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Road to 700 completed edition
/bet/ is /sp/ subedition

Previous >>64266137

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i promise i won't hurt you anymore 365 just unsuspend it for a little moment please
>Slovakia = Unibwin
>365 = Uni's gf
Xth for Stuffy late goals
>Red card

SMASHING unders so much
>po-po in charge of handling the banter when up 6-1
He was sent off for police brutality
Unders yes pls.
wouldn't really mind one more for the last top up to not be a refund but i'll take one for the team
Head's gone

cheers for the unders tip.
Anyone on Brazil Canada
good way to start off a new thread t b h, anyone on the slags game? brazil's star striker still injured?
She's playing mate

A Bet365 matched bet voucher code
What for tonight Ameribets?
Since this place seems full of people who really need to have sex I thought I should give some tips on how to lose your virginity/get yourself a gf. I personally am no Casanova but I've got enough experience to help so if anyone wants to add to this guide or give their opinion if they think something I said is wrong or I missed anything out feel free.

>What’s my first steps?
Stop waiting for this dream girl to just rock up to your house and fall down at your feet, it doesn't work like that. Unless you’re some Brad Pitt lookalike you have to accept that you will have to make a proper effort and be ready to accept there will be a lot of rejection and awkward moments. But always look at the bigger picture and remember it’s a numbers game because it doesn't matter if you get pied 10 times as long as you end up with that one at the end of the night.

>But my appearance isn’t great?
If on a scale of 1 to 10 the scale starts with you fear not, all is not lost, you just won’t be pulling any worldies to begin with. A good body goes a long way to make up for a poor face and so get your ass away from the computer and do some exercise. How to get the perfect body is a whole other guide for another day however. A decent haircut makes a huge difference, it might seem awkward and a bit gay to go into the hairdressers for example with a picture of David Beckham on your phone but it really helps them a lot in seeing the style you want. Even if you're not going for something styled and fancy make sure its smart at least. When it comes to clothes wear whatever but just make sure it fits properly and it doesn’t hurt to spend a little extra to make sure it’s better quality and well fitted. Beggars can’t be choosers so be realistic with yourself and the girls you go for.

>Where do I find girls?
Nightclubs and bars. Alcohol can be your best friend as it gives you the Dutch courage required to talk to girls and also means they might have their beer goggles on. If you don’t have any mates to out with then you’re going to have to try find some, even computer geek group at university will have nights out. If you’re older or not at uni then make friends through interests and join up for clubs or societies but I’m not too sure about this one. There will be clubs and bars to fit all demographics, at least in all decently sized cities so don’t worry it’s not all just for 18 year old students. Next use websites like Plenty of Fish or apps like tinder. Full of desperate girls in the same position as yourselves and it’s a great way just to practice talking and getting your chat up to standard. Again with these types of sites it’s a numbers game so try get in contact with as many as possible and don’t be disheartened if you don’t get a great response rate. Talking to girls with your phone is great because it removes any kind of awkwardness you might have by being put on the spot and it gives you that opportunity to think about what you’re going to say. Just don’t be too full on and creepy when messaging.
>tfw over 600 matches on tinder

>How do I talk to girls?
Confidence. Even if you have to fake it make sure you come across well. Success helps breed confidence so don’t worry if you think you’re really shy because your confidence will grow with experience and getting over that first hurdle is the hardest part. Also going hand in hand with confidence is flanter (flirty banter), this is something that many people overlook because they’re scared about coming across as cringey or sleazy but I'm serious when I say that you can get on with a girl amazingly but unless you’re a bit flirty you’ll be on a one way train to friendzoneville. It’s not necessary to have lots of things in common with a girl just make sure you show an interest in the stuff they like and make it seem like you care. Having pre-rehearsed ice breakers might be helpful too. If its just a shag you’re after don’t be scared to tell little white lies about yourself to seem more interesting. Again if you are looking to text a girl you got the number of but you don’t know what to say just make up an excuse to message her like pretend you lost your watch and ask if she has it and smoothly transition into a how are you today and take it from there.

>So once I get a girl in my bed what do I do?
Warning, you will be shit at sex during your first time so its best to try out on some not so nice girls first before you scare away your dream girl with how bad you are in bed. This video however basically has everything you need to know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agTTYBj3u5M

Lady Luck is the only woman we need, friend :^)

Being too modest Gooz. I know you're getting some every other night
confidence and maintaining eye contact are hella important f a m s

i might get greentexted for this but i feel like learning how to perfect a confident-but-not-smug smirk and etch it into my facial muscle memory helped a quite a bit in my overall game
on o3.5 in the brazilian slags game.

its only a marta of time
>le smile at every woman man

No I 100% agree but left it out because I was also worried it might sound a bit silly. I would describe it as how you wear your face, like how actors do for different roles and doing it until it because normal for you. Girls go wild for a cheeky James Franco smirk desu
on central 2.05, will look to bounce back, north east aren't very impressive, haven't really beaten anyone better, draw against police their best result while central are the title holders who had a tough start of the schedule, rball looking good
>tfw she smiles back
>tfw you think to yourself you could have fucked her right then and there even though it's not true
we all had this feel at some point in our lives right?

The key way to a woman's sweet-hole is to explain the Asian handicap bet type without sounding like an addict, desu.

On. Thanks for the tip.

If Empire can net one I'm in for a good night.

2 2
oneee mo
Mackers was on u3. You have him to thank if it wins

3 3 3

Before HT too!
Lumped the fuck out of Central FH 0.0 @1.6 when I seen the rball. DOWN INSANE now.
Any bets from across the pond tonight?
>Mackers was on u3
Really or just memeing? That is a terrible bet if so.
no way
no, he really was.
is mackers just trolling people now?
Screencap after 3rd goal please!!! hahaa fucking mong
James Mckeown Worst day of my life smile emoticon
Like · Reply · 11 mins
Toppest jej
The absolute STATE of James Mckeown
Has Mackers tipped USA slags yet claiming they'll be doing it for Wambach in her last appearance?
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what a lovely night it could become
>tomorrows skedge

genuinely don't know what i'm going to do with myself, certainly not betting
>he hasn't seen the large
Praying Euan doesn't get his grubby fivers on it and ruin the price
I haven't, but enjoy it. Gonna take the gf out christmas shopping.
Looks decent to me
central -0.5 dropped quite a bit reaction to the rball i guess, i'm on from sw and o2.5 from 0-0 and re-backed -0.5 @2.3 now, shaking
James Mckeown I wish they had Dave. Cause I'm sure they'd reimburse my losses as part of my job if so. Almost touching £100,000 down today.
Like · Reply · 4 mins

He said he was down 15% of roll, his roll must be smaller than i thought.
>pissing away 100k in a day on total lotto shite
it's actually underpriced, the drama is worth 40 alone atleast plus you can always lay his bets when he's chasing
>his roll must be smaller than i thought
He'd be full mug if he had all his money in his bankroll so yeah I'd have guessed a little bigger but not much.
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Sure hope that BRA/CAN game gets another goal.

Also whens the USA/CHN game not starting, postponed? Game has USA & O2.5 all over it.
>Also whens the USA/CHN game not starting, postponed?
You're not new Gooz pls. When has an American game ever started on time?


USA slags -2 @ 2.6

This is decent advice, but it will mostly just go over the head of betas and is still most of us already know. Also take things one step at a time. Dont match a girl (if you are on tinder) and then after 10 mins of a decent convo start worrying about sex with her. Step by step is the way to go.

You need to attack the root cause of these issues which is different in different people.

I was a beta autist too a few years ago but taught myself how to talk to girls and pull them.

Feel free to ask me anything. If you make it personal about yourself then I can help you more.
Just watched The Apprentice, pretty good.

Joseph & Vana were obviously the best two after the business plans were revealed. What the fuck was Gary's shit idea?

How the fuck are the bookies always right though? They had Vana & Joseph as top 2 favs for WEEKS now.
>josephs idea is good
Brazil goal when

If I remember correctly Joseph has always been heavy favourite even as far down as 1.8 on the exchange at the beginning. Its what happens with pre-recorded shows. Same thing happend with GBBO.


>franchising is a bad idea

I assumed he was favourite cause of the news about Sugar hand-picking him for the contest.
>Central will never start scoring
1st half handi for USA has drifted pretty far since team news. Can't pretend I know enough to say why but I'd wait a while and watch the inplay before slapping anything on.
>franchising some local business for obscene amounts
i've been a good boy and i just wrote a letter to santa asking for an early christmas present of 2 central goals and some A I R

Its coming.

Is Hope Solo playing lids?

Need brazil goal like idk what

trip on euan
I'm praying
This Emelec game is pissing me off. Why the fuck does it keep getting suspended?
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I dont think there's been a single shot in the 2nd half in slags game.
goodnight lids :(
Can't wait to get my grubby fivers on the large tomorrow.
Hope you do desu, only thing worse than prestakers are people that moan constantly about prestakers when they should realise they aren't the only ones in the world who can spot value and its unreasonable to expect certain games not to get hammered before kick off.
I have trouble starting conversations with girls in a large group. I've learned to approach them and get myself involved but don't know where to take the conversation after that. I'm fine when it's 1-on-1 btw, but it's difficult to get in that situation especially in nightclubs etc (though I find it helps if they're drunk and I'm not, so I just stick to drinking cokes and pretending it's spirits lol)

Not a virgin btw, just looking to make it nineplus. Any help is appreciated
making the switch from sportsbet to 365. best promocode?

Did both teams go turtle mode after HT? 8+ shots and 3 goals in FH, 0 & 0 in 2nd.

On large -1.5 USA AHC to run as i go to sleep. Nighty nighy /bet/
shame about that central match had like 11 shots on/12 shots off and still couldn't get one in, one of those matches i guess

Original poster here. Never easy taking on a big group and usually requires someone with a big personality to do it which I don't possess myself. So what I do is look to break up the group with the help of a couple wingman and play the convo off each other or just invite one of the girls to go to the bar with you and get a couple drinks. If its a cheap place say you're buying a round of Jaegerbombs and you need help carrying them all because there is a 0.1% chance she wouldn't come help giving you that crucial 1 on 1 time. Not sure if its the sort of thing you're looking for but hope it helps in some way
>power failure in the Oklahoma State game yesterday
>power failure in the Jazz game tonight
>American infrastructure
less than 6 winning margin is top value in celtics/pistons @ 2.60
Remember when some insignificant EPL game had a power cut and /sp/ was all >BRITISH INFRASTRUCTURE then literally the very next day the superb owl had a power cut. Good times.
Classic Uni roast
I was just memeing but thanks for the shitty advice

wow, rude

Someone get the free tip of the day. Need an absolute blowout winner.

i did it. it said they are going to call me. I'm not ready for this cunt. Making me socialize
>mfw they'll be calling you for weeks

im not answering it though. Fuck that noise.
>Face the tiny chink race
>Get a lot of corners
>Be unable to punish their lack of height
USA slags pls git gud
This desu
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I'm done for.
>wasting 10 dollars on patriotism
Curry o42.5 points+assists+rebounds, Warriors -13, and o220 in the Warriors game
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lads, lads, lads. enough of this mug nba shit. it's DOTO TIME. Who here ready to make 5 figs in 1 night?
Me desu senpai
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>he didnt get on >>64282503
>he wasnt on the Eibar fix
b-but I was
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American lads,
I think I accidentally got drunk and put $100 on the bovada CFB bowl season prop bet of any team winning by -37 in a bowl game

Did I throw my money away or is that probably alright?
Gooz is going to be very disappointed when he wakes up :^(
wtb senpai
ON handicap
Let's get it ON
I like you
All he has to do is lump on Everton DC, will he do it?

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>Warriors tip off as soon as the Jazz second half begins

y-you too
Nobody specific, some random guy Ladbrokes twitter have mentioned with that slip.
I'm just saying you know that mug won't guarantee a tidy profit and will hope for the best.
If Leicester win then they are top no matter what else and he nets 5k but they could feasibly draw or lose and stay top so if he just lumps like 2k at Everton DC he will be guaranteed a sizable profit and potentially absolutely UAC but you just know mainstream mugs are incapable of that logic.
what is the purpose of this post

tip something you kike
if your bankroll is $2000 then no

America in charge of applying the law to Saudis.
mugs don't know what hedging is
you're just not ready LOL

>bookies giving away money on GSW lines....
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>lose bet during the day
>get drunk
>bet on nba without thinking
>make 10 times what I lost earlier

See you in 4 months.
today I spotted a WORLD bet on the uruguay - peru slags futsal match, was going to tell you guys but the match was pulled from bet365, and I didn't have enough time

the line was a +11.5 for Peru, I mean Uruguay is better than Peru but that's a difference for a Brazil tier team

match ended 2-1 btw, so you get an idea

hopefully tomorrow I'll spot another bet this time before it gets pulled

there are lots of qt aussie girls for some reason, they're always cheering for Chile too. I'm pretty sure they're all dykes so oh well
I think I'm just going to start getting on every Klay Thompson over. Teams meme so hard to avoid getting beat by Curry and he hits open shots all day.
>Drake at a Warriors game
A-at least Warriors -13 will come in
o-o-overs may hit

>tfw warriors bets are starting to lose because the warriors are literally too good
im on warriors -12 and suns +34.5
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Up an absolute CUNT on these basketball lines
Insulting how low the line is for the Rockets Lakers game tomorrow
Are there any people on twitter worth following to lay everytime? I only know about will wilde and laying chelsea everytime he talks about it
who you tipping la
Will go bare minimum medium on the overs, seriously contemplating a large
you prestaking or just waiting for inplay value?
I'll prestake it when bovada releases the lines in the morning. It'll be around 213, which is off by at least 5 points IMO
213 right now on ladbrokes and 365, 212.5 on sportsbet
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>around 213
Is this an example of bookies literally clueless then? flashscore shows me over 202 is -300 right now
I'm going to look into it more tomorrow, but I can't find anyone important being out
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>bookies just changed it to 213
waited a good 5 minutes to do nothing and when I did try it it got changed, you're right no one is out barring a rookie for rockets
Guangzhou +3 desu
my ingame bet on the Thunder game is for the Thunder to score >160

I'm only posting this tip for the lads who are getting the 365 offer on BBL games
used it to hedge desu

pre-staked thunder @ 2.3 used free bet on sixers @ 2.67

free money


the average score on this ground is 175+

the 6ers have also lost Shitriques
Messi OUT https://twitter.com/FCBarcelona

Lump on Guangzhou +3
>they weren't on the strictly come dancing fix
>barca sw has gone up since news of messi being out

absolute tears
>it's only gone up by 0.01
>a team's odds have slightly increased with news their best player isn't starting

Wow, who would have guessed that.
this is quite the sport youve got there desu
>implying they didn't play better with just suarez and neymar

>implying Guang will even bother trying now that they can't impress their footy overlord

>implying barca -1 @ 1.44 isn't the safest of all these bets
Its funny because they would still destroy them even without messi
Guanzhou are a tough team t b h, and Barca won't take this Mickey Mouse cup that seriously
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Guangzhou to win, both to score
And Guangzhou/Draw double chance
What world are you people living in Barca will still shit on Guangzhou there is a level difference that can't be negated that easily.
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Over/Under 1.5 Billion for Star Wars /bet/?
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>Barca -1.5 will actually show up
Can't stop thinking of a pun i read here during the 2010 WC. People were making bird versions of player names and someone said "Andres Inanesta" and i laughed for fifteen minutes straight at how bad it was.
Love remembering random /sp/ and /bet/ moments
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turned my last tenner into just under £500
so shrewd i am so so shrewd
Ok i dont post in bet normally

I currently have 20£

What is a garunteed way to make a profit of any amount
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hope you got on the Thunder lads. Game went exactly as predicted.

>tfw I made the laughing cannavaro pic
>see it used every now and then
>even saw it on /b/ one day
saw the tip one hour late and b365 didn't offer overs ;_;

i posted it yesterday lad, i only posted the in-game tip because bet365 is refunding one in-play bet on each BBL game if you lose it after betting on a straight result. I would never actually bet in-game on meme20 otherwise.

The value was in the tip I posted yesterday.


Colour me surprised
Anyone else on the Turkish Cup game?

Thinking unders. Both teams have their second string sides out.

Bookies clueless

Thank you Messi twitchers.

Fifa Club World Cup most profitable event these last two days, pmsl.
I'm getting on Melbourne Stars over Adelaide. It's only at $1.60 but it's a pretty safe bet. Melbourne Green are absolutely stacked in every department and Sadelaide are the worst team in the comp on paper this year.

I'm partly doing it to access the jew365 in-game offer. As >>64286310 said it's literally impossible to lose, no idea why they're offering it. Though I won't be betting like that on tomorrow's game because Melbourne should win easily.
In game offer only available to aussies?

not sure, it just says it excludes NSW & SA residents.


The value in tomorrow's game for me really is the $100 in-game bet because I can put it on basically anything.
>This offer is only available to customers residing in Australia, excluding residents of New South Wales and South Australia.

ah so it is, I didn't read the fine print

shame that, because its absolute value
Skedge looking dire. What to do today lids?
Euan has had his grubby fivers on the large too
thanks for the bet lad, was a nice surprise as i don't know shit about cricket and expected it to last a couple days, on that stars bet as well

Can't blame him, too many early birds and not enough worms these days son
that was me, not Euan :')
the +?

there's three formats of cricket, tests take up to 5 days, this is t20 which goes for 3 hours.

Tests are the most predictable so thats where the real value is. T20 is far less predictable so atleast a few of my tips will go wrong. That said, the bookies know fuckall about Australian domestic cricket which is why there is some value in it.
It's going to beat avatar lid
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I was :^(

But it's okay senpai, still up for the month and it's not over yet.

UFC is looking very profitable this weekend desu lads!
literal retard
Pre lims or Main card? Because the main card is not easy to call desu
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I'm waiting on a contact with an update, bookies dont adjust the lines on UFC until the last 48hrs when they get info from the training camps (light injury reveals, health from cut, ect) then adjust them quite substantually within 24 hours at the weigh-ins.

Connor was a heavy faveorite before weigh-ins last week, then equaled the odds shortly after.

I do think Cerrone will win though, based purely off recent performances and trend. Overeem is worth a punt based purely on him surviving the first round coz JDS will gas hard. Watch this space anyway :^)

Its not the bookies who move the lines it's just when the BIG BOYS get involved

This guy knows
>0-0 draw

jesus christ
it was ht cs in QPR v Brighton
Ecoreem/winkle Jackson-reem is definitely worth betting on. My other picks are Oliveira and dos Anjos. I think Nate marq is worth to bet on against dollaway. He matches stylistically well.
why is that cuck league unders all the time?

Indeed, i actually meant 'when they change their odds'. :^) simular meaning nontheless.

Nancy @2.1 later today at 19:30 looks pretty good lads! Morton @2.2 looks decent as well
the game ended 2-2, in fact 6/9 games in the league that day were overs
365 doing the in-play offer for Arsenal v Man City

Pablo Maffeo could be a good shout for a void FGS bet, he hasn't made his debut for city yet and he's only made it onto the bench twice this season and that was only because both Zabaleta and Clichy were out injured. Very unlikely he'll get a spot on the bench while City have Clichy, Mangala, Otamendi, Sagna, Kolarov and Demichelis at their disposal
>for a void FGS bet

a what?
If you bet on an injured player or a player that won't play to score first then the bet will go void when someone else scores because they weren't in the game. You do this with in-play offer to get a completely risk free bet
Bersant Celina probably a better shout, hasn't even made it onto the bench for a domestic game for City and with Aguero back the chances of him being in the game are very slim
Riddlestown 3:10 Towcester
Serenity Now 3:30 Southwell

Get on or drown in tears

Got the day off work and not a scrap of value in sight
>he hasn't seen the large
maybe you should use your day off to catch up on sleep

What's the large today then lid?
>Last Euan tip was 5 days ago
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>I trust my money with these people
lmao is that a legit email from them, I didn't get one

fucking Asia
wah wah gooh gooh ga ga
>implying i'm going to spoonfeed you so you can put your greasy tenners on and drive down the line

post betfair p&l big boy
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It's only for big boys lid

I actually got it twice but the second time he changed his name and made the e-mail more important

They also sent a maintenance email this morning to all customers in CC instead of BCC pmsl
>using betfair
I don't like the bookies taking half of my winnings in commission thanks

Nice meme

buy the fix and share it with us senpai

If 5% comes to 'half your winnings' then you can get your fucking penny roll off of /bet/
I'll chip in £5
you get 50% premium charge when you win as much as me lid

absolute joke company
whats going on in this paok match
we'll get there in no time
>It's fixed send us 1000
>Get 1000 and mugs lump on 'fix'
>It doesn't come in but they didn't place the bet anyway
this would be actually a pretty cool game to separate the mugs from the shrewdies, where there would be a large and someone would drop an extremely subtle or cryptic hint about it

people would get on whatever they thought the large was without revealing to others what they were on then we would all post slips at a point in time and tears would be had

would probably need a trusty trip to host this event though

Nice one slowpoke
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>Kebab football
Only just got up
Mourinho's been sacked lids
>wasnt on
genuinely shaking here, pretty sure i found the large
'Large' backers BTFO
It wasn't Lazio?
no the large is over 2.5 in wadi degla v el masry, don't know what that other guy is talking about
>365 thinking a game is fixed, when it's just Panachaiki only having 12 players.
not the large but it actually doesn't look too bad for a small, did catch the masry dnb when it was @2.30 so depending on degla attacking i guess
>didn't get on mou next united manager 8/1 as soon as he heard he was sacked

down to evens now

I was thinking u3.5 in this match, but I don't want to be on the wrong end of the fix.
>local bookies still has it open. leva -1.5 @1.50, -2.5 @2.20
>Higher rates of Premium Charge will apply to the very small number of customers (less than 0.1%) that satisfy the following conditions over the lifetime of their account:
>Lifetime net profits*** exceed £250,000
>Commission generated less than 40% of lifetime gross profits
>Bet in more than 1,000 markets

IMAGINE being a pseudo shrewdie who has to lie on a Vietnamese paper aeroplane making board to make himself feel important
>his lifetime profits don't exceed 250k
get out of my /bet/
nevermind, pre-match odds were much higher and other bookies re-opened at higher prices anyway
It's all about

Barrie ML and/or the over 6.5 vs Soo

Windsor ML and/or the over 6.5 vs Saginaw

Niagara 3 way vs Sudbury
>pinnacle had o2 @2.7 when other bookies had o1.5 @ around 1.65
noone can tell me this is -ev
o2 and o1.5 are different bets mate
Hiddink is still evens to be next manager at will hill, bet your house
>implying i don't know this
>implying the o2 line wouldn't be around 2.3-2.4 at best if it was open on other bookies
mara had it @2.2 i think

>missed penalty literally seconds after settling my bets

Didn't realise Mourinho had been sacked. Hiddink odds have been smashed
Which team missed the penalty?
now smashed everywhere but went to evens at paddy, can do some arbing with him and ramos
penalty happened during masry's attack and rball showed it being taken in wadi's box but after it missed it said wadi missed the penalty so take of that what you will

>skrill asked for identity confirmation after about 2.5 years of use, suspending my account untill i provide it
gonna seethe so much if those cunts don't unsuspend it within a few hours

>literally can't be down from a match after the first goal
comfy as fuck
>On Leva -1.25 from k/o
>Nothing much going on in game have a bit on u3
>Two freekicks within 2 minutes get smashed into the top corner

Is a Help to Buy ISA -ev or +ev?

>le farting and pooping man

no idea what this is desu but the other 3 are fine
>They also sent a maintenance email this morning to all customers in CC instead of BCC
Jesus these guys are full retard
what sport is this lid

do you even gimmick
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who /nz/ here
you forgot le >stealing my gimmick man

the south american slags man, i followed him 4 times, every single one of them won, he a wizard
it says worst gimmick not best
>le polak who can't read gimmick
Yeah this one
You do realize that what he said is just an endorsement of that guy and not "I voted for that option", right?
fuggg just wanted to put a grand on hiddink to be next chels manager at 2.00 but odds moved
the guy who kicks his cat and shouts at his mum is a good gimmick too

Superlenny has Hiddink @2.1

>le rekt by an ameridumb
New favorite gimmick desu
Pablo Maffeo FGS for Arsenal City £50 risk free.
You have been told
i really like this one, was pretty mediocre when it involved topping up and pacing around the flat but once the cat and the mother got involved it got much better
see >>64288190
Fair play. They've been told twice then.
>inb4 200 mugs on Monday still asking
can't find the manager markets on there senpai
>there will be a handful of posts discussing a genius method of pre-staking o.5 then in-play draw or shit like that
every time

shaking at the thought of hitting the in-play CS again, need to drug myself and go full delphic oracle on that bitch
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lads r8 my Hiddink stack.

>tfw not sure if I'm forgetting some sites
>peter made his money by smacking 1.02s

where are the best odds on him right now? might throw something cheeky if odds are good enough
It's Brendan m8
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Any good m8? Was looking at buying it myself last night but didn't know whether it was worth the money?

Looks pretty decent desu. I nearly bought this once but my head isnt in the game enough right now for trading.
Feyenoord -1 anyone?
>Dutch football
If they have a good lineup I'll probably be on. Feyenoord doesn't get a lot of night games at home and the crowd always goes wild for them. So I'd expect a decent enough atmosphere to motivate them.

Haven't read it all but seems ok.
What are croutons?
Delicious things you put in your salad

Yeah but what are they made of? I have never seen them before but people mention them often.
>he puts them in salad and not soup

Huge lel
Gotta feeling there's a chubby Scottish lad who is about to have Christmas paid for.
I'm pretty sure they're essentially stale croutons

Gotta feeling he might be in for a little surprise this christmas ;)
stale bread
El Masry goal like A I R
you were saying?
down a cunt u4.5 86 and 88th minute goals
Awful game.
oxygen in other game though all is well>>64290692
I have no trusts in slags
surreal, one more from whoever would be neat but a win and a refund is fine too
>slags basketball under accys
seek help NOW
Got on u50.5 3Q in the Lulea-Istanbul game as an addict bet

Mostoles was the large and I forgot about it
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Reminder that you will never be this elite.
where is the iranian underage slag baseball
Whos' setup is that?
Won :)

euan park

need this like air
>3 screens and sports channel subscriptions
>Can't change a lightbulb
top kek
>last game on parlay
>needs one more goal to make, but it's 87'
>watch it till finish
>no second goal and full time declaration
>come back later and see it is green checked

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>BetVictor still having Brown as 1/8


>implying they give a shit about that market and don't just have it in just for show

b-b-but /bet/ said you cant profit from mainstream!
draw & under 2.5 in wolves v leeds
Wish mainstream was discussed here desu
No Israeli slag bets?
That you Ross?
i'll discuss mainstream bets with you senpai
Am on unders in Kishronot game.
any reasoning?
seems like its gonna be aggresive with a few goals
Same, 4.5 looked a little high. Just a small though because >slag defending
Both teams struggling to score lately. Under 2.5 goals has been a winner in 8 of Leeds' last 10 matches and also in 5 of the last 7 for Wolves. Very evenly matched games, Wolves can't win atm and Leeds are draw specialists
>r/soccerbetting: the post
Ross ffs

You don't even know what you're looking at do you?
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>You have been playing for 8 hours, woudl you like to log out?
ok i'll reword it to be more /bet/ friendly.

Both teams heads are gone, shaking at how few goals they're scoring at the moment (to be honest family). >implying wolves can win
bookies clueless pricing wolves so short MACKERS WANTS 50K ON THE DRAw
what epin bets do you have m8?

Lol great post m8
OHL hockey. Some sites carry it. Typically easy to predict.
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Wolves v Leeds looks like it's going to be a low scoring game, probably a draw.

Nancy @ 2.05 now, small value bet on 'O2.5g' & BTTS' @ 3.1 is worth a punt.
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>she orders the most expensive cut of meat on the menu

Going to have to downsize from a LARGE to a MEDIUM popcorn tonight when watching The Force Awakens.
tfw already been spoiled and have no friends to see it with
>bovada begging us to take their money
>being a broke boy
Pls tell me bowl season isn't a meme
Is making LOADS of money a meme?
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>tomorrows skedge
No but American sports usually are
None, but that's not an excuse to bet on anything

lel fair play
Dude, my gf did that on our first date. Told her she must plan on enjoying herself that night then. Knew she wanted the dick right there.

Don't be a faggot and let them make you mad. Turn it back around on them.
tfw have to stay up till all hours to catch israel slags value
Somehow managed to make it this far with only knowing what happens in the teaser trailer.

Last year bowl season was /freemoney/. The matchups aren't as enticing this year, but shouldn't be too hard to turn a profit.

>tfw amount of girls eclipse your bankroll

Top lad. Didn't make me upset tbqh. Just got me to confirm that this is going to be a case of smash and dump.
who is nancy, sounds like my old babysitter la
ill missed the first 10 mins of a world simpsons ep on sky 1
you on any of the prop bets?

I took team to score 64 in a game, score total over 100, 2nd OT, and margin of victory greater than 37
>smash and dump
Ayyy, you're alright DR.
Who /milanceltavillareal/ treble here?
Do you have to wait until all the games are over to get your money, or do you get it once it hits?
Panelefsiniakos +4 vs Xianthi is @ 2.20 and Xianthi is up two goals, 60 minutes in.

tfw pussied out on holon ht/ft and only put down a small

>shouldn't be too hard to turn a profit
Need to hear it will be piss easy desu
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>you will never know dat pac mac feel
+1 is +EV
And the simpsons is dogshit

>simpsons is dogshit

PLEASE have sex.

what's wrong
>you will never have a beer with Pac Mac and Uni
Life truly is suffering

c-can i come too
too much on o3.5
starting to sweat
>tfw she starts every conversation but takes ages to reply to me after this

Nothing makes me angrier.
SWEAT on u3.5
If you're serious. It's fixed to go o3.5.
She's cheating lad
As long as you aren't angry Brit anon
Leave her on r

How did you know?

Fucking tears
you jerks could told me it's fixed, i can't wrap my head around sometimes how can a team be so impotent whole game and then the floodgates open in last 20 minutes
today the futsal slags value is better adjusted so there aren't sure bets like yesterday and the other day

in another situation the -4.5 for Colombia and o7.5 would be value (they beat Peru 12-2 while Uruguay only beat them 2-1), but as the tournament is being played here maybe colombian slags will hold back/uruguayan girls will play better, so I'd advice to keep away instead

Paraguay lost 3-4 against Chile so it's likely that they'll lose against Argentina, but there's high chances of the score being close due to the way they play so +-2.5 is basically a coinflip

tomorrow there will be three matches with high chances of value because 1st place of a group will be matched against 3rd place of the other, and 2nd against 2nd, so we will see Argentina-Peru and Colombia-Paraguay, which are likely to be harshly mispriced
Just a lucky guess. Thought it was a bit WEIRD that the overs for 2 more goals were @1.2 odds with 20 minutes left. :^)

Fucking tears

It's the Greek Cup what do you expect

Not my gf just some girl im chatting to.
>grading papers
>Define what a hyperacute rejection is
>hyperacute rejection
Good job good effort kid
Will the Filipino footy actually be played tonight?
>/bet/ tries to talk to a girl: the essay
>not knowing Maple, Uni and I are the same person
>tfw just watch movies instead of watching the game I've bet on so i don't stress over result
Nothing seems to suggest they've already been played.

>tfw completely forgot about this and will be at the movies during the first game.
First game is EAC too
>ireland AUL league

Literally wat
>le weather man
Muh heat! Good thing only one team has to play in it
Shots on target:5

is there a goalkeeper playing?
Le dac bolivia man
seems like some valuon the sheriff minus in the irish AOL, played only 5 matches but with a 20:4 GD and won them all, beat 1st and 2nd placed teams 2:0 and 4:0 respectively

home team just 1 point from 7 matches 8:30 GD, been a bottom team for a few seasons at least

More like weather/altitude depending.
>List two clinical consequences of atherosclerosis
>person writes "clinical consequences of atherosclerosis"
Keep in mind these people are in a post bachelors degree program
>thinking anyone gives a shit


Is it a good uni though? I thought pretty much anyone can go to uni if they want to these days especially in the US?
It's an ok program, but it's not like undergrad where you pass if you show up
line at -3, getting on
Holy fuck DART is intense
What kind of course is this?
Seems like a basic enough question if you've had any exposure to atherosclerosis

whats AOL?
It's a pharmacy course
WOLVES Ive got a cheeky sum on them
a/s/l babes?

dawn i'm fed up
Nancy pls
You were warned >>64290297
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b i g c r o w d
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for you, perhaps
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You're pretty much doomed lid. Although Feyenoord should win simply because Willem II their keeper is ACTUALLY 5'5.

I genuinely believe he is being ironic at this point. it gets worse every time.

>altitude between two teams that play at altitude
>i-its a hot day!
>b-big crowd

why -1 and not just sw?
Say hello to each other lads
At some point this will stop being funny and become sad.
Eh, I've had worse losses to be fair. At least I can hope for anything but a draw so I can enjoy the meltdown
Need no more goals in Wolves v Leeds like AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRR
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every dutch game ever
>8 mutual friends
are some of you guys in here friends on facebook with each other?
Need a Nancy goal like fresh pillows and clean sheets
>-1 asian

How much thinking did you give it before posting that silly question?


PGA has a sub-group where they discuss how to infiltrate and destroy /bet/ so hes probably one of those.

added me as well
>He's not friends with Nestle and the lads

tears buddy
my bad, i misinterpreted "never losing this" as "they're going to win"
So jealous
>implying i use normiebook
>he doesn't have metaknight and angry britanon on his friends list
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>Not being in the inner-circle.

Pity you tbqhf.

Kurts group was brought up the BT/J West fb group a while ago so there's plenty people who are in both groups desu
What's Kurt on tonight?

This angers me.
Hasn't posted any bets in a couple of days.

Got double figure mutuals

Would love to test Kurts chin desu
Kurt is about 6'5" and well built, I doubt you'd even reach
Olla /bet/
Sporting Boys - Blooming
Sporting Boys SW

There are a few indicatiors that this may be a good value bet. Blooming is without a coach. Their backup coach said he will give anyone a chance. Sports Boys are getting a reward (bonus payment) if they win.
Weak chin lad, would batter him
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Drago is a 6'5 Maltese beast CB. There isn't a single person in this thread who could last 3 rounds with him

N.B. When will they learn.
alpha as fuck

>hes tall therefore he can fight
PMSL, you think you could have him? Get real, lid.
>he's tall so he's hard
I've battered plenty of giraffes in my time, love to meet him for a straightener

>normies sucking off their lanky mate

How did you even fucking find this mongolian image board?

I dont want to fight him, he seems like a nice lad.
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Watch out when going against the Bolivia expert mate.

Soccerway warrior btfo already, unlucky lid!
>Le rball guy in this Feyenoord game
On -0.5 Feyenoord tbqf. Bench could only improve them.
against? tell me more...
on, also on al ahli -0.5 medium, top team down 0-2 just had a contact goal disallowed
Can you freaks fuck off posting about me here

Dunno why you would complain about free advertising lid? Keep up the good work regardless
I was on about the Facebook posts but I don't like people stealing tips either, I have the person doing it narrowed down to a few
>impersonating king kurt

none of his tips have been posted here. we've got too much respect for the man. only mackers are posted for comedy purposes
Zivkovic UNREAL.
Feyenoord aren't going to score are they?
They'll get a last minute penalty.

If it's really you post timestamped pic and I will stop sharing your tips.
what bets have been posted? some after the game has finished, don't recall any shared as soon as you tipped.
Ecstatic for a refund ffs, whats DACers done to me.
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How do you feel about the current state of PGA? What do you think will happen to Mackers? Please stay here and join us m8
nice pass from the black fellow, now one for the fans al ahly pls
pmsl at mackers booming a refund
dac on al ahly desu

>Le PGA screams of agony at that offside goal
>following rball for some shitty Peruvian womens u20 game in the middle of the rain forest

Never again. Seems like they only send their top rball scouts to the CL or major leagues like EPL or La liga
IMAGINE being Mackers right now pmsl
Please just stop sharing my tips, my business means a lot to me. Thanks.

I am not actually in your group. Just heard about you from people talking about you in here.

Stay here for the banter m8.
Kurt pls don't go.

How do we join your group, honestly?
muh fivers
Is that your sister in front of you in the pic? Is she single?
Message me on Facebook but put Dear King Kurt and Regards, seething little slug in the subject so I know it's you if you ever post my tips here
>Kurt is apparently now down with the /bet/ lingo

You're ruining it m8, you had everyone on a hook there
yeah glad i didn't go larger on the -0.25 scoreline should be opposite t b h

can't wait for the bolivia matches and more macks meltdowns
is this the best time to go against him? bolivia + probably shitty mental state, hope the pga slugs spasticate the lines tbqh
I've been looking at the threads for a couple of weeks ever since someone in the group messaged me about the tips on here so I know enough
Crowd is roaring now though and Willem mentally beaten imo.
Like · Reply · Just now
zzzzzzzz fuck off slug
zzzz no one has shared tips

if it really was you you'd just post a pic of yourself rather than a pic of some transport document

Can you PLEASE tell me how you feel about Mackers?
Mental that this lad has made 1 mil gambling.
not that many tips have been posted here, besides the /bet/ exposure will surely bring you in a couple more fivers per month lad
besides i imagine there have been quite a few impersonators of the guy who's posting your tips, most people who want them will spare the fiver and subscribe, rather than following a random britanon
Bet Kurt has a really hairy shaft
Birkirkara v kirkop was one but there's been more, all I want is for whoever it is to just stop. It takes ages to research and a fiver isn't that much I think to pay it back
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Kurt, if you are still here, the one sharing your tips is Ross Grieg. He might be in your group under a fake name.

This is a pic of him.

Tip wasn't posted
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Thank you Milan for saving my parlay

Pertaining to KingKurt situation: he might be here stealing your picks desu my family
>Kurt lurks /bet/ to steal tips
>gets mad when his tips are posted here

How do you stay that lean?
lel manlet/10

eh nz will likely win but there's no value in the bet this time, i'm staying off it

He's like 5'5 it's easy. Plus that pic is with a post workout pump and good lighting. Need to see it without any pants to further confirm.
Stumped on this Israeli game tomorrow.

Hapoel Morasha Ramat vs Hapoel Mahane Yehuda

Ramat are bottom of the table with 0W 2D 9L
Yehuda are 9th with 4W, 4D, 3L

Ramat have only scored 6 but conceded 26
Yehuda have only scored 9 but only conceded 5

What sort of crazy league is this?
zzzzz luxton posting /bet/ slang twice now

>/bet/ has original slang
Actually 5'8

Don't have urge to eat like a pig and just generally developed taste for healthy food.
>tfw addict but nothing to bet
Bet on the Rockets -6 tonight m8
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Well lads, I lost $500 on doto last night. Time to call it a career.
Is it THE yank sports bet for this evening?
That and overs
On with a pretty large medium desu.
So bored

NEED games inplay

You could've just tripped the switch at the convention centre when it looked like you were losing la
Bolivia in about an hour lid. Mackers bound to have a world weather fix
Can see myself randomly punting on one, feel like I'm going cold turkey atm.
No how you feel tbqh famm. Tomorrows skedge isn't looking too great either
Im back lids, any nba tips?
also, wo else on tampa bay +1
Ayyy. Missed you bro.

Think this Rams defense will give Winston a hard time so I'm waiting to see if something shows up in-play.
So can any of the guys from across the pond let me know about the kind of value that can be found in the college bowl stuff?
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>You'll never get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for flexing.

Always cringe when some SJW brings their cheap FB like whoring ideas onto QT. Been a solid "programme," this week for a change
Lads in PGA, make sure you have CTRL+C + CTRL V primed for 0:00.

Don't want to miss out on a second of the DACkers value.
>tfw no gf
Take one team to win the playoff, then hedge after semifinals
you'll actually gain value by waiting untill pga gets on and then you go against his bet
>tfw no colombian femdom gf

Do you know anywhere to watch NFL games preferably with the breaks/ads cut out?

youtube has a couple of random ones but I was hoping there was a site that had all of them.

Dunno why the NFL doesnt make an NFL Network like WWE have with all past games available to watch for a small fee. Would be pretty sweet.
NFL Network GamePass is pretty much what you describe. Costs a bit though.

If you mean watching games that have already aired I just download them from tenyardtracker, they provide NFL, College and High School games.
thats jewing hard


I didnt even know this existed.

>If you mean watching games that have already aired

Yeah that's what I meant. Cheers m8.
>Costs a bit though.
probably get an account dirt cheap on cskings
What we thinking for the weekend then lads?
How's a Vardy and Lukaku anytime double?
Inter SW against Lazio 1.75

Watford DNB against Liverpool 3.00
Make it a treble with Aubameyang
The -4.5 won but after the 5th goal Colombia played subs and Uruguay threw the team forwards so it could've gone either way

For this one the most likely is argie slags but it's not value

I wonder what's the percentile of lesbians here
>High school

Are these ever worth watching?
>Kurt shitposting
I used to have an NBA pass, its worth every penny
Need a Mackers Bolivia tip like air
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>any time scorer markets
>putting them in doubles and trebles

Weekend/bet/ pls
James Mckeown I'll start a new thread if I have a bet
Like · Reply · Just now
Nah level of play is dire. Only watch them if I'm interested in particular players who are just coming into college and supposedly ready to make an impact right from their freshman year.
Shaking at this NFL mainstream value desu
>Not encouraging someone to do a treble on correctly priced shit
They lose their money faster and will realise it is not the way to go which will encourage them to git gud or leave. Sometimes education is about letting people fail.
Whats THE BET for tnf

Who is he trying to kid.... He's a fucking addict, of course he'll have a bet
buccs safety first scoring play

Is he talking about here or in PGA, we are in need of a new thread.
new bread??
wait for the in-play and whoever is winning at half take them

no comebacks tonight my lad
It's kinda weird to think there are 92 posters here.

I think of /bet/ as around 15-20 people. Obviously some is people posting from mobile or maybe an IP change but still its way more than I can imagine.
I post from 3 different IPs, so that knocks it down to the 80's
/bet/ IS /sp/
>tfw you find the secret markets on bet365

Didnt this guy killed himself after I gave this colombian soccer tip ?
Palestino DNB @1.9 lads
Reckon I could batter every single one of you scruffy meffs
>20-25 minutes played in 4 bolivian matches
>no goals
surreal, thinking about making a cheeky overs accy haven't made one in a while
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This can't possibly lose can it?
James Mckeown I'd be on Strongest +0.5 at 1.75 if I had a 365
Like · Reply · Just now
You would be correct but it would also encourage more pointless bets shitting up the thread

Classic mug response. I'm not even against mainstream stuff being discussed like Nestle tipping Feyenoord but I draw the line at just moronic bets and accys being tipped. If its stupid don't act surprised when someone calls you out for it

Yes it can.

Anything could happen in the next few months. Plus Cruz is pretty popular so its risky even with just those 3 considered.

Any goal would be nice. I'm on o1.5
>Being tipped
Literally laughing at you
Why is he called Nestle?
he's black
Tipped, discussed, blogged about, aftertimed, whatever, Point still stands

Because that's his name...
Genuine mong

Am I missing something here friend?
cheers lad, was on ht and ft dnb from 0-1 personally but had to re-back mara still had it @2.04 when they were so dominant
You'll be missing some teeth if we meet.
I assume he is just trolling or at least has no good comeback so has resorted to name calling.
Head's gone
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>still no new thread

Down insane

then make one cunt.
we need to break 750 replies this time
Would love to curb stomp you. You underweight little poofter
New Thread

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