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Thread replies: 496
Thread images: 107

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1st Innings

Australia 416/2 (90 ov)
David Warner 244*
Steven Smith 5 *

New Zealand - Yet to bat

Stumps Day 1
first for full time job, gf and drug habit

get on my level losers
I was a NEET hiki for years before I went back to uni and I was perfectly fine. You don't need to be super confident, just be able to hold a conversation with another person without looking at the floor, mumbling or tripping over your words.

It's really not that hard. What is there to be nervous about even? Some random loser in your uni class might think you're weird, woah, how fucking terrible. And a reminder, they will think you're weirder if you are acting autistic as fuck.

Neck yourself.
>it's a "Daniel blogposts about his pathetic pseudo-normalcunt life" thread
Second for casual cocaine habit
casual job, newstart and alcoholism here
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>muh counter
KILL yourself
Wife and job reporting.
cancer 2bh

Post memories of The Black Cap's Golden Era.

>that time they won a WC pool match against Australia but almost lost it but they won anyway
iv'e tried before and ended up in the mental ward for a week. Someone found me with the rope in the forest and called the police
Reposting because this was fucking profound
Have you been to the WACA recently? There's no room to expand with the high school and the government claiming the last bits of clear land nearby. The new road that was put in destroyed all their practice nets and everything around the pitch is being developed. They fucked up by not developing the facilities properly 30 years ago
I legitimately didn't make a blogpost cunt the thread derailed to those topics and people were asking questions, not my fault for fucking answering them don't peg this on me
That was such an elite match desu. I don't think I've seen a match swing so violently from one side to the other to back again to back to the other side just in the nick of time
do you like Phil Collins?
No one wants any new expansion, just update the current facilities there. The new stadium will be as good as any in the country but they'll keep some games at the WACA
I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where, uh, Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to "Land of Confusion". In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. "In Too Deep" is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as, uh, anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like "In the Air Tonight" and, uh, "Against All Odds". Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is "Sussudio", a great, great song, a personal favorite.
please please please kill yourself. don't reply to this i just want you to know people want you to kill yourself and would enjoy hearing the news of your death
The last time I was there was for a BBL game and then day 4/5 of the Ashes. They don't even need to expand the stadium, really. Just clean up the current facilities.

>They fucked up by not developing the facilities properly 30 years ago
I do fully agree with this.
Sorry I don't respond to faggots

bit rude lad
Why was the match live at 8-9 and it was still daylight? Is the Perth sun shinier?
No matter how good the new stadium is, I'd really, really dislike watching a game there when the stadium is only a quarter full.

I personally prefer smaller stadiums for cricket games anyway.
this 2bh

I wish Daniel died in the earthquake
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>out all day
>come home to find australia has absolutely rekt the kiwis and hiroshimoot has killed /wwe/
same, its why i love the WACA. But, its getting old and the new stadium is pretty much the only chance at keeping tests out here
we don't have daylight savings so we're a fair bit behind you cunt. Sun is just about to set and its 7 pm
I will throw literal shit at every single "person" in this "thread"
no h8
Way to expose yourself as a feces throwing monkey you sped
Way to expose yourself as a retarded casual freshcunt
Anyone have a pic of this famous "Daniel and Ivana" I keep hearing about?
Way to expose yourself as a rational human being. Ill take the McCullum road here
check your lastfm inbox
Do you guys think Taylor will stop doing his cheeky singles now after Buttler bullied him in the locker room for running him out?

tbf the people said it was a "poor run" but there was a single there, just Buttler was scratching his ass for 1-2 seconds and wasn't ready to go. He should've known Taylor likes his quick singles.
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didn't know there was girls on cric!
Buttler has no fucking excuse tbqh
he bats like trash and was lucky to ever be selected
knowledge can be used as a weapon
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>med student
>get into conversation with some other student
>he says he has to study 24/7 but is managing perfect grades
>was quite impressed, asked him what he studies
>tells me "electrical engineering"
>wonder if he was being serious about his degree being hard
>turns out he was
>instantly Iose respect for him

l assume there's a few engineering students on here, so I'm actually curious. Do you guys actually think your degree is difficult or are you at the stage where you realise anyone could do it?
he was shaking his head and looking back at Taylor all the time on his walk off, looked super pissed tbqh
What score will Warner be on when Smith declares?
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>forcing this boring "meme"

give up m8
Hey how do the test players deal with the long days?

Imagine fielding for 8-9 hours in the sun
Will Hales score between 0-5, 6-10 or 11-15 lads?
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they have breaks m8

Cunt your degree isn't that hard as you clearly have enough time to shitpost here
spotted the freshcunt
>being this freshcunt
>not realising they're imaginary characters invented by the geniuses of /cric/ for bantering purposes
Preview of what the CWC will look like when Qatar buys it too
is that pic legit?
Yes, there's some amateur match going on outside the stadium and they cut to it every now and then
I'm glad I live in a developed country. How long til >your pitches look like that?
>Runs down the pitch
>Smashes it as hard as he can
>Hits it directly in line with the only deep fielder out there
>Still doesn't hit it well enough for it to even carry to the fielder

Why is this guy even in contention?

>Calling security because you literally can't handle the banter.

Fucking hell PP, sort your shit out.

Also, how can a bunch of white guys racially abuse another white guy?
Looks like England found their balls. That was a nice shot.
Will Warner get a triple or even quadruple century?
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shoulda just stopped it there, they were already dead
i legitimately felt bad for them out in the field in the 80th overs they all looked about ready to off themselves
Smith will declare when he hits 390
tbqh Roy looks a lot better than Hales from a muh potential standpoint. Quick wrists and he had a good series vs Australia. I've literally never seen any redeeming features in Hales.
The triple is a done deal. He's too close.

Maybe a quadrupel if poopeeland doesnt find their nuts
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I have a bit of a mancrush on Wahab lads

literally some of the best pace bowling I've seen in years
It comes down to when a declaration is going to be made. Mcmeme is going to block it out since he knows he's not going to be able to chase a 500+ score.
If Australia score quickly from the start of tomorrow's play, it's entirely possible that Warner might hit 400, but I'm not going to bet on it. My guess is 320*
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never forget desu
Why do they ALWAYS have to play that GOD FORSAKEN horn or trumpet or whatever when they score a boundary. It's so FUCKING annoying and it's literally completely pointless other than for ANNOYING people and making literally any "cool" moment where a good shot was played into some naff fucking curry music wall of sound
you dickheads you're meant to say "Will Warner was a 16th century English poet m8"
Will Warne score a triple century?
pooper poorturbed and poorius as fuck
I like it senpai

>that trumpet spam just now.

I'm sorry. I'm a freshcunt. So sorry.
Will Warne is an Associate in Intellectual Property at Bird & Bird m8
Will Warne is a lawyer with Bird&Bird m8
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here we go lads hq oc here
244* (272)

poo peeland blown the fuck out
Will Warner was a pioneering socio-anthropologist noted for applying the techniques of his discipline to contemporary american culture m8
Will Burns is a member of the Chicago City Council representing Chicago's 4th Ward who represented the 26th District in the Illinois House of Representatives from 2008 through 2011 m8
Will Smith is an American actor, producer, rapper, and songwriter m8
Will Khawaja is a 44 year-old Lebanese male who lives in in Bsalîm Lebanon m8
Will Voges is cashier at Sodexo in Everett, Washington m8
Will Marsh is a football player from England m8
Will Lyon was a Scottish-born Canadian and American journalist and politician m8
Will Starc is a founder and CEO at GOWIN LTD m8
Will Hazelwood was a truck driver at D & G Trucking, Inc m8
Will Nevill is a former cardinal of Zentopia Church and the author of the mysterious book Key of the Starry Heavens m8
Will Johnson is an Australian rules footballer who played as a defender for the St Kilda Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL) m8
Good Morning
these have never been funny
what are you doing with your life?
n-no bully
Will Smith was literally hilarious the first few times.
buttflustered freshcunt: the post
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>pioneering socio-anthropologist noted for applying the techniques of his discipline to contemporary american culture
Englel are unironically off to a good start.
I'm genuinely surprised that they've lasted 12 overs without a top order collapse
The will burns one makes me laugh out loud every time
Why do they even play the music if they're just gonna blast that horn over it 2bh
Have they been stolen by reddit yet? That's the point where they cease to be funny tbqhwy
autistic memespouter: the poster
repeating tired memes every thread over and over for the rest of eternity
Will Roy score a century?

>not putting the 1/403 Aus score
William Roy is a Vice President at Tipper Tie - A Dover Corporation Company m8

>that top comment
I have some news to share about my future on this imageboard as Based Elite Matt (BEM).This took me a long time to muster up the courage to get this all out, but here goes

I, Based Elite Matt (BEM) am transgender

About the time I first started following Rugby League (about 3 years ago) I could feel that something inside just felt off. I didn't notice what was causing it until about three days ago, and then spent the last 45 hours repressing it within myself.

Last night, soon after the Basedogs got BTFO by Cronulla, I realised that these feelings will not go away, and that I am transgender. That night, I also came up with my new name.

As of now, Matt will be retired and I will move on to a new gimmick.

I trust you ladies and gentlemen can be accepting of who I am, and keep/nrl/a safe place for us to talk to each other about ourselves. Remember that although my body will change, I will still praise Des Hasler, hate the Dragons and be salty when Souffs win.

It feels great to finally let it all out

Basedogs gonna Base

- Maude (my new first name)
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>the username
>public blog
>probably hates being ""objectified"" by ""fetishists""
This is what modern man has become.

It really is no fun at all to watch grown men be completely decimated at a game they play professionally
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>sorted by: best
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Reminder that THIS is what posters on r/NRL look like
no stop it why would you say that, dickhead
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The only good one was Will Smith, i laughed quite heartily at it several times and still do occasionally
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Reminder that THIS is what r/AFL posters look like
has there ever been a faces of /cric/ thread?
Nah, you gotta you use the channel 9 score picture
looks like a good bloke. Would grab a pint with
we all know what daniel and goosey look like
Looks like he smokes cock
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and this is the average /cric/ poster here on 4chan
Accurate but im a little more cut tbqh
That's a shit version. Where are the Cowboys fans?
Where did you find this pic of walkgod
In this one
He sent me an email earlier, he wanted me to suck his dick (which i gladly did) and the pic was included.

Let me tell you though, that pic doesn't do him justice, he is much more /fit/ and handsome irl
me on the left
I got more lats than that lad desu senpai
Quads observed. RIP Convict.
me on the right desu famq
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who /hot/ here
>New Zealand have now conceded more than 1600 runs for just 10 wickets in their past 16 days on tour

Fucks sake NZ
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that is the one
>the retard who made this couldn't even be bothered to crop out the white noise
saved and will use in the future
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is the start of an epic new meme?
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fug m8 im no picasso
>those herpies
>everyone scoring well

>Buttler will still get out for under 10

>people will still shill him

>m-muh potential
>m-muh exciting player
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thanks picasso
who are the other keepers?
how new are you?
Bairstow is in the squad for a start. Not very consistent but he can still whack a decent innings once in a while.

I hate this thing where people say there's no one else. Buttler literally scores under 10 every time. YOU CAN LITERALLY PICK ANYONE ELSE AND THEY'LL PROBABLY DO BETTER.
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for odi though? arent they trying to get more of a difference between the test and pyjama teams?
he's probably older than you if you can't recognise such an old fucking joke
he's got the fastest odi century for england and until his recent dip was in the top 10 strike rates for odi players in history, maybe he should be rested but you can't argue he should be discarded

>tfw Mathew Wade is unironically our meme-cricket keeper
>tfw it doesn't even matter because our team is so GOAT in pyjama cricket that he just gets shafted to batting @ 8

Honestly lads it's bizarre. I truly believe our meme cricket team is as good as anything >we had during the Golden Generation (not as good as 2003, but better than '99 and 2007 tbqh) but our Test team is still trash.
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Why is it only brown people who shout to influence the calls?

You don't see Australia acting like that.
he's a fast scorer and had a few decent innings for >us in odi cricket, he's only in the test team because he's averaging about 100 in first class cricket this season and just wouldn't stop scoring during the ashes until he was called up
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He has the opposite problem, good batsman, terrible keeper.

He had a decent start but he's been trash for so long now. He's been given so many chances it's ridiculous, people can't keep saying you need to give him more time. He's been given SO long.
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gotta love wade
the test team is getting there, slowly
Posting the named edition for the freshcunts
yeah but who's meme-ing who?
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>the test team is getting there, slowly
>Ausfailian Keket bogans are LITERALLY this delusional

Beating Poo Peeland @ home means fuck all. >We haven't won in Asia for 4 years and haven't won in Englel since 2001 despite the fact we seem to play there every other year now
>tfw i honestly miss /cric/ threads in 2010/11 with goosey

cya guys, off to kill myself
>needing names
>not knowing all these faggots by heart
I dont know shiggies though, who is that?
Zerogoose was agenuinly good poster. Those threads were much better than the current ones. Our shitposting was more refined and we had decent cricket discussion. Now it's just pure, extremely low quality shitposting.
haha don't suppose any of your lads know anything about the interaction of the Australian Constitution with the Magna Carta do you ahaha
please respond if you do
>what does the word slowly mean
now that everyone who is going to retire imminently (save bitchwide) has left they can actually start trying to get people like burns and khawaja experience
granted this whole series at home is gonna get everyone's hopes up that the team is actually goat when its just the home effect
this desu senpai
/nrl/ poster
I highly doubt that is true.

>girl posting on 4chan
>girl posting on /sp/
>girl posting on /nrl/ of all placs on /sp/
>girl isn't even white
the great ronald dale in the background there
Runs drying up lads

bring back Roy tbqh
We took on Chapter 29 (I think)
it's the lack of brits lads, all you aussies do is shitpost and don't get me wrong your good at it but not much cricket happens here
>tfw back to work on monday

Should i injure myself at work and go on compo?
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That's why he took the pic lad
obviously m8, I was just surprised no one else had remarked on it yet
/cric/ is filled with thugby bogans
>japmoot killed mandrama

thank you based god
Nah, it's not even that. We had even fewer Brits back then. Our shitposting has just become so much worse. It's all this ironic shiposting and really poorly thought out shitposting. People just trying to be as retarded as possible basically.
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>on course for big total
>almost all wickets in hand
>let's dig in boys
Can't fucking wait to play Pakistan next year, Pee Pooland has been nothing but a disappointment and the Windies will be even worse
heading down to the nets tomorrow lads, why aren't (You) honing your skills too?
because it's winter here you tit
I don't like leaving my room.
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pakistan never give a yelp here either

wish we were playing south africa over boxing day/new years next year instead
I haven't checked out my local teams yet.

Or even know if they exist.

Pretty sure I'd be Godly at this, tbqh
England somehow well on course for 300 boys, we will somehow fuck it up though. Hales attempting to prove he's a test match opener by not doing his best not to score boundaries
>just as I type this he get the first six of the innings
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There's an actual crowd today lads
Hhahahahaha datz acutally wat u think?? south (the lejend) will ball to warner and midle stump wil be in warner anus after 150kph ball. Ahahaha i laff at ur idiotic commentz.
the best thing that could happen to your run rate right now is for Hales to get out tbqh
How disgusting.
Messi blown the fuck out
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>Sri Lankan
>in MY cric
Sri Lanka posts in these threads often. A few years ago that would've been rare.
Where have you been all this time Big Strong Lankan.
Please visit /cric/, it has memes.
the irony being just he just hit 2 DLF maximums
australia on pooicide watch
The Posts about 30 minute quarters etc are me.

I literally learned and got into AFL only in 2012, and it was because of this board and a gambling problem.
friday after prayers is the only time the indentured servants are allowed to go to the cricket
>indentured servants
What the fuck?
>these freshcunts who weren't here for the T20 world cup in 2012
top kek I actually made the last post in that thread
I enjoyed that tournament and the /cric/ that it brought
I'm literally ajd unironically the freshest cunt here, bruh.

I got your beautiful country's invitation to watch the other day.
Messi is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team m8
Good times m8. Back when the goose got doxxed.
that's effectively what the indians/pakis who work in the UAE are

He is bowling spin for the pakis right now m8
Will Hales score a century?
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dumping my personal collection of RC autism

I'm going to laugh my ass off the day Warner does in his ACL with that stupid memejump
England must have watched Australia dominate poopeeland and become inspired.

Hales going for the century
>brags about 10/10 life
>still shitposts here all day long
I literally haven't heard anyone say that since 2004
Will Hales is the Senior Vice President at IBERIA BANK m8

>white "men"
that's living the dream, I have to do stupid stuff to earn money, in an ideal world I would shitpost here during the day, get drunk and party at night unless there was cricket to be watched or played. instead I have to earn money and go to uni, if you don't think shitposting on 4chan is the dream then idk why your here
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>Paradise Lost
Does he know that's literal and unironic fanfiction?
Those mods and regulars are literally the most pathetic people

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>respectfully hits you for a single
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I try my best to ignore it, but certainly not giving mr Hebemoto a red cent for another tv-tuner
play me at quizup you shit cunts
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>Hales will get his century and then get out almost immediately because he starts slogging it
RC is most likely lying though. If I'm having good time in a foreign country last think I'd think of doing is to brag about it here.
I'm here because I've nothing better to do.
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doesn't get better than that m8
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British Airways will LITERALLY never have another indian passenger again
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Where do Indians excrete 30,000 feet above the street?
Does this confirm Hales as the new opener lads?
yes tbqh

with England selectors you only need to get a good score 1 times out of 20
>indians will burn effigies of a plane in the streets because of this
Almost certainly.

He will now proceed to get out for 0 to Steyn and nothing will change.
>English optimism
I love you guys
Can't remember the last time England hit anything other than a single tbqh
>he doesn't know about Bell
>literally a cheeky 50 once per tour to remain in the side
>his entire career except for 1 or 2 good series
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called it
At least Morgan can give the ball a good smack.
I see now. You were forged by misery.
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kek imagine being responsible for this and trying to explain to your boss why 1.2 billion people now hate your company
you'd think the tick would make them check his follower count
What are the chances of Morgan running back to Ireland to play for their inevitable test status challenge?
between 0 and 1, he's too comfy captaining england in pyjama cricket now
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>England have unironically been under 0 pressure and are still NOT going to hit 300.
>6 overs left
>9 wickets in hand
>STILL haven't begun to meme it up

this game is looking more like a demonstration in effective running between the wickets tbqh
isn't that what the spectators want, a 22 yard dash simulator?
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Time for manlets
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Wicket down now. Time to dig in and restabilise.
Why do England still play like it's the 90's?
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>Hales hits a boundary
>gets out
>Morgan hits a boundary
>Root gets out
>le no footwork man

>le miss every shot and eventually get out for under 5

>b-but he's aggressive!1!1
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>England don't fall to shit for once
>Still fail to make 300
I guess you haven't heard about all the potential he has, he literally has the most potential of any player I've seen, the amount of potential held by Buttler is incredible. Truly a future GOAT for England, he just needs a bit more international exposure
>Johnshit asks Lilee if he has "permission" to surpass his wickets record
beta as fuck
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Just got fined for an illegal u-turn, lads.

Was completely my own fault, and the officer was very nice while writing up my infringement notice.

Reminder Lilee is LITERALLY the reason >we had to put up with years of bitchwide's bullshit
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He was trash until that South African series, then trash until the 13/14 Ashes.
When he's good, he's fucking great, but those moments are few and far between.

I guess he was a better option than fucking Tait though
isn't tait retired from test and odi cricket because his action is so wank he breaks down after more than 4 overs a day?
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Some good, sensible batting here. Don't want to take any silly risks with 6 balls remaining. Draw is in sight.
>stayed up all night watching grigget
Hope you enjoyed my blog and (You)
Yep, and he's even more inconsistent than the bitchwides.
He could bowl fucking fast though

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ravi ashwin.jpg
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>the most dangerous spinner in the world right now dresses this poorly
the most dangerous spinner in the world right now has been married to this 4.5/10 for 4 years
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Ashwin is literally homebabby: the spinner
hey friend
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spinners know how to pick them
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hay street.png
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Daniel confirmed for having pseudonym "MARK GEENTY IN PERTH"
that's funny you fuck because we're almost all britsharia descendants nice insult to yourself topkek
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>those richie benaud quints
Realest nigga on 4chan
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seriously though what was that shit

pakistan will wrap this up in 30 overs
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>you have to remember this is an inexperienced side, you just can't grasp how much potential so many of these young, exciting players have. Just so much potential, it's so dense.
Topley is the worst name in cricket tbqh
but the best name to have when you want to pick up chicks
Actually willey is the worst name in cricket
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Babar blown the fuck out
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imagine growing up with that name
Will Willey take any more wickets
Will Willey is the Publicworks Director at the Town of Lincoln m8
Pakistan's anuses getting fugged by the Willey
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>this umpire
Just got on and missed England batting ffs, pakis out
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>Pakistan run rate 1.65
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>19 runs after 9 overs
What a horrible day of one-sided cricket

I'm going to bed
okay that's bullshit. there's literally no way that was missing
oy vey it's a 2nd partition
haven't seen pakistan blown out like this since [event where many pakistanis died]
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pakis leaving the stadium
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>have a cheeky fap that ends up lasting two hours but was still ultimately underwhelming when England finish batting
>end up missing Pakistan's collapse
do they have seinfeld in india?
Dubs and Pakistan don't make 100
>.303 British
I think that's as good as dubs this time.

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Is there a sport on the planet, or even the universe that can provide such fresh tipping?
>Successive wicketless deliveries (excl wides and no-balls) bowled by Chris Woakes before his first wicket here. During this period, he went for 297 runs

299 deliveries, that is
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Am I elite lads?

Imagine growing up as a Pajeet
>the city of me
Yeah, it did air here in the early 00's but it wasn't as popular as Friends at the time.
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New Zealand may unironically struggle to take 20 wickets in the series. Where does this tour rank in terms of NZ sporting humiliations?
I legitimately still can't believe this is real

""banter"" my fucking ass that's literally textbook bullying. Especially because Watto had to fucking pay for it

is this real?

You literally can't make this shit up
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>overdosed on chocolate
The Haddin account is a parody I thought.
you sound like an enormous faggot

the bowler's Holding...
I doubt it, but it isn't verified so could be. Would not be at all surprised if it was real

>this flag
>this sport
could be satire actually, but some of the posts are too personal to be made by anyone else

I don't get how this guy is just so actively a massive prick and thinks it's a good thing
The Indy has reported on it as if it were real


The """people""" on /r/cricket are convinced it's a fake, though.
>this flag

is indicative of my location
It's clearly not him. The story about Watto was believable. That one isn't.
Yeah well obviously someone was behind that tweet, and there is a very high chance it was someone like Haddin
>this location
>this sport
Will Shevid Waughrne(er) score a triple century?
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smith will declare at the end of day 2 on 4/800
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>20 degrees outside but sunny
>had a good sleep
>having some toast and coffee
>playing fallout
>cricket on in a few hours
Don't forget Paris Deathbowl happening as we speak
going to be me in about 30 minutes as well
based kiwis making sure that wi won't be the worst team to tour australia this year.
Is Uzzie just a terrorist plant in the aussie cricket team?
at least the windies bowlers might take an innings worth of wickets
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>people actually, unironically believe warner has a chance to go past 400


how did this 'steve smith declares before his batsmen can hit milestones' meme start?
Pat Cummins was on 82 during a tour game in england this year he declared because he didnt want to lose a tour match
>It's a Bethesda ending


it was even worse because the whole top order was rekt before cummins came in and Straya would unironically have lost to the reserve players of a division 2 county team if it wasnt for cummins
How do i make 600 in two weeks? Iv'e got police fines and insurance claims to pay. My centrelink got cancelled, got round to the office yesterday but i won't get my first pay till 2-3 weeks

Gambling obviously
True. I can hock some dvds for about 30. Thats 20 1.50 bets on 5 Dragons. I might give it a go actually
Will the cricketers wear black armbands for the French?
I hope they wear black armbands for all the innocent muslims
probably not, nice guy mccullum might
He declared about an hour before the end of a match for no reason, depriving Cummins of his maiden century. The match was called off and the other team didn't go back in to bat

Bear in mind that Cummins literally saved them from a follow on against a Div 2 side
The whole NZ led Memecullum team obviously.


I think Smoths not as much as a softcock as Clarke so hopefully none of the Aussies
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are >we not playing any odi's with the pps? would be literally the ony redeemable thiing about their tour
Who is the Eli Manning of cricket?
James Faulkner
Who is the Usman Khawaja of cricket?
Literally Bitchwide Johnshit
>it's raining AGAIN in Sydney
Its raining men in the /gong/ lad. Btw anyone from the /gong/ wanna watch the cricket at diceys?
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Bushman Koala desu senpai
That is horrendous

Zimbabwe would honestly have put up more fight. There is no excuse for their shit bowling
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is shah elite yet?
>required run rate 20.07
>that fucking height difference
Why are good batsmen always manlets /cric/?
Shorter pads so harder to get them out
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when will they learn
low centre of gravity senpai
that's a bit racist m8
inb4 they move the cricket to gem to have some shitty live coverage on 9
fuck. i guess i'm gonna need a stream
fucking ree cric not on 9 and some bullshit on gem still
Have they even mentioned the cricket
If only he wasn't a complete mong in front of a camera

He was bang on about immigration and got slammed for it

Cricket would be in HD then, so that would be better anyway
Hey guys, I have missed you cunts desu
not in the few minutes i've been watching

but theres still other shit on

plz channel 9 dont make me stream a match in australia

link for anyone else



Show the fucking cricket ffs. Don't let the muslims take away our TV time as well
fuck off freshcunt
oh to be honest filters to desu now? what other little things have happened lately?
>cricket in HD
I wouldn't be complaining
fuck off freshcunt
>optus customers get a free live pass
awwww yisssssss
Shaking my head filters to baka, family filters to senpai. I think C u C K filters to kek

I'm not new just haven't been around /sp/ for some months you fucking retarded faggot
Pretty sure the game doesn't actually start for another 45 minutes.
cricket don't start till 2 m8
free live pass to what?
you're a born again freshcunt, freshcunt
yeah man, hows those fucking doggies!
the cricket mate
what else would I be talking about
i thought 1?
timezones sm h
ive missed you sooooo much <3
anything really, that is what /cric/ is all about at least.

Shitpost General
You're not Conbitch, fuck off
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>usman gets booed while fielding
how long till the game? Im sick of the paris shit
I really am, but as usual ill leave you to believe what you want

ok lads cricket coming on at 1
thx reddit
timestamp bitch, I will recognise your writing style
Reminder that if you play video games you are a literal child, no man respects you, and no woman will ever love you.
wew lads are we ready to hear slats and tubs comments on the attacks
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I think we can all see that the paris attack is a bit better than new zealand's
Then why am I seeing every dickhead and their dog going OH MAN I AM SO LE PLAYING FALLOUT 4 WATCH OUT I AIN'T GONNA LEAV DA HOUSE XDDDDD
they showed much more aggressive intent allowing them to take wickets, in the hope of winning.
Because that anon is a retard who doesn't realise that vidya became a normalcunt hobby a long time ago, and that HE is the odd one out and HE is the autist for hating vidya
who here spiralling into /depression/ and /alcoholism/ haha
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but literally everyone outside of bogan communities plays video games
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not spiralling anymore breh.

well settled in it now.

its a good life
slats and binga btfo only figuratively though
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whats happening
Should they really play today?

There is no way the players can be focused on the game with this happening. I'm sure McCullum especially is really hurting for the victims and the innocent Muslims that will be vilified because of this
Vidya is as normie as you can get now days m8. Don't forget that the older the younger people who grew up with vidya get, the more socially acceptable it will be to talk about it and enjoy it wherever
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>turn on tv for the cricket
>fucking Santa Claus getting off his sleigh at the pageant
this is b8?
they're cricket players, it's their job
they put up some good figures in the morning session
spotted the children
so many people have diedthough
I know aye
warner is genuinely a stupid human being holy fucking shit he can hardly make words
Yeah but the intensity is going to be way down because of this. It would feel wrong to celebrate a wicket or triple ton if you know something like this is happening.

Pretty fucked up situation and i know I would hate to be forced to play a game today. There are more important things
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fml fàm
buttfurious lanklet detected
its terrible, but cancelling shit like this is the desired effect
it's on here
this kek
>literally caring about what is happening in Paris

It isn't really that important unless you have family or friends who live there and are affected by it. So what if 140 died, many more people are dying right now and i am sorry but i don't feel so well because of that and would like to not work today.
he wacks a piece of cork around for aliving. he's not a poet
>you now remember the spain train bombings
This is unironically the start of world war III, unless some seriously top notch diplomacy gets done.

This, especially when you consider how McMeme reacted when PJH died. That was fucking surreal. And to think that this is now an actual issue, not just a random death.
can't they seriously save the christmas shit for december?

would fug those dancers though
It's the beginning of the end of white Europe.
Again does it affect us? Maybe, but only slightly.
mcmeme is probably the only one who'll be overly effected

I've seen at least 10 statuses of the like

I'm in that stage in which I'm like aware of how close I am and trying desperately not to let it get to me

Alcoholism I can avoid, if only through sheer will
usman would you comment on the recent developments in paris?
Love seeing whitey get literally BTFO
i actually don't

it's exactly the push they need to fight back imo
you now remember that khawaja got a century yesterday
Have the channel 9 commentary said anything about paris?

Fucking Christmas parade in Adel (hello)
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miss me yet?
have you seen The Rover?

Literally what Australia will be like by 2050
Nah it doesn't really affect us, and we should count our blessings being based island states in the middle of nowhere, but I'm a big fan of Europe and it would suck to see it die. Tons of history and culture there.
These interviews are just annoying and awkward as fuck desu
"Their attack looked good today, it was nice to see them take wickets and take the game back from the home side. Seeing more teams with aggressive intent like that is nice and you hope that you get to play a side like that in the future"
its not christmas though
Thats what makes it even more fucking retarded
"It's great to see a team achieve victories like that away from home."
>cheeky voges wicket taking bet
It's literally put on by the credit union
fucking jews trying to cash in early
At 67:1 can't afford to not put a cheeky tenner on him desu m8
Cheating scumbag, thats not the muslim way
Lads, I literally only JUST realised Tony Abbott isn't the PM anymore
who /watch cricket and tune out of current affairs/ here
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Helpful reminder that there will be NO European "fightback".

Reminder that 100% of all regular citizens of the West will continue to defend Islam and muslims and will still be willing to import them en masse to our country.
are you saying hes not?
Quality analysis Ch9

>you now remember this fucking innings

whats your point you autistic fuck? do you have to pay for every thread you make or something?

12 posts early

brett lee is such a fucking loser retard
I haven't played them either (nor have I played the recent games), but how many of those people do you think have played the first three Fallout games? None.
But le Broad didn't walk!

Fuck I hate the Australian team and that incident cemented it.
Yeah yeah I know Daily Mail but it makes a good point.

Really gave me the fucking shits that we did not get over that for fucking ages when we do it literally all the fucking time (Brad Haddin did it in that SAME SERIES)
Let's get this bad boy to 1000
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