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Just shaved, so my opinion is biased. Which do you think looks better?

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Just shaved, so my opinion is biased. Which do you think looks better?
After pic is better, but cut that ugly ass hair man
Thanks, but the hair stays.
Without I'd say.

And talk to a barber which other options you have for your hair, it's long (I guess you prefer it like that) but there might be a style that could suit you better.
Just my opinion but ur hair doesn't match ur face very well rn
Suggestions? It's just always been like this.
Girl here— youd look so much better with short hair. Im a sucker for that douchey hipster hair where the sides are shaved shorter than the top. The top usually looks unkempt. Doubt youll listen to my opinion but i figured since you probably wanna attract girls...
You see man, a real girl from the internet gave you some advice. I'd run with it..
Won't be cutting my hair. It's always been long. Never had issues attracting girls. Maybe it just looks weird in these pics.

Hey man, I'm a guy who's had long hair for most of his teenage-adult life with stints of short hair.

You can leave it long no matter what your face shape is, but it needs to be layered and trimmed in ways that give you a hairstyle that's more deliberate than "I grew it then had the last few inches every now and again."

Also, shaven is better.
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This is usually how my hair looks, brushed and shit.
I just think it looks a bit droopy.

You have a long face, which is probably amplified by long hair. There must be some serious alternatives than just letting it grow straight out of your head.

You said, sternly, that it will remain long since you've always had it like that. I hope you understand that that isn't an excuse but probably some insecurity talking?

I've had a beard for 7 years, one day I decided to shave it off, I felt naked and cold so I grew it back in no time. No harm done ;)
I've cut it before, even shaved my head once. I just prefer it long.
Female, here. I like long hair myself, but you need to get layers to make that frame a little better. you do have quite a long face. As far as the beard goes, middleground would be better. Let it grow in thicker and keep it trimmed instead of taking it all off.
We'll it's ur hair but u would honestly look better with shorter hair
It looks ratty and lifeless. It accentuates a sloped forhead and weaker jawline, especially how you have it parted. You should consider at least styling it differently. Also it's fucking hair, it grows back. Maybe give it a chance and people might stop assuming you're a 15 year old. But losing the facial hair was a very good idea.
My beard has never been thick. It's thinner than it looks. Also have a neckbeard.
Then off with it entirely
Yeah, it was an easy choice between clean and midway.
also female. it's your hair and your face so yeah, do what you want. however personally I'd prefer the shorter hair. long hair isn't bad but it's jarring with your face and those glasses.

at the very least get a new haircut even if you must keep it long. how it is now looks unkempt.
Your facial hair should never be grown, it's ratty and patchy. Looks horrible. Stay clean shaven till it fills in or shave daily for life. You look better clean shaven
Both kind of suck desu. I get you're trying to look metal, but if we're talking about what looks good then a few things:

1. Add volume to your hair. Shampoo, conditioner, whatever. If you're going to grow your hair long with that kind of hairline and part, it needs to not be so flat.

2. You have a baby face, so facial hair probably looks better but not that stupid ass shit on the left. Get some clippers (worth the 20 bucks), just do a regular 2 or 3 all along your face and shave your neck down with a razor.

3. Wear contacts, or don't pick glasses frames that are so much wider than your face and and so much larger than your eyes.

4. At least style the hair? Undercut or manbun maybe?
>Undercut or manbun
The fuck is wrong with you
op, if this is really you, and you really care about your looks compared to societys standards, here wha you should do:
1. shave, thats not a beard, but a lousy excuse for one

2. cut your hair, no undercut bullshit, just straight short male standard look

3. buy contacs (monthly contacts are good to start) needs some time to get used to putting them in n out, but trust me, you will look way better without glasses (in fact everyone does)

gl, if you follow my advice, you can definitly up your attractivness and your selfesteem
Normie stuff looks better than what he has. Please give examples of fashionable longer hair styles that don't require curling irons and such?
Bangs of any kind
Undercuts and manbuns are two of the ugliest shits this decade has given to us
cut your fucking hair man, you look like AIDS Skrillex ffs
>Not trying to dish on your shit bro, but the least you could do is get rid of the split ends and toss some conditioner in that hurr
You look better

I know you're probably sick of hearing it, but a haircut would do you a lot of favors. Combine that with a gym routine and you'd be a mean looking motherfucker.
Idk if you were styling that shit or not but good Lord it looked awful sorry to say my dude

Definitely keep shaving

And get a haircut too, I know you're goin for that nerdy metal dude look but it doesn't work soz
God I love this thread. Every single person on here is saying the same thing and the OP is all "this is how my hair is, fuck y'all".

Dear OP, that beard is awful. If life has blessed you with that gross ass facial hair, then you need stubble and nothing more.

With regards to your shitty ass hair, at least style it. You need volume and some conditioner. You also need some product. Or a fucking hair tie.
Tie your hair, let your beard grow.
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>You also need some product.

Word. Like pandemic or red top.
Better after shave, your mustache looks like shit. Cut your stringy hair and lose the faggity glasses. You'd probably look better with a short/shave/partially shaved haircut.
get glasses that fit your face
Woman here. If the long hair has to stay at least get it shaped up some. Maybe a different style of glasses too.
>i want to be more attractive, but am unwilling to do the main thing that will make me more attractive

youre fucking ugly as fuck dude. time to make concessions

How long did you let that beard grow for OP? Lighting in pics is poor but the after looks good.
I can't be the only one that thought he looked like a flat chested ugly woman in this pic.

Cut your hair, get glasses that aren't 12x to big for your head, and for fuck's sake; Smile, it won't kill you.
Looked like a permavirgin nerd before, now you look like a dork lesbo. Both equally ugly. Either learn to grow a proper beard or cut that filth you call hair off. Oh get new glasses, dork.

Honestly u look like one of those western dudes that joins ISIS in the first pic bruh...
I still say u look a little better w the beard though
Neither, cut you damn hair.
just shave your fucking head OP jfc

Those glasses are way too wide for your SJP face.

P.S. Cut your fucking hair.
Please show us your favorite pair of panties that you wear, and if you dont, i say go buy some..!
shaved, 100%
Get a haircut and some smaller glasses that fit your face better. Jesus that hair has got to go
Would bang if trap
N-n-no homo
don't ever grow a beard again OP. it looked like pure trash.
if you don't want to cut your hair at least style it.
Pretty hair, just needs a trim. I dig your look. Femanon btw.
I have to agree with the rest of the thread, if it were me I'd cut the hair much shorter and change your glasses (those glasses are AWFUL for your face) If you don't fancy cutting the hair at least get it trimmed up and get all the split ends removed, it looks a bit like pubes at the minute in terms of the ends.
Love the hair, I don't get the hate for it. Add some good shampoo and conditioner, do so coconut oil treatments, trim up the dead ends and it would be amazing. As far as the beard and glasses go, I'm a beard kinda girl but yours doesn't fit. I like the glasses but maybe try contacts? Pic without glasses?
Some* coconut treatments
Wait a minute, ive seen you on here pretending to be a girl. With makeup and everything. Didnt you have a thread whining about your mental illness while simultaneously trying to find a girl who will somehow put up with all that?
you look way better without a beard, your shit doesnt grow in full enough or just look good at all if it does grow in so i'd say without it
The after pic is so much better, Kylo.
Sans neck beard is better.
I feel like you would look good with kind of a short semi-long wavy hair
Clean shaven is much better, and the other anons are right about considering a hair cut. You've got quite a long face, the hair only elongates it.
then fix your receding hairline
100% agree with what he said
I think having unkept long hair but not having any facial hair kinda makes you look like a lady.
You would look pretty good if you kept the mustache off, grew the beard back.
Go bald. or longer top, shorter sides, but still go pretty short/medium
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