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/ass/ - Female Ass Thread "Reverse Image Search edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 501
Thread images: 81

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/ass/ - Female Ass Thread "Reverse Image Search edition

Females ONLY

>Timestamp if new
>Only post yourself
>Be civil to the girls
>Most importantly, have fun!
Last Thread - >>25396874
I really don't have time for macrofags
This thread was made after the other one and has an uglier macro.
Both macros are rubbish compared to the last

Is wrong if I just pretend thats termi's ass cause thats what I thought in the last thread. Also nice OP dubs
you forgot the "no contactfagging" rule
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Who this? Nice butt, cute freckles. Timestamp?
Nice ass
It's me, I was just trying to get a butt picture asap, was going to take a fresh one now though
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whamm nice. spread cheeks?
Oh sick you're real. Nice, how about a full body shot? Gotta see if the rest of you is just as nice.
Perfect for some spanking
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fucking more
Sit on my face please
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Holy shit beautiful
Hnnnggg >.> must not fap
if I was half an inch tall, I'd have to ask weather I could travel that nice butthole, or your nice tight pussy next door -)
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Bur that's the best part
nice collarbones, cute pussy. What more could we ask for? be nice to see what's under your bra.
wow! great ass and holes! can you sit on your bare soles with them?
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so you don't mind if I jerk off hard right now and I shoot a big load of cum on your ass?
Haha you know you want to
Omg uve got the cutest holes ive ever seen... Id love to see how u play with them ;)
who is this semen demon
Fucking damn....where the hell did you come from? Cuz I want a lot more of you.
You can call me LilithWren, you'll find me on fetlife and other sites I don't go online much anymore since I moved more into the country.
I really want to, and i'm asking if you want that sticky load.
give me a pic sitting with your ass on your soles and I'd give a big one
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Oh my. This macro is my booty
let the toes inside the pic please, hnnng, so close
I pop up every few months, post nudes, some freshly taken ones, then leave. It's fun no string attached, just like "here is all my hard work, what do ya all think" that kind of thing.
How about you just stay here, who needs the country permanently anyways?
You'll get what I give you
I totally get it I do, I'm just falling in love. Your hard work is definitely paying off.
I'm sorry, What? This makes no sense to me
just move a bit the camera so we can see your toes bb, I don't ask for more ;)
ughhh pls come here so i can fuck all of your holes
Hahaha you act like these are the fresh ones. I only take photos to prove I'm real and for those who deserve a certain photo.
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>face with nudes
pretty rare around here but a big turn on. i'll take whatever you've got.
A stock photo would also be good but... what should I do to deserve it, except to say that your ass, tits and all the rest are delicious and that I would like to cum right now on them? :)
Lick your finger please
you are an amazing queen of beauty and grace.
If you have skype and want to could you please add me? [email protected]

you are just flawless :3
So no to Snapchat?
I pop up and fade away from here, y'all act like I'd have a seriously form of contact. Like imma ghost bitch, one day I'm fucking haunting you, then boom... you find out ghost can suck good dick jkjk
Seems legit
>you find out ghost can suck good dick jkjk
I want that hectoplasmic saliva on my cock
Ghost sucking dick is 100% legitmate. Like legit legit man.
I think he had you confused for someone else Kitty

So, anymore pics?
I wanna know them feels.
you should be a stripper.
what state do u live?
i love this bitch
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Too tired to take a new picture. It should be illegal to have to go into work before 11 am. It's not even 8 am yet :c
Haha what?
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Just because this thread doesn't specifically say no contactfagging, it doesn't mean it's allowed. But I post in the kik threads enough that you can find it in there
KYS dudes

Enjoy your b&
I want to rail you. In the nicest way possible.
nice pic llama ;)
Which one?
Where would the fun be in that. Though I recently just reposted it
fuck off
so many contactfags already, in a thread that's just a few hours old
Either way OP was stupid for not including it just as a reminder.
As if you fucking pleb. Maybe if it didnt kill the board and wasnt super fucking annoying it wouldnt be against the rules.
>OP was stupid

Summer, Summer everywhere >>25430784
>not the same id
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I'm back, and here is a wet butt
Oh that's very sexy 10/10
Thats a good butt
very nice! could you bend over and touch your toes?
SNOW soon!
Apparently you don't even know what whiteknighting is, cause these pictures make no contextual sense whatsoever. Also abide by the fucking rules and stop shitposting.

Not to be impudent, but I would really appreciate a new photo, one that you take right now, that shows your ass, clothed or not.
I really can't understand these idiots and why my applications never get accepted.
Relax bro. It's a joke
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trap ?
I have really enjoyed your posts!
Cam you do some more with face? I think your very cute :)
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... on soles ?
What panties are you wearing?
Nice lips. Want to do a cumbeg pose?
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the ass was phat!
So much requests boy
why exactly?
Damn you have an amazing body from the looks of it would love to see more of it
Haha I have to work hard to live healthy, and a good body just comes with that!
How long do I have to ignore you for you to go away? Jkjk why wouldn't I give something out for free when I can easily just get paid for it? The only ones I give out for free are ones of the least effort, so if effort is applied then compensation should come.
Well good job at taking care of yourself
>How long do I have to ignore you for you to go away? Jkjk why wouldn't I give something out for free when I can easily just get paid for it? The only ones I give out for free are ones of the least effort, so if effort is applied then compensation should come.
interesting. now show your pussy.
Ill pay you in semen deposits.
As long as they can be shipped to people I hate
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better than I expected
Is doggo not pussy.

Heyun es pero!
Hmm what are you proposing femanon?
That I'm hungry and want to be fed, I think I'll make myself a sandwich.
moar vader
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Vader pipe ftw, I now have to clean this
That's a cool pipe.

And butt
Sorry for not including "No Contactfagging" in the rules. Forgot about that. But yeah don't be a contactfag.
There's also the whole making a new thread after a new one had been made
Does anyone know if Fox is posting anywhere?
Does she have a website or something???
She stopped posting after some anon harassed her irl.
holy shit really
Yeah. She mentioned it in a legwear thread awhile ago.
Not funny at all man.
Things like this are why we can't have nice things. I wish I knew that motherfucker who did that. If anyone deserves to be doxxed it would be that guy.
its actually really funny that some girl got doxxed by only pictures of her ass
Well I dunno if it was just doxxing. Knowing the cailber of creep on the website the dude was probably trying marry her borat style.
Yeah not cool dude.
What are you? Her whiteknight saviors?
come on bro not cool man come on broseph you know it's not cool dude
>only pictures of her ass
She posted every body part, including face, you fucking summerfag
Ripip fox miss you forever
First, I've been here for over a year, and while that doesnt make me an oldfag or even a regular, it definately doesnt make me a summerfag, And second, >beingthis buttmad over a literal camwhore
If it's anything like what's happened to other girls, it was probably some sadsack who she contacted before she camwhored and stopped talking to, and he got upset

Really wish people would stop using this word wrongly. And if you actually think it's funny then you're just waaaaay too edgy for me
>he thinks I'm mad
Hahaha cute
OMG this Is brilliant
>greentexting will make me win this argument
Hahaha cute

You're literally trying to defend some camwhores' honor. If that isn't whiteknighting tell me what is
Whiteknight is telling a girl that they're too good to do this kind of stuff, that they deserve better, etc. Purityfag is the only person who comes close to actually whiteknighting these days. I'm not 'defending her honor,' like it's just basic human decency. She did something fun and enjoyable for herself and for us, now she's getting punished for it for no reason other than one individual out of all the people who saw her is a dick. Not really seeing what's comical about that situation.
I honestly dont are anymore, an neither should you. I made this thread so girls could post their asses and here I am arguing with someone about the definiton of a whiteknight.

I've been on like 5 different wicks today, I'm still Kitty, just been a shitty and long day
Why are you posting this in every thread? Isn't this spam?
>it definately doesnt make me a summerfag
Nah, you're still a Summerfag because you are rule-breaking and uncouth.
It's spam and advertising, but nobody seems to care anymore.
eh it kind of is spam unless you take requests
word, well since this is the ass thread I'd love it if you could bend and touch your toes to show off your bare ass
Cute tits
>edgy because nude and face posting femanon got doxxed
Gee whiz are we still on 4chan?
marshmellow pls stop your interlinkings. If you enjoy posting, pls post here. thx
Posting some pictures and taking a couple requests before linking the video might give you a bigger anon army
I mean you can always upload to mega.co.nz or just link your pornhub account.
But this whole thing where you just go into every thread, post a link and then move on is a little spammy.
you're a dirty whore, but i love it
Can you pls send more you re just too damn hot.
>Oh my sweet Summerfag, what do you know about Fox? Fox was for the OPs who were hard and steadfast. When winter lasted a generation. When men were born and raised and died all in darkness. Where OPs 404d their new threads just so they wouldn't starve off shitposts. Where the Oldfags rode their giant /soc threads. Now are these the kind of posts you like to read?
I know a place...appear.in
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It's just been that kind of couple days...
Are those inside out?
Yes, yes they are. And I only noticed because I went to take a photo
Take them off and spread your ass, please be quick.
I'm in my car waiting to go into work. Not even close to possible
Damn, hopefully another time then.
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hey scottie <333333

gimme a big smile without makeup and your titties showing, love
1 sit on your bed with your back to the camera naked, sticking your ass out with delicious ponytail (or pigtails) showing down your back

2 take a picture of your ass with the biggest thing you can take inserted

3 can you change into a schoolgirl type outfit and gape, I really want to see your wide open asshole with a skirt thrown up and white panties pulled down to your thighs

4 will you put something large into your mouth like sucking a dick

5 do you have any gaping pictures from when you were a virgin and 18
another other demands? lmao.
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decent demands but I have no idea where my schoolgirl stuff is. I'm also losing light and my webcam is bad enough quality. and no to the last one. I didn't do any of this until was 22/23
God you're fucking gorgeous... Just got here but I'm 10/10 hard just looking at this.

Any chance you have a picture of you rubbing you clit? I want to jerk off so bad....
What is your favorite pair of panties?

Are you from Canada love? Particularly the far most eastern province of the country?
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not specifically but I always lilked this one

Not sure desu. I'll have a look through them
Oh fuck.... God that's so hot....

Please anon, tell me what to do. I want to cum for you....
Oh jeezy petes thats hot.
You pumped there or is your pussy just fat like that? Hot AF either way, to be clear. ^-^
its not pumped, nah.

nvm on panties. can't find shit since I moved.I bought these but I guess I have gone up a size lately. dang
>I'll have to look

When you find the pair be sure to let us see!
Legit. You are the body that anime mimics. Those boobs
Nevermind, I'm dumb and didn't refresh the page.

Those are really cute! care to pull them up a little bit?
have no idea where any of my cute stuff is.
*just *moved house and not sorted anything..

*2months ago
Your face is cute enough. Can you rest your head on your own boobs if they're on like a desk/table top?
I'd say that pair is pretty cute. I like the way that the lace wraps around each cheek. It makes your ass look thick af because your panties just disappear. It doesn't hurt that we can almost see your lips poking out the bottom.

I'm pretty happy with this. I'm glad I spoke up.
don't know man. anime titties defy gravity and I'm definitely a drooper.
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Good body, nothing beats natural!

Any toys around for entertainment?
I'd love to yank those panties up to show off even more of that sweet ass.
enjoy your b& contactfag
whatever you say beta bitch ;]
yay anal queen at it again!
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Going to bed now, will take more pics tomorrow for you guys
any sign of the illusive durbs
If anyone is looking to chat, m/18/us here. Add jwaters098 on kik
So much fucking contactfaggotry itt
I love me some redheaded puss/ass
Holy fucking yum!
Soo cute
>that gaped b-hole
scottz, little whore,
will you ever gimme more?
what happened to your xhamster? : c
it was eaten by her xcat.
God your shape is so sexy. you have something to be proud of ma'am.
garsh I love the women that post here
Deleted for having a wishlist
>tfw share a planet with this anon
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if i would like to invade vaders butt, would that make me a rebell or a trooper?
If that's you please timestamp for us
He posted that in another thread and said it's his girlfriend. Report and wait for mods to delete
Trooper 100%
>Says no contactfagging but thinks doxing is funny
I hate Nu-lurkers.
>marshmallow posts finally nuked

ty based mods

fucking lia austin 2.0
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i'm fine with that.
>blue blazes

good taste, kind sir
reminds me of athenas perfect ass
That's a damn fine ass
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It's been a while since I made one of these
Speaking of perfect asses
pull your panties down and sit on my face
Wasn't expecting more but more would be nice

Holy crap who is this
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If that's a Packers sweater I'll burn this whole thread to the ground
snow please make one shaking your bare ass really hard
Point your ass toward the camera.
That sounds uncomfortable
word, then definitely no need to do it.

i'd love to see you post more though
We cool then
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Here is more
i want even more
nicest ass on /soc/

It's nice to see you check in, and letting us check out that fantastic butt of yours again. How's naughty nurse doing?
That's what's for lunch!!
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Looks good but wish it was bit brighter.
Wow. You gave me a raging boner at work. I want to go home and jerk off to your pics. I would jizz on that baby face. Post more pics of you with glasses on and tits out
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So very unspecific

Pretty good, not much going on during the summer besides work
IIRC you're not going to do requests anyway. So what's the point?
spread pooper pls

No holidays or anything? That's okay. I guess you're making mad bank now. That's also important.
I'm glad to hear you're well. Keep it up Snow.
IIRC I have done plenty of requests so you can always just shoot

I really hate that worddd
Show us your boobs
*spread your pretty asshole

there you go
Do you have a clit ring?
Thank you anon, that is much easier on my eyes
its a pretty dumb word but thanks for the spread
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It looks like this
Damn dude thats hot as hell. Do you like when guys play with it? Also you should spread it.

Fuck off contactfag
pls dont cry
How about a gif you pulling on the ring
I'd like to see you sexy clit!
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Try an ignore my fat I haven't she's my winter layers yet
Fallen in love have we?
mostly trying to see if you're real or just dumping
Emperor Palpenis
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Damn, I've got a place for you to sit
That's a very nice ass.

Please pull your panties down to your knees and let your shirt(?) hang down to cover yourself a bit more.
Hello there!
I was fapping to your old content last week and I literally cried while fapping that you stopped posting. Missed you enormously dear. How's everything going? Hope you enjoy the cold weather.

You look ridiculously sexy.
Stop jerking off browsing 4chan, it's affecting your mental health, you cry over a girl who stops posting nudes when that same girl wouldn't bat an eye if you hung yourself.
>I was fapping to your old content last week and I literally cried while fapping
All jokes aside, seriously?
Stop lying!

Used my salty tears as lube, you got the picture?
This isn't something you should joke about and sweep under the rug, this shit is going to destroy you. Don't get obsessed with online/celebrity personalities, it is always a one way relationship and it is always damaging.

Have you ever had a GF? do you have a lot of friends? I'm not trying to be insulting man this is actually fucked.
You're lying again dude. I'm in a very solid relationship with Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna and both of them know from each other, no problemo OK. It's pure sexual, Jlo is not into anal you wouldn't imagine with the inviting booty she got but let me tell you, Rihanna is an anal slut but no swallowing tho.

Happy to the fullest m8
Lmfao I love you anon
T. Camwhore from a different general
Wow you have a great ass. Whats your name?

Are you in a few threads ? it would be great to see more of you.
>when you a blonde white girl from Sborjiggistadenlan but you T H I C C
can i lick you ? french guy, bit hairy, regular fit
you are very lovable
have anywhere else to watch your vids/look at your pics?
I would eat that
>phone images
What year is this?
Holy Jesus fuck please marry me
Kitty. You can find me here (as shown by the macro kek), feet, and chub
Ugh i love your booty. Spread open them cheeks?
Damn thats a good butt kitty
Can you show your bush plz
could you please put the tip of your (any) finger in asshole? Thank you... you're lovely by the way.
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great thread
Heyyy! <3
can you spread a bit more please ?

well... I'm in love again
There's barely any asshole posted ITT

Some one should fix this issue
Yea this
Nice stretchmarks on your hips. Spread ass please.
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Nice butt hole. Would tongue for days
Got anything from today?
Now that is beautiful. Do you put stuff up there?
Just a lil plug occasionally

No, at work. Just contributing to the thread for the moment
I bet it looks super cute. Never had a dick up there?
Nope, never been successful with it
Very cute. I wanna nuzzle that sweet hole
I'd love to spend hours ready ing you with my tongue. Maybe if we practised for say a year
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Hello everyone <3
hey there, can I see more of your thicc butt please?
Sure <3

please more of your perfect butt!
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Can do

and hnggg at that thong
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Thanks hun!

>tfw declaring that I'd like to use your butt as a pillow in two different threads

one for both cheeks
Wish I could be under that with you in that position. I'd tongue you till you collapsed from all the orgasms
What's it say on you ass?
LMAO, I figured I'd have people noticing I'm in 2 threads tonight

"I'm your kohai"

It's perfect.
Twice as much of your cute butt (and the cute rest of you too)

Can you do some bent-over posing pleassse?
vader bump
Not the best gif but it's something
Looks really good to me!
you must be Snowy <3
Oh dear lord thats amazing.
you're adorable. could you maybe do one without panties?
OWOWOWOWOWWWWW that hurts to watch :(
Huh? It doesn't hurt at all
Could u do a pic like this :---)?
post your solid buttocks, please

my god girl...that hair and that ass...soldier is saluting
Not one, but two threads of Hux's monotonous nevernudism
The fuck are all the boxes for?
Those are ratchet
Bend over for us, come on
New panties
would you show the pussy?
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very cute

Sit it my face please
I'm in love
More ass! Please :):)
I'm baaaaaaaccccck
Can you show us your butthole?
Time stamp?
Looks so damn smackable.
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Hot. Thanks!
Ever had anal?
Do you own any thongs?
No, never been successful, and ofc I do
>never been successful
Tragic. That ass looks like it'd be good for fucking.

Could you slip a thong on and take a ass spread pic with it on?
Or put in on backwards so it rides up your pussy and take a pic of that? Though it's not really ass related.

Please and thanks.
Old gif bc too lazy to get up
You look like such a good anal fuck
I'll take it. Very decent.

Ever put anything in your asshole?
Just a lol butt plug I own
Got any pics of it in use?
I wanna cum in this butthole. more thighs please lovely
Mmph I want these wrapped around me head
more please. you have amazing bum, any squeeze
Open your ass and let me see you
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New so timestamp included. :)
oh wow

give us a spread?
The ass was phat

You know it's July, right?
Switched onto my laptop but here you go anon :) Hope you like petite girls.

Yep sorry i think i absorb an extra chromosome from the air after 12. Like a gremlin but autistic.
>heart skipped a beat
Perfect ass and soles.
Hello lovely booty!
Same with legs together?
More doggystyle please!:) lovely ass
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My ass enjoy
Stand up while showing ass please and show pussy?
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That'll work. You black? Latina?

Also, post your back with ass please.
Amazing. Ass on soles please?
Thank you so much
any girl lurking?
Lurking but not in the mood to post desu
why dont girls like us anymore? :(
I just posted a bunch yesterday. I don't have to post everyday
post more then....that ass deserves to be seen
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thank you!
sniff sniff...holy shit

what a booty. works well with ur thighs too
im happy this is the first thing i saw
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sweet fuck...

are you taking requests?
I love your cute lacey panties
>ywn slide your cock between that gap
Why even live?
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2MB, 3264x2140px
Not tonight
ah ok. Lovely nails btw
Bump for kitty
Kitty has to go to work :c
I like the way a girls butt looks in really tight pants, and yours looks fantastic.
When are we gonna get a better macro
You saying something about the butt in the macro or quality of the macro?
Why do you care
The macro looks great and so does your butt.
Because it's my butt and I want to know peoplesopinions kek
gay flag in room: you definitly need to go camping in poland and take a shower
To each their own
It's a gross ass, sorry
What makes it gross??
You have enough fans here to have earned your own macro, ignore the haters.
Wow such a noble gentlemen. I bet she'll suck your cock now for sure
Was I talking to you, piece of shit?
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I think you're lost faggot, /b/ is that way. you seem like the trap loving brony type
Do you faggots and cam whores really put that much value on the macro?

Is there something I'm not seeing with this? It's a picture to identify the thread for illiterate dumbasses right?
she has the ass of someone who has been eating shit for 25 years straight and now its starting to show.
you either have to be lucky with the fat distribution in your body like snow with huge ass and tiny waist or eat less than a whale and work out once in a while
So many undeleted discriminating posts. Mods are definitely slow today. Or have stopped caring about their own rules.
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Kek right? Be civil to the girls yet I'm being called a whale. Peace out faggots, I'm done with this thread

I'm only 21, eat mostly healthy, and go on daily walks. You can kiss me ass
Please come back when the situation has settled and all the idiots are banned. Don't wanna lose you and that great ass. ;_;
Bye. You will soon be replaced and forgotten.
You can change your ID as often as you want, nobody will give a shit.
I would enjoy kissing and doing more to that ass. Too bad the Fag-Anons are full force today. Hope you reconsider and come back soon.
Out of curiousity how many ladies like having their asshole licked?
Not penetrated just licked.
> I'm done with this thread

Just ignore the fags. They come here just to chase girls away.
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Ayy dubs
Athena? Either way I wanna pull those off.
Nice one
Holy shit.... thats amazing!!!
Holy shit.... thats amazing!!!
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1MB, 2318x2984px
Aw thanks!!

Yesss this is my current butt
So good!

more pls in either thread
damn that's amazing
I wish i could sit you on my face right now
Looking good!
>Yesss this is my current butt
can we get an update on your current soles?
>current butt
Anon wistfully imagines that your past butt started getting a lot of attention in your mid-teens, and that your future butt will continue to garner prurient attention for decades to come.

You have a spectacular body, Athena, and I am gratified that you have the skill and inclination to share it so effectively and playfully.
>all of these photos that are either sideways or completely upside down
>not taking the 0.5 seconds to just rotate it 180deg before posting

Even if the wage gap were real, youd honestly act surprised?
9 out of 73 upside down is not a big deal. And it's because of the exit stripping that happens. Has nothing to do with the girls. Good try though.
exactly this. it's a non fucking issue.
Super ass honey
I always wondered why my pictures showed sideways randomly. Ty anon. Very informative

holy shit that was close
I want to inseminate your anus.
less clothes please
Where is kitty
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>Bottom on the Bottom :3
Please continue to post more of that bootay!
Perfection. Gif perhaps?
bend over and spread dat pooper
Perfect. Would love to see it spread!!
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Pink enough?
Nice, you spread it like you mean it, good. Now bend over and hold a time stamp please
Mmmmmmm more closer please
ass bump
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Any more bottom bunnies in here?
That's a very inviting looking hole
What's a bottom bunny?
Ugly piece of shit. I wouldn't save it.
another assbump
No one cares
not true

I like your style
jeez, this is glorious
>quoting a 5 day old post
>no one cares

looks like you care captain autismo
damn, hot.
mmm! thick and wet!
This chick is hot!
you should stop commenting every pic with an invidividual post cause it makes you look like a thirsty fool
this is a man
not with those hips
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Something missing from this thread
enjoy your ban idiot
my fave thread for sure. requesting some butt
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So many cute booties!

May I join?
Goddamn! Yes, yes you may.
Timestamp, please
Seconding: >>25487633
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Hope u like it.
Be kind!
What a booty!

Do you think you could stick a finger in there?
Oh hell yes!!!!
Thats a perfect peach!!!
dat some scotty?

spread that pooper?
More doggystyle pls!:)
You shaved :(
Look at that red ass. That is delicious, it makes me want to bite it!
I love it
the fuck does that have to do with autism?
>spreading (You)'s and throwing random words at people
Sure smells like Pierre in here.
>depressive person tend to repeat things
Just saw this now. Suppose it's about me
I don't know but more pics would be awesome.

Not sure about the first part but the thick part definitely sounds like you. Speaking of which... taking requests?
This is a dead thread though
But your ass makes my dick leak

You can breathe life into it.

Not past bump limit
I did warn. Sort of regret it
Thread posts: 501
Thread images: 81

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