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Eternal Arsenal Thread

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Thread replies: 495
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JUST edition
1st for Liverpool fans are subhuman.
Second for can't wake up
Shad out
Eva in

>already with the "muh injuries" excuse in November

why dont you faggots tell Arsene get medical staff from the XXI century and players that doesnt broke after 3 games? Barca has half of the team injured and use Barca B players and still plays better.
This troll thread was made by a Liverpool fan you fucking idiot.
>A fascinating Europa League story developing with Braga, who are due to kick off against Marseille at 18:00, apparently having had all their football boots stolen

>With each player's boots having different sponsors, they cannot go out and by a load of new ones and be seen wearing boots made by rival sponsors, so have to get the same ones, otherwise they wouldn't be able to play


>Being this paranoid about shitposters on /sp/
Well it's not as bad as that Europa League one so it will do
Who /humbled/ here?
>arsenal still not top of a table

how does it feel gooners

Should have called this "Muh excuses edition"
>Rosicky listens to Rise Against, Pennywise and Killswitch Engage

13th for jeff when
>all these injuries
you should sack your doctor and hire that woman from chelsea, at least for the bants
But that's every edition senpai
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>Rosicky's music taste

That was fucking awful
true kek
Rise Against and Killswitch were GOAT during highschool, no idea if they are still going
>Rosicky still plays football
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>tfw rosicky doesn't listen to elite metal
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>tfw losing against Buyern and Tottenshit
>implying he does
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>any kind of metal after highscool
is Tesseract metal m8s???
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>metal music
Better than anime openings desu
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we won't lose to tottenham desu
>not listening to pretty much all genres

typical sp memer
yeah it is
>weeb not liking something I like

if anything this would vindicate any doubts I had
wtf is >'elite metal' supposed to mean?
So whats the bets that spurs rape you 6-0....like chelsea did when Liverpool raped you 5-1?
if it's the same team that played yesterday they will defo lose.
stuff like sludge, blackened death, or grindcore
think you're overestimating them - that said, the team does look noticeably fatigued
Arsenal is going to win this weekend

Because the EPL is a joke
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But that's wrong anon

I did like it in HS tbf

*Because spurs are a joke
Maybe but heaven help me the team looked exhausted yesterday and the defense disorganized like they never played together which is probably down to the fact that Kosc and Bellerin are missing and if those two or one of those is out for the weekend (Bellerin will be out a 100%) I don't expect anything different. Tottenham are on a good run and their spirits are high. Wouldn't be worried if Walcott,Bellerin,Kosc and Ramsey were fit because that team is good enough to win the league and might have gotten away with a draw yesterday.
I blame Chambers for the last goal. He ran like an 80 year old Arteta, and his challenge non-existent. How the fuck has be become so shit now? He needs to leave or be loaned - even Jenko is better at the moment.
well the whole team was at faul, who thought it was a good idea to let Costa run that long with the ball while everyone just swarmed him and no one did anything. Get your leg in and risk a yellow, who cares.
Agree, but Chambers literally just came off the bench, not even tiredness or lack of focus can be an excuse. It was pathetic from all but him the most.
yeah he needs to be loaned out and play regularly, for his pricetag and his touted 'talent' he had more bad games than good ones. Not really blaming him since he probably would have gone out on loan if it wasn't for Arsenal's shitty squad depth. Should have bought Dragovic this summer.
kill yourself
It's such a fucking shame. He looked so fucking good when he first came in. Seemed so assured. Didn't seem like a teenager was playing at all.

Seems like THAT Swansea match destroyed his confidence.

I hope he makes it, seems to have a great deal of potential.
you don't need to be so mean all the time anon
I hope that isn't a lasting effect because he looks like he could be a really good future CB just not a RB ...
He still got time but using him as a shitty sub for lost games sure isn't helping his cause.
I think he was not ready for a move to a big club.

The tempo, expectations and being dropped have hit him hard. He is actually a skilful player, but he looks lost every time he has played this season.

Similarly Chamberlain. They just don't know what to do.
he played more games for arsenal than he ever has for memehampton tbf, he's just young
yeah and all that early confidence just evaporated, thing is we wouldn't even need him if Wenger wasn't so stingy and the squad so injury prone. Could have easily loaned him out to some comfy mid table club where he could rake in much needed minutes.
I don't know what to say about Ox anymore, every season it's the same shit and I even deluded myself into thinking he will get it going this season after those early promises last year ....
His decision making, finishing and overall defensive contribution are lacking so much that he is more of liablity than an actual contribution when he plays.
>I think he was not ready for a move to a big club.

I dunno. He looked solid when he first arrived and was our starting CB. It just dropped off when he got destroyed by Quintero.

And Chambo was definitely ready for the step up. I mean the guy forced himself into the first team quite quickly considering he was a League One player. His issue is that he hasn't really developed since he arrived, and I'm pretty sure he has fitness/laziness issues. Pulling your hammy 5 minutes into a cup match is straight up unacceptable.

I think they can both still make it. They just need maybe a loan and in Chamberlain's case, a big kick up the arse.
>Buy new ones
That would be uncomfy as fuck. How does this even happen?
>Catching up to Costa from 5 yards behind
That's simply not gonna happen. He's slow as fuck and that's known. If you wanna blame him, you can blame his starting position and how he's so far up the field but the happened a lot in the second half.
Klopp unbeaten in 6 games kek
Based Rosicky has good taste in music finally something different than afro-beat
Call me a cynic, but I hate all these "London/Manchester/Liverpool is Blue/Red" Sums up the toothless nature of modern football and plastic fans.
Probably Adebayor's brother Tbh
na once his body grows and he loses the twink frame I think he'll do a lot better
not at all, you can tell he works hard at his game. really it just seems like he doesn't have the mind/decision making capabilities of an elite player and I'm not so sure experience alone will get him there
When I said lazy, I meant behind the scenes.

He pulled his hamstring 5 minutes into a league cup match against Sheffield Wednesday. That's his problem.
>Pulling your hammy 5 minutes into a cup match is straight up unacceptable.

I don't mind you knocking Ox's skill but this injury can literally can happen to any player at any time, I assure you. Arsene wouldn't play him if he wasn't taking his fitness seriously, either.
>I'm pretty sure he has fitness/laziness issues. Pulling your hammy 5 minutes into a cup match is straight up unacceptable.
Some of the shit yo britbongs post makes zero sense.
I think he was talking about his general struggle with injuries.
>Chamberlain is our 2nd best player!
>he brings the ball go forward and is dangerous on the attack
>he's a winger lol he doesn't need to score goals lol
who are you quoting

I dont see any posts saying anything close to that
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Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has scored 21 goals in 20 appearances (all comps.) for Borussia Dortmund this season.

Obama when
Cheeky 50m bid when
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Apparently he's going to LFC because of Klopp. Source: any Liverpool fan
>Pulling your hammy 5 minutes into a cup match is straight up unacceptable
Let me guess...you haven't played sports since the last PE lesson you couldn't get away with skiving.
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you don't have anything better to do, do you ?
well he wouldn't want to go to arselel after they got raped in that fashion last night le
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Its just funny to watch you guys brought back down to earth lol
you saying that like anyone expected Arsenal to beat Buyern over two legs.
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Funny since you was all saying you would beat them again etc but instead got BTFO by the rape train
>losing 3-0
how about no?

how about yes 5-1
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BBC Sport @BBCSport

Dembele rifles his shot into the top left corner. Nobody's stopping that. 2-1 Spurs.
>Arsenal gets rekt yesterday
>I found I failed my midterm an hour later
>car stolen from campus today

my god, how poor are you

what a fucking tramp

>falling for a very old bait picture
Been kinda having that sort of month
>team I coached loses in the finals
>break my phone
>Kill it on the LSAT but now pressures of getting into a T1 law school
>girlfriend tells me she's pregnant
>Arsenal get blown out
I don't really feel like I'm in my own life right now
What good anime has there been this year lads

need some new material.
Got kinda bored of anime and started watching doctor who
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wenger knew
arsenal are the good guys

there is always a part in the story where the bad guys (nazi bayern munich) defeat the good guys (arsenal) but then the good guys come back and win in the end
Treble confirmed
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>muh injuries
I'll just leave it here. The article is about a year old but still somewhat relevant.

Sam @samuelJayC
Koscielny, Arteta & Ospina all set to be fit for Sunday, @TeleFootball say. Chamberlain in training tomorrow, Rosicky starts running Monday.
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What happened yesterday was a much needed reminder that >we are not a big club, and should never even dream of winning the treble. Focusing only on the premiership and letting the big dogs (Bayern, Real, Barcelona, PSG) compete in the CL is the best >we can do right now
>the big dogs
Lel. You don't know what you're talking about desu.
We got Girouds goal from last night?
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Report all off-topic bullshit.

Ignore Tet and Jewmaican. Stop replying to them.
>everybody going mental over Dembeleles goal
>it wasn't anything good
PSG were last on the list for a reason. They have to spend about 200m pounds to be truly world-class, whereas clubs like Man Utd have spent 300m and are garbage

Top Bantle
Also, put your trip back on Jewnigger so I can have you on filter again.
>tfw Tottenham can beat Andershit but >we can't

It's over.
Yes...? That's football you stupid fuck.

You expect MK Dons to beat United 4-0? Well, they did.

>We only beat them 3-0

Why are >we so shit?
Because United played the kind of lineup that Arsenal did against Shef Wednesday. While United did a full strength team against Arsenal.
This is how >we become competitive in Europe 2bh
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>replacing Coquelin with Gundögan instead of Cazorla with Gundögan
>Its just funny to watch you guys brought back down to earth lol
it was funnier when it happened to livershit fans after the slip
Push your girlfriend down the stairs.
That's one issue solved
Make her wear a Lloris jersey first and hope voodoo works
Two issues solved
Rokka no Yuusha
Non Non Biyori Repeat
Himouto! Umaru-chan
One Punch Man
Shomin Sample
Rokka No Yuusha

I'll get shit for this, but I enjoyed Gangsta
Ingenious idea
Anything as good as Valvrave the Anime Saviour?
Seems like Cross Ange will be right up your alley.
Nice taste senpai
Already seen it m8 was pretty goat tbf
...Like every other day... :(
Didn't know people searched for trainwrecks
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based newcastle
>I omly watch shounenshit and moeshit because i'm too immature to handle complex character interaction and storytelling, any plot I don't like is a trainwreck, just give me romcom shit again plz

ok m8
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>nolito backup striker
>royce rw instead of sanchez

based americans
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>not replacing fat manlet spic cunts with Gundogoat
>getting rid of Coq instead of Cazorshit
fucking idiocy
>getting rid of cazorla
Literally rated top midfielder in yurop

Then why did he get keked so hard by Alalababa?
Why can't the best midfielder in europe score from 5 yards out?
>>Why can't the best midfielder in europe score from 5 yards out?
Idk. It's not like any other player on the team minus sanchez can score either?
Ozil scored like that 2 weeks ago. He has no excuse now. We need to replace him before we miss out on gundogoat
gundo is the definition of a meme player
Literally led to the 3rd goal against Bayern and failed to convert 2 good chances. Sure he's good against PL opposition but he's just not top top quality I'm afraid.
>tfw no isco because benzema going to jail
geniunely fucking hate oxlade-chamberlain. selfish player who contributes NOTHING and is a pussy to boot

> im so butthurt
>fetal position
>le Ozil does nothing meme

Top assister in league, most assists of any player since joining Arsenal in EPL and most assists to a single player (Giroud).


Isco when?
soon, we need to get rid of Cazorshit and the lazy assist poaching turk :^
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I'm ok with this desu
I don't understand how people can't see how good he is. Everytime he drops and picks the ball up from Cazorla and does one of his dummies / flicks / shoulder drops / turns / dribbles and passes it along to Alexis or Walcott or Ramsey I cum a little.
>assist poaching
That term is hilarious.
seems like spurs played what is pretty their first team yesterday so that makes me feel pretty good about sunday's game
They're out for blood though and it's going to be another nervy game where we get pressed from the start.
>They're out for blood though
what makes you say that? apart from it being a derby of course. if anything I would think arsenal would be the ones out for blood and would have more to prove
>get pressed from the start
fuck I know, this is what I'm worried the most about, I have a feeling wenger will want to attack from the get go and arsenal will get fucked on the counter. I just hope spurs are fatigued enough from EL to not be able to do that as effectively as they normally would
The league cup's one of the trophies they actually have a chance of winning (they even reached the final just last year) but they get knocked out in the first game by Flamini of all people. They must have been seething with anger.
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>Arsenal striker Joel Campbell's agent says the 23-year-old Costa Rica international, who was linked with a move away during the summer, wants to stay at Arsenal. (Metro)
>Arsenal keeper Petr Cech, 33, says the Gunners need to toughen up following their 5-1 thrashing by Bayern Munich in the Champions League. (Daily Star)
>Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger donned some smart clothes for an interview with French sports newspaper L'Equipe's magazine Sport and Style as he claimed "my constant battle in this job is to bring out the beauty in man". (Sun - subscription required)
>Wojciech Szczesny, the 25-year-old keeper who is on loan at Roma from Arsenal, is an "uncontrollable lunatic", according to former Juventus keeper Stefano Tacconi. (Gazzetta TV)
>"uncontrollable lunatic"
glad him and podolski fucked off before they could corrupt young bielik with their mad polack "banter"
Reminder that Arsenal knocked Tottenham out of the Capital One Cup with a brace (two goals) from Mathieu Flamini.
Reminder that Arsenal got raped 5-1 and didn't even make it out of the group stages
>Sczczczczczc is 25
>Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger donned some smart clothes for an interview with French sports newspaper L'Equipe's magazine Sport and Style as he claimed "my constant battle in this job is to bring out the beauty in man". (Sun - subscription required)

Here's a Mirror source for that - http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/arsene-wenger-opens-up-time-6779956
it is a bit bizarre. Stylish though.

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>my constant battle in this job is to bring out the beauty in man

hes so far in the closet hes in narnia
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Liverplop troll pls

This is the most French he's ever look Tbh
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>you dress like Wenga
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>I am a facilitator of what is beautiful in man edition
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Giroud BTFO'd


Honestly, they must train on an icy hillside mountain. The number of stupid injuries that club picks up is insane.
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>"Man quickly realized this and created the religion. It forgives him what he has done wrong in the past and told him for the future not to worry."
>tfw you trash a small club
>tfw you beat arsenal's B team


wtf is this shit
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Only 2 of them would make Arsenal's bench. I would take Eriksen though
Just found out my department was laid off & I lost my job, any ameribros hiring in NYC?
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>le arsefags
>always has an excuse
What team do u support
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It's not that surprising when you see our Head Physio, Derek 'Dr Death' Wright.
Forest Green Rovers!
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Jeff start when?
His shin looks like it's bowing under his weight. In my mind I can hear his knee creaking,
Who would you compare our young players with from past Arsenal squads?
Here I'll start:
Crowley = Cazorshit & Wilshit hybrid
Jeff = Pires
Bielik = Viera
Malen = Wiltord
Akpom = Welbeck
Mavididi = Sanchez Watt
Emi = Cech
Toral = Aneke
Bellerin = Ashley "Chocolate Ice" Cole
iwobi = Joel Campbell
Chanbers = Senderos
Fortune = Henry
Willock = Nasri
Sheaf = Ramsey
Tbh we have the best hospital XI in the league
Didn't Ashley Cole try to gatecrash one of the Arsenal Christmas celebrations one year?
he most certainly did
>Chanbers = Senderos

Why you gotta do him like that senpai he's got potential.
Erikson is literally the best free kick taker I've ever watched

The rest of them wouldn't make our bench though desu
EPL top free kick takers (on goal):


Has Giroud ever taken a free kick?
he was easily the best LB in the world, why did he have to leave man ;__;
Yes and he almost scored.

>you now remember Sagna's free kick
>Yes and he almost scored.
Do you really think I remember the exact game you daft cunt.
wew lad have a sip of water and try to calm down a bit
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Guardian sport @guardian_sport
Pep Guardiola brands Bayern’s second-half display against Arsenal ‘a disaster’

can't wait until he manage us, such a winner
Kill yourself you fucking freak
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Literally just googled "Giroud free kick". Step it up senpai.

If we had a fit and rested team, they would've gotten wrecked in that second half
once again arsenal stop contending for the title after a few months because they get injured players.
Bayern are fuckin S E E T H I N G right now guys, German press only discussing how many they're going to put past Chech, this will be a beyond humiliating defeat, hope you'll have some shreds of spirit left after this, this one local newspaper predicts a 4:1 to Bayern and i don't think they're that far off (not sure if you even score a goal desu).
En la vida se gana y se pierde y etc ... Pero la vida sigue sin esperarte y te haces mayor ... Pero la gente positiva es la que SE CAE, SE LEVANTA, SE SACUDE, SE CURA LOS RASPONES , LE SONRÍE A LA VIDA Y DICE: ¡¡ AHÍ VOY DE NUEVO !! -

"In life you win and you lose etc....but life still goes on and you do your best...But the positive person is the one who falls, gets up, shakes it off, patches themselves up and smiles at life and says 'Here I go again'.

to spicy to handle
Looking at the Golden boy shortlist surely Bellerin is a lock compared to the rest of the players on there
>Vertonghen when Alderweireld is better
kek. Walker's only in because Bellerin is ded. Kane may be better at his best but right now I'd take Giroud
The 2-0 win before this was a massive fluke anyway, both goals were shit and Cech pretty much carried us. Fuck Giroud
When has a defender ever won the goldon boy though?

Same with the baloon door, can only remember cannavaro in 06 but that was because he won the world cup
Oi roll safe yeah roll safe
It wasn't a fluke. If we had the full team, we could've got a decent result from this game. Playing Debuchy is suicide, and Gabby was not ready for this level.
what part of munich are you from tho
>It was a fluke
Neuer made two great saves as well before >we scored
>we deserved to win. it was a good performance
bayern were the superior team in the last game. it was like barca vs utd cl final
Group has 3 goals in 4 apps v Bayern fuck off
A full strength arsenal side would have faired much better. With missing Bellerin, Kos, Rambo and Walcott that's 4 first teamers injured

Annoying thing is being in the position that a win v Bayern away is needed after shambolic defending v Zagreb and Olympiakos
do >we have any actually good central defenders? they all seem to get slagged off on here
Mertesacker is goat if you're strictly bus parking
Gabby P is goat if you press higher up the pitch
Koscielny's goat at both
Chambers is ok but has a lot to learn
Hayden/Pleggy/Bielik are inconclusive
We don't need the extra games in a competition that we know we wont win. Better off taking the league title, strengthening the squad, then taking on the challenge next season
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Reminder, faggots ;)
Great news. Hope to see Ros get a game before 2016 at least.
Ox = Gervinho
Mertesacker = Bould
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nah pep dont want to manage a small team



haha it was nothing but a fluke

arsenal will never get feels this good
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06GBPZlmvjM greatest NLD goal? Regardless of who scored it.
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Ade was fucking amazing m8, and nah Henry's goal was better. I think that's really good one too though
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arsenal, kings of mediocrity
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shhh achmed
That guy wasn't being racist though he was being disablist or w/e the word is
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> "When myself and my colleagues left the field of play at half time, as we entered the tunnel area to get to our dressing room, Mr Mourinho the Chelsea manager was waiting for us clearly agitated and began aggressively asking about first-half decisions," Moss wrote.

> "Rather than publically speak to him I asked him to step into the entrance of my dressing room escorted by Simon Sutton, the West Ham United Security Manager. Mr Mourinho asked me about a tackle, an offside and a goalline clearance.

> "I gave him brief answers to his questions. After this I asked him to leave the dressing room area. He refused. I asked him again. After he refused again I asked Mr Sutton to escort him from the room.

> "At this point Mr Mourinho became very aggressive and animated. He shouted that you f****** referees are weak… Wenger is right about you…you are f****** weak.

> "I advised Mr Mourinho not to take his position in the technical area for the second half due to his actions."
kek what the flying fuck?, this nigga cant resist pulling wenger into everything.
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>Wenger is right

Is this the start of a new friendship lads?
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absolutely obsessed
I honestly always found it odd how Jose and Arsene didn't get on. It's on Jose's end of course, but it's a strange thing because Jose idolised Bobby Robson, even going on to work as his Portuguese interpreter at Sporting Lisbon, and Robson had a lot of admiration for Arsene. I suppose it'll be explained one day.

just face it they secretly want each others cocks
>mourinho got rid of eva because wenger was jealous
>wenger finished his mariage beause mourinho was jealous
Still better than
>2012 Kenko cup la
Cheeky bid for LANSbury when?

our dream is being good from 1977-1985?
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Wake up /arse/
Flamini has you
What's it like knowing Spurs actually have a better youth then Arsenal?
All GOAT desu
But they only have Alli and some literally whos
they would've never seen the light of day without tactics fucking tim
Y is /Arse/ ded? Derby is Sunday get hype lads
Depression la
I was disappointed by Buyern loss but getting 3 points from Buyern when >we expected none is good.
Wenger never talks about him unless it's a press question.
8/10 would fuck
It didn't have to be 4 first team players injured in two weeks and a 5-1 loss
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Just a reminder that you fucks are going to get arry kaned in the next game ;)
Kill yourself la
you're obviously a fan ;)

Just for you

>Pep trying this hard to get the Arsenal job
C U C K thread
got to keep his options open
>complex character interaction and storytelling,

pick 1 retard
lads i think desu (t b h) has been filtered to desu

who did this and why?

well yeah if you wanna manage in london would you rather deal with roman, levy, or a club that will give you 20+ years and defer to your vision?
specialist in voyeurism desu
Would Pep be willing to stay for longer than 4 years?
He's too tsun to admit that he actually likes Wenger/admires him as a senpai. Otherwise he wouldn't keep talking about him.
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>that speed
Did not know Nacho and Gabby P were that quick jesus
>no bellerin sunday
pep's stated before he would never stay very long at any club. plus I don't think he'd like how scrimp he might have to be with spending

“The only time possible for happiness is the present. The past gives regrets and future uncertainties.Man quickly realized this and created the religion. It forgives him what he has done wrong in the past and told him for the future not to worry. I’m always afraid of being late and not to be ready, not being able to accomplish all that I planned.My personal relationship with time is scary. To go back in time, to look behind yourself is equally staggering.First of all, you’re frightened because there is less to come than the time already spent. If you wallow with that feeling, it’s definitely scary and sometimes you feel guilty.”
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>Bellerin COULD be back after the break
>no one confirmed to be really back after the break
literally over
>no mention of Ramsey at all
Honestly I could listen to wenger talk all day
>because there is less to come than the time already spent
Wonga stahp.




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I'm stealing it.

He looks like a fucking valet.
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>he doesn't /fa/

kill yourself
>this nigga cant resist pulling wenger into everything
Does this include his wife as well?
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>The only time possible for happiness is the present. The past gives regrets and future uncertainties
That some deep shit, man. Deep fucking shit.

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I don't want Arsenal to lose tomorrow
We all don't, my Austrian tomodachi.
arsenal a shit tb.h
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>tfw comfortable win tomorrow
>deluding himself into thinking choosing Arsenal over Bayern Munich was right
>letting imaginary stories dictate the quality of his life
>thinking God forgives the fact that he didn't sign a back up DM and a new striker

How can a man so punctual always be late for the transfer window
We should sign Wijnaldum and Perez from Newcastle imo desu senpai
Wijnaldum is goat desu
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>arsenal fans


yeah i know guise, i'm just saying that arsenal is getting out of a long term relationship and they'd tell pep that they're not looking for a casual hookup (like 97% of chicks on tinder) so pep would know he could marry arsenal if he wanted to.

basically, if pep WANTED to stay for 10-20yrs he could. he can leave when he wants, as opposed to falling 5 points off the top of the table in november the season after winning the treble and getting a meeting with the chelsea board.

>TLDR = arsenal is the weak-willed girlfriend who says "he'll stop hitting me...he loves me too much!"

plus how could pep pass up a chance to possibly be reunited with his boy sanchez? PUTA!
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>six mins extra

as many times as i look at it i still cant believe its not shopped
that's chilean
after the red vs arsenal, why wasn't gareth barry suspended for the next match? or does that just happen for a direct red?
same type as ancelloti

only can win stuff with worldclass clubs
He should have been suspended for a game. Did Everton play in the Milkyway cup after the Arsenal game?
desu lads m8
Lads, I've come from the future and can tell you it'll be a comfy looking 3-0 win for Arsenal tomorrow.

Coq will score the third goal, a deflected shot from 20 yards, and celebrate like an absolute madman.
should go in for payet t bh
Was saying this before Ozil started playing really well 2bh
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Would be nice 2bh
Why would you spoil it, you fucking cretin? Most of us haven't even watched it yet.

>dat serge banter on the bench with chester
Back in May I posted about a Fekir/Payet double swoop (and Shitzil out) and nobody even knew who he was kouhai
Surprised he's actually on the bench.
Surprised anyone would choose to watch Man Utd game too t b h
People just ignored you because you are a fucking retard desu senpai
vs Bayern

0 shots
0 clear cut chances created
0 chances created (shot assists)

>S-shitzil had a good game!
cheeky bid for Vardy in Jan desu
>9 assists in the league
>scored vs Bayern
Based Mesut
Ripping an exhausted football addict because he didn't perform against Bayern München. They faced the best of the best, the caviar of football.
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well he does look better than kane did on his good season
Is Vardy a Premier League legend?
He was still the best Arsenal player on the night - by some distance.
So because he played like shit he's exhausted. Convenient. Or maybe he's just shit.

>le fuck up tap-in kick the ball right at the keeper man

>le too pussy to header a tap-in instead handball it man
We should sign Delafou if he keeps up this progression for another year.
>le 'do the same thing every time' man

he's shit m8
>sign Vardy
>sign Payet
>sign Deulofeu
>sign Mane
>sign every midtable meme player

Thank fuck you guys aren't in charge of the club to be honest
not a fan tbf
He's going to be much better than Ox.
>hating the player that asspains Mourinho as much as messi
west ham and lester are european clubs hamlet you don't know what you're talking about
This 2bh. All maymay players
>people still think Vardy is another Kane-esque meme player

The guy is breaking records right now.
He's like a Kane type player m8
>we can only sign players from the best clubs in the world

This isn't FIFA manager mode mate.
He's the Future.
Ozil is the King of Memes.

>How may I assist you :-D
>30 games 5 assists

Where is the 190kg fat cunt?

>Gary 'Meme' Monk
unironically chatting shit about ozil is the stalest of all memes honestly
>there are people who still don't rate Özil

If he stays fit he's breaking Henry's record this year. Cap this post
Only if Giroud and Walcott stay fit too.
This also
must be nice having promising youngsters
Fuck off West Brom.
Jeff debut soon la
Vardy would guarantee the title

you talking manutd? IIRC hasn't martial slowed down since his early >HES THE NEW HENRY GUISE phase, and then memphis is showcasing his inner ranger/ravel to quite possibly end up being zaha 2: dutch bugaloo?

i mean yeah obviously manutd has a cromulent defense and a team with that much $$$ can go buy promising young talent if they dont develop itself, but still it's not like martial (even if he's had to be moved out of ideal positions to accomodate 300ney) has kept up that blistering pace from his first 3-4 appearances and blown past douglas costa for "most promising young player in the world"

oh yeah and no matter what if they're desperate for a goal they hoof it to fellaini. that says something too.

>belllerin doesn't count as a "promising youngster"

or if not >we'd definitely make the promotion playoffs!
>douglas costa for "most promising young player in the world"
Douglas Costa is 25 you melon. Martial is undoubtedly one of the biggest prospects in world football. He's 'slowed' down recently because he's been moved to the wing and every team has 3 players on him. But he's still creating and being dangerous.
leicester will literally finish above us
I know you man just might run out of goals

Vardy can't run out of goals
dun kno
I can't wait for hue Ox to tear his hamstring and feel that injury prone terror that our English savior Alex has suffered
Bellerin should be the best wonderkid on FM

If he's not I'm going to be pissed next friday
3.5*potential on the beta
Ainsley is the future Arsenal GOAT on FM la
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this is bullshit, i bet they'll give some eastern european slav who no one has ever heard of or seen some amazing stats compared Hecktor
They could bump his potential up a bit before the final release tbf. It's unlikely though.

is this bugzy?
It's Chipmunk.

oh right

i dont like him
Chelsea are back t b h
It's cos Mourinho's not in the stadium desu la
Shaqiri is GOAT 2bh
Vardy when? We can give them Welbeck


Snopes got exposed lying many times its a propaganda tool of the usa
this we shoulda signed him
man shaquiri is hilarious
He's off to liverpool
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> daily reminder this faggot wanted us to sign ladotelli

you have no credibility you neet-attention seeking faggot, now go back to fapping to your mangas and cara+drogba pics.
nothing wrong with fapping to manga m8
Why the fuck didnt we sign shaquiri
Mexi bro who is this
I swear shes fucking Bolt
lol did Costa imply Shawcross smells
Why don't we sign ArGOATavic?
>tfw no matter how shit Arsenal are this season they won't be as shit as Chelsea has been

Comfy feeling desu lads senpai
He's the one who fucking injured Debuchy though.
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R.I.P Mouyes
Would be comfy if we didn't lose to them.
>best 'walk with the ball outside the area' player of the season
i'm not sure if his ethnicity is ambiguous enough for him to get a way with this
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>tfw they win the CL again
come on lad

come on lad
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>we lost to Chelsea
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Not even the most hardened of Chelsea fans can argue that the ref didn't play a hand in the result of that game.
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>beating mouyes in a meaningful game
refballed tobh
shame shes a dyke
>arsefags say jose is obsessed with arsne....
>arsefags make troll thread about jose

guess that proves you fags are more obsessed lol
>being a Liverpool homo and posting in an /arse/ general thread non-stop for 7 days
>calling others obsessed


>I'm obsessed with this Liverpool supporter who made me have a melt down and embarrass myself infront of everyone when my autism kicked in.

There ftfy

I'm a Utd supporter you autistic fuck but thanks for proving my point how obsessed you guys are.
You're making the exact same posts in every thread. Just leave it.

I'm glad you seemed to get a 24 hour ban after spouting your racist bollocks. Welcome back.

>tells me to leave
>welcomes me back

I did enjoy watching various people make fun of you're meltdowns, But i'm sorry to break it to ya my crazy little danefag, you really should take your meds tho.
I'm telling you to update your material a bit.
I'm telling you to see a shrink, even you're fellow Arsenal fans are embarrassed by the way you act.
I'll leave if you leave. Deal? You've been shitting up this board for a week, every day. And you don't even support the club. That's the real embarrassment.
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>match won't be on my cable provider

fuck this ship la'
What is embarrassing is the only person who defends you is a tripfag.

Now please take you're med's you obsessed twat.
Just fuck off mate. Surely you have something better to do.
Rev up those streams chilebro
Cr7 Chilebro
Sorry dude but it's fun picking on you're pet retard.
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>Iwobi fucking up tweets

Jesus christ he's never gonna make it

last year all the Arsenal games were on ESPN. Now they are all on DirectTV. Fuck this, nobody have that shit.
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>Packers and Arsenal losing tomorrow

My weekend is going to be fucked

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Sky Sports News HQ @SkySportsNewsHQ
BREAKING: Steward at Stoke makes complaint to referee accusing Chelsea's Diego Costa of assault.
BREAKING: Steward at Stoke makes complaint to referee accusing Chelsea's Diego Costa of assault. #SSNHQ

BREAKING: Chelsea spokesman says allegation of assault by Costa "is utter nonsense" #SSNHQ
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Thanks dude looked like that worked, they were making this thread cringe worthy!
what assault is he talking about?


how is that assault?!?!
almost broke the lad's foot desu
there was no contact with his foot, slightly nudged him when he reached out to pick up the ball as the steward wasn't paying attention then lashed out at costa..
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could have killed the poor man
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>tfw one of the other two personalities
WDA was a funny guy
EPL champions when?
Sky Sports News HQ @SkySportsNewsHQ
BREAKING: Sky Sources: Stoke & Chelsea resolve dispute after allegation of assault made against Diego Costa by a steward
Sky Sports News HQ @SkySportsNewsHQ
BREAKING: Sky Sources: The F.A have admitted a systematic conspiracy, to get Chelsea relegated because they are pissed at the russians for rigging the world cup vote.
Who /hyped for tomorrow/ here?
Looks like you're the only one mate
not me
>page 6
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>Religiously, it is said that God created man. I am only a guide. I allow others to express what they have in them. I have not created anything. I am a facilitator of what is beautiful in man.
Can we at least agree that getting thrashed in the Champions League serves as a reminder that >we should focus only on the premiership? >We simply do not have the depth and quality to win two trophies in one season, and let's be honest, it will probably take decades for >us to reach another CL final. On the other hand, staying in the race for the premiership is a reality right now
Tbh Wenger wants prem this year and will make a large signing next summer and then challenge for Champions League. He wants that UCL trophy before he retires

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Who /nervous/ here?
Alexis is going to have another shit game.
I don't mind as long as Arsenal win desu

what a qt l'ad
We should drop Joel and play Jeff desu.
>there are people in this thread who don't believe that >we will win tomorrow
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>you now remember our back to back FA Cups

Anyone feeling comfy after the international break?
i miss jack desu

>Alexis, Kos and Theo are not GOATs
They're too goat for labels
I honestly think Ozil will put a world class performance today. Who else with meee?
it is literally illegal to praise ozil on this board
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Literally anyone who's watched Ozil this season
What he's doing is crazy statswise but for the most part what his goals aren't that great and apart from the goals even Kane is more effective
he wont, but he'll have like 1.5 chances created and you autists will rave about him.
>stats suddenly don't matter
It's not everything. When you look at your class strikers their technical capabilities are incredibly high regardless of whether or not they're scoring a shit ton at the time.

Kane was putting up great stats as well but what he contributed to Tottenham was on a much higher level and his some of his goals were more impressive as well..
interesting as fuark desu senpai
Damn, he's one well spoken lad tbqh, it's like I'm reading Camus.
From left to right:
shit, decent, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, decent, shit, decent
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>If you had lived with me, loading manure on carts, you would have understood
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Earlier on, while you were getting dressed for the photo shoot, I was reminded of a quote by Mircea Lucescu, the Shakhtar Donetsk manager, about you: “Arsène is an aristocrat. He is not driven by the working class values of an Alex Ferguson or the aggressive nature of a José Mourinho. He tires to educate above all”. Do you recognise yourself in that description?

AW: I don’t deny that I’m first and foremost an educator. However, I don’t feel like an aristocrat at all. If you had lived with me, loading manure on carts, you would have understood. I try to be faithful to the values that I believe to be important in life and to pass them on to others. In thirty years as a manager, I’ve never had my players injected to make them better. I never gave them any product that would help enhance their performance. I’m proud of that. I’ve played against many teams that weren’t in that frame of mind.
Are you inspired by the successful example of Alex Ferguson who suddenly retired at 71 because his distressed wife requested it from him after the passing of her sister?

AW: For me at that level Ferguson is an example. First off, he always found a way to renew himself, to evolve. He didn’t stay frozen in success. That’s a quality of his I appreciate. He knew how to constantly challenge himself. Even if he did it instinctively. But he had other passions. He like horses. Wine. He knows red wine better than I do. I met him recently and I said: “Alex, don’t you miss it?”. He said “not at all”. I was disappointed and comforted at the same time. It’s a reason to hope.
The game when that fucking scum Costa worked out red for Gabby and the ref didn't even told him off?
Best thing from that game was how uppity about it all Mou was, only to "whine to the refs" on his very next game. He and Costa are a really well paired IMO. Two scumbags.
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>Wenger will never dope his team to success like 99% of the other teams do
Wenger is wise af. Reminds me of my father desu. I don't understand how anyone support WOBs.
>Wenger is a fedora
Out desu
because he is more of a teacher now than a premier league manager that needs to stir a club of Arsenal's size to the league/CL title. I wouldn't care a bit if the next manager isn't as suave as Wenger as long as he brings success to the club.
He used to read Bible quotes to his team apparently.

>I'm an honest Christian posting on the porn-and-gore-filled 4chan.org
Poop is coming la, he's suave as fuark
AW: I don’t want the will to educate to be opposed to the will to win. That makes the educator sound like an idiot. Any manager’s approach must be to educate. One of the beauties of our job is the power to influence the course of a man’s life in a positive way. You and me have been lucky enough to meet people who believed in us and led us forward. The streets are full of talented people but who didn’t have the luck of finding someone who placed their faith in them. I can be the one that facilitates life, that give an opportunity.
>Poop at any club that isn't constantly dominating the league player and financially wise
you know he will either stay at Buyern or go to City.
He's not the type to go to City, just like Klopp isn't. If Poop manages in England it would be for Manchester United or Arsenal.
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I couldn't even sleep last-night, I have a ad feeling about the game

Even a draw would be disappointing
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don't worry it will be over soon, not too sure about the outcome though. Will probably be the end of a pretty bad week.
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Indeed, seeing the game being 4pm just annoyed me even more, have to wait almost six hours for that piece of shit
on another world where everything is working out for the club they would win today and the injured players return for a pretty comfortable run after the break and keep challenging for the league throughout Christmas.
In reality Arsenal will probably lose today and go into the break on a low with a couple of extra injuries during the break and the only player returning is Arteta.
>not rating Vardy and Kane

It's like the hate is getting unfair.
Last season, 30% of Arsenal's injuries were thigh injuries. The season before 22% were thigh injuries. So far, 33% of this season's injuries are thigh injuries.

Because people can seperate Wenger, the Person from Wenger, the Manager?
because based Shad
Has to be the training or the whole medical staff, those things are far beyond simple accidents now.
But Wenger doesn't tell anyone to SHIT ON THE DESIGNATED SHITTING STREET
medical staff has nothing to do with it
Kane is a shit player that flukes goals

Vardy has excellent technical ability, athleticism and desire. He is the real deal
Not taking sides, but you know this because?
Because the medical staff's responsibility is to heal players, it is the manager's and the coaches' responsibility to manage that health. Whether through training routines or player selections, the health of the players clearly haven't been managed.

Blame the medical staff when a surgery goes awry and extends a player's time out
This desu. If Wenger adapted shitting on the streets on his philosophy then Arsenal players would've been much more confident and less injury prone because of the beautiful squatting positions.
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>You will never see Wilshere waste the last minutes of an FA Cup final squatting on the ball so Spurs can't get an equaliser
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>No one will ever see Wilshere play a full season

I have some sources inside the club and I'm told we might be signing this lad in the summer
If Kosc is back i see either a 0-0 draw or a 1-0 win maybe

If Kosc isn't back we're gonna lose 2-0, Kane, Lamela goals
Gabriel will be better this time around, I'm optimistic
He's probably gonna play Kosc and then sub him at 15th minute mark
>I have some sources inside the club

what? brown sauce? tomato?
Just telling you what I was told.
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Wonga banned them. But I heard chamberlain sneaks in periperi
He's been on a tear recently. 6'1", with quick dribbling and excellent pace. He'll be an excellent signing for Manchester United
>Just telling you what I was told.
the voices in you're head do not count, pls kill you're self

i hear arsene cant go without his man sauce
>8 posts early
>being this desperate to force your shit OPs
fuck off senpai
Kane goes in all fields
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