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I need your help crafting the perfect tinder profile because

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I need your help crafting the perfect tinder profile because I'm sick of the boring matches I get. Are these pictures good?
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Do I need to retake these? Or get new ones?
i can tell you why but i'm not typing out a paragraph if you're not posting any more
they don't say fuck me

they say cuddle me

You're right. How do I get to the latter?
Not posting any more?
this is wrong
they don't say "cuddle me" at all.
they say "hi i'm a desperate loser who looks like haley joel osment. look at me! i'm taking my pictures at home in a dimly lit room! this is probably the same room in which i realised i was so lonely i thought it was time to make a tinder profile. i also have an inexplicably smug look on my face. i was going for 'confident' but clearly overstepped. marvel at my inability to have pictures like a normal person"

seriously i'll give you advice on what photos work best and i hope it doesn't sound like i'm being too harsh but from my experience, very few men who use profile pics of themselves alone taking pictures of themselves indoors with nothing interesting going on in the picture do not get optimal numbers of matches.
*- "very few" in final sentence
Yeah I was thinking that was the reason. I'm going to invest in better pictures that aren't selfies
tilt your head back a bit more so your nose is upwards a bit, this should also show off your cheekbones >i think

dont smile like that, it looks like you're seeking affirmation
Bottom line is that they are shitty selfies
As long as it's not because I'm ugly or some shit I don't care
they're not shitty

they just look a little desperate
Lol so they're shitty? I consider it shitty because it's not what I'm going for at all. I'm confident in real life but I look like a pushover here
you look boring so you're going to get boring matches
stop taking this retard's advice.
what does your bio say
I've tried different things. I'll work on that once I get my pictures unshittified.
Dyel lmao looks like an ass

Best tinder pics are 1. With a puppy
2. Shirtless if you're ripped dyels dont even try
3. Pic with girls
4. Outdoor shit
Tinder is easy if you just spend a few bucks on a professional photographer who understands what you want. Then ask a good writer to write a funny smart couple of sentences and off you go.
Doubt you get anywhere close to 375 DL
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Doesnt matter if you look dyel
Outside the gym no one cares about numbers lmao
Ive never done a single deadlift
u just make me horny
>boring matches
got news for ya buddy
this is just me and I don't use tinder but when I see guys holding an uncomfortable looking dog in their profile pic it's the biggest turn off because I know they're doing it just to get matches it's so transparent
Perfect tinder profile is having a really attractive face, model tier almost, and having pictures that tell that you are outgoing, athletic and intelligent, i.e., be a "Chad". Face, face, face. Repeat after me: face.
>lol idk how to do real lifts xD but I'm a skinny little bitch who can snap like a pig xDD
>DAE like being a weakling? xD
Why the fucc would I want to portray myself as outgoing, athletic and adventurous when there are ZERO women like that on tinder.

Fucking be real at least. You're a boring bitch, I'm depressed, let's get together and see if we click.
fuck meeee
Something that I put in my bio that gets me a first message 50% of the time.

"If we match, send me your Sephora wish list."
Jelly powerlifter detected
>being this retarded
I've been lifting for 6 months and 375 DL makes me a power lifter?
Are you OP? Why are you so defensive?
Girls dont give 2 fucks about how much you can lift. Fat asses lift more but girls still think they're fat asses.

This guy has a way better build (at least from the back and arms)
Of course he does (for now), I'm not even done with my cut. I just think it's funny he can't even do a standard lift.
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Who gives a fuck about what lifts he can do? Women don't care about your deadlifts, pr's and shit.
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>Wow, this guy can't even do a 375 DL, I wouldn't fuck that DYEL, I hope >>25289176 this blob of starting strength pounds my pussy instead of that loser
No woman ever has said this
>tfw doing lifts like that make your body better than those that don't
>tfw I have already stated that I'm not done with my cut that I finally got right
I'm sure those guys bother with bulking, cutting and spending hours in gym.
That's my point. The guy that lifts is going to be far more attractive than one who doesn't, assuming the faces are on the same level. You think a woman would prefer a wimpy little stick over a real man?
If you're getting boring matches, don't look like a boring match yourself.
Get pictures of when your life is actually happening, outdoors, with other people. Give a taste of your good times and more interesting matches will show up.
But, if you don't have anything interesting going on in your life, then you are boring and you're getting what you deserve.
What's a good pic if you can't pull off shirtless and don't have any friends who are into photography?
>a real man
While I agree with you, holy fedora gymbro.
Post pictures of yourself with different facial expressions/poses/different scenery

You look exactly the same in both of those photos

Also this is kind of cringe-y. If I saw this, I'd laugh
but I'm probably bias because I personally think it's a turn off when guys post pictures showing off their bodies in photos
I don't think all women are like that lol
It's called making a lot of money.
damn.you're handsome!!
i'd suck you off in an instant!
I'd be on that in a heartbeat.
Please stop posting
This thread is too heteronormative
Oops I thought I was on /pol/. Been a long night
>lifting weighs for hours to no end and actually bulking and cutting
>a real man
Gymcels are pathetic, most women prefer a physique that is naturally atainable through minimal training, no one cares about you fatty. Either way, if you do lift and don't use roids, you are pretty much retarded.
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You're a pathetic slob that makes excuses for not going to the gym. This guy beats all of your weaklings for any woman that isn't 18 or under.
Can you please go, you ugly, short retard?
When will gay men on this board realize that degenerate fags willing to suck you off in a public bathroom isn't a compliment to any straight guy
>I don't know how to respond so I'm going to screech autistically
Stop being a little girl and go to the gym, freak.
>mfw I have all 3 and your point is retarded
>mfw I will always look better than you because I can lift more than the tab on a bag of Oreos
>mfw you are a keyboard warrior that hasn't had a real girlfriend before
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>bro yeah bro I do "calisthetics"
>I have a girlfriend lol she's the only ugly bitch that would take me
>women are attracted to confidence and testosterone, and you have neither and I have both
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