads
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>you now remember Cameron White
>you now remember Michael Beer
>you now remember Steven Smith v1
>you now remember Beau Casson
>you now remember Bryce McGain
>you now remember Jason Krejza
>you now remember Trent Copeland
>you now remember Alex Doolan
>you now remember Bob Quiney
>you now remember Xavier Doherty

Hilbitch should literally be charged with high treason and burned at the steak. He is LITERALLY the worst """selector""" of all time.
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>Hamilton pitch 1(one) day out


>can you bowl leg spin? you're now the new Warne
>all that green
poopeelians jelly because they live in a literal desert
>Paul Green won't be coaching the Queensland side. Cowboys only

It's quite extraordinary that in a space of 3(three) years >we went from Warne, MacGill and GB HogGOAT to that rubbish

>you now realise that Hogg is STILL Australia's best meme20 spinner
Hope is worth 55,200 son.
I don't understand why there aren't more chinaman bowlers in the world. Hoggy is fukin top notch.
is the chink from Hong Kong playing?
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alright lads, now that its just about the end of 2015, can we all agree that the Australian tour of the Caribbean was the comfiest series of the year?

>comfy af timezone
>the bird (pic very related)
>0(zero) Channel 9 Summer of Cricket™ bogans
>the witcher 3 thread
>0(zero) poo peelanders
>the meme Caribbean posters. Special mention to the guy from Dominica what the bird was.
>Australia actually winning away from home
>the cricket was somewhat competitive
>tfw no more comfy gwent discussion
>Rambo will never play in the Based Bash
could have been the GOAT spinning allrounder but forgot how to bowl and heart problems
literal poo
overrated as fuck when he took 8 for 200 odd in india
to slow
kek'd at the casuals on /sp/ that shilled the fuck out of this shitcunt
too negative of a bowler

>implying XD isn't the absolute worst of the lot

Incestmanian detected
Apparently he's missing the T20 cup because of an injury, although it's hard to decipher what the fuck is going on at the Afghanistan Cricket Facebook page
World cup was objectively the best time of the year.
I hate DART IT IN AT THE PADS LMAO off spinners as much as the next guy, but you have to admit he was(is?) a decent 1 day bowler. He should never have been let near a red ball though.
no, beer and especially mcgain were worse. XD just pushes the ball up and offers nothing in an attempt to build pressure. Mcgain bowls a lot of shit deliveries and beer was a surname meme that somehow got picked

I genuinely want cricket to become the national sport of Afghanistan for the memes

There aren't that many cricket countries so they'd consistently get into world cups and might even meme the odd win over England
>but you have to admit he was(is?) a decent 1 day bowler.

I absolutely do not, as a left arm orthodox bpowler he was/is LITERALLY worst than Kikeal Cuck

It triggers me to this day that he has a world cup winners medal. he played one game and bowled 6 overs. His contribution was nearly letting Sri Lanka back into the game from an unassailable position, dropping a catch, and bowling so much rubbish that fucking Watson and Maxwell of all people had to cover his overs.

The fact he was even in consideration for the squad was just retarded. The only spinner even considered should have been Lyon. People forget this but Lyon is an excellent white-ball bowler. He literally 'made-it' in cricket through the Big Bash and was one of the best bowlers in the comp.

If they wanted to meme it up with a non offspinner then the only other option was to unironically pull Hogg out of retirement.
>unironically pull Hogg out of retirement.
He'd have to retire first for that to happen.
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all the charm of their cricket board would die and it would become another soulless nation
he did retire you seething casual
>le fug le xd
They clearly picked XD to compliment maxwell if the needed a dedicated spinner in match,and as a left arm orthodox, someone to spin it the opposite direction.

As for why they didn't pick lyon, i'm not sure. I personally think it was more to do with keeping him and his action for test matches. It took him 3 years in the test team before he started to bowl with extra flight and turn, and I presume they didn't want him to regress to much by bowling on flat wickets during a WC campaign.
Reminder that t20 is for children and women
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it's pretty fucking great

this is why you're a virgin daniel
I think i have my bbl team sorted Tbh
is there LITERALLY anyone who can compete with >us ?

1. Luke Wright

2. Marcus Stoinis

3. Kevin Pietersen

4. Glenn Maxwell

5. Peter Handscomb (wk)

6. David Hussey (c)

7. James Faulkner

8. John Hastings

9. Adam Zampa

10. Scott Boland

11. Ben Hilfenhaus
>signing 8 all rounders

literally why?
This team sucks in donald bradman cricket 14. No chance
this, now the stars batting AND bowling will be mediocre




>3(three) nonwhites
>car battery not even featured

>Worstern """Australia"""
In Qld and WA, the big bash league is delayed on channel 10, but is on live in HD on One.

Please keep this in mind, my brothers from the good states.
AJ Maddah status: #rekt

Arthur, you here m8?
pootalheads on pooicide watch

soundwave was fucking disgusting

good, haven't gone the last 2 years, lineup just kept getting shitter and shitter
mildly impressive. Was expecting a dickgirl though.
>handscomb keeping
I know it's only a meme tournament but I still don't like it

>i am new and i just found out how to cross link threads
reminder we will NEVER see that video
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fuck off you shitter shattered bandwagoning faggot
>i am new and i just learned some new dank memes
literally furious

unmuscular redditor detected
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>mfw I got banned for 3 days for linking to another board
warnie will literally kill himself in the next 5 years
newcunts on newwatch
How did this ugly cunt get such a banger like luscious Liz Hurley?
Why is this censored?
stay mad as fuck krazycasual
thoughts lads?

blame the murifats m8
>caring about liz hurley

GOAT bbl moment
KEK, where did all the poo peelanders run away to?

Aww, did the big mean AusGODS bully you away again?

poorpetually pooper poorturbed poo peeland poofters on eternal literally poorius damage control and pooicide watch
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>parents have their friends over
>can't watch the based bash
If you're looking to join the big /r/cricket group follow the details below
If you have ALREADY REGISTERED for the 2015-16 KFC T20 Big Bash League Fantasy Competition Competition, simply click the following link (you may need to login): http://fantasy.bigbash.com.au/group?cic=197436
(Once logged in, simply confirm your invitation and you'll be automatically added. Private Groups are a separate feature to the ten head-to head leagues of 8, in which you may continue to participate as usual).
If you have NOT YET REGISTERED, simply click on the link below and fill in the registration form as usual: http://fantasy.bigbash.com.au/?p=register&group_code=197436 (On successful registration, you'll automatically be added to this Group. Simply look for the "GROUPS" tab in the nav of your Leagues page).

You are literally FURIOUS AS ALL FUCK that I have exposed you for the retarded, casual newcunt that you are.

Let's establish some facts:

YOU are new as fuck.

YOU only just learnt how to crosspost.

YOU, being so unbelievably new, mistakenly believed that someone else didn't know how to do so already

YOU did not realise fact 3 because YOU were not here in 2012 and therefore YOU have not seen me crosspost before

Kill YOURself.
Is St John Ambulance an actual ambulance service?

Are they private?

When you dial 000 for an ambulance, do you get your normal state funded ambulance every time, or if a St John's is closer will you get it?

Is there a different number for them?

What is their deal?
Is St John Ambulance related to St John's Wort?
Hey guys this will be my first season on here from switching from bigfooty. I've always enjoyed the big bash and the T20 format in general, here's to another successful year. Up the mighty strikers
Thought BBL threads will be more active desu.
Game hasnt even started senpai
1st for han solo died.
Wich Star Sports is the Big Bash going to be on?
hi, nice to have you :-)
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If you dont have memeswell youre a fucking moron
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Star Sports 1/HD1.
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Whenever I see someone else fantasy team I get nervous I chose the wrong players
Is J Hastings related to Jackson Hastings of the Roosters?
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You now unironically remember Western Warriors spearhead, Jo Angel
Damn. I'm only getting Star Sports 2 on tv.

nah lad, the moron is you (You)

What the fuck are you doing

Starc will maybe play only 3-4 games, will be on international duty/injured most of the time. The same reason I didnt end up going with smarsh
Muscular Gatebro here to remind you that Joel Paris is THE best choice for a bench bowler
It's streamed live on their website as well albeit 5 mins late. Not sure if you can access it outside India.


Somehow it slipped my mind that Starc fucked himself, fixed it now
WE need 1(ONE) more person to join the reddit fantasy league

code is 583394
Didnt know he was injured, sorry for offending you
>selecting perth players
typical rookie mistake

protip: Perth doesn't play in round 1, you won't get a chance to use their players.
>first thing you see is mel

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Thats why theyre on the bench you mongoloid
>albeit 5 mins late
I think I'll just use a different stream

its Gatebro m8

he started with 8 scorchers players


now this isn't a SC
who /mel/ here?
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Post pics of Mel lads
muscular gatebro here to remind you that I didn't bother finishing a team this year
ThunderBBL XI: Kallis, Watson, Hussey, Blizzard, Rohrer, Russell, Hartley, Green, McKay, Sandhu, Ahmed

SixersBBL XI: Lumb, Haddin, Maddinson, Silk, Carters, Botha, Abbott, Lawford, Lyon, Bird, Bollinger
Why do Melbourne and Sydney get two teams? Are there no other relevant cities in Australia?
cant beleive han solo died



You now remember Bollinger was considered for captain ahead of Clarke

Not really, everywhere else just has a single major city
Correct, my gated community friend




You won't substitute them during round 1 dumbass, what's the point of having them in the squad? It's a waste of two places.
>lyon playing a cheeky game in between tests

Opinion discarded

>bragging about being pleb
>arnie shilling for a shitty mobile game
Did his ex take all his money?

nah, its a 3/10 for sure
I think he just tries really hard to keep up with the times, especially outside of the bodybuilding scene.

I remember when he changed his FB page to have the queer flag filter and everyone said how cool he was for sayng "Hasta la vista!" (probably his social media team) to some fag-basher.

Don't worry that he denied gay marriage getting a pass when he was Governor of Cali and said marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
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r8 my team pals
Easily the most people that stadium has seen
>famous ankle of Starc
>picture of shirtless Gayle
hello lids

i have money on this game but i know fuck all about cricket, thanks to /bet/

I realize it just started but when does this game end desu
>I realize it just started but when does this game end desu
A proper cricket match goes for five days
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>i have money on this game but i know fuck all about cricket

is this proper
did anyone have money on han solo being killed by his son kylo ren??

just started

hope you put money on the Thunder
>no perth players
enjoy wasting your trades m8
also this was tipped in /bet/, the aussiebro did a whole write-up and i liked his references, wanted to back him so i went small
The BBL is marketing genius tbqh

The fact that it's as big as it is right now is ridiculous

No, this is a meme.

It lasts about three hours
Non-vintage Bollinger
I did m8, got on at 2.10

>decimal odds

multipliers are easiest tbqhwyf
I did breh
/bet/ is objectively the best community on /sp/.
Bollinger looks like a fat, newborn baby

Glad he got axed all those years back, he's fucking ugly
fuck your shit cunt
>grown men posting on an anime website and playing fantasy cricket

let that sink in for a minute
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shut up haddin
I've got a double rolling into Rey being Luke's duaghter
how long has this big bash been a thing?
holy fuck! cricket is now interesting
what is this ground?
kys, this is the most boring format
ANZ Stadium
"Le traditional is best"
Grow up. Memes are in
Hussey should have been run out the traitor cunt
Just got all my chores done and finally sitting down for dinner
>tfw one of those is me
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I suggest you jump off a bridge
I put $50 on the Thunder @ 1.72 IN PLay for $50 of bonus bets
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I'm also playing pokemon at this very moment

its the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG)
Lords lad
>Kalis & Hussey

What the fuck is this, a retirement graveyard?
It's getting cold, isn't it?
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this on a 1 hour delay for QLDers?
>naming your cricket ground after a kiwi singer
Why are the poopeelians so obsessed with us lads?
It's fucking hot

One HD is live
fuck yeah summer has officially started boys

is on ONE in HD m8
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stfu asshole
>Peppering your hard on with a Zooper Dooper

Aw yeh nyukka

We summer now
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rate my free bottle opener lads
mine is ruined since finding out han sole died.
its fucking hot lads
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just use your teeth lad
omg i like cricket now
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Post /bbl/ memes
well meme'd XDXDXD
fucking 40 degrees day after day
>230km winds

how is Sydney even posting?
Just turn your toaster on its side lad
>kallis and hussey batting
>haddin keeping
>botha bowling
wow what an exciting youthful endeavour this big bash is
I love it how decent commentary can actually make T20 seem tactical

anyone else having pizza for dinner?
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fuck off Botha you turncoat Saffa cunt
Hussey should still be in the poopeelian national team as the captain
When's the women's BBL on? Wanna see some Holly vs Ellyse.
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It was an extremely localised event affecting a couple of blocks of houses
>get a load of this low IQ faggot
Had roasted cauliflower and red onion with fried halloumi. Easy and healthy.
made my pizza with cauli
fuck the Sixers

gay team
spaghetti bolognese desu, havent eaten much else for the past week. had some KFC yesterday
>umps with ZOOPER DOOPER all over them

Ever had bacon & cauliflower soup lads?
fucking delish
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I haven't
It sounds nice though
Use a lighter ya weak cunt

Thought they kinda sell themselves don't they?
Genuinely surprised they could afford it
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>tfw you fucked up your fantasy team
>its an episode of old men knocking it around at 6rpo

Watson when?
Fry bacon & onion with tumeric, cumin, chilli and garam masala
Add cauli and water
Cook for a bit
Is Sean Abbott related to the Grim Reaper?
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>• • 4 • • 1 1 1 2 • 1

nice test match going on.

Pretty weird, I got it with a carton, but little pales are twisties anyway. Usually do go the lighter tbch


>spaghetti bolognese desu
I tired to make that the over night, I'm not much of a cook so I thought when they said cook the pasta they meant in the sauce, I later learned I suppose to boil the pasta in water, half cooked pasta was horrible
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why does Killer sound like he is vomiting everytime he releases the ball?

is it his disgust at the knowledge of what he did to hughes?
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>kallis was my captain
who /boost/ here?
in the monrings i like a king william chocolate or a banana buzz to get me going for work. in the arvos if it's hot i much prefer the tropical refreshment of a mango magic
Thanks for the recipe cunt. I'm going to do this and you can't do anything to stop me HAHAHAHAHAHAH
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never 408get
Whats it like being obese?
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Thunder play again this round m8
watson LBW incoming
back yourself
I do like being overcharged for homebrand juice.
the cunt is fucking ancient m8s
What's smoth looking at?

Is candice walking around naked again?
>tfw selected O'Keefe

He was hitting well in the all stars game desu.
>41 degrees on Saturday
>Meant to be teeing off at 1:30pm

Fuck m8s I'm gonna die
So these Im a celeb ads are gonna be the new meme ads this year

Not a fan tbqh
>kallis as captain
Do you know nothing about cricket lel
This whole team is ancient. It's basically the same as that meme all stars series last month
wanna buy some pingers?

Execute all Poo Peelanders.
more like fatcunt lawford
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Based cancer scoring runs like it's no one's business
AT least these guys bend their caps
>tfw you will never be Twatto and get paid $1m+ to be mediocre in BBL and Poo In Loo league
more like stove shit
Steve Smith is to the Australian Cricket Team as Kevin Rudd was to Australia
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>morbidly obese 2/10 wife despite being an international athlete and household name

What the FUCK.

Daily reminder balding/ugly men are dogshit in the eyes of women.
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>looks like a bit of swing
she's cute though
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>"Y-youre off for a day of pampering"
That would make Clarke based Howard though
stove shits body is already falling apart.

Thats what happens when you have shit technique lmao

Cute babby though :3

>looks like we need a reload
>gonna need a reload over here

what did he mean by this?
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Waugh is obviously Howard.





K - E - K
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Scythe Abbott sounds like a South Park character having a puke on his delivery. And that was shocking.
Who is Gillard
The ghost of phil hughes knocked it out of his hands

lel, I thought the exact thing

This. The two are almost inextricably linked to the GOAT test team.
they should scrap that 5 day poofter shit and stick with this
fucking rad styles
Has he forgotten of Hughes? Some captain
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Hey lads, Ashton here
fuck off, he's Waugh in every possible way
Gillard would be Kim Hughes

Reminder I had sexual intercourse with her
>infinitely harder catch than what lumb dropped

will Mourinho be sacked tonight?
never change shane

Dunno mate. Ponting is probably Rudd seeing as he kind of got the job by default (Waugh retiring vs Howard trying to win an election with WorkChoices) and will be remembered in much better light in a few years.

AB is Menzies, there forever and a day and always effective.
He should review it tbqh
>falling for le wicket after wallop man's tricks
top fucking catch desu
Missing the old gang lads
Glenn Maxwell.
>Complete meme from the outset.
>Gets shafted and whinges about it for eternity.
calling bullshit, how old were you then?

Warnie would definitely be Bob Hawke if he'd ever been captain. Cheeky cunt.
i'm missing han solo
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Bob Hawke.webm
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thirsty too

I see AB as more a Paul Keating absolutely zero bullshit allowed type.
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Glad you're enjoying the game lads, what can I get you?
w-water thanks
get me some milk.
That was Menzies too, he would lay down a verbal barrage on anyone who argued with him, to the point where Labor were LITERALLY too afraid to start debates because thjey got PTFOd every time until le dismissed man showed up

a competently poured beer.

So fucking based. Silver Bodgie!
an oz
Deleted 100gb of porn last night lads
No you didn't. You just posted this to get some attention.

Just because you give a lot of head doesn't mean your beer has to babe.

No problem


Sorry we don't serve milk


Can do


What the fuck is an oz?
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Gonna head down to the 7/11 at the break lads, anyone want me to pick something up for them?
I deleted about 30 gb yesterday
>keeping porn on your computer
KEK theres this thing called internet streaming now. welcome to 2015, grandpa
Less head on the beer. More head on my bed.
/BBL/ - Australian Politics

I absolutely did

I've cut back fapping to once a week and I'm not going to use porn any more
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>he doesn't have fetishes so niche that relevant internet porn is non-existent

don't "lourde" your speeds over us Kim.

You too can get the fuck out as well, sexist asshole
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Some Lewis Road lad

What should I get my wife's son for Christmas lads?

>he doesn't have high definition porn on his computer
>he relies upon shitty low quality streaming services

A better dad.
get me some milk.
Kinda miss the z-celebrity on the catching stage tßh
ebin ;^)
Some Basketball shoes and Dre Beats headphones
Schooner of Tooheys Old thanks and I've got an $80 payout on the Cleopatra
>implying porn above 240p isn't hideous
What the fuck is this shit?

They aren't even showing the whole game on One. Have to switch to Ten now.
>Download the video you think you need to keep because you'll be fapping to it for weeks
>Never watch it again
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Going to a Comic Con this Sunday lads.

a notebook and some pens to launch his burgeoning rap career. He's black right?
i like how they have music on sometimes
Try not to rape anyone
I think that's a mistake lad
Remember to defrag

>those moustaches aren't fake
>designated shitting women
>he thinks everyone comes for the cricket
I didn't know india had comics
Changing the channel to FIH Hockey World lads
Why the fuck hasn't Advanced Hair contacted Lyon yet?
when will based hussey finally get sick of playing for this permashit team?
>Hussey left the scorchers for this
>based fucking punter is /x/
>Australian bowlers


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who is this fat cunt lmao
because it doesn't work, there's a reason they went after Mark Waugh and his full head of hair
wish the curry muncher in this thread would fuck off
cookies and creame OAK and a box of krispy creme donuts.
That just shows how horrible it is to live and work in WA, if he's willing to head to Sydney to play for a scrub team rather than going back to WA where he's guaranteed a three-peat.
Is that you zerobese m8?
I'm still seething over that, Hussey used to be my favourite player
No I hate cookies and cream OAK.
Comics is a weird way of saying Toilet tutorial pamplets
>168 T20 matches
>17 FC
>literally everything wrong with cricket at the moment

Oh well, sooner of later they'll realise Test careers carry a brand name that pumps up dat T20 cheque.

Only Gayle has an excuse but he's already played 100+ Tests.
>You now remember Hussey hitting the boundary off the last ball in the semi to cuck the Stars
I bet that sounded clever in your head.
Why do sports stadiums have such shit taste in music?

now, for your edification, I will explain the meme: You have to write it with a meme arrow with a style that emulates an ignorant, poorly drawn bear. Like so:


Give it a shot! Perhaps it will help with your SEETHING newness problem
Sports stadiums don't have ears you dopey cunt
daily reminder ben rohrer has played international cricket
what a clusterfuck that last over was
That's not how meme arrows work.
>That faggot sperg picking the ball up off the ground and acting like he caught it

my kussy

Slight kek
Why is >le bogan stereotype man still doing commentary? They seriously couldn't pull anyone better?
Schooner of reschs thanks
I dont even know which of the 3 youre talking about
Howie obviously.

I'd almost forgotten, no wonder my life has gone nowhere since last BBL
There was no reason for M.Hussey to retire, guys in their 40's playing professional cricket are probably better than those in their 20's
Huss would literally walk straight into the test side right now
How is he bogan in the slightest?


Fuck off casuals
How is that obvious?
What is it with dickheads shortening their fucking surnames into nicknames? It's easily the worst thing about ausfailian bogan culture
Still haven't given me a reason
jesus christ hussey is based
Why didn't you teach abos to play cricket?

Pink Sydney Ltd.
Why didn't you teach your entire nation how to use toilets?
>that shot
How is huss still so good
>this AMF ad
kill me
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we did

Good argument
Because we had our farms, there's nothing wrong is shitting your farmland. Open defecation is only an urban issue.
Who the fuck is this cunt?
I don't think you've ever met an actual bogan m8
>turned down a test career in England and the West Indies to play for Australia
>threw it all away for a fishing trip
>west indian
time for a bust innings
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>Because we had our farms, there's nothing wrong is shitting your farmland. Open defecation is only an urban issue.
who else is gonna watch some cuck porn during the break?
Not Abo thankfully. Caribbean background.
Hussey a got imo
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>dropped Bollinger for Hazelwood
>dropped Lyon for O'Keefe

>the city of me
he's correct though, it's good for your plants to shit on them
who /contemplatingsuicidebecauseyourfatasyteamisshit/ here
What is that pleb shit music
one would say that abbot has a killer arm
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>he's correct though, it's good for your plants to shit on them

more like he wasn't going to take orders from MIchael çuck. Symonds is based
>rap singing
Maybe from grass fed cows, not shit-fed Indians
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Symonds caught off Clarke.webm
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I remember them being friends at the start

It's known to cause some headaches, that's true.
Scarlet Red Blacked ready to push play m8, either that or Monroes new hardcore vid
>that shot

they put on a ton of important middle order partnerships in ODIs ;_;
>tfw you remember that channel 11 exists
my nikka
creating good OC
taking creepshots of your sister.
hrng mel
michael "still a good batsman" hussey
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>they think 10-pin bowling will ever be popular in Australia
How about actually watching sports for once and contributing insightful and informative posts.

No? didn't think so cunt.
>curries come to australia
>move to fucking alice springs
>not watching the Everybody Loves Raymond network

You're living your life incorrectly
take up the vacant position of transposter
Why would anyone watch free to air television?
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Because some of it is pretty good. They get tax payer money. The fact that it's free doesn't mean they don't have a decent sized budget.
>They get tax payer money

this is neither on the ABC nor SBS
what did YOU fap to in the break?
Nothing. You degenerate shit head.
I legitimately haven't fapped in over 6 months, and I don't even have a gf or anything
A bunch of ads for prostitutes I was browsing.

Didn't end up choosing one of them yet.
That's that cuck show where they bring foreigners over who think Australians are racist or some shit

>why are they so angry?
>all white mans fault
Whoa, Green is uberchad, I'm feeling insecure tßh
>female engagement strategy


Is Howie a poof?

ah yes, Joe "I'm not Hebrew" Hildebrand
>abbott not bowling
>remove protector

are you impotent?


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>you will never be good looking and get girls effortlessly
>tfw won't attend any cric at the Gabba this year
least you won't get a plumb lb not given then go for 12 off the remaining 5 balls
take the little things anon
just bee urself anon :3
Do the Thunder have any good bowlers other than Watson?
kallis and russel can bowl some pies
>Don't worry Chris. Not everything can go your way in one night. *giggle*
>you now remember when Clint McKay was LITERALLY the #1 ODI bowler in the world
source lad?
>getting married in bali

This is literally THE most bogan thing you can do
ugh way too much arse

Waugh has no fucking personality
Shut up Ricky, no one gives a fuck about the cricket, fuckin nerd
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>tfw you weren't named Aiden
I really really really want to like this girl lads

But I'm not sure I do

Why am I such a picky faggot?

Is this why I'll never get a gf?
Lads, just met my gf's dad a few hours ago, her last name is Theroux but I had no idea how to pronounce it, so I greeted him Hi Mr. Throw Rocks, they all laughed at me :(
>bad baddin
Tipping sixers by 2 wickets in a "close" game to kick off this shitty league.

getting married in Kuta perhaps, but Bali is a great island if you go to the right places, and the attitude of the women is a lot more western than you would find in other parts of the country, as long as you don't find a bule hunter or a kampungan pretending to be "western" and "modern".

Getting married in the Phillipines is far more bogan, at least that's my perception of the majority of them who find Asian women.

fug me
>Dre Russ

Is Howie going for the Brian Taylor "The Package" crowd?
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>it's a reality check gets it completely wrong post
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Russian please
he's talking about going to bali for a wedding, not marrying a local
Back to the jungle, Dre Russ
what's he doing up there lads?
Best TV show of the year lads?

The Leftovers for mine

The Big Bash League tbqh
Fargo for me.

That's strange to have a picture of stones on your wall. I don't understand modern visual art.

Is having to do captcha twice because I'm shitposting too much and am contributing nothing?
more like Faggot ahahahahaha get it lads
congradulaton thnuders

It started last year, but The Knick
Manhattan or Rectify
why dont the windies just ban tests and focus solely on pyjama


did they stop making those? havent seen any for ages
recommend me a japanese cartoon
Every time I see Silk I want to punch his ugly boggle head off that long, pathetic pencil neck.
>want to chat with my comfy /cric/ bros

>there's a fucking joke match on and the casual count is through the roof
What kind? A recent one?
>this umpiring

what are you watching this season that's decent
I've been the only kiwi here so far. now I am going to bed. Why are you here so late?
The Knick counts mate, reread the question
Didn't even realise it was late until you said that lol

had shit to do, got carried away
Soundwave's dead lads
I only heard about that festival now.

Pretty gutted because I want to go now that I know about it and have seen the line up.
It died like four years ago mate when the lineups started being shite

>I remember being 14 and wanting to fly over for it

Literally get better fests over here nowadays
fucking pleb

hello daniel
>I only heard about that festival now.

are you 12
>what are you watching this season that's decent
I'm finding Osomatsu-san to be pretty funny, but some people don't like the humour in it. Current season of GARO has been decent and I feel getting better with each episode. I was watching Concrete Revolutio but then decided to wait till it was over, though I did enjoy what I saw of it. Not watching much else from this season, spending more of my time watching tokusatsu and some older anime getting new subs.
see >>64287136
Reminder that Spannerhead went to school with Jordan Silk.
Good night Sixers
Pink Sydney on pooicide watch
It's a fucking trash festival for middle aged bogans
M8 that lineup is literally the shittest tier of rock and metal shoved together

And I like solely listen to rock and metal

There are like two salvageable bands there, both of which you can see for fuck all at their solo shows

AJ Maddahstein is an absolute cunt, and demonstrably shit at his job. Did get to see FNM in 2010 which was pretty cool.
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>you now remember last year's final

ty pakanon
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Holy fuck I just checked it again

Surely old soundwave wasn't this bad
Surprised it didn't happen sooner after the fuckwit decided buying into BDO and making that rubbish Harvest shit was a good idea
Give me the name of a single fest in NZ which is better.

Go on the cunt
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Harvest was God Tier idea you fucking pleb
it was

Refused are the only people I'd consider seeing, and they're shit now

yes but would you really travel to go see it?
some kiwi make a soundwave /mu/ thread because isnt aus rangebanned
It's an 'Oh shit we owe millions of dollar and have no money' lineup
Nah fuck no lol. I just remember that stuff from years ago and would go for nostalgias sake if I'm in australia around that time.

I love that he bought the most successful staging company for millions, and everyone immediately went elsewhere because they didn't want to give him business. He had to sell it for a pittance.

im not
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Star Wars was good lads
still mad about the big day out getting canned, they normally booked about four decent bands
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Can't believe Mel was married to this uggo
pitching outside.

fucking ump is shit
Laneway (even though this year is shit)
that meme one that got cancelled
literally any of the k-road fests
Fuck, even RnV if you're into that shit

Fuck, even Westfest is better this year
Yeah, I went to the midnight premiere in IMAX. Was a pretty good movie. Didn't expect to like it so much. Could've done with less world building, though, coz it literally just felt like a pilot rather than its own contained movie.
Where do they get these umps from?

>give 4 plumb LBW/edges not out
>give a shout that is clearly pitching outside leg out
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Dude looks like a fat version of this guy
Mel has such an ugly face
this is literally the worst umpire i have ever seen

this is his second absolute howler in 11 overs

2 other incorrect decisions aswell
KEK what a terrible post.

Laneway is probably the only ok fest. The meme one would have been good if it stayed at the original venue in Mclarens. RnV is out of vogue and if full of pissed little fuckwits and theives. Rhythm and Alps is probably better because it's just white people from the south island.

Northern Bass is unironically the best festival now. Bay Dreams is absolute garbage too.

The market is saturated and full of shit. I miss the old days when there was really just one big event (BDO)
your narrative is falling apart.
most of those bands are sick tho

Once again; are you 12?
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>go to midnight screening
>20 year old autists playing with plastic lightsabers down the front before it started
>clapping everytime an original character shows up


>94 posts late

I'll be a fan before the end of summer I swear.

GOATistic Elitespouter on Nobel Prize watch
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